DMG International Bank
DMG International Bank (
Tired of all those banks that take your money and then forget about you? Then join DMG International Bank (DIB) for all your monetary needs. DIB offers a wide variety of accounts and loans for your specific needs. All records and dealings are kept in USD however we accept all types of currency and will not charge for the exchange rate.
Only one account Gold or above is allowed per nation/company/organization (and any combination) - any group that has more than one opened them before this rule was put into affect. (You can, however, have one account that is Gold or higher and one that is under... or simply two that are under.)
However, a 1% initiation fee will be charged in order to activate the account. This means a total of 1% of your initial deposit will be charged.
Banking Accounts
Minimum: The minimum amount of money allowed in the account before it is closed
Maximum: The maximum amount of money allowed in the account before it is frozen.
Banking Fees: Anytime funds are removed from the account in anyway this fee is applied
Interest: Self explanatory. All accounts are compounded annually except the Diamond Account.
Security: Self explanatory. Information on all accounts are kept classified by DIB
Personal Savers Account:
Minimum: $100,000
Maximum: $10Million
Banking Fees: 0.05% of extraction of funds
Interest: 3% compounded annually
Security: Basic
Priority Savers Account:
Minimum: $10Million
Maximum: $100Million
Banking Fees: 4% of extraction of funds
Interest: 4% compounded annually
Security: Advanced
Silver Account:
Minimum: $100Million
Maximum: $10Billion
Banking Fees: 4% of extraction of funds
Interest: 5% compounded annually
Security: Advanced
Gold Account:
Minimum: $10Billion
Maximum: $100Billion
Banking Fees: 4% of extraction of funds
Interest: 6% compounded annually
Security: State-of-the-Art
Platinum Account:
Minimum: $100Billion
Maximum: $1Trillion
Banking Fees: 4% of extraction of funds
Interest: 8% compounded annually
Security: State-of-the-Art
Diamond Account:
Minimum: $1Trillion
Maximum: $10Trillion (unless otherwise stated)
Banking Fees: 5% of extraction of funds
Interest: 1% compounded monthly
Security: Classified
Amount: How much money DMG International bank is loaning.
Deadline: How long you have to pay off the loan before we send out bounty hunters to "collect".
Interest: Initial Interest is how much you have to pay if you take out a loan and then pay it back at the same time - while the Monthly Interest is how much extra (on top of the Initial Interest) per month unpaid.
Personal Loan:
Amount: $10Million
Interest: 10% (Initial) and 2% (Monthly)
Deadline: 3 Months
Brick Loan
Amount: $1Billion
Interest: 10% (Initial) and 4% (Monthly)
Deadline: 6 Months
Corporate Loan:
Amount: $100Billion
Interest: 20% (Initial) and 5% (Monthly)
Deadline: 1 Year
Priority Loan:
Amount: $500Billion
Interest: 25% (Initial) and 5% (Monthly)
Deadline: 3 Years
1 RL Week = 1 NS Month
All transactions will be confirmed by DMG International Bank before be accepted, and DIB reserves the right to reject any transaction or freeze any accounts.
Bank Accounts
Primary Holder:
Alternate Users:
Account Type:
Current Balance:
Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx
Nation: Ibblesguard
Primary Holder: Chairmen Hans Gopher
Alternate Users: Viceroy Jordan Andwieser
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Balance: $950,000,000
Account Number: 0449-0892-5591-022
--Established: Oct-01, 2005
Nation: North Mack
Primary Holder: Current Emporer
Alternate Users: Master General, Master Admiral
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: $6,638,000,000,000
Account Number: 2239-0001-2584-8917
--Established: Oct-1, 2005
--Updated: July-09, 2006
Nation: New Dracora
Primary Holder: --name withheld--
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: US$5,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 8982-7309-3245-3010
--Established: Oct-03, 2005
Nation: Ceyolia
Primary Holder: Papagori Illiani Romanokovski
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Gold
--Interest: 6% annually
Current Balance: $10.4 Billion
Account Number: 9284-7298-4723-9481
--Established: Oct-07, 2005
--Vault Number: 038A
Nation: Scamptica Prime
Primary Holder: Jasper Hawk
Alternate Users: Queen Xaia Hawk
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8% annually
Current Balance: 100,000,000,000
Account Number: 9238-4709-1230-9432
--Established: Oct-08, 2005
Nation: Sentmierstonia
Primary Holder: President Christophe Sentmier
Alternate Holder: AAC Chairman Tamir Talzarki
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Balance: 2.5 Billion
Account: 2340-2934-8209-3411
--Established: Oct-09, 2005
Nation: Nebarri Prime
Primary Holder: Emperor Derek Keller
Alternate Users: James Keller, Amanda Fetter, Jack Anderson, Laura Keller
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8% annually
Current Balance: 200,000,000,000
Account: 5873-4985-7359-4302
--Established: Oct-09, 2005
Nation: Hogsweat
Primary Holder: Sergei Chenkov
Alternate Users: Alissa Maykov
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: $11,000,000,000,000 [11 tn USD]
Account Number: 1418-0965-1258-9371
--Established: Oct-14, 2005
Nation: Fujikawa
Primary Holder: Ivan Kyouske Ryushimi
Alternate Users: Shinjiro Kenzo
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8% annually
Current Balance: $128,000,000,000
Account Number: 9328-4720-8473-0324
--Established: Oct-17, 2005
Nation: Brandoniats
Primary Holder: Minister of the Treasury, Reginald D. Dyck
Alternate Users: Prime Minister Wallace, Vice President Maffenbier
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: 10,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 7236-4249-2843-0958
--Established: Oct-19, 2005
Nation: Willink
Primary Holder: Joe Fedel, Willink reserve treasery
Alternate Users: Justin Scarfe, President, Joe Ingolia, Commander and Chief of Willink Military
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8% annually
Current Balance: $ 125,000,000,000
Account Number: 1095-0178-4036-0395
--Established: Oct-19, 2005
Nation: Angelonisia
Primary Holder: Shawn Tawner
Alternate Users: Absolutely restricted except Roko Tawner
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% Monthly
Current Balance: $10,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 1486-8649-7529-3486
--Established: Oct-25, 2005
--Updated: Jul-14, 2006
Nation: Maldaathi
Primary Holder: Myskada Lukav
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Diamond Account
--Intrest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: 1,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 7824-6952-8745-6242
--Established: Oct-29, 2005
Nation: Siap
Primary Holder: Alex Connor
Alternate Users: Michael Dobenicz, Andrew Lombard, Margo Sinclair
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 0% (as per agreement)
Current Balance: $11,200,000,000,000
Account Number: 1238-7601-3248-7165
--Established: March 28, 2006
--Updated: August 2, 2006
Nation: The Tokera
Primary Holder: Johnathin K. Toulouse
Alternate Users: Thomas R. Paine, Joint Chiefs, Tokera Storefront Cheif Executive, Tokera Storefront Board of Directors, Military Officials of Significant Rank
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: 4,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 1786-3298-4726-3748
--Established: Nov-06, 2005
Nation: The Empire of Brixion
Prmary Holder: Emperor Zentor I
Alternate Users: Viceroy Sir Olivander Zenteel
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Balance: $800,000,000
Account Number: 1873-0129-8371-2078
--Established: Nov-09, 2005
Nation: The Armed Capitalist Republic of The Silver Sky
Prmary Holder: Steven H. Miller, CEO of We Buy It Inc.
