NationStates Jolt Archive

The Hand of Friendship hopefully (FT Closed Attn Kaz)

14-10-2005, 03:49
OOC: Here it is.


The Fuhrer Alfred Von Antheron was being controled by the Ascended Minax. He had to prepare for the holy war to reclaim the Galaxy of Origin the Antaries. It was the will of the Antarans. The Fuhrer needed to get materials but the economy was taking a dive due to the seperation from the Republic. The Fuhrer decided to welcome back an old friend to the Deatharon territory.
The High Command sent a message with the Fuhrer's permission.

To: Sir William Lockheart
From: Fuhrer Alfred Von Antheron

The Inter-Galactic Confederation would like to extend the hand of friendship with your nation. We hope to heal old wounds with your people and my own.
14-10-2005, 04:38
A response was sent and a ship departed. Kazecistan is glad to renew peaceful and friendly relations with your nation. Sir William Lockhart himself is being dispatched to your capitol. He should arrive within 24 hours.

It was a difficult choice for Sir William, should he charge in on the deck of his mighty flagship or something more modest? He enjoyed the thought of nobly riding fourth with such power behind him, but what kind of a signal would that send? Something more modest would be needed. He was quite happy to settle on a ASC. The ship was one of a kind, a rare thing in Kazecistan, and had more shiny toys, fancy gismos, and other non standard equipment than one can imagine.

The ship flashed into existence near the Deatharon home world. It's massive, slate grey, whale-like hull dully reflecting the star's light. It appeared as any other Kazeci SC, with the exception that it appeared to be turned on its side (rather than twice as tall as wide it was twice as wide as it was tall, a flattened whale). It sat in space, perfectly still on the outside yet an incredibly busy hive of activity inside. Scans were in progress of every object in the area; ships, stations, planets, and anything else that may be of use if this went south.
We have arrived. We are willing.
14-10-2005, 04:45
The System was crawling with Ithkul Harvester Hive Ships and Ithkul Cruisers, and Destroyers. The planet of Deatharon Prime was a complete replica of Earth but had three moons instead of one.(Terra formed planet) The Moons had there standard point Singularity Cannons. The Space Fortress was in orbit of the Deatharon Prime its weapons were offline but the shields were up.

From the Planet a message was sent:

Welcome to Deatharon prime we are sending coordinates to the High Command Complex in Berlin. The Fuhrer and the High Command are waiting for you there.
14-10-2005, 05:01
The ship sat for a moment, unmoving, silent- as though hesitating. Then the tips of three engine scaffolds began to glow a deep purple. This energy slowly slid towards the center of each, until upper and lower met. The ship surged forward then coasted to a halt in a very high orbit over the planet. Its shields were inactive, as were its weapons. The massive bay door smoothly opened underneath the ship and the Kazeci Bullet exploded out at full speed. Sir William was behind the controls of one of the fastest small ships in the Galaxy. A few short moments later and the computer had taken over for the landing.

He steped out with a full 2 rows of 7 Kazeci Honor Guard flanking him. All wore full formal dress- a mixture of browns, tans, and olive green. As they were approached, the Guard made a few fancy synchronized movements with their gleaming whitesilver staffs.

“Your leader, Fuhrer Alfred Von Antheron?” he said with a slight bow of the head.
14-10-2005, 05:06
The Fuhrer still under the control of the Antaran Minax saids, "Welcome to the Inter-Galactic Confederation's capital building." The guards that surrounded the Fuhrer were Ithkul a parsetic race of beings that take hosts for food and as bodies. The Fuhrer Controled them with a hivemind but his body was half human and half Ithkul but he looked human due to the holo imiator on his right arm. The High Command was there all the Sub-Fuhrers and the newest Sub-Fuhrer the one of Religion the Avatar of the Antarans Nym Kazar. (Equalvent of the Ori Docci.)
14-10-2005, 05:12
"It is a pleasure." he said with another slight bow of the head. As he followed them his guards kept perfect step and every third time their right foot hit the ground they did another half spin of their staffs. There was little reason for this, they through it funny to observe other's reactions at this seemingly pointless ritual.
14-10-2005, 05:16
The High Command watched this ritual and did not question it outloud but they were thinking what is that all about. The Fuhrer hardly payed attention to it he had bussiness to handle. The Avatar Nym Kazar was told not to mention the Antaran religion or the forcing of all to the path of true origin. The Kazeci were unreligious and they may take it personally if theyed were forced to read the Book of true origin. He did this without question after all noble are the Antarans.
14-10-2005, 05:21
ooc: Good boy. *pats him on head*

