25-09-2005, 06:05
DMG Factbook
Official Long Form: The Dominion of DMG
Official Short Form: DMG
Common Short Form: The Dominion
U.N. Rank: Compulsory Consumerist State
Government Type: Benevolent Dictatorship
-Current Ruler: The Supreme Ruler
Civil Rights: Some
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
Economy: Frightening
-GDP per Capita: $25,965.61 (NS Economy)
Official Language: Braeshlan
-Unofficial Language: English
Official Currency: ThermoNuclear ICBM
Official Animal: Gryffinic Chimera
Population: 1,000,000,000+
Important Links:
-DMG Military Industries (
-Eborall (
-DMG International Bank (
-DMG's Rent-A-Legion (
-DMG Equipment (
-DMG's Economy (
*Citizen of DMG (Human)
The Demogades follow many principals of the Samurai and Buddhists. Strict mental and physical discipline is required along with wisdom, knowledge, and having a good soul. The pursuit of knowledge and advancement is at the front of all Demogades' minds. Meditation and pacifying the soul is seen as a necessary step to becoming a proper and skilled Demogade. The culture is very peaceful and accepting of other Demogades and the government is seen as very good with an approval rating of 98.3% - the approval rating has never fallen below 91%. Because of the peacefulness of the culture and acceptance of the job the government is doing, crime is very low, education is extremely high, and revolt or extremists against the current system are rare if at all existent. Demogades look at other cultures and think that the people are overly sensitive in many ways and not smart enough for their own well being. Demogades are extremely friendly and accepting of other Demogades, which makes for a few good society.
*Benevolent Dictatorship
The Dominion of DMG is a dictatorship and has been ruled by one person since its creation. However it is a peaceful dictatorship in which the government is working for the people and not the greed of the dictator. Also any citizen of the Dominion who wishes to leave the nation, provided they are not a criminal, may do so whenever pleases them. Every quarter the government sends out PoPs or Pollers of Positions quarterly to find out how the general population feels about certain issues and decisions that recently came into public knowledge. The PoPs help keep the citizens feeling like they are apart of the system and it helps the government find out what the citizens want from the government.
The Supreme Ruler
The Supreme Ruler of DMG is also the founder of the nation and has been alive for an unknown period of time. He is a mysterious character who the populous of the Dominion knows almost nothing about including his name. When referring to the Supreme Ruler many Demogades call him DMG or a list of names that show extreme reverence. He rarely makes public appearances or addresses so when he does all of the Demogades are sure to listen up to what he has to say. Throughout history he has surrounded himself with only his most trustworthy aids and soldiers to protect him. The Supreme Ruler, being a dictator, has all the powers of the government and more. He can overrule any court decision, law passed, take away any civil/political right, wage war, levy taxes, and every other power of the government. He also appoints all members of the government and although they serve life terms, he can remove them from office. Although he has immense power he rarely uses it and instead leaves the government work up to his officials because he realizes that exploiting his powers would not be for the good of the nation and would lead to the downfall of the Dominion.
The Supreme Ruler lives in a massive palace that has been continually added onto over the years. It is defended by an entire legion of troops, multiple armored vehicles and tanks, aerial and land defense systems and many secret defense systems. The palace is surrounded by forty foot walls on all sides with massive towers every few hundred feet to keep watch.
The Cabinet
The Secretary of State, the High Councilor, and the Supreme Allied Commander of the Dominion Combined Forces combined are known as the Cabinet. These members of the government rule over the separate sections of the Ministry (explained below) and are the top of the government. The Cabinet has many of the powers of the Supreme Ruler, although the Supreme Ruler's powers override the Cabinet's, and the three members combined are widely considered the President or Prime Minister of the Dominion. The three members of the Cabinet are handpicked by the Supreme Ruler and serve life terms.
The Ministry
The Ministry is divided into three separate bodies, the State Department, the Supreme Council, and the Armed Forces. They are lead by the Secretary of State, the High Councilor, and the Supreme Allied Commander of the Dominion Combined Forces, respectively. The Armed Forces is in charge off all military and police forces in the Dominion. The Supreme Council is the highest court in the land and is assisted by lower courts (explained below). The State Department is divided into the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Internal Affairs, which take care of all matters pertaining to foreign relations and internal workings of the country, respectively. All members of the Ministry are hand picked by the Supreme Ruler and serve out life terms.
The Legislative System
Legislation can be introduced by any member of the nation, but it has to pass scrutiny and inspection by the courts before arriving at the cabinet to be put up for vote. The 3 members of the cabinet discuss and vote on the matter in private (2/3 votes to pass)
The Court System
The courts of the Dominion are divided into tiers. The 1st Tier is the arbitrator who resolves disputes and decides whether or not an accused person goes to trial or if the charges are dismissed (If trial is deemed correct then the accused stands before the judge). Also the arbitrator decides whether or constitutional issues make it up the 3rd Tier Councilor who presides on constitutional hearings. The 2nd Tier is the Judge who hears criminal and civil cases. If legislation is to be introduced it has to be deemed by the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tier members ok to be discussed by the Cabinet. The Supreme Council of the Dominion contains three voting members and two non voting members. The High Councilor, 2nd Councilor, and 3rd Councilor are the voting members, while the two Jr. Councilors can discuss and argue about issues within the Supreme Council but have no vote. The Supreme Council reviews every issue, in-time, made by the lower court tiers and has the ability to reverse the decision or call for a new hearing. Also if the tier courts cannot reach a decision on any issue it goes up to the Supreme Council for hearing.
Article I. Supreme Ruler of DMG
Section 1. The Office of the Supreme Ruler
The Supreme Ruler of DMG will possess the full power and authority of the state. The position of Supreme Ruler is a lifelong appointment and cannot be resigned or stripped of.
Section 2. Powers of the Supreme Ruler
The Supreme Ruler of DMG is endowed with the powers of the state. He may if he so wishes declare war, make peace, trade commodities, make and pass laws, jail citizens, etc. The Supreme Ruler of DMG can also overrule any decision made by a member of the government.
Sub-Section A. Appointment of Government Positions
All positions will be filled by the Supreme Ruler of DMG. All staff will serve life-terms unless otherwise directed by the Supreme Ruler of DMG. The Supreme Ruler of DMG may remove a person from their position and fill it with another person.
Section 3. Appointment of the Supreme Ruler
The Supreme Ruler of DMG is selected by the previous Supreme Ruler. At the time of ascension to power the Supreme Ruler will select his heir and write it down in the Last Will (Article…). After the death of the Supreme Ruler, the Chief of Staff presents the Last Will to the Cabinet for declaration of the new Supreme Ruler.
Sub-Section A. First Supreme Ruler
The first Supreme Ruler of DMG and founder of this great nation will be DMG himself. DMG will be referred to as The Almighty Supreme Ruler of DMG while future Supreme Rulers will simply be known as The Supreme Ruler of DMG.
Article II. The Cabinet
Section 1. Members of the Cabinet
Members of the Cabinet include the Supreme Allied Commander, the Secretary of State, and the High Councilor of the Supreme Council. These cannot be changed.
Section 2. Powers of the Cabinet
Unless otherwise stated by the Supreme Ruler of DMG, all issues and decisions are made by the Cabinet. The Cabinet’s powers are the same as the Supreme Ruler of DMG with exception of amending the constitution, filling positions, and creating new laws. The Supreme Ruler of DMG overrules the Cabinet.
