New Vehicular Energy
26-09-2005, 23:53
To all Nations interested.
The OcraWare Corporation in The Holy Empire of Asgarnieu has just recently developed a new fuel to power cars. The fuel is called Pexxo. It is made of Saltwater, as it is a great conductor of electricity. It is powered by a solar charger, which can be placed for instance on top of a garage, and a small electrical outlet is connected to it. A 2-Way cord is provided, and you just plug them in. The salt water carries the charge through an area in the engine, where the salt is then dissolved, and becomes a dry salt 'cake'. The only after products are water, which is contained in a special compartment of the vehicle, and a small salt 'cake'. The salt is able to be recycled, and is edible.
The engine is a modified 5.7 Liter Hemi. It is made of special tubing to resist corrosion from the salt, and has special parts (easily produced, and cheap to make and buy) that can use the saltwater and solar energy. The engine is most effecitvely used in vehicles that use large amounts of fuel, such as trucks, big rigs, and some small aircraft.
Several different units can be bought. They are:
Solar Panels
Fuel Stations
Engines and Solar Panels
Repair Stations
The items are cheap, easy to produce, and un-costly. Price quotes are available. Thank You.
"To The Future!"
Copyright 2005-3000 OcraWare Corporation
1801 Alvernon Way
Stafford City, Malay Province
Holy Empire of Asgarnieu, 85546-6245
26-09-2005, 23:59
i would like to move my entire nation military and civilian to your new engine but i would like to ask a few questions
A. is it easy to obtain the salt 'cake' from the engine
B. does the water drain itself
C. how much water is needed per mile.
D. how much is the production cost.
So its basically a solar panel that uses a tub of saltwater instead of curcuits?
27-09-2005, 00:26
actualy as i understand it, it is an engine that uses water to create high voltage from a small shock.
Right, that goes against the basic laws of physics. You cannot get more energy out of a conductor than you put into it. You can shock water all you want, you would only get less power out than you put in,
The Macabees
27-09-2005, 00:33
Right, that goes against the basic laws of physics. You cannot get more energy out of a conductor than you put into it. You can shock water all you want, you would only get less power out than you put in,
Incorrect, conductors are normally bathed in water so that their output is eighty times their input.
27-09-2005, 00:37
Incorrect, conductors are normally bathed in water so that their output is eighty times their input.
see i am correct.
Really? Interesting. Can you provide more data on how and why this works?
The Macabees
27-09-2005, 02:17
Really? Interesting. Can you provide more data on how and why this works?
Actually, this might undermine my entire argument, but I was told this a year ago by my AP Physics teacher who used to work on several navy ships, and was also one of the workers for the Tomahawk project. But, I'll go looking for sites and the such today or tomorrow and link you.
Interesting. See, my problem with this is the Law of Conservation of Energy. As no real reaction should be going on here, no energy should be generated, besides possible heat from resistance. Any heat generated here would LOWER the amount of electricity that leaves the tub. Now, if enough heat is generated to evaporate the water, that would mean that virtually nil energy is leaving the tub.
The Dolgan
27-09-2005, 02:29
Incorrect, conductors are normally bathed in water so that their output is eighty times their input.
I can GUARANTEE you that this is not physically possible without some sort of outside element other than the conductor and salt water. Perhaps if the electricity was used to heat water to spin a turbine it would have some effect, but simply bathing a conductor in water cannot possibly increase the energy output.
The Macabees
27-09-2005, 02:30
I just scanned over this website, but this might have some usefull information in it; here ( However, I do know that water cooled capacitors alone wouldn't power an entire vehicle. Naval ships used them to power sensor equipment, not the ship as a whole. You would need thousands of capacitors to do the job of a 100 horsepower diesel.
The Macabees
27-09-2005, 02:32
Bah, my mistake, I'm sorry. The water cools the capacitor so that it can work with more voltage. My mistake. The water itself doesn't increase energy.
The Dolgan
27-09-2005, 02:46
I do know that water cooled capacitors alone wouldn't power an entire vehicle. Naval ships used them to power sensor equipment, not the ship as a whole. You would need thousands of capacitors to do the job of a 100 horsepower diesel.
Mainly due to the fact that by definition, a capacitor is just a battery.
Bah, my mistake, I'm sorry. The water cools the capacitor so that it can work with more voltage. My mistake. The water itself doesn't increase energy.
Now that makes a LOT more sense. There is NO way to increase your output to more than your input. Basic physics, there.
27-09-2005, 03:58
i would like to move my entire nation military and civilian to your new engine but i would like to ask a few questions
A. is it easy to obtain the salt 'cake' from the engine
B. does the water drain itself
C. how much water is needed per mile.
D. how much is the production cost.
Sure. In answer to your questions, A) Yes. It is stored into a small compressor about the size of a plate. There is a flip-top so one is able to remove it. B) No. It is stored in a Hard-Mold Plastic container. It is able to hold around 2 Gallons. C) The salt-water is obtained from the ocean, and it is able to get around 100 Miles to the gallon Highway (because of the solar energy), and 75 Miles to the gallon City. D) For most vehicles, the cost to build an engine is around $350.00 USD.
27-09-2005, 04:05
OK, OK. I see I have sparked a heated debate. Here is how it is designed to work:
The saltwater (since it is a great conductor of electricity), is used to carry the electric charge through a series of amplifiers, that build up a large amout of energy. The salt-water is then clensed by the exess electricity to remove the salt through an electric filter. The remaining salt is carried away to the rear of the vehcile to be compressed. The water is moved to a hard-plastic container, where it is stored, and if it overflows, it will simply go down a tube to be released at the bottom of the vehicle.
There. Wow. Please don't eat each other over this thread...
Hate to say it, but there's no such thing as an amplifier, at least how you seem to be envisioning it. Energy can't be created from nothing, first law of thermodynamics. You can't increase the amount of energy without breaking molecular bonds, which burns fuel, which you don't have here (unless the "amplifiers" are fuel cells, which would create the issue of more by-products). Pretty much all you've accomplished creating here is a solar powered water purifier.
As a side note, while water is an excellent conductor, there are much better conductors around. This is why we don't usually see water used instead of copper or platinum.