NationStates Jolt Archive

Leafanistan quietly changes (SemiOpen MT/PMT)

09-10-2005, 03:28
Unbeknowst to the international media, a long war of attrition had been occuring for decades in Leafanistan. Massive corruption with outside corporations had compromised the socialist principles of the government. So High Father made a deal with the Council of State Owned Corporations (CSOC). They would dissolve the current corrupt government legally with High Father and the Ministry of Ministries under the Constitution.

Of course the Senate opposed this measure, they threatened to call up their own National Guard to force control. A clever media expose and the CSOC's threats forced the Senate to reliquish control.

Under a new articles of confederation signed with the authority of High Father and the CSOC the communist government was dissolved. Under the new terms, each province was made a seperate state and united under the Articles of Confederation. The CSOC became a series of independent corporations, the reason to better serve the people.

2 States threatened secession. A visit by the 4th Marine Division quickly settled this matter. Without any bloodshed the Glorious Republic became a more decentralised Glorious Confederacy. High Father got more centralized control, the Senate was quickly disbanded. Parliament was set up as a replacement, more direct democracy. It was sudden, like Leafanistani expected. It meant no change in the grand scheme of things. Though a large number of former Senators vacated the country for the Independent Republic of Solvania.

Foreign relations wouldn't change, but the corporations would allowed more flexibility, and Leafanistan took a more aggressive stance in foreign politics.

The biggest of these being the conflict over the Corporate Entente.
09-10-2005, 10:46
OOC: Basically, it means to say... (sorry, but it seems a bit vague)