Section 3. Passing of any motion
A motion of any kind is passed by a 2/3 vote.
Article III. The Ministry
Section 1. Members of the Ministry
The Ministry consists of Cabinet and all subordinates to the members of the Cabinet.
Section 2. Ministry’s Role
The Ministry is affectively the top of the government where all the decision get made. Each level higher in the ministry gives the right to overrule any decision by a lower level.
Section 3. Appointment to the Ministry
All members of the Ministry are appointed by the Supreme Ruler of DMG as stated in Article I, Section 2, Sub-Section A.
Section 4. The Armed Forces
The Armed Forces are one-third of the Ministry and are represented as so in the Cabinet with the Supreme Allied Commander.
Sub-Section A. Powers of the Armed Forces
The Supreme Allied Commander, leader of the Armed Forces, has the legal right to declare war on any nation and take any measure to defend the land of DMG against foreign or domestic enemies. The Supreme Allied Commander has the power to conscript citizens if necessary.
Section 5. The State Department
The State Department is one-third of the Ministry and are represented as so in the Cabinet by the Secretary of State. It is divided into two separate bodies, the Department of Internal Affairs and the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Sub-Section A. The Department of Foreign Affairs
The Department of Foreign Affairs deals with all of our diplomats, delegates, envoys, representatives and relations with foreign nations and entities. If the Supreme Ruler of DMG decides to enter into the UN a delegate to the UN will be appointed to the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Sub-Section B. The Department of Internal Affairs
The Department of Internal Affairs deals with the infrastructure of the Dominion of DMG. The department has all the power to control internal affairs from changing the tax rate to building a museum.
Section 6. The Supreme Council
The Supreme Council is the highest court in the land and is one-third of the Ministry and is represented as so in the Cabinet by the High Councilor.
Sub-Section A. Powers of the Supreme Council
The Supreme Council settles any range of disputes, tries the charged, and is the last voice on any issue, other than the Supreme Ruler of DMG.
Sub-Section B. Levels of the Supreme Council
The Supreme Council is divided into many tiers. The first tier deals with minor debates, feuds, disputes. The second tier deals with trying and sentencing convicts. The third tier deals with more important issues than the first two tiers and if the third tier Councilor feels the issue is significant or prevalent enough he can send it up to the high council to debate over. The high councilor consists of three voting members and two non voting members. One of the voting members is the High Councilor who represents the Supreme Council in the Cabinet.
Article III. Citizens of the Dominion of DMG
Section 1. Civil Rights
Citizens of the Dominion of DMG have every civil right that does not harm another person physically (e.g. Life, Liberty, Happiness, Owning Land, Having a Job, etc.)
Sub-Section A. Removal of Civil Rights
The Supreme Ruler of DMG has the ability to strip the citizens of any civil right he feels necessary. Citizens who are charged and convicted of a crime will have their civil rights stripped away permanently and will be given lesser civil rights upon their release from federal prison by the Bureau of Corrections.
Section 2. Acceptance of the Constitution
The Constitution of the Dominion of DMG has authority over all citizens of the Dominion of DMG. When a citizen steps foot into the territory claimed by the Dominion of DMG he submits himself and agrees to the terms and regulations of the Constitution.
Article IV. The Constitution
Section 1. Amendments
Amendments can only be carried out by the Supreme Ruler of DMG has stated in Article 1, Section 2 and Article II, Section 2.
Section 2. Acceptance
The Constitution of the Dominion of DMG will be accepted by all citizens as stated in Article III, Section 2. There will be no vote on the Constitution.
Amendment I. Wartime Executive Contingency Plan
During the course or precursor to an external or internal war the Supreme Ruler of DMG may enact the Wartime Executive Plan. The Wartime Executive Plan prepares the nation for the upcoming war and are as follows:
a. Marshall Law is declared
I. A curfew will be enforced
II. Troops will patrol the streets
b. Spending on National Defense will increase twofold
c. Nuclear armaments will be on high alert
d. The military will move to DefCon 1
e. The Government if necessary can implement a draft
The Constitution of the Dominion of DMG was ratified at 3:57 PM ET on the 9th of July, 2005. It was ratified under the authority of the Founder and Almighty Supreme Ruler of DMG.
The citizens of the Dominion have most civil rights that don't blatantly cause physical harm to others. The exceptions to that rule is citizens do not have the right to do something that could indirectly or at a later time harm others.
Citizens are equal as Demogades no matter what they believe in or what philosophies they have. Racism is not an issue because the Demogades are all one race. Sexism, homophobia, classism, "creedism" are not major issues because most don't appear in society. Both male and female Demogades are treated like and have always been equals. Classism doesn't exist because the government tries to make sure there is no lower class and only a very small upper class. "Creedism" is mostly unknown because most Demogades are as a whole tolerant of other's beliefs. Also most Demogades have no religion or creed based upon a god. Although it is the biggest of the four issues because some Demogades see the belief in a higher power as a waste of time and instead look to the Supreme Ruler for inspiration and awe. However if any of these hatreds manifested itself in a large way the government would be fully against it and squelch it quickly.
Education is funded completely by the government with small class sizes, intelligent and knowledgeable teachers, and the newest teaching techniques. Citizens can go to school for as many or as little years as they want as long as they can provide for themselves outside of the classroom and their grades don't slip below a Theta (equivalent to a grade of D). Most Demogades in school maintain grades in the Gamma level (equivalent to A-). There are no age levels (as in grades 1-12) but rather classes on whatever subject a Demogade would like to study and at whatever level.
Literacy is a requirement for all Demogades and is part of the right of passage from adolescence to adulthood. If someone is found to be illiterate after the age of 15 they are forced back into the education system until they are literate, although it is very rare for this to happen as it is a blemish on the Demogade for life and Demogades by nature want to learn and grow.
*Female - 100%
*Male - 100%
Crime is kept to a low due to the Niblehiem (Nee-bull-Hime), the police force; although it is usually not a problem because of the peaceful nature Demogades have towards other Demogades and the philosophies on which the Demogades live by. Although, if someone does break a law, they are dealt with harshly and quickly. The most common punishment is public works, followed by jail time for the uncontrollable and Death for serious crimes along with multiple repeat offenders (5 time offenders of lesser crimes can be sentenced to death). Drugs are legal to grow, possess, and sell but not to use, meaning that most Demogades don't bother having them or they grow them to sell to other nations (illegally or legally). However if a foreign government is trying to crack down on drugs and asks the Ministry to stop the sale of drugs into their country, the government will put a stop to it.
One of the main goals of the government has been to help grow the economy. It is a free market where whoever has the initiative to succeed may do so. However, currently there are two main companies in the Dominion: DMG Military Industries and DMG Civil Industries.
The supply and demand is calculated using the most up-to-date information technology. Every purchase is recorded in the national database which all businesses have access to. When consumption of a particular good increases, the businesses makes arrangements to produce more of that good.
The tax rates have been known to fluctuate greatly but for the most part they are usually in the low 50s. The taxes are used for a variety of different uses from maintaining and expanding the infrastructure of the Dominion to building the armed forces stronger.
