NationStates Jolt Archive

Green Sun Royal Lines

Green Sun
01-10-2005, 04:57
Okay, I've decided to name all Equanants and all Equanant relatives from Earnest's father to William Theao. I'll update this list up to Natasha II, where the Equanant family all died and Earnest found a new wife and re-founded the Royal Family. All bios are about the MT versions.

Harold Equanant
Lived abnormally long life for a human. First in the Equanant family to bear the surname and to have silvery hair, due to a nonlethal abnormality in his genes. Moved to America from Italy in 1756. Fought in Revolutionary War and War of 1812.

Thomas Equanant
Thomas Equanant, who was thought to be killed in a barfight in a Nevada town, could petrify things. Thomas was a frontiersman who led caravans across the plains and did odd jobs in the West. Always wrote to his younger siblings and his family. Last known letter was made to Earnest in August 3, 1895, the day before he was supposively killed, but there are rumors of a letter from him to Earnest as late as 1943. Fought in War of 1812.

Earnest Equanant
Earnest Equanant could heal quickly from bodily harm, most of the time completely leaving the fight with no signs of damage at all, even during the fight. Only known metal to do damage to Earnest is Andamantium. Leads a productive life leading the Green Sun royal family.

Dawn Equanant
Dawn Equanant was only known for splitting apples with her mind. Thomas was very protective of his sister and was always fighting off Earnest, who loves playing jokes on her. After her death, Thomas withdrew from his family and friends for a decade before he bagan to write.

Kasey Equanant
Little is known about Kasey Equanant. His powers are unknown and Earnest knows little of his little brother, who spent most of his time locked in his room.

Natasha Equanant
FT Dates:
Natasha would literally organize people's minds. The oldest of triplettes by thirty seconds, Natasha ran for Presidency in 1985, which ended in tragedy when Black Sun attacked the elctions. Later became the Empress when the Trinary system was adopted.

Alan Equanant
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Alan's power surfaced late, and he doesn't use it much. He can create illusions, which he used on his brotehr to protect him from political backlash and headhunters hired by Black Sun. Builds tanks for his son. Had his Royal Powers except for Protection stripped in 2005.

Taylor Equanant
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Taylor was telekenetic. He was Natasha's partner in political studies and they almost won the presidency in 1985, but lost to Uziel Fastrin by one thousand votes. Disguised as a Roach Busters-raised Green Sun Lieutanant, he tried again in 1990 and won as Vice President. Fled Green Sun in 1995 to neighboring Willink to escape persecution by Homer's forces.

Jordan Equanant
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Jordan Equanant has abnormal athletic ability. He only demonstrates a sliver of his true potential in the field, however. Studied Law, International Politics, and Domestic Politics to earn the Throne.

Heidi Equanant
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Heidi Equanant is an enchantress with teh ability to coax people to her bidding, which she used to get acting, modeling, and racing jobs. Raced motorcycle illegally, which she hasn't completely given up on yet. Undoubtly the most beautiful woman in Green Sun.

Lucy Equanant
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Lucy Equanant co-ruled Green Sun with her siamese twin sister, Belle. She could levitate strong enough to lift both her and her sister. Was loyal to her family and her sister, despite Lucy's gothic attire and less than optimistic way of thinking during her teens to early twenties.

Belle Equanant
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Belle Equanant co-ruled Green Sun with her siamese twin sister, Lucy. She could create strong explosions in the air that, when she was strongest, could actually kill people. Always was loyal to her nation first and family second, but her sister was most important, despite Belle's socially active and overly optimistic way of thinking that lasted throughout her life.

William Theao ((To be confirmed with Theao))
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Heidi Equanant and James Theao's son, William, lived one-hundred eighty years despite the fact he was very obese, weighing 312 at age 25. But despite this, he was very strong and very intelligent.
Green Sun
01-10-2005, 21:55
Green Sun
02-10-2005, 02:45
Green Sun
02-10-2005, 19:17