NationStates Jolt Archive

A Bloody Big Nuclear Explosion [Bye Hogsweat]

15-10-2005, 18:58
Tangrad Nuclear Defence Station
"What the.."

The message repeated itself.

"Meltdown imminent. Discarding nuclear stockpiles in 10, 9.."

"Turn it off, IDIOT!" The director screamed.

"I can't comrade, I can't! Goddamn it, I.."

"4, 3, 2..1"

A second later, all eighteenthousand of the huge Tangrad Nuclear Station's missiles fired into the stratosphere, their target: Tangard Nuclear Station. Noone knew why, noone knew how, they just knew eighteen thousand tactical, strategic, and wasteland area affect missiles where about to hit Hogsweat and turn it into ash and vapour within six minutes. Nothing could be done. 4.5 Billion people dead, in one stroke, three hundred years of history, three hundred years of resistance to fascist hordes, to one computer malfunction.

Error processed.

Windows is now shutting down.
Holy panooly
15-10-2005, 19:18
Ministry of Lousy & Unfunny Messages

"Bill Gates has done it again. If any of you were still alive, I could have pointed you to a good lawfirm. But since you're all dead, I do know a good undertaker. We're dead serious about this matter. The Ministry of Lousy and Unfunny Messages has been created especially for these occasions, and it serves our purpose quite well, but we're worried about the deadly silence, perhaps this isn't the killer joke we've been hoping for after all. Shame on us. The amount of boredom in this message is deadly. Beware."

OOC: Sucks to see you go like this. I mean it.
15-10-2005, 19:30
OOC: Sucks to see you go like this. I mean it.

I know it does, but rules are rules, even if they are retarded rules.
15-10-2005, 19:36
I know it does, but rules are rules, even if they are retarded rules.

ooc: what does that mean? why are you leaving?
15-10-2005, 19:39
OOC: Excuse me for this crap post, but I gotta pay some tribute in one form of another... /OOC

10,000ft Above Hogsweat

"Mohawk Flight, we are near the final waypoint for the time being. Sit tight and keep a watch for the ground," the pilot of the Thunderhawk bomber, Little Miss Four, instructed the rest of his flight into the tiny microphone strapped onto his head. With a sigh, he slowly set back the engine throttles, and dived into the thicker air that made up the lower altitude so silently. Not so now.

"Any sign of life?", he asked his bombardier through the intercom as he flicked a tiny button on the side of his microphone.


After the word spoke of its own presence, the pilot peered again at the ground through the side windows of the cockpit. Through the vast seas of air, cloud, and heat, he could see nothing that clearly distinguished itself as bearing some form of life or another.

Then he began to raise his right arm, his elbow bent. Palm facing forwards, he saluted.

And the rest of the crew did too.
15-10-2005, 19:44
ooc: what does that mean? why are you leaving?
I'm leaving because Hogsweat was my Nationstates nation. I had grown extremely fond of it over teh course of what would have soon been over three years and I will not RP with anything else except Hogsweat. That said, I won't be getting it back. So there we go.
15-10-2005, 19:44
[OoC: Aw, this sucks, badly. I can't believe you got banned for trying to fix up our decaying and dying region...I really hope you RP again sometime. Really.

See you around, I 'spose.]
15-10-2005, 19:50
[OOC: What HAPPENED? Please TG me or something...]

President Mike Sarzo turned on the news before turning in for the night after a long day of monitoring press accounts from various regions around the world. He figured the machinations of Azazia and Pacitalia would likely be the top story on the nightly news and he rolled his eyes when the two anchors opened their mouths.

However, his reaction changed dramatically after they began speaking.

"This just in, the nation of Hogsweat has just fallen victim to a cataclysmic nuclear explosion."

Sarzo sat bolt upright in bed. The remaining words were a blur as he raced to don his suit and scrambled to the Gray House press room with First Partner Jay Tyler running behind him wondering what was happening.

"Mr. President," several media were shouting as he walked in looking disheveled.

"It's just as much of a mystery to me as it is to all of you," he said. "As soon as I get the report from the Intelligence Office and the Department of Defence, I'll have a full statement. As of right now, however, I express my condolences to the victims of this enormous tragedy."
15-10-2005, 19:57
Check TGs sarz.
15-10-2005, 20:16
This is moot. I've decided to go down fighting to the last, with my nations old stats.
15-10-2005, 20:28
Generally, Czardaian Foreign Minister Kari Alhoun is not one to wake up early. Therefore, when his alarm rings one midsummer morning, he is surprised to rise to find that it is still dark out. He glances outside his window and realizes his mistake. The sky is covered with some kind of dark clouds, and the sun appears reddish through it. The air is swirling with dust. Strong winds swirl dirt through the streets, and with abrupt clangs windows in his quiet residential suburb shatter.

Alhoun stares at this surrealist landscape uncomprehending. It resembles a really high-powered electrical storm, or the effects of nuclear fallout, Alhoun thinks. Wait a minute... nuclear fallout?!

Pulling on some clothes rapidly, he seizes his laptop and begins typing. A map of the world shows up. Radiation is colored in from blue (none) to red (high). He zooms in on Czardas, which is at a mid-greenish level, and begins to trace the radiation waves westwards until he reaches the highest red concentration, covering almost an entire nation. He reads the name.


Tapping into Czardas's database while pressing the analysis button on the radiation map, he begins looking Hogsweat up. It does not seem to be participating in any major wars at this moment. Certainly nothing that would prompt a nuclear explosion spreading as far as Czardas. He raises his eyebrows as more reports come in. To go that far, it would have to have a strength of approximately eighteen thousand times a normal nuclear weapon.

Nothing like that had ever been even possible to build in Czardas, or any of the nations around it. It was approximately equivalent to Czardas dropping all of its missiles on the same place simultaneously, three times over. As he looked for more information on Hogsweat, a contact came through on his private messenger with the rest of the government, from his assistant.

<Lorin.Dax> You've heard the latest reports?
<Kari.Alhoun> Yeah. Nation of Hogsweat apparently hit by a huge nuke.
<Lorin.Dax> Destroyed too. Intel says not one of its citizens survived.
<Kari.Alhoun> ... Four and a half billion people, dead like that?
<Lorin.Dax> Yeah.
<Lorin.Dax> We don't know why either.
<Kari.Alhoun> Who fired it?
<Lorin.Dax> This is completely inexplicable.
<Lorin.Dax> Apparently a plant within Hogsweat itself fired them...
<Kari.Alhoun> Why?
<Kari.Alhoun> As an act of sacrifice maybe? It was traitor?
<Lorin.Dax> Looks like we'll never know. The place was wiped out by the nuke explosion.
<Kari.Alhoun> International aid is pointless, I guess.
<Lorin.Dax> Yeah.
<Lorin.Dax> All we can do is salute them I guess.
<Kari.Alhoun> Have the national flags lowered to half-staff, get everyone to wear protective suits and have men distribute the things.
<Kari.Alhoun> Also start a Czardasnet tribute.
<Lorin.Dax> There already is one, I think.
<Kari.Alhoun> Good. Make it sticky.

Across the nation, flags and banners are lowered in honor of the billions who died, and those of Hogsweatian descent, and others, hold marches and meetings in places of worship. Kari Alhoun and NIA Vice-Director Airya Wong spend most of the day recording all known Hogsweatian history on Czardas's database, to preserve the memory of that nation in Czardaian minds forever.

Meanwhile, four hundred Daggers lift off from Ardaja airfield, on a special mission.

Five hours later, the Dagger leader radios, "Approaching Hogsweatian waters, prepare groundscans."

"Groundscan reports returned. Results show nothing."


"Nothing. No extant structures. No signs of life. No pure water, any more. No wreckage even. No vegetation."

A few of the lead Daggers slacken their speed, descend below one cloud barrier. What had once been Hogsweat now appears barren, lifeless, like a desert without the sand. Clouds, heat, radiation prevent the planes from approaching any nearer without disintegrating. Uninhabitable like the surface of an alien planet.

"Let's go home," mutters the Czardaian head. Wordlessly, in assent, the fleet of Daggers turns back to return home.

"Sic transit gloria mundi."

[ooc:] We'll miss you...
15-10-2005, 20:36
All flags in Brydog will be flown half mast to honor and remember the nation of Hogsweat. President Romanov made a speech.
Today, we lost a friend and a great nation. May they live forever in Liberal Heaven. I made today a national holiday, Hogsweat Day. May we now remember this nation and all it did for the world. There shall be a phase that Left-Wing nations shall never forget, Remember Hogsweat, Rememeber Hogsweat.
15-10-2005, 20:39
A sorry end to a shameful affair.
15-10-2005, 20:46
Official Statement of the Federal Central Government
Office of the Prime-Executive Leadership
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

This is, sadly, another example of how horribly the greatest nations can fall. Today, across Pacitalia, flags will fly at half mast in remembrance of the achievements, the strengths and the sacrifices of the people of the fearless and great nation of Hogsweat. I hope that in death, you will serve just as honourable a time as you did here on Earth. The world itself will not be the same without the cheerful, optimistic outlook Hogsweatian people were renowned and admired for.

God bless the nation of Hogsweat. We salute you, from here to eternity.

Sincera in domina bene,

Dr. Timotaio (Timothy) Ell, MPP
Prime Minister of Pacitalia

Dr. Adrian Copilul-Minune, MPP
Senior Deputy Prime Minister of Pacitalia
15-10-2005, 20:51
A sorry end to a shameful affair.
My thoughts exactly.
15-10-2005, 20:52
Official Statement, Incorporated Sarzonian Government

"Today, the nation of Hogsweat was the victim of a terrible nuclear explosion that our satellite imagery indicates has destroyed the entire country. At this time, we are unaware of any direct survivors of this cataclysmic explosion.

"We are issuing a extreme radiation advisory over that region of Haven and ask that all non-essential personnel stay away from that part of the world until it has been determined that it is safe to travel in that vicinity. We are also announcing that all flags within Sarzonia or its sovereign territories shall fly at half mast and a 72 hour period of mourning shall take place.

"In addition, the new build warship previously to be named the ISS Euroslavia shall now be named the ISS Hogsweat in memory of that brave and noble nation that has heretofore been a staunch ally of ours. In addition, the Hogsingrad class shall receive full commission in the Incorporated Sarzonian Navy.

"We bid thee farewell."

Mike Sarzo
Incorporated States of Sarzonia
Duke of Portshire
Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
Relative Liberty
15-10-2005, 21:05
OOC: Hell, I'll miss you. I've never RP:ed with you, but I'll miss you.

Here we stand or here we fall
History won't care at all
Make the bed, light the light
Lady mercy won't be home tonight

Yeah, you don't waste no time at all
Don't hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
Hey, we're just waiting
For the hammer to fall - yeah

Oh every night, and every day
A little piece of you is falling away
But lift your face, the western way, baby
Build your muscles as your body decays

Yeah, toe your line and play their game
Yeah, let the anaesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name
You know it's time for the hammer to fall - yeah

Rich or poor or famous for
Your truth it's all the same - oh no - oh no
Oh lock your door but rain is pouring
Through your window pane - oh no - yeah
Baby now your struggle's all vain

Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh

For we who grew up tall and proud
In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
Convinced our voices can't be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder and louder

What the hell we fighting for ?
Ah, just surrender and it won't hurt at all
You just got time to say your prayers
Eh, while you're waiting for the hammer to hammer to fall
Hey, yes, it's starting to fall eh, hammer, you know
Yeah, hammer to fall, wooh, ah, hey, eh woowoo, ha eh hammer
Waiting for the hammer to fall baby
Yeah yeah while you're waiting for the hammer to fall
Give it to me one more time

I find that song fitting somehow.
15-10-2005, 21:20
OOC: hell Hoggy, say it ain't true!!!Please!! say it ain't true.

RIP one of the greats.
The Silver Sky
15-10-2005, 21:40
[North Point Presidental Retreat]

President Garner looked towards the sky, today was supposed to be a happy occasion, the 12th and final Neptune-Class Super Dreadnaught was to be commisioned at North Point Naval Yards, yet as President Garner looked towards the darkened sky he could only think why, why did it happened, who did it, alas those questions would never be answered.

He quickly turned on his his heels, he passed a bank of monitors, radiation levels were high, nothing life threatening though. He grabbed his coat and walked out the door, a slight drizzle began. 'It seems as though even the sky cries for Hogsweat' thought President Garner as he sat in his limo.

Five minutes passed, the rain grew harder, finally the ship yards came into view. President Garner was suprised to see every high ranking member of the military there, and a few thousand civilians. 'I guess news travels fast'.