The media is run by the government - this way there are no leaks or pesky reporters digging into the facts. The media only gives out information that the government thinks the citizens need to know – but don’t get this confused with brainwashing. The government often releases most of the details that are not classified, but in the end the government knows best.
The nation runs on nuclear power and the nuclear waste is dumped into a specially designed vault on the ocean floor. Smog of any kind is not allowed so all vehicles run on electricity.
Economic Facts (
The Nation
The Dominion is located on an island in the Antarctic. The island in which the Dominion of DMG exists is roughly 90,000 sq miles (300 miles a side). The entire island is a level 500 meter plateau. The Demogades live under the ground in one huge 10,000 sq mile city, Viscount-ania, which is built in an artificial cave that is 400 meters high. It is 50 meters from the sea level and 50 meters from the ground level of the plateau. The sides of the cave that the city is in are never closer than 100 miles to the outside wall of the plateau. The city is meant to look like an average outdoor city and includes parks and trees in the such – kept alive by an artificial sun on the cave’s ceiling (which is powered by a series of super-efficient nuclear power plants and various chemicals to reproduce the sun’s effects). All of the Demogades structures are underground including their space shuttles and airplane runways – this is to protect the population from the harsh temperatures and weather patterns of the outside area.
The climate is freezing due to its location in the Antarctic. Harsh weather patterns include regular sub-zero freezes and ice storms. The average temperature is 400 degrees Protego which is equivalent to 25 degrees Fahrenheit or roughly -3.9 degrees Celsius. The highest temperature that the island ever reaches is 700 degrees Protego or 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 4.4 degrees Celsius, while the low temperature is -700 Protego or -30 Fahrenheit and -34.4 Celsius – while the lowest temperature every recorded was -900 Protego. (To convert Protego to Fahrenheit divide Protego by 20 and add 5)
The surface of the plateau is covered in ice and snow while the waters below are frigid and lethal to humans. The city of Viscount-ania in which all Demogades live is kept at a constant 1300 degrees Protego or 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Viscount-ania, The City Itself
The first and only city of the Dominion, Viscount-ania is a massive underground establishment where all of the Demogades live and work (unless they are military personnel). The city is very high tech and is built up very high in order to use space efficiently.
The city has one entrance in which you have to take a gravity pad from the surface of the plateau to the tightly guarded security entrance. A record is made of every Demogade who leaves or enters the city and the same with goes with any other underground structures in the nation such as military bases.
In the center of the entire city is the government buildings which are unique compared to their surroundings. Most of the buildings at the center of the city are ceiling scrapers, measuring 400 meters high, while the government buildings are at the highest 25 meters and usually shorter than that. Also the architecture of the buildings is older and more elaborate compared to the new age art of the surrounding buildings. The small stature and unique design of the government buildings is to symbolize the government and to show the citizens that while it is important it is not imposing on their life or the culture of the Dominion.
On the outskirts of the city are the factories that produce all of the goods and food that are needed by Demogades. The factories are often noisy and heavily populated so keeping them away from the rest of civilization keeps it organized. Because of the long journey to and from the factories for the workers, the government installed a state of art aboveground train system that completes the journey of 80 miles in just under 20 minutes and leaves the station every 5 minutes.
As you go farther away from the center of the city the buildings get progressively smaller under there are small homes in what is considered the rural part of the city, although it is still very crowded.
The Imperial Palace
The Imperial Palace is a giant complex which was originally built as a palace for the Supreme Ruler but was later turned into a compound for foreign emissaries. It is guarded by the best soldiers in the military and nobody has every successfully infiltrated it. The Imperial Palace is also where diplomats and foreign dignitaries are greeted and stay on their visits to the nation. It is almost a very mini city inside of the city so that people staying there don't have to leave and worry about their security in the general populous.
The Imperial Palace also plays home to all embassies of foreign nations. Each nation is given a section of the complex for their embassy and diplomats, but it remains property of the Dominion and is subject to Dominion rules and laws.
The population has been steadily growing since the creation of the nation. The different generations that exist today have roughly the same number of Demogades in them that is until you reach the generations of over 100 years old. The generations of Demogades of over 100 years old vary tremendously in number of people because most Demogades die before the age of 100. When a Demogade dies they are petrified (into stone "stonified"), in a soldier's stance holding their sword, and then placed at the bottom of the ocean surrounding the island. However if a Demogade lived passed the age of 100, his body is burned and then placed in a casket to be buried on top of the plateau.
*Life Expectancy: 85 years
*Growth Rate: +.93% per year
*Current Population: 840+ Million
Age Structure:
-0-14: 23.1%
-15-64: 56.2%
-65+: 20.7%
There are many more female Demogades in the nation then males for a variety of reasons. The smallest of reasons is that some males die in Slu'awl, the Sport of Swords. The next reason being that some male Demogades don't make it passed the right of passage. The biggest and most prevalent reason is that many males have died in combat for the nation. Currently 99.99% of all people in the Dominion are natural Demogades meaning that they were born of Demogade parents in the Dominion - the small .01% is partially made up of foreign emissaries and their families.
Female - 60%
Male - 40%
The Official Language of the Demogades is Braeshlan which comes from the early Demonic languages. Also Latin is very highly praised as a language of the highly educated and sophisticated topics and most Demogades hold great respect for the Latin language. English has become the unofficial language of the Dominion because of its common use in business and politics and is thus spoken by all government and corporate officials. Eventually most Demogades learn English.
*Braeshlan - 100%
*English - 95%
*Latin - 23%
Most of Demogades do not have a religion (92%) involving a god or an all powerful figure of some kind. However of those who do have a god involved religion, 75% follow peaceful Islam (6% overall), and 25% follow a variety of radical and violent religions that teach hatred and murder (2% overall). Those who follow Islam are often criticized for believing in an unknown supreme being but those who follow radical violent religions are exiled from the island or die. Members who are exiled from the island under penalty of death often return and form camps on the surface of the plateau where they train militants. These camps are often targeted by the government in SuBRaMCs (SUrfaced Based Raids on Militant Camps).However the 90% of the population does practice Buddhism to some degree as it is intertwined into many of the philosophies of the Demogades. However, in actuality it is Neo-Buddhism with many of the ideas and teachings changed or expanded on.
*Buddhism - 90%
*Islam - 6%
*Militant - 2%
*No Religion - 2%
Politics and Policies
Politics as a fact don't exist in the Demogade culture. There are no parties that are conservative/liberal or republican/democrat. This is for three main reasons: One it creates strife and subversive ness to have many parties vying for power, Two, it creates extremist partisans who vote the way of their party instead of they way that is good for the society as a whole, and three (and most importantly) there are no elections or groups of politicians, only those hand picked by the Supreme Ruler. Keep the government out of the hands of the politics is the saying in Viscount-ania.
Political Policy
The government is doing what is best for the country and the citizens of the country. There are no elections because elections lead to misinformation and subterfuge which is unnecessary and the propaganda that is created is unsettling to the general population. Also the Supreme Ruler of DMG who founded the nation along with all Demogades decided that politicians should be kept out of politics so it can be left for people who actually want to do the work. Without having to get re-elected by the populous, those who work in government can focus on doing what is right and not what is popular.
