Religion & Spirituality
Marc Janson
02-10-2005, 17:11
The Federation of Marc Janson is busy with a nation wide discussion about Religion & Spirituality. The people of the Federation of Marc Janson are liberal and I as Prime Minister, need to let other nation know how to work with their people.
Therefor, we as nation want to create a world wide discussion about Religion & Spirituality and how this has to affect politics.
The Federation of Marc Janson is busy with a nation wide discussion about Religion & Spirituality. The people of the Federation of Marc Janson are liberal and I as Prime Minister, need to let other nation know how to work with their people.
Therefor, we as nation want to create a world wide discussion about Religion & Spirituality and how this has to affect politics.
We liberals here in Rolatia believe that on the whole, religion and spiritulaity has very little place in government matters. We believe that religion in government can slowly ascend into a religious dictatorship. We also believe that to keep the citizens happy, you maybe should give funding to the whole religious wing, but it is not vital. The proicess of religion should lay with the generosity of others, it is not a government matter
Dr J Edwards
Prime Minister of Rolatia
Marc Janson
02-10-2005, 17:17
I think you misunderstoud us, we don't want to fund specific relations. We want to talk about our religion and about other religions.
Our general opinion is that all religions are equel. But thank you for your message!
Russian Workers
02-10-2005, 18:01
There is no religion in my country, it is under-funded, and i like it that way. and anyone who protests my atheist ways will meet these guys in an un-friendly situation: :mp5: :sniper:
sincerely, dictator of RRW
We agree that all religions are equal: complete and utter nonsense. However, the worship of the Great Gods is no religion. What pathetic "gods" besides the Ruinous Powers grant physical proof of their existance? The pestilent gifts of Nurgle, the great Lords of Change that attend Tzeentch, Khorne's throne of skulls, the sensuous servants of Slaanesh: all these provide us ample proof that the Gods are real, and that they possess power beyond mortal ken. What better purpose in this world than to serve them faithfully, and reap the gifts of our devotion? If you are truly enlightened, abandon your worship of your pathetic idols, and bend to the will of Chaos.
The Kraven Corporation
02-10-2005, 18:12
Religion has No part in Corporate society, it is a bane that spreads discontent, blinds people to their duty as citizens of the Corporation, Religion is Outlawed in the Corporate Doctrines and anyone found to be practising Religious Ethics will be Immeadiatly Incarcerated in Forced Labour Mining Complexes, or Immeadiatly Terminated [At the Will of The Capitol Police, Guardians of Civil Law and Order]
Sean Victor, Minister For Civil Affairs, The High Command
02-10-2005, 18:24
Religion and the government should work together, for who can deny the power of a leader blessed by the Cobra Gods of the Jungle? Religion should be the seat on which a ruler sits. Freedom of religion should be allowed, but every effort should be made to convert them to the Faith of the Jungle.
EDIT: Spelling
Marc Janson
02-10-2005, 18:32
I am sorry to hear all these things. I think religion shouldn't interfere with politics but shouldn't be illigal at all!
02-10-2005, 19:13
The only legal relgion is the Orthodox Christian Church of Kreynoria, in which attendance and donations are compulsory. You may choose not to participate in the state church, at the cost of your citizenship. Religious education classes for children are mandatory. Kreynorian coins bear holy inscriptions. Our pledge of allegiance, oath of citizenship, and national anthem are all filled with holy messages. Public loudspeakers broadcast prayers and sermons. The government funds construction of churches, monasteries, and cathedrals, pays priests and clergy, and helps carry out Church objectives. Holy days are national legal holidays. Businesses are legally required to close on Sundays and holy days. We believe religion is an integral part of the government and one's daily lifestyle.
02-10-2005, 19:18
There is no religion in my country, it is under-funded, and i like it that way. and anyone who protests my atheist ways will meet these guys in an un-friendly situation: :mp5: :sniper:
sincerely, dictator of RRW
Keep your tongue behind your teeth, heathen. Don't be so quick to throw around threats you can't back-up.
~King Jedo~
02-10-2005, 19:23
The Merkar Republic does not understand why any government would actually fund religion for any religion other than to reinforce the state's control over the people. If you are a democratic country, Marc Janson, we recommend you not fund religion and spirituality.
Marc Janson
02-10-2005, 19:28
We fund every religion that want to be funded. Until our budget runs out.
02-10-2005, 22:11
Starenell is actually creating a new religion, with a pantheon of gods, from Starenellian myths. It is not mandatory, and is not highly funded, but it is the only religion that is funded.
The Religious Imperium of Jagada as, the name suggest, heavy religious influence in politics. It shapes our laws, our customs, our ways of life. That is how they people chose it to be and with the recent collapse of the Commonwealth form of government, an Imperium is now being tried. However, unlike many religious nations who force or encourage one religion. In Jagada, the top religions are your typical ones: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Bhuddism. All working with one another, since at no point in Jagadian history has the Christians waged war against the Muslims, nor have the Hindus and Muslims, or Bhuddist and Christians fought one another. In brief, religious wars don't occur here, and since there is no 'I'm right, your wrong' way of life allowed in Jagada, these religions work side-by-side.
Why fund religion? Religion is a paltry collection of fools and idiots, hiding behind their holy books, clinging to dogma, praying for their pathetic dieties to save them. Do they ever receive an answer? A revelation from on high? No, their gods, if they exist at all, turn their backs on them as we slaughter their men and put their cities to the torch. For we worship the True Gods, the Ruinous Powers of Chaos, the Lords of the Four Winds. We have seen their majesty, we have been blessed by their visitations. How can one stand against their might? Kneel before them, and they shall grant you power beyond your wildest dreams and life everlasting, not in some ephermal afterlife, but in this universe. Resist, and your world shall crumble and burn.
The Izhitsukimu
02-10-2005, 22:29
The Izhitsukimu state cannot determine the will of the people when it comes to the many religions we hold in our country.
Regardless of ideology, we hold a strict line, and seperate the church from the state. We do not fund religion, and it does not fund us.
-Chairman Zaion Marduk, speaking for the People's Republic of the Izhitsukimu-
02-10-2005, 22:38
Religion? Spirituality? Not for Falcania. Their reasoning? If there is a God, and God is all-loving, then why the fuck did he create Falcania?
02-10-2005, 23:10
The Zackarothian Goverment funds the three major religions greatly. Christianty, The jewish and the Islamic. any other get small fundings based on how widespread there religions are in the country. I suggest you fund the majot religions in the country while still giving enough to the smaller ones.