New Trade Routes Opened and New Alliances Born: [Attn: Skycpt, Ankaristan]
The Kraven Corporation
04-10-2005, 22:44
The Totalitarian Nation of the Kraven Corporation
Today is a Grand day in the History of the Kraven Corporation, as Ties between the Nations of Skycpt and Ankaristan were strengthed with the Unoffical Agreement of A non-aggression pact, and the opening of new trade routes between our Great nations.
The High Command awaits eagerly the Response of the aforementioned nations in the finalisation of the Agreements, and hopes that all of our Nations will live on in Peace Through Obidience...
The High Command
(Doctrine 554)
I, Leader of [insert nation name here] Here by declare a formal agreement of a non-aggression pact with The Kraven Corporation, Upon signing this Document, I agree to allow The Corporation to assign a Garrison within My nation to Help Ensure its Investments are safe, Further more I agree to Accept the Civil laws of the Corporation and adopt its Doctrines, In return the Corporation will grant my nation, Peace, Freedom, and Liberty.
To End, I promise to Assist the Corporation in any of its Endeavours, when requested or When not, My nation also Recognises the High Command as the Totalitarian head of State, However I still maintain power and Ownership of my nation, But Recognise The High Command
[please sign here]
(OOC: I tried to word that, the best I could, if you can word it better please TG me and ill edit it, or if your not totaly happy with the Conditions please TG me...)
I, Leader of The Incorporated States of SkyCapt hereby declare a formal agreement of a non-aggression pact with The Kraven Corporation. Upon signing this Document, I agree to allow The Corporation to assign a Garrison within SkyCapt to help ensure its investments are safe. Further more I agree to accept the Civil laws of the Corporation and adopt its Doctrines, In return the Corporation will grant my nation Peace, Freedom, and Liberty.
To end, I promise to Assist the Corporation in any of its Endeavours, when requested or When not, My nation also Recognises the High Command as the Totalitarian head of State, However I still maintain power and Ownership of SkyCapt, but recognise The High Command.
President James Narsh
The Kraven Corporation
04-10-2005, 23:52
The High Command All veiwed the Signed document...
"Are we Happy with this agreement?" Spoke one of the Officers...
"Yes... We are happy" spoke a cold machine like voice...
The High Command would like to welcome you into the Kraven Corporation, you are now Completly under the Watchfull Gaze of the High Command and the Guardians of Civil law and Order... The Capitol Police, A battalion of 1,000,000 Capitol Police troopers, including supporting units are on route to your nation, where your people shall live in Peace, Freedom and Liberty.
The High Command
05-10-2005, 00:40
OOC: Have you seen his laws?!
05-10-2005, 21:26
Nicolas D’Agastino looked over the proposel and smiled at the prospect of selling out the Ayatollah of Ankaristan. With the Ayatollah as the front man of the nation and revered leader to millions of followers, it wouldnt be easy for The Kraven Corporation to gain full control once the situation was knowen. But with Nicolas's mercenary army and financial control of the nation, along with numerous industries at his disposel, it would be easy to gain the foothold needed.
Nicolas makes his way Ayatollah Mubaraks office, and with some ruff talking and a reminder as to who is really in charge, the Ayatollah puts his signature on the agreement, not even fully aware of the deal he is signing.
I Ayatollah Mubarak, Leader of The Harsallah Republic of Ankaristan, Here by declare a formal agreement of a non-aggression pact with The Kraven Corporation, Upon signing this Document, I agree to allow The Corporation to assign a Garrison within My nation to Help Ensure its Investments are safe, Further more I agree to Accept the Civil laws of the Corporation and adopt its Doctrines, In return the Corporation will grant my nation, Peace, Freedom, and Liberty.
To End, I promise to Assist the Corporation in any of its Endeavours, when requested or When not, My nation also Recognises the High Command as the Totalitarian head of State, However I still maintain power and Ownership of my nation, But Recognise The High Command
Ayatollah Mubarak
Harsallah Republic of Ankaristan
Once sent, Nicolas sets about to clear one of his mercenary bases for the use of the garrison on the outskirts of Ankar.
