Metal Against Metal, Fire Against Fire: Desolation of Guffingford!
12-10-2005, 02:43
The ViZionarian War Engine began churning, its internal flames roaring to life, ready to engulf its target. And, yes, it had its target: Guffingford. They wish to strike ViZion and its allies down and out without reason, and their declaration of war on us uncalled for, and that will not be accepted. Guffingford’s propaganda makers are sputtering more shit out that a fat man with diarrhea. They should look in the mirror when they speak of the sorts of things they say about ViZion.
The future looked red with the glow of fire reflecting off the rivers and lakes of Guffingfordian blood. ViZion shall not be brought down by the nation who is exactly what they claim we are – evil, genocidal, torturous and treacherous.
ViZion calls upon its great and glorious allies to join us in defeating this nation that we all know must be brought down. Even many of her own allies no longer support her. She is a nation that destabilizes the international community, and attempts to stop every peaceful measure taken. She even attempts to block neutral trade vessels!
ViZion will not stand for this mockery of ViZion, its allies, and others who work with us, nor should you! Join us, grand allies! Let us fight this glorious war together, and end this threat forever! We call upon even those we have never fought along side before! Join us! Let us defeat this gut-wrenchingly evil nation! The good will carry triumphantly through the streets at the end of this war, celebrated like the greatest of the great legends! Let us send the Damned Guffingford to hell once and for all! We will be victorious!
President Delain
Secret IC:
Sixteen of ViZion’s SR-71 Blackbirds took off, headed towards Guffingford. They would be relaying information back to ViZion and its allies.
In the mean time, ViZion began preparations for a massive first strike at Guffingford. Details are sketchy at this time, even within the government and military, however.
OOC: See here for Guffingford's declaration of war and posts leading up to it:
12-10-2005, 02:49
The United Imperium of Crossman declares its support of its great ally ViZion in defending themselves against the menace of Guffingford. We shall stand together with ViZion and march to victory!
May whatever God Guffingford worships have mercy on their souls!
With that, I, Emperor Alan Robert Ezriel Crossman II, Sovereign of Crossman declare war on the nation of Guffingford.
Secret IC:
All across Crossman the Imperial Military was in full mobilisation. The Imperial defense network was fully ready for any possible retaliation.
The Macabees
12-10-2005, 02:50
[OOC: It would be a lot more effective if you just stuck to one thread. Regardles, if you decide to continue with this thread, don't post those SR-71s returning home just yet..they're going to be flying over me, since I'm directly west of Guffingford. Regardless, you'll get the idea once I get my post down.]
12-10-2005, 03:27
The nation Of Zackaroth also support Vizion in there time of war. Though not close allies Guffingford must be stopped before it goes after every peace loving nation. We do not want war but Guffingford has thrown out every chance of peace possible. We the Archbishops of Zackaroth and the High leader James " Aimless" von Strangaild have delcared war upon Guffingford.
Sercert IC:
Same as the nation of Crossman Zackaroth was on high alert. All cities level were raised to high alert and the Defense grid was active. Small ships patroled the harbors while planes flew the sky looking out for an unusual activity and defending the sky incase of any retlation. The Zackarothian army was beinging to moblize and prepare for war.
12-10-2005, 03:44
OOC: Since I am currently engaging in discussions with Doomingland about a certain...incident, I'm not sure how much I can aid in this ViZion, but as always, I will do my best, you know that. :-) Greatest Allies on NS!
Aztec National League
12-10-2005, 06:59
Premier Quetzalcoatl Nochtli stood up before the Soviet Senate, the Tlatocayotl Tlactli, ready to deliver bad news. The people of Aztlán have always been hesitant to engage in war. However, war was in their blood, their history, and they weren’t afraid to fight, to die if the cause was just. Today, the cause was just, just enough to fight for.
The young 26 year old Premier stood before the Tlatocayotl Tlactli as he had many times before. Despite his young age, his tenure in office, fighting in the hot muddy trenches in his youth during the civil war and the poverty he faced before the revolution had hardened him, matured him, and aged him. Despite his long black hair and good health, wrinkles had already formed around his eyes, emphasizing the dark bags underneath them.
In a serious, strong tone, Premier Nochtli delivered his emergency speech to the legislature, the people of Aztlán and the world:
“Today marks a dramatic change in our world. A rouge, zealous nation, The Territory of Guffingford declared war upon our ally, The Juris Naturalis Nation of ViZion. We are shocked and appalled by this unnecessary declaration of war - such blatant threat of national sovereignty and aggressiveness cannot be tolerated. However, we could not expect anything more than this. Although war is a dreadful travesty, the Aztec National League will join our ally of ViZion in this conflict for the sake of democracy and social justice. We regret having to enter this war, but, the cause is too great to ignore.
From this moment on, our entire military will be fully activated and ready to be deployed wherever they are needed. The full force of our military will not be held back, and we will fight with honor and valor. We shall not only be protecting our allies from imperialistic attack, but we will be protecting the virtues of socialism, any sense of freedom in this world and importantly, ourselves. Regardless if we entered this war now or in the future, war would have come to us.