Civil Policy
All the rights that don't interfere with other people's rights. As long as what you are doing doesn't hurt someone else physically than it is most likely all right, although there are a few exceptions. The exceptions generally deal with doing something to oneself that could later endanger others. The government has the ability to take away any civic right it feels necessary. It could be to protect the populous or ensure national security but as long as the Supreme Ruler agrees with or issues the order it can be undertaken. Taking away a civil right from someone to protect them creates the best result for everyone.
Foreign Policy
The Dominion maintains the policy of, "Don't interfere with our internal business and we won't interfere with yours." Any law passed or action undertaken in our country is the business of the Dominion and it should not be up to the rest of the world to decide what our government is and isn't allowed to do. The Dominion is willing to make alliances with friendly countries or declare war on aggressive ones and won't attack a foreign country as long as they don't attack or threaten the Dominion or its allies. Diplomatic immunity is not granted to any member of a foreign nation other than the head of state and extradition treaties are currently not in place.
Economic Policy
Growing the economy and corporation domination of the Dominion is a prime goal. Monopolies over industries are completely legal - this is due to the Neo-Darwinian belief of a sudo-survival of the fittest. Also, the government can and will place tarrifs and trade barriers on foreign goods if it thinks it in the best interest of the nation; though this is rare because of the lack of imported goods.
Military Policy
War is often necessary so the Dominion will be good at it. The Dominion will not declare war on a foreign nation without provocation or in the defense of another nation. Much spending goes into the military and defense budgets. The largest corporation in the Dominion is a military development company (DMI). The military plays an important role in the Dominion and is a major source of pride for all Demogades.
Although the word holiday is derived from holy day, the holidays of the Dominion are in no way religious as there is no official religion of the Dominion.
The Day of Demogades
The highest of holidays in the Demogades culture, it celebrates the culture and uniqueness of Demogades. Many Demogades refer to it as 'The Day of DMG' in honor of the founding father, the Supreme Ruler of DMG. On this day all work is halted so that every Demogade can celebrate and then rest.
Memorial Day
As it is in many cultures, Memorial Day, is to honor and celebrate those who gave their lives in service of the Dominion. All veterans of any war are given the day off from work and are honored as heroes of the Dominion.
Civic Samaritan Day
A very unique day because the date changes and is unknown aside from a few government officials. Once a year un-announced, the government sends out observers to watch the populace for good Samaritans. Later that week the government announces that it was recently Civic Samaritan Day and then sends out hefty checks to those who did good deeds. This promotes good deeds as a whole because it is unknown when the day will come.
Right of Passage
To pass into the realm of adult Demogades, adolescents must complete their Right of Passage. The Right of Passage is different for males and females as males and females have different 'unofficial' roles in the Dominion. After completing their Right of Passage the Demogades must live in the real world and learn to survive in a competitive, no holds barred environment.
When an adolescent male reaches the age of 15 years old, with all his training in mind, he must venture to the frigid plains of the plateau where he will have to survive on his own for an entire year without contact of any kind. During his journey he must retrieve a small piece of Chimeraen skin for the handle of his sword. The only way to get the skin of a Gryffinic Chimera is to cut it off its unprotected stomach and then run. If and when he returns from his journey he is treated as an adult and must leave his family and learn to fend for himself in the real world.
When a female Demogade reaches the age of 17 she also must leave her family to enter the real world. The right of passage for a female adolescent is marrying another Demogade and having a child. After her first child is born she is fully accepted as a woman in the community.
National Animal
The Gryffinic Chimera
The national animal of the Dominion is the Gryffinic Chimera for a couple of reasons. The first of which is that it is revered for its immense strength and fighting ability. The other is that before the Demogades populated the island, the most dominant animal was the Gryffinic Chimera; it was the king of the frigid plains.
The Gryffinic Chimera is what most people would call a dragon; however it does not breathe fire and does not horde gold. They are monstrous creatures that stand at 18 feet when upright and 9-10 feet when on all fours. It has a wingspan of 30 feet which allows it to glide through the air. However because the dragon ways nearly 2500 pounds it cannot fly for very long which explains why the Gryffinic Chimera can only be found on the island of DMG. The distance from the island to the next piece of land is too far for it to make without resting and since the island is surrounded by vast oceans it cannot make the long journey.
Covered in spikes and aided by sharp claws and teeth, the Gryffinic Chimera is a fierce creature that doesn't take kindly to any other creature including other Gryffinic Chimeras. However it does not have very good eye sight and has to mainly rely on its sense of smell so Demogades can often sneak past undetected.
It dwells in caves on the surface of the plateau but due to the lethal temperatures of the winter months it hibernates in small caves. During the warmer months the Gryffinic Chimera hunts animals of all sizes for food.
*Height - 18 Feet standing, 9-10 Feet on all fours
*Weight - 2500 Pounds
*Unique to the Island
*Can Fly
*Ferocious and aggressive
*Solitary Animals
United Nations
The nation is currently not part of the United Nations and does not recognize the authority of the United Nations to set forth rules on every matter for all United Nation members. The Dominion believes that United Nations often passes resolutions on the inner workings of nations in which it should have no authority. Also many members of the United Nations try to pass resolutions that are very ideological and as result the majority of the United Nations became an enforcer of utopias in which everyone is free to be free...
The Dominion is a progressive nation which realizes that trade is a necessity in order to grow. DMG Military Industries is the major exporter of goods in the Dominion and has exported over 20 Trillion USD in military products and technology.
Due to the unique situation the city of Viscount-ania is in, the major and only port of The Dominion is located at Trimian Naval Base. The naval base receives all shipping traffic in and out of the nation. It has a complex and secure system to transport the shipments from the city to the naval base or vice versa. The system is basically a pair super long conveyer belts that go from the naval port to a port on the inside of the city. Because the city is so big it has shipping ways to transport the goods to different parts of the city. Through out the entire conveyer belt system a gas that is highly corrosive and lethal to only organic entities is released and kills anybody trying to sneak in or out of the city. Also the conveyer belt system is watched by thousands of cameras with infrared and thermal imaging so that if anyone sneaks in to the system they can be seen and the one thousand man team guarding the conveyer belt is alerted.
-Military Hardware
Foreigners and Immigration
People of the entire world are welcome into the Dominion and while no special accommodation (unless of political importance) will be made for them, the government greets them with open arms. Immigration can be put on halt by the government if they see fit, and the banning of a particular nation's citizens is also allowed if the government deems necessary. All crimes committed by or against a foreigner on Dominion soil, will be tried, sentenced, and carry out their sentence in the Dominion. The Dominion does not expect any diplomatic immunity or extradition of Demogades in foreign nations.
*No Extraterritoriality
*No Extradition
As all citizens do, foreigners must register with the government and submit to a full background search before entering the Dominion. Foreigners must submit all travel plans and locations as well as changes in plans or locations to the government ahead of time and can be tracked. Failure to do either of these will result in punishment including possible jail time or at the worst life banishment from the Dominion.
The most popular and only nationalized sport in the Dominion is Slu'awl, the Sport of Swords. In Slu'awl two combatants step into a 20 meter ring and square off. They wear their strongest armor but use specialized metal blades instead of their usual diamond ones. The battle continues until one of the two combatants gives up or is unable to continue. Very often the battle continues for more than a week without pause. If a Demogade becomes a Slu'awl champion he is regarded with the highest of esteem and is compensated by the government for his dangerous work over the years.
