NationStates Jolt Archive

The Bliss of Reorganization [ATTN: Kraven Corp. ; Open]

The Macabees
04-10-2005, 01:18
The War of the Fugue Straits had ended in a rather belligerent way, as Kraven's fleet had been forced to withdraw after a valiant stand, and the islands so fought for by Kraven had been swiftly occupied by the Empire, as specified in so many Imperial Maps ( Of course, it was a natural occurance that Kraven and Imperial relations were on a recession, and indeed, what nation would be friendly after that blatant act of belligerence? Regardless, the tables had seemed to turn, and now it was the Empire serving for the benefit of the Kraven Corporation. Indeed, both nations had agreed to a somewhat uneasy non-agression pact for the time being, while the Kraven Corporation continued in the re-organization of its fleet, which was much needed. As a consequence, some two hundred or so advisors, mostly engineers and high ranking military officials, were sent to the Kraven Corporation to oversee naval operations and reorganizations in the area.

The fleets that returned to Kraven were demorolized, thoroughly defeated, but it wasn't truly their fault, and Kraven was looking to capitalize on that fact. The truth was that the War of Fugue Straits had caught the nation and her maritime fleets off guard, as they never had expected to wage a war with another naval power, that had been one for the past fifteen years, and was one before the eruption of the Grand Civil War. Their ground forces could be said to return in the same state, however, there had only been limited ground forces involved, so it was to say, the demoralization wasn't as wide spread. Not to mention the fact that the defeat of the occupation of what was now Imperial territory could be blamed on the navy as a whole, and not on the infantry. With all this in mind it was obvious that Kraven's fleet would need some major reorganization, and some other work.

Perhaps it was not accurate to claim that Kraven was looking foward to emerge from its defeat in the Fugue Straits as a full fledge naval power, but it did hope to emerge as a contestant, and slowly, but surely, it would become a naval power, as it proved itself in future sea based battlefields. The advisors now in Kraven kept his in mind as they drew their rough sketches of what they hoped would become the new Kraven fleet, and already the lead advisors - the one's that would talk to Kraven's leadership directly - we're designing something that they thought was roughly equal to that of the Empire's, and would allow Kraven to show naval superiority time and time again.

Indeed, the official document that outlined the beginnings of the re-organization said it all.

To: Administration of the Navy of The Kraven Corporation
Subject: Re-organization

From combat records going through the War of the Fugue Straits it seems that you were basing your navy on too many ships, and most of those were too big to be cost effective. It is to say, you had too many capital ships, and too few support ships, and in the long run, it is those support ships that ultimately win the battle for you. Your battle group also suffered in the way of fleet defenses, including ample anti-submarine warfare defenses and anti-shipping defenses, which includes fleet defenses against incoming missile barrages. This can be mostly due to ship types, the number of ships within each category of types, and the lack of form.

We are not here, however, to bash your navy. We are here to improve upon the mistakes carried out in the War of the Fugue Straits. Within that context, we wish to establish exactly the pattern of how we are going to deal with this reorganization, including the possible reconstruction of several ship classes. For this latter idea, if you could provide us with a database of your shipping we can look over specific shipping, and see if it is adequate for modern combat. We will also go over some overlooked or underrated fleet defense techniques, including using your mainguns to cut down incoming missile barrages, as well as anti-air artillery guns.

Regarding form, there will be subtle changes within your navy which would allow it to preform better abroad, including designing a new set tactic for your fleet which would most likely follow our own, including a three tier ASW/ASuS defense system and such. But alas, there is much to talk about.

We suggest that your top naval officials and our top advisors meet within your general staff building for a conference of some sort, and we can iron out all the details concerning the reorganization of your navy. Nonetheless, we hope that this outline proved somewhat successful in explaining in very general terms what we hope to change.

Well, thank you for your time and cooperation.
Admiral Wilhelm Serm

It would be a tough road in from of them, but nonetheless, the Kraven fleet stood a good chance of a very effective re-organization. It was just a matter of time, and everybody had time.
The Kraven Corporation
04-10-2005, 20:20
The Fleet had returned to Kravonika, Its Capitol Police Crewmen were continueing the effective running of the ships without detrement... However the None conditioned Crewmen, officers and the like were, morally crushed, never before had a naval power activly engaged a Kraven battlegroup, Since the Navy's creation no one had ever brought Arms against The fleets, and so gradualy through Arrogance and blind belife, the Corporate fleets went into decline and became out dated...

Then The war of Fuge Straits began... A short, Sharp, Shock...

The High Command had called for a reorginisation, and had begun to draft plans for Improving the ships of The Battlegroups...

However a strange Telegram had arrived in the High Commands office...

from the Nation of Battlegroup november... the very battlegroup that had hammered the Fleet into submission...
The Macabees
06-10-2005, 20:40
[OOC: As specified on MSN, I think we need an order of battle time thing for your navy prior to the war, especially ship statistics per ship. Then, we can work from there.]
The Kraven Corporation
06-10-2005, 20:42
OOC: Working on it, will get it up ASAP