The Kraven Corporation
05-10-2005, 21:36
The High Command received the signed document from Ankaristan...
"Another nation has signed the Agreement, all this are moving as planned, Deploy the 18th Zivilwächter brigades of the Capitol Police"
"Understood Grand Commander..."
Within minutes of the document being received, the rapid deployment force of the Zivilwachters Brigade, they would quickly take control of the situations once they had arrived, and Corporate Law would replace the current nations Doctrines..
The Corporation was expanding its Frontiers, adding yet another nation to the Vast ranks of the Corporate empire... with just over 1,000,000 Zivilwachter Captiol Police troopers on route to Ankaristan, it would not be long before The people of Ankaristan became loyal supporters of the Corporation and learn to love its doctrines...
it would take a further six hours for the Force to arrive, via the 2nd battlegroup, the vast fleet of the Kraven Navy moving out with speed...
05-10-2005, 22:38
Nicolas sat in his comfy wicker chair on the third floor balcony of his hillside palace, puffing a cigar and watching the horizon for the Kraven Naval Fleet to arrive. With no real navy of there own other then a buch of powerboats with mounted machine guns which belong to Nicolas's forces, the Kraven fleet would be able to pull in with no problems.
As the Ayatollah is clueless to the new order to be established, Nicolas ensures that no Ankaristan Forces are in the area at the time, only elements of his Mercenary army are present at the port to meet the Kraven Forces upon arrival.
However Nicolas plans to be present at this time as-well, and it isnt long before he gets a radio call from the harbour pilot sent to guide in the ships from about 15 Kms off shore. As the powerboat makes haste back to shore without the pilot (Most harbours have this procedure), Nicolas gets up and puts on his shoulder mounted gun holster and his khaki coloured jacket, then makes his way to his armoured SUV.
A convey of SUV's leave the compound with Nicolas and security personal destined for the port. With time to kill before the ships dock, he waits in the Harbour Masters Office.
The Kraven Corporation
06-10-2005, 19:50
The Kraven Fleet came into veiw on the horizen, a massive behemoth on the horizon...
The Fleet however had stopped approaching, instead it sat just inside the waters of Ankaristan...
A massive super carrier was stationed in the middle of the fleet, Capitol Police troopers began loading up into Transport VTOLS, the surface of the Carrier was an absolute hive of activity, soon the VTOLS were ready to go..
"Alpha 5, You are cleared for take off, engage vertical vector thrust and make way for target zone 8/9"
"Understood Command Relay"
the Thrusters of the VTOL powered up, four massive Turboram Jet as the crafts began to pull away from the deck of this inhumanly massive ship...
Within minutes the VTOLS were screaming through the air towards the cities, it would only take a few more minutes for the VTOLS to be over their target zones and begin the Pacification of the Nation of Ankaristan...
The First of the VTOLS arrived at its target location, it switched its turbo ramjets to vertical thrust, maintaining the crafts height as black zip lines dropped to the ground, quickly followed by the large black form of the Capitol Police...
People looked in awe at these massive troopers as they stood up to their full height, their red glowing optical mags, looking at the people as though they were already dead...
once the Unit of 25 had deployed onto the ground, they broke up into 5 squads of 5... who now began the pacification of this area.... people were being beaten, clubbed by the Butts of GPMG's or thrown to the ground by the unearthly strength of the Troopers.
Troopers stormed buildings, dragging women and children kicking and screaming out into the streets, the Capitol Police were cold and brutal in the Execution of this Operation.
In other areas of the City the same was happening, Capitol Police troopers were dragging people out into the streets, men carrying shopping were dragged to the ground and forced to join the others in the centre of the Street, Old Women and men were forced to join them as well, the Capitol not caring about Race, Colour, Sex or Creed, they were just following orders and carrying them out to the letter...
at the same time, other Squads were pulling down symbols of religion, Preists and other religous clerics were Camly executed in plain veiw of those who ammassed in the street, being held in place by the intimidating force of the Capitol Police...
one woman broke free from the crowd and ran to aid a priest...
