Axis Nova Military FT Equipment Thread
Axis Nova
05-10-2005, 04:27
OOC: Technical resource thread for the FT version of Axis Nova. Please don't comment in this thread; I would prefer you contact me over MSN/AIM or TG me instead.
Due to the culture of Axis Nova, the statistics here may be best taken as "base" statistics; many private shipowners modify their vessels with whatever technology they can aquire.
Axis Nova
05-10-2005, 05:10
General Overview
Axis Novan vessels follow Earth Alliance designs from Babylon 5 for the most part; some explanations of the basic technology for those who don't want to google things will be provided here.
In normal space, the standard engine is a highly advanced ion/particle engine, distantly related to late 20th century designs, but expelling the particles much faster-- near the speed of light, providing over 20 times the thrust of more primitive designs.
Axis Novan vessels utilize something called a 'jump point generator' that opens a portal into an alternate dimension, where a short distance travelled there equals a long distance travelled in real space. Essentially, it is a 'shortcut'. One ship with a jump drive can 'drag' ships without jump drives along with it, allowing easy movement of mass numbers of various types of vessels.
This form of FTL has a few interesting quirks, namely:
1) Ships using jump drives cannot be tracked or otherwise affected by anything in normal space while in jumpspace. Essentially, they are in a different universe. A jump point can be detected, but only seconds before it opens.
2) Gravitational fields do not affect jump point generation in any way, shape, or form.
Armor and Energy Defenses
The main line of defense for Axis Novan vessels consists of two parts: the interceptor grid, and armor. Both will recieve their own subsection below.
Interceptor Grid
Interceptors are composed of two elements: one of them, the 'bolt' interceptor, works against bolt and projectile type weapons. Essentially, this component consists of a rapid fire plasma/pulse weapon, intended to interdict incoming enemy energy bolts, missiles, and fighters, dispersing the former and shooting down the latter. Most bolt-type weapons are quite easily detectable on sensors of various types, and on most ships, it is possible to link most weapons onboard into this system when neccesary.
Overall, the concept of the interceptor is simple: an incoming energy bolt (or missile, or fighter) is perfectly traceable with sensor systems, and it's trajectory can be extrapolated with high precision. Counter-fire destabilizes the incoming enemy bolt and causes it to disperse well short of the hull, thus rendering the ship unharmed.
The technology of the 'bolt' interceptor is just this: extreme accuracy and high speed tracking systems, rapid rotation turret mountings, and rapid fire, highly accurate light plasma weapons.
The other active element of the interceptor is a "field projector", a powerful and narrow beam electromagnetic field emitter, that, when aimed against an incoming energy beam, is capable of disrupting it, with the same general effects as the bolt interceptor. It uses the same targeting software and mount as the bolt interceptor, thus providing a combined system of defense.
The interception grid can further be linked with nearby ships, and indeed, over an entire fleet, providing greatly enhanced coverage against enemy attacks.
Axis Novan vessels boast a multi-layered armor scheme intended to refract and disperse enemy energy weapons as much as possible, and resist and deflect kinetic strikes. Special care has been given to harden the armor and internal structures against close-proximity and contact detonations of high payload missiles and torpedoes, especially high-yield nuclear and matter-antimatter weapons such as nuclear missiles or photon torpedoes.
The outer armour is a composition of regular plates of standard dimensions (30*20 meters), with the outer ablative covering a lamination of low thickness (28mm) layers of amorphous silicon nitride , saturated with boron whiskers, and layers of titanium foam (50mm); this external layer is followed by a coryndon crystal metal matrix composite and by a third, thick layer of a mesh of carbon nanotubes in a beryllium-titanium alloy matrix.
This stratification is more effective than a single material design against most conventional energy/kinetic attacks, and when hit by powerful beam weapons, is intended to ablate outwards, dispersing the enemy beam, and providing maximum protection possible to lower layers and internal components. The intermediate layer is similar in concept to the former scheme, but with a more sophisticated design, with collapsible cylinders contained in the metal foam layer. The inner armour is again a sandwich of titanium alloy bonded with three intermediate layers, with the first made of coryndon crystals in a ceramic matrix, the second made of carbon nanotubes in a metallic/resin hybrid matrix, and the third of depleted uranium fibres and carbon nanotubes in an advanced composite matrix. All this is bonded to the structure of the hull, that in the Novas and Omegas is a series of beams, plates and bulkheads of carbon nanotubes in a resin matrix, with large use of sandwich structures, molecularly bonded together to build impressively sturdy hulls.