He quickly walked up the platform surrounded by Television cameras and photographers.

"I stand before you today with great pride and honor to commision the 12th Neptune-Class Super Dreadnaught," He pulled back the cermonial wine bottle. I also would like to announce that today, October 15, 2005 will from now on be known as Hogsweat Day, flags are to lowered to half staff, I christen thee the SSNS Hogsweat!" He slammed the bottle of wine against the hull and a huge roar of applause rippled through the crowd.

President Garner drove to North Point Naval Air Command and walked into the main command center.

"Any word on those fighters we dispatched?" He asked the base commander.

"Yes sir, they should complete their over flight in a few minutes, recon planes report everything is gone."


"yes sir, everything, animals, plants, buildings, people, all gone, even a few lakes and rivers were vaporized by the heat."

"My god...."

[Skies over Hogsweat, 20,000ft high]

"This is Red Leader, you guys see anything?"

"Negative, there is nothing left, nothing at all."

"Roger that....stay on station, they should be hear shortly"

A single wing of F-133s flew in the skies over Hogsweat, closer to the ground a single V-22 Osprey flew in from over the ocean, it was escorted by 3 SAH-27s.

The V-22 landed and 7 men got out they were Marines, and they carried a large flag poll and an Hogsweatian Flag, they along with every pilot in the area, were in full NBC protection gear.

"Colonel Saunders, we need to hurry radiation levels are to strong for us to be here more then an hour."

Colonel Saunders nodded, he and 5 other men attached the flag to the poll and began to raise it, the other man shot full color video as they raised it.

He continued to record when all 72 F-133s did a fly by, the Marines saluted.

"This is Reporter James Robertson of Silver Sky International News reporting from ground zero. We salute Hogsweat from now until eternity, your people will be remembered. This is James Robertson, signing of."

OOC: Damn sad to see you go like this.
15-10-2005, 21:48
On the surface, something stirred. And it moved again, moving back the dead flora from it's nest. It was a white hare, it's fur tinted a horrible musty yellow colour, yet still recognisable as the national animal of Hogsweat. Nearly every Hogsweatian kid would remember owning a white hare at one point as a pet. It moved, nudging the flora aside, and gazed up to the sky. The yellow flashes where gone. But something was there..not clouds. Not the bright sky the hare was used to. It was a greeny yellow colour, black sky darkening by the second. Looking around, all the hare could see was desert. It's mind just could not comprehend- Hogsweat used to be snow. metres of it. And it had all melted under the vicious power of a thermonuclear bomb. The hare tried to move, but every impulse in it's body told it not to. Every impulse in it's body told it to lay down and die just there.

So it did. The last of billions of white hares died in the fumes and smoke and aftermath of a Type 18 "Microwave" Class Thermonuclear warhead.

The cities, once sites of great culture and housing millions upon millions of people where empty. Nuclear slush replaced white snow. The buildings where rubble and the people that lived there where dead. Noone alive to watch the parade being played for them on national television of hundreds of nations. Noone alive to watch Hogsweat's great navy begin to take on water and sink as the the power of the nuclear explosions that had triggered over one hundred thousand weapons of ultramass destruction over Hogsweat. Noone survived. Not one.

Or did they?

[OOC: Sorry guys. I'm sad too :(]
15-10-2005, 21:53
ooc: All I can say is the following: Rest in Peace Hoggy. You were one of the greats.


Pwnage Intelligence Command:

"What the fuck? Take a look at this..."

"Oh fuck.... You're kidding me right? Aw... jeez... you're not, you're not kidding me. Damn... One hell of a bang though..."

"Yea... Tragic, ain't it?"

15-10-2005, 22:12
Four Days Later

The twelve Czardaian Daggers are the first forces to land in Hogsweat following the blast, or what is left of it, with proper equipment. Clad in protective suits, with oxygen tanks and filtering masks, they step out of the planes as they come to a soft landing on the earth. Fumes, clouds, yellowish radiatory haze surround the land, and they begin to walk towards what was once one of Hogsweat's largest cities.

Special Operative Lieutenant Andreas Dorakov shakes his head. "This is where the city stood. These used to be suburbs, where thousands lived."

The patch of ravaged ground looks little different from the rest of the vast expanse of desert surrounding the area. There is no rubble to mark the presence of a city. Nothing to hint humans ever lived here.

"We only have oxygen for a few hours," calls Team Commander Brant. "Let's go towards the center of the city a little ways, to see if anything is still standing."

"The groundscans showed nothing," says Dorakov skeptically, but he continues on his way anyway. The others follow. Behind them, the planes hover overhead, ready to pick them up if need be.

"Look," says one woman in the crew, pointing. About ten meters to the left, something is visible. They approach, cameras whirring in the planes themselves above.

Charred and carved remains of metal. What had once been a P.O. box, perhaps. Only a tiny portion of it appears to have survived at any rate. Dorakov kneels down and gently tries to remove it; it crumbles to dust in his hand, releasing visible fumes. He sniffs as though he could smell it through his gas mask and oxygen supply.

"This way."

To the south is the downtown area of the city; they follow Dorakov at the head. Now, in the greenish mists below, the crumbling remains of huge steel structures can be seen. All that is left of the buildings of the city. Perhaps the only structures left in all of this land, formerly snow-covered and thriving.

Moved, Dorakov turns to his comrades. "If we ever find out who did this...things won't be very pretty. I can assure you of that."

But they would never find out. The vast majority of Hogsweatian citizens had never known what hit them. Only a select few, whose ashes covered Hogsweat now to a depth of two feet, could ever answer that question.

The missions, the ships, the ceremonies in memory of the nation would be forgotten, but the nation itself, never. The land was hallowed, partly because of the events that had occurred there and partly because, even sixty years later, nobody could walk there without protective suits and oxygen masks.

The destruction of Hogsweat caused environmental upheavals that too were not quickly forgotten. Tsunamis pounded the shores of Haven. Weird electric storms were reported. In some countries it rained for the next several months continuously; in others droughts occurred. The massive amount of debris and radiation thrown into the atmosphere caused the sun to appear red and the skies dark and yellowish-hued for nearly two years following the explosion.

And through it all, many national councils passed laws banning nuclear weapons, or forbidding their use except in wartime. Many others did not. But the nuclear explosion itself had consequences even farther-reaching than the destruction of a nation.
15-10-2005, 22:13

Hogsweat! No! Its me, Nodea Rudav! You can't leave! At least tell me what happened! Dude, remember, we were Comrades in Arms back then, kicked everyones ass! You can't leave! Nooooo!

You were a Veteran, I frakkin looked up to you! Dude, we were buds, you can't leave! WHO DID THIS TO YOU!?!?! WHO?!?!?!? WHY IS EVERYONE LEAVING?!??!

*tries to keep self from crying*


*falls on knees crying*

Everyone from back then... *sniff* going...

All my friends....

All the people I knew......

Whats wrong here?!?!


Unknown Time

A massive ship hovered over an empty plain of dark ash, probably about 10,000 feet up. Another ship, smaller, was decendeding a few miles east of the vessel. It was to set down, ash going in clouds everywhere. The side hatch was to open, and reveal a few Republic Marines in special armored suits. Their dark helments were gazing at the devistation, they holstering their rifles, seeing no need for them.

The Squad Leader walked out first, four others following. He stopped a few meters away from the dropship, only to gaze at the horizon with disbelief...

"It's all gone....all of it."

A Republic Marine nodded, "'s....not fair."

They all nodded, no doubt underneath their helments some were sheding tears. But they were trained not to physically express their emotions in times of crisis. This was one of those times.

"Never fully was able to get relations going, but I sure as hell know Nodea Rudav was close to Hogsweat," the Squad Leader rubbed his metal glove over his helment, sighing.

A Marine gazed at the Squad Leader, then shrugged. "I don't know, we might have had relations."

"Either way they were Comrades, they were Brethren."

Once again they all nodded, then the Squad leader signaled for them to follow as he went on his way. They were sent to scout the area, as were many other teams. If they were to find at least something that survived...well...hopfully something of Hogsweat remained.
15-10-2005, 22:26
Allow us to bid you farewell, Comrade Hogsweat
You come from the stormy seas, yet you allow us to prosper with joy.
You are the beacon of socialism, you enlighten us with your courage.
You are the force of freedom, in the face of Greater Prussia.
You bring the region prosperity, for without you we will collapse.
Your wisdom brightens the sky, and for that, we shall stand with you, Comrade Hogsweat, forever.

-Omzian Army Choir, In Memory of Our Socialist Brother Hogsweat
15-10-2005, 22:28
[OOC; I know NR. It's really sad. For the sake of everyone else, I will describe exactly why Hogsweat was deleted with no chance of revival.

The region I've been a part of, Haven, was dying from inactivity. on estimate, only about... ten dedicated players would be around in three months. We wanted to stop this, turn Haven into a real region. Therefore, the plan was to ban everyone, recreate Haven, and the people who wanted to play could come back because they wanted to. Haven had never had a founder see, and at the tiem I was delegate, so I did it. We could have a founder so we could open the region and make it properly active without it being invaded.

I didn't know it was illegal by rules to eject everyone from a region. Confirmed by three mods on IRC, the nation Hogsweat is deleted without any hope of revival for "griefing". I had no hostile intent toward Haven, every Havenite knows that. I did not want to destroy the region (ultimately that is what had happened) I am not, first and formost, a "griefer" like I have been accused of. I am very dissapointed and displeased at my punishment. I have poured, at this point, 24 months, the equivalent of two years, into this game. I have spent hours drawing diagrams, maps, writing out writeups for my equipment, writing posts. Bada boom bada bang, gone.

IRC Logs:

<Fris> you, the player, are in no way banned
<Comrade_Shipwrighter> OK
<Fris> but the nation of Hogsweat is history
<Comrade_Shipwrighter> No revival?
<Fris> nope
<[hack][in_briefly]> No.
<Comrade_Shipwrighter> Bum.
<Comrade_Shipwrighter> OK, thanks for your time.

All good things have to come to an end, one supposes. IC post in a bit.
15-10-2005, 22:32
OOC:NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!1 This seriously sucks. Sorry to see you go, Hoggy. You were definately one of my favorite enemies.
15-10-2005, 22:35
Sorry to see you go...

You gotta wonder sometimes about mod rulings, i doubt if any of those inactive nations will ever give a crap that they have been ejected...
The Macabees
15-10-2005, 22:36
[OOC: I might be punished in some way, shape, or form for saying this, but yet another example rather radical and improper moderation.]
15-10-2005, 22:38
[OOC: I might be punished in some way, shape, or form for saying this, but yet another example rather radical and improper moderation.]

Punishing you for saying that would be the last step in making a 1984 website, so to speak.
15-10-2005, 22:39
[OOC: I might be punished in some way, shape, or form for saying this, but yet another example rather radical and improper moderation.]
[ooc:] I agree, I'm not too happy with the current NS leadership myself. I think spam should be more strictly defined, and griefing should either be legal for everyone or illegal for everyone—not legal for Founders and illegal for UN Delegates. But that's just me.
15-10-2005, 22:39
Oh, I think that step was made long ago. This incident has only gone to reinforce it in my mind. *waits to be deleted*
Relative Liberty
15-10-2005, 22:39
[OOC: I might be punished in some way, shape, or form for saying this, but yet another example rather radical and improper moderation.]
OOC: Indeed.
The Silver Sky
15-10-2005, 22:42
[OOC: I might be punished in some way, shape, or form for saying this, but yet another example rather radical and improper moderation.]I have to agree with you there Mac, I used to like the NS Mods but since I became more active much has been left to be desired.
The Candrian Empire
15-10-2005, 22:43
Aboard the CAT P 12, once on it's way to Hogsweat.

Admiral Hailey was sitting in the bench seat, watching his computer intently; still looking up foreign navies.

"Emperor Petron, we see a big white wall up ahead. Looks like missles going up."

Emperor Petron, his suit long wrinkled with what seemed like a month of sleep, got up instantly. "What?"

General Leeds peered out the window.

"Turn this plane around."

The pilot cocked his head back, then turned around.
"Sir, we don't quite know what happened yet."


"Yes sir."

As the plane turned, a blinding bright flash and rocking rumble shake the ship.

What the hell was that?


Two hours had passes since the blast. Since the ship turned. Since their plans, canceled.

Hailey got an IM on his laptop.

JKJ: Sir, Hogsweat's been nuked.

Hailey gasped.
"What the hell?"