Turning a Capitol Police trooper opened up with his GPMG cutting her down in a shower of blood, the bullets ripping her apart and shreding her clothes at the same time...
People screamed out, as more relgious personel were executed without thought, Preists were praying, hoping that it would be quick and their patron god would protect them, but wrong were his hopes, The Capitol Police trooper placed a bullet through his temple, this mans god failing to protect him now....
Within a matter of minutes the Corporation had touched down and began to Pacify the Nation of Ankaristan... Where ever a Capitol Police Unit had been deployed, Kraven Posters were being put up....
This was to Ensure that Everyone knew Who Was Now In Control....
06-10-2005, 20:21
Ayatollah Mubarak heard of the sudden carnage and cried out to allah for guidance, but it was to no avail, as one witness is able to run from the scene and reports the execution of a religous cleric right in front of him to the police making there way to the scene. It isnt long until this news makes it way to the Ayatolla who was inside the Grand Mosque of Ankar. Before long he ordered the compound to be secured and to have a line to Nicolas opened.
Nicolas's cell just rang and rang as he saw the Ayatollas number come up numerous times, "Where is that Infidel and what has he done" the Ayatolla thought to himself. As more time passes the reports of propaganda posters and beatings begin to mount up.
Ayatolla Mubarak becomes scared of the situation brewing and orders Ankaristan Forces to find out whats going on. Before long 3 squads in the downtown area mount up and head into the area.
As the three pick-up trucks pull into the area, 15 armed guards dismount and form up. They can see police running from the scene and get a bad feeling about this. They slowly make there way in three groups of three towards the soldiers who look like something out of a sci fi movie. In arabic one calls out with trepidation..."Drop your weapons and place your hands on your heads.."
The Kraven Corporation
06-10-2005, 20:26
The Capitol Police Troopers turn, looking at the Troops with cold indifference...
one of them spoke out, his voice was cold and mechanical, altered to sound mechanicaly inhuman by the vocal amplifier...
"You are in Violation of Law 5446, You are Ordered To lay down your Weapons, You have 15 Seconds to Comply" to emphasise the point the Squad of Capitol Police raised their GPMG's that most probably outsized what the Soldiers were weilding...
the squad had formed up now into a standard Armed response formation, maximising the use of their Protect Gear by standing in places that covered another troopers weak points...
Raven corps
06-10-2005, 20:37
06-10-2005, 21:03
OOC: Ankaristan if you need help, say so and a division of Staric troops will be scrambled to your aid.
06-10-2005, 22:30
OOC -- Thanks for the offer Starenell, if you want to join in feel free to do so, but let me know and i'll use the Ayatolla to call out for help from nations for his side.
However The Kraven Corporation was brought in by a man from the shadows who plans to take over the nation with TKC help. Eventully complete control by TKC will be established and administered by Nicolas D’Agastino which will provide many unique RP opportunity's for the nation. Like when i'm big enough, taking up arms and throwing the Corporation out of my nation.
IC -- The Ankari's had no clue what was spoken to them, but they understood the weapons being pointed there way. As they briefly discussed options, the Lt in charge again called in Arabic for there weapons to be placed down.
Again no complance, so the soldiers, veterns from Ankaristans civil war opened fire with there AK-47's as they scrammbled for cover nearby. Four of the soldiers make a dash back to mount the weapons on the trucks, but three of them fall to gunfire (Undoubtly you would have started to fire once they do, so i'll assume it) The fourth and final is able to scrammble behind a truck and fires his Ak as the others continue to fire from behind cement planters and cars on the streets that they are using for cover.
Meanwhile at the harbour, Nicolas can hear the gunfire from the inner city and knows things are now in place to bring about the end of the Ayatolla and the emergance of himself.