This scheme enhances the internal elasticity and kinetic resistance of the vessel, without sacrificing energy weapon resistance.
The external layer, being modular, allows easier repair and, in case of a close explosion, reduces the thermal stress on the structure, due to the dilation room in the joints of the modules. The boron based ceramics are highly refractory, and the beryllium is very likely the best heat sink and ablation resistant conventional material known, at least to Axis Novan science.
Weapons Technology
Axis Novan weapons technology is a versatile bag of tricks for engagement at various ranges and with various purposes in mind, most to a degree multi-functional. Most energy weapons are capable of being linked into the interceptor grid.
-Particle Beams: Particle beams are a very old technology, one that had been experimented with even before humans began to explore the solar system. The basic technology is simple: a stream of positive, negative, or neutral particles are accelerated to high speed, focused into a beam, then fired at a target. Indeed, Axis Novan particle beams use this same theory, though heavy ions, combined with an application of the accelerators used in ion/particle drives, allow for long range and extremely powerful beams with variable output: high output for hard targets such as enemy ships, and low output, medium refire rate beams for softer targets. Another difference of Axis Novan beam weapons is that instead of employing thinner streams of particles accelerated to relativistic speeds, instead, high mass beams are employed, accelerated to only around .75 C. In addition, heavier particles are employed, such as those from alkaline metals or xenon, further increasing damage potential.
-Railguns: A relatively simple technology well adapted to space warfare, and like particle beams, was experimented with and used in combat long before humanity ever left the solar system. Essentially, a projectile with some type of ferrous matter (so the fields can grip it) is accelerated between two electrically charged rails, using magnetic force to fire with tremendous force. Various types of ammunition are available for various circumstances, though the weapon is not as favored as some due to it's requirement for ammunition.
-Pulse Cannons: Pulse cannons are plasma-based weapons with an extremely high refire rate-- essentially, the same type of weapon used in the interceptor grid, albiet scaled up. Indeed, such weapons can be slaved to the interceptor grid when neccesary.
The weapon is simple in concept: plasma is generated, compressed, formed into a packet, then expelled at high velocity towards the target, providing both kinetic and thermal effects upon impact. While the range is somewhat shorter compared to particle beams, the high refire rate and immense damage potential and penetration of such weapons, combined with their versatility, make them one of the most commonly used weapons in the Axis Novan military.
-Plasma Mortars: Devastatingly powerful plasma weapons firing extremely large bolts, with a lower refire rate and range than a pulse cannon, but higher penetration and damage capabilities. Most commonly seen in the fixed mounts on the bows of the Nova and Omega. The name 'mortar' is a bit of a misnomer; these are direct fire weapons.
-Missiles: Axis Nova ships maintain an extensive missile armament, ranging to smaller high-maneuverability missiles for antifighter use to large fusion weapons for anti-capital use.
-Particle laser/pulse cannons: A brand new hybrid technology, combining a powerful x-ray laser with improved particle acceleration technology. Particle beams have a tendency to disperse over a distance; the laser provides a 'path' for them to follow and helps to keep the beam more coherent, increasing range and damage. Furthermore, these same weapons are also capable of pulse cannon capabilities, allowing the discharge of either plasma pulses or beams as neccesary.
Overtechnology refers to virtually any technology aquired and/or used by Axis Novan vessels that is constructed using science that Axis Novan scientists do not completely understand; it almost always refers to things that are far in advance of what Axis Novan industry itself is able to produce.
05-10-2005, 05:21
OOC: I note you also make use of the Babylon 5 style Jump Gates.
Axis Nova
05-10-2005, 05:23
Olympus Class Corvette
Type: Corvette
Length: 444.25 meters
Mass: 4.6 million metric tons
Crew: 87
Troops: N/A
Fighters: N/A
Endurance: 8 months
Weapons: Four pulse cannons, two light particle beams, two light railguns, 4 missile racks (20 missiles per rack)
Defenses: 1.8 meter armored hull, Mk I E-Web projectors
The Olympus Class is an older and less capable type of vessel, primarly used as an escort in the Navy. It is a very widely used vessel amongst moderately well off Axis Novan civilians due to it's ease of modification.
Axis Nova
05-10-2005, 05:23
OOC: Yes, I do. My FTL and my ship designs are based on Earth Alliance Babylon 5 stuff.