Alternate Users: Jason H. Garner, President of The Silver Sky
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: $3,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 1308-9247-1783-0942
--Established: Nov-13, 2005
Nation: FutureEngland
Primary Holder: Emperor Jachslov kilarear
Alternate Users: President Jack Colinway, Cheif Advisory Carl Forteny
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: $30,359,039,760,000
Account Number: 1820-3971-2893-7155
--Established: Nov-19, 2005
Nation: The Kingdom of Ftang
Prmary Holder: Prime Minister Korak Reeming
Alternate Users: Prince Wershak, Lord Korsax Loranov
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: $4,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 1298-3710-2983-7100
--Established: Nov-21, 2005
Nation: Brixion
Primary Holder: Emperor Zentor I
Alternate Holders: Viceroy Sir Olevander Zenteel
Account Type: Gold Account
--Interest: 6% annually
Amount: $50,800,000
Account Number: 1928-3710-2389-7155
--Established: Nov-30, 2005
Nation: The Vuhifellian States (Vuhifell)
Primary Holder: David Macker, President of Foxtecha
Alternate Users: Michael Macker, CEO of Foxtecha
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: $1,000,050,000,000
Account Number: 8427-0524-0789-1323
--Established: Dec-02, 2005
Nation: The Vuhifellian States (Vuhifell)
Primary Holder: President Stevan Daniels
Alternate Users: First Lady Stephanie Daniels
Account Type: Priority Savers
--Interest: 4% annually
Current Balence: $79,000,000
Account Number: 8427-0524-0789-1324
--Established: Dec-02, 2005
Nation: LA Ice
Primary Holder: President Valentin Vasquez
Alternate Users: Hon. Vince Emerson (Minister of Trade)
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Balance:$4,499,750,000
Account Number: 1734-2896-2349-7865
--Established: Dec-07, 2005
Nation: The Allied States of Goso and Comino
Primary Holder: Don Giovanni Velerio, Prime Minister, Comino
Alternate Users: Don Roberto Williamston, Prime Minister, Goso - Don Alexander Lovio, Minister of the Treasury, Comino - Signora Maria Giovanni di Silema, Minister of the Treasury, Goso
Account Type: Personal Savers
--Interest: 3% anually
Current Balance: 6,751,863.56
Account Number: 8278-0950-7820-8724
--Established: Dec-08, 2005
Nation: Admiral-Bell
Primary Holder: The Moderator
Alternate Users: Alan Yen, Treasurer
Account Type: Gold
--Interest: 6% annually
Current Balance: 10,005,024,000
Account Number: 9283-4792-3348-3219
--Established: Dec-14, 2005
Nation: The Protus Corporation
Primary Holder: CEO Wunderlich
Alternate Users: Corporate Board of Directors of the Protus Corporation
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Balance: $5,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 8974-3048-9732-1231
--Established: Dec-22, 2005
Nation: Groznyj
Primary Holder: Dept. of Treasury
Account type: Silver
--Interest: 4% annually
Balance: $2,730,000,000
Account Number: 2342-9847-9348-2982
--Established: Dec-23, 2005
Nation: Northern Sushi
Primary Holder: King Alex the Wise
Alternate Users: Bob Harrows
Account Type: Personal Savers
--Interest: 3% annually
Current Balance: $100,000
Account Number: 1287-3019-8371-2093
--Established: Jan-01, 2006
Nation: Antanjyl
Primary Holder: Emperor Ares
Alternate Users: Minister of Human Resources, Frohm Halwart; General Albeleo.
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 7% annually
Current Balance: $330,000,000,000
Account Number: 1823-0128-3712-3245
--Established: Jan-01, 2006
Nation: The Armed Republic of Grand Master Paquin
Primary User: Grand Master Steven M. Paquin
Alternate Users: Viceroy William A. VanDelay and Minister of Treasury Charles R. Chandal
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Balance: 200 million
Account Number: 5232-1938-1239-1873
--Established: Jan-11, 2006
Nation: Flightopia
Primary Holder: CEO of Alldredge Weapon Systems inc., Bill Alldredge
Alternate Users: CFO of Alldredge Weapon Systems inc., Ron Alldredge; President of Alldredge Weapon Systems inc., Atticus Alldredge
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8% annually
Current Balance: $170,680,000,000
Account Number: 1823-7109-2381-1238
--Established: Jan-17, 2006
Nation: The Beltway
Primary Holder: Allison Blair, CEO of Montgomery County Autonomous Systems
Alternate Users: Frank Montgomery, CFO of Montgomery County Autonomous Systems
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Balance: $100,000,000
Account Number: 3141-5926-5358-9798
--Established: Jan-27, 2006
Nation: The Beltway
Primary Holder: Adm. David E. Jeremiah (ret.), CFO of Baltimore Shipyards
Alternate Users: Adm. Thad Cochrane (ret.), CEO of Baltimore Shipyards; Adm. Michael Mullen (ret.), Head of Baltimore Shipyards's Research Department
Account Type: Gold
--Interest: 6% annually
Current Balance: $10,000,000,000
Account Number: 1020-0304-5006-7084
--Established: Jan-28, 2006
Nation: KilKenny Beer
Primary Holder: KilKeeny Beer
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Gold Account
--Interest: 6% annually
Current Balance: $14,000,000,000
Account Number: 1546-4598-7691-2366
--Established: Jan-31, 2006
Nation: Drexel Hillsville
Primary Holder: F. Crowley
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: 4.9 Trillion USD
Account Number: 7134-0917-1991-6236
--Established: Feb-06, 2006
Nation: the Warmaster
Primary Holder: Sacred Emperor Lucifer of Domain Halcyon
Alternate Users: Lord Regent Seth Jamaane, Imperator Jakran Vuell, Lord Treasurer Inuriel Crovax
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: 8,248,422,000,000 USD
Account Number: 1743-5697-3657-3456
--Established: Feb-10, 2006
Updated: May-19, 2006
Nation: Maraque
Primary Holder: Emperor Jovan Norris
Alternate Users: President Cristiano Tavoularis
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: $2,015,594,642,488
Account Number: 1287-0985-3453-4111
--Established: March 29, 2006
--Updated: July-31, 2006
Nation: Company based in Prairie du sac
Primary Holder: Mr. Gob
Alternate Users: Prairie du sac defense department. (deposits only)
Account Type: Gold
--Interest: 6% annually
Current Balance: 15 Billion USD
Account Number: 8394-7530-9845-3240
--Established: Feb-16, 2006
Nation: Yurka
Primary Holder: Emperor Drake Yurka III
Alternate Users: Alan Yurka(Son), General Karth Grimoire, Alia Yurka(Daughter)
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% Compounded Monthly
Current Balance: 10,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 9999-1029-1209-983
--Established: Feb-17, 2006
Nation: The American Privateer
Primary Holder: Fleet Admiral jack Ray
Alternate Users:
Account Type: Hybrid Silver/Gold
--Interest: 5%
Current Balance: 13,210,065,185.56
Account Number: 2637-6097-5076-777
--Established: Feb-17, 2006
Nation: Sephrioth
Primary Holder: Fleet Admiral Zax Sephrioth
Alternate Users: Lor Josh Sephrioth
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 5% (user's fault)
Current Balance: 10,000,000,000,000 USD
Account Number: 2342-3498-2492-4234
--Established: Feb-18, 2006
Nation: Union Socialist States of Lhoell
Primary Holder: Marshal of the USSL M'Narth tr'Lhoell, Ministers of Defence and State Security
Alternate Users: The Military Command Staff
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Blance: $1,000,000,000
Account Number: 2384-7293-4827-9328
--Established: Feb-18, 2006
Nation: Democratic states of Tetict
Primary Holder: Clark Mathews
Alternate Users: Military Command chiefs
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Balance: 37,587,903,156 USD
Account Number: 1237-1932-8716-5403
--Established: Feb-26, 2006
Nation: Geneticon
Primary Holder: Keith Johnson
Alternate Users: Any members of the Johnson cabinet with Johnson's written approval.