06-10-2005, 22:33
OOC: Nevermind then. When you throw him out tell me. I will help.
Raven corps
06-10-2005, 22:35
We would like to invite you Kraven, to join the Alliance of Corporations- no Offical name has been given yet. But we invite you to meet with us and please bring anyone that you may see fit to join our alliance.
The Kraven Corporation
06-10-2005, 22:43
(Yeah your right lol)
The Capitol Police advanced onto the positions held by The Ayatolla forces, the rounds were hammering off the CP armour, this range and at that caliber it was useless, they were fighting an enemy designed to be engaged in this situation...
The Troopers Continued to advance, rounds hammering off their armour and ricocheing off in every direction...
The GPMG's opened up once more, heavy caliber rounds smashing into concrete and vehicle...
More Capitol Police units were being deployed across the city, they were following suit securing buildings and forcing the population out into the street, and executing anyone who was resisting the pacification...
Lines and lines of people were stood in the street, with the large shape of Capitol Police troopers walking slowly up and down the lines, ensuring none would step out of line... Capitol Police troopers stood on street corners, guarded by the side of Doorways to buildings... Everywhere Capitol Police troopers stood vigilance...
More propaganda posters were being displayed, and now the great flag of the Corporation, the Twin Crossed hammers ringed by a simple circle, one area shaded the other white...
These flags hung from the windows of buildings and from the lamp posts of the streets...
At Nicolas's Hill top mansion, Capitol Police Troopers began removing people from the building, forcing them to the street, and executing any who dared oppose the Zivilwatcher Brigades...
Nicolas was stood watching, when A squad of capitol Police troopers approached "You are in violation of Code 4353, You are Under Arrest, Faliure to Comply will result in Immeadiate Termination" one of the Troopers spoke, his voice mechanical comming from the voice amplifer then grabbing him by the shoulders throwing him to the floor, then with minimal effort Dragging him to the line of People no forming near by the docks, along with his security detail who too were dragged to the Line by the Capitol Police Troopers...
The Capitol Police Guarding them with mechanical efficiency and cold indifference towards them...
06-10-2005, 23:05
OOC: what tech level is this?
The Kraven Corporation
06-10-2005, 23:08
OOC: what tech level is this?
OOC: PMT/MT but the tech difference isnt really that great to effect the outcome
06-10-2005, 23:10
OOC: then i can use my power armour?
06-10-2005, 23:20
OOC -- Nicolas lives in a hillside palace, not an apartment and he's still at the harbour with his security detail.
IC -- The Ayatolla keeps receiving reports of the chilling round ups and indifference showen to the people, "Where is our military in all this" he thought to himself as he sat infront of his Quran. Just then another report comes in, reporting the soldiers sent to confront the invaders were all dead.
"How can this be, whats going on here" he spoke aloud to those in the room with him. One member of his staff informs him that the Military must be sent out to confront these hooligans, and with reluctance the Ayatolla agrees. Soon the Ayatollas forces begin marauding the streets searching for the foe with no plan of attack or plan of any sort.
Hours go by and reports pile in about the destruction of the Ayatollas forces who have tucked tail and run back to there bases after seeing the cold hatered of these invaders and after loosing many brothers in arms to them.
The streets of Ankar are a sad sight as banners and flags wave in the breeze and women, childern and even men cry out, many of them trying to escape but only finding death as there true escape.
Meanwhile the Military is at a lose as to what can be done. Commanders argue with each other about surrender and fighting to the death. Too many choices with time runnning out as the The Troopers continue to squeeze the life and resistance from the city.
As units begin to simply disband and leave quitely, One brave General orders his units on full alert with-in there compound and they wait for the enemy to dare show themselves. With about 2,000 infantry, some tanks and artillery, he feels confident about destroying the oncoming enemy, but intel is his real enemy. With no clue as to the size or strengh of the enemy he waits for them, sure of himself and the troops under his command.
