Coastal Town Revolts
Right Wing Elements Plan Rally in Tikland
National Scellian Chronical, AP Wire
By Jospeh Sanders; Sept. 8
Today the Scellian National Association of Conservative Citizens (SNACC) announced that a massive rally was planned in the city of Tikland, over 150,000 people are expected to attend over tripling the population of the city. Unlike the vast majority of other cities Tikland is one of the few that actually has a SNACC majority, with the rest of the country being split between the National Democratic Assembly (NDA) the General Populace Party (GPP) and several other smaller parties. The SNACC controls less then 1% of the population and only a few seats in Congress, however in a nation of 3.6 Billion even .5% has millions of supporters. Some sources report that extreme elements of the SNACC has been gathering for this march, but SNACC officials deny the claims
Three Day Rally Begins
National Scellian Chronical, AP Wire
By Jospeh Sanders; Sept. 27
Today the rally has started, and the streets are packed. The red and white SNACC flags are draped about the city streets and supporters pack the street for the opening parade. Many citizens not affiliated with the SNACC have left the town for the duration, four arsons and numerous fistfights have broken out however the TPD has kept general control. One of the SNACC supporters described the parade as, “A big but controlled party, which just cements our holds to each other. It seems that I just can’t find people who think like I do in my hometown and I feel ostracized for it. It’s great to be here and feel the spirit all around this town.”
Heavy Rioting in Tikland, Harbor Seized
National Scellian Chronical, AP Wire
By Jospeh Sander; Sept. 29
The large number of SNACC supporters within Tikland have began general rioting, stores being looted and stretches of Tikland can be seen to burn but strangely the harbor is untouched. Police units have been unable to regain control, however National Guard and regular Army divisions in the nearby vicinity are beginning to mobilize. Casualties are still unknown but the must be in the dozens, police plan to make a major effort to restore order by the morning.
Police Repulsed by Armed Insurgents
National Scellian Chronical, AP Wire
By Jospeh Sanders; Sept. 30
The rioting in the city of Tikland has taken on a new dimension when police forces were massacred late last night. Insurgents armed with crude weapons, AK-74s, M-16s and SMAWs for the most part, slaughter the police sent to restore order. Early reports of extreme elements of SNACC, known as the Moral Standards Division, are now confirmed with thousands pouring in from the surrounding countryside. Many noncombatant SNACC members have been caught in the crossfire, and the military is currently devising a plan to limit civilian casualties when they move on the rebels. Already MSD strength is estimated at 80,000, of which most are armed with automatic weapons of various design, however at least 1,000 have some form of missile weapon. More then 150,000 SNACC members not associated with the MSD currently reside in Tikland, and of them potential combatants and all currently nonmilitary. The military estimates that the majority of MSD weaponry has been concentrated in this one place, using the rally as cover but there may still be pockets of MSD forces within the current population. If you suspect that your neighbor might have illegal weaponry please contact your local police department or military post.
UHF, VHF, HF and LF Bands, 1000 mi radius of Tikland
This is the Moral Standards Division currently in Tikland to all right and moral nations of the world we request your help. To our dismay the nation of Scellia has become a hedonistic mass of secularization and sin, we must break free. We have liberated the town of Tikland from the control of the oppressive government, but even now they plant to take it back. Please help us restore morality to this land, we won’t leave our homes, but we will make them better through any means necessary. We don’t have the forces to hold Tikland forever, but with the help of the morally just we can succeed in liberating Scellia from the chokehold of immorality and sin.
OOC: I'll be playing the rebels so no one can take the credit for the rebellion.
Outside Tikland, Scellia
In a forested area near the rebelling town, a police motorcycle speeds along a quiet suburban street far from the rioting and violence. A young, slightly injured policeman gets off in front of one house, walks up and rings the doorbell. The door opens; a man inside looks suspiciously at the young man. "What is it?" he asks gruffly.
The policeman pulls an ID card from inside his coat and shows it to the other, whose eyes widen slightly. Then he turns back and addresses the policeman differently. "Come in."
Inside, the young man explains, "My name is Derek. At least, that is all of it you'll need to know. I'm an NID operative and I must get in touch with The Czar at once."
"Your RT's broken?" asks the other man.
"Yes," says Derek. "Bad make. Nothing like those Special Operatives."
"Come upstairs then, you can use my radiotransmitter." The man leads Derek up a stairway into a room with some radio equipment disguised as old rubbish. "You need anything?" he adds, glancing at the cut in Derek's side.
"I've taken worse," says Derek. The other man closes the door behind the policeman, who begins to open contact.
On the other end of the transmitter is an old paraplegic, seated in a wheelchair many miles away, with light streaming from the windows behind him overlooking a sprawling metropolis. The ancient man hears the beeping noise and slowly, deliberately, wheels his wheelchair as far as his transmitter.
"The Czar speaking." His voice is raspy and rattling, a bit strained, but still commanding.
"Weasel here. Just warning you about Scellian situation."
"Right-wing rebels have captured a city and violence is erupting in Scellia."
"I see."
"Currently the situation is getting worse. Police are being killed. I myself was injured. It's beginning to look like a civil war is on the way."
"Ah, you're a policeman this quarter."
"Yes. I think we should look into this. There is a small Czardaian minority in Scellia that has tended to be vehemently left-wing; they might be targeted in the rebels' attempt to cleanse their nation of 'sin and immorality'. They may consider foreigners sinful, or their views at any rate."
"Have they attempted anything of the sort yet?"
"Thank you, Weasel. You may go."
The Czar closes the transmitter and sits back in his wheelchair, thinking.
He decides on a sensible course of action: to wait. See what happens, and what nations take the side of the rebels. If it is just an isolated rebellion with no threat to Czardaians, he is fairly sure the Scellians can take care of it themselves. But if it threates Czardaians or Czardas, or other nations join in...
Help might be appreciated.
10 Miles from Tikland; 0900 Sept. 31
The road was paved, but that was about all that could be said for it. Pot holes filled with rainwater dotted the landscape, it had been twenty years since anyone had driven on the forlorn piece of real estate let along driven on it. Now the ill repaired track groaned under the weight of tons of war material, their tracks breaking the cracked pavement and the bellow of the massive engines drowning out sound for dozens of meters. The top of the M1A2 tanks were buttoned tight, the armor slick with the morning mist as the convoy rumbled through the surrounding forest.
The tanks were in poor condition to say the least, several had jury rigged tracks and most sported long scars and deep gouges in their armor. However what made them so odd wasn't their appearance so much as the flag they flew, it wasn't the green and black of the Scellian Army who had long since stopped using the M1A2. Nor was it the green and white of the Army Reserve, it was the angery red and beige of the Moral Standards Division.
It was obvious where the MSD had gotten the tanks, abandoned by the miltary for testing for simply left to rot in practically unguarded fields or shed the MSD had stolen them. Now they had a chance to use their stolen goods, and what a fine procession it would be once they reached the town.
High Resolution Ground Imaging Satellite #274
The impersonal lens of the visual mapper had maintained a continous watch on the city of Tikland for the last 12 hours, recording and transmitting its data back to Scellia. It was too stupid to care that it was watching a historical first as the 20 M1A2s of the MSD rolled into Tikland, the first time an enemy of Scellia had ever deployed armor onto the mainland. Nor did it register why the miltary would not strike at the poorly defended tanks, for human children were no more the unusually smal heat signatures to it.
