NationStates Jolt Archive

Friends or Foes? (open)

Colorado and Texas
28-09-2005, 16:37
*The smi-large fleet of refugees slowly sailed from the Port of San Antonio, watching the footage of the slaughter and expermaints that the leaders of Colorado and Texas were endorsing. The men tore out their hair and beat their brest screaming to Gaia that she alloud this to happen, the few battered flags hung at half mast and on all open channels that they needed help and that their homes have been destroyed*
Colorado and Texas
28-09-2005, 16:42
.....encoded to all nations......This is the Flag ship Gaia's Tear please re*static* w*white nosie* Colo*zzztttt*exas invaded killed or inslaved all wome*zhszit*please respond on this*garbled* 11-87-990*
Colorado and Texas
28-09-2005, 17:09
*inside the C&T Hunter Killer Sub Destro Rising Capt.Kirk T. James grins a feral smile as he watches the mass of ships on his rader, he speaks into a micro-phone saying"Gunners lock onto the lead ship, the one that we know has the most children on it."
"Aye aye sir"
"Guns locked"

* the five torpedos arc through the water like sharks locked onto the ship. They impact into the large transport ship, exploding no one survives. The sub turns and heads back to Port San Antonio*
Colorado and Texas
28-09-2005, 17:33
*On all regular channels in Colorado and Texas propaganda films blar, inside Boulder troops patroll all streets, armored cars and tanks scream around throughout the allys of the inner cities gun fire is heard as H&K teams stalk and kill renegade Bouldites.*
Colorado and Texas
28-09-2005, 17:46
Behind the Hotel Herwanda a group of seven disents stood, AK47s on their backs they listen in horror as the messages from the refugee fleet,
Colorado and Texas
28-09-2005, 18:39
*the small group of rebels run towards a set of baraks shooting their AKs killing five troopers befor they are cut down*
28-09-2005, 18:44
A simple message from the nation of Darvainia:

Is there anything we can do to help?
28-09-2005, 18:55

OOC: In the interest of improving your RP and saving bandwidth, it'd be a good idea to consolidate multiple short posts (like what you're doing) into one or two larger posts. It'll improve your RPing, make it look better, and help save forum bandwidth.
Colorado and Texas
29-09-2005, 11:48

OOC: In the interest of improving your RP and saving bandwidth, it'd be a good idea to consolidate multiple short posts (like what you're doing) into one or two larger posts. It'll improve your RPing, make it look better, and help save forum bandwidth.
ic: The small fleet continues to head onward. After losing many ships to the C&T subs they havbe gotten smart and spread out. Radio transmisons from the ships can be heard by all, as they comment on what went down. They lament there lost women, and curse the camps that the women are in now.
Colorado and Texas
29-09-2005, 11:53
open transmision from Capt Cankerbottem onbored the Bolder Liberation Front ship Darla's Kiddney(meh)

Darvainia*static* we have many sick and wound*zzzt* Pleas send help, our ships are running on fum*static* The killers of colshhert and texas have sunk many of our ships. Now we are in open waters they will*zzzttt* attack. Thankyou.