07-10-2005, 00:05
all NSAA military forces are placed on high alert, and the nearest navy unit to kraven corporation's shores is redirected to set up a blockade of the nearest major port (in KC)
The NSAA government issues a communique requiring that all kraven units be withdrawn to their home bases within the day including all those uninvolved in this incident.
OOC: which fool signed that without reading it? let his troops in and then help them along until you finally notice you're being invaded? WTF were you thinking? its almost fair to let him massacre you, but i'm too nice for that (but not to flame you i see, having just looked at this post. oops. sorry.oh well, you deserved it!)
07-10-2005, 05:19
OOC: which fool signed that without reading it? let his troops in and then help them along until you finally notice you're being invaded? WTF were you thinking? its almost fair to let him massacre you, but i'm too nice for that (but not to flame you i see, having just looked at this post. oops. sorry.oh well, you deserved it!)
OOC -- You deserve to be clued into whats going on, but I can see now that it would be no use, oops sorry, oh well maybe you deserve to be left in the dark then!
But in reality i'm too nice to do that, in short, control is by an Ayatolla who is having his strings pulled by someone from the shadows (Which you could have knowen from posts in this thread). He's the one who invited them in.
Which as a result now provides many avenues for RP which arent the i'm sooo superduper and my tech is uber great. I got bored of trying to be the superpower like everyone else and am taking an RP road less traveled.
07-10-2005, 08:01
OOC -- You deserve to be clued into whats going on, but I can see now that it would be no use, oops sorry, oh well maybe you deserve to be left in the dark then!
But in reality i'm too nice to do that, in short, control is by an Ayatolla who is having his strings pulled by someone from the shadows (Which you could have knowen from posts in this thread). He's the one who invited them in.
Which as a result now provides many avenues for RP which arent the i'm sooo superduper and my tech is uber great. I got bored of trying to be the superpower like everyone else and am taking an RP road less traveled.
OOC: okay, fair enough, but unless he's pulling your ayatolla's strings, in which case this was foolish from his side, 'twas still a foolish move. and i really dont know what skycapt is doing.
(To clarify, it was foolish if he was pulling the strings because the bloodshed was non-essential until after the nation was taken over and control solidified. G2G for that lecture. :()
The Kraven Corporation
07-10-2005, 16:18
OOC -- Nicolas lives in a hillside palace, not an apartment and he's still at the harbour with his security detail.
The Kraven Corporation
07-10-2005, 16:19
OOC: okay, fair enough, but unless he's pulling your ayatolla's strings, in which case this was foolish from his side, 'twas still a foolish move. and i really dont know what skycapt is doing.
(To clarify, it was foolish if he was pulling the strings because the bloodshed was non-essential until after the nation was taken over and control solidified. G2G for that lecture. :()
Its all been agreed by TG, so if your wanting to get involved, you will have to be willing to loose, As for skycpt i have future plans...
The Kraven Corporation
07-10-2005, 16:30
IC -- The Ayatolla keeps receiving reports of the chilling round ups and indifference showen to the people, "Where is our military in all this" he thought to himself as he sat infront of his Quran. Just then another report comes in, reporting the soldiers sent to confront the invaders were all dead.
"How can this be, whats going on here" he spoke aloud to those in the room with him. One member of his staff informs him that the Military must be sent out to confront these hooligans, and with reluctance the Ayatolla agrees. Soon the Ayatollas forces begin marauding the streets searching for the foe with no plan of attack or plan of any sort.
Hours go by and reports pile in about the destruction of the Ayatollas forces who have tucked tail and run back to there bases after seeing the cold hatered of these invaders and after loosing many brothers in arms to them.
The streets of Ankar are a sad sight as banners and flags wave in the breeze and women, childern and even men cry out, many of them trying to escape but only finding death as there true escape.
Meanwhile the Military is at a lose as to what can be done. Commanders argue with each other about surrender and fighting to the death. Too many choices with time runnning out as the The Troopers continue to squeeze the life and resistance from the city.