The Founding of Eborall (
The Next Frontier: Space
The Dominion has an active space program including space telescopes, satellites, military satellites, and space stations. As state above the necessity or want to colonize other planets may become important so the Dominion space program has begun hypothetical work on colonization plans. These plans are very limited and not completely serious as of yet but as time moves on they may become very necessary. Also an avid campaign has been undertaken to deploy Space Based Weapons which we have accomplished and are now online.
Currently the Dominion has many satellites orbiting in space including commercial and privately owned ones as well as governmental and military ones. Almost all non governmental or military satellites are used for communication or tracking by private business (with the exception of a privately owned, fully defense capable space station of Mar'ki Ticron). The government/military satellites range from tracking and communication to defensive and offensive weapons (including strategic nuclear launch silos).
The Dominion currently operates four major space stations orbiting in space that currently serve as advanced space research centers but may in the future be used to launch colony ships or the such.
Enemies and Allies
The Dominion has good relations with a great number of countries but only has formal alliances with two. All nations, as previously stated, who have an embassy are situated at the Imperial Palace.
-Dweladelfia Prime, Reciprocated
-The Macabees, Reciprocated
*Guerreros, Embassy
*Omni Sense, Embassy
The Alliance of GOD
The Alliance of GOD is made up of Guerreros, Omni-Sense, and DMG. Although the name of the alliance is GOD, the alliance itself is not religious based at all. Two of the three nations involved, DMG and Omni-Sense do not have an official religion and the majority of the citizens in them are atheist. The alliance is mainly a military union to ensure the security, progress, and power of the nations involved.
The Dominion of DMG produces very elite troops which carry out secret operations and guard the highest officials in the Alliance. The island of DMG is the main site for training of soldiers in the alliance because of its seclusion and harsh climate. DMG maintains the majority of the air and naval power of the alliance because of its striking capability and the fact that ground forces would not due much good on the plateau of DMG.
Guerreros maintains a very large standing army, about 5% of the population. The people of Guerreros are brought up from birth as soldiers and devote Catholics. The army of Guerreros calls themselves the Crusaders as they fight in the name of their God. The belief in behind Guerreros' Christian army is that a belief in a higher power gives hope when there isn't any and thus inspires soldiers to fight till the death.
Omni-Sense being in the unique place it is and even more secluded than DMG does not maintain a military of any kind. The distance between Omni-Sense and the rest of civilization puts it in the unique position that it would be costly, obvious, and useless to invade. The population of Omni-Sense is roughly 5 million and then another hundred million robots and Compuclonics (Computer personalities that are cloned from humans. They live in the nets and serve their human creator.) Immigration to the platform nation is prohibited and security, maintained by Dominion Special Forces, is tightly monitored. Because of their high intelligence and mechanical abilities, the Dominion and Guerreros, pour billions of dollars into research and inventions made by Intemechs (self used name by Sensers, citizens of Omni Sense) and DMG Military Industries.
Although the Alliance of GOD is primarily for military security and progress, it also consists of other benefits such as trade rights. Trade rights between the three nations are secured and guaranteed under the pact of GOD, however all three nations are prohibited to trade their military technology to other nations outside the alliance. This is done to secure that all inventions funded and created by the Alliance stay within the alliance. The three nations also support each other in political, national, and international decisions so as to keep the Alliance strong and unified.
The beginning of the Dominion's history begins when a small band of Demogades lead by who is now known as the Supreme Ruler, mysteriously emerged on the island.
Important Events
Informal Documents (1217)
The first set of rules established by the Supreme Ruler. They were very basic and disputes often arose about them.
Clorik'Ean Revolt (1351-1356)
During the 5 year revolt more than 1 million Demogades were killed. Shaelk Brinthormer led a separatist movement from the Supreme Ruler which had over 1 million followers. Many of his followers were killed while others returned to civilization marked a traitorous Demogade.
Viscount-ania (1533)
The underground cave and only city of the Dominion is built. The Demogades move from their makeshift towns and caves into the warmer atmosphere of the city. The population starts soaring and businesses flourish.
Trimian Changes (1581)
The basis for the Constitution and government that is in existence today. The Trimian Changes are attributed to Trimus the second hand man to the Supreme Ruler during the Establishment Era.
Constitution (1595)
The Constitution under which the today's government is formed and the citizens live.
Scalonian Wars (1673-1682)
A long bloody war with the Scalons, a race very different from the Demogades. Eventually the Scalons were all killed by the Demogades.
Malachorian Wars (1685-1688, 1689-1694, 1695)
Three separate yet equally bloody wars fought against the same foe from across the sea. Three times they invaded the island, lost the war, and made a peace treaty. After the third time when their population was decimated they sailed off never to return to the island.
Braenth Civil War (1699)
The Civil War was not a bloody war like the Clorik'Ean revolt but rather a war of words and propaganda that escalated to monstrous proportions. Eventually the Supreme Ruler squelched both sides and had the leaders detained and sentenced to public works.
Founding of DMI (1980)
Founded by Mar’ki Ticron, it is arguably the greatest company ever created by a Demogade, DMG Military Industries is now responsible for almost every private business in the nation. It also maintains the nation’s military and defense forces and boosts the economy with its numerous exports.
Notable Demogades
DMG – The Supreme Ruler
Though he is the oldest, most famous, most beloved Demogade and not to mention founder of the Dominion, almost nothing else is known about him. He is rarely in the public eye and merely supervises the government rather than taking a front seat in ruling the nation.
Naaras Thulio
First High Councilor appointed by the Supreme Ruler after the Trimian changes. He delivered rulings on many key issues and some of the decisions still stand today more than 400 years later.
Shaelk Brinthormer
Lead the famous Clorik'Ean Revolt before it was quelled down by the military. He was put on trial for treason, the second highest crime possible under the law, and was convicted and sentenced to death by starvation rather than the normal way of the sword.
Likra Manorth
First Secretary of State appointed by the Supreme Ruler after the Trimian changes. She helped lead the country during a turbulent and unsure time of change.
Blane Fir'eth
First Supreme Allied Commander of the Dominion Combined Forces appointed by the Supreme Ruler after the Trimian changes. Although he accomplished no important feat he did set the precedent for future commanders.
Second hand man to the Supreme Ruler of DMG. The Trimian Changes that embody today's government is attributed to his ideas and influence on the Supreme Ruler. Widely acknowledged as the second most famous and beloved Demogade, behind the Supreme Ruler, in history.
Xaro Tal'Bot
The greatest commander the Dominion has ever seen. He was the Supreme Allied Commander of the Dominion Combined Forces during the Contention Era and led the Dominion to victory in the Scalonian and Malachorian Wars before he was killed in the Braenth Civil War by his own body guards. A special tribute is given every memorial day in his honor.
Mar’ki Ticron
Founder of DMG Military Industries and DMG Civil Industries, he has become the richest and most powerful citizen in the Dominion, other than the Supreme Ruler.
Establishment Era (1160-1283)
The beginning of the nation was being formed. A small group of Demogades lived in the caves on top of the plateau and struggled for survival.