Ic: Upon entering what appeared to be the final destination, the guard split and lined up along the walls while Sir Wiliam sat.
14-10-2005, 05:26
The Sub-Fuhrers of the High Command took there seats and the Fuhrer took his sit on the golden throne. The Fuhrer then saids, " Today is a great day today, Are two nations will take the time to talk about there current situations and form a mutal understaning of one another and hopefully establish an alliance."
14-10-2005, 05:39
"Well then, we are here for the same reasons, good. What issue do you find most pressing?" After he finishes speaking the guards perform some fancy swinging of their staffs, involving much tamping on the floor as if to punctuate his speech. Lockhart, feeling that the joke had gone far enough, shot a glance at the leader, who silenced the others with one subtle gesture.
14-10-2005, 05:45
The Fuhrer and the High Command and the Guards were surpised by the display and the sudden halting of the Staff tapping. The Fuhrer after recovering saids, "Mmmm.... I believe the first issiue is currently relations. according to the reports the nation of Kazecistan and the Confederation has been halting there comerce and cultral exchanges since the ending of the Republic Wars. The Confederation would like to fix this problem and start by renewing diplomatic ties with Kazecistan and puting a diplomat back in our old embassy."
14-10-2005, 05:56
"Your diplomat is most welcome, as are any lightly armed or unarmed vessels you possess so long as we are not at war. We must disguss a trade agreement, though, as it has been some time since free trade. What would your government like in the agreement?"

ooc: Last post tonight
14-10-2005, 06:02
The Fuhrer replies, "The Inter-Galactic Confederation of Deatharon would like trade to be established like it use to be. We will not ask to share weapon tech or ship tech if you feel uncomfortable about it. We also would like a Kazeci diplomat back in the embassy if that is alright with your government."
15-10-2005, 04:07
Sir William was slightly put-off by having to repeat himself, but continued on anyway. "Your delegation of ambassadors and any unarmed Deatharon ships and citizens are welcome at all times in Kazecistan, with the exception of if we go to war.

Since trade with Kazecistan will go through the government almost exclusively, I will need a list of what your conditions are and what general items you wish to trade as well as any other specifications you may have. We are here to flesh out a new agreement."

The ship continued to sit in space, immobile. Activity continued at a feverish pace, scanning, targeting, readying, checking. The only ships in Kazecistan able to out match it being the 12 mighty Kish series flagships. The massive bay door slowly slid closed, leaving only a sliver of teal light from the interior lights to gleam out. This was, of course, just enough room for the Bullet Transport to slip in.
15-10-2005, 06:24
The Fuhrer responds,"The Confederation requires, "Anti-matter fuel, and ship building materials, We also need assorted tools and other raw materials such as Xintium and Nauderia and Naquata." The Confederaion in exchange will give small arms weapons and shielding technology and Natara."

OOC: Nauderia and Naquata are highly explosive materials meant for heavy yield bombs. Xintium is a type of material used for Deatharon ship armor.

Natara: A high grade energy source.
16-10-2005, 02:22
ooc: Ant matter? I don't know if there are any ants in Kazecistan, but if there are you can have their matter.

Ic: He locked over a holo screen that could only be read from one side, not that he cared much if its contents were revealed. Still looking down, he said, "Anti-Matter is available, as are materials used in the construction of Kazeci ships. Nauderia and Naquata aren't used often in Kazecistan and as such are not available in great quantities. You are welcome to mine them within our territory so long as you pay for them and respect environmental laws. I'm not sure that we would have any of the same tools as you, but we are willing to sell our particle assembler beam arrays should you wish for them."

ooc: Particle assembler arrays basically 'spray' atoms into shapes creating objects. Massive arrays are used in Kazeci shipyards.
16-10-2005, 03:28
OOC: You knew what I meant but here is my Edit for that problem.

IC: The Fuhrer replies in a friendly voice, "We would be intrested in buying the Particle assembler arrays. They would speed up our production lines consederably. We also would like a Kazeci offical to help make sure the laws of the enviroment for the mineing of the Naquata and Nauderia are enforced."
16-10-2005, 06:55
A few of the guards laughed silently to themselves. Lockhart replied, "There will be no shortage of officials to monitor your mining activities in our space. Both branches will be involved and several sub departments within each." Thinking for a second, he went on to reassure them. "Don't worry, you'll see the smooth side of it all. You'll be provided with transcripts of all applicable laws and a person you can contact whenever you have questions." He began to talk more to himself. "Not that there will be a shortage of Kazeci ships prowling like watch dogs hunting for mistakes." Jumping back to the subject he continued. "About the particle assembler arrays, about how many, what uses would they serve? This information is necessary for my collogues back on the ship, whom I am in contact with now." He held up the reason he had been distracted, the small holo pad. "We also need to discuss prices, or equivalent trades."
16-10-2005, 07:03
The Fuhrer responds, "We need enough for a mass production of military class ships. We are trying to build at least two more military style fleets. We will let you start with an opening cost and my Sub-Fuhrer of Foriegn Affair will attempt to haggle a decent price." The Fuhrer looks over at an Evon in the High Command who sighs and saids, "Yes my Fuhrer I will attempt to once again broke a deal for the Fatherland."
16-10-2005, 07:22
Lockhart spent several moments working on his holo pad, smirking at times. He seemed to find whatever it was that his advisors were saying to be very amusing. After giving it one final tap, he set it down in his lap and looked up.

“With several days of continuous production each PAA120 can produce a full and complete curser class ship. It should be noted that these arrays are massive, each being a complete ship production facility with over one thousand particle placement beams. Moving them is expensive, operating them is not. They can be linked together to form larger facilities.