Our people are warriors, and we must fight like warriors if we are to survive as a nation. We can’t go on thinking nothing is wrong. We must face the enemies of peace and freedom. We must face our enemies and show them the full potential of Aztlán and her allies.”
A dead hush fell over the floor, although it was virtually impossible that the declaration of war would be refused by the Senate, it wouldn’t matter anyways, the Aztec National League had just committed itself to this war.
Location: Aztec Military Command, location CLASSIFIED
The Minister of War sat in his office, watching the television screen. Tlanextic Zazanilli looked at the ticker bellow, dispelling rumors of a draft. It was unlikely there would be a draft; the ANL military was almost too large as it stood right now. It was odd, although the people hated war, it seemed like the people had been itching for a fight. This was going to be a splendid little war.
Suddenly, a computer printer began spitting out techno-bable, as it always did. The dot-matrix printer head moved back and forth furiously as if it were possessed. He picked up the paper, still warm from the insides of the printer. On it was a series of commands:
[S~E~C~R~E~T ~ T~R~A~N~S~M~I~S~S~I~O~N]
Level 5 SSL3 Encryption Code: *
To: Our ally of ViZion
From: The United Socialist Republic of the Aztec National League
Considering the declaration of war, we wish to make available to the Allied Coalition our MDS Project Vanguard. The Vanguard computer is a direct, effective counter to the blacksteel computer. The system is currently protecting ANL territory, but can be adapted to protect other lands.
-Dr. Darius Wellington, Foreign Affairs Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The United Socialist Republic of the Aztec National League
12-10-2005, 07:12
We wish to thank our allies for rallying to this cause. Guffingford must be defeated. What is to stop him from moving to other nations should he be victorious against ViZion? NOTHING! He will continue to move. And he will continue to gain support and strength. Let us fight him now, destroy him before he can deal anyone any damage! Thank you!
President Delain
12-10-2005, 07:15
[S~E~C~R~E~T ~ T~R~A~N~S~M~I~S~S~I~O~N]
Level 5 SSL3 Encryption Code: *
To: Our ally of ViZion
From: The United Socialist Republic of the Aztec National League
Considering the declaration of war, we wish to make available to the Allied Coalition our MDS Project Vanguard. The Vanguard computer is a direct, effective counter to the blacksteel computer. The system is currently protecting ANL territory, but can be adapted to protect other lands.
-Dr. Darius Wellington, Foreign Affairs Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The United Socialist Republic of the Aztec National League
To | The United Socialist Republic of the Aztec National League
From | ViZion
Thank you Dr. Darious Wellington for your offer. We gladly accept this offer, but wish to learn more about Project Vanguard. Please fill us in. Thank you.
General Housien,
Armed Forces of ViZion
Aztec National League
12-10-2005, 07:31
OOC: I gotta go to bed after this one, it's late and I have to get up in 7.5 hours.
[S~E~C~R~E~T ~ T~R~A~N~S~M~I~S~S~I~O~N]
Level 5 SSL3 Encryption Code: *
From: Dr. Darius Wellington, ANL Foreign Affairs Minister
To: General Housien, Armed Forces of ViZion
Subject: Vanguard
Project Vanguard is a supercomputer system which is the main firing and target control for our missile defense system. Because of a former tactical weakness, we required a computer system that could do four things simultaneously in a speedy and precise manner:
-Target incoming hostile WMDs and discriminate against friendly WMDs and enemy WMD countermeasures.
-Fire an interceptor weapon to destroy the incoming weapons
-Maintain target locks on vital enemy command and military resources
-Fire friendly WMDs at those targets.
Although the main system used to control the MDS, it still is controlled by humans, it is not 100% automated. The computer itself is stored in a classified base in the southern ANL, however, can be networked to work with your defense systems. The system has been tested rigorously, and has shown no critical flaws and almost complete effectiveness in real-world simulations.
The system is capable of handling up to three large Missile Defense Systems, both tertiary and orbital. In addition, each nation’s fire control will remain theirs. (You’ll be piggy-backing on my system, we’ll use your systems and my systems to detect the incoming missiles, and we’ll fire at them seperatly.)
The Macabees
12-10-2005, 16:27
Over Imperial Armies
The sixteen SR-71s swooped over Guffingford at around Mach 4, their massive ramjet engines permitting the speed of Hermes, with the grace of Aphrodite. Nonetheless, in these modern times they were somewhat obsolete, although their beauty stil permitted many nations to still employ a hefty airfleet of these antiquated reconnaissance aircraft. The Imperial sattelites arching above, some following the Earth's orbit, others in a geosynchrous orbit, however, found it easy to pinpoint them, as ramjet engines were never effecient in the amount of fuel expended, and in such a cold area in the atmosphere, in the amount of heat released. It would be a turkey shoot.