Imperial Era (1284-1528)
After the establishment of the Demogade race on the island there began little feuds and quips between fellow Demogades. The Supreme Ruler decided that until a more structured nation could be formed he would have to rule the Demogades with an iron fist. He raised an army and police force which helped put down the trouble makers and arguments. However this also led to the Clorik'Ean revolt in which 1 million Demogades were killed.
Conversion Era (1529-1595)
During the Conversion Era the government, culture, and economy began changing. It began with the establishment of the underground city of Viscount-ania which is still today the only city of the Dominion. Also during this period the Trimian Changes, which are the basis of the Constitution, came into affect.
Enlightenment Era (1596-1669)
Finally feeling like a nation and a community the Demogades began focusing their lives on bettering themselves in heart, soul, and mind.
Contention Era (1670-1700)
During this era there were many bloody wars for the ownership of the island. Many Demogades were made heroes while others were made widows. 6 million Demogades lost their lives during the wars in service of the Dominion.
Isolationist Era (1701-1876)
As a result of Contention Era, many Demogades did no longer feel secure with outsiders and the nation was plunged into the Isolationist Era. During the era the nation fell behind in technology and common philosophies so eventually the citizens of the Dominion opened their doors to outsiders, although very skeptically.
Economic Era (1877-2014)
After the Isolationist Era in which the nation fell behind many others, the Ministry felt like it needed to improve upon the economy and technology so it started focusing lots of money into commerce, trade and businesses.
Common Era (2015)
After a long period in the Economic Era in which most funds were going towards advancement the Ministry changed its attitude to better the life of all Demogades, mainly through education but also transportation, healthcare, and welfare. This is the current outlook that the government holds.
Official Long Form: The Dominion of DMG
Official Short Form: DMG
Common Short Form: The Dominion
U.N. Rank: Compulsory Consumerist State
Government Type: Benevolent Dictatorship
-Current Ruler: The Supreme Ruler
Civil Rights: Some
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
Economy: Frightening
-GDP per Capita: $25,965.61 (NS Economy)
Official Language: Braeshlan
-Unofficial Language: English
Official Currency: ThermoNuclear ICBM
Official Animal: Gryffinic Chimera
Population: 1,000,000,000+
Important Links:
-DMG Military Industries (
-Eborall (
-DMG International Bank (
-DMG's Rent-A-Legion (
-DMG Equipment (
-DMG's Economy (
*Citizen of DMG (Human)
The Demogades follow many principals of the Samurai and Buddhists. Strict mental and physical discipline is required along with wisdom, knowledge, and having a good soul. The pursuit of knowledge and advancement is at the front of all Demogades' minds. Meditation and pacifying the soul is seen as a necessary step to becoming a proper and skilled Demogade. The culture is very peaceful and accepting of other Demogades and the government is seen as very good with an approval rating of 98.3% - the approval rating has never fallen below 91%. Because of the peacefulness of the culture and acceptance of the job the government is doing, crime is very low, education is extremely high, and revolt or extremists against the current system are rare if at all existent. Demogades look at other cultures and think that the people are overly sensitive in many ways and not smart enough for their own well being. Demogades are extremely friendly and accepting of other Demogades, which makes for a few good society.
*Benevolent Dictatorship
The Dominion of DMG is a dictatorship and has been ruled by one person since its creation. However it is a peaceful dictatorship in which the government is working for the people and not the greed of the dictator. Also any citizen of the Dominion who wishes to leave the nation, provided they are not a criminal, may do so whenever pleases them. Every quarter the government sends out PoPs or Pollers of Positions quarterly to find out how the general population feels about certain issues and decisions that recently came into public knowledge. The PoPs help keep the citizens feeling like they are apart of the system and it helps the government find out what the citizens want from the government.
The Supreme Ruler
The Supreme Ruler of DMG is also the founder of the nation and has been alive for an unknown period of time. He is a mysterious character who the populous of the Dominion knows almost nothing about including his name. When referring to the Supreme Ruler many Demogades call him DMG or a list of names that show extreme reverence. He rarely makes public appearances or addresses so when he does all of the Demogades are sure to listen up to what he has to say. Throughout history he has surrounded himself with only his most trustworthy aids and soldiers to protect him. The Supreme Ruler, being a dictator, has all the powers of the government and more. He can overrule any court decision, law passed, take away any civil/political right, wage war, levy taxes, and every other power of the government. He also appoints all members of the government and although they serve life terms, he can remove them from office. Although he has immense power he rarely uses it and instead leaves the government work up to his officials because he realizes that exploiting his powers would not be for the good of the nation and would lead to the downfall of the Dominion.
The Supreme Ruler lives in a massive palace that has been continually added onto over the years. It is defended by an entire legion of troops, multiple armored vehicles and tanks, aerial and land defense systems and many secret defense systems. The palace is surrounded by forty foot walls on all sides with massive towers every few hundred feet to keep watch.
The Cabinet
The Secretary of State, the High Councilor, and the Supreme Allied Commander of the Dominion Combined Forces combined are known as the Cabinet. These members of the government rule over the separate sections of the Ministry (explained below) and are the top of the government. The Cabinet has many of the powers of the Supreme Ruler, although the Supreme Ruler's powers override the Cabinet's, and the three members combined are widely considered the President or Prime Minister of the Dominion. The three members of the Cabinet are handpicked by the Supreme Ruler and serve life terms.
The Ministry
The Ministry is divided into three separate bodies, the State Department, the Supreme Council, and the Armed Forces. They are lead by the Secretary of State, the High Councilor, and the Supreme Allied Commander of the Dominion Combined Forces, respectively. The Armed Forces is in charge off all military and police forces in the Dominion. The Supreme Council is the highest court in the land and is assisted by lower courts (explained below). The State Department is divided into the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Internal Affairs, which take care of all matters pertaining to foreign relations and internal workings of the country, respectively. All members of the Ministry are hand picked by the Supreme Ruler and serve out life terms.
The Legislative System
Legislation can be introduced by any member of the nation, but it has to pass scrutiny and inspection by the courts before arriving at the cabinet to be put up for vote. The 3 members of the cabinet discuss and vote on the matter in private (2/3 votes to pass)
The Court System
The courts of the Dominion are divided into tiers. The 1st Tier is the arbitrator who resolves disputes and decides whether or not an accused person goes to trial or if the charges are dismissed (If trial is deemed correct then the accused stands before the judge). Also the arbitrator decides whether or constitutional issues make it up the 3rd Tier Councilor who presides on constitutional hearings. The 2nd Tier is the Judge who hears criminal and civil cases. If legislation is to be introduced it has to be deemed by the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tier members ok to be discussed by the Cabinet. The Supreme Council of the Dominion contains three voting members and two non voting members. The High Councilor, 2nd Councilor, and 3rd Councilor are the voting members, while the two Jr. Councilors can discuss and argue about issues within the Supreme Council but have no vote. The Supreme Council reviews every issue, in-time, made by the lower court tiers and has the ability to reverse the decision or call for a new hearing. Also if the tier courts cannot reach a decision on any issue it goes up to the Supreme Council for hearing.
Article I. Supreme Ruler of DMG
Section 1. The Office of the Supreme Ruler
The Supreme Ruler of DMG will possess the full power and authority of the state. The position of Supreme Ruler is a lifelong appointment and cannot be resigned or stripped of.