30-09-2005, 21:55
Starenell has noticed the uprising of so-called "Moralist" creatures. We will gladly send aid, is there a port near Tikland where we could step in?
OOC: Tikland is a port, it's a coastal city with a harbor. I'll get my geography up soon somwhere, and give you a link. Though you will have to RP out how you get supplies to the Rebels, Scellia has about 2000 mi of coast all of which is heavily defended. I'll give you the public info about the Shore Defense Centers (SDCs) next post.
[Returned Transmission]
We would *cccrsshhh* appreciate aid in any fo *zzzzrrtttt* ou can send it in. The da *brssshhhhh* overnment is playing hell with our tr *crrrkkk* missions and the long range stuff wasn't that *zzzttppthhh* to begin with. We'll be wait *ssssshhhhhhh*.
30-09-2005, 22:15
OOC: Oops I meant send aid to you, not the rebels.
OOC: Oh, sorry bout that.
The government of Scellia would request observers from the international community as well as a small, 100-200, contingent of special forces troops for support. Militarily we are currently capable of handling the situation, however we do not wish to slaughter wholesale the innocents caught up in Tikland. We are currently assembling a SF unit of 100 soldiers to infiltrate and destroy the rebel forces within the city, international support will be welcome.
The Black Agents
30-09-2005, 22:27
May we offer our services. We may prove useful.
OOC: To which party are you talking, rebels or government?
The Black Agents
30-09-2005, 22:44
Either or... who ever can pay more.
Message to Scellia
We see you have a small riot situation on your hands. If you would like, we could re'route a destroyer armed for Amphibious Port Operations to your nation and perhaps provide air cover to the danger zone? From this platform not only can we provide security to your assets in the harbor, but we can rescue any friendlys who find themselves pinned down in the area. Deal?
OOC: Who ever can, or is willing to pay more? The government has a budget that could buy your nation nearly twenty times, whereas the rebels have little hard cash and practically not way to pay you. Of course the government does need anyones help right now but is willing to accept aid, whereas the rebels are desperate but poor.
Sounds good, please include trained observers on the destroyer if you are not already going to. We wish to prove that this will be handled in an humane a manner as possible.
The Black Agents
30-09-2005, 22:54
Black Agents are Highly skilled mercenaries. They fight on the side that can pay more. There has been time when two agent have been bought to fight either side. If this occurs the agents are to treat the other of an enemy combatant. If the government needs us for special assasinations we are open to discuss a price.
(OOC: JAG Officers will handle that.)
RMV Priceless was the newest destroyer in the McKagan Navy, moreso, it represented something important. Most ships in the navy were bought from Praetonia, this one wasn't.
The Destroyer was actually fairly heavily weighed down by it's cargo. All ships in the navy had to be able to support Amphibious Operations to a degree, this one carried 10 APC's and 5 Helicopters.
The deck of the ship was usually vacant during normal operations, to keep the ship stealthy, even it's guns were hid on the deck. But now that they weren't in deep waters, about 20 Marines were there all the time, not to mention the normal 15 Automatic DREAD guns.
The target landing zone was an area on a pier that seemed to be away from the rioting, to a degree. Here the destroyer would quickly pull up beside the structure, drop off some Marines, and prepare to have to possible defend the area against a large number of agressors. But, given enough time, the pier would be turned into a miniature command area with portatable defense structures consisting of the finest sandbags money can buy. ( :p )
(OOC: Right now you can consider that the ship is entering the harbor, you're free to have some rebels take shots at it, i'd fancy actually using all my on deck defenses for something.)
[OOC: Not sure you if you wanted this kind of RP, but I'm going from the humble, loving everyone, religious nation. To the tyrannical, angry, religious nation whos sick of all this secular stuff. Enjoy.]
The report of yet another uprising in yet another unknown and relitively forgotten backwater nation in an unknown section of the ocean rolled into the Foreign Ministry's intelligance. Most of these reports would be thrown into the garbage since the Religious Commonwealth cared little for the dozens of democratic, communist, facists, dictatorship uprisings which occured. What purpose would it serve to be a police man to the world? No purpose. Though this one was one of the few, this rebellion was from a group of non-radical religious peoples who wanted morality restored into their nation. Again, such an uprising wasn't uncommon in a world ruled by Atheists and Secular extremeists. Yet, by order of the Highest Minister he wanted to be told and information given to him about any potential religious or moral uprisings in any nation.
Tristan Whitfield, Assistant Foreign Ministry, who was on duty that day received the report of the Moral Uprisings in Scellia. He sighed, more paperwork due to this. He could never understand how the world managed to stay organized with so many worthless leaders allowing anarchists to have uprisings become as common as drunken brawls. Of coarse, the information given wasn't suprising, a group of 'moralists' who numbered barley 80,000 and didn't even accounting for even a percentage of the population had risen up in violance in an attempt to restore morality to their nation. Again, not surprising. He gathered the papers, put them into a manilla folder, and stamped them "Uprising #467424" and made his way towards the Highest Minister's office.
Once there, he had some small talk with the Highest Minister's Secratary and then was able to speak with the Highest Minister, a Hunter Norris. Directly. As he walked in, Hunter Norris was reading a novel called: "Secularist Victory". The book was common in Jagada and was one of the most read books in the Religious Commonwealth. It basically was an alertnate history where the Secularist won at the Battle of Inn and thus the Jagadian Civil War. Tristan coughed and suddenly the Highest Minister snapped back into reality.
"Ah, excuse me Tristan, these books are quite enjoyable," stated Norris.
"Yes sir," replied Tristan.
"So, what can I do for you?" asked Norris.
"Yes sir, I have another uprising report for you," stated Tristan.
"Another?" replied Norris in a sigh. He took the manilla folder and glanced threw the papers inside. His expression went from annoyance to interest.
"Let me ask you something Tristan, have you ever wondered what would happen if we left our shell?" asked Norris.
Tristan's eyebrow rose as he replied, "Sir?"
"Where we took a more aggressive role in world politics and affairs. We are after all one of the world's last remaining religious nations that has even shown the slightest amount of activity," stated Norris, "One might even be so bold to say we are one of the last lights in a world quickly being consumed by darkness."
"Sir, its simply another uprising. Nothing we should, in my opinion, concern ourselves with. Scellia is a nation far superior to ours in another every way. Supporting these moralists may not be the greatest idea, with all due respect sir," stated Tristan.
"Its not the uprising that I care about Tristan. Its the cause behind it. We can sit on our island and live in luxury, blessings, and safety. While other people are not even given the chance or freedom to live in such a way. I believe its time we stood up for what we believe in and stop simply sitting on the sidelines watching our beliefes get trammpled on," stated Norris.
"So, what are your orders?" asked Tristan now curious.
"Assemble a support force. Prehaps send four or five Jihad Divisons, and maybe two or three Crusader Divisons. Send two fleets also, along with some air support. Inform Field Marshall York that he will be put in command and have a operation planned out for me in two days. Understood?" stated Norris.
Tristan simply nodded and walked out in utter shock, he kept repeating to himself, "It was only an uprising...".