The Golden Throne was in the midst of a War of Golden Succession, as it had begun to be called, fighting the armies of Malatose, Haven and two rebel groups, as a consequence, it was incredibly tight on the use of its airspace, and sixteen military aircraft flying over it was not a welcome sight, especially considering that they didn't know who those aircraft belonged to. It had seemed that ViZion had not considered the politics and wars of the region when designing its military strategy.
Marie Coronach hugged her daughter tightly, as the latter pulled away, trying to make it to her small private elementry schoo in Sidi Rezegh. The city was green, although right outside its eastern gates the vast Matamoscas Desert expanded into the provence of Sarcanza, and into the vast flatlands of northern Zarbia. Marie Coronach never liked to leave her child alone, but some things were just necessary, so she let go of her grasp as her little girl began to walk into the front gates of the school.
Suddenly, seemingly from the military airbase just outside the huge city, a gigantic swoosh covered the skies, and Marie looked up, only to see several lines of thick black smoke, and the fire of a rocket booster as it moved into the clouds. Indeed, thirty missiles had been fired at the first warning of the high velocity reconnaissance aircraft moving over the Empire's airspace, and she had heard the aftershock of them going mach, and proceeding to Mach 3 within twenty seconds. The missiles were the new Praetorians, fire from Praetorian II batteries that were located all over, and with their own scramjet engine, with their rocket boosters, they could outmanuever and outrun those SR-71s, hitting Mach 5 in the high atmosphere and by now chasing on the tails of those SR-71s. The aircraft would be engaged as they passed over Macabea, the old capital of the Empire, before Jonach I had moved it to Dienstad some five years ago.
Again, the Empire failed to know that they were ViZionary, and deemed them Havenite or Zarbia, both enemies of the Empire, giving them open grounds to engage them; and when they engaged, they did so effectively.
12-10-2005, 19:57
[bump For Allies]
12-10-2005, 22:04
OOC: Damn it to hell. Sorry ViZ. Time is not going to be on my side for the next several days. I'll be heading down to Ft. Knox with my ROTC unit Friday and won't be back until Sunday. Tomorrow is also nice and filled. So count me out of anything the next several days.
So, if things are still happening next week, like Monday, I'll be good.
The Silver Sky
12-10-2005, 22:15
IC: The Silver Sky declares it's support for ViZion!
SIC: *Secret Message to ViZion*
As we are very close to Guffingford(Once he adds me to the regional map) we can provide a place for short range strikes against them.
Independent Hitmen
12-10-2005, 22:25
OOC: Posted on Guff's thread. Off to bed now so wont repost here.
Jankia is behind ViZion all the way. Guffingford and his allies must be delt with immediantly.
Secret IC:
Jankian troops on Hekkel Metropolis have begun to mobilize on the massive Hekkel APMB (All Purpose Military Base). Alert levels across major cities have arose to Alert Level 3 (Yellow). Daily patrols by the JDF Homeland Defence brigade have taken place in Janky City. Jankia has also donated 3 high-zoom lens sattelites to ViZion in aid for reconnasence.
Unified Sith
13-10-2005, 14:10
Imperial Announcement
The King-Emperor George the IV wishes to take this moment to warn the world of the upcoming chaos and destruction that shall rain, if this, this scramble to war is not halted.
In a statement earlier to day his Majesty displayed his concern over the developing conflict, and issued the following address to all governments and peoples of the world.
A statement to all Governments, regarding the current conflict between Guufingford and ViZion, from His Imperial Majesty George the IV.
“The current conflict between the sovereign states of ViZion and Guffingford is a conflict that does not interest foreign governments, least of all my own. Guffingford has stated its cause-beli, acceptable by international law, and international courts, and as such the British Empire advises all foreign nations to cease this scramble for conflict.
The Royal Navy will however, on my expressed command, continue its blockade of the Gibraltar Straits, and will persevere in preventing any military vessels passage without obtaining the relevant authorisation from the Admiralty. Merchant vessels, carrying food, and medical equipment will be allowed to pass once they have undergone close physical inspections from His Majesties appointed officials.
If, any military vessel from any nation, which includes the German Republic, attempts to, close, cease, stop, or run this checkpoint at Gibraltar, the British Empire will be forced into entering this conflict on either side.
I am committed to peace and the preservation of the current world order, and as such I am declaring the isle of Malta a red cross station and safe harbour. Any and all military personnel, who require asylum are welcome, however, they will be held under arrest until the conflict has been fulfilled.
Any attempts to breech British Air space in the Persian, and African expanse, will also be considered an act of war, and as such, I and my government will be forced to enter the conflict, in order to defend our sovereignty against unwelcome and dastardly aggressors.
World War Two saw the Death of over forty million civilians, and I do not wish to see, within my life time, another such massacre. Any nation who commits gross war crimes will suffer British retaliation and justice. Any large scale attacks on civilian centres is unacceptable, even in times of war.”
A Statement from His Imperial Majesty George the IV.
OOC: Still can't log in with Bob-Bob, US will have to do for now.