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8% annually
Current Balance: 116,011,022,000 USD
Account number: 0598-7498-6470-6486
--Established: Feb-26, 2006
Nation: Mandalore Prime
Primary Holder: Caesar Alejandro Valtane
Alternate Users: Praetor Selena Proudfoot (DMP) Prime Minister
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8% annually
Current Balance: 5,074,575,000,000 USD
Account Number: 1283-7102-3814-5043
--Established: April 7th, 2006
Nation: The General Secretariat of Dreqban
Primary Holder: General Secretary Márqú MedДtú
Alternate Users: Chancellor-Viceroy Bâro Põdnalï
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: 3,061,520,150,601 USD
Account Number: 4389-7539-4576-3948
--Established: March 28, 2006
Updated: May-12, 2006
Nation: McPsychoville
Primary Holder: Daniel Cuvell
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Balance: US$ 1,485,000,000
Account Number: 3869-2769-7038-250
--Established: April-8, 2006
Nation: None (McPsychoville)
Primary Holder: Daniel Cuvell
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Priority
--Interest: 4% annually
Current Balance: US$ 12,375,000
Account Number: 7462-9807-5208-766
Nation: Hyst
Primary Holder: President Gregory Howard
Alternate Users: Grand Admiral John McDowel, Major General Hassan Mo'haf, and Major Air General Sandra Parker.
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% compounded monthly
Current Balance: 5 trillion
Account Number: 6598-8429-0816-154
--Established: May-19, 2006
Nation: None
Primary Holder: Stephen D. Norris
Alternate Users: Exponent, Titawon (with my prior authorization)
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: $1,348,324,908,000
Account Number: 0928-3570-9384-7530
--Established: May-24, 2006
--Updated: Jul-15, 2006
Corporation: LifeWyze BioTech (Cruxium)
Primary Holder: R.H. Sir James Irvine (Chief Executive Officer)
Alternate Users: Lord Roger (Chief Financial Officer)
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8%
Current Balance: $200,000,000,000
Account Number: 2984-7356-6585-4611
--Established: May-25, 2006
Nation: Rowesuela
Primary Holder: Curate Valen IV
Alternate Users: Minister of the Treasury Ross Pendleton
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% compounded annually
Current Balance: $6,000,000,000
Account Number: 3495-8735-9834-7593
--Established: May-30, 2006
--Updated: June-17, 2006
Nation: Kurona
Primary Holder: Princess Tomoyo Mikanu
Alternate Users: Li Hirihito
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Balance: $1,550,000,000
Account Number: 1405-7430-5987-9098
--Established: May-30, 2006
Nation: Oakridge London
Primary Holder: President Charles Stewart
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8% compounded annually
Current Balance: 100,000,000,000
Account Number: 2348-7246-9872-3904
--Established: July-02, 2006
Nation: Free Shepmagans
Primary Holder: Councilman Frank Anders
Alternate Users: Susan Anders
Account Type: Personal Saver
--Interest: 3% compounded annually
Current Balance: $250,000 (USD)
Account Number: 3485-0973-4095-8374
--Established: July-05, 2006
Nation: Free Shepmagans
Primary Holder: Councilwoman Laura Caine
Alternate Users: none
Account Type: Personal Saver
--Interest: 3% compounded annually
Current Balance: $250,000 (USD)
Account Number: 3485-0973-4095-8375
--Established: July-05, 2006
Nation: Free Shepmagans
Primary Holder: Councilwoman Yui Kusanagi
Alternate Users: Motoko Kusanagi
Account Type: Personal Saver
--Interest: 3% compounded annually
Current Balance: $250,000 (USD)
Account Number: 3485-0973-4095-8376
--Established: July-05, 2006
Nation: Wanderjar
Primary Holder: Emperor Christoph Baker
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: 2 Trillion
Account Number: 7283-7569-8437-5004
--Established: July-05, 2006
Primary Holder: Asylumny
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5%
Current Balance: 3 billion
Account Number: 2307-3948-5734-4359
--Established: July-24, 2006
Alliance: The Secret Alliance of The Black Lotus society
Primary Holder: The Grandmaster of The Black Lotus Society
Alternate Users: Those granted permission by the Grandmaster to withdraw or deposit funds.
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: 1 Trillion
Account Number: 1984-1012-0103-004
--Established: July-31, 2006
Nation: 31337 soup
Primary Holder: The Holy Church of Gauriani di anima
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annually
Current Balance:$5,666,496,494.40
Account Number: 3759-3874-5634-9875
--Established: Aug-22, 2006
Primary Holder:
Loan Type:
Amount Paid:
Loan Number: xxxx-xxx-xxxxx
Nation: Lhoell
Primary Holders: Same as the Accounts Primary and Alternate Users
Loan Type: Corporate Loan
--Interest: 220% (Int) and 5%(mon)
Amount Recieved: $100,000,000,000
Amount Paid Back: $265,000,000,000
Loan Number: 1256-000-1568
--Established: February 18th, 2006
Paid Back
Primary Holder: Government
Loan Type: Priority
--Interest: 25% (Initial) and 5% (Monthly)
Amount Recieved: $500,000,000,000
Amount Paid Back: $625,000,000,000
Loan Number: 2394-818-3243
Paid Back
Primary Holder: Government
Loan Type: Priority
--Interest: 25% (Initial) and 5% (Monthly)
Amount Recieved: $500,000,000,000
Amount Paid Back: $725,000,000,000
Loan Number: 2394-818-3244
Paid Back
Nation: Kurona
Primary Holder: Tomoyo Mikanu
Loan Type: Priorty
--Interest: 25% (Initial) and 5% (Monthly)
Amount Received: $500,000,000,000
Amount Paid Back: 0
Loan Number: 2394-058-7439
--Established: June-01, 2006
ooc: Please submit the required information from above (not the account/loan number)
Also, tell where the money is coming from for a bank account.
01-10-2005, 19:56
"We shall come to your bank should we face an economic crisis."
Prime Minister Neo
"We shall come to your bank should we face an economic crisis."
Prime Minister Neo
Thank you
Dweladelfia prime
01-10-2005, 21:05
The Christain Empire of Dweladelfia Prime would like to get a Diamond Account
Please submit the required information.
01-10-2005, 21:22
Anagonia shall severly consider opening a Diamond account with your Bank.
Thank you.
Caster Oblivion
Minister of Foreign Affairs/Activities
02-10-2005, 02:58
Nation: Ibblesguard
Primary Holder: Chairmen Hans Gopher
Alternate Users: Viceroy Jordan Andwieser
Account Type: Silver
Current Balance: $950,000,000
All money comes from the Ibblesguard Consolidated Shipyards
"Building Quality Ships For Nearly A Month"
Waldenburg 2
02-10-2005, 03:59
Nation: Waldenburg 2
Primary Holder: Wyatt Von Waldenburg III
Alternate Users: Admiral Ajax Sloan (Of The Federation of DIMMs)
Account Type: Platinum
Current Balance:$500,000,000,000
The money is coming from the Sale of the Waldenburg Storefront, we have not sold it yet but as soon as we do the money will be transfered.
North Mack
02-10-2005, 04:31
Nation: North Mack
Primary Holder: Emperor Alexi Jackson
Alternate Users: High General Howard Tompson
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $2,340,000,000,000
All money coming from recent sale of a gas giant planet to be stored for national emergency
Weapons-Tech incorp
03-10-2005, 03:07
Well DMG. Nice to see that you have jumped into the Banking industry. Let me on the behalf of the UIFC. Welcome you in joining us. We have seen a great influx of busniess in your weapons sells and profits are up. That proves you have what it takes. SO on the behalf the UIFC. Please join us.