Adnav: What?
JKJ: Apparenty, they nuked themselves.
Adnav: You're kidding... that's what that blast & stuff was?
JKJ: Yeah. You guys alright?
Adnav: We're fine.
JKJ: Get back here, and tell the Emperor to write up an official response.
Adnav: Will do. Seeya Jakowitz.
15-10-2005, 22:43
[OOC: I might be punished in some way, shape, or form for saying this, but yet another example rather radical and improper moderation.]

OOC: Yeah, that really would just prove the point that they have no qualms about crossing lines in the name of power. What a shame. I used to feel that the topic of "Mod Oppression" was a farce and not a viable topic - but they really have done nothing to prove they are fair and objective, which is disturbing.

Though, there are a few mods that I admire for being fair and objective. So, that is to say, not all the mods are like this.
15-10-2005, 22:44
OOC: Damn straight. This is a completely unfair and indeed biased mod ruling. I hope to god theres another appeal.
15-10-2005, 22:46
The Grey House, Dowland City

The piece of paper, white, single-lined, fell to the floor of the Oval Office from the grip of President Martin. The words were no longer in front of him, but he could still see them, hurredly typed and sent up to the Oval Office by an equally shocked aide.

Massive Nuclear Explosion, Location: Hogsweat

Scale of detonations off all known measurements

Complete loss of life estimated. Four Billion plus Dead

No chance of survival; irradiation of land samples several hundred thousand rads, increasing inwards

Surveillance flight can see nothing moving throughout the country

Xavier choked, his breathing became shallower, his vision blurred. Four Billion dead. It seemed impossible, yet the reports weren't lying; as if to reinforce the devestation, reports from allied nations were being received, all reporting the same thing.


15-10-2005, 22:46
A good song for the occasion:
Dont´t Fear (the Reaper) - Blue Oyster Cult
All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind the sun or the rain (we can be like they are)
Come on baby (don't fear the reaper)
Baby take my hand (don't fear the reaper)
We'll be able to fly (don't fear the reaper)
Baby I'm your man
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la

Valentine is done
Here but now they're gone
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity (Romeo and Juliet)
40,000 men and women everyday (like Romeo and Juliet)
40,000 men and women everyday (redefine happiness)
Another 40,000 coming everyday (we can be like they are)
Come on baby (don't fear the reaper)
Baby take my hand (don't fear the reaper)
We'll be able to fly (don't fear the reaper)
Baby I'm your man
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la

Love of two is one
Here but now they're gone
Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear she couldn't go on
Then the door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew then disappeared
The curtains flew then he appeared (saying don't be afraid)
Come on baby (and she had no fear)
And she ran to him (then they started to fly)
They looked backward and said goodbye (she had become like they are)
She had taken his hand (she had become like they are)
Come on baby (don't fear the reaper)
15-10-2005, 22:46
[OOC: I might be punished in some way, shape, or form for saying this, but yet another example rather radical and improper moderation.]


I would have to agree in some sense to this.

Punishing you for saying that would be the last step in making a 1984 website, so to speak.

Totally agree.

[ooc:] I agree, I'm not too happy with the current NS leadership myself. I think spam should be more strictly defined, and griefing should either be legal for everyone or illegal for everyone—not legal for Founders and illegal for UN Delegates. But that's just me.


I believe strongly that the Old Mods defined what a Mod should be. Perhaps they are still around, however this is not an event or situation that gives me confidence in these "New" Mods. Rather, it gives me a sense that the mods are becoming Overwhelmed, in which case scares me for the fact that if someone in authority is overhwelmed, they may take any possible route out of the situation, no matter the cost.

I say this not in the sense that all the Mods are bad, no. I say this in a sense of what I currently have seen posted by a mod. I'll quote this later, if not against the rules, which I don't know currently.

In conclusion, I can draw out a good spectrum of fear of NS players and and followers whom have watched and concluded themselves a drastic change in the Mods. Perhaps this is change, perhaps not. But either way, I fear.


Oasis Lyrics

Stop Crying Your Heart Out Lyrics

Hold up
Hold on
Don't be scared
You'll never change what's been and gone

May your smile (may your smile)
Shine on (shine on)
Don't be scared (don't be scared)
Your destiny may keep you warm

Cos all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

Get up (get up)
Come on (come on)
Why're you scared? (I'm not scared)
You'll never change
What's been and gone

Cos all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

Cos all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

We're all of us stars
We're fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see us some day
Just take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out
15-10-2005, 22:47
OOC: Yeah, that really would just prove the point that they have no qualms about crossing lines in the name of power. What a shame. I used to feel that the topic of "Mod Oppression" was a farce and not a viable topic - but they really have done nothing to prove they are fair and objective, which is disturbing.
[ooc:] We're brilliant. If they delete/forumban us or even lock this topic, it'll only serve to prove our point.

All right, I think that's enough hijacking...
The Silver Sky
15-10-2005, 22:47
OOC: Damn straight. This is a completely unfair and indeed biased mod ruling. I hope to god theres another appeal.
He's planning on doing that AFIAK.

And I have to agree, that was probably the worst ruling ever.
The Macabees
15-10-2005, 22:47
And I'm sure that mod may come in here and probably bash me for saying that, giving me some underlying argument that revolves around, 'is that all you have to say? Deal with it!'. So, I guess, I'll go on a bit on the changes that should be made in the NS moderation, but most likely won't, since most moderators here are egotistical, pompous, and simly don't give a damn about anything, except maybe themselves and keeping their jobs as moderators.

I'll go back to the W@W argument, although I don't care about that anymore, because simply said fighting against this site's moderation is like fighting against a brick wall. But, they make decisions based on whims, and yes, they're right, normally griefers should be deleted. But, you would think that they would look a bit more into the case if the instance was that said griefer was a respected NS player. And I don't think the factor of time should really be important here, because the moderators have all the time in the world to look at a single case, especially when I would suspect all moderators know the name Hogsweat. I mean, if country Ooglaboogla griefed, obviously, you would suspect that it was truely griefing, but not only is Hogsweat an active role player, he's never broken the rules [except maybe once?].

Regardless, as I've stated before, fighting the 'system' is pointless, because this system is built on autocratic moderation, and if that's what was aimed for when creating the moderator group, fine, I'll live with it. Unfortunately, it has degenerated this site, or at least these forums, into something that is a shadow of its former self. Perhaps, we should all go to NationStates, but as far I've seen the nations there are elitist, never post to your threads, and most of the role plays I've read there are not any better than those on I.I..

But, alas, I'll step off.
15-10-2005, 22:48

In conclusion, I can draw out a good spectrum of fear of NS players and and followers whom have watched and concluded themselves a drastic change in the Mods. Perhaps this is change, perhaps not. But either way, I fear.

I couldn't agree more. Something is rotten in NationStates.
15-10-2005, 22:52
OOC: Yeah, that really would just prove the point that they have no qualms about crossing lines in the name of power. What a shame. I used to feel that the topic of "Mod Oppression" was a farce and not a viable topic - but they really have done nothing to prove they are fair and objective, which is disturbing.

Though, there are a few mods that I admire for being fair and objective. So, that is to say, not all the mods are like this.
Quite. The vast majority of anti-mod threads are largely based on irrational hatred / just out of some kind of urge to spam and flame at the same time. However, this specific incident doesnt appear to have any basis in any of the officially endorsed rules:

Region Griefing: Region Griefing is the malicious cousin of "region crashing". Where "crashing" involves moving several nations into a region at once and taking over the delegate-ship, Region Griefing is used to describe the practice of illegally ejecting too many members of a region after invading it. Basically the same as Griefing, only it's a bunch of nations (the region crashers) doing the griefing. Report this using the Getting Help Page. More detail on invasion rules and infractions may be found in the Region invasion FAQ.

This does not say anything about native delegates, and in not doing so strongly and directly implies that the rules do not apply to native delegates (if they did, then any reasonable person would assume that they would just say "delegates"). However, according to a mod (I dont know which, I dont think they were using their NS name as their IRC nickname) the rules "havent been written yet." Well call me a traditionalist, but I personally dont think that people should be punished in such an extreme manner for breaking rules which "havent been written yet."

This is the closest I have ever come to quitting NS in my 18 months of being here, and I find it sad and somewhat shameful that it should be because of carefully selected and appointed moderation staff.
15-10-2005, 22:52
OOC: I've mentioned this quite a bit and I think maybe the topic should be explored more now that we're having so many problems in general with the decisions of the moderators.


A) We have NS-wide elections for moderators. No appointments. Just nominations, and then elections.

B) We have a sort of council, an ethics commission, if you will, to monitor the actions of the mods. A lot of the decisions they make are correct, but for the ones that are not, such as this case, they need to be looked at by another group of people who are not moderators and can view the situation with a neutral point of view and make a fair and objective opinion on the situation.

I feel that if we don't do one of these two things, NS will never be able to recover.
15-10-2005, 22:55
I doubt that will happen to be honest, but I agree with you entirely. Anyway, I will be emailing Salusa Secondus about this tomorrow when Im more awake and less angry, and I urge everyone who feels that this was unfair and wrong to do the same.
North Mack
15-10-2005, 22:58
OOC: I've mentioned this quite a bit and I think maybe the topic should be explored more now that we're having so many problems in general with the decisions of the moderators.


A) We have NS-wide elections for moderators. No appointments. Just nominations, and then elections.

B) We have a sort of council, an ethics commission, if you will, to monitor the actions of the mods. A lot of the decisions they make are correct, but for the ones that are not, such as this case, they need to be looked at by another group of people who are not moderators and can view the situation with a neutral point of view and make a fair and objective opinion on the situation.

I feel that if we don't do one of these two things, NS will never be able to recover.

OoC: Sorry to lose you HogSweat. i never personally RPed with you (i think...) but I have heard you spoken of with respect from a great many nations. Its NS's loss.

anyway, to the above, I agree, but BOTH need to be done, and the 'Ethics Council' needs to be also:

1: Elected
2: Un-Bannable for the length of their, well, i guess term. If the mods can ban the EC members, then we're right back to total Mod power in NS.
15-10-2005, 23:00
[OOC: The response received from this incident is amazing. I can see MSN names and sigs all over the place with similar themes. Guys, thank you for your support over this. This is why I love this site and this forum: it's a cooperative effort and there's so many people here that I've made friends with over the months. Thank you :)]
15-10-2005, 23:01

A) We have NS-wide elections for moderators. No appointments. Just nominations, and then elections.

B) We have a sort of council, an ethics commission, if you will, to monitor the actions of the mods. A lot of the decisions they make are correct, but for the ones that are not, such as this case, they need to be looked at by another group of people who are not moderators and can view the situation with a neutral point of view and make a fair and objective opinion on the situation.
Isn't that what the mods are supposed to do? :p

Well, let's see: I feel that we could nominate a few people to a non-mod council. For example Goober, Sarz, Trez, Nathi, Gruen (when he gets a bit more experience), CG, TH, &c. Alternately if we choose elections, they could be among the choices, along with other well-deserving souls such as Fris, Euro, Cog, Kat, Rep, Sirocco, GMC, Hack &c.

However, I'm sure neither one is going to happen anytime soon. Or anytime at all. Democracy is the greatest of all evils, after all, as Elbridge Gerry once said. :rolleyes: :(
The Macabees
15-10-2005, 23:03
Perhaps I should impliment what Pacitalia said into W@W. I think I shall!
15-10-2005, 23:03
ooc: So long, dude. I never RPed with you, but I admired you. Blood and Mud was especially good (that was you, wasn't it?). I'm not going to rant about the mods, because Praetonia, The Macabees etc. have done it already, and better than I could. Still, I'm right behind you.

IC: "Holy shit!"

The statement, blurted out through a mouthful of nachos, neatly summed up the atmosphere in the room. The pictures from the satellites were normally devoid of activity; watching the blue and green pictures was generally seen as a slacker's dream. But now, something momentous was happening. Seizing control of himself, one of the observers punched the key that would route the picture into the massive screens of the Central Command Bunker.

Hogsweat, a great nation of over four billion people, was vanishing before their eyes beneath a vast plume of ash and smoke. Bile filled throats as the computer coldly estimated that almost twenty thousand nuclear warheads had been detonated. And in that instant they knew the terrible truth. Hogsweat was gone.
Present Day Comatica
15-10-2005, 23:06
An abrupt sputtering ring from the telephone by Emperor Titus's bed jolted him from his sleep. The digital readout from his clock said 5:15 AM, and grimly he answered the phone. News at this hour could not be good. Otherwise, the IIB would have waited until he had awoken.

Titus sat up and switched on the bedside lamp as the voice of Lucilius Veldaem, head of the IIB, floated out of the receiver.

"Sorry to disturb you, sir, but this is urgent."

"Not at all. This is my job," Titus answered, pulling on his robe.