Axis Nova
05-10-2005, 05:31
Hyperion Class Heavy Cruiser
Type: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 1,025.39 meters
Mass: 8.4 million metric tons
Crew: 356
Troops: 200
Fighters: 6
Endurance: 12 months
Weapons: heavy pulse cannon x 1, medium particle/laser or particle beam x 2, medium pulse cannon x 8, missile launcher x 2
Defenses: 8 meter armored hull, 10 Mk I E-Web Projectors
The mainstay of the Navy, these heavy cruisers are for the moment the most common military vessel of Axis Nova, their varied loadout and onboard fighter squad providing a versatile set of options for various situations. Refitting of some models with the new particle/laser technologies has begun. They are not uncommonly seen in use as flagships for merchant companies, or for small mercenary forces. Like all Axis Novan vessels, they lend themselves easily to modification.
(OOC note: As per the show)
05-10-2005, 05:37
OOC: My fleet uses a mixture of ships and technology from both the Stargate and Babylon 5 universes. For example, I have equipped my home star system with one of my own Jump Gates. But some of my ship classes use the Stargate version of Hyperspace.
Axis Nova
05-10-2005, 05:45
Nova Class Dreadnought
Type: Dreadnought/troop carrier
Length: 1,502.1 meters
Mass: 32 million metric tons
Crew: 250
Troops: 8,000
Fighters: 36
Endurance: 18 months
Weapons: dual heavy pulse cannon x 9, heavy plasma mortar x 2, medium particle beam x 6, missile launcher x 2
Defenses: 20 meter armored hull, 22 E-Web Mk II projectors
A definite close range brawler, the Nova Class is half again the size of the Hyperion and is much more heavily armed and armored, in addition to carrying a much larger fighter complement. However, it is also much slower and less agile than the smaller vessel, reflecting an older doctrine of space war based around broadsides. It's main use is as an assault vessel, and it is designed to carry almost 10,000 troops into battle, either deploying them with assault shuttles and boarding pods, or force-docking directly with a spacebound target. This very same design makes the ship used as a flagship by a few well-off Axis Novan mercenary companies. It's massive battery of energy weapons means that it has a very high power consumption, and modifications to add a secondary reactor (at the cost of some space for personnel) are somewhat common, even in the Navy.
Nova-B Class
Type: Dreadnought
Length: 1,502.1 meters
Mass: 32 million metric tons
Crew: 250
Troops: 8,000
Fighters: 36
Endurance: 18 months
Weapons: dual heavy railgun x 11, heavy plasma mortar x 2, medium particle beam x 6, missile launcher x 2
Defenses: 20 meter armored hull, 22 E-Web Mk II projectors
The Nova-B is visually identical to the standard Nova class vessel. However, instead of plasma cannons, it's turrets are instead equipped with railguns, allowing it to slug it out at long range. The extra generator capacity is redirected to the engines, increasing mobility slightly.
Nova-C Class
Type: Dreadnought
Length: 1,502.1 meters
Mass: 32 million metric tons
Crew: 250
Troops: n/a
Fighters: n/a
Endurance: 18 months
Weapons: medium particle beam x 6, heavy plasma mortar x 2, missile launcher x 13
Defenses: 20 meter armored hull, 22 E-Web Mk II projectors
The Nova-C is a specialized variant of the Nova, intended for anti-strike craft and bombardment use. It possesses numerous missile launchers and prodigious internal magazines, making it a deadly threat to enemy fighters and support craft. However, it's lack of onboard strike craft means it falls behind in combat against ships of equivalent class. Generally not seen in use except by the Navy, as it is intended to work as part of a flotilla.
OOC note: Same as in the series. The variants, of course, are original.
Axis Nova
05-10-2005, 05:53
Omega Class Destroyer
Type: Destroyer
Length: 1,714.3 meters
Mass: 44.6 million metric tons
Crew: 850
Troops: 18,000
Fighters: 36
Endurance: 18 months
Weapons: 8 x heavy particle laser/pulse cannons, 2 x heavy plasma mortars, 12 medium particle laser/pulse cannons, broadside missile tube x 72
Defenses: 15 meter armored hull, 18 Mk II E-Web projectors
By far the newest, most powerful and most advanced vessel in the Navy, the Omega Class "Destroyer" boasts a punishing amount of firepower, outfitted with new model hybrid particle laser/pulse weapons which possess significantly more power than older particle beams. Unique amongst Axis Novan vessels (except the Poseidon), it possesses a rotating gravity block, allowing it to greatly increase it's endurance and carry a large number of troops. As with the Nova and Hyperion, it's quite capable of generating it's own jump point. It's mobility is considerably superior to that of the Nova, which, combined with it's improved firepower, makes it a much greater threat. The 'destroyer' designation is more political than anything else-- the Omega really has more of the capabilities of a battlecruiser or battleship than anything else, and is indeed employed as one. The Omega is primarily intended for maneuver warfare, and as such, most of it's weapons are mounted forwards-- in a broadside battle, it brings far less of it's firepower to bear.