Prices on these marvelous pieces of machinery? 846 billion each. Larger facilities are available, as well as smaller ones. Some discounts may be afforded if large orders are placed."

He would save the rest of the topics for later, focusing on this one in order to make it optimal for both parties.
16-10-2005, 07:33
The Fuhrer looks at the Sub-Fuhrer of Foriegn Affairs who does some caluactions of his own. He saids, "What kind of discounts are we looking at for the larger ones?" The Evon Sub-Fuhrer is comparing the prices on his data pad.
16-10-2005, 07:56
"The Largest Kazecistan has is the PAA130, which is used to make up to medium sized stations. Only 2 exist. I don't think you are looking for something that size. Other ship building facilities include the PAA100 - PAA127. Larger facilities can complete orders faster and handle bigger ones. Fighters and corvettes are made in either PAA56s or PAA78s, depending on quantity.

The PAA127 will run you about 1 trillion and the PAA 100 will be around 635 billion. The more you buy, the more we are prepared to remove from the price."

ooc: the numbers represent the size of the arrays.
16-10-2005, 08:05
The Sub-Fuhrer of Foriegn Affairs saids, "We would like to purchase, 2 PAA127's. and 14 PAA100's and 20 PAA56's."
16-10-2005, 08:23
He glansed at his holo pad, watching the faces of his advisors. "12 trillion with shipping, impressive." He smiles as he again looks at the pad. "1 of your PAA127's is ready now, as are 6 PAA100's and 12 PAA56's."
16-10-2005, 08:29
The Sub-Fuhrer hits a few buttons and saids, "Can we pay this in payment intervals or do we have to make a down payment?"
17-10-2005, 00:30
His advisors could hear the conversation and had an answer ready for him the moment he looked down. "25% and we start production of the remaining facilities. An additional 25% will get you the completed facilities delivered within the week. The rest may be paid in installments of your choice or through trade of equal value goods, next on the agenda I believe."
18-10-2005, 01:14
ooc: sorry for the ridiculously small text, I couldn't tell on the other monitor.

Ic: Sir William pressed the next issue, feeling that the last could be fine tuned by lesser advisors from both sides. "Raw materials trade and exchange. Anti-matter is available, but it's not the cheapest in the galaxy. The head of the Kazeci Department of Energy says he is willing to negotiate a price per kg, opening with your bid."

ooc: still on the agenda are raw materials used in the construction of ships and specific mining rights, correct?
21-10-2005, 20:38
IC: The Fuhrer Alfred Von Antheron nodded to the Evon Sub-Fuhrer of Foriegn Affairs. The Sub-Fuhrer hits a few buttons and saids, " We would like to start our bid at 35 Confed Marks per Kg."

OOC: Yes we should go over that and thanks for waiting.
21-10-2005, 23:01
It took a moment for the advisors to settle on a counter bid, but they managed. "46 per Kg." was what Sir William responded with.
21-10-2005, 23:18
The Sub-Fuhrer added more calucations and then said, "We are willing to go up to 39 Per Kg."
22-10-2005, 02:40
"43." it was a simple responce and took little time for the advisors to come up with it.
22-10-2005, 03:36
The Sub-Fuhrer replies, "Agreed, 43 Confed Marks per Kg of Anti-Matter."
22-10-2005, 04:08
"On to raw materials used in the construction of ships, correct? More specificly, what are you looking for?"
22-10-2005, 04:15
The Fuhrer replies, "The Ship materials we need primarly is Xintium.(think Titianium times 150) This is primarly used for the hulls of Warships and Armor for them as well. We also need Naquata and Nauderia, You said they will need to be mined I believe."
23-10-2005, 20:31
"Yes, These materials are foreign to Kazeci construction, but they are available for mining. We are also capable of providing a number of other substances used in our ships construction, known only by their SN or substance number, as Kazecistan is not fond of non systematic naming." After a moment of pause he continues. "It will be something for the EPA, Foreign Trade, and the Internal Foreigners Commission to have some fun with."
23-10-2005, 20:35
The Fuhrer had to quickly remind himself that the Buracracy of Kazecistan was legendary by most nations standards and looked over at his Sub-Fuhrer of Foreign Affairs.

The Sub-Fuhrer saids, "I will let Sub-Fuhrer of Internal Affairs Kabal Sstan deal with this one his bussiness is mineing and economics of the Fatherland."

Sub-Fuhrer of Internal Affairs Kabal Sstan smiled he personally liked anything that could help his faction and bussiness asscoiates.
24-10-2005, 04:32
He read from his pad for a moment, and then began. "It seems that there are four systems in which our many interests permit your people may mine those resources." Another pause while he reads. "I am to inquire by what means do you extract these substances and in what quantity will your ships transit our space," He frowns as he reads the next part. "as each of them will need to be escorted by a military vessel." After making a few more faces at the people on his holo pad, he backtracks. "No, escorts will be more minimal than that." He looks up for the first time. "There will be a lot of ships around your efforts, but we will do our best to stay out of the way, simply observing."