"Well, sir, preliminary reports show massive amounts of radiation dumping into the atmosphere."

Titus's face was washed over by a deathly pale complextion at the news. Gripping the phone tighter and trying to ignore the crippling tingle in the pit of his stomach, Titus said, "Where's it coming from? Comatica?"

"Absolutely not. You and me would both be dead if this much radiation had come into Comatica. It's about the same as if 15,000 to 20,000 nuclear weapons had been detonated over a small area."

"Then where's it coming from?"

Lucilius paused. "It's too widespread to indicate exactly where it originates, but the bulk of it is concentrated over the region of Haven, specifically near Hogsweat."

Titus fiddled with the cord on the phone. He bit his tongue in deep thought, then said, "20,000 nukes...over Hogsweat? Are you sure?"

"It's most likely closer to 18,000, but yes, we are sure that it's near Hogsweat. That many nukes detonated is enough to kill all 4.5 billion of Hogsweat's citizens, and all of their wildlife. We even could see some fallout effects in Comatica, especially in the colonies of Gordoleum and Quirare. They're closer in proximity to Haven than the mainland is."

Titus let out a shuddering sigh. "Is there any way we can communicate with the Hogsweatian government?"

"There is most likely no government left. Remember what I said: it's enough to kill everyone and everything. And we've tried; no avail whatsoever."

"Well..." Titus was lost in his thoughts. All he could say at the moment was "Well..."

After about 30 seconds, Titus said haltingly, "I'm going to declare this week a period of grieving for the citizens of Hogsweat that fell victim to this catastrophe, and have all of the flags flown at half-mast. In the meantime, send something...anything to look for survivors in Hogsweat. I need time to think about this."
15-10-2005, 23:10
I'd be interested in coming back to W@W of the nations left didn't suck.
15-10-2005, 23:10
Come on guys, change your sigs to Macabees, Taldaan's and mine if you can. It'll be a nice final gesture for one of NS's greatest RPers and players. :)
As you may know, I left the forums a while back, but this merits my coming back, just for this post. RIP Hogsweat, nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, just that your influence really will be missed. You truly were one of the better friends I've made from NS, and thats saying something.

Goodbye England's rose
May you ever grow in our hearts
You were the grace that placed itself
Where lives were torn apart
You called out to our country
And you whispered to those in pain
Now you belong to heaven
And the stars spell out your name

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never fading with the sunset
When the rain set in
And your footsteps will always fall here
Along England's greenest hills
Your candle's burned out long before
Your legend ever will

Loveliness we've lost
These empty days without your smile
This torch we'll always carry
For our nation's golden child
And even though we try
The truth brings us to tears
All our words cannot express
The joy you brought us through the years

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never fading with the sunset
When the rain set in
And your footsteps will always fall here
Along England's greenest hills
Your candle's burned our long before
Your legend ever will

Goodbye England's rose
May you ever grow in our hearts
You were the grace that placed itself
Where lives were torn apart
Goodbye England's rose
From a country lost without your soul
Who'll miss the wings of your compassion
More than you'll ever know

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never fading with the sunset
When the rain set in
And you footsteps will always fall here
Along England's greenest hills
Your candle's burned out long before
Your legend ever will[

(well someone had to)
The Macabees
15-10-2005, 23:11
I'd be interested in coming back to W@W of the nations left didn't suck.

Anything to do with that, TG me. I don't want to plague this thread with two problems.
15-10-2005, 23:11
"Er, Comrade?"


"What does this mean?"

The Admiral of the ship "Project Dorsalgrad", a submersible superdreadnought, leant over the communications panel.

Trela POTS Raelcun POTS Raw POTS Nugeb POTS Hcnual POTS Rouy POTS Sdoalyap POTS Tegrat POTS 12.y03x.

"Son, I don't know what that means."

The XO looked at it, puzzled for a moment, and replied

"It's backwards. It says.. Alert Nuclear War Begun Launch Your Payloads Target One Two Dot Yankee Zero Three X-Ray. Woah."
The XO reeled.

"Nuclear war?" The Admiral shrugged. Teh ship had been submerged underneath the artic for 2 months. He didn't know what had happened to his motherland. "So where are those targets?" He picked up the map and chartered them, blinking.

"The Decisive Action Commonwealth. Mississippi. Roger Fabus. They died years ago."

The XO made a funny look. "Those coordinates are the default that where set in fifty years ago. Whatever broadcasted them is old. VERY old."

"A satellite?" The Admiral glanced.

"Maybe. I think it was probably an unused airborne drone that set itself off..but that must mean.."

"Either it was defunct or.."

The two looked at each other. The Admiral acted first: "Empty the Ballast! Get this thing on teh surface, YESTERDAY!"

Slowly but with grim determination, the ship snapped the cold ice barriers of the artic in half, bringing the whole six hundred thousand tonnes of steel and electronis to bear and pushing, damnit, smashing the ice out of the way. In six minutes the CHN Project Dorsalgrad had smashed its way out of the ice and into the clear blue skies.

"Comms, get us a broadband signal, find me codec pattern 11:03:03, now"

"Yessir..signal, open."

"Admiral Kuzekotsov to Hogsweatian Naval Command, authorisation passcode 452G18-Niner, do you copy me?"

White noise. Static. Creaking. Nothing. Kuzekotsov didn't know it until now, but everyoen in Hogsweatian Naval Command was dead, or dying of radiation in the bunkers below. The Admiral gulped. He was sweating now, sweating in the arctic. The XO was sick. Whimpering, the Admiral muttered

"Alright, try... codec pattern 12:03:03. Authorisation 41025XV9."

Again, white noise. Static. He tried another, Army Control, Airforce control. They where dead. Everyone was dead. The Admiral was sick. Everyone was sick. They where crying - crying for their parents, their brethren, their children, their husbands and wives.

"Who the hell did this?"

"Maybe..Prussia? Allanea?"

"I doubt it. They wouldn't dare. Goddamn it..Alright, do we have diplomatic channels on this?"

"Aye Comrade, aye we do."

"Alright, open them up to a random one."

The Admiral breathed deep. "Admiral Kuzetkotsov to anyone out there. Repeat, Admiral Kuzetkotsov, Hogsweatian Commowealth Navy, to anyone out there, am I read?"
15-10-2005, 23:13
Now I'd really like to see some of the Moderators to say something about this.
According to you Hogsweat, there was a desicion made by a group of people who all agreed to it, to get rid of the old region, and then YOU got punished by crime made against that same group, those who were part of it.

If I got it correctly, this is just idiotic.

Actually, too stupid to be true... I mean, they MUST have some kind of a reason for this! I would really like to see some of those who made this desicion to delete your magnificent nation to explain it.

I just don't get it. I honestly don't.
15-10-2005, 23:15
OOC: oh... wow... that's freaking BS... sorry to hear about the loss of Hogsweat... we didn't RP much together, but still, you were a good one!

Semi-IC: (and to those mods that get pissy at my posts that I make like this... get over it!)
People across ViZion, rather they were citizens of ViZion, or foreigners, lined the streets, even exiting the war bunkers in the midst of what was expected to be a bloody war with Guffingford. They were out in force to protest of deletion of the great nation of Hogsweat.

Some of them carried signs, others carried the Hogsweatian flags, others carried nothing physical, but have something to say. Leaders of many of these rallied spoke to crowds of thousands, their voices carrying over the streets, parks, lots, and so forth coming from loud speakers.

"How dare they delete the nation of Hogsweat!" said one of the people, "They were doing nothing wrong. They were working on rebuilding their region, and they get banned for it! Oppression I say! OPPRESSION!" he screamed.

One of the signs read, "DOWN WITH THE MODS! UP WITH HOGSWEAT!" Yet another one said "HOGSWEAT FOR ADMIN!"

Said one of the protesters, "Hogsweat should be the one banning the mods! How can they do that? Tell me, how is booting people from a region to rebuild it and allowing all of them to rejoin worthy of a ban, and no hope of revival?" he asked.

Thousands were writing letters to the mods demanding answers and the revival of Hogsweat. Others called in to the NS Mod Center. Yet others protested in front of television camera's.

One cameraman from Channel 5 KMPO news, affiliated with VNB, captured three young men burning NS Mod flags in the street. Another one filmed a man talking to a field reporter demanding that everyone should rebel against the Mods, overthrow them, and gain a new leadership.

To show he was determined, he had a makeshift person, made from pillows and other objects, with "NationStates Mod" spray painted on it. He then pulled a gun, shooting it where the heart will be. Three other men rushed it and tore it apart. "NEW LEADERSHIP! NEW LEADERSHIP! NEW LEADERSHIP!" he began chanting, as others began to join in on the chanting. "1984 has begun! Let us stop it now!" he commanded, as many began cheering him on.

ViZion was clearly not very happy over this.

OOC: ok Mods, this is a "joke", but a serious one at that. A RP that gets my point across to keep things light... What happened was bs. And if there's such thing as free speach on this site, which I sure as hell hope so, then I better not be banned... and if I am, sounds like there'll be alot of nations banned, as there are alotta other nations voicing their opinion on this issue as well...
15-10-2005, 23:16
Madnestan, their reasoning is that griefing is not allowed. They apparently aren't into the whole "exception to the rule" thing. The fact that everyone agreed to it, doesn't bother them unduly. :rolleyes:

IC post coming.
15-10-2005, 23:19
OOC: Do the mods roleplay on here? If they do.. nuke 'em, i really unhappy about this
15-10-2005, 23:19
[OOC: They do, but not in International Incidents.]
15-10-2005, 23:20
Sancta - Read "The One Stop Rules Shop" - Hogsweat was a native delegate and so what he did was not against the rules. Funny though, that the mod I first spoke to on "The Mod Cave" IRC channel said that I would find the rule in "The One Stop Rule Shop". When I pointed this out a mod said that "That section hasnt been written yet". When I said that it was unfair to delete someone acting with no malicious intent unknowingly breaking a non-existant rule, they effectively said that they didnt care what I thought and that they werent going to do anything. When I said this was unhelpful they told me to leave, which I did. Now they appear to have passworded "The Mod Cave" IRC Channel. Surely there must be reform - this is inconsistent, disporportional, arbitary judgement with no recourse to appeal despite the overwhelming weight of facts. From their tone on "The Mod Cave" they appeared to honestly not care, either about what happend to Hogsweat or what I was saying, which I think is indicative of the state of moderation on this site.
15-10-2005, 23:23
Large screens were being set up in Sanctaphrax's main squares, all of them broadcasting the same image. The demonstrations in Vizion. It didn't take long before demonstrations were being organised in Sanctaphrax as well, the worlds media were invited as Hogsweatian flags were raised to half mast, strange flags that nobody had seen, consisting of an eye on a white background were burnt, just because it seemed appropriate for some reason, more people flooded to the square by the minute, yet the entire crowd of tens of thousands fell silent as Cowlquape Pentephraxis stood on the makeshift podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen of all ages, thank you for coming.
I would like to express my condolences to all those who have Hogsweatian relatives, and let it be known that the government is behind you in this matter. The ground you are standing on, is from hereon known as the Hogsweat Square. Thank you all again for coming."
15-10-2005, 23:23
OOC: I never RPed with you, Hogsweat, but I did read a few, and I have to say I'm sorry you got deleted.
The Macabees
15-10-2005, 23:23
Desolation. The ultimate outcome of Hogsweat, becuase of a single mistake, one that he could not control, nor did he know about. At least, until it struck. Hogsweat had been utterly destroyed, her people ravaged, her cities flattened. Ironically, it had not been done by a foreign invader, but by themselves. The country had crumbled, her glory turned to rubble, her power changed to desperation. There were some still alive, those who had been fortunate enough to leave the country, whether on vacation or through the military. Regardless, it wasn't enough to rebuild such a vast institution, like Hogsweat had once been.

For years, perhaps for centuries, many would wonder why. What unjust God, or perhaps gods, had chosen Hogsweat, for something that Hogsweat clearly failed to acknowledge? Was Hogsweat's inability to read what was not there justification for those above to cut its strings of life, and to end something that was said to last for a thousand years?

Clearly, fortune was that, and nothing else, and fortune apparently was controlled by bigger players; those that could not be seen. Oh, but how unfortunate it was, indeed. Regardless, those who once had fought along side, fought against, or had watched her fight, would fight again alongside the spirit of a broken nation. Billions would kneel and cry at the loss of just one, and perhaps billions could persuade; perhaps not.