Norris smirked, and began to write Jagada's offical response to this mess:
The Religious Commonwealth of Jagada
The acts against morality which have long since been overlooked by the humble Religious Commonwealth of Jagada shall go unnoticed no longer. Morality is a dying thing, and in the darkness which engulfs the world there are those who must stand up for their beliefs and be willing to fight for them. Jagada is such a nation. We no longer see it fit for morality to be suppressed in Scellia. This uprising of peoples should be a sign for your government to immiedately convert laws to better suit these peoples. The Religious Commonwealth demands that you establish laws which protect these peoples ideals of morality. Failure to due so will result in economic embargo against your nation. With the potential of a military action taken against your nation to assist these Moralists.
On a second demand, which must be upkept at any costs, all offensive military actions against the Moral Standards Divisons will result in the immiedate break down of diplomatic relations and lead directly to military intervention. We will not tolerate the extinction of the select few who will stand for Morality.
Highest Minister Hunter Norris
The Religious Commonwealth of Jagada
OOC: This is what I was looking for, thank you. I'll get around to posting geographic, military etc. on here or creating a Wiki thing by Sunday however I might do it tonight. Please wait for me to get it up before any hostilites.
Presidents Office
An aide walks into the room, looking half afraid but mostly disheveled. The lacquered oak desks clock burns a malevolent red 0200, the faux leather backed chair is turned away from the door. The aide is about to speak with a weary but powerful voice interrupts the silence.
“New news? They still aren’t going to surrender, are they?”
“No sir.” The aide looks about nervously, holding the sheaf of papers close.
“What else”
“Jagada sir, they’ve made some demands on behalf of the rebels and threatened war if we attack them.”
“They’re taking the side of the rebels sir, they will attack us in retaliation if we attack the rebels.”
“Get me General Rybacki on the phone, we now have a full blown situation. Tell all military forces within the area to move on rebels now.”
The arrival of a warship wasn’t unexpected, however it didn’t fly the Scellian flag and none of the rebels recognized it a specifically friendly to the central government. Because these weren’t trained troops, and after days of vigilance and toil they were tired and dull they let the ship enter the harbor unopposed. Five M1A2 tanks lined the nearest berth large enough for the destroyer, along with a group of 100 heavily armed rebels, the standard of the MSD prominently displayed. Most of the rebels seemed to be waving…
So... the plot thickens.
The young policeman-turned-government agent, who some call Derek and others Weasel, parks his motorcycle outside the local elementary school and walks in. He is dressed in his Scellian police uniform, but everyone knows who he is anyway. The armed guards, six in total, salute to him as he steps inside. Barely acknowledging them, he turns right and enters the school auditorium, which is packed with people. He walks down the central aisle; people make way for him as he goes. He is obviously a figure of some authority in the community.
When he reaches the stage he stops and turns. He looks at his audience. Five hundred... no, more. Many of them Czardaian. All of them left-wing. One of them steps out of the audience onto the stage: their speaker.
"Captain," he addresses Derek (as we will call him for the time being), "we want to leave."
"I see?"
"We're starting to believe that it will be dangerous for us to remain in Tikland. First of all, violence in the streets is increasing daily. Second of all, many of us have been marked as possible targets by the MSD, and we're afraid of what might happen to us."
"Ok..." Derek stands there thinking for some time. Suddenly he straightens and turns to the man. "All right. I can get you boats, but it'll be risky. I'm not sure what the MSD will do if they find out you've left."
"Please, Captain? We'll be indebted to you."
"Very well," Derek says. "All of you, bring your families and come to Rendezvous Thirteen tomorrow morning, with all your possessions. You know what place I mean."
They nod wordlessly and an indistinguishable chorus of assent rises faintly from the group.
Derek walks back up the aisle, out of the school, and back onto his motorcycle, speeding away into the distance.
Later that afternoon, Derek's motorcycle goes down another street. No longer in the garb of a policeman, Derek stops it outside a store he knows about but has never had occasion to visit. He steps inside. An antique bookstore. The man who runs it does not know him, but he shows his ID and is directed upstairs. He goes upstairs to the mystery section and pulls out a small black book on the third shelf. The whole cupboard swivels, revealing a passageway behind. Derek steps in and it closes behind him.
He is standing in front of a short, bald man with glasses, seated at a small desk in a hidden alcove behind the bookcase. Everywhere are papers and maps. The man smiles a little at him.
"So you're Czardas's contact?"
Derek nods wordlessly.
"Good. What is it you need?"
"A ferry. No, make that two ferries. Money's no object."
The man raises his eyebrows slightly, but he has learned long ago not to question the desires of Czardaian Secret Agents. He sighs and begins to write.
"Ok, I can get them for..."
Derek steps out of the bookstore with a lighter step and a new smile on his face.
OOC: Jagada, I've put some stuff together on NSWiki, the link is in my sig. Its pretty random and almost all military, no numbers of units just most of the main classes of tank, aircraft and a few boats that I use. Plus a map, Tikland is up near the Waste in all the forest (dark green spots). McKagan, balls in your court to do "something" with the rebels, I wonder what ;)
[ooc:] Mind if I RP some rebel movements? If you don't think I should, ignore those parts of this post.
Early Morning
For the first time in several weeks, the streets of Tikland are quiet. Groups and families, toting suitcases, approach the piers, congregating on the shore. The half-dozen guards, wielding heavy-looking submachine guns, lead them aboard two large ferries docked along the pier. They file in warily. Derek gets into one of the boats; another Agent enters the other. The ropes are cut and the boats begin to leave the shore.
Onshore, however, a disturbance is occurring. Shots ring out. It is the MSD. Derek and his companion try to increase the boats' speed, but to little avail. The firing redoubles in volume. One of the boats has been hit. The speed of the two boats is now beginning to increase greatly thanks to the two Agents' efforts, but it looks like the rebels may hole and sink both before they can leave Tikland's harbor -- perhaps mistaking them for government ships. Unsure of what is happening, Derek stops to think.
OOC: Remember there is a McKagan Destroyer pulling up to the docks right about now so this will be happening at the same time as whatever he does.
OOC: Remember there is a McKagan Destroyer pulling up to the docks right about now so this will be happening at the same time as whatever he does.
[ooc:] I know that, whatever shots are hitting my ferries are those that missed the McKagan Destroyer. We just can't see it. Yet.
Derek steers the boat to one side. The refugees inside are beginning to complain. Nearby, the other boat is beginning to ride significantly lower in the water. The lifeboats are being put out and it appears that it is about to sink. Derek sighs. This was a foolhardy mission from the start, and now it was to fail because those rebels just wanted to—
He starts with a violent shock and realizes that it is not his rescue mission the MSD is firing at. A huge destroyer materializes out of the gloom, on its way into the Tikland harbor. He immediately radios it for some kind of help, or just to find out where it's from and if it's hostile to Czardas. Anything really.
[OOC: Sorry man, my computer isn't picking up Signatures lately. Could you post a link prehaps? Again, my apologies.]
OOC: Czardas, can you slow down a bit, we want to give McKagan a chance to do stuff too. :)
A gilt mirror was the dominant feature within the room. It had probably been looted from some immoral scum, or it had simply been taken from the unworthy. The self-styled ‘General’ Bernard of the MSD stares slack lipped at his own reflections, basking in its perfection and glory. He was, in his view quite untimely, interrupted by a clamor in the hall. Thunderclouds building in his babyish features he stomps out of the room, finding a lackey ‘Colonel’ nearby he grabs the man by his collar and hauls him scant inchs from his now purple face.