Private ownership of an Omega outside of the Navy is rare amonst Axis Novans, but not unheard of. It is specifically designed to allow overtechnology to be retrofitted and integrated into many of it's systems, which makes it a popular export product.
OOC note: Slightly different from the actual onscreen version in that it actually has (and uses) it's broadside missile launchers that are present on the CGI model.
Axis Nova
05-10-2005, 07:01
A note on Axis Novan technology: While perhaps more primitive compared to some nations' equipment, Axis Novan equipment should not be underestimated. It's lower tech level tends to manifest more in the fact that it is large-- for example, the engine block on most Axis Novan vessels is usually a quarter to a third the size of the entire ship. They also tend to be much more massive than many vessels of equivalent class or capabilities in other nations, which means that despite a lack of shields, they can carry a lot of armor and absorb a ridiculous amount of punishment.
Axis Nova
23-08-2006, 19:45
Consolidation of something from an old thread, tweaked a bit.
Ship's complement:
* None. The Neutron S missile is unmanned at all times.
• Length : 2800m overall, 1050m warhead section.
• Diameter: 1000m main section, 1850 m drive section cap,
1700 m warhead section.
• Mass : 340,000,000 metric tons.
• Fuel Mass : 101,000,000 metric tons.
Propulsion systems:
* Main power system: RRG Mk. 18 EOT generator cluster.The powerplant of the Neutron-S Missile can deliver up to 340 petawatts of power for its main propulsion systems.
* Maneuvering thrusters: None. The Neutron S missiles use a gyrostabilization system.
* First stage reaction thrusters (20): Pratt & Whitney Pluto-9 fusion-plasma reaction engines.
* Second stage reaction thrusters (16): Rolls-Royce Hades fusion-plasma reaction engines.
* Jump Point Generator (1): A standard Axis Nova jump point generator allows for interstellar transit.
* Planetary capabilities: The Neutron S missiles cannot operate in an atmosphere, save for a single re-entry by the warhead section.
Endurance and mobility limits:
* The accelerated fusion generators can operate in a stand-by mode for almost 70 years before an energizer rebuild becomes necessary.
* First stage endurance is about 1.0 g for about 74 minutes (c. 43.6 kps).
* Second stage endurance is about 1.5 g for 20 minutes (c. 17.6 kps), after which the fuel would be exhausted. The second stage engines would be good only for scrap after this, if they somehow survived the explosion of the warhead.
* Total first and second stage delta-v capacity is about 61.2 kps.
Weapon systems:
* Nuclear warhead. Almost all details of this awesome warhead are classified. What is known is that the weapon is a fusion bomb using a LiD mantle around one or more fission initiators. The total volume of the reactant is approximately 150,000,000 cubic meters, with an expected total yield of 15 million megatons, similar to the K-T event that struck the Yucatan 65 million years ago, leading to the mass extinction of the late Cretaceous. The weapon's surface is lined with a neutron-rich material, for maximal neutron radiation emission on detonation and short-lived neutron-emitting fallout. The warehead is designed to operate in two modes: shaped-charge, for penetrating hardened targets such as asteroid fortresses or battlestations, and omnidirectional, for attacking 'softer' targets.
* The Neutron S missiles equip extensive electronic countermeasures; although after launch their size and heat signature make them readily apparent to all belligerents.
20 meter armored hull, 24 Mk II E-Web projectors
Design notes:
These vessels are amongst the most massive space warships ever designed by Axis Nova, and consist of nothing more than a jump point generator, numerous thrusters, and history's largest nuclear weapon.
The forward-most section of the weapon is the warhead itself, to the rear of which is attached a battery of sixteen thrusters for terminal delivery to the target. Aft of the warhead is a large cap lying between the main drive section and the warhead section, to which the warhead mounts. Sixteen aft pointing engines are located on the exterior of the cap. In addition, the cap has a mounting point fitted, where a Hyperion-class cruiser can dock for a non-remote arming of this dangerous missile. The cap is a total of 250 meters long.