They say that when Hogsweat was destroyed under a pillar of fire and smoke, after, the souls of Hogsweat continued to live, her armies continued to fight. Perhaps, they continue to this day...
15-10-2005, 23:24
The Admiral breathed deep. "Admiral Kuzetkotsov to anyone out there. Repeat, Admiral Kuzetkotsov, Hogsweatian Commowealth Navy, to anyone out there, am I read?"

The Icebreaker GCS Admission was breaking a route in the northern seas for traffic when it picked up the signal. FleetCom was warning about Hogsweatian survivors on submarines and to rescue them.

The commander on the ship, Alexi Pelikov quickly sent out a response.

[To Hogsweatian survivor]

You are read, repeat you are read.

We are of the People's Confederacy of Leafanistan Naval Forces, ship designation ICS5556, or GCS Admission. We have recieved your signal Admiral Kuzetkotsov and we have grave news. A few days ago a launch of nuclear munitions by Hogsweatian forces was detected and all of Hogsweat appears to have been destroyed. Up to 4.5 billion are believed to be dead, and international forces are currently running aid efforts, however no survivors have been detected.

We are about 3 hours away and can link up. We are currently transmitting satellite imagery of what remains of Hogsweat. We don't know how to put this to you. There is no Hogsweatian Commonwealth Navy, there is no Command, we are sorry.

The message looped twice.

15-10-2005, 23:25
Hogsweat before it was deleted 1 (
Hogsweat before it was deleted 2 (
15-10-2005, 23:27
The Czardaian transport ship, learning of recent events, is making its way back to its homeland for the memorial services when the communication comes through, very faintly, from distant waters.

The naval officer in charge reels as he hears the words. He can't catch them all, but he hears the word "Hogsweatian".

"Hogsweat?" he asks an aide. "Wasn't that the one that got nuked?"

"Yes sir, I believe it was," replies the aide.

"Apparently someone from the Hogsweatian navy is calling us then. Or all ships. Anybody within this wavelength."

"Well sir, we should try to get the news to them," the aide says.

"Get me a satellite connection, open."

[Open transmission]
This is Admiral Louis Bendragon of the Czardaian National Navy. We read you. There is some bad news concerning your nation. Apparently Hogsweat was hit by a nuclear missile with eighteen thousand times atomic strength, source unknown. No survivors are reported. More information follows.

"It's a pity we have to tell them that, sir," remarks the aide as the message is sent off. "Losing one's nation is not generally very pleasant."

"Ha." Admiral Bendragon has plotted the approximate location of the Hogsweatian ship.

"Top speed northwest-by-north. Let's get within a better range so we can send out a longer communication."

The ship turns and sails off as Bendragon radios his change of plans to Czardaian naval command.
15-10-2005, 23:28
Currently doing an IC post, but Czardas, it was 18,000 missiles, that made the other 100,000 fire.
15-10-2005, 23:30
ooc: Mac's quote: [OOC: I might be punished in some way, shape, or form for saying this, but yet another example rather radical and improper moderation.]

Well anyway... yes. This was indeed a highly improper ruling. The moderators and the administration of Nationstates should be ashamed. This is such a great forum, full of great people. It would be sad to see it ruined due to the heavy handed incompetence of some of the moderation staff.

To the Mods: Go ahead, delete me for calling you heavy handed and incompetent. You deleting me doesn't make it any less true.
15-10-2005, 23:31
FleetCom was forwarded the message, immediately several submarines of the Artic Fleet were summoned. 2 Seawolf-class Submarines were redirected from their routes and sent with active SONAR to the area where the ship was reported to be. It was supposed to link up with the Icebreaker when it met up with the fleet.

Back at a nearby port a few old resupply ships along with another Icebreaker were ordered to set out. They were to get nearby in case they needed assistance.

3 Barbour-class Resupply Ships
1 Text-class Icebreaker
15-10-2005, 23:32
Currently doing an IC post, but Czardas, it was 18,000 missiles, that made the other 100,000 fire.
[ooc:] Yes, but the Czardaian ship doesn't know that yet. They're still under the impression that it was a single projectile that caused this destruction.
15-10-2005, 23:32
ooc: It may make bugger all difference, but i'm pretty sure rules quoted earlier in this thread clearly stated that griefing was the malice cousin of the other one, i cant remember the name. It is very clear that Hogsweat did this with not only the knowledge but support of others in the region, and he was trying to improve things for Haven. No malice there, at all.

I dont think i've RPed with you, but i have to say i admire the way Hogsweat so well thought out. I hope this all gets sorted out quickly; show the mods the second print-screen to prove that the others supported you.

Good Luck.
15-10-2005, 23:32
oh, ok.
15-10-2005, 23:34
IC: Across Praetonia, as people turned on their televisions to see satellite photographs of the desolation of Hogsweat - the ruined cities, the navy sitting sadly on its keels at the bottom of its shallow ports - they began to make their way sadly into the streets. This was not any organised gathering of mourning. There were no black hats or coats or arm bands. Once they were in the streets, the people did not shout or scream, or wave banners or cry. They simply drifted. Congregated. They felt lost and empty. Almost everyone in Praetonia knew a Hogsweatian - knew a friend or family member who was no longer there.

Without orders from their officers, the men of the Praetonian navy slowly turned their guns towards the sky to fire a solemn salute. The officers took off their hats and, as the sheer vastness of the desolation began to filter through, more and more people abandonned their posts and, undisturbed by their equally distrort officers, sat solemnly on the beams of their ships, the bunks of their barracks, the commonrooms of their hangars.

In Empire Square, for the first time in a thousand years, the great Time Guns stopped firing. Time, indeed, appeared to stop entirely as people filled the square. They didnt know what they would do when they got there. For the most part they did nothing. Slowly as the day progressed, the crowds expanded to fill Union Street, Regent Street, Monarch Street and Marble Street. Children climbed the great statues of Praetonian heroes and historical figures, looking at the empty black obsidian cladding of the Obsidian Tower.

Parliament assembled, but did not debate. They simply sat and stared into nothingness. King Sarius I, Emperor of more than 6 billion home and colonial souls, felt completely powerless. A nation in mourning - not organised, orchestrated and directed, just free mourning - was a sight to be seen, and a sight to despair at. For one day alone, the stock exchange went neither up nor down for although it opened as normal no one was there to process sales, nor to adjust the prices of shares. No one bought anything - indeed, no one was there to sell anything.

Praetonia was empty. Empty in its soul.
15-10-2005, 23:36
ooc: It may make bugger all difference, but i'm pretty sure rules quoted earlier in this thread clearly stated that griefing was the malice cousin of the other one, i cant remember the name. It is very clear that Hogsweat did this with not only the knowledge but support of others in the region, and he was trying to improve things for Haven. No malice there, at all.
The Malicious Cousin of invading. Hogsweat did not invade Haven. He has been delegate for 112 days and had been in the region for more than a year.
15-10-2005, 23:39
Thats what i mean, its obvious that the mods have made a simple mistake and the consequences are bad for everyone. They saw Hogsweat forcibly remove everyone from the region, but it was wrong to take is actions out of context. I'm sure that if they knew what really happened you'd have no problem getting your nation back.
15-10-2005, 23:41
Thats what i mean, its obvious that the mods have made a simple mistake and the consequences are bad for everyone. They saw Hogsweat forcibly remove everyone from the region, but it was wrong to take is actions out of context. I'm sure that if they knew what really happened you'd have no problem getting your nation back.
I know. Most people would think that. When Hogsweat and I attempted to convince the mods of this, they simply brushed us off and told us to go away.
15-10-2005, 23:41
OOC: Don't forget to change your sigs guys :)

RIP Hogsweat, March '03-October '05. Unjustly deleted.

Change it to that if possible.
15-10-2005, 23:41
Thats what i mean, its obvious that the mods have made a simple mistake and the consequences are bad for everyone. They saw Hogsweat forcibly remove everyone from the region, but it was wrong to take is actions out of context. I'm sure that if they knew what really happened you'd have no problem getting your nation back.
I'm pretty sure they DO know what happened.
15-10-2005, 23:42
I know. Most people would think that. When Hogsweat and I attempted to convince the mods of this, they simply brushed us off and told us to go away.

That i didn't know. My faith in NS as a system has hit an all time low.
15-10-2005, 23:43
Hogsweat should be given an appeal and be tried by jury of his peers. (E.g. Members of Haven and linked regions.)
That way it would be all fair instead of the mysterious mods behind the scenes telling us what we should feel griefed about!
The mods are their to keep us all happy and playing nicely, I don't see anyone being happy about this ruling, only maybe the mods in a twisted satisfaction of a job well done, great job mods!!!

Hogsweat I never RPed with you but I wish I had.
15-10-2005, 23:43
The Admiral breathed deep. "Admiral Kuzetkotsov to anyone out there. Repeat, Admiral Kuzetkotsov, Hogsweatian Commowealth Navy, to anyone out there, am I read?"

One starship remained in orbit, a Heavy Cruiser that, before it went into Sub-Space, heard the call of Admiral Kuzetkotsov. Slowly, it turned around, and started to decend. Earths Atmospher surrounded its hull, if only for a brief few minutes. The exact location of the transmissions origion had been logged, and right before of any crew watching, something red with flames from the heavens, 400+ feet in length, came to a halt above the submarine.

Search-lights came on, as if looking to see where it came from. Some locked onto the vessel, others moved away. The ship just sat there, watching...waiting.


Me kinda low on RP Inspiriation, forgive me.
15-10-2005, 23:43

While the Imperial Reich had minimal relations with the nation of Hogsweat, we acknowledge the loss of it's citizens with great sorrow. Flags will be lowered to half mast, The Navy will perform a massive 6,000 cannon salute, Pharamas will rename one of it's sectors Hogsweat, and every able bodied man, woman and child will be asked to hold a candle light vigil.

Rest in peace, Hogsweat. Steward Reinhard and her 6+ Billion citizens wish you the best of luck, where ever you are now.
15-10-2005, 23:44
What I fail to see as proper is the denial of a repeal, the effect seems similar to the death penalty for speeding.

Except that I cant even list what he did as a crime or violation, a warning I might understand (somewhat broad unclear definition) it may not be the right way to do it, but according the rules that we as players have to go by (which is all that can be fully enforced with any sense of fairness) it isnt griefing, and with those screen shots of the regional forum where you were directly asked to so do. Hopefully someone with truth in their hearts will listen and understand.

To punish without full comprehension is not justice, it is oppression.
15-10-2005, 23:46
In the interest of fairness, I do admit I have had one offense before Scolo told me about:
Abusive Telegrams to user "Nazis Germany" dated Feb 04.
I don't remember doing this and I don't believe that I actually did do it, although it does sound like the kind of thing I'd do (note the username) however, I probably DID do it :/
15-10-2005, 23:47
In the interest of fairness, I do admit I have had one offense before Scolo told me about:
Abusive Telegrams to user "Nazis Germany" dated Feb 04.
I don't remember doing this and I don't believe that I actually did do it, although it does sound like the kind of thing I'd do (note the username) however, I probably DID do it :/

If they had a name like that, you should have got a medal for it.
15-10-2005, 23:49
Intelligence had been gathered, Missile Command went from "Imminent Threat" to "Moderate Alert", and the government was ready to make a statement.

High Father, now appearing to be a younger man around 25 years old stood on a podium, behind him the flag of Leafanistan. The lights dimmed in the Parliament chamber.

The massive screens behind him changed to satellite pictures of the devastation.

"What you see is what remains of Hogsweat, a nation of around 4.5 billion people. From what we understand there was a launch within Hogsweat, intentional or otherwise it set off a massive chain reaction. According to international sources there appear to be no survivors."

He looked at the Parliament chamber, a few who had Hogsweatian associates turned white as a sheet. One of the members known for her inability to stomach tragedy didn't faint as usual. She turned to her assistant, and promptly threw up. High Father turned his head slightly, winced a bit as the sounds of her wretching filled the Parliament. She then dropped her head onto her table and broke out into uncontrollable sobbing. She was carried away by medical staff, a cleaning crew began to clean up. Efficient.

"This is no small tragedy, to say the least, from what we understand, some sort of massive unorganized mourning event has occured in Praetonia."

Images from the streets of Praetonia came onto the screens.

"Several nations are flying their flags at half-staff, and I believe no one will oppose the measure to do so. We may not have agreed with their politics, but life is important."

He looked around and turned on the voting system, green lights signaling approval of the measure came on, unanimous, no opposition.

"Good, now we are currently running extensive thermal scans to find survivors, however mass fires are hurting our efforts. And the amount of debris thrown up was massive. I am also proposing a deployment of a type of genetically altered bacteria, that within 10 years can clean up an area of most of its heavy metal leftovers and absorb radiation into themselves. They can then be cleaned up by specially trained crews."

