14-10-2005, 17:10
This is CNN(the Cholanan News Network) with breaking coverage of a hostage situation in Kalehm City. Religious terrotists, claiming the government has denied them their religious freedoms, has taken an elementary school hostage. The said they will be sending out a list of their grievances, and demands shor-
wiat here it is, the leader of their cult is making a statemnet, now live to Kalehm City.
(the screen changes to the face of an elderly man, white ckin, witha full beard and sunken cheeks,)
I am the high priest Esspix, and I have taken these four hundred children hostage in order to get you to listen to us. We are the Sacred order of the Eternal Monkey, and we have been denied our rightto express ourselves in the form our religion dictates. Recently, we have tried to make an issue out of it, but the government has simply dis-missed us. All we were asking for was a few humans to slaughter every new year, and we have been denied this. Then, when the sacred temple of the eternal mummy was un-earthed, they denied our preists entrance. Their "Archaelogists" are defiling our sacred temple every minute they spend in there, and the governmenthas made no move to stop them. Our demands are that the government remove all people from the site of the sacred temple, and prvide us with no less than ten souls to sacrifice to the Eternal Monkey. If our demands are not met within the next fourty-eight hours, we will sacrifice this entiere school to the everlasting glory that is the Eternal Monkey.
(the screen cuts back ot the reporter)
There you have it folks, a group of religious psychos will kill people if the government doesnt let them kill people. the government of Cholana is expected to make a statement within the hour. This is Tom Chanran, covering the story of...
wiat here it is, the leader of their cult is making a statemnet, now live to Kalehm City.
(the screen changes to the face of an elderly man, white ckin, witha full beard and sunken cheeks,)
I am the high priest Esspix, and I have taken these four hundred children hostage in order to get you to listen to us. We are the Sacred order of the Eternal Monkey, and we have been denied our rightto express ourselves in the form our religion dictates. Recently, we have tried to make an issue out of it, but the government has simply dis-missed us. All we were asking for was a few humans to slaughter every new year, and we have been denied this. Then, when the sacred temple of the eternal mummy was un-earthed, they denied our preists entrance. Their "Archaelogists" are defiling our sacred temple every minute they spend in there, and the governmenthas made no move to stop them. Our demands are that the government remove all people from the site of the sacred temple, and prvide us with no less than ten souls to sacrifice to the Eternal Monkey. If our demands are not met within the next fourty-eight hours, we will sacrifice this entiere school to the everlasting glory that is the Eternal Monkey.
(the screen cuts back ot the reporter)
There you have it folks, a group of religious psychos will kill people if the government doesnt let them kill people. the government of Cholana is expected to make a statement within the hour. This is Tom Chanran, covering the story of...