As units begin to simply disband and leave quitely, One brave General orders his units on full alert with-in there compound and they wait for the enemy to dare show themselves. With about 2,000 infantry, some tanks and artillery, he feels confident about destroying the oncoming enemy, but intel is his real enemy. With no clue as to the size or strengh of the enemy he waits for them, sure of himself and the troops under his command.
The Corporations forces were continuing its operation of pacification, troops were moving from street to street, rounding up any people who had been missed in the first sweep...
On the outskirts of the City, near the docks that were just down from Nicolas's Mansion, a makeshift concentration camp had been constructed, wire fences had been hastely errected, and now the Capitol Police began herding people into the compounds by force of arms... Naturaly after seeing how the corporation delt with insubordinates.... the people complied....
A reichmarshal from the Corporations secret police was stood on the hill by the mansion, watching the scene below... hearing the women and children screaming, and the men crying out for loved ones....
"Reichmarshal... The first stage is nearly complete and Reports of a military base being fortified are coming through, your orders?"
"THX 221, Begin the Segementing the Populace, We'll decide from here which ones will work in Ankaristans mines... Dispatch the Phase 4's"
"By your Command" the Troopers voice was cold and empty, it lacked emotion and sounded robotic.. he turned and the armoured form returned to the Operation....
The reichmarshal turned his attentions back to the Concrentration camp below..
At the Army base, 4 Transport Vtols landed a good 1000 yards away, the whine of turbo ram jets could be heard as this time, the craft lowered itself down onto the ground...
The Doors of the Transport craft opened, then like a knife cutting through butter a series of lazer target designators activated, slicing through the darkness with red beams of intense light...
07-10-2005, 17:22
Its all been agreed by TG, so if your wanting to get involved, you will have to be willing to loose, As for skycpt i have future plans...
OOC: you forgot to say ooc there m8. btw, if that was so say closed in the thread title or something similar. cos i'm in too many places right now:
IC: NSAA issues the following press release:
We are now withdrawing all our forces from the areas now claimed by the kraven corporation due to international pressure. we will continue to monitor events and at need we will act to protect our interests. Message ends.
All NSAA military units withdraw from the area. orbital observation sattelites and intelligence assets on the ground are deployed to watch all kraven military positions.
OOC again: yo kraven, you still playing ground control?
The Kraven Corporation
07-10-2005, 17:25
OOC: you forgot to say ooc there m8. btw, if that was so say closed in the thread title or something similar. cos i'm in too many places right now:
IC: NSAA issues the following press release:
We are now withdrawing all our forces from the areas now claimed by the kraven corporation due to international pressure. we will continue to monitor events and at need we will act to protect our interests. Message ends.
All NSAA military units withdraw from the area. orbital observation sattelites and intelligence assets on the ground are deployed to watch all kraven military positions.
OOC again: yo kraven, you still playing ground control?
OOC: Ah, oh well, I would like to get more people involved, but they have tobe prepared to loose, as for Ground control, no I dont actually have the game, but i have played it, I might have to pick it up however. if i do ill let you know...
07-10-2005, 17:30
OOC: its a free download now hidden somewhere on fileplanet. if you want i can TG you the URL. oh yeah, and your nation is now on my watch list btw. sorry, nothing personal.
The Kraven Corporation
07-10-2005, 17:31
OOC: its a free download now hidden somewhere on fileplanet. if you want i can TG you the URL. oh yeah, and your nation is now on my watch list btw. sorry, nothing personal.
OOC: Personal? Im honoured, I love all this attention, the Corporation is evil and im a megalomaniac! lol :D as for the url go for it :)
07-10-2005, 17:52
OOC: that URl should be on the way to your TG inbox. once you've got it join the massive entertainment forums ( and get playing online. just wait till i'm on... BTW, my user there is Nobody_Holme if you want to find me)
(this looks like it'll be interesting especially since it's happening not too far away from my Aquatic borders hehe, Love the Sinister Capitol Police :D )
The Kraven Corporation
10-10-2005, 07:11
(this looks like it'll be interesting especially since it's happening not too far away from my Aquatic borders hehe, Love the Sinister Capitol Police :D )
OOC: Thanks :D
10-10-2005, 10:07
OOC: i may well be going to war with you over the taking of slaves, you note, when i get out of my other jobs, but i do have my prestige value (okay, so i dont have any, but hey, shut it) to think of: i wont get involved where there is no chance of winning.
But then again, unless you godmod, there's always a chance of me winning.
The Kraven Corporation
10-10-2005, 17:22
OOC: i may well be going to war with you over the taking of slaves, you note, when i get out of my other jobs, but i do have my prestige value (okay, so i dont have any, but hey, shut it) to think of: i wont get involved where there is no chance of winning.
But then again, unless you godmod, there's always a chance of me winning.
OOC: Well I' dont god mod, and just have a very Frightening military.
I'll TG you my MSN details so we can talk further about this
OOC: This'll be fun to watch? I might join in, Novacom is highly Isolationist (while that is changing) they're going to be pretty alarmed about 2 foreign powers clashing very close to Novacom (just so ya know I'm in the same region as Ankaristan, he's the only region in the south or to the west excepting myself :P
Only have to decide on a side, decisions decisions
The top of this message is in a language never seen before and of which none can read possibly Novacom Caligraphs.
Message to Kraven Corporation Authorities
We of Novacom wish to remind you that while you are indeed welcome to Ankaristan you are required to saty out of Novacom Territorial Waters, any deviation into Novacom Territory will be met with rapidly overwhelming force.
Take heed of this for we are not known for warning people this is a rare exception.
Hugoro Sarestus
Novacom Foreign Affairs Minister
Elsewhere Novan Territorial Naval Forces are mobilised and put on high alert Tri-Maran Ships step up Patrols Massive Guradina Class Aircraft Carriers set sail and Commodore Hijir combat Mechas take to the skies flying silently with slight woosh noises as they manouever in the air leaving a small trail of heated air.
They set sail for patrol's and all attendant Jamming is put into a higher state of operation, anything entering Novacom Territorial Waters would fast find itself blind deaf and mute, perhaps permanently by the insanely powerful signal becomes even stronger.
Massive Generator's housed inside small islands utilised entirely for the purpose of homeland defence increased the near legendary jamming fields employed by Novacom, the signals themselves could then be relayed through transmitters onboard all Novacom craft and borne by all Novacom Personell all for the purpose of defence and keeping the Novacom Isles unknown to the entire world so that Novacom may remain a mystery for another 7,000 years.
Novacom Homeland, Destinus Isle
Novacom Capitol, Novesia
The Canyon Walls of Novesia roar with massive shouts of fierce pride and patriotism the people rally down the streets waving banners and flags others watch the spectacle their eyes glowing with jot everyone shouts and screams Patriotic Slogans and the voices come together echoing grandly throughout the city, However underneath the city in the vast Catacombs their
is something afoot in the War Room.
Soft Muted alarms had been sounding for some time now, a small flotilla had been detected entering Novacom Territory and at the most dangerous point as well, A message had been relayed back from Foreign Minister Hugoro Sarestus, Peace had been made with Kraven and that the force scrambled to intercept them was to instead escort the Kraven forces to Ankaris-
tan. "alert Colonel Vatakas, Admiral Kitas may be away on diplomatic business but his Subordinate is more than capable of handling this mission, And finish Aligning that Mirror Block," Military Staff snap to attention and the transmission is sent, on the large screen usually showing a world map, a closeup of Novacom Territory is shown and on the other half the final alignments for the new Mirror Block over Damocles, the last blast a full power one had destroyed the other one while aiming at one of the hated Admiral's Island refuges, this of course was nothing unexpected if it had been at anything but full power the mirror block would not have required replacing.
The orders are relayed and an ensign at the communications relay starts to transmit this message, "Colonel Vataks come in, your orders are now to Escort the Kraven Fleet safely to Ankaristan, Please Acknowledge,"
Novacom Fleet Group Kitas
Flagship Grendal
"Colonel Vataks come in, your orders are now to Escort the Kraven Fleet safely to Ankaristan, Please Acknowledge," Colonel Vatakas swiftly turns round and storms back to the strategic platform, "We're to WHAT!? Well Lieutenant Vanzal get to it order the fleet to get into escort formation and encircle the Kraven fleet, I want Commodore Hijir in the air at once double patrol and send our acknowledgements back to command, Get moving
we haven't got all day,"
The Haggard Colonel smashed his fists down on the tables surrounding ring sending a cup of Novan fine herbal tea flying into the nearby crew pit, fortunately it doesn't hit anybody and the poor Lieutenant Vanzal quickly picks it up and begins quietly talking to the ensign at the communications station, after a nodding of heads the Lieutenant marches back up to the table placing carefully the cup back on the ring of the table, a slight rumbling can be heard as the Combat Mechas are sent soaring into the skies.
"Kraven Battle group we are under orders to escort you safely through our territory, please link your navigation to our telemetry and we will lead you safely through, do not rely on your radar and other methods of detection switch over to visual detection and assign watches," the fleet has by now got into tight Escort formation around the group and begins to accelerate
Admiral Kukonois Rebel Legion Fleet Phobos,
Flagship Mitras,
"Soon the glory of battle against the Hated enemy shall begin I don't care who these newcomers are they have barged into the lands that are our birthright and as such their lives are forfeit, My brave warriors you will spill their blood and steal their skulls for we must Purge the Decadent dupes of the Tolions and their allies only then can our beloved Admiral be Vindicated, now go may the blood poured now dye the seas red." Generla Gonyon would
cackle maniacally from his chair, the Submarine fleet had been waiting for just such an opportunity for vengeance after that strange attack of Vikel no-one knew what had happened but one thing was sure the island had been annihilated not even a pebble had survived.
All of a sudden on the surface of the water a great column of water would rise up as Submarine Battleships surface launching bizarre Contraptions looking like a perverted Hijir Combat Mecha the Sub-batleships prepare to bombard both Kraven and Novacom fleets. one word can be heard screaming over the waves,"Suprise" followed by a Maniacal Cackling.
The Corporations forces were continuing its operation of pacification, troops were moving from street to street, rounding up any people who had been missed in the first sweep...
On the outskirts of the City, near the docks that were just down from Nicolas's Mansion, a makeshift concentration camp had been constructed, wire fences had been hastely errected, and now the Capitol Police began herding people into the compounds by force of arms... Naturaly after seeing how the corporation delt with insubordinates.... the people complied....
A reichmarshal from the Corporations secret police was stood on the hill by the mansion, watching the scene below... hearing the women and children screaming, and the men crying out for loved ones....
"Reichmarshal... The first stage is nearly complete and Reports of a military base being fortified are coming through, your orders?"
"THX 221, Begin the Segementing the Populace, We'll decide from here which ones will work in Ankaristans mines... Dispatch the Phase 4's"
"By your Command" the Troopers voice was cold and empty, it lacked emotion and sounded robotic.. he turned and the armoured form returned to the Operation....
The reichmarshal turned his attentions back to the Concrentration camp below..
At the Army base, 4 Transport Vtols landed a good 1000 yards away, the whine of turbo ram jets could be heard as this time, the craft lowered itself down onto the ground...
The Doors of the Transport craft opened, then like a knife cutting through butter a series of lazer target designators activated, slicing through the darkness with red beams of intense light...
OOC -- Using this nation for the RP then since the other one still wont log in, Sorry again for the delay...
IC -- As women, childern and growen men followed the orders of the enemy units, General Ali Alkai stood on full alert with-in the compound as his men waited for the enemy to dare show themselves. With about 2,000 infantry, 25 tanks and 40 artillery pieces they felt confidant about there posistion as the 4 Transport Vtols landed.
Meanwhile Nicolas continues to insist to speak to there Commanding Officer.