Further aft of the cap is the main drive section, consisting mainly of reaction-mass tanks, the jump point generator, navigational computers, main powerplant, and the remaining four main thrusters.
The basic premise of this weapon is based on the ramships and Red Rain vessels utilized by the nation of Godular. This group utilizes robot ramships that will jump to the target, immediately spray forth a large number of fusion warheads, and proceed to ramming speed, invariably resulting in heavy damage or complete destruction to the target if the ramship is not eliminated before it reaches terminal range. Axis Nova has taken this concept and improved on it, designing a vessel for this purpose. The Neutron-S missile uses an enhanced-radiation type warhead, and relies more on its size and armor to punch through defenses rather than on missile saturation. While possessing a similiar attack style to a Red Rain vessel, the final effects are undisputedly far more deadly, especially against planetary targets. However, the missile is not intended as a planetary attack weapon (though it can, and has, occasionally been used in that role), but rather for use against very large space targets.
Private ownership of these weapons is flagrantly illegal, and each one produced is kept under strict Navy control.
Axis Nova
01-09-2006, 22:49
Other Assets
This page will be for listing miscellaneous things that arn't in actual mass production, along with details on how they were aquired.
02-09-2006, 01:11
OOC: sweet pics, did you make them?
Axis Nova
02-09-2006, 05:58
Nah, I snagged them off of this site. (
03-09-2006, 15:26
i see, still sweet tho. and good luck in FT
03-09-2006, 18:19
*Aralonia blasts "Tobe! Freedom!" at maximum volume.
Axis Nova
14-09-2006, 00:37
YAMSed on the grounds that power armor doesn't fit into the "new" Axis Nova.
14-09-2006, 01:08
((OOC: Your ships are pretty sweet. I hope we meet someday on the battlefield.:D :mp5: :sniper: :gundge: ))
Axis Nova
03-12-2007, 15:51
Standard issue fighter. vOv
Auroura Starfury
Type: space superiority fighter
Length: 9.56 meters
Mass: 48 metric tons
Crew: 1 pilot
Endurance: 72 hours
Weapons: 4 x 40mm pulse cannon, 2 x 35mm pulse cannon (rear mounted), 8 x light missile
Defenses: 4.2cm armor
Other: Grappling claw, cutting laser
The Starfury is a well-armored versatile space fighter, designed for both dogfighting and capital attack. It possesses excellent maneuverability due to the engines on the ends of each pylon, something that has suprised more than one would-be top-gun.
It is suprisingly durable for it's size, and is quite capable of continuing combat with damage to one or even two engines (though mobility is reduced accordingly). Like most Axis Novan vessels, it is extremely easy to modify. It is a very popular export product, and virtually any Axis Novan man (and many a woman) over the age of sixteen owns their own.
Axis Nova
20-12-2008, 01:58
Explorer Class
Type: Logistics
Length: 6,103 meters
Mass: 37.5 million metric tons
Crew: 350
Troops: n/a
Fighters: 16
Endurance: 2 years
Weapons: 4 x medium pulse cannon, 2 x twin medium particle beam
Defenses: 8 meter armored hull, 62 x Mk I E-Web
These gigantic vessels, larger than some habitat ships, are the first vessels a habitat fleet deploys into a region. They are flying industrial complexes, capable of setting up the basics of industry to support the massive fleets to come, and have all manner of equipment for mining, drilling, scooping, processing and so forth. They also carry parts for deploying jump gates. As part of this function, they also act as survey vessels, mounting an impressive (for Axis Novan technology, at any rate) battery of sensors and carrying a number of onboard research teams. Despite being crewed by the Navy, there are many civilian specialists that work aboard these vessels. Having an onboard gravity block and extensive space for supplies (and even growing food, via hydroponics), Explorers have impressive endurance.
The Explorer class is very lightly armed and armored for it's size; it's primary defense is the massive generators that allow it to escape most threats by quickly entering jumpspace. Despite it's size, the Explorer class can enter jumpspace faster than any other vessel fielded by the Navy.
The Explorer is not commonly purchased for export; it is designed specificially to serve the needs of Axis Novan habitat fleets, and as such, most organizations do not have a use for it.
OOC note: Essentially as in the show, except that I've also folded in the ability to set up industrial stuff and so forth instead of the planetary exploration stuff the original carries.