Again green lights of approval came up, the Parliament was unusally quiet. He understood that, this was the greatest tragedy on Earth. 4.5 billion lives, gone in an instant, for nothing.

15-10-2005, 23:50
OOC: oh... wow... that's freaking BS... sorry to hear about the loss of Hogsweat... we didn't RP much together, but still, you were a good one!

Semi-IC: (and to those mods that get pissy at my posts that I make like this... get over it!)
People across ViZion, rather they were citizens of ViZion, or foreigners, lined the streets, even exiting the war bunkers in the midst of what was expected to be a bloody war with Guffingford. They were out in force to protest of deletion of the great nation of Hogsweat.

Some of them carried signs, others carried the Hogsweatian flags, others carried nothing physical, but have something to say. Leaders of many of these rallied spoke to crowds of thousands, their voices carrying over the streets, parks, lots, and so forth coming from loud speakers.

"How dare they delete the nation of Hogsweat!" said one of the people, "They were doing nothing wrong. They were working on rebuilding their region, and they get banned for it! Oppression I say! OPPRESSION!" he screamed.

One of the signs read, "DOWN WITH THE MODS! UP WITH HOGSWEAT!" Yet another one said "HOGSWEAT FOR ADMIN!"

Said one of the protesters, "Hogsweat should be the one banning the mods! How can they do that? Tell me, how is booting people from a region to rebuild it and allowing all of them to rejoin worthy of a ban, and no hope of revival?" he asked.

Thousands were writing letters to the mods demanding answers and the revival of Hogsweat. Others called in to the NS Mod Center. Yet others protested in front of television camera's.

One cameraman from Channel 5 KMPO news, affiliated with VNB, captured three young men burning NS Mod flags in the street. Another one filmed a man talking to a field reporter demanding that everyone should rebel against the Mods, overthrow them, and gain a new leadership.

To show he was determined, he had a makeshift person, made from pillows and other objects, with "NationStates Mod" spray painted on it. He then pulled a gun, shooting it where the heart will be. Three other men rushed it and tore it apart. "NEW LEADERSHIP! NEW LEADERSHIP! NEW LEADERSHIP!" he began chanting, as others began to join in on the chanting. "1984 has begun! Let us stop it now!" he commanded, as many began cheering him on.

ViZion was clearly not very happy over this.

OOC: ok Mods, this is a "joke", but a serious one at that. A RP that gets my point across to keep things light... What happened was bs. And if there's such thing as free speach on this site, which I sure as hell hope so, then I better not be banned... and if I am, sounds like there'll be alot of nations banned, as there are alotta other nations voicing their opinion on this issue as well...
President Delain finally declared his support to the protesters in an announcement. And within an hour, he was in ViZion City, seen shaking hands with many of the leaders of these mass protests across ViZion.

Not long after, many of the nations news companies had camera men and field reporters at this location as President Delain, as well as many of these leaders, were going to give a speech.

"We, the nation and the people of ViZion, ask of your nation, and all of the people of this world, to join hands with us in protest of the deletion of the great nation of Hogsweat! This cannot be allowed! Let us stop this before it gets any worse!"

President Delain then held up two flags - a ViZionarian flag in his right hand and a Hogsweatian flag in his left.
15-10-2005, 23:52
Cowlquape retook the podium, two flags in his hand. The right hand held a Sanctaphraxian flag, the left one a Hogsweatian flag. He crossed the two flags, they rippled in the wind, stirring up feelings of patriotism that people never knew they had, a feeling of brotherhood and mutual loss.
15-10-2005, 23:52
Osaria City Council Presents Plan to Construct Tower in Memory of Hogsweat

Osaria (IVP News) - Today after the great Tragedy of Hogsweat, the Osaria City Council has officially presented their own plans in the nation-wide grieving of the demise of Hogsweat, in an elaborate news conference on Sunday. Consisting of the construction of a grand tower in the center of the Omzian city of Osaria, it is believed that the plan is slated to be fulfilled by Dakarie Year 110.

"This is indeed a sad moment for all of us," Osaria City Chief Engineer, Abreden Kolans, said in the news conference. "But as opposed to mourning in absolute silence, we have decided to take the initiative to do something else." He also announced that the tower will be standing at a height of 4500 feet (1371.6m), making it the second highest freestanding structure in the city after the National Liberation Monument. The decision is made to allow the tower to represent all of the 4.5 billion people perished in the horrific disaster, and their memory in this world.

Though no official comments has been made, rumours are widespread in regards to the actual naming of the tower. Some sources suggest "The Foundation of Memories", though its credibility has already been unofficially demolished by an anonymous City Council member. However, the most likely name for the tower is believed to be "The Monument of Unsung Heroes", supposably representing the 4.5 billion nameless victims, buried in unmarked graves, that perished during the great catastrophe.

"Hopefully this will be our method of bidding our farewell to the martyrs in Hogsweat, in addition to paying an expensive but meaningful tribute to their everlasting memory," Kolans said during the conclusion of the news conference.
16-10-2005, 00:00
It was immense, a huge nation, god knows how many military installations, all destroyed. Or where they? Hogsweat had invested more money than anyone could ever dream of spending in a hundred lifetimes into it's military. Surely something was left except a submersible battleship. (which i'll reply to later) In the centre of Hogsweat was the Advanced Strategic Defense Station: It was supposed to ward off nuclear attacks, and if neccessary engage MAD. It had not. But it had survived. Four hundred metres underground, past sheets and sheets of anti radioactive material, many many guard doors, lay the centre of the ASDS. And it was intact. Inside, maybe two hundred personnel didn't know what the hell had happened. They had tried their best - some even died from the pressure of shooting down the missiles, and damnit, they had done their level best - a 85% victory against the first wave of missiles. Unspeakable. And now they had broken down. Some commited suicide. But one kept monitoring signals, for Boris Zakalovsky knew that someone would have heard of this. And they did.
He activated a wideband frequency across all known channels telling them the location of the base and how to get past all the security features. Then, with a bunch of personnel, he donned radiation suits and went to go outside to meet who could be there.
Present Day Comatica
16-10-2005, 00:02
OOC: Have any of the mods looked at this thread? You guys have made very good arguments against them, and they should at least consider them, whether it be the reinstitution of Hogsweat, or Pacitalia's democratic mod selection system. Without the cosideration of those ideas, the mods have become a reletive online dictator regime, hard-nosed and firm believers that their decisions are always right.

Note: I've changed my should too. Let every mod know that we won't be oppressed. (Loose term)
The Macabees
16-10-2005, 00:05
OOC: Have any of the mods looked at this thread? You guys have made very good arguments against them, and they should at least consider them, whether it be the reinstitution of Hogsweat, or Pacitalia's democratic mod selection system. Without the cosideration of those ideas, the mods have become a reletive online dictator regime, hard-nosed and firm believers that their decisions are always right.

Note: I've changed my should too. Let every mod know that we won't be oppressed. (Loose term)

Unfortunately, and I'm not afraid to say this, the moderators have a tendency not to listen to reason. Indeed, when I went in there for my own problems they ignored every fact I put agaisnt them, and they did the same to Prae during this debacle. Let them fascinate themselves being moderators; for the time being, I really lost all respect for them, and Ithink most of I.I. has... Indeed, for now, they're just moderators to themselves, because I don't even think of them as that.

Except for a select few, who I do like, like Euro and GMC.
Present Day Comatica
16-10-2005, 00:07
A Comatic ground squadron's radio had crackled with static until one defining moment. A quavering and broken voice had radiated over the channel, and indicated that there were survivors, and where to find them. The squadron was only 8 miles from the location. Captain Regulus Deramium, clad in a heavy radiation suit, ordered his squad of 15 to head towards the direction of the frequency. He only hoped that the survivors could hold on long enough.
16-10-2005, 00:08
OOC: Whats with the triple post?

The President of Spizania has now ordered the deployment of the C.N.C.F (The confederate Nuclear Cleanup Force) to the region to help search for more survivors and to help decontaminate areas of the country, also a new memorail is to be constructed beside the VSI war memorial in the centre of Confederation City, it will be taller than the war memorial, some 1000 high.
16-10-2005, 00:08
OOC: |||IDEA|||

This idea popped into my mind when I was writing my "RP" of a post in response to this (See post 89 ( on page 6 at the bottom... I think it's a good read, and gets the point across...)

The idea: Every nation goes here:

Send in a request to revive Hogsweat... I mean, how could they miss a ton of Hogsweatian revival requests? I'd be another way of getting our point across that we won't take unjust deletions...
16-10-2005, 00:12
Good Idea Viz : But we should solve this diplomatically.(never thought i'd say this;)) but let's try do it peacefully first.
16-10-2005, 00:12
Not worth it ViZion, don't give them a good cause to take action. Lets continue doing what we are.
16-10-2005, 00:14
Alright, just an idea that popped into my mind... :p figured I'd throw it out there before I forget it... lol
The Infinite Crucible
16-10-2005, 00:16
I never really knew Hogsweat and am very far removed from the issue, but from the looks of it, this was a big mistake. You have my support, however little that may help.
16-10-2005, 00:17
From a certain player on IRC who is talking to me at the moment
<X_X_X_X> I just looked at the One stop Rules Shop...
<X_X_X_X> Like hack suggested
<X_X_X_X> Please be aware that the following rules are not set in stone. Each case is different, and may be subject to conditions not readily apparent to the regular player. Consideration is given not just to the specific offense, but also the nation's (and in some cases, the player's) prior actions and infractions. Also, new rules may be added as circumstances dictate, and Max and the Admins may invoke special rulings as they see

So..not all hope is lost. I do hope that something will be done when I write my appeal.
16-10-2005, 00:17
I never really knew Hogsweat and am very far removed from the issue, but from the looks of it, this was a big mistake. You have my support, however little that may help.
Edit your sig then, that'll be the best support you could show :)
16-10-2005, 00:20
It was immense, a huge nation, god knows how many military installations, all destroyed. Or where they? Hogsweat had invested more money than anyone could ever dream of spending in a hundred lifetimes into it's military. Surely something was left except a submersible battleship. (which i'll reply to later) In the centre of Hogsweat was the Advanced Strategic Defense Station: It was supposed to ward off nuclear attacks, and if neccessary engage MAD. It had not. But it had survived. Four hundred metres underground, past sheets and sheets of anti radioactive material, many many guard doors, lay the centre of the ASDS. And it was intact. Inside, maybe two hundred personnel didn't know what the hell had happened. They had tried their best - some even died from the pressure of shooting down the missiles, and damnit, they had done their level best - a 85% victory against the first wave of missiles. Unspeakable. And now they had broken down. Some commited suicide. But one kept monitoring signals, for Boris Zakalovsky knew that someone would have heard of this. And they did.
He activated a wideband frequency across all known channels telling them the location of the base and how to get past all the security features. Then, with a bunch of personnel, he donned radiation suits and went to go outside to meet who could be there.


"Yes, Corporal?"
"Incoming transmission, priority from Hogsweat."
"Son of a bitch! Is it an autotransmit?"
"No, sir, its human, saying how to get in, what should we do?"
"Get those fuckers out of there, no one should be stuck there that long."

A rescue mission was planned, 12 hours later, satellite pictures indicated there was an airfield near the ASDS, long enough for C-130s to touch down, and enough to unload shielded BTR-80s.

4 ASF-10s and 3 C-130s took off, the lead ASF-10 broadcasted their peaceful intentions and asked for help, they were to refuel about 3 times in flight. Once over Leafanistan, another time over Leafanistani Wasser (captured territory), and once more near Hogsweat as they were in range of a Leafanistani Observation fleet.

The Marines were trained for this, in 40 hours they would be landing with heavy NBC suits, and special BTR-80s that wouldn't make the return trip. The C-130 was also be ditched, they would land at sea and the entire carrier would be scrubbed down. They knew one failure in their suits and they would die a painful death. But anything to rescue survivors of the greatest tragedy on Earth.
Present Day Comatica
16-10-2005, 00:20
Edit your sig then, that'll be the best support you could show :)

Yeah...I did a major edit to mine, and it feels like I'm taking action!:p
16-10-2005, 00:21
The Czardaian planes pick up the small group of soldiers and Special Operatives as they stand at the lip of the hill, looking down into the valley that once contained one of Hogsweat's greatest cities. As they do Special Operative Captain Alma Finlay radios the others from the cockpit of an SM Dagger.

"We've received a communication from a point a few miles north of here. If we go at our highest speeds, we'll get there in a couple of minutes."

"Survivors?" Dorakov asks.