You can TG me or The UIFC its self or NAtional Commonwealth. Or anyone else in the UIFC.
Well DMG. Nice to see that you have jumped into the Banking industry. Let me on the behalf of the UIFC. Welcome you in joining us. We have seen a great influx of busniess in your weapons sells and profits are up. That proves you have what it takes. SO on the behalf the UIFC. Please join us.
You can TG me or The UIFC its self or NAtional Commonwealth. Or anyone else in the UIFC.
We shall consider it...
The Black Agents
03-10-2005, 06:15
I would advise joining the UIFC.......
I would advise joining the UIFC.......
reason being (although I already have mine for joining)
New Dracora
03-10-2005, 06:57
Messenge received at: 0300 local time...
Top level security clearance required....
Requesting clearance............received
Alpha level algorithim activated
De-encryption process initiated
To: DMG International Bank
From: Citizen's Conclave of New Dracora
I desire to open an account with DMG International Bank. The nature of this
account is to remain confidential, as is the name of the account holder. Here
are the details,
Nation: New Dracora
Primary Holder: --name withheld--
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: US$5,000,000,000,000
If I am satisfied with your services, I may consider increasing this amount. I
trust there will be no problems with the transfer......
New Dracora
Message ends
Messenge received at: 0300 local time...
Top level security clearance required....
Requesting clearance............received
Alpha level algorithim activated
De-encryption process initiated
To: DMG International Bank
From: Citizen's Conclave of New Dracora
I desire to open an account with DMG International Bank. The nature of this
account is to remain confidential, as is the name of the account holder. Here
are the details,
Nation: New Dracora
Primary Holder: --name withheld--
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: US$5,000,000,000,000
If I am satisfied with your services, I may consider increasing this amount. I
trust there will be no problems with the transfer......
New Dracora
Message ends
*Encrypted Message*
No there will be no problem at all, as long as you pay a 1% activation fee. Rest assured all information obtained by DMG International Bank will be classified as a state secret and under the highest security in the Dominion...
*End of Message*
New Dracora
04-10-2005, 04:28
Messenge received at: 0417 local time...
Top level security clearance required....
Requesting clearance............received
Alpha level algorithim activated
De-encryption process initiated
To: DMG International Bank
From: Citizen's Conclave of New Dracora
These conditions are acceptable.
New Dracora
Incoming account transfer....
Institute: New Dracora National Bank
Account No: X31d-34Gs-34Hc-cc00-1123
Institute: DMG International Bank
Account No: a45c-ND21-o449-tY83-76IJ
Transfer amount: $5,050,000,000,000
Nation: Ceyolia
Primary Holder: Papagori Illiani Romanokovski
Alternate Users: none
Account Type: Gold
Current Balance: $10.4 Billion
Also, do you have any vaults that I could lease? I have some precious metals metals and documents that need to be stored outside of Ceyolia. I can arrange their transport.
Nation: Ceyolia
Primary Holder: Papagori Illiani Romanokovski
Alternate Users: none
Account Type: Gold
Current Balance: $10.4 Billion
Also, do you have any vaults that I could lease? I have some precious metals metals and documents that need to be stored outside of Ceyolia. I can arrange their transport.
Account confirmed. Yes vaults are available...
Scamptica Prime
08-10-2005, 07:11
OOC: What about a 'presidential slush fund'?
OOC: What about a 'presidential slush fund'?
technically any of our accounts have the ability to be a presidential slush fund... so I am not adding a separate one for that purpose...
Scamptica Prime
08-10-2005, 07:28
Scamptica Prime will open a Platinum Account with $100 billion deposited.
Scamptica Prime will open a Platinum Account with $100 billion deposited.
fill out the rest of the information as instructed
Scamptica Prime
08-10-2005, 07:52
OOC: Oops. sorry,
ANd an extra 1 billion you now have as that 1% thing...
Nation: Scamptica Prime
Primary Holder: (title) Jasper Hawk (more titles)
Alternate Users: (titles) Queen Xaia Hawk (more titles)
Account Type: latinum
--Interest: 8% compounded annually
Current Balance: 100,000,000,000
Account Number: 1337-8437-6414-106
Account confirmed. Yes vaults are available...
OOC: Apologies for the delay
IC: I would like to open a vault. I wish to store several hundred pounds of prescious metals and gems. There are several documents (Bonds, certificates of deposits etc.) I wish to move them out of my nation quickly, as they are drawing some unwanted attention. Tell me where I should send them too.
-Papagori Illiani Romanokovski
OOC: Apologies for the delay
IC: I would like to open a vault. I wish to store several hundred pounds of prescious metals and gems. There are several documents (Bonds, certificates of deposits etc.) I wish to move them out of my nation quickly, as they are drawing some unwanted attention. Tell me where I should send them too.
-Papagori Illiani Romanokovski
Send it on an cargoplane to the Dominion International Airport in DMG. It will be met there by 20 armed guards from DMG International Bank and will be transffered to a vault immediately.
The cargo has been loaded, and has just taken off from Ceyol International Airport. There are three cargo planes en route. The cargo will be on the third plane. The first plane will deviate from its course above your nation and return home. The second and third will land. The second will be carrying members of my personal security force. It should arrive in several hours. Please contact me upon its successful delivery to the vaults.
-P. Romanokovski
To: P. Romanokovski
Subject: Comfirmation
The planes have arrived and we have successfully moved your cargo to vault
10-10-2005, 03:13
*walks in with suit and glasses*
Eh hem
Nation: Sentmierstonia
Primary Holder: President Christophe Sentmier
Alternate Holder: AAC Chairman Tamir Talzarki
Account Type: Silver
Alternate Users: Sensored
Current Balance: 2.5 Billion
Account: 5353-1123-6262-078
*Hands over breif case*
Would any of you be in need of a fine port?
Your account is confirmed...
ooc: what does the last thing mean?
10-10-2005, 03:21
just wondering if any nation needs to "hold" some goods for a while. Or perhaps make a few things "disappear"
10-10-2005, 04:10
Nation: Nebarri Prime
Primary Holder: Emperor Derek Keller
Alternate Users: James Keller, Amanda Fetter, Jack Anderson, Laura Keller
Account Type: Platinum
Current Balance: 200,000,000,000
14-10-2005, 05:06
To whom it may cocern,
The Global Banking Corporation has recently encountered cicumstance byond our control that limit our ability to proccess our accounts and are presently seeking an administrator for our public accounts.
Given our longstanding relationship I see it benificial to use the GBC(UIFC)'s legacy alongside DMG's superior contactablity to ensure the best results for our cumstomers.
Contact me if this is of interest to you.
Lady Nicoletta Baccheus
Cheif Executive Officer
Global Banking Corporation
Proudly a member of:
To whom it may cocern,
The Global Banking Corporation has recently encountered cicumstance byond our control that limit our ability to proccess our accounts and are presently seeking an administrator for our public accounts.
Given our longstanding relationship I see it benificial to use the GBC(UIFC)'s legacy alongside DMG's superior contactablity to ensure the best results for our cumstomers.
Contact me if this is of interest to you.
Lady Nicoletta Baccheus
Cheif Executive Officer
Global Banking Corporation
Proudly a member of:
We are interested in your proposal and have sent you a message.
14-10-2005, 12:33
Hogsweat would be delighted to open a diamond account with DMG Banking.
Nation: Hogsweat
Primary Holder: Sergei Chenkov, Minister of Defense and Law and Order
Alternate Users: Alissa Maykov, Commonwealth Premier
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% Compounded Monthly
Current Balance: $11,000,000,000,000 [11 tn USD]
Account Number: 5672-0091-4489-105
As this is a startling amount of money we would be obliged if our own security could be provided in addition to the DMG Element.