“WHAT is all the noise about, you interrupt my while I was devising some of our greatest stratagem yet.”
“Ss s Sir, we have reinforces sir. A non Scellian destroyer just pulled into the harbor mouth, we have a reception committee set up there. We’re saved, aren’t we sir?”
“You’ve talked to them?”
“N No, why sir? They’re here to help, right?”
“You idiot.”
It was the first and only time the troops of the MSD would see General Bernard run, and it was this odd sight that quited the crowd down long enough to hear the words “It’s a trap!!!”. The entire area devolved into chaos, the destroyer having just cleared the harbor mouth and only now coming into LOS. The big 120mm cannons on the M1A2s fired, not a concerted volley but more like a drunk trying to stand and failing. A variety of RPGs, SMAWs and TOWs spray outward from the dock while the milling crowd tries to flee the confines of the unloading area. Those nearest to the water are unable to do anything but pull the triggers on their guns, and hope.
OOC: Lets let McKagan respond first, after all both the tanks and destroyer came into range at the same time (range of the destroyers guns at a flat trajectory anyway).
The arrival of a warship wasn’t unexpected, however it didn’t fly the Scellian flag and none of the rebels recognized it a specifically friendly to the central government. Because these weren’t trained troops, and after days of vigilance and toil they were tired and dull they let the ship enter the harbor unopposed. Five M1A2 tanks lined the nearest berth large enough for the destroyer, along with a group of 100 heavily armed rebels, the standard of the MSD prominently displayed. Most of the rebels seemed to be waving…
Even though the destroyer should be more than enough to take the tanks out IN port, the Captain of Priceless had to do everything in his power to keep the ship out of harms way, and it's crew safe. So instead of of pulling into the berth, which was the ships destined landing area, it merely pointed at it from a few hundred meters away, at a slight angle.
This not only put the ship at an extremly defendable position and gave it prime firing position for its 15" guns; it allowed the current offensive weapon to take flight...
As the ship stopped, a Lu-25 VTOL aircraft launched from the rear of the ship and flew just above the water, away from the rear of the ship. It suddenly flew upward, turned, and rolled around so the pilot was upright. It kicked to its full speed and flew over Priceless, and unloaded with nearly everything it had. On it's 8 hardpoints it carried 8 anti-armor missiles. It had already had it's targets uploaded, and the pilot simply clicked, rotated, clicked, and continued through targets, putting a single missile on each armored unit.
From the front of Priceless a fully automated 4.5" gun fired on targets where the armed gunmen had been seen.
"Dammit, I hope their not mad that we're blowing up their stuff..." the XO was slightly worried.
"We're not. We're here to help them. If helping them involves blowing up their stuff, I say it's a win-win situation."
OOC: Czardas, can you slow down a bit, we want to give McKagan a chance to do stuff too. :)
[ooc:] All right, I'm waiting.
[ooc:] All right, I'm waiting.
Look up.
[OOC: Just to speed past the "they get onto the ships, and set sail", then we wait four days. I'll go ahead and make a post where the action starts. Hope you enjoy.]
In the defense of God and country, it read on the pocket watch of every Jagadian soldier. Yet, this war was not one of defense, rather one of offense. To defend not just God and country, but now morality. A war to help those who couldn't help themselves, those whom were oppressed. Or so he was told. He was Field Marshall York, commander of Task Force Salvation. He reviewed the recently received maps of Scellia, paying particular attention to Tikland where the Moralist Rebels had taken control. He doubt their capability to hold off against the overwhemling military power of the Scellian Military, though prehaps with the assistance of Jagada they could hold out just long enoigh. Long enough to break the will of the Scellian people and force them to comply with some moral laws.
York had no real love for war, only the love to defend his beliefs. Weather they be at home, or at someone elses home. The ideals of other nation's rights meant nothing to him when they abused or silenced morality. To defend the morality which was preached by religion was his only purpose for joining the military. He continued to star at the maps, not seeing lines and highways, but marching men, rolling tanks, and gunfire. His concentration was broke from at knock at the door.
"What is it?" he shouted.
"Sir, Admiral Bradley would like to see you on the bridge as soon as possible sir," said a voice from bheind the door.
"Very well, I'll be there in a moment," he stated back.
He realized he didn't need to say that, by the time he finished he was already opening the door and exiting. He made his way quickly down the hall and eventually to the bridge where it was opened by the man who delivered him the message. As he walked in a tall, skinny man stood watching the ocean.
"You wanted to see me Admiral?" asked York.
The tall men finally turned around, "Yes sir, it seems we have an aggressive ship already engaging the rebels sir. Not sure exactly where its from, probably some backwater nobody nation. Also sir, the Scellian Army has shown signs of movement from what our spy planes report. Apparently their planning to engage rebel forces."
"Wise of them to do so, they know the Highest Minister well, if they know him at all," he stated.
"Sir, what I propose we deal with the aggressive vessel attacking the rebel troops by using Sledgehammer missiles," stated Bradly.
"The ones from The Macabees?" asked York.
"Yep, they are Anti-Dreadnaught, but I'm sure they can sink a Destroyer," joked Bradly.
"Very well, go ahead with that. It will give the Scellians something to think about, and show the rebels we're here to help. Least they fire on us and wec cleanse the world of their existance," stated York.
One of the battleships, a JGFS Clarity suddenly sprung to life as one of the specially designed missile batteries on the ship sprang to life as it aimed in front of the ship.
Searching for target...
Target found...
Target locked on...
Missile firing...
A long and almost dark missile suddenly came out of the missile launcher as it flew across the ocean as breakneck speed towards the enemy vessel. Suddenly a second one was launched just to make sure the enemy vessel was completely destroyed.
Look up.
I have. See my post.
We have seen your ship, and according to Jagada its shields are going to be put to a serious test right now.
One of the battleships, a JGFS Clarity suddenly sprung to life as one of the specially designed missile batteries on the ship sprang to life as it aimed in front of the ship.
Searching for target...
Target found...
Target locked on...
Missile firing...
A long and almost dark missile suddenly came out of the missile launcher as it flew across the ocean as breakneck speed towards the enemy vessel. Suddenly a second one was launched just to make sure the enemy vessel was completely destroyed.
The CIWS aboard Priceless was extremly alert, but underworked, as it was engaging someone at ranges where they would most likely try to find some sort of missile to do damage to the ship.
At first the lead missile was registered as a bird, and wasn't engaged (as of last month we stopped doing that,) but on a second glance it was determined to be a bit larger, apparently someone decided that most birds didn't fly at a more than Mach 1.
The CIWS locked on, or attempted to, and made it's first attempt to down the missile, only at this point picking up the second. It missed, and probably would cause an airliner problems later. With only one more possible shot left before it would stop to fire on the second, and probably easier to kill missile. It fired again, and managed to clip the missle. It exploded, but at this point was so close to the destroyer that parts of the fireball impacted just below the deck at the front of the ship. There, 7 sailors were killed with multiple others hurt. The ship wasn't taking on any water, and probably wouldn't burn for long, even though it had nearly been turned sideways at this point.
The second missile, even though it should have been alot easier to take out because it wasn't as close (thus providing more shots,) proved a bit harder. The CIWS fired off shot after shot, but managed to do nothing more than destroy a flock of birds. But because the range deflection unit had came online much earlier, the missile WAS deflected a bit, it wouldn't hit it's target, which was probably somewhere around the waterline about midship.
Instead it impacted at the rear of the ship. The men on the flightdeck were instantly incenerated, as well were several people below that deck, and below that one, in the amphibious bay. The ship WAS damanged, would require lots of aid and repair, but wasn't down.
The main 15" guns came out of their armored mounts and fired, all 8 of the guns; they continued to fire. Indeed, they would not STOP firing at the source of the missiles.
Also, at the point the missiles were detected several messages were sent.
1 was to the host nation, requesting they patrol their waters a bit better,
and the second was sent to IMTC (Imperial McKagan Tactical Command,) requesting submarine support. A pack of 5 submarines was in the general area. They weren't in firing range, but they were in the area, nonetheless. They moved, to surround the ship that had launched it's unprovoked attack.
Each of the missile flew like they were designed, all but one impacting the top armor of an Abrams. The top armor hit tanks exploded showering the remaining gunmen and the dead with molten metal and flaming fluid, no one survived. However one last tank, whether through a slightly more intelligent crew or just dumb luck, survived. Its commander dead the crew had time to fire one last, and relatively unpanicked shot before a second antitank missile from the Lu-25 picked it off.
However this had given the gunmen time to retreat to the dock front buildings, in some cases massive concrete warehouses or thick steel unloading cranes and empty cargo containers. While they might not stop armor piercing rounds they will provide cover for HE and missiles. It was the turn of the gunmen to strike back, and more MSD forces were pouring in from all over the city to reinforce the 50 or so remaining MSD soldier at the dock.
Ten RPG-7s lash out from around the area, three TOW rounds follow suit and numerous 40mm grenades fired from underslung M203 launchers all fly toward the destroyer. A virtual maelstrom of bullets rock the Lu-25, however none of the rebels present have anything larger then 7.62mm round and many are firing the 5.56mm round of the M-16. However the five RPG-7 rounds currently streaking toward the VTOL aircraft could prove more hazardous then the hail of small arms fire.
OOC: Also sir, the Scellian Army has shown signs of movement from what our spy planes report.
You mean spy satillites? A plane would be shot down once it refused to leave Scellian airspace.
OOC2: Please, I do have air defenses for a reason and they have superior range to yours so let me engage the next missiles first. Next, you couldn't hit the firing platform with anything less then another missile because the Sledgehammer has a range of 350nm which also puts it far outside any patrol range I might have. Did you read the Macabees post about the Sledgehammer?
OOC2: Please, I do have air defenses for a reason and they have superior range to yours so let me engage the next missiles first. Next, you could hit the firing platform with anything less then another missile because the Sledgehammer has a range of 350nm which also puts it far outside any patrol range I might have. Did you read the Macabees post about the Sledgehammer?
OOC: Just because something has a range of 350nm doesn't mean it's being fired from 350nm. I'd also like to point out that that battleship was there without my knowlege. I didn't see him say it was moving, or I would have been less agressive towards the rebels. I'm sorry if I missed it, but can we be more precise next time? I wouldn't have sent the ship in to attack if I'd known someone who didn't want me to had a big battleship sitting beside me.
OOC: However it could be outside the range of guns, and no one knew the battleship was there. However my forces would have detected it easily if it had been anywhere near the shore, thus it has to be a decent ways out to sea. He made some threats, but don't worry, here what I was going to post. It'll clear up the whole missile thing, your CIWS probably wouldn't have been able to engage something going a Mach 6.5 at nearly straight down.
Shore Defense Center #37/40
A missile comes within range of my sensors, it is high on my sensors but still in its boost phase and registers as a smaller but faster version of our Hellbore. I calculate that it would do significantly less damage to a heavy capital ship, but that the pair I detect will be more then sufficient to sink the McKagan Destroyer. I decide to take action, 1.763 seconds after I have detected the launch I allocate 5 AIMX-120I’s to intercept the missiles when they will be at their most vulnerable, at the peak of their flight. The AIMX-120I is the interceptor version of the AIMX-120C, ten times larger and with a 100 nm maximum intercept radium it had a combination LADAR/IR seeker instead of the normal LADAR head. Two interceptors will target each missile, should one pair fail the backup missile will engage
The hatches on my VLS system pop open, and disgorge their counter fire, five brilliant columns of fire lights the sky. As a precaution I extend my THEL turrets, the nuclear reactor deep beneath me hums as more power it required of it. I ask my supervisor wherther fire should be returned, within the control room he scrambles for a shiny red phone.
(OOC: Well then, I suggest people actually post their fleet movements next time or i'll start ignoring. Now, I'll accept your missile posting, but i'm more than willing to have a half dead destroyer limping around, no biggie. As it stands, i've still got 5 SSN's ready to blow someone up.)
[OOC: My apologies, I meant Spy Satelliate. As you can tell, I sometime misspell critical words. In regards McKagan, I skipped the departing issue. Partly because I see it unrealistic to one post say I'm leaving, then the next say I'm there. Best to say I have a fleet in the area and are moving in. As for you not knowing. My intervention shouldn't be expected by you, unless Scellia informed you about it. So it could, if you want, simply be put down as you getting caught off guard by my ships and from there being attacked. I suppose such an event is uncommon. Also...its two fleets, not a battleship.]
York couldn't help but laugh as Bradly growled. The Sledgehammer missiles hadn't done the intended damage. Bradly was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe some backwater, unknown nation's destroyer just diverted the coarse of two of the strongest missiles in the Grand Fleet.
"How?" growled Bradly threw his teeth.
"Admiral, sir, you may want to not underestimate these 'backwater' nations anymore. I suggest you let slip the dogs of war, and not just one dog. I say you send five more missiles," stated York.
At this point Bradly was utterly embarassed as all his men looked at York then at Bradly to see if Bradly would take the suggestion. Bradley growled again, this time deeper.
"You heard him, fire five more missiles," he stated.
At that command, five more sledgehammer missiles were fired from five more battleships. This time each coming in at a different angle as to force the destroyer to pick where it would be hit from.
Bradley however, wasn't finished yet. He knew the Indestructable-Class Aircraft Carrier from the Macabees were holding several aircraft--250 in all. He could use these to attempt to gain temporary air superority.
"Launch the fighters also, I want them to patrol the area, attempt to find any Scellian naval forces," exclaimed Bradly.
Derek watches in horror as an explosion, almost in slow motion, completely engulfs the other ferry. It is a second loud boom that brings him to his senses. Smoke rises from the wreckage where the other ferry -- and near to five hundred of its passengers -- once rode. The second missile seems to have hit the back of the destroyer, but the ferry must have saved it, bearing the brunt of the first explosion.
Only one thought shoots through his head as he watches the suddenly escalating carnage around him. He had to get out of this place. Now.
Derek's radio contact back in Czardas gets in immediate touch with Grand General Ogden, commander of Czardas's military. She gives him a somewhat simplified account of what happened at the Scellian port.
"A missile believed to come from a Jagadan ship blew up a ferry bearing refugees, killing at least 400. In addition, transport copters have been requested to pick up Agent Weasel and another boatload."
Ogden understands and begins to wire his own orders to Air Marshal Karlsen.
Within less than half an hour, 20 Falcon transport helicopters, 25 FC-159 Dagger Strike fighters, 10 Skyblade-6 Striker Close Range/Attack Hybrid bombers, and 15 Skyblade-9 Peregrine Distant Range fighters are being prepared for takeoff to Scellia. At maximum speed they will take 2 1/2 hours to reach Tikland. Czardas is readying for battle. A grand total of seventy aircraft take off from the hangars outside the southernmost military base at Ardaja, set for Scellia to aid its army however they can -- and find the fleet that launched those missiles.
From: The Libertarian Concordance of Czardas
Broadcast: All Channels
Today, a tragedy that should never be repeated occurred in Tikland Harbor. During battle action, a boat containing nearly 500 civilians was sunk. The perpetrators of this are believed to be on their way to aid the rebellion in Tikland.
We have decided to enter the battle on Scellia's side, in order to end the rebellion and avert what may become a national catastrophe.
~Czardaian Governing Council, signed by all citizens
In other Air Force bases across Czardas, planes are being prepared for battle. This conflict may be of more importance than Czardas had thought at first.
OOC: Since this got mixed up and essentially ignored in the first part, here it is again.
Shore Defense Center #37/40
Missiles come within range of my sensors, it is high on my sensors but still in its boost phase and registers as a smaller but faster version of our Hellbore. I calculate that it would do significantly less damage to a heavy capital ship, but that the pair I detect will be more then sufficient to sink the McKagan Destroyer. I decide to take action, 1.763 seconds after I have detected the launch I allocate 15 AIMX-120I’s to intercept the missiles when they will be at their most vulnerable, at the peak of their flight. The AIMX-120I is the interceptor version of the AIMX-120C, ten times larger and with a 100 nm maximum intercept radium it had a combination LADAR/IR seeker instead of the normal LADAR head. Two interceptors will target each missile, should one pair fail the backup missile will engage
The hatches on my VLS system pop open, and disgorge their counter fire, fifteen brilliant columns of fire lights the sky. As a precaution I extend my THEL turrets, the nuclear reactor deep beneath me hums as more power it required of it. I ask my supervisor wherther fire should be returned, within the control room he scrambles for a shiny red phone.
(OOC: FYI, Priceless is a fairly new ship, things haven't been tuned, so at times it'll work like a 3rd World Nations barge, and at times like the pride of a fleet.)
The CIWS was now operating a bit more.... better than it was before? Anyhow, it began to fire at an odd angle, one it wasn't suppose to be firing at, but was still capable of.
Now knowing that it had another missile shield to help defend, the operators were a bit more calmer. Now that the CIWS had already picked up missiles, it was operating a bit more... more.
One missile was reported as downed from the start...
Meanwhile, the 5 Sultan Class SSN's moved into position. They didn't have the numbers they needed, but they'd try. Picking random targets within the fleet, they fired off a total of 25 torpedos before turning and running at their maximum depth.
OOC: I'm going to wait for you to post missile losses, if you haven't you should read about the AIMX series on my Wiki.
Scellia Issues Dipolmatic Protest to Jagada
You have attacked our allies within our own ports and sunk a ferry carrying 500 civilians. If you do not withdraw at once a state of war will be declared between Jagada and Scellia, all Jagadan forces will be destroyed. Withdraw now, whatever forces you have cannot hope to combat the Scellian Air Force so close to its home.
Across Scellia
Fighters take to the sky, bombers follow soon after. Jagada has aroused the wrath of the Scellian military, may they rest in peace.
[OOC: Ah, sorry about that. All I noticed was McKagan's post. If I'm doing a poor job, let me know and I'll remove myself from the thread as to not kill it threw inexperiance. Though I don't think it bares anything to my five missiles being fired.]
[OOC2: Erm, I'm going to go ahead and withdraw from this post. As my 250 fighters aren't going to stand a chance against your whole air force. So you can rack this one up as a victory for you. Though this plays directly into one of my upcoming threads. Thanks. Upcoming surrender post coming soon.]
OOC: Some of what you do seems a little godmodish, but nothing so extreme that it really ruins the thread. I would like you to stick around, this looks like its going somewhere interesting. When I said missile losses I meant from my counter missiles, I think I allocated enough advanced SAMs to shoot down five missiles but then again you're the one who gets to post losses not me. If you fired five hundred then I would have a much bigger problem.
Following the small force, a long stream of aircraft is leaving the Czardaian air bases. From the largest -- housing up to 400 planes -- to the smallest airfields, everyone contributed, while transport planes bearing a total of 200,000 soldiers as a peacekeeping force follow in their wake. Czardas is preparing for a large-scale operation, although with only around 10% of their military put into use it can hardly be called a full-scale strike.
The Czardaian advance planes split into two parts as they approach Tikland. The fifty fighters and bombers swerve out to join the Scellian air force as it heads for the Jagadan planes.
Under ordinary circumstances, fifty planes would not make too much of a difference in such a battle, but these are no ordinary planes.
[ooc:] For a description, the Daggers are small, very fast and maneuverable blue planes that can fire powerful missiles and have long-range guns and extendable needles. The Strikers are larger bombers that carry up to five CX-31 missiles each. The Peregrines are very fast large fighters that are better equipped for carrying missile weapons. The Kestrels, which I haven't brought in yet, are similar to stealth fighters, like the Daggers but less maneuverable and with better bombing abilities.
The Czardaian planes, with their extra speed, quickly outdistance the Scellian aircraft. The Daggers, as usual, are in front; the Strikers close behind, although not close enough to bump into one of the planes ahead. The Jagadan fleet and air force is thought to be only a short distance away, and with anticipation for a true fight at last the planes screech through the air towards the battle.
Priceless, having survived the missile attacks, even with a large hole in it's foward section and a support flightdeck, was still able to fight.
It wasn't up to a massive ship-to-ship battle, and wouldn't be until a repair convoy reached it in the following weeks, but it was still more than a match for the few rebels holding onto the landing area.
Most of the rounds fired at the vessel impacted in the already damaged area, knocking bits of it's composite material off either onto the deck or into the sea. The Lu-25 hadn't taken damange from the automatic fire, though the RPG's gave it a scare. One rocketed by, at this point the pilot was afraid he would be hit, so he rocketed from the area before he even registered the rest. The flightdeck on the ship had been utterly blown open, so landing was a problem. He sat the plane down almost inside of the hangar.
The ship opened up. Firing 10 shells from it's 15" guns, 20 from it's 5" guns, a constant stream from DREAD guns that locked onto heat signatures, and select fire from 30mm cannons, all targeted the incoming rebels and those held up inside the building.
Even though support was days away; it was coming.
8 Omega-class heavy battleships
15 Illusion Class Frigates
2 Paramount class Air Defense Vessel's
4 Peninsular Class Trimaran Pocket Battleship's
2 Indestructable class Aircraft Carrier's
8 Sultan Class SSN's
15 Saltcube Class Convoy Ships carrying 7000 more Security personnel, APC's, and repairs for the destroyer.
[OOC: I've decided to reclassify the Type 527 Destroyer (like Priceless) as a Pocket Battleship. This means that it's designed to fight larger battleships but be cheaper, and be able to outrun anything it cannot outgun. It also has more of an amphibious ability. The short form of Pocket Battleship is just Battleship. This is just a FYI.]
Hey Ide like to join in and help the Scellian government if you allow FT, but im extremely tired and dont want to look through the pages. Could someone please give me a basic understanding of whwere everone is and their standing? Thanks in advance.
[ooc:] Read the thread, you lazy bum! :p
I think the situation lies as follows:
- Scellian military and rebels are fighting in Tikland. The military has an advantage in numbers, equipment, and training. The rebels are, obviously, not doing well, as over 50 appear to have been killed fighting a single battleship.
- The Jagadan navy and air force are the allies of the rebels and haven't done much so far except accidentally blow up a boatload of civilians and damage the battleship above.
- McKagan, which sent the battleship, is preparing another force to return and basically do quite well.
- I've contributed some planes which are arriving in about an hour.
For a basic idea, the rebels and Jagadans are going to be pretty hard-pressed against McKagan, Scellia, and I. But if you want to know exactly why they're rebelling, then read the rest of the thread.
[b]McKagan, which sent the battleship, is preparing another force to return and basically do quite well.
OOC: The rebels will be hard pressed to fight off what's left of the battleship. The rest of the fleet is just coming to make sure no one comes in and whipes the anti-rebel group out.
Scellian Announcement, General Battlefield Communications
As of now Jagada has withdrawn all forces and issued an apology along with compensation for the families of the dead and injured as well as money paying for munitions expended against them and damage they caused. We would like to thank our allies, and now we shall solve the problem of these rebels, permenanantly.
OOC:, this is where Jagada mentions apologies and this war etc.
OOC: Dude, why did you even start this thread if you were just going to write the rest of the story before anyone even got all their stuff moved into position?
It's one of the dangers of RPing a civil war...
OOC: I was trying to get other nation involved, it was going to to be boring otherwise. 80,000 poorly armed and untrained people are hardly a military threat to anyone with an air force or navy, any of us could have level the city with conventional bombardment and killed every single person in there. If you're still interested then I'll go back and delete the last post and keep RPing.
EDIT: Last post has been changed, happy now :p
[OOC: That's the wrong way to look at rp'ing. Look at the RL Vietnam War. Tactically, would anyone think the VC would stand a chance against the best military in the world? Why would you want to level your own city? That would make your Army look bad in the international community. RP'ing isn't about taking the status quo. Are the allies still fighting, or are you saying you'll take care of the problem yourself or what? If so, you've got some attacks on the rebels at the dock to score.]
OOC: I'm saying that essentially we're back to where we were before Jagada attacked. I don't want to get into a debate so I'm not going to argue, lets just RP.
The rebels had taken severe causalties, and most of the dock had slid into the water collapsing at the artillery being poured into it. Hundreds, maybe as high as a thousand died under the intense pounding. Though no one would accuse the rebels of brilliance they eventually got the message, and slowly the fire trickled off as all the rebel forces retreated back into the city proper. Within the range of the guns the McKagan forces had established a safe zone, but further inside the town protected from air strikes and artillery by the surrounding civilians lay thousands more rebels.
First a Redhawk Helicopter sat down and dropped off a squad of troops on the dock. They moved to a concrete wall where an LCAC was sending more Marines aboard.
Shortly afterwards Priceless moved into the dock and began to lift APC's ashore. Several advanced scout teams moved down the pier to set up a peremeter.
Roadblocks were being set up, portable DREAD gun emplacements were moved into position, and a helicopter landing pad soon popped up.
After the zone had been secured, a combat engineer team moved out from the battleship. In a few combat bulldozers and APC's, the tanks and debris knocked from buildings started to be moved into seperate piles on the coastline-side of the dock.
While all of this was going on, a Medical Team came from Priceless, and several JAG Officers walked the dock with cameras and PDA's making notes about how things were proceeding. The Medical Team began to find the dead rebel bodies. Deciding to make a propaganda-like video from the incident, the bodies were calmly and neatly placed into blue body bags and lined/piled up along a concrete wall.
Priceless called out to the Scellian Government:
We have secured a landing zone. Humanitarian Operations are proceeding and armored units will begin moving out soon. Please provide with list of targets, objectives, and any helpful information.
To: The Scellian Government
From: President Janky Scardino II
We understand that you have a major uprising in your city, we would like to give air support and special forces to help you in the riot. This will probably be of no importance of you, but watch out for a rouge Jankian Frigate, AKA The Illuminator that was last seen in your area, we are searching now, but we have nothing yet. If we can go in we would like to drop our special forces off somewhere near the middle of the city, then they will maintain a perimeter, then expand out, eventually reaching allied forces and linking up with them to finish up the job. As for the air support, they will do what they do best.
Message End
01-10-2005, 23:49
[OOC: I've decided to reclassify the Type 527 Destroyer (like Priceless) as a Pocket Battleship. This means that it's designed to fight larger battleships but be cheaper, and be able to outrun anything it cannot outgun. It also has more of an amphibious ability. The short form of Pocket Battleship is just Battleship. This is just a FYI.]
(You mean BattleCruiser? That is the idea behind it, BattleCruiser sounds better, as no one uses them anymore.)
Reply to McKagan boradcast
Objective in to draw as many rebel forces away from the city exterior and middle where the majority of civilians reside, the harbor is bordered by the business district and includes many offices and stores. It is composed of wide throughfairs with narrows alleys and side streets branching off, if you can force the rebels to concentrate their forces within that area Scellian military forces can take back the residential portions of the city. Then you will be free to use the ships guns to plaster the enemy positions, good luck.
To: President Scardino II
From: Scellian High Command
Thank you for alerting us to the presence of a red Jankian frigate in the area (OOC: Sorry, I couldn't resist) and we will have our SDCs keep a watch on the area. We would like any help that you are will to give, however we would prefere that you provide an air mobile reinforcement for the McKagan ground forces, if one section looks to be in trouble then air drop there and help. We are currently trying to draw the rebel forces away from the populated portions of town.
From: President Janky Scardino II
To: Scellian High Command
We are dispatching twenty Pelicans to airdrop supplies, mounted machine gun turrets, sandbags and other defensive objects. Thirty-six HellJumpers will be going into Tikiland by Pelican also along with two Warthogs.
End Message
Be sure to follow ROE, we want to limit civilian deaths to the lowest possible number.
8:12 PM, JT (Jankian Time), Entering Atmosphere
"ETA, 15 Minutes!" yelled the pilot as firery reds and oranges covered the windows as one Pelican entered the atmosphere of (whatever earth your on lol). "Alright, lock and load, were approaching the LZ, we got a message from JHC a couple minutes ago, you already know this, but Im telling you again, DO NOT fire if you are not being fired at. If the hostile has a gun pointed at you loaded, bring em' down. Do not kill any civillians even if their giving away your position, just tazer em' and move along." Yelled Maj. Kigs over the roar of the atmosphere outside. "5 Minutes!". Several clicks were heard as soldiers put their helmets on, and put clips in their guns. "Alright Escorts break off, were good." said the Co-Pilot over his com. The fire stopped and blueish-black could be seen out the window, the cargo door slowly opened. It was a clear night, no clouds, a full moon, the stars lined the night sky. Soon the soldiers knew that this peace would be short-lived. Gun shots could be heard in the distance, soon small arms fire hit the Pelican's bellys, but not doing any damage. "TOUCHDOWN! GO GO GO!". Almost instantly armed rebels opened fire as the Special Forces piled out. A warthog machine gun surpressed a building where several rebels were. The small five squads took cover in one building, using this as a temporary shelter till morning. In the daytime more intense fighting would be coming...
(You mean BattleCruiser? That is the idea behind it, BattleCruiser sounds better, as no one uses them anymore.)
I'm using the term because this ship is somewhat similar to a Praetonian ship. It may not matter, we'll call my navy weird or something?
OOC: The rebels are waiting for you to make a move McKagan, they pulled back from your position on the dock remember. Jankia, where exactly are your forces. your posted didn't say.
Reply to McKagan boradcast
Objective in to draw as many rebel forces away from the city exterior and middle where the majority of civilians reside, the harbor is bordered by the business district and includes many offices and stores. It is composed of wide throughfairs with narrows alleys and side streets branching off, if you can force the rebels to concentrate their forces within that area Scellian military forces can take back the residential portions of the city. Then you will be free to use the ships guns to plaster the enemy positions, good luck.
Several Redhawk Helicopters moved under cover of darkness, their destination was the business district. On board were a combined 30 Marines. They moved quickly, precisely, and quietly. Sitting down on the rooftops of 4 buildings at nearly the same hight, they quickly set up a peremeter and scanned the area. Five portable DREAD guns were set up at various angles to cover the streets, and snipers with 14mm Anti-Armor Rifles covered various flanks. A few Marines moved through the buildings to street level and made sure the bottom floors were secured and locked to a point where no one could challenge them from behind.
Meanwhile 4 COV-08 APC's moved quietly through an empty urban area near the civilian zone. On opposite streets 2 more of these groups moved. Slowly, they kept their TOW missile launchers and chainguns ready to eliminate any threats, while staying covert, they advanced to their target; a courtyard in the center of the zone where they would assault enemy positions and then run back towards the business zone.
The dock had been hell, and as MSD sergeant Will Pilkerson looked out at his seven dust covered troops he realized that they weren't real soldiers, they were just brave boys fighting for what is right. He could see the fatigue set deep within their eyes, but more then that he could see he horror of combat reflected within the pupil of every eye. He had known these seven boys since they were five years old, all except for Tommy with whom he had helped him take his first steps. Most carried RPGs and some form of assualt rifle, four of his boys even had body armor with their names stitched on the tag. The last thought brought a smile to his face as he remembered the four boys mothers smiling and chatting as they sewed the names in. The rooftop was hot, the sun beating down on the uncovered heads of the seven boys and one man.
"Sarge, I hear something. Wait, there's some APCs coming, the foreign bastards are coming this way Sarge."
Will risks a peek out over the cover of the building and can see the wavery forms of the heat distorted APCs rolling in far down the street. It would seem that Former Sergeant (MSD) left his head out for a second too long for twenty five rounds fired from the lead APCs chaingun decapitated him. The headless body rolled back spewing blood, the copper stench filling the air. Tommy stared dumbstruck at the man he had known as Will, but though of more as a father after his had died. All the times Will had taken him fishing at his special place down by the pond, all the times that Will had covered for him as a little boy when he got into some minor mischief. How when he had gotten lost at age nine Will had been the one to find him in the forest and bring him home.
The memories of a lifetime of caring came back to him as he watched the body, the blood slowly sinking into the roof. The mournful rumble of the APCs engine was the perfect counterpoint to the tears streaming down his face. The other boys were silent, they had all grown up with Will too, but none had been as close or known will as well as Tommy. With the engines getting closer Tommy could only remember one thing that Will had said to him, his rough but friendly voice ghosting out of the past...
"The top of a tank, or any armored stuff, is the weakest. Hit that and its toast, but the hitting is the hard part."
Tommy looked around at his companions, some he had known, some he hadn't. Nothing passes between them but looks, they know what they must do. Will had taught them well, to remember what he said because one day they would use it. As the first of the APCs rolled past the group reacted, they weren't a platoon or squad because they had never received the formal training that implies, they were just a bunch of heart struck kids.
The SMAW clutched tightly in both hands Tommy runs and leaps off the edge of the building, plummeting downward the SMAW wedged between his legs. He can hear the shouts of the other boys as they follow suit, each jumping for a different APC. The chaingun of the APC beneath Tommy reacts almost instantly, almost. Tommy is halfway to the top of the APC by the time the first round streaks from the barrel, and it isn't until the third round that Tommy is hit. It clips his leg, taking it off at the knees; the second fifth round grazes his ribs and he can feel them crack and shatter.
As blood drains from his side and leg he remembers promises unkept, and life unlived. He rememebers the soft cotton fibers of his mothers dress as she pulls him close and tells him to keep safe. The warm scent of his fiancees hair as he hugs her and tell her that he will be fine. He wonders how his mother will fair without him to do the chores, and without Will to help her with the house. Finally, as his vision begins to distort he wonders how death will be, since until today he had never known someone who died. He wanted so very much to not die, he wanted so very much to...
The though was never finished, for a bullet struck him in the chest and pierced his heart. How trigger within his fingers, pulled to within a hairsbreath of firing, makes contact as his fingers close in one last twitching motion. Before he slips into darkness he feels warm contentment as the 18cm 13.85 kg missile ignites at a 90 degree angle from the APC roof. It is only 10 ft away...
OOC: They are about a mile or so away from the city's center.
2:31 PM JT (Jankian Time), Over Tikiland
As day broke in, another drop was about to come down to Tikiland. Twenty Pelicans broke through the atmosphere and started their decent to McKagan forces. "Juliet 1 squad, provide cover as the rest of us drop supplies, Copy?" "Yes sir, over". Small arms fire again started hitting the pelicans. As they got lower to the docks, the fire stopped momentararly, then the crew started pushing supplies out of the back of the Pelicans. A single RPG shot rang out into a Pelicans mid-section, and it went into the ground, head first. "Shit, Where the hell was that? Who was hit?" "Juliet 6 sir, I didnt see where it came from? Anyone got a pinpoint on that rebel?" "Juliet 6 you read me? Juliet 6 you there?" "Shit no response, alright haul ass back before another one of us gets hit! Move Move move!"
2:59 PM JT (Jankian Time), One mile away from city center
"Major, we gotta move, if we stay here we'll jsut lose more men, we gotta move to the docks and meet with McKagan forces." Said a Cpl. "Alright were gonna clear this house that we were taking fire from last night, get a Jackhammer and send it straight into that thing. After send a three man squad in just to make sure theres no survivors." "Yes Sir!". The Cpl. Signaled a trooper to fir into that building. ZEEEEEKT, the rocket left the tube, after that a loud explosian and a ground rumble. Three men rushed outside and over to the building. Three loud gunshots were heard, then the same three men rushed out. "Clear! Lets move!"
SDC #37; Command Center
"The Jankians are WHERE?!?"
"About a mile from city center, heading outward sir."
"Dammit, didn't they get the message that we were tryin to lure the rebels AWAY from the city center, not towards it. Are they at least moving toward the McKagan forces?"
"Yes sir"
"How many are there?"
"They started with 36 of their Helljumpers, they're down to about thirty two now by IR estimates."
"Dear God, do know they have 5 miles and 20,000 angry and armed people between them and any friendly forces?"
"Maybe sir, maybe."
Tikland, 1 mile from city center
It had been calm where the Helljumpers had landed, but as thry tried to move toward the dock area they met more an more resistance. After less then a mile the gunfire was so heavy is was like having 20 7.62mm gatling guns firing at once, and that discounted the waves of RPGs and SMAWs being fired at the dwindling force.