"I think so. I don't know how they survived it, but they did, and that's all that matters. They gave us instructions for getting in, too, although Spec Ops like ourselves ought to be able to figure it out."

The soldiers board as planes shoot off, hitting Mach 2 within about twenty seconds. The resulting series of shockwaves ought to be heard even to the survivors, as well as anyone else who might be out there. High above the desolate desert landscape, passing the ruins of cities and towns so quickly they appear a blur, the planes streak through the sky, approaching the area within seconds.

The planes descend to ground level, touching ground lightly and landing not too far outside of the outermost sheet of the ASDS. The soldiers inside are wearing their protective gear already and run for the guard doors to get in. However, before they reach the entrance specified in the message, it opens...
16-10-2005, 00:21
PDC, great idea, but make it smaller, I make it over 8 lines. Don't give the mods reason to remove it. Just make it a bit smaller and its fine.
16-10-2005, 00:22
Dowland City

Every single flag was at half-mast, and had been since the news had been released by the government some few hours before. An hour of silence in the honour of those who had perished had been observed, but it seemed so insignificant, it just wasn't enough. Schools were shut for the day, as were all public offices, and private businesses soon followed suit. More than a billion people throughout the Republic and her colonies were told to await a speech by the President himself, and so they waited, for a situation so tragic, so indescribable required, nay, demandeda speech. Such as it was then, that at 1900 Hours, radios crackled and TV sets glowed, many set up in temporary screens outside stadiums, public houses, even huge squares in cities, as the President appeared.

He was drawn, and haggard, his eyes bloodshot. His voice, so loaded with emotion cracked several times throughout the speech, but nothing was said; he was merely reflecting the nation.

My fellow Republicans. My fellow humans. A terrible thing has occured. Words cannot convey the loss that has befallen both this country and indeed this region. Some hours ago, the democratic nationstate of Hogsweat was...destroyed. Large-scale nuclear detonations were recorded throughout the country. There appears to have been a full-scale detonation of nuclear weapons. Irradiation is huge, and extremely lethal. There would....there would appear to be no survivors. I am declaring this entire month a period of mourning for the great nation of Hogsweat.

Furthermore, after a short discussion with my Ministers, an aid package of sorts has been assembled for all Hogsweatian citizens in the Grand Republic. These people will pay no taxes, nor will they ever have to pay for anything again; education, lodging, eating, all will be paid for by the state. It is the least that we can do for refugees from such a glorious state.

Goodnight, and farewell, glorious Hogsweat.
16-10-2005, 00:22
OOC: Above all, for me it's troubling that, of the 10-15 active mods (just a guess, I don't know for sure) - I can actually only trust two or three.
Present Day Comatica
16-10-2005, 00:24
PDC, great idea, but make it smaller, I make it over 8 lines. Don't give the mods reason to remove it. Just make it a bit smaller and its fine.
Makes sense. I thought that it was a little big, but I also wanted it to get noticed.
The Most Glorious Hack
16-10-2005, 00:24
Okay guys, that's enough.

Roleplay belongs in International Incidents.

Bitching about about Moderator decisions belong in Moderation.

Sappy pity parties belong somewhere that isn't NationStates.

Keep it on topic and IC, or I'll lock this, your wailings of "Moderator Bias" not withstanding.
16-10-2005, 00:24
---jeeezzz my first attempt post froze and i lost it, so ill make it short.---

You were a great nation, one of my personal favorites, even though you wont have heard of me.

Shame to see you go like this, but end with a bang and make it big.
~krob - supporter of hogweat.

IC: the Nation of kroblexskij held its breath. Their comrade in the Revolution had fallen, a major blackout of communications had lead to poor understanding and thrown the country back to pre-revolution days. A lasting naval legacy and an impounding effect on the Federation had left. In one big flash.

A solemn "Gordast' sayvinykh maryey" played over the stations and broadcasting ariels, all had stopped, event he recent Revolutmos space program had been halted for this one day, that would go down in history as A Fall of a Truely Great Nation

As the anthem faded , 16" guns could be heard in the bay. troops were on high alert, military parades and naval prosessions took place. Although the Supreme Minister could not be found in his quarters. A statue is to be commissioned to remember those who died in this international tragedy.

My Comrades - never forget
16-10-2005, 00:25
It's a crying shame. Simple as that.
16-10-2005, 00:25
ooc: Its not for lack of support or care that i havent got involved ICly, its just that i shudder to think how my government would use footage from the incident to scare the populace away from socialism.
16-10-2005, 00:26
OOC: Hack, there are also OOC threads in II. And besides, there is a remarkable amount of IC here, more than you see in most II threads it must be said :P
16-10-2005, 00:26
OOC: Hack, there are also OOC threads in II. And besides, there is a remarkable amount of IC here, more than you see in most II threads it must be said :P

Seconded. Or perhaps we should make an OOC thread for this...
16-10-2005, 00:27
OOC: Hack, there are also OOC threads in II. And besides, there is a remarkable amount of IC here, more than you see in most II threads it must be said :P



My support stands with Hogsweat.
Present Day Comatica
16-10-2005, 00:27
Okay guys, that's enough.

Roleplay belongs in International Incidents.

Bitching about about Moderator decisions belong in Moderation.

Sappy pity parties belong somewhere that isn't NationStates.

Keep it on topic and IC, or I'll lock this, your wailings of "Moderator Bias" not withstanding.

OOC: I find it interesting that everyone sort of bypassed Hack's post. Interesting.
16-10-2005, 00:30
OOC: I find it interesting that everyone sort of bypassed Hack's post. Interesting.

OOC: Because his post just continues to prove the point that he is being ignorant, like those who permabanned Hog unjustly. It's a crying shame that Hack can't act on this with a level head, really.
The Most Glorious Hack
16-10-2005, 00:30
[...]besides, there is a remarkable amount of IC here, more than you see in most II threads it must be saidWhich is why I didn't lock it outright or move it to Moderation. You want to role-play the destruction of Hogsweat? Be my guest. You want to post IRC logs and complain that it's "not fair"? Take it to where it belongs.
16-10-2005, 00:30
Okay guys, that's enough.

Roleplay belongs in International Incidents.

Bitching about about Moderator decisions belong in Moderation.

Sappy pity parties belong somewhere that isn't NationStates.

Keep it on topic and IC, or I'll lock this, your wailings of "Moderator Bias" not withstanding.

OOC: Couldn't you or some of you Moderators still possibly comment what has been said in here? Many of us are kinda scared about this (or that's how it seems now) unfair decision. Just a little explanation? If that aint too much to be asked.
16-10-2005, 00:31
OOC: I find it interesting that everyone sort of bypassed Hack's post. Interesting.

Meh. People throw pity parties for well known NSers when they leave on their own. People also put up OOC threads in alarming numbers. Heck, they even complain about moderation in OOC threads wherever. I don't really think much of it.

That said, farewell Hogsweat. We did love you.
Present Day Comatica
16-10-2005, 00:35
OOC: I find it interesting that everyone sort of bypassed Hack's post. Interesting.

Whoop. My post came too late.
Present Day Comatica
16-10-2005, 00:36
OOC: Couldn't you or some of you Moderators still possibly comment what has been said in here? Many of us are kinda scared about this (or that's how it seems now) unfair decision. Just a little explanation? If that aint too much to be asked.

16-10-2005, 00:38
OOC: I'm off to sleep, I'll be back tomorrow to check the thread.

The crowds milled around, nobody knew why, it just seemed the right thing to do. After a while a gunshot echoed, causing some people to jump. The ringing sounds of the guns echoed a further 20 times through the square, and as if on cue, people sat down where they were, as if awaiting someone to lead them, to guide them. But for the time being, they just sat.....
16-10-2005, 00:38
Yes, I also must sleepy.
The Most Glorious Hack
16-10-2005, 00:39
OOC: Couldn't you or some of you Moderators still possibly comment what has been said in here? Many of us are kinda scared about this (or that's how it seems now) unfair decision. Just a little explanation? If that aint too much to be asked.Nor is having people use the forum that exists for this very reason.
16-10-2005, 00:43
Nor is having people use the forum that exists for this very reason.
We have the moderation forum ( for a reason. Let's take all remaining OOC discussion there and keep this thread for IC.
The Infinite Crucible
16-10-2005, 00:44
Alright guys, hack does have a point. Let the RP continue here, and someone create a complaint thread in the mod forum. As a matter of fact one may already be up... I have not checked yet. If there is not, someone a bit more... earm... important than me may want to make one.

Edit: Czardas got to it first.
Present Day Comatica
16-10-2005, 00:47
Titus's eyes meandered over the page and a half report on the state of Hogsweat. No hope had emerged from the nation since they had discovered the survivors in the bunker. Now it was nothing but reports of a desert-like scene that had been wiped flat by the explosions and fallout. His arms and fingers trembled with sorrow and lingering adrenaline from the news of survivors. In finality, he set down the report and burrowed his face into his hands. Out his window, he could see the Forum, where a mass gathering was taking place as the news flicked past on electonic tickers and Livius Helvutum, IBC's leading news anchor, spoke of the increasingly depressing news, regret and sorrow mounted heavily on his voice.
Present Day Comatica
16-10-2005, 00:51

Edit: Czardas got to it first.

EDIT: Nevermind. I misunderstood.
16-10-2005, 00:53
Motherland of Anagonia

The streets were full of protests, something had destroyed their beloved Brethren of Hogsweat. Thousands upon thousands of people marched, angerly, protesting something dark and sinister. The People knew more than the Government, strange flags were being burnt and spit on. Figures of leaders unknown were being cut and burnt as well. Something had awoken the Peoples Might, for they marched, their steps heard miles away. Their cries, heard even longer.

Broadcasts of this were sent Internationally, and Nationally. Shots from something flying over the protests and angered People. It seemed as if every town and city was erupting into protests of anger. The People were angry, very angry. They were disguested and were not pleased. Someone, or something, had messed with their Brethren. This was not acceptable.

Yet, Chief Governor Dunan Ruu stood there, wondering who they were protesting. It had to be someone, but who? The Motherland Intelligence Agency had no idea why they were acting so, but the People had every right.

"They are angry, and if they must get this anger out this way, so be it."

He sighed, looking closer at the live images, "My brethren, Hoqsweat shall be dear to us, lets not forsake her with Violence."
The Infinite Crucible
16-10-2005, 00:57
I don't see it...

I meant he beat me to saying we should chill with the OOC complaints, no thread up in moderation yet.
16-10-2005, 00:57
EDIT: Nevermind. I misunderstood.
Yes, you did...

Make this the last OOC comment today.
16-10-2005, 01:01
OOC: A thread has been created in Moderation. From now, let's direct all our OOC comments / complaints / questions here.
16-10-2005, 01:09
Bye Hogsweat. Its a crying ass shame that you're leaving. Take care mate.
Borman Empire
16-10-2005, 01:11
We might have never seen eye to eye, including being on the opposite sides of wars multiple times, but we're sad to see you go.
16-10-2005, 03:20
A seismic research station, Avidia, Krytenia....

"Hmm, that's a big anomoly...."
"Better get it checked out, where's the co-ords?"

Five minutes later, the KryteniaMeteo Office, Everton City...

"That cannot be poss-"
"-hell is going-"

Seven minutes later, press conference, the Orcinus vessel Orca, off the coast of Starblaydia...

"On behalf of the people (hic!) of Krytenia, I, Shareman Andrew Hesschuntaler passh my (hic!) humble condolonshesh (hic!) to the people of...where?...Hogschwet."

mumbling in the background


With that, Chairman Andrew Hessenthaler tripped over a rogue sunlounger, and the press conference was cut short.
16-10-2005, 05:17
Office of Leonard Coolings
Imperium, Republic of New Britain

Sir, I respectfully disagree. The transportation bill will do nothing but serve to line the pockets of those already in control of the major transportation firms and public agencies. We need to send a clear message that we will vote down any amendments to the bill similar to Subsection 32-D.

Leonard Coolings grimaced, once more, politics had gotten in the way of progress and here he was in his office before the afternoon session of Parliament deciding on whether or not to support the Tetley Administration’s proposed Transportation Bill. He glanced out of the corner of his eye as he heard a knock on the frame to his door, where he saw his secretary.

Come in, Margaret.

Sir, something is breaking over the wires.

What is it?

Hogsweat, sir. They’ve been obliterated.

Coolings stared at his secretary for a moment. Real ingenious, Margaret. Try a little better next time and it might be believable.

No, sir. With all seriousness. ANN is reporting a massive explosion in Hogsweat, one that has released massive quantities of radiation. Initial estimates are that very few, if any, Hogsweatians will survive.