Hogsweat would be delighted to open a diamond account with DMG Banking.
Nation: Hogsweat
Primary Holder: Sergei Chenkov, Minister of Defense and Law and Order
Alternate Users: Alissa Maykov, Commonwealth Premier
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% Compounded Monthly
Current Balance: $11,000,000,000,000 [11 tn USD]
Account Number: 5672-0091-4489-105
As this is a startling amount of money we would be obliged if our own security could be provided in addition to the DMG Element.
Your account is confirmed.
On the issue of security - we promise we have the highest security protecting the accounts and the bank. However, if you would like to provide your own additional security, we will accept it; your security can not enter any classified areas.
17-10-2005, 04:23
However, a 1% initiation fee will be charged in order to activate the account. This means a total of 1% of your initial deposit will be charged.
*Diamond Account:
Minimum: $1Trillion
Maximum: None
Banking Fees: 0.01% of extraction of funds
Interest: 1% compounded monthly
Security: Classified
*Receive a 5% discount at DMG Military Industries (
The Government of the Brandoniats would like to open an account with the DMG bank. The initial deposit will be $1,760,236,698,937.50. I assume I can trust your security?
Indeed you can trust our security and we would be delighted to open an account for you - however before doing so you must fill out the requested form as stated in the OP.
17-10-2005, 05:09
Our apologies. such shall be drafted immediately.
18-10-2005, 04:06
In preperation in an upcoming purchase in DMG Military Industries, Fujikawa would like to transfer its funds to make the transaction smoother.
Nation: Fujikawa
Primary Holder: Ivan Kyouske Ryushimi
Alternate Users: Shinjiro Kenzo
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8% compounded annualy
Current Balance: $128 000 000 000
OOC- Good idea DMG
The nation of willink would like to open an account .
Nation: Willink
Primary Holder: Joe Fedel, Willink reserve treasery
Alternate Users: Justin Scarfe, President, Joe Ingolia, Commander and Chief of Willink Military
Account Type: Platinum
--Interest: 8%
Current Balance: $ 125,000,000,000.00 USD
Account Number: 865-325-4717-7582
19-10-2005, 17:00
Nation: The Federation of Brandoniats
Primary Holder: Minister of the Treasury, Reginald D. Dyck
Alternate Users: Prime Minister Wallace, Vice President Maffenbier
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% compounded monthly
Current Balance: 10,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 1701-7118-7746-757
25-10-2005, 10:04
Nation: Maldaathi
Primary Holder: Myskada Lukav
Alternate Users: Strictly None
Account Type: Diamond Account
--Intrest: 1% compounded monthly
Current Balance: 800,000,000,000 (800Bil)
Account Number: 0148-7365-9114-365
A question though how often (RL) does the MONTHLY intrest accumulate? (How many RL Days per 1%). Myskada is a top skilled soldier.
25-10-2005, 13:49
Nation: Angelonisia
Primary Holder: Shawn Tawner
Alternate Users: Absolutely restricted except Roko Tawner
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $2.500.000.000.0000 (2.5 trillion dollars)
This account is a part of our defence and Law and Order budget that we want to safe in case a national emergency
Shawn Tawner,
Angelonisia Minister of Defence
26-10-2005, 01:34
Nation: Angelonisia
Primary Holder: Shawn Tawner
Alternate Users: Absolutely restricted except Roko Tawner
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $2.500.000.000.0000 (2.5 trillion dollars)
This account is a part of our defence and Law and Order budget that we want to safe in case a national emergency
Shawn Tawner,
Angelonisia Minister of Defence
*Accoutn Confirmed*
26-10-2005, 05:34
On behalf of Myskada Lukav, Maldaathi deposits a further 200bil to make Sir Lukav's account active.
Call to power
27-10-2005, 01:15
Message from: CTP treasury
We would like to open an diamond account to store 100 trillion USD
Nation: Call to Power
Primary Holder: Joe King
Alternate Users: none
Account Type: Diamond Account
--Interest: 1% compounded monthly
Current Balance:100 trillion USD
Account Number: 0800-1066
Message from: CTP treasury
We would like to open an diamond account to store 100 trillion USD
Nation: Call to Power
Primary Holder: Joe King
Alternate Users: none
Account Type: Diamond Account
--Interest: 1% compounded monthly
Current Balance:100 trillion USD
Account Number: 0800-1066
Call to power
28-10-2005, 00:15
Message from: CTP central office
may we enquire as to why the account was rejected?
We regret to tell you that we can not and will not accept an account of 100 Trillion USD.
North Mack
29-10-2005, 22:45
The General wishes to deposit another $14,230,000,000 into the North Mack account.
Account Number: 2239-0001-2584-8917
The General wishes to deposit another $14,230,000,000 into the North Mack account.
Account Number: 2239-0001-2584-8917
Nation: Siap
Primary Holder: Leonard De Valls
Alternate Users: Any Siapian prime minister or treasury member
Account Type: Silver
--Interest: 5% annual
Current Balance: $2.35 Billion
Note: these funds are coming from rent being paid on a base on our soil. We wish to deposit $50 million per annum. Is this possible?
Yes it is.
Your account has been confirmed.
The tokera
06-11-2005, 17:57
the tokera would like to open a Diamond account and deposit $2 trillion USD. This will be the tokera Primary account
Authorization: President Johnathin K Toulouse
Source: Cash
Destination: Tokera Primary Account
Nation: The Tokera
Primary Holder:The Tokera president Johnathin K. Toulouse
Alternate Users: Vice president Thomas R. Paine, Joint Chiefs, The Tokera Storefront CEO and board, high ranking military officials
Account Type: Diamond
Initial deposit: $2,000,000,000,000 USD.
Account Information-
Authorization: President Johnathin K.Toulouse
Account Name: Tokera Primary Account
Primary Holder:The Tokera president Johnathin K. Toulouse
Alternate Users: Vice president Thomas R. Paine, Joint Chiefs, Tokera Storefront Cheif Executive, Tokera Storefront Board of Directors, Military Officials of Significant Rank (as authorised by Primary)
Trading Currency: US Dollars
Account Type: Diamond
Brixion's ruling body would like to open a silver (for now) account:
Nation: The Empire of Brixion
Prmary Holder: Emperor Zentor I
Alternate Users: Viceroy Sir Olivander Zenteel
Account Type: Silver
Current Balance: $ 800,000,000
Brixion's ruling body would like to open a silver (for now) account:
Nation: The Empire of Brixion
Prmary Holder: Emperor Zentor I
Alternate Users: Viceroy Sir Olivander Zenteel
Account Type: Silver
Current Balance: $ 800,000,000
The Silver Sky
13-11-2005, 17:30
We Buy It Inc and The Silver Sky would like to purchase a Diamond Account:
Nation: The Armed Capitalist Republic of The Silver Sky
Prmary Holder: Steven H. Miller, CEO of We Buy It Inc.
Alternate Users: Jason H. Garner, President of The Silver Sky
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $3,000,000,000,000 USD
19-11-2005, 16:13
Nation: FutureEngland
Primary Holder: Emperor Jachslov kilarear
Alternate Users: President Jack Colinway, Cheif Advisory Carl Forteny
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $30,359,039,760,000
Nation: The Kingdom of Ftang
Prmary Holder: Prime Minister Korak Reeming
Alternate Users: Prince Wershak, Lord Korsax Loranov
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $4,000,000,000,000 USD
Nation: The Kingdom of Ftang
Prmary Holder: Prime Minister Korak Reeming
Alternate Users: Prince Wershak, Lord Korsax Loranov
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $4,000,000,000,000 USD
26-11-2005, 20:59
The Exetonian Government would like to open the following account:
Primary Holder:Exetonian High Chancellor Alex Crushev
Alternate Users:Supreme Benevolent Dictator, Harold Johanson the 12th
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance:$3,233,620,288,125.00
The Exetonian Government would like to open the following account:
Primary Holder:Exetonian High Chancellor Alex Crushev
Alternate Users:Supreme Benevolent Dictator, Harold Johanson the 12th
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance:$3,233,620,288,125.00
The PeoplesFreedom
27-11-2005, 04:14
The peoplesfreedom would love to open an account with you:
Nation:The peoplesfreedom (TPF)
Primary Holder: Armed Council TPF's Congress
Alternate Users: Defense Section
Account Type: Platinum
Okay... I assume you want to put money in the account - and to establish it you will need a minimum of 100 Billion USD.
The tokera
27-11-2005, 05:03
we would like to make a deposit of $2,000,000,000,000 usd to the following account:
Nation: The Tokera
Primary Holder: Johnathin K. Toulouse
Alternate Users: Thomas R. Paine, Joint Chiefs, Tokera Storefront Cheif Executive, Tokera Storefront Board of Directors, Military Officials of Significant Rank
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: 2,000,000,000,000
Account Number: 1786-3298-4726-3748
--Established: Nov-06, 2005
Authorization:Johnathin K. Toulouse
Deposit:$2,000,000,000,000 usd
Account Number: 1786-3298-4726-3748
The Vulkara
27-11-2005, 06:56
The Vulkara would like to peldge their support to DMG International Bank, and all other DMG corporations. The DMG corporations are the best I have seen throughout nationstates. As quickly as possible I am working towards opening an account in the DMG Bank.
Emperor Kaide, Emperor of the Empire of the Vulkara
The Vulkara would like to peldge their support to DMG International Bank, and all other DMG corporations. The DMG corporations are the best I have seen throughout nationstates. As quickly as possible I am working towards opening an account in the DMG Bank.
Emperor Kaide, Emperor of the Empire of the Vulkara
Thank you very much for your support
27-11-2005, 07:09
Nation: AndyTank
Primary Holder: King Michael Holley
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $14,390,045,237,000
Money is from the Royal Depository
Nation: AndyTank
Primary Holder: King Michael Holley
Alternate Users: None
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $14,390,045,237,000
Money is from the Royal Depository
That kind of money is beyond your nation in my eyes.
27-11-2005, 13:37
Exetonia would like to deposit a further $3,233,620,288,125.00 into her bank account
28-11-2005, 13:27
Exetonia would like to deposit a further $3,233,620,288,125.00 into her bank account
Exetonia would like to deposit a further $3,233,620,288,125.00 into her bank account
Though we will confirm this we are curious to wear the money is coming from.
29-11-2005, 13:49
It is coming from our now dwindling government waste. At present,we have placed our waste into your coffers. This means should we have an emergency, we are going to have to withdraw some cash OR dip into other budget areas.
The Ruling Body of the Brixion Empire would like to upgrade it's silver account to a Gold Account, so close the previous and put the previous $800 million plus 50 Billion into:
Nation: Brixion
Primary Holder: Emperor Zentor I
Alternate Holders: Viceroy Sir Olevander Zenteel
Account Type: Gold Account
Amount: $50,800,000 (including the transfer amount)
01-12-2005, 15:09
(ooc: ive been inactive for a few days due to jolt *angry*)
The Exetonian Government would like to deposit a further $1,866,345,276,250.00 from our government waste (ooc: which i take as money that is being produced by revenue but not spent)
We await confirmation/rejection of this deposit.
Cap of 10 Trillion USD placed on Diamond Accounts (unless otherwise allowed by yours truely).
01-12-2005, 22:17
[OOC: How does this bank make money?]
a. Private loans (we have a few nations that preffered it, if the loans were kept of the books for various reasons.)
b. Dominion loans (loans to citizens of DMG)
c. Helping to stimulate the economy (by bringing in more money to the Dominion, the government exempts them from taxes and even provides funds)
d. Stimulating sales at DMG Military Industries (its owner)
02-12-2005, 03:55
FROM: Exetonian Government
TO: Manager, head office, DMG International Bank
We ahve noticed that our current ballance excededs the cap imposed on the diamond account and would like to know if you wish us to withdraw money to bring us inline with the cap. If so, please respond to this message and we shall respectfully withdraw enough money to bring us inline with the cap.
We wish to continue banking with DMG and if nessicary will open up a secondary and then even a tertiary account. We feel that DMG International bank is the safest place to store our funds for a 'rainy' day and would love to continue being customers with the bank. This money will only ever be used for military purchases or emergencies within our nation.
Thank you for your time, Exetonian Government.
FROM: Exetonian Government
TO: Manager, head office, DMG International Bank
We ahve noticed that our current ballance excededs the cap imposed on the diamond account and would like to know if you wish us to withdraw money to bring us inline with the cap. If so, please respond to this message and we shall respectfully withdraw enough money to bring us inline with the cap.
We wish to continue banking with DMG and if nessicary will open up a secondary and then even a tertiary account. We feel that DMG International bank is the safest place to store our funds for a 'rainy' day and would love to continue being customers with the bank. This money will only ever be used for military purchases or emergencies within our nation.
Thank you for your time, Exetonian Government.
No we do not require you to remove the excess funds, though you will not be able to add any more. Also, opening a second and third account is not an option - if it were than there would be no point of making a cap.
We apologize for this inconvenience but 10,000,000,000,000 seems like a sufficient "rainy day" fund.
02-12-2005, 04:01
This is understood and completly acceptable. Thank you for your swift correspondence.
Exetonian Government
(ooc: I aint even gonna try puppet wanking with exetonian busines' in this thread as i dont wanna piss you off :P)
This is understood and completly acceptable. Thank you for your swift correspondence.
Exetonian Government
(ooc: I aint even gonna try puppet wanking with exetonian busines' in this thread as i dont wanna piss you off :P)
ooc: lol, good ;)
02-12-2005, 12:01
Ah the dawn of a new year. It is once again time for us to place into your coffers a sum of money. We wish to deposit a further $1,831,553,560,200.00 into our bank account to continue saving for that rainy day. I fo believe that we now have a 18 trillion cap on our account.
Thaks in advance, Exetonian Government
Ah the dawn of a new year. It is once again time for us to place into your coffers a sum of money. We wish to deposit a further $1,831,553,560,200.00 into our bank account to continue saving for that rainy day. I fo believe that we now have a 18 trillion cap on our account.
Thaks in advance, Exetonian Government
The Vuhifellian States
03-12-2005, 00:20
Nation: The Vuhifellian States (Vuhifell)
Primary Holder: David Macker, President of Foxtecha
Alternate Users: The Macker family (7 others)
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $1,000,050,000,000
Nation: The Vuhifellian States (Vuhifell)
Primary Holder: President Stevan Daniels
Alternate Users: First Lady Stephanie Daniels; Alicia Daniels
Account Type: Priority Savers
Current Balence: $79,000,000
04-12-2005, 04:13
Exetonia would like to deposit a further $1,831,553,560,200.00 into her account. Yours, Exetonian Government
Exetonia would like to deposit a further $1,831,553,560,200.00 into her account. Yours, Exetonian Government
05-12-2005, 21:11
Exetonia would like to deposit $2,769,686,738,975 into her account. This comes from the Government waste and a little of our defence budget as wel feel that with maintaining such a small force we can afford to dip in a little bit.
Exetonia would like to deposit $2,769,686,738,975 into her account. This comes from the Government waste and a little of our defence budget as wel feel that with maintaining such a small force we can afford to dip in a little bit.
-Cap Reached-
06-12-2005, 06:37
Thank you. We shall inform you when we wish to withdraw/close the account.
06-12-2005, 07:32
We would like to clear and close our accounts as that rainy day has come and it is time to build a military we can be proud of. - Exetonian Government
We would like to clear and close our accounts as that rainy day has come and it is time to build a military we can be proud of. - Exetonian Government
--searching database--
----account retrieval information----
--accessing account 2314-9078-4688-3429--
--confirming identification--
----confirmed, authorization granted (Exetonian High Chancellor Alex Crushev)----
--removing funds equivalent to 18,000,000,000,000 USD--
--extracting fee equal to .01% of withdrawl
----extraction completed (1,800,000,000 USD removed)
--sending funds of 17,998,200,000,000
--Closing account--
Goso and Comino
06-12-2005, 22:36
The Cominan Government would like to open a Personal Savers Account with the DMG International Bank for the expressed purpose of safely maintaining our national surplus. The account to be opened will be in the amount of 8,190,010.50 G£, or 6,751,863.56 USD. Further deposits into this account will come annually, in amounts so far unspecified.
My thanks on behalf of the Cominan Government,
-Signed, Don Alexander Lovio
Minister of the Treasury, Comino
The Cominan Government would like to open a Personal Savers Account with the DMG International Bank for the expressed purpose of safely maintaining our national surplus. The account to be opened will be in the amount of 8,190,010.50 G£, or 6,751,863.56 USD. Further deposits into this account will come annually, in amounts so far unspecified.
My thanks on behalf of the Cominan Government,
-Signed, Don Alexander Lovio
Minister of the Treasury, Comino
ooc: please fill out the required form found here (
07-12-2005, 04:43
Thank you so kindly for dealing with our request so quickly. WE shall return to bank with you again im sure. Yours, Exetonian, Government.
Nation: LA Ice
Primary Holder: President Valentin Vasquez
Alternate Users: Hon. Vince Emerson (Minister of Trade)
Account Type: Silver
Current Balance:$5,000,000,000
Profits from uranium export.
Nation: LA Ice
Primary Holder: President Valentin Vasquez
Alternate Users: Hon. Vince Emerson (Minister of Trade)
Account Type: Silver
Current Balance:$5,000,000,000
Profits from uranium export.
Goso and Comino
08-12-2005, 06:22
Nation(s): The Allied States of Goso and Comino
Primary Holder: Don Giovanni Velerio, Prime Minister, Comino
Alternate Users:
Don Roberto Williamston, Prime Minister, Goso
Don Alexander Lovio, Minister of the Treasury, Comino
Signora Maria Giovanni di Silema, Minister of the Treasury, Goso
Account Type: Personal Savers
--Interest: 3% anual
Current Balance: 8,190,010.50 G£ (6,751,863.56 USD)
Account Number: 2182-8001-7378-980
Can we wire 500 million dollars out of our account? This is for military spending. Thankyou.
--searching database--
----account retrieval information----
--accessing account 1734-2896-2349-7865--
--confirming identification--
----confirmed, authorization granted (President Valentin Vasquez)----
--removing funds equivalent to 500,000,000--
--extracting fee equal to .05% of withdrawl
----extraction completed (250,000 USD removed)
--sending funds of 500,000,000 USD
Waldenburg 2
13-12-2005, 03:32
Waldenburg wishes to terminate it's account and withdraw all funds immediately.
Wyatt Von Waldenburg III
(I think interest would be 1.25 billion but not sure)
--searching database--
----account retrieval information----
--accessing account 2323-0019-8731-3491--
--confirming identification--
----confirmed, authorization granted (Wyatt Von Waldenburg III)----
--removing funds equivalent to 500,000,000,000--
--sending funds equivalent to 83,200,000,000 in interest--
--extracting fee equal to .05% of withdrawl
----extraction completed (291,600,000 USD removed)
--sending funds of 582,908,400,000 USD
15-12-2005, 01:59
Nation: Admiral-Bell
Primary Holder: The Moderator
Alternate Users: Alan Yen, Treasurer
Account Type: Priority
--Interest: 4% annually
Current Balance:20,000,000
All money coming from recent gold find in our lakes
Nation: Admiral-Bell
Primary Holder: The Moderator
Alternate Users: Alan Yen, Treasurer
Account Type: Priority
--Interest: 4% annually
Current Balance:20,000,000
All money coming from recent gold find in our lakes
North Mack
18-12-2005, 15:47
Due to the fact that the Emporer has been assassinated, North Mack needs to move its alternate user up to the Primary user, with the Title of Emporer instead of High General. No alternate user has been selected as of this current point in time.
Due to the fact that the Emporer has been assassinated, North Mack needs to move its alternate user up to the Primary user, with the Title of Emporer instead of High General. No alternate user has been selected as of this current point in time.
The Protus Corporation
22-12-2005, 21:03
The Corporate Police State of the Protus Corporation wishes to open an account. The relevant information is as follows:
Nation: The Protus Corporation
Primary Holder: CEO Wunderlich
Alternate Users: Corporate Board of Directors of the Protus Corporation
Account Type: Diamond
Balance: $5,000,000,000,000
The money will be taken from our Defence budget, Law and Order budget, and Commerce budget as it the reason for investment concerns all three. We hope there is no problem. We will arrange for yearly installments of $1,000,000,000,000 to the account. Thank you, if there are any concerns please contact us.
CEO Wunderlich of the Corporate Police State of the Protus Corporation
Raven corps
22-12-2005, 21:21
Protus I would reconsider giving up your DEfence budget.... You never know what kind of mad people are out there.....( shifts eyes )
The Corporate Police State of the Protus Corporation wishes to open an account. The relevant information is as follows:
Nation: The Protus Corporation
Primary Holder: CEO Wunderlich
Alternate Users: Corporate Board of Directors of the Protus Corporation
Account Type: Diamond
Balance: $5,000,000,000,000
The money will be taken from our Defence budget, Law and Order budget, and Commerce budget as it the reason for investment concerns all three. We hope there is no problem. We will arrange for yearly installments of $1,000,000,000,000 to the account. Thank you, if there are any concerns please contact us.
CEO Wunderlich of the Corporate Police State of the Protus Corporation
From Isaac Emmerson, Head of the Treasury Department of the Republic of Groznyj, as authorized by the President -executive order A2551-
"On behalf of Our Republic, we feel it necessary to invest profits from our recent gold and uranium finds plus funds diverted from the religion department, into a new bank account with DMG. It has been ruled necessary by the Groznyj Supreme Court that this be done to provide us with an economic "buffer" and as an auxilliary source of military funding. The money is as follows:
Gold find in Ishkaar Lake: $450,000,000 USD
Uranium deposits: $ 780,000,000 USD
Funds diverted from Dept. of Religious affairs: $1,500,000,000 USD
This brings our deposit to a total of $2,730,000,000 (2.73 bill)
I believe that this qualifies for a Silver Account.
We thank you for this service, money will be wired with account confirmation. On the behalf of The Groznian Department of Treasury, Thank You and Merry Christmass (Or Hannuhak/others/winter break)"
Primary Holder: Dept. of Treasury
Account type: Silver
Balance: $2,730,000,000
From Isaac Emmerson, Head of the Treasury Department of the Republic of Groznyj, as authorized by the President -executive order A2551-
"On behalf of Our Republic, we feel it necessary to invest profits from our recent gold and uranium finds plus funds diverted from the religion department, into a new bank account with DMG. It has been ruled necessary by the Groznyj Supreme Court that this be done to provide us with an economic "buffer" and as an auxilliary source of military funding. The money is as follows:
Gold find in Ishkaar Lake: $450,000,000 USD
Uranium deposits: $ 780,000,000 USD
Funds diverted from Dept. of Religious affairs: $1,500,000,000 USD
This brings our deposit to a total of $2,730,000,000 (2.73 bill)
I believe that this qualifies for a Silver Account.
We thank you for this service, money will be wired with account confirmation. On the behalf of The Groznian Department of Treasury, Thank You and Merry Christmass (Or Hannuhak/others/winter break)"
Primary Holder: Dept. of Treasury
Account type: Silver
Balance: $2,730,000,000
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 07:05
We are interested in an account
Nation: Northern Sushi
Primary Holder: King Alex the Wise
Alternate Users: Bob Harrows
Account Type: Personal Savers
Current Balance: $100,000
We are interested in an account
Nation: Northern Sushi
Primary Holder: King Alex the Wise
Alternate Users: Bob Harrows
Account Type: Personal Savers
Current Balance: $100,000
01-01-2006, 08:35
Hmm... Exactly how confidential is this information and are there any requirements or ways in which this money may be subverted by the government involved?
Hmm... Exactly how confidential is this information and are there any requirements or ways in which this money may be subverted by the government involved?
The information is completely confidential and is released to nobody; only the top officials at the DMG International Bank have access to the information and are sworn under legal oath to never reveal it.
((ooc: I believe you have the wrong word in subvert (; I believe you wanted divert (
No there is no limit or requirement on how the money as long as it is not explicitly known or told be illegal. If we don't know, we don't care.
01-01-2006, 09:18
OOC: You say tomato, I say tomatoe ^_~
Well in that case the nation of Antanjyl would like to open up an account with DMG
Nation: Antanjyl
Primary Holder: Emperor Galf
Alternate Users: Minister of Human Resources, Frohm Halwart; General Albeleo.
Account Type: Gold
Current Balance: $20,000,000,000
The money is primarily from our Coal industry, along with a margin of the profits from our human resources industry.
OOC: You say tomato, I say tomatoe ^_~
Well in that case the nation of Antanjyl would like to open up an account with DMG
Nation: Antanjyl
Primary Holder: Emperor Galf
Alternate Users: Minister of Human Resources, Frohm Halwart; General Albeleo.
Account Type: Gold
Current Balance: $20,000,000,000
The money is primarily from our Coal industry, along with a margin of the profits from our human resources industry.
-Transfer Requested-
Account Number: 9283-4792-3348-3219
Authorization, Confirmed
Amount Request: 14,400,000 USD
Banking Charge: 576,000 USD
Total Amount Removed: 14,976,000 USD
04-01-2006, 03:27
Thanks to some new economic opportunities which just opened I would like to open a Platinum account. Would that be acceptable? Everything will remain the same, except for the fact that I will raise the total to 250 billion USD and change to a Platinum Account. I take it this is agreeable?
Emperor Galf
Thanks to some new economic opportunities which just opened I would like to open a Platinum account. Would that be acceptable? Everything will remain the same, except for the fact that I will raise the total to 250 billion USD and change to a Platinum Account. I take it this is agreeable?
Emperor Galf
08-01-2006, 06:02
Due to a boon in parts of our primary divisions, we would like to add another 100 Billion USD to our account, for a total of 350 Billion USD.
Emperor Galf
Due to a boon in parts of our primary divisions, we would like to add another 100 Billion USD to our account, for a total of 350 Billion USD.
Emperor Galf
Grand Master Paquin
12-01-2006, 04:42
Nation: The Armed Republic of Grand Master Paquin
Primary User: Grand Master Steven M. Paquin
Alternate Users: Viceroy William A. VanDelay and Minister of Treasury Charles R. Chandal
Account Type: Silver
Current Balance: 200 million
Nation: The Armed Republic of Grand Master Paquin
Primary User: Grand Master Steven M. Paquin
Alternate Users: Viceroy William A. VanDelay and Minister of Treasury Charles R. Chandal
Account Type: Silver
Current Balance: 200 million
New Nicksyllvania
12-01-2006, 05:14
The Financial Ministry of New Nicksyllvania wish to open an account and Deposit $2 Trillion.
The Financial Ministry of New Nicksyllvania wish to open an account and Deposit $2 Trillion.
You need to fill out the required form as everyone else has and inform us from where the money is coming.
16-01-2006, 16:59
Maldaathi requests an updated total amount of funds in the account of Myskada Lukav.
Maldaathi requests an updated total amount of funds in the account of Myskada Lukav.
After removing 1% for iniation fee (bring the total to 990 Billion USD), the current balance would be 1,104,511,663 USD.
18-01-2006, 04:59
Primary Holder:CEO of Alldredge Weapon Systems inc., Bill Alldredge
Alternate Users:CFO of Alldredge Weapon Systems inc., Ron Alldredge; President of Alldredge Weapon Systems inc., Atticus Alldredge
Account Type:Silver
Current Balance: $1,000,000,000
Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx
Funds from our sales of the F/A-35 Talon.
Primary Holder:CEO of Alldredge Weapon Systems inc., Bill Alldredge
Alternate Users:CFO of Alldredge Weapon Systems inc., Ron Alldredge; President of Alldredge Weapon Systems inc., Atticus Alldredge
Account Type:Silver
Current Balance: $1,000,000,000
Account Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx
Funds from our sales of the F/A-35 Talon.
Nation: The Constitutional Monarchy of Maraque
Primary Holder: King Stephen Norris
Alternate Users: Prince Arden, Prince Stephen II, Princess Adriana, King Keith
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $1,577,402,047,500
It comes from the annual sales of the royal family-owned oil company.
Nation: The Constitutional Monarchy of Maraque
Primary Holder: King Stephen Norris
Alternate Users: Prince Arden, Prince Stephen II, Princess Adriana, King Keith
Account Type: Diamond
Current Balance: $1,577,402,047,500
It comes from the annual sales of the royal family-owned oil company.
22-01-2006, 08:05
Could we add 169.68 Billion to our account thereby making it a Gold Account with 6% Anual intest. Everything else can stay the same. Would this deposit be authorized?
Could we add 169.68 to our account thereby making it a Gold Account with 6% Anual intest. Everything else can stay the same. Would this deposit be authorized?
No, that would be below our minimum deposit of 100,000 USDs. Also, adding that amount wouldn't do anything. The minimum for a gold account is 10 Billion USD and your account only has 1 Billion USD.
We would like to deposit $10 trillion if that is possible.
We would like to deposit $10 trillion if that is possible.
Fill out the form.
Already did,
Nation: The Constitutional Monarchy of Maraque
Primary Holder: King Stephen Norris
Alternate Users: Prince Arden, Prince Stephen II, Princess Adriana, King Keith
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: $1,577,402,047,500
Account Number: 1238-7193-8131-2318
--Established: Jan-18, 2006
Could I deposit $10 trillion more?
Already did,
Nation: The Constitutional Monarchy of Maraque
Primary Holder: King Stephen Norris
Alternate Users: Prince Arden, Prince Stephen II, Princess Adriana, King Keith
Account Type: Diamond
--Interest: 1% monthly
Current Balance: $1,577,402,047,500
Account Number: 1238-7193-8131-2318
--Established: Jan-18, 2006
Could I deposit $10 trillion more?
We apologize, we had forgot you had already opened an account with us. To avoid this confusion in the future, please notify us of your account number.
The maximum amount allowed in an account is ten trillion USD, so we have to deny your request as it would put you over the top. We are also going to deny it because after reviewing your portfolio, we do not believe that you can spare the money to deposit.
We would like to cancel our account. Thank you for your business.
Our oil business has been operational for over 422 years, totaling an unspent amount of $18.1 trillion, telling us we cannot spare $10 trillion is an insult to not just us as a company, but to the royal family and the entire nation.