Operation: Reclaim the Antaries Galaxy. FT (Semi-open)
04-10-2005, 06:50
The Fuhrer Alfred Von Antheron was at the point of maddness. The Shadows were constantely suggesting things that seemed reasonable and his advisors were constantly telling him that the Fatherland needed time to strengthen itself. The Fuhrer was still trying to control the Ithkul hivemind which took up a lot of his Psy power leaving him weaker than every before. The Fuhrer decides to do the impossiable to reclaim the Antaries Galaxy and restore it to it's former glory. The Sub-Fuhrers said that correcting the Black holes were impossiable to fix and the only planets there would require us to battle our allies for the Gas Giants that were left, The Fuhrer did not care he ordered the Reclaiming of the Antaries Galaxy. The 3rd Fleet under Fleet Marshal Sarin was given this difficult and Dangerious task.
The 3rd Fleet heads to the only planets in the Antaries Galaxy and prepares for the insanity of this stupidity.
Neo Zeta
04-10-2005, 06:58
The few planets left were controled by Neo Zeta and were used in mineing operations. The Fleets guarding the area were stroung and well rested. With the Republic war over and the new projects going forword Neo Zeta had little to worry about. Jurai would not hold long and the Econemy was growing.
They had put their hate of the Deatharon people behind them. They were stroung allies but even tho they didnt hate them this dose not mean they put their mistrust behind them...
04-10-2005, 07:09
The Fleet Marshal read his orders and said, "What is he thinking attack the Abh is one thing taking on Neo Zeta is a whole different ball game. We have never fought Neo Zeta on the offensive. This would only anger them and bring there nation down on our heads."
The Sub-Fuhrer of the military sighed as he recieved Sarin's tranmission and replied, "How about we tell the Fuhrer we attacked and defeated them the man would never know the difference. I mean he never leaves his living quaters."
Fleet Marshal Sarin responds, " I would love Antaries back as much as the next Imperialist but invading Neo Zeta is not the way to restore our homeland. I mean look what happened last time.
The 3rd fleet had finally arrived and was in a standard defensive formation giving no eviedence of hostillity.
Neo Zeta
04-10-2005, 07:15
The 9th fleet was in orbit of one of the mineing outpast that had shipyards in orbit. The fleet was made up of 300 ships with the newist Eclipse Class ship named The Spartan. The keel of one other Eclipse Class chould be seen as it would be the next and last planned Eclipse for Neo Zeta for now.
The ships payed little mind of the Deatharon ships but were on yellow alert do to the war with Jurai.
The planet only had miners and some troops on the worlds. The world was blown out of orbit 10 years ago when Deatharon used its super weapon. The planet was now a forzen waste land with tempatures only getting to -10 f on the days and going well bellow at night.
04-10-2005, 07:23
The Deatharon Fleet raised shields and armed weapons. The Fleet Marshal had hit the go to war button on the control counsel of his Mothership activating the defense grid. The A.I. Battle Network jumped online and caluated the Neo Zetan Fleet and the rest of the system and the planet. The weapons had not yet locked on to a specific target.
Fleet Marshal prayed that the Fuhrer would recall the Fleet at the last minute.
Neo Zeta
04-10-2005, 07:29
The Neo Zetan fleet detectied the Weapons of the Deatharon fleet go online. They at once did the same as The Eclipse readyed for battle. The Dakra Super Weapon also was ready if need be.
The Admiral in charge of the 9th fleet sighed and sent a message to the Deatharon fleet
Do not do this Deatharon. Their is only one reasion you would raise weapons. You would fight us for a dead Galaxy?? The worlds left here would not be ideal worlds to live on. We have come fare to repair our past relations. Do not throw it away here do not start a war that would only end in the Death of many who need not die. If you wish these worlds back so much then open talks with our goverment but do not start a war that will not end well for either of us..
04-10-2005, 07:37
The Fleet Marshal recieved the message and sent one back:
We are under orders by the Fuhrer Alfred Von Antheron to reclaim this Galaxy by any means nessicary. The Fuhrer has this notion of restoring the Fatherland to its rightful glory but many of us fear he is at the point of maddness. The Fuhrer is becoming more reclusive and his Ithkul bodyguards are starting to protect him from everyone including his own advisors. We have very little choice in the matter.
OOC: Think Alfred becoming like Stalin and you have it.
Last post for tonight.
Neo Zeta
04-10-2005, 07:42
You do have a choice. You are in command of the fleet and many more must feel his leadership is becomeing bad. You are Loyal to the Fatherland correct? Being loyal to the Fatherland would mean protecting it from those who would harm it from with in too even if its the leader. A Occupation by Chronosia would end the way of life in Deatharon forever. And they would be the ones who get the worlds not us if it comes to war. Think of the Fatherland not the leader. This was the Admirals reply. He was one of the new types of Admirals he knew expansion was good but useless war was harmful and counter productive.
04-10-2005, 21:33
The Fleet Marshal thought about the message and replied, ("This is a crime agaisnt the Confederation but if it must be done for the good of the Fatherland than so be it. We will power down our weapons however we have just become traitors and will be hunted down by the Fuhrer's Ithkul Forces.)
The Fleet powered down weapons and hoped the Neo Zetan fleet would not take advantage of there disadvantage.
Neo Zeta
04-10-2005, 21:39
We have much wreckage from the last war we can scatter it to make it seem a battle has taken place. You may hide your fleet in the Delta Dust Cloud. We will soon send someone to see what has made your leader become so dark in recent times
The Neo Zetan fleet kept their eyes open for anymore Deatharon ships that may give away what the 3rd fleet has done.
04-10-2005, 22:38
The 3rd Confed Fleet starts to cloak each ship with there best cloaking devices. The Fleet Marshal can not afford to take chances.
The Ithkul scout ship headed toward the target area cloaked it was ordered to report on the fleets situation.
Neo Zeta
04-10-2005, 22:47
The scout ship would find wreckage and transmissions going back and forth about damage reports and asking for reinforcements after the Deatharon attack. They hoped to fool the scout ships.
They would see all defense stations in Neo Zeta now online the element of surprise was lost or so it would seem to them.
04-10-2005, 22:52
The Scout ship retreats back and informs the Fuhrer that the attack failed and Neo Zeta was aware of the Inter-Galactic Confederation's intentions.
Neo Zeta
04-10-2005, 22:57
Neo Zeta did not want a war and knew only one thing could be done a message as sent to Deatharons 3rd fleet
Who is in line to take power if the current Fuhrer is replaced? Someone of a more sound mind we hope
Scar was summonded to the outpost nearist to a Wormhole gate. He would be needed to pass judgement agian..
04-10-2005, 23:08
Fleet Marshal Sarin replies,
The Fuhrer would be replaced by the Antaran Chancellor Minax. This however will not work because the other factions will mearly battle her for control of the Confederation. The Fuhrer is the only keeping the Ithkul and the Factions in check.
OOC: Alfred Controls the Ithkul and if he dies they start to eat the closest no Ithkul creatures. Meaning Deatharon troops and civillians.
The Factions are the military branchs, industral companies. and racial supermacy groups.
Neo Zeta
04-10-2005, 23:22
How many of these things are there?? And Scar feels he may have another way.
Scar arrived at the outpost awaiting the deal to be reached.
04-10-2005, 23:28
Fleet Marshal Sarin sends a message:
There are about Two Harvester Hive Fleets. The largest is Waffen the Fuhrer's bodyguards. The Second and more destructive is Harvester Hive Fleet Death's Head.
05-10-2005, 07:56
Note Death's head is invading Abh space thus they will not be able to defend the Fuhrer at this time.
07-10-2005, 05:06
Neo Zeta
07-10-2005, 05:10
Scar sent a message to the hidden 3rd fleet
We need you to send a message to your leader that the Neo Zetan Empress has been cuaght by what is "left" of your forces. Say that she is being held on a near by moon base taken from Neo Zeta. We assume with his state of mind and ego he will come to see the mighty empress him self to mock her. There i will deal with him one way or another but his soul will be cleaned.
07-10-2005, 05:14
Fleet Marshal Sarin replies,
The Fuhrer is gentically Engineered to be superhuman and has the Psy abilities of the Ithkul hivemind to back him up. If you fail. He will destroy all of us.
Neo Zeta
07-10-2005, 05:18
I know this my mind can say what if want if you will. As for the Empress to insure the realistic mind reponse to it i have already had troops poseing as those of Deatharon capture her. forgive me for going ahead with out going by this with you first howeved going to the Deatharon capital would be risky.
Scars shuttle now set course for the moon base where the deatharon forces had "kiddnaped" the empress.
07-10-2005, 05:27
Fleet Marshal Sarin sent a highly coded message detailing the Kidnap of the Neo Zetan Empress.
The Fuhrer was pleased and headed to the moon on board the Hive Ship Waffen with the Waffen Hive Fleet escorting him to the location.
Neo Zeta
07-10-2005, 05:33
Scar kept his mind clear to appear to be a Deatharon marine. He would clean the soul of the Emperor hopefully not killing him so he could keep the Hive Mind under his controle.
The Empress stood in a cell with a energy barrier. She kept her cool but the device there kept her from useing her demon powers or the whole base would be rubble by now.
07-10-2005, 05:40
The Harvester Hiveship Waffen opens a channel to the base sending a highly coded message:
The Fuhrer is here to take the Empress back to the Fatherland to stand trail for her peoples sins agaisnt the Inter-Galactic Confederation of Deatharon
The Harvester Hive Fleet held formation around the Harvester Hive Ship.
Neo Zeta
07-10-2005, 06:04
We are honored by The Fuhrer comeing in persion. The Empress befor she is taken wishs to have words with the Fuhrer. Her Demonic powers are under controle so their is no risk to the Fuhrer.
Scare waited and wondered what would happen.
07-10-2005, 06:11
The Fuhrer Alfred Von Antheron and his bodyguards, The Ithkul Hive Guard beam down to the base. The Holo Image projector on the Fuhrer's right arm concealed the Fuhrer's true Image. The Fuhrer looked half Superhuman and half Ithkul Hive Master but the Image that the Holo Image projected was that made him look like he did before the Ithkul experments had begun.
OOC: The Projector can only conceal him from normal and average Psykers. The more powerful ones know what the Fuhrer looks like but they are under oath of death not to speak of what they seen. and yes the form increases his already consederable strength and Psy powers.
Neo Zeta
07-10-2005, 06:42
As the "deatharon" troop lead The Fuhrer into the brig the blast doors sealed behind him and laser blast could be heard as the troops attacked his body guard.
Scare stood there his right arm could be seen the markings on it glow.
" Fuhrer Alfred Von Antheron what a blessed day this is. By the will of god all mighty i am to clean your soul of the filth that posses it one what or another. Pray to him for your life may yet be saved"
07-10-2005, 06:59
The Harvester Hive Guard strike back with there acidic arm cannons. Some even form claws that eat away at living matter that gets touched. Some jump off there hosts and take new ones. The regenerative abilities also kicks in for some of the wounded Hive Guard. Some however died instantly in the surpise attack.
Fuhrer Alfred Von Antheron feels all the Ithkul battleing around the many Galaxies and still looks at Scar and saids, "Fool with the power I possess I am unstoppable. The Hivemind grants me uncomprenhsable power. The Fuhrers right arm starts to power up. (His Ithkul arm.) He prepares to blast Scare with a Psy blast.
OOC: Because of his connection to the Hivemind he is considered a Psyker god class, only Chancellor Minax rivals him in Psy ability. His weakness is that fact he is distracted by having to direct all the Ithkul. So he never seems to be totally fighting one adversary.
Neo Zeta
07-10-2005, 20:31
The Abh-Fayth clones fall back smileing as another blast door seals the Ithkul. They can smell a gas pooring into the room untell a LARGE fire ball forms burning anything organic to ash and melting metal.
Scar stands there and smells " Are you so blined you dont see your controled by another force now."
Scare waits for his attack he then will make his move when he feels it is time.
07-10-2005, 20:36
The Fuhrer smiles and saids, "No one Controls the Fuhrer. The Fuhrer is all powerful." With that he charges his Ithkul arm at full power. He plans to use the energy from the Psy blast to blow up Scar into tiny pieces. (may want scar to dodge this.)
The Ithkul recieve orders from there ships. They adjust there bodies for the next assualt and beam another division of Hive guard down to the base. The Harvester Hive cruisers aim weapons at the base once the Fuhrer is out of harms way the ships would turn the base into dust in space.
Neo Zeta
07-10-2005, 20:43
"Scare smiles use your attack if you wish. Infact i will even turn my back to you" He turns waiting for the attack
The Abh-Fayth clones also adjust and are realsed to level B of their powers. They now seem more well built. The engage the enemys with wrist laser blasers and laser cutters.
07-10-2005, 20:49
The Fuhrer unleashes his attack. The Massive amount of energy would obliterate an ordianary human. The Fuhrer laughed as he thought about Scar being destroyed so easily. The Hivemind felt the Fuhrer's command to hurry up and the Waffen continued its attack to rescue there Fuhrer.
The Ithkul keep up there attack. many of them try to take the Abh Fayth clones as hosts and turn them agaisnt there comrades. The Ithkul with hosts use there Acidic arm cannons to fire there acidic projectiles at the enemy. Some even use there Bio claws. (think claws used by Species 8472) The goal was to terrorize the enemy so they could reach the Fuhrer.
10-10-2005, 22:41
Neo Zeta
11-10-2005, 06:38
Scar dove out of the way letting the blast hit the energy shiled keeping Makuro prisoner sending the blast back at the Fuhrer. This gave Scar time to slam his right hand down on a alchemy circle he hoped to over power the shadows grip on The Fuhrer and at the same time make His mental strengh higher so he might not be so mad.
" BE FREE OF THE DARKNESS IN YOUR SOUL!!" Scar yelled if this didnt work Scar would be forced to try and kill him.
11-10-2005, 06:49
The Counter blast from his own attack sent Alfred flying backwards. The only reason it did not kill him was for his bodies superstrength and powerful Psy protection. The Alchemy of Scar was having an effect, but the Fuhrer was screaming the Hivemind tried to shield the Fuhrers mind from the pain. The Shadows had a good grip on Alfred's mind but Scars power was starting to break the Shadows control.
Neo Zeta
11-10-2005, 06:56
Scar kept it up the transmutation circle lit up with a light blue light as Scar tryed to brake the Shadows grip.
11-10-2005, 07:00
Slowly and painfully the Shadows lost control of the Fuhrer's mind. The Ithkul guards started to litterly halt in there tracks. The Hivemind was to busy protecting the Fuhrers mind and repairing his body. The Fuhrer Alfred laid on the ground litterly to dired an injured to move.
Neo Zeta
11-10-2005, 07:03
Scar stood up and turned the shield off letting Makuro out. She stood looking at The Fuhrer " Will he live?"
" He will his body will heal soon now that the grip of the darkness has let go."
Scar and Makuro stood waiting to see and make sure.
11-10-2005, 07:14
A really powerful Psy barrier surrounds the Fuhrer. All the Ithkul on the ground explode because the Fuhrer is taking ther life forces and useing them to power the barrier. The Barrier protects him as the Hivemind does a rapid healing on the Fuhrer. The Hivemind is concerned that Scar or the Demonic Empress of Neo Zeta might finish Fuhrer Alfred on his moment of weakness. Alfred for the first time feels really vulenerable his usually feeling of invinciablity has left him. He feels like the young Alfred that was killed by his much more bloody thirsty father.
Neo Zeta
11-10-2005, 07:21
Makuro had been around and seen many cower befor her in her time to know when someone is afraid. She speaks calmy " You have nothing to fear from us why wont you understand that. For so long we have been puppets of our former leaders and parents who pushed us into war and hate. They are now gone. Gone is your father and gone is Weyoun. Search for The Philosophers Stone and you will never have anything to fear.
Scar looked at the Empress not knowing why or what she was telling him.
OOC: For info this takes place befor the other thread. This Empress is just Envy takeing her form.
11-10-2005, 07:30
The Fuhrer is his weaken state absorb this idea to find the Philosophers Stone. The Fuhrer had heard of the legends surrounding the stone thanks to the C.I.C. Fuhrer Alfred finally made up his mind he would try to find the Stone. He would never know fear again he would truly be unstoppable as he always believed he should be for himself and his people.
OOC: In his weaken state he can not read Envys mind so he believes this statement whole heartly. He is going to hunt down the Stone.
Neo Zeta
11-10-2005, 07:37
Makuro nods " Good i must take my leave now" Makuro walks out and beams aboard a transport as it folds out Envy turns back to her normal form and smiles.
Scar waits to make sure the Deatharon leader is ok.
11-10-2005, 07:42
The Fuhrer's strength returns to normal, Fuhrer Alfred can feel the minds of the millions of Ithkul across the many Galaxies. He smiles and gets up his barrier dies out. The Fuhrer does not need it he feels like he could destroy a planet again. The Fuhrer looks at Scar with a stare of intrest instead of one of rage.
Neo Zeta
11-10-2005, 07:49
Scar returns the stare then says " Your free now from the darkness that controled you. You should bring your fleets back from combat with the Abh and their allies. As well as allow the 3rd fleet to return safe. They hid with our aid knowing somthing controled you."
11-10-2005, 07:53
The Fuhrer saids, " I will recall the Fleets and return the POWs but I fear the Abh are going to take my weakness personally and attack. The only hope for peace would be if the Neo Zetan Government uses some of its influence on the Abh Empire."
Neo Zeta
11-10-2005, 08:05
Scar nods " We will inform them not to attack Deatharon we will explane things to them."
11-10-2005, 08:09
Fuhrer Alfred saids, "Thank you." He then sends a powerful message via the Hivemind to the Harvester Hive Ships that give them the order to send a message to the Confederation's High Command telling them to recall all Fleets and release all POWS.
The Harvester Hive ships follow the command without question like they alway do in a matter of a few hours the Inter-Galactic Confederation of Deatharon would start a peaceful realtionship with there old allies.