Bloody hell. Coolings leaned backwards into his chair and whistled. It took a long moment before anyone in his office said anything. The United Kingdom had no real official dealings with Hogsweat, perhaps a tourist here and there, a small business deal by private individuals on the UK side. Yet, Coolings, as leader of the nation’s Communist Party felt a distinct tinge of… emptiness at the thought of so many comrades perishing. Indeed, Coolings sat unable to comprehend the emptiness he now felt. Solidarity was oft-quoted as a buzzword between two comrades. But it also was a way of life for Coolings. A way of life that left him with such a huge hole to fill.

The minutes of silence were interrupted by a phone ringing outside Coolings’ office, which Margaret ran to pick up. She answered, then turned around to face her boss. Sir, the Prime Minister on Line 1.

House of Commons

Coolings took the stage, aided in his steps with a cane, a polished red ball underneath his hand, a ball emblazoned with a single golden star. No mistake could be made about the scene, Coolings rarely spoke before Parliament due in part to his age and his Parkinson’s, which left him with the cane and the shaking that he noted was thankfully absent on this sad day. From his breast pocket in his vest, the old MP pulled out his thick reading glasses and took the podium.

Today marks a sad day, not only in the history of the United Kingdom, but in the history of this world that we all inhabit. As many, if not all of you, know, earlier today, UK satellites detected an apocalyptic explosion in the nation of Hogsweat, an explosion that has resulted in the release of tons of radioactive material. It is likely that nobody within the borders of Hogsweat has survived.

While the United Kingdom had very little contact with that great state, some of us in this government, and many of us in this country shared common ideals with the citizens of Hogsweat. And that made us brothers and sisters. Those common beliefs, those common values, they made us comrades. And it is with distinct and profound sadness that I must announce the loss of not hundreds, not thousands, not even millions, but billions of my comrades, billions of friends to the people of this United Kingdom.

To those citizens of Hogsweat who may currently be visiting, studying, conducting business, or even residing in the United Kingdom, I have been authorized by Prime Minister Tetley and His Majesty King Michael I to offer dual citizenship should you choose to accept such an offer. And, with many hundreds if not thousands of Hogsweatians likely now stranded at sea or in the air, the United Kingdom would be more than willing, we would in fact be honoured to accept you into our humble nation and offer you the same dual citizenship of the proud, valiant, honourable state of Hogsweat and that of the United Kingdom. His Majesty has ordered the dispatch of fleet replenishment ships, submarine tenders, and other auxiliary vessels to assist those Hogsweatian naval ships currently at sea. The Royal Air Force has also been authorized to escort Hogsweatian aircraft, civilian or military, to the nearest airfields of the Kingdom.

Today, the people of the United Kingdom offer solidarity to those lucky few who have survived this holocaust. It is with a heavy heart that I must now say farewell to the legendary state of Hogsweat and to her citizenry.

Coolings stepped off the stage, receiving not a clap of applause, but instead the solemn silence the situation demanded. At that moment, from various naval bases and air fields throughout the Kingdom, Royal Navy auxiliaries and reconnaissance aircraft departed under the flag of friendship and the promise of assistance to help those who most truly were in a state of need.
16-10-2005, 13:56
OOC: I think this suits it:

Hogsweat calling to the faraway towns
Now war is declared - and battle come down
Hogsweat calling to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard,you boys and girls
Hogsweat calling, now don't LECTURE us
Phoney Modmania has bitten the dust
Hogsweat, see we ain't got no swing
'Cept for the reign of that mod thing

The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in
Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin
Engines stop running, but I have no fear
Cause Nationstates is drowning - I live by the river

Hogsweat calling to the imitation zone
Forget it, brother, you can go at it alone
Hogsweat calling to the mods of death
Quit holding out - and draw another breath
Hogsweat calling - and I don't wanna shout
But while we were talking I saw you DEATED out
Hogsweat calling, see we ain't got no high
Except for that one with the yellowy eyes

The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin
A Moderation error, but I have no fear
Cause nationstates is drowning - I, I live by the river

Now get this
Hogsweat calling, yes, I was there, too
An' you know what they said? Well, some of it was true!
Hogsweat calling at the top of the dial
And after all this, won't you give me a smile?
Hogsweat Calling

I never felt so much ALIVE ALIVE ALIVE ALIVE
16-10-2005, 18:06
Rekjyavich-Andropov Military City, Derscon

A small memorial service was held in the Kremlin Cathedral at dusk for the Hogsweat people. IN churches across Derscon, where the devout know no national boundaries or economic boundaries, candlelight vigils were held in memory of all those who perished in the horrible nuclear attack.

In Kremlin Cathedral, all of the Greater Prussian and Dersconi news networks were present, and in the rest of Derscon, all of the local news channels were in their respective churches. Czar Alexei Alexandrovich Andropov XIV, Monarch of Derscon and current Emperor of Greater Prussia, was standing at the altar of Kremlin Cathedral, making a speech that spanned across the universe.

"Citizens of Derscon, Greater Prussia, and the world;

last night we witnessed an event of epic proportions in two nations. Both nations and their people were wiped off the face of reality, billions of innocent lives lost. In Hogsweat, a freak accident managed to cause a chain reaction that resulted in one of the largest nuclear holocausts ever seen in human history. In Skinny87, it is still unknown exactly what happened, but an energy spike almost as great as that seen in Hogsweat occured, and a few days later, it was but a wasteland, devoid of life.

"So, I ask everyone to join me in a moment of silence to honour those who have perished in the holocausts."

The moment of silence lasted for about a minute and a half, and then the Czar pulled up his head and continued speaking.

"May God be with the people of Haven during their strife, and let them know that the people of Greater Prussia will stand by them and are here to help, whether they believe it or not.

God Bless, and Good night."

Alexei stepped down from the podium and joined the crowd in the Kremlin.

At that moment, the choirs in every single church in Derscon began an old Orthodox Liturgy in perfect synchonization, as that every single church in Derscon sang out in perfect harmony.

Mighty Lord,
Preserve us from jeopardy.
Take thee now our fate,
and glow bright in penitence,
and be with me,
o'er trecherous and cruel and unease and through all and bring peace!
O mighty Lord hear our lonely prayer!
And by the light shining holy light.
Grant us, O Lord, peace again.

O mighty Lord hear our prayers!
And save our People Forever

OOC: I know, Hogsweat, that you probably hated me and the Greater Prussian Empire both ICly and OOCly, but it's still sad to see you go.

Whether you believe in Him or not, God be with you.
Present Day Comatica
16-10-2005, 18:38

Bye Hogsweat. I fought the mods on this, but they couldn't be swayed.
16-10-2005, 19:11
The king noted the loss of another fine nation, downed his glass of whisky and cursed cruel fate.

"May that great nation Hogsweat live forever in the memory of our subjects."
16-10-2005, 19:41

Amen to that, my friend, amen to that.

Hogsweat, it's a damn shame to see you go. You were awesome in Hellfire, and I enjoyed the tour of the Warspite. Best of wishes to you whether you decide to leave or stay.

--Dave, the player behind Hal
16-10-2005, 21:11
Very, very sad to see you go hoggy, and hope you still keep postin on Lineartinc.

(OOC- The Moderation complaint thread was locked, how sad, makes me respect the mods even less. Oops, and why everyone ignored Hack's post earlier, no one cares about their oppinions anymore)
16-10-2005, 22:49
Eh, what the hell. Here's the sig that for some reason won't appear automatically. Did I get the Hebrew right?
RIP Hogsweat. 3/03 - 10/05. Unfairly deleted by a fascist ayatollah posing as a mod whose name has been deservedly forgotten, yimach shmo v'zichron v'ed - may his name and memory be obliterated for all eternity.
16-10-2005, 23:16
OOC: Saw this thread earlier, never really believed it. A harsh loss to devoid of a nation whom you have poured your time into for 2 years. My virtual condolences.
The Most Glorious Hack
16-10-2005, 23:50
That's about enough of that.
17-10-2005, 02:07
King Haakon IX was checking papers from one of the many government departments, as he did each day, humming a melody to himself. He checked on the affairs of a different department each day, as he felt this was the best way to see that the government was running smoothly.

Prime Minister Anne Eriksen was also in the office, doing work on legislation currently being proposed or considered in parliament. At that moment, Admiral Erzsebet Sorvik walked in. The vampiress was Chief of Diplomacy as well as a battle-cruiser commander, and despite her diminutive size and incredible beauty, was known as a tough woman. However, she was clearly troubled. Though she was not openly crying, every time she blinked, tears would flow from her green eyes down her pale cheeks.

"Sir," she said quietly to the king, "Prime Minister," she added, turning to PM Eriksen. "You need to read this." She handed them identical folders.

"Dear gods...." Haakon said after a moment of reading. "Four and a half billion dead...." The king sat back in his chair, a stricken expression coming to his face.

Anne made a choking sound, and clapped her hand over her mouth, when she saw the pictures.

They then turned on the news, which was reporting the disaster, and all watched in horror for about a half hour.

King Haakon made a speech, on television shortly afterwards. "My fellow Callisdrunians," he said. "Today is a sad day indeed, for the world. If you have seen the news, you must know that the nation of Hogsweat has suffered what may be the largest nuclear catastrophe in history. It appears that practically nothing remains of that once glorious country, and that its people are no more. Tomorrow, we will have a national day of mourning, to pay our respects to more than four billion citizens of Hogsweat who have perished." He paused, as if to collect his thoughts. "Also, for Hogsweatians living in, or visiting Callisdrun, of whom there are probably a few, our government will do its utmost to see that you are taken care of. I can only imagine how terrible your loss is." Another pause. "All flags are to be flown at half mast. May the gods smile on the souls of Hogsweat."

That concluded the broadcast.

The next day, all the fleets available had been assembled just outside the fjords. Those overseas had been given their orders. All army units had been assembled. At exactly 11:59, the entire army, at once, fired a salute to Hogsweat.

Precisely one minute later, every single gun in the navy, from the monstrous 16" and 14" guns on the battle ships, to the little 50 caliber anti-aircraft weapons on the destroyers sounded as a dramatic, and much louder, second of the army's salute. The word "deafening" could not even begin to describe the monstrous roar.

Admiral Erzsebet Sorvik also had some words. "My heart cries out for the great people of Hogsweat, who had, and still have, even in death, my deepest admiration." Erzsebet, was, after all, a prominent member of the Communist party. "We will never forget the tales of their valor, and their memory shall live as long as Callisdrunians can be said to have honor. May the gods welcome the souls of the departed, from that great nation I shall know as Brave Hogsweat." The word "brave" was of course, emphasized. The slight hissing sound a vampire's voice seemed somehow appropriate, mournful, when she spoke her piece.

Shops across the nation, as their form of tribute, gave out free Hogsweat flags (most general shops in Callisdrun sell flags), which the populace then took to waving in tribute.

Bonfires, symbols of many things in Callisdrun, both celebration and grief, were lit across the nation. By the sad faces of the crowds surrounding them, it was obvious which it was on this occasion. It was a mass funeral.
The Parthians
17-10-2005, 03:31
The Shah watched through his television, observing the desolation and destruction. He saw the destroyed cities, the billions of dead, and then, sat back down on his bed, sickened and distraught. He grabbed a bottle of scotch by his bed and began to drink, thinking as he descended into drunkeness the loss of a powerful nation, the death of billions. Certainly, they had been enemies, but how could they go in this way, it was truly a loss for the world.

Sighing as he placed the bottle on his nightstand, he continued to think, what had done this, what could have caused this unprecedented destruction, that of an entire nation.

He felt sick as he began to speak to a servant, "My friend, we must begin preparations of our own, we must consider about returning to isolationism. We shall hold our conquests and end our contact with the world. We must seriously consider our need to stop meddling in international affairs, lest we suffer the fate of Hogsweat."
17-10-2005, 04:48
That's about enough of that.

OOC: What?
17-10-2005, 06:05
OOC: What?

OOC: Well, Hack doesn't seem to like being attacked/ridiculed for what he believes in. Funny, that's exactly what happened to me at the hands of the mods+Nathi last night.
17-10-2005, 17:35
You were a great guy Hogsweat. You helped me fix the flaws in my first major RP (coming soon), it's a total shame to see you go. Shame about all your comrades quitting with you. Praetonia also helped me out, and it is incredibly unjust that you were banned :mad:
17-10-2005, 21:37
You were a great guy Hogsweat. You helped me fix the flaws in my first major RP (coming soon), it's a total shame to see you go. Shame about all your comrades quitting with you. Praetonia also helped me out, and it is incredibly unjust that you were banned :mad: