Earth VII Claims Thread
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Welcome to the Earth VII claims thread!
This is a new Earth. It is the size of Earth I but is as of current, unoccupied except for my own lands! This is a great chance for you to start claiming land here. The news will go in a separate thread
World Map ( Map.2.PNG)
North American Map ( American Map.1.PNG)
French Map ( Map.PNG)
1)All countries taken over HAVE TO BE ROLEPLAYED (except for your founding land)
2)For time period, we request that you try and stink to MT/PMT
3)If you claim the same land as someone else, whoever posted first (WITH THE LINK TO YOUR RP THREAD!) shall get it
4)Keep original territory within the registered guidelines. The amount allowed to be taken initially, where P is population and R the region of land multiplier (you can vary the places claimed, but try and keep the bulk of it within one area and you will do the maths) = (P/100,000,000)*R
5) All invasions that are left incomplete and inactive for 14 days are instantly discounted if another, active roleplay comes in. If the second invasion and beyond fall into this rule, it's a disputed zone with whoever goes active and completes it first winning the land
Unidos: Indiana
Tonissia: North Carolina
Tonissia: South Carolina
Tonissia: Virginia
Jagonia: Greenland
Poland-: California
Rolatia: El Salvador
Rolatia: Holland
Rolatia: Belgium
Rolatia: Luxembourg
New Preussen: Germany
Krytenia: Serbia & Montenegro
Krytenia: Bosnia & Herzegovina
Krytenia: Croatia
Pyschotika: Switzerland
Pyschotika: Liechenstein
Pyschotika: Austria
Pyschotika: Central France
CorpSac: United Kingdom
CorpSac: Ireland
Warta Endor: Finland
Warta Endor: Sweden
Warta Endor: Norway
Jagonia: Iceland
Jagonia: Sealand
Zactarn Prime: Spain
Zactarn Prime: Portugal
Rolatia: Sierra Leone
Rolatia: Liberia
Zactarn Prime: Equatorial Guinea
UIS: Argentina
United Tribes Cacicate: Brazil
United Tribes Cacicate: Uruguay
Rolatia: Guyana
Jagonia: Surinam
Jagonia: French Guinea
Zactarn Prime: Trinidad and Tobago
Zactarn Prime: Colombia
Southeastasia: Singapore
Gaian Ascendancy: Japan
Gaian Ascendancy: Korea
Solux Empire: 20000 sq km near Beijing, China
Roman Republic: South India
The Kraven Corporation: Antartica (AKA Fortress Antartica)
United Tribes Cacicate: SSS-AX
United Tribes Cacicate: SSS-BX (under construction)
United Tribes Cacicate: SSS-CX (under construction)
Rolatia: RU-1
*= Rule 5 currently applies
Dark Blue: Rolatia
Cyan: Warta Endor
Sea Blue: Jagonia
Medium Blue: Tonissia
Red: United Tribes Cacicate
Marroon: Flashes
Yellow: United Imperial States
Pale Yellow: Juumanistra
Gold: Krytenia
Light Green: New Preussen
Dark Green: CorpSac
Light Purple: Southeastasia
Dark Purple: Gaian Ascendary
Brown: Unidos
Sea Green: Poland-
Pink: Tonissia
Orange: Zactarn Prime (Pax Pacis)
First claim guidelines
First claim guidelines
First, you get allocation points. These go as follows:
Under 750 million: 1
751-1000 million: 2
1000-1999 million: 3
2000 million +: 4
The numbers mean how much allocation you have. The amount each country is worth is:
Tiny country: 0.5
Small group of islands: 0.5
Small country: 1
Small state: 1.5
Medium country: 2
Large state: 3
Large country: 3
Here's an idea of how much land each represents:
Tiny country: Luxembourg
Small group of islands: Most of the islands-countries in the Pacific
Small country: Switzerland
Small state: Most states
Medium country: Portugal
Large country: Germany
Large state: California, Texas, Pennyslvania
It's easier than the old system quite frankly
02-10-2005, 12:21
Can you have my nation own:
East Timor
Why? Because as my nation's name suggests, it is supposed to be a federal republic consisting of the RL Southeast Asian countries.
Can you have my nation own:
East Timor
Why? Because as my nation's name suggests, it is supposed to be a federal republic consisting of the RL Southeast Asian countries.
I cannot authorise it straight away, as you DO need to roleplay it. However roleplay yourself taking them one-by-one (You can choose a base for this time) and I will put you on the list
(Oh, by the way, if/when you do the roleplay of your 'founding' to get those countries, post the link)
OK, I guess so I'm not being hypocritical about RPing invasions, I'll post my own link to my roleplay takeover of my lands
The founding of Rolatia (
Come on claim some land :)
I've added a map of the world and North America and map key in the first post.
The Kraven Corporation
02-10-2005, 19:02
Would like to Claim Antarctica, which upon approval will be renamed to Fortress Antarctica
02-10-2005, 19:16
As spokesperson of the United Imperial States, we would like to claim the Americas. Thats 8 nations,
Seph: Canada
Ix-Xemx and Plectoria-USA east
Kal Zeth-USA west
Sollion-Central America
Nistolonia-South America
I'll add more to that in a sec. The UIS is PMT.\
EDIT: We'll start in Alaska and work our way down.
The Kraven Corporation
02-10-2005, 19:27
Link to my claims thread
Link to my claims thread
Thank you. Where is your invasion of Antartica starting from? I don't need too much roleplay for Antartica though ;)
02-10-2005, 19:40
After reading the map, the parts of Central America that belong to Ro;atia will, of course, not be claimed.
As spokesperson of the United Imperial States, we would like to claim the Americas. Thats 8 nations,
Seph: Canada
Ix-Xemx and Plectoria-USA east
Kal Zeth-USA west
Sollion-Central America
Nistolonia-South America
I'll add more to that in a sec. The UIS is PMT.\
EDIT: We'll start in Alaska and work our way down.
OK, but have you sensibly checked the guidelines? You're allowed a total of 382560 sq km collectively (I don't know individually) and the US is 11.5M sqkm. I doubt you'll be able to occupy it all especially when you consider opposition.
I need a SENSIBLE starting area (read - a state or section of Canada/US/Mexico). Besides, I think you're getting a teensy bit greedy by placing the entire region in here :mad:
The Kraven Corporation
02-10-2005, 19:42
Thank you. Where is your invasion of Antartica starting from? I don't need too much roleplay for Antartica though ;)
Antarctica is going to be the founding lands of The New Kraven Empire. its the Base of the Empire, from where all further attac... i mean claims will start...
Corporate Colours will be Crimson/blood red
02-10-2005, 19:44
Lets see.
South America will do for now.
Starting in Argentina
Antarctica is going to be the founding lands of The New Kraven Empire. its the Base of the Empire, from where all further attac... i mean claims will start...
OK, I see that. I'll allow you the west coast of Antartica. If you wish to occupy more you have to write a bit of RP (it is 1400m sq km here :) )
Lets see.
South America will do for now.
Starting in Argentina
OK, I'm granting you southern Argentina (see map being updated soon) under the united UIS. What's your collective army size and weaponry (since you seem to be basically united together)?
02-10-2005, 19:53
Military Strength
Seph: 350 Million Troops
Nistolonia and Nistolos-60 Million
Sollion-35 Million
Kal Xeth-6 Million
Ix-Xemx and Plectorian Prison Colony-2 Million, but form much of the logistics core.
EDIT: Seph had too much. Stupid Calculator.
Military Strength
Seph: 1.2 Billion Troops
Nistolonia and Nistolos-60 Million
Sollion-35 Million
Kal Xeth-6 Million
Ix-Xemx and Plectorian Prison Colony-2 Million, but form much of the logistics core.
First of all, I need information of equipment and vehicles/planes/shiips. It has to have been bought or at the very least you have to have a good, detailed military production and figures for production
OK, I have to put doubt on those figures. First of all, this would mean Seph keeps an army of about 30% of his population in the active military. That would COLLAPSE even his economy and 46% defence budget, let aloine gettiing the equipment. The others are much more reasonable, but you'll have to post the equipment purchased or developed. Other than that, I will assume Seph has an active military of 7%, and you're all unequipped with no vehicles :P Remiember, even native troops have weapons
Oh, and looking at your roleplay, it makes me think that you have to SPECIFY the area occupied and sized, and possibly go into more detail
The Kraven Corporation
02-10-2005, 20:07
For Information:
Corporate Forces are split up in two ways
Battalions and Legions
a Battalion is 1,000,000 strong
A Legion is 100,000 strong
The Kraven Military is Combined with its Law enforcment so Both budgets are combined to form a Military budjet of 74%
Further more the Kraven Military is 7% of the population, so we have roughly 54 million Military personel, from Capitol Police Troopers, to Capitol Police Drones, Logistical Personal, Pilots, Gunners, Tank Crews, Officers, Sardaukar Phase 4's
Note: that all of the Above are from Capitol Police stock apart from Officers and Sardaukar Phase 4's
A Battalion is a Capitol Police Formation
and a Legion is a Sardaukar Formation
Information on The Kraven Military and Doctrines can be found here:
For Information:
Corporate Forces are split up in two ways
Battalions and Legions
a Battalion is 1,000,000 strong
A Legion is 100,000 strong
The Kraven Military is Combined with its Law enforcment so Both budgets are combined to form a Military budjet of 74%
Further more the Kraven Military is 7% of the population, so we have roughly 54 million Military personel, from Capitol Police Troopers, to Capitol Police Drones, Logistical Personal, Pilots, Gunners, Tank Crews, Officers, Sardaukar Phase 4's
Note: that all of the Above are from Capitol Police stock apart from Officers and Sardaukar Phase 4's
A Battalion is a Capitol Police Formation
and a Legion is a Sardaukar Formation
Information on The Kraven Military and Doctrines can be found here:
Thank you for your detailed military information. Mine is on my Wiki page, but Ii am reorganising the military right now so...
The Kraven Corporation
02-10-2005, 20:37
Corporation is moving into Eastern Antarctica
Also, Antarctica has been renamed Fortress Antarctica
Corporation is moving into Eastern Antarctica
Also, Antarctica has been renamed Fortress Antarctica
Your claim is recognised. Also, I'm considering kicking away the country of Seph from the UIS (he has excessive forces, cannot post, makes up most of their territory and like the others has no military info besides numbers). What do you out there (including any participants and any observers) think?
The Kraven Corporation
02-10-2005, 20:47
Your claim is recognised. Also, I'm considering kicking away the country of Seph from the UIS (he has excessive forces, cannot post, makes up most of their territory and like the others has no military info besides numbers). What do you out there (including any participants and any observers) think?
Well, Im not bothered, The Corporation will begin its expansion out into the World once Antarctica is Secured, although im unhappy about the excessive numbers
The Kraven Corporation
02-10-2005, 20:48
Oh and Antarctica isnt on the Map :(
02-10-2005, 20:55
I cant speak for Seph, so you can kick him out if you want. His military size has been changed, but I have no idea what it can do.
Nistolonias Military (under construction) can be found here
Nistolonian Vehicles are effectivly normal, but are faster, better armed, smaller and not nearly as well armoured. They have APCs/MBTs/VOTL tranports...And I really need to post them.
Sollions Military (i'm writing it, buit its not been put on the PC):
Sollion Shock Troops: Heavly Armed and Armoured. Not very good at much else besides direct assault.
Tanks: MBT=Dragon
Armed with a heavy main gun and two 30mm Anti-Infantry Cannons.
Everything else is close enough to the Nistolonian Equivilent. Nistolonian Vehicle Stats should be up by this evening.
Ix-Xemx/Plectorian Prison Colony.-Basic Trooper with gun.
All Vehicles Imported From Nistolonia
Kal Xeth-Just forget about him. He doest post much anyway.
02-10-2005, 20:56
One second thought, its probably best if Seph doesnt get involved. He wont be able to post for a while. Just pretend I never mentioned him.
Oh and Antarctica isnt on the Map :(
I'm looking for a map with Antartica on it, don't worry :)
Nistolonia - Thanks for the information. Do you wish to relocate your territory or not, considering you will now hold the southern tip of Argentina?
The Kraven Corporation
02-10-2005, 21:00
My next claim, Doing the Rp of the Capture of them
02-10-2005, 21:02
Oh, and apologies for any inconvieniances I've caused. Ill do my best to get all the militaries up on the PC ASAP.
02-10-2005, 21:06
I'd like to claim Pennsylvania, as it should provide enough of a base before expanding in all directions in the hope of enveloping the East Coast.
02-10-2005, 21:11
Just leave Wayne intact. I've grown fond of it. ;)
Gaian Ascendancy
02-10-2005, 21:12
Would it be a terrible bother to play my nation here, as a seperate MT nation, rather than my normal FT one? I'm looking for a touch of a break from the norm.
Plus, it is is alright, I would like these two areas to claim in rps:
~ Japan
~ Korea (North and South)
The idea is to expand from these areas in a limited way, but still eventually end up with a realm relative to the population I have managed to build up. I won't use any of my FT stuff, and will more likely use a mix of US and Japanese military technology, and NO NUKES whatsoever. (I'll use the SDI defense if such a godmod attempt is made.)
As for starting military forces, I'll use the following:
~ 750,000 troops (variously armed small arms and other support weapons and equipment.
~ 25,000 assorted modern tanks, APCs, Hummers and such.
~ 6 Air standard wings, (F-16s, 15s, 22s), 2 stealth/Bomber Air Wing (177s, B-2s)
~ 1 Naval Fleet (1 Carrier, 1 Battleship, 3 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 10 support/troop ships)
The idea is defensive, and build up infrastructure before pushing anything in invasions. The details about equipment I'll hold off for the moment to see where to mold things.
I didn't see Japan/Korea taken yet, so I thought I'd make a grab, Appologies for anything that seems overboard. =^^=
I'd like to claim Pennsylvania, as it should provide enough of a base before expanding in all directions in the hope of enveloping the East Coast.
OK, but you realise that's only 46055 of 198660 claimable sq km? I'll have to post the sign-up policy on the top page
[QUOTE=The Kraven Corporation]
My next claim, Doing the Rp of the Capture of them/QUOTE]
Wow, you move fast Oo
I'll add those lands to the map after the RP
I've had telegram through from the country of Flashes that he will post soon his starting claim to New Jersey and Maryland, so watch this space :)
02-10-2005, 21:25
Starting my next expansion in the Name of the Cobra Gods of the Jungle.
Would it be a terrible bother to play my nation here, as a seperate MT nation, rather than my normal FT one? I'm looking for a touch of a break from the norm.
Plus, it is is alright, I would like these two areas to claim in rps:
~ Japan
~ Korea (North and South)
The idea is to expand from these areas in a limited way, but still eventually end up with a realm relative to the population I have managed to build up. I won't use any of my FT stuff, and will more likely use a mix of US and Japanese military technology, and NO NUKES whatsoever. (I'll use the SDI defense if such a godmod attempt is made.)
As for starting military forces, I'll use the following:
~ 750,000 troops (variously armed small arms and other support weapons and equipment.
~ 25,000 assorted modern tanks, APCs, Hummers and such.
~ 6 Air standard wings, (F-16s, 15s, 22s), 2 stealth/Bomber Air Wing (177s, B-2s)
~ 1 Naval Fleet (1 Carrier, 1 Battleship, 3 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 10 support/troop ships)
The idea is defensive, and build up infrastructure before pushing anything in invasions. The details about equipment I'll hold off for the moment to see where to mold things.
I didn't see Japan/Korea taken yet, so I thought I'd make a grab, Appologies for anything that seems overboard. =^^=
Unfortunately due to start-up policy, you cannot take them all. You could take one of the following:
*North Korea plus 38,760 sq km of other land
*South Korea plus 60,820 sq km of other land
*Hokkaido (north island of Japan) plus 75,848 sq km of other land
We would appreciate it if the other land was a full or large part of another nation. You could however roleplay a simple occupation (i.e. South Korea leading into North Korea, with many of the North Koreans rebelling against their government) or take a large chunk of another land (i.e taking about half of North Korea). We are sorry, but rules are rules
02-10-2005, 21:27
OK, but you realise that's only 46055 of 198660 claimable sq km? I'll have to post the sign-up policy on the top page
Yes, I do realize that. However, I think it's much more fun to start with a relatively small plot of land and expand than go "HRHR I CLAIMZ HALF DA WORLD HRHR" or something along those lines. So, if that'll be all, I'll start writing that aggressive expansion I was talking about.
Yes, I do realize that. However, I think it's much more fun to start with a relatively small plot of land and expand than go "HRHR I CLAIMZ HALF DA WORLD HRHR" or something along those lines. So, if that'll be all, I'll start writing that aggressive expansion I was talking about.
Heh, gotcha.
I can see your point in it being more fun to roleplay the takeover of that territory :)
Oh, by the way Kraven Corporation, which countries do you specifically mean by Arab oilfields, and where are the Russian oilfields? I think it's the northwest but I don't know much about oil so I'll put in an assumed location. A map of the Russian area especially would help
Gaian Ascendancy
02-10-2005, 21:35
I can do Hokkaido and go south from there. It's Japan I want more than Korea really. And if we're worried about agressive expansion, ya might want to reign in UIS a touch then.
I can do Hokkaido and go south from there. It's Japan I want more than Korea really. And if we're worried about agressive expansion, ya might want to reign in UIS a touch then.
The UIS have lost a great deal of forces so I'll let them have their first occupation. However I request that they roleplay it well
02-10-2005, 21:42
Your vote of confidance is overwhelming.
Gaian Ascendancy
02-10-2005, 21:46
Before I start posting anything, am I to presume that the part on the first page, indicating that this Earth version is 100 times larger than normal, indicates that I'm dealing with a Japan that's like a small continent now?
If this is so, then I'll have to adjust how to rp this world properly. Any rp that seems to take over any land with any ease at all needs to include expanded timelines a bit to justify the larger landmasses.
It sounds like we're dealing with an 'Earth' nearly the size of Neptune or something here. Wont go into physics and such to save brain cells and such, just looking for blunt clarification here. =^^=
Before I start posting anything, am I to presume that the part on the first page, indicating that this Earth version is 100 times larger than normal, indicates that I'm dealing with a Japan that's like a small continent now?
If this is so, then I'll have to adjust how to rp this world properly. Any rp that seems to take over any land with any ease at all needs to include expanded timelines a bit to justify the larger landmasses.
It sounds like we're dealing with an 'Earth' nearly the size of Neptune or something here. Wont go into physics and such to save brain cells and such, just looking for blunt clarification here. =^^=
I've decided to rethink that. It is now only 2 times the size for now, but it might (spooky voice) magically expand. Just assume that the population is the same in non-conquered nations.
I've decided we do NOT need an Earth I size land :)
Gaian Ascendancy
02-10-2005, 22:00
Probably best. Crossing the Pacific Ocean to get to Hawaii in a world 100 times normal size would take AWHILE. Cruise ships would have to be floating cities to survive supply wise. =oO=;;;
I'd like to claim Pennsylvania, as it should provide enough of a base before expanding in all directions in the hope of enveloping the East Coast.
OK, but we do have a request involving your expansion. Can you please leave alone the lands of Flashes, or you may face a backlash diplomatically and perhaps militarily. In other words, scratch their back and they'll scratch yours ;)
Gaian Ascendancy
02-10-2005, 22:32
I got my own thread started (The Unification of Nippon). I'll be taking a far different track to my ends. =^^=
I got my own thread started (The Unification of Nippon). I'll be taking a far different track to my ends. =^^=
This looks like it will be interesting :)
I have to say, you must be quite a good RPer from looking at the first post
Oh, and I've updated the maps now
Gaian Ascendancy
02-10-2005, 22:56
Danke, I try. =^^=
EDIT: Mind if I get a light blue instead of purple for my nation's territory color, please? Not personally a favorite to see purple. =oo=
Danke, I try. =^^=
EDIT: Mind if I get a light blue instead of purple for my nation's territory color, please? Not personally a favorite to see purple. =oo=
Done and done :)
Anyone else want to start claiming land?
03-10-2005, 22:52
i'll have the western coast of norway. I intend for my first course of action to spread out and border with Kraven Corporation.
i'll have the western coast of norway. I intend for my first course of action to spread out and border with Kraven Corporation.
You were updated when you posted on the sign-up, though thanks for stating this as I can imagine not everyone reads that thread :rolleyes:
Anyway, it seems like we may have our second potential border conflict (the first being the Flashes-Juumanistra border, with New Jersey and Maryland bordering on Juumanistra's Pennsylvania). This could get lively!
Gaian Ascendancy
04-10-2005, 07:18
Added a new post to the Unification ( thread. =^^=
OK, I've decided to slow progress a little:
Nistolonia: You can keep your territory for now but ROLEPLAY the taking of any other countries in a fair bit of detail
The Kraven Corporation: I'm going to need to see a LOT more detail for the three invasions - it's too big a chunk to let pass
The Gaian Ascendary - Good progress, very detailed, carry on :)
Anyone else interested in joining up?
United Tribes Cacicate
04-10-2005, 20:18
I am probably interested in joining, but some things are not clear to me. Do I have to sign up first?? My founding land can be a big nation (e.g. Russia, Brasil, China...)??
The Kraven Corporation
04-10-2005, 20:21
OK, I've decided to slow progress a little:
Nistolonia: You can keep your territory for now but ROLEPLAY the taking of any other countries in a fair bit of detail
The Kraven Corporation: I'm going to need to see a LOT more detail for the three invasions - it's too big a chunk to let pass
The Gaian Ascendary - Good progress, very detailed, carry on :)
Anyone else interested in joining up?
Im doing so as we speak
I am probably interested in joining, but some things are not clear to me. Do I have to sign up first?? My founding land can be a big nation (e.g. Russia, Brasil, China...)??
Just post your signup claim here. Read the signup guidelines in the first post for more information. After looking at your stats, here's the amount allowed related to section of land related to the real world:
North America (US, Canada, Mexico): 146880 sq km
Europe: 195840 sq km
Central America (from the Mexican border to the Venuzela border): 208080sq km mainland and maximum of 2448 sq km of islands
Western Asia (up to India and the corresponding area north of it): 220320 sq km
Oceania: 220320 sq km
Eastern Asia (rest of mainland Asia + nearby islands): 244800 sq km
South America: 269280 sq km
Africa: 293760 sq km
Still looiking for joinees
United Tribes Cacicate
04-10-2005, 21:50
May I have the Brazilian Territory, then???
May I have the Brazilian Territory, then???
You didn't look too well. Your share of Brazil would be about 1/30th and even then you'd have to tell me where in Brazil. So you better look again ^^
Anyone else interested?
United Tribes Cacicate
05-10-2005, 12:29
In this case I want southern Brazil, I can RP the rest...
05-10-2005, 12:52
I cannot authorise it straight away, as you DO need to roleplay it. However roleplay yourself taking them one-by-one (You can choose a base for this time) and I will put you on the list
(Oh, by the way, if/when you do the roleplay of your 'founding' to get those countries, post the link)
Um, the reason why I chose this earth was because I wanted to RP how Southeastasia was founded. I want to do it diplomatically.
Um, the reason why I chose this earth was because I wanted to RP how Southeastasia was founded. I want to do it diplomatically.
OK, you can do it diplomatically. However, remember that there may be nations that challenge your lands (Gaian Ascendary is very close by). Just make sure to THOUROUGLY roleplay your diplomatic takeover. You can start with all of the following:
East Timor
Remember, emphasis on THOROUGLY. Also, if you can please have some military resistance from the other countries (preferably a majorish one) or it's really quite stupid as you don't have to do much at all relatively speaking
Any other people wishing to join?
Gaian Ascendancy
06-10-2005, 04:58
I'm eyeing Mancuria and Peking Regional China at the moment, so the Phillipnes are free for now.
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Today, 1:01 AM #14
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 3 Unidos lays claim to the eqivalent of Indiana
Greetings and Salutations
The Commonwelath of Unidos officially announces it's intention to claim the area that is the Earth VII
OOC (mot VIII as accidnetally done in claims thread)
equialent of Indiana in the North American continent In the eventi it is part of an existing claim, The Commonwealth is willing to negotiate for it, either by a trade against future claims, sponsoring claim to territory within the Sunbelt region or other goods or services.
The Commonwealth has been authorized by the Kingdom of New Preussen to make claim upon the Earth VII
equivalent of Germany, or if that is not available, that territory which constituted Prussia. The Commonwealth's Embassy to the Organization of Sovereign Nations maintains the trade and diplomatic Interest sections for the Kingdom of New Preusen which will conduct any initial negotiations which will then be concluded by the Kingdom..
Foreign Secretary Warren Pease
Commonwealth of Unidos
OOC Both Unidos and New Preussen do have teh capability to militarily defend their respective territories. but the idea behind the relatively small claims and emphasis of diplomacy are designed to make clear that they can e good and non thereatening neighbors. Open to suggeston on map coloring)
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Today, 1:01 AM #14
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 3 Unidos lays claim to the eqivalent of Indiana
Greetings and Salutations
The Commonwelath of Unidos officially announces it's intention to claim the area that is the Earth VII
OOC (mot VIII as accidnetally done in claims thread)
equialent of Indiana in the North American continent In the eventi it is part of an existing claim, The Commonwealth is willing to negotiate for it, either by a trade against future claims, sponsoring claim to territory within the Sunbelt region or other goods or services.
The Commonwealth has been authorized by the Kingdom of New Preussen to make claim upon the Earth VII
equivalent of Germany, or if that is not available, that territory which constituted Prussia. The Commonwealth's Embassy to the Organization of Sovereign Nations maintains the trade and diplomatic Interest sections for the Kingdom of New Preusen which will conduct any initial negotiations which will then be concluded by the Kingdom..
Foreign Secretary Warren Pease
Commonwealth of Unidos
OOC Both Unidos and New Preussen do have teh capability to militarily defend their respective territories. but the idea behind the relatively small claims and emphasis of diplomacy are designed to make clear that they can e good and non thereatening neighbors. Open to suggeston on map coloring)
You're both in, so welcome!
Is there anywhere you have military specs? I need some basic military info or people might regard your lands as in anarchy and start looting and killing ;)
I have to go now, so I'll update the map later
You're both in, so welcome!
Is there anywhere you have military specs? I need some basic military info or people might regard your lands as in anarchy and start looting and killing ;)
I have to go now, so I'll update the map later
Incidentally, if it would not step on anyone';s pervious claim Unidos would like to extend it into what appears unoccupied territory in the vicinity of Indian, specifically, Chicago and eastern Illinois,
As for military forces. Both Unidos and New Preussen have only been active on regional basis. Within the Heartland and Sunbelt they have been roleplayed as much smaller than they would on NS. given that Earth Vii is twice the normal size. our 'out of area' forces can be said to be at lest twice as large ;)
Unidos and NP are MT nations, but I am under the impression that does not preclude them form being involved at least some here.
Joint Communiqué from the Commonwealth of Unidos and the Hanseatic Kingdom of New Preussen.
The following paragraphs are intended to give a broad outline of the intentions of our 2 governments, to reassure neighboring nations that our military deployments are purely of a defensive nature to maintain civil order and national security .
It is al so to reassure local populations that our presence is not a hostile one, that wherever possible ,every effort will be made to work in close cooperation with local authorities, to respect the wishes of the people, and to ensure their integration into our respective nations as first class citizens with all the rights and responsibilities of any other citizen.
Given the potentially chaotic situation within the NE Illinois metropolitan area, and it's long economic and cultural relationship with NW Indiana. Unidos security forces will assist local forces in maintaining order. It is entirely possible that much of the Illinois area, or at least the western half will f become part of the Commonwealth, but will be able to maintain their separate state status form Indiana.
Unidos is placing approximately 120,000 troops drawn from all services in the area of operations. . primarily ground and sir force troops with limited naval/coast guard presence on the Great lakes , and the larger rivers.
We wish to emphasize that deployment will only be as a precaution against external aggression. and to ensure the maintenance of civil order.
We do not consider this as a military occupation. but as a partnership of equals.
Civil authorities will not be removed from their post without due cause to the extent that local civil and military forces can maintain the peace
and secure their borders
they will be allowed to continue to do so.
Once the transitional phase is completed local forces will be trained and integrated into National Guard and Reserve units.
Barring hostile outside activity. we anticipate these local forces to
be able to take up much of the security burden, and active force units will be rotated home.,
The Commonwealth has a volunteer military. and is a representative democracy .
This area will be regarded as a Territory until such time as it meets the constitutional requirements for statehood, and the regional legislature petitions the Unidos General Assembly to be admitted as a state or states to the Commonwealth.
Citizens of the territory are eligible to join the regular armed forces , with the understanding that they may well have to serve wherever required to defend the Commonwealth.
National Guard units generally will not be called upon to serve outside of their territory/state except in times of gravest extreme,
His Majesty's Government that New Preussen is deploying into
Germany initial force levels at approximately 400,000 troops. These will include naval ,air and land forces.
Direct discussions between officials of the Kingdom and the German government are occurring at this time.
Although New Preusen is a monarchy, it is a constitutional one with a civil political structure much like that of Germany.
Essentially the relations between the 'landers' and the Federal Government will remain the same. however at the Federal level ,representatives will be elected to New Preussen's Reichstag .
Details will be negotiated.
and German forces will be integrated into those of the Kingdom.
It is thought this will help to resolve Germany's present political stalemate, as New Preussen, rated as having a Frightening economy by the UN, and having only 3.14 percent unemployment will be able to infuse badly needed capital and opportunities for economic growth.
Germany would exist as a autonomous province or region. and eligible to the economic and security benefits of The Aberdeen accords and Germanic Alliance of nations.which are two collective security organizations with member states in the Heartland and the Sunbelt
There are , appropriately enough, strong cultural and ethnic ties between the German New Preusen peoples.
Much the same can be said of Unidos, which is ethnically diverse primarily English peaking but with sizable numbers of individuals who speak other languages.
We seek to not only maintain peaceful relations and trade with our new regions
neighbors but hope to increase them.
Any large shift in political and economic structures will take time, resources and not be without difficulties. but with the cooperation and patience of everyone involved. we believe all will benefit.
Pesident Willima McKay, Commonwelath of Unidos
HM King Wiliby 1st, New Preussen
OK, thanks for your input there.
Anyone else want to join?
Anyone else want to join?
Still fully open!
We're still looking for claimanhts.
I'm going to have to put this big, we need ACTIVE roleplayers for Earth VII. I desperately want to make this a good Earth. I'm going to be messaging all current participants to remind them they NEED to roleplay
18-10-2005, 10:44
Pursuant to our News Thread post, Krytenia claims Serbia & Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Croatia. This is a total of 210,021 sq km, well under my 248,000 limit.
18-10-2005, 12:04
Switzerland and Liechtenstein ( Do I REALLY need to RP the take over ove Liechtenstein? I mean...there defense is Switzerland's responsibility, I think a total military take over of the city sized country would be an easy 5 minutes )
You are both well within the limits. Welcome
Finally, fresh blood. Anyone else want to sign up?
Wow, some big expansion by Pyschotika
Map and listing updated. Any more entrants?
Added new claim, but I'll update the map later
Greetings and salutations my friend. I am Yu Kigono, president of The Republic of Geht, and representative of the great Solux Empire. We, as an alliance and a region, request to join your world.
Our collective population is over 200 million, and so, according to your rules, we could claim 20,000 sq km in Asia. As such, we choose a region of approximately that size on the coast of China near the Huang He river and Beijing. If accepted, our nation's color should be black/dark gray on the map.
We are currently developing our country, so further detailed information, and RP will follow.
Hmm, OK. You're updated onto the thread, but it would be too tricky to map it, sorry. Oh, and new rule: any incomplete invasions inactive for 14 days are superceded by any new invasions. This means the following invasions do not count if anyone else wants to invade:
*Gaian Ascendary: China
Uh, as I noted befored, the territory I requested is an alliance of four countries, and is known as The Solux Empire. You mistakenly listed it under my name, just an FYI
The Kraven Corporation
26-10-2005, 18:27
Hmm, OK. You're updated onto the thread, but it would be too tricky to map it, sorry. Oh, and new rule: any incomplete invasions inactive for 14 days are superceded by any new invasions. This means the following invasions do not count if anyone else wants to invade:
*The Kraven Corporation: Russian, Middle East, Texan oilfields
*Gaian Ascendary: China
I am still here, I appologise for my lack of Posting, but you can't put a deadline on my claims, because of RL working hours that are messing around my roleplays, im trying my best to keep up with everything that im doing,
I am still here, I appologise for my lack of Posting, but you can't put a deadline on my claims, because of RL working hours that are messing around my roleplays, im trying my best to keep up with everything that im doing,
Alright, sorry
It's just that it's getting quite frustrating with no activity. Anyway, you responded so your deadline is reset :) The measures are for people who don't post and have no intention of coming back
We have a new, much simpler sign-up system.
Also, for exisiting countries, I will be updating some of them automatically to more territory, and others I will ask for. Just a note though: these countries are too big or too advanced to be instantly claimed, and will have to be roleplayed in detail:
*USA (you can get states inside the USA though, but they are VERY 'valuable'
*Great Britain (there should be an active RP by CorpSec coming soon there)
*Japan (taken anyway)
Yes, this new system seems much simpler. However, the Solux Empire's claim would remain largely identical.
Also, we will begin a RP today for it.
Yes, this new system seems much simpler. However, the Solux Empire's claim would remain largely identical.
Also, we will begin a RP today for it.
Looks like we're going to get some good roleplaying today :)
Oh, by the way, I've updated the maps, and includd a map of France
The Kraven Corporation
27-10-2005, 18:54
Oh, and btw Concremo handed over the Control of his nation to the Corporation yesterday evening, so effectivly all of his lands are Under Corporate Control
Oh, and btw Concremo handed over the Control of his nation to the Corporation yesterday evening, so effectivly all of his lands are Under Corporate Control
Heh, not too suprising considering you two are both in the same region.
OK, I can't update the maps right now so just remember that Concremo is effectively a colony of The Kraven Corporation
The Kraven Corporation
27-10-2005, 19:05
Heh, not too suprising considering you two are both in the same region.
OK, I can't update the maps right now so just remember that Concremo is effectively a colony of The Kraven Corporation
Heh, it was a nice transfer, Concremo is being turned into a Secondary Industrial Region of the Corporation, and will house its new Mining Complex and Ore Smelting plants as well as chemical facilities and other factories used by the Corporation
Heh, it was a nice transfer, Concremo is being turned into a Secondary Industrial Region of the Corporation, and will house its new Mining Complex and Ore Smelting plants as well as chemical facilities and other factories used by the Corporation
On the subject of Concremo, changes to a couple of old nations to help them a bit considering the new rules are in. I'll update the claims post later, but Concremo now has all of Norway. If anyone else wants me to re-evalutate their lands, I'd be happy to
27-10-2005, 20:56
I'm still here.
I'm still here.
OK then. Important things need your attention in the news thread involving your invasions
27-10-2005, 21:08
Why? Are the Germans steemed that I hit France first?
Why? Are the Germans steemed that I hit France first?
More that the Germans/New Preussens are shocked at your rapid expansion and the violation of the long-standing Swiss neutrality. You'll have to see for yourself
27-10-2005, 21:21
Yea, actually I sort of wish I was France instead. I can still make the change, no?
27-10-2005, 21:22
Scratch that idea.
Yea, actually I sort of wish I was France instead. I can still make the change, no?
Just stick with what you have - it's more interesting :)
27-10-2005, 22:53
BTW, I have Paris under my control which I believe is in the province above Centre..g2g
BTW, I have Paris under my control which I believe is in the province above Centre..g2g
OK. I have to go to, so I'll check any overnight developments in the morning
Zactarn Prime
29-10-2005, 15:45
Can i have Brazil
It's technically a large country, but since it's in South America I'll let you have it. I'll update the thread later
EDIT: Oops, sorry, already someone controlling it :(
I process my claim to Ireland :D
I'll update the front page now
CorpSec Corporation
29-10-2005, 19:41
subcripstion thing still not working, tag so i know where this thread is.
OK, new map coming in a moment and some claim changes:
*Ireland is currently under CorpSec control but will become disputed when the Rolatia/Warta Endor combined forces start the war against CorpSec Corporation, so it's unlisted as of current.
*United Tribes Caciate's claim has been reviewed and stretched to Brazil and Uruguay. He has been contacted, but is currently having forum troubles
30-10-2005, 14:04
Can you please update my territory Rolatia? And can you please change my color key to sea green?
30-10-2005, 14:16
I'd Like to controll VA and FL
Also Do i have to Rp the invasion?
And Lastly How about a forum
I'd Like to controll VA and FL
Also Do i have to Rp the invasion?
And Lastly How about a forum
Three point answer:
1) See the sign-up thread for my response
2) If you're invading the other one, yes
3) Off-sites don't do well typically
Southeastasia - Doing that now
New Pindorama
30-10-2005, 23:15
Well, I am United Tribes Cacicate. If you don't mind I'll use this puppet since now while I can't access the forums. Just for a while (I hope).
Sorry for Everything,
OOC; NP STILL can't get into the forums and thread tools/subscription[Ns not working for me. (Is it just me, widespread? Do the mods know?)
In any event, since no claims here been made
in Illinois or St. Louis I am going to RP the claim here. )
Unidos Press International.
Disturbances in Western Illinois and Missouri.
National Guard takes heavy Casualties
attempting to restore order in East St.Louis and St. Louis,Missouri.
Looting and rioting have spread through much of East St. Louis. The Illinois city just across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, was plagued with crime, government mismanagement and corruption long before the general collapse of the Federal government presence in the region. While order has been maintained in Eastern Illinois by local authorities assisted by Unidos troops. both East St. Louis and St. Louis have gradually slid into anarchy. Individual criminals, gangs and even marauder groups of former soldiers have battled over control of the vital river port of St. Luis The latest series of riots were sparked in part by residents anger at the local government's not providing services and being unable to control the ongoing turf wars by drug gangs in East St. Louis.
Despite a proclamation of martial law in the western half of Illinois . national guard troops have been spread very thin. Efforts by National Guard troops and State Police to restore order met with initial success in the vital rail hub at Effingham but met with heavy resistance in East St. Louis.
It is suspected that raids on armories and former military basses have given the organized marauder and gang troops access to caches of assault weapons, high explosives, and heavy ordnance.
State police reports indicate that a number of mines in the south of the state had their blasting supplies raided. In East St. Louis itself, the local police station and government facilities have been taken over by rival gangs.
In response to calls for assistance from the governors of Illinois and Missouri Unidos troops will be sent into the affected areas.
Initially support was limited to logistical ,transport , and air support..
' Missouri and Illinois military units simply can no longer field the troop levels needed to secure the St. Louis metropolitan area. Loss of control of the Mississippi River could lead to a crippling of an already reeling national economy. ' explained a spokesman for the Unidos department of Defense.
'Without the assets normally available from the regular army , the area is on the verge of becoming a no go zone for any governmental entity. This is simply unacceptable. Missouri troops hold the state capitol and most of the west of the state, but are stretched too thin to do much more than maintain a cordon sanitaire around the western suburbs of St. Louis. '
Acting upon the request of the Illinois state provisional government, Indiana National Guard and Unidos units have moved into the Chicago area freeing up police and troops in the Chicago area to reinforce troops in East St. Louis and elsewhere.
Unidos has increased it's troop presence in the region. and will have a total of 200,000 troops in Indiana and Illinois by mid month.
Already, the 17th Mechanized Infantry Division, with attached logistic,civil affairs,medical ,and military police sectionss has linked up with Illinois National guard infantry and are engaged in heavy fighting to retake East St. Louis and crossing points for the Mississippi River.
Air support missions are being flown out of the former Scott Air Force Base. And aircraft can be heard launching air strikes against targets using 'smart bombs'.
Unidos has sent an armored cavalry Regiment in a flanking move ,crossing the Mississippi at points north and south of St. Louis. linking up with Missouri National Guard units in the suburbs, they are beginning the slow and costly process of retaking critical parts of the city.
Troops formerly assigned to Fort Leonard Wood as part of the US Army have joined the Missouri Guard. .
Resistance is heavy, with firefights raging and fires burning unchecked in some parts of the city center. Air and Artillery bombardment of hardened insurgent positions has continued for two days. with no sign of let up.
Public affairs detachments of the Missouri National Guard and the Unidos military have assured reporters that every effort is being made to minimize collateral damage and civilian casualties. but they are facing groups which appear to be led by former military personnel with a knowledge of urban warfare and insurgency. Although declining to comment on speculation regarding some sort of organization of disgruntled veterans of the Iraq war. there is no doubt that the groups holding St. Louis are using increasingly sophisticated tactics and improvised defenses including IEDs.
The goal of the current offensive is to clear as much of St. Louis as possible of
resistance. retake vital utilities
infrastructure and link up with the forces securing East St. Louis.
Unidos Foreign Secretary Warren Peas released a statement today emphasizing
"it was not and is not the desire of Unidos to take control of the states of Illinois and Missouri. We had reached cooperative arrangements with Authorities in the Chicago area. and were partnered with local units.
However the situation in Eastern Missouri and Western Illinois has deteriorated to the point that all civil authority has collapsed. State military assistance to civil authority is not enough to quell the disturbances. Missouri officials have asked Unidos assistance because if they committed any additional troops to the conflict ,they risk being unable to maintain order in the rest of the state.
In many areas chaos is the only accurate way to describe the situation. we have no desire to be an occupying army. We will operate closely in cooperation with coalition partners in Illinois and Missouri. Even when the situation is stabilized. it is likely that Unidos troops will be required to back up state troops for quite some time to come. We have entered into discussions with the Illinois government about civil powersharing in order to allow the state to recover form the woes that currently plague it.
We are also in consultation with Missouri officials. they believe they can retain control over much of the western 3/4ths of the state. but the area along he Mississippi shore stretching several miles inland is simply more than they can handle. We hope to reach an arrangement whereby Unidos and state police trooops will be partnered for joint patrols. and that in return for aid and investment Unidos firms will be able to partner with St.. Louis firms and reestablished civil government to rebuild damaged areas.
To the extent possible, decision making will remain in the hands of state and local civil authorities. and all military forces will remain under Unidos and local civilian control. Once the areas are secured, troops will secure fixed positions and free up civil police for patrols and law enforcement.
Eventually we hope to hand off all security arrangements to local and state units and reduce troop levels, but we cannot predict how long it will take to subdue criminal and insurgent elements, let alone restore St. Louis and East St. Louis to what they were before. the Unidos Navy is moving additional littoral and riverine vessels to secure the Mississippi and facilitate keeping it open to shipping. as well as ferrying troops across.
Whether Illnois nand mIssouri might one day become part of the Commonwealth is irrelevant at the moment. Are efforts are entirely focused on the restoration of order , and something like noamalcy to teh area.'
Such local oficials who managed to flee St. Louis are operating a sa sort of civil government in the state capitol of Jefferson City.
The Kraven Corporation
30-10-2005, 23:49
Just pointing people in this Direction:
New Pindorama
31-10-2005, 20:51
first, where is the map of Antarctica??
second, I own Brazil and Uruguay. The Marajó island is part of Brazil. Will I have to RP it?? BTW, Marajó is that gray island in the North part of Brazil...
first, where is the map of Antarctica??
second, I own Brazil and Uruguay. The Marajó island is part of Brazil. Will I have to RP it?? BTW, Marajó is that gray island in the North part of Brazil...
Hmm...I'd appreciate it if you did - activity is a good thing :D
Oh, and there is no Antartica map. Basically, Kraven owns it all
Warta Endor
31-10-2005, 21:11
O yeah, I forgot. As a nation of 2 billion+, I can claim 4 nations in total. Can I also claim W/E remains of Norway? (I saw someone owns the SOutheastern corner) Otherwise I'll RP an invasion soon...
O yeah, I forgot. As a nation of 2 billion+, I can claim 4 nations in total. Can I also claim W/E remains of Norway? (I saw someone owns the SOutheastern corner) Otherwise I'll RP an invasion soon...
Sorry, but Concremo (now a colony of Kraven Corp) controls all of Norway. By my estimates, Sweden is 2 points and Finland 1, soooo 1 point left... (Denmark's available for half a point :D)
31-10-2005, 22:23
I dont see florida on the cliams list as mine:(
I dont see florida on the cliams list as mine:(
No, the agreement was Flordia or Virginia and 2 other states. You chose North and South Carolina so I assumed it was Virginia, North and South Carolina.
Warta Endor
01-11-2005, 16:19
Hmmm, then I'll wait. I had some juicy invasion RP ideas coming up for Denmark :D Maybe I'll just attack Conremo and lose my oil supplier :rolleyes:
Right, I've started our invasion of China:
When this RP concludes, we'll have claimed the eastern half of China below Mongolia. If at this time, rule 5 still applies for north eastern china, that's our next RP.
Our military strength until we've built up our territory and resources is listed here:
The general information about the empire and the sovereign state of Solux will be up tomorrow, but I have to contact the others for there stuff yet.
Hmm. I also requested Sealand and Cayenne (French Guiana) but they haven't been put up.
Hmm. I also requested Sealand and Cayenne (French Guiana) but they haven't been put up.
Oops, sorry. I'll update the thread now
Oops, sorry. I'll update the thread now
Just a quick question, I realize this is probably in the intro, but: Do I use the news thread usually, or post new ones? I know I post new threads for invasions and the like, but what about general stuff?
Just a quick question, I realize this is probably in the intro, but: Do I use the news thread usually, or post new ones? I know I post new threads for invasions and the like, but what about general stuff?
Major international events taht will ultimately lead to lots of RP (i.e conferences, wars) are announced in the News thread but done in a different thread
Smaller events (examples have included the UIS/UTC/Rolatia alliance and the assassination of the Irish Prime Minister) go in the news thread exclusively
So, just declaring my existance would go in the news thread, right?
So, just declaring my existance would go in the news thread, right?
Basically, yes. If you were to expand your borders (for example, a military takeover of Venuzeula) that would warrant a new thread
Basically, yes. If you were to expand your borders (for example, a military takeover of Venuzeula) that would warrant a new thread
Right, got it.
Rolatia, we're confused about something. It shows the gaian ascendancy as having claimed japan and Korea in the first page of this thread, yet according to the map the only territory they control is the Hokkaido distract of Japan. Also, we agree that it seems a bit...unwise to have their color and our color be almost identical considering we will, if not share borders be separated only by water in many cases.
Rolatia, we're confused about something. It shows the gaian ascendancy as having claimed japan and Korea in the first page of this thread, yet according to the map the only territory they control is the Hokkaido distract of Japan. Also, we agree that it seems a bit...unwise to have their color and our color be almost identical considering we will, if not share borders be separated only by water in many cases.
Well, the map is a bit outdated. I may just overhaul the map soon anyway and completely re-do it.
New Pindorama
04-11-2005, 15:36
If you look at the whole thread, you will see that Rolatia denied Gain ascendacy (or whatever) to have all that land...
If you look at the whole thread, you will see that Rolatia denied Gain ascendacy (or whatever) to have all that land...
That's sort of correct. He can't have any of China basically unless he gets online and FINISHES THE ROLEPLAY - that's been pending at least a month. I may also exclude Korea from his claims because he didn't do much RP on that
Zactarn Prime
10-11-2005, 23:32
Hey would it be possible for me to enter in on this. I know it would be kinda late after your RP has already taken off. As Rolatia knows our Earth has fallen quite far after it's highly anticipated start with quite a few people in has kinda dropped.mI just wanna know if it's possible for me to come in now. If not that's ok.
Hey would it be possible for me to enter in on this. I know it would be kinda late after your RP has already taken off. As Rolatia knows our Earth has fallen quite far after it's highly anticipated start with quite a few people in has kinda dropped.mI just wanna know if it's possible for me to come in now. If not that's ok.
Sure, you can enter in on this Zactarn :D
Oh, and we have quite a few members who have barely roleplayed at all, and I'm thinking of kicking them (a lot of people come to mind, but the one name whcih I though of because he has completely failed to RP is Juumanistra. Krytenia and possibly Pyschotika are no longer RPing, and the rest are on the whole reasonably alright)
Zactarn Prime
10-11-2005, 23:39
Sweet. So how does the allocation points work? I would get two whic I assume would be used for selecting countries. If I'm in violation (which I probably am) I would like Equatorial Guinea and China
Sweet. So how does the allocation points work? I would get two whic I assume would be used for selecting countries. If I'm in violation (which I probably am) I would like Equatorial Guinea and China
I'll bump you up to 3 allocation points. China's in the realm of 'huge country' and 'under invasion' which means you can't claim it. However , you can claim Equatorial Guinea and 2 othe rpoints (If you want, you can have Cameroon and Gabon in addition)
Zactarn Prime
11-11-2005, 00:11
What about Russia. It's huge yes but is very very troubled currently. It's constantly jumping from Democracy to Communism so it's economy is shaky at best. If you agree then I'll take Russia and Equatorial Guinea
What about Russia. It's huge yes but is very very troubled currently. It's constantly jumping from Democracy to Communism so it's economy is shaky at best. If you agree then I'll take Russia and Equatorial Guinea
Sorry, Russia's still a 'huge country'. Here's the list:
Is Poland and/or California available to claim?
Zactarn Prime
11-11-2005, 13:23
Sorry, Russia's still a 'huge country'. Here's the list:
Fine Equatorial Guinea and Canada are mine
Fine Equatorial Guinea and Canada are mine
I forgot to include Canada :S
Poland- Both are available for claim, but remember allocation points - Poland's 2 and California 3
Zactarn Prime
11-11-2005, 20:18
I forgot to include Canada :S
Wait wouldn't Canada be a huge country considering it's almost the size of the USA. If that's the case then i'll Take Equatorial Guinea Portugal and Spain
Wait wouldn't Canada be a huge country considering it's almost the size of the USA. If that's the case then i'll Take Equatorial Guinea Portugal and Spain
OK, updating thread now
How much of Poland could I claim then?
Or could I claim all of Southern California?
How much of Poland could I claim then?
Or could I claim all of Southern California?
I'll relax the guidelines slightly and say you can claim Poland OR California as whole
Then I shall claim California. Many thanks. :D
Hm, how does this base stuff work out, anyways? Does it require you to claim a country, or city, and work with a rebellion, or can I like magically march, or resume, possibly, control over a nation. I am 3.2 billion people strong so I am sure I can claim just about any nation here, but I am just wondering. This Erth seems promosing, no claim-then-leave players.
New Pindorama
12-11-2005, 11:26
I forgot to include Canada :S
Poland- Both are available for claim, but remember allocation points - Poland's 2 and California 3
You forgot Mexico too. BTW, why can't you take all mexico but you can take all Brazil. Its economy is smaller than the Brazilian....
And, don't you have to pick a max of 4 points -if- you have a huge nation??
You forgot Mexico too. BTW, why can't you take all mexico but you can take all Brazil. Its economy is smaller than the Brazilian....
And, don't you have to pick a max of 4 points -if- you have a huge nation??
You essentially cannot pick a huge nation. In some cases I MIGHT allow a country to take about half of a huge country (I allowed it with India but I can't see it going any further than that)
Mexico is not a country that counts as huge because it's not really a country with a huge amount of land or huge power in the international community
Hm, how does this base stuff work out, anyways? Does it require you to claim a country, or city, and work with a rebellion, or can I like magically march, or resume, possibly, control over a nation. I am 3.2 billion people strong so I am sure I can claim just about any nation here, but I am just wondering. This Erth seems promosing, no claim-then-leave players.
Well, you claim a country or series of countries depending on allocation countries, and it's customary to provide a backstory to the takeover. For example, Rolatia was an ex-British colony that grew in population as people fled from oppressive regimes until it was freed in 2017.
Several people have gone for the rebellion, war or otherwise from a small place approach and it seems to be a method that I would support
Possibly I would write a time line, from say 2005 to about 2015 (as high as I will go in timelines for my nation's tech's sake, being a 2010-tolerant), where some key African countires unite under an Afrikaan Bloc and form a super nation...but mostly small and coastal nations (along the Great Bend, across from Brazil), and then a military dictator rising wanting a full united may give you guys something to work with, possibly?
Does NS population, or in-Earth population, count?
Possibly I would write a time line, from say 2005 to about 2015 (as high as I will go in timelines for my nation's tech's sake, being a 2010-tolerant), where some key African countires unite under an Afrikaan Bloc and form a super nation...but mostly small and coastal nations (along the Great Bend, across from Brazil), and then a military dictator rising wanting a full united may give you guys something to work with, possibly?
Does NS population, or in-Earth population, count?
OK, but you'll start with countries in the allocation points - how you expand past that and write the timeline relies on you. You many struggle to take the entire continent - especially since I have some land already there.
Oh, and it's NS population
Rolatia, im going to retire CorpSec Corporation and replace it with CorpSac. There going to be the same Nation (just name change and pop change), the pop is going to be half that of CorpSac (so instead of 4 billion down to 2 billion) im not going to claim any more lands then i have (the UK & scotland) it just gives me more room to breath in a world were all people seem to well.....out class me in all parts.
But other then that the nations the same.
if thats ok and i need a reply quick so i cant start on one of my pet projects for the earth (the formation of the Europa Alliance, a new EU)
Rolatia, im going to retire CorpSec Corporation and replace it with CorpSac. There going to be the same Nation (just name change and pop change), the pop is going to be half that of CorpSac (so instead of 4 billion down to 2 billion) im not going to claim any more lands then i have (the UK & scotland) it just gives me more room to breath in a world were all people seem to well.....out class me in all parts.
But other then that the nations the same.
Hmm, OK. Now you by far outrank everyone with your possible military of 160 million people (defense and law and order combined and halved) :p
Just glad you're not going into taking lands :p
Warta Endor
12-11-2005, 21:22
Large military doesn't ensure victory:D
Large military doesn't ensure victory:D
Heh, but it helps :p
Oh, by the way, if you're looking to unite the NPNs you basically have Italy and North and South France in the west and Poland, Hungary and some other countries nearby. Good luck :P
Heh, but it helps :p
Oh, by the way, if you're looking to unite the NPNs you basically have Italy and North and South France in the west and Poland, Hungary and some other countries nearby. Good luck :P
ITs was more for the PCs tho it could explain my massive pop boom...but i feel guilty taking all that :P.
Besides there still is a EU as a NPN just no one seems to know if it will last
With the population im useing (2.140 billion) my total military at 5% would be 107 Million man power, thats a 0.53 million man differeances...can you tell how train a 2% military will be :D
With the population im useing (2.140 billion) my total military at 5% would be 107 Million man power, thats a 0.53 million man differeances...can you tell how train a 2% military will be :D
At 160M it's as good as the US, and at 107M it's 50% better. Ugh. Oh, BTW, good luck with that because I know that I (Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Gibraltar) wouldn't join for one :P How far would the alliance coiver?
New Pindorama
14-11-2005, 11:31
We are in need of a good story. Let's go to he forum...
im currently writing up my space program and well im taking over the russian Spaceport (Plesetsk Cosmodrome, 800km north of moscow) and a nice area around it (down to moscow). Im doing this since well...england dont have anyplace to send rockets from, Europe is basicly claimed but russia well...its got alot of oil aswell....but i want Plesetsk Cosmodrome.
link to show, but at the moment its just the anouncement of the joint operations between The Corporate State and The Russian china Allaince.
im currently writing up my space program and well im taking over the russian Spaceport (Plesetsk Cosmodrome, 800km north of moscow) and a nice area around it (down to moscow). Im doing this since well...england dont have anyplace to send rockets from, Europe is basicly claimed but russia well...its got alot of oil aswell....but i want Plesetsk Cosmodrome.
link to show, but at the moment its just the anouncement of the joint operations between The Corporate State and The Russian china Allaince.
OK then. I guess I better found a NPC alliance too - just don't push your luck with seizing oilfields like Kraven ;)
OK then. I guess I better found a NPC alliance too - just don't push your luck with seizing oilfields like Kraven ;)
im not im going to get into a war with Russia China Allaince over it (if someone wants to RP as the RCA thats cool with me) but the goal is to take the space port, Moscow and some of the oil fields.
im not im going to get into a war with Russia China Allaince over it (if someone wants to RP as the RCA thats cool with me) but the goal is to take the space port, Moscow and some of the oil fields. link
Claim on western Russia:-
map of Europa