Section 2. Powers of the Supreme Ruler
The Supreme Ruler of DMG is endowed with the powers of the state. He may if he so wishes declare war, make peace, trade commodities, make and pass laws, jail citizens, etc. The Supreme Ruler of DMG can also overrule any decision made by a member of the government.
Sub-Section A. Appointment of Government Positions
All positions will be filled by the Supreme Ruler of DMG. All staff will serve life-terms unless otherwise directed by the Supreme Ruler of DMG. The Supreme Ruler of DMG may remove a person from their position and fill it with another person.
Section 3. Appointment of the Supreme Ruler
The Supreme Ruler of DMG is selected by the previous Supreme Ruler. At the time of ascension to power the Supreme Ruler will select his heir and write it down in the Last Will (Article…). After the death of the Supreme Ruler, the Chief of Staff presents the Last Will to the Cabinet for declaration of the new Supreme Ruler.
Sub-Section A. First Supreme Ruler
The first Supreme Ruler of DMG and founder of this great nation will be DMG himself. DMG will be referred to as The Almighty Supreme Ruler of DMG while future Supreme Rulers will simply be known as The Supreme Ruler of DMG.
Article II. The Cabinet
Section 1. Members of the Cabinet
Members of the Cabinet include the Supreme Allied Commander, the Secretary of State, and the High Councilor of the Supreme Council. These cannot be changed.
Section 2. Powers of the Cabinet
Unless otherwise stated by the Supreme Ruler of DMG, all issues and decisions are made by the Cabinet. The Cabinet’s powers are the same as the Supreme Ruler of DMG with exception of amending the constitution, filling positions, and creating new laws. The Supreme Ruler of DMG overrules the Cabinet.
Section 3. Passing of any motion
A motion of any kind is passed by a 2/3 vote.
Article III. The Ministry
Section 1. Members of the Ministry
The Ministry consists of Cabinet and all subordinates to the members of the Cabinet.
Section 2. Ministry’s Role
The Ministry is affectively the top of the government where all the decision get made. Each level higher in the ministry gives the right to overrule any decision by a lower level.
Section 3. Appointment to the Ministry
All members of the Ministry are appointed by the Supreme Ruler of DMG as stated in Article I, Section 2, Sub-Section A.
Section 4. The Armed Forces
The Armed Forces are one-third of the Ministry and are represented as so in the Cabinet with the Supreme Allied Commander.
Sub-Section A. Powers of the Armed Forces
The Supreme Allied Commander, leader of the Armed Forces, has the legal right to declare war on any nation and take any measure to defend the land of DMG against foreign or domestic enemies. The Supreme Allied Commander has the power to conscript citizens if necessary.
Section 5. The State Department
The State Department is one-third of the Ministry and are represented as so in the Cabinet by the Secretary of State. It is divided into two separate bodies, the Department of Internal Affairs and the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Sub-Section A. The Department of Foreign Affairs
The Department of Foreign Affairs deals with all of our diplomats, delegates, envoys, representatives and relations with foreign nations and entities. If the Supreme Ruler of DMG decides to enter into the UN a delegate to the UN will be appointed to the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Sub-Section B. The Department of Internal Affairs
The Department of Internal Affairs deals with the infrastructure of the Dominion of DMG. The department has all the power to control internal affairs from changing the tax rate to building a museum.
Section 6. The Supreme Council
The Supreme Council is the highest court in the land and is one-third of the Ministry and is represented as so in the Cabinet by the High Councilor.
Sub-Section A. Powers of the Supreme Council
The Supreme Council settles any range of disputes, tries the charged, and is the last voice on any issue, other than the Supreme Ruler of DMG.
Sub-Section B. Levels of the Supreme Council
The Supreme Council is divided into many tiers. The first tier deals with minor debates, feuds, disputes. The second tier deals with trying and sentencing convicts. The third tier deals with more important issues than the first two tiers and if the third tier Councilor feels the issue is significant or prevalent enough he can send it up to the high council to debate over. The high councilor consists of three voting members and two non voting members. One of the voting members is the High Councilor who represents the Supreme Council in the Cabinet.
Article III. Citizens of the Dominion of DMG
Section 1. Civil Rights
Citizens of the Dominion of DMG have every civil right that does not harm another person physically (e.g. Life, Liberty, Happiness, Owning Land, Having a Job, etc.)
Sub-Section A. Removal of Civil Rights
The Supreme Ruler of DMG has the ability to strip the citizens of any civil right he feels necessary. Citizens who are charged and convicted of a crime will have their civil rights stripped away permanently and will be given lesser civil rights upon their release from federal prison by the Bureau of Corrections.
Section 2. Acceptance of the Constitution
The Constitution of the Dominion of DMG has authority over all citizens of the Dominion of DMG. When a citizen steps foot into the territory claimed by the Dominion of DMG he submits himself and agrees to the terms and regulations of the Constitution.
Article IV. The Constitution
Section 1. Amendments
Amendments can only be carried out by the Supreme Ruler of DMG has stated in Article 1, Section 2 and Article II, Section 2.
Section 2. Acceptance
The Constitution of the Dominion of DMG will be accepted by all citizens as stated in Article III, Section 2. There will be no vote on the Constitution.
Amendment I. Wartime Executive Contingency Plan
During the course or precursor to an external or internal war the Supreme Ruler of DMG may enact the Wartime Executive Plan. The Wartime Executive Plan prepares the nation for the upcoming war and are as follows:
a. Marshall Law is declared
I. A curfew will be enforced
II. Troops will patrol the streets
b. Spending on National Defense will increase twofold
c. Nuclear armaments will be on high alert
d. The military will move to DefCon 1
e. The Government if necessary can implement a draft
The Constitution of the Dominion of DMG was ratified at 3:57 PM ET on the 9th of July, 2005. It was ratified under the authority of the Founder and Almighty Supreme Ruler of DMG.
The citizens of the Dominion have most civil rights that don't blatantly cause physical harm to others. The exceptions to that rule is citizens do not have the right to do something that could indirectly or at a later time harm others.
Citizens are equal as Demogades no matter what they believe in or what philosophies they have. Racism is not an issue because the Demogades are all one race. Sexism, homophobia, classism, "creedism" are not major issues because most don't appear in society. Both male and female Demogades are treated like and have always been equals. Classism doesn't exist because the government tries to make sure there is no lower class and only a very small upper class. "Creedism" is mostly unknown because most Demogades are as a whole tolerant of other's beliefs. Also most Demogades have no religion or creed based upon a god. Although it is the biggest of the four issues because some Demogades see the belief in a higher power as a waste of time and instead look to the Supreme Ruler for inspiration and awe. However if any of these hatreds manifested itself in a large way the government would be fully against it and squelch it quickly.
Education is funded completely by the government with small class sizes, intelligent and knowledgeable teachers, and the newest teaching techniques. Citizens can go to school for as many or as little years as they want as long as they can provide for themselves outside of the classroom and their grades don't slip below a Theta (equivalent to a grade of D). Most Demogades in school maintain grades in the Gamma level (equivalent to A-). There are no age levels (as in grades 1-12) but rather classes on whatever subject a Demogade would like to study and at whatever level.
Literacy is a requirement for all Demogades and is part of the right of passage from adolescence to adulthood. If someone is found to be illiterate after the age of 15 they are forced back into the education system until they are literate, although it is very rare for this to happen as it is a blemish on the Demogade for life and Demogades by nature want to learn and grow.
*Female - 100%
*Male - 100%
Crime is kept to a low due to the Niblehiem (Nee-bull-Hime), the police force; although it is usually not a problem because of the peaceful nature Demogades have towards other Demogades and the philosophies on which the Demogades live by. Although, if someone does break a law, they are dealt with harshly and quickly. The most common punishment is public works, followed by jail time for the uncontrollable and Death for serious crimes along with multiple repeat offenders (5 time offenders of lesser crimes can be sentenced to death). Drugs are legal to grow, possess, and sell but not to use, meaning that most Demogades don't bother having them or they grow them to sell to other nations (illegally or legally). However if a foreign government is trying to crack down on drugs and asks the Ministry to stop the sale of drugs into their country, the government will put a stop to it.
One of the main goals of the government has been to help grow the economy. It is a free market where whoever has the initiative to succeed may do so. However, currently there are two main companies in the Dominion: DMG Military Industries and DMG Civil Industries.
The supply and demand is calculated using the most up-to-date information technology. Every purchase is recorded in the national database which all businesses have access to. When consumption of a particular good increases, the businesses makes arrangements to produce more of that good.
The tax rates have been known to fluctuate greatly but for the most part they are usually in the low 50s. The taxes are used for a variety of different uses from maintaining and expanding the infrastructure of the Dominion to building the armed forces stronger.
The media is run by the government - this way there are no leaks or pesky reporters digging into the facts. The media only gives out information that the government thinks the citizens need to know – but don’t get this confused with brainwashing. The government often releases most of the details that are not classified, but in the end the government knows best.
The nation runs on nuclear power and the nuclear waste is dumped into a specially designed vault on the ocean floor. Smog of any kind is not allowed so all vehicles run on electricity.
Economic Facts (
The Nation
The Dominion is located on an island in the Antarctic. The island in which the Dominion of DMG exists is roughly 90,000 sq miles (300 miles a side). The entire island is a level 500 meter plateau. The Demogades live under the ground in one huge 10,000 sq mile city, Viscount-ania, which is built in an artificial cave that is 400 meters high. It is 50 meters from the sea level and 50 meters from the ground level of the plateau. The sides of the cave that the city is in are never closer than 100 miles to the outside wall of the plateau. The city is meant to look like an average outdoor city and includes parks and trees in the such – kept alive by an artificial sun on the cave’s ceiling (which is powered by a series of super-efficient nuclear power plants and various chemicals to reproduce the sun’s effects). All of the Demogades structures are underground including their space shuttles and airplane runways – this is to protect the population from the harsh temperatures and weather patterns of the outside area.
The climate is freezing due to its location in the Antarctic. Harsh weather patterns include regular sub-zero freezes and ice storms. The average temperature is 400 degrees Protego which is equivalent to 25 degrees Fahrenheit or roughly -3.9 degrees Celsius. The highest temperature that the island ever reaches is 700 degrees Protego or 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 4.4 degrees Celsius, while the low temperature is -700 Protego or -30 Fahrenheit and -34.4 Celsius – while the lowest temperature every recorded was -900 Protego. (To convert Protego to Fahrenheit divide Protego by 20 and add 5)
The surface of the plateau is covered in ice and snow while the waters below are frigid and lethal to humans. The city of Viscount-ania in which all Demogades live is kept at a constant 1300 degrees Protego or 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Viscount-ania, The City Itself
The first and only city of the Dominion, Viscount-ania is a massive underground establishment where all of the Demogades live and work (unless they are military personnel). The city is very high tech and is built up very high in order to use space efficiently.
The city has one entrance in which you have to take a gravity pad from the surface of the plateau to the tightly guarded security entrance. A record is made of every Demogade who leaves or enters the city and the same with goes with any other underground structures in the nation such as military bases.
In the center of the entire city is the government buildings which are unique compared to their surroundings. Most of the buildings at the center of the city are ceiling scrapers, measuring 400 meters high, while the government buildings are at the highest 25 meters and usually shorter than that. Also the architecture of the buildings is older and more elaborate compared to the new age art of the surrounding buildings. The small stature and unique design of the government buildings is to symbolize the government and to show the citizens that while it is important it is not imposing on their life or the culture of the Dominion.
On the outskirts of the city are the factories that produce all of the goods and food that are needed by Demogades. The factories are often noisy and heavily populated so keeping them away from the rest of civilization keeps it organized. Because of the long journey to and from the factories for the workers, the government installed a state of art aboveground train system that completes the journey of 80 miles in just under 20 minutes and leaves the station every 5 minutes.
As you go farther away from the center of the city the buildings get progressively smaller under there are small homes in what is considered the rural part of the city, although it is still very crowded.
The Imperial Palace
The Imperial Palace is a giant complex which was originally built as a palace for the Supreme Ruler but was later turned into a compound for foreign emissaries. It is guarded by the best soldiers in the military and nobody has every successfully infiltrated it. The Imperial Palace is also where diplomats and foreign dignitaries are greeted and stay on their visits to the nation. It is almost a very mini city inside of the city so that people staying there don't have to leave and worry about their security in the general populous.
The Imperial Palace also plays home to all embassies of foreign nations. Each nation is given a section of the complex for their embassy and diplomats, but it remains property of the Dominion and is subject to Dominion rules and laws.
The population has been steadily growing since the creation of the nation. The different generations that exist today have roughly the same number of Demogades in them that is until you reach the generations of over 100 years old. The generations of Demogades of over 100 years old vary tremendously in number of people because most Demogades die before the age of 100. When a Demogade dies they are petrified (into stone "stonified"), in a soldier's stance holding their sword, and then placed at the bottom of the ocean surrounding the island. However if a Demogade lived passed the age of 100, his body is burned and then placed in a casket to be buried on top of the plateau.
*Life Expectancy: 85 years
*Growth Rate: +.93% per year
*Current Population: 840+ Million
Age Structure:
-0-14: 23.1%
-15-64: 56.2%
-65+: 20.7%
There are many more female Demogades in the nation then males for a variety of reasons. The smallest of reasons is that some males die in Slu'awl, the Sport of Swords. The next reason being that some male Demogades don't make it passed the right of passage. The biggest and most prevalent reason is that many males have died in combat for the nation. Currently 99.99% of all people in the Dominion are natural Demogades meaning that they were born of Demogade parents in the Dominion - the small .01% is partially made up of foreign emissaries and their families.
Female - 60%
Male - 40%
The Official Language of the Demogades is Braeshlan which comes from the early Demonic languages. Also Latin is very highly praised as a language of the highly educated and sophisticated topics and most Demogades hold great respect for the Latin language. English has become the unofficial language of the Dominion because of its common use in business and politics and is thus spoken by all government and corporate officials. Eventually most Demogades learn English.
*Braeshlan - 100%
*English - 95%
*Latin - 23%
Most of Demogades do not have a religion (92%) involving a god or an all powerful figure of some kind. However of those who do have a god involved religion, 75% follow peaceful Islam (6% overall), and 25% follow a variety of radical and violent religions that teach hatred and murder (2% overall). Those who follow Islam are often criticized for believing in an unknown supreme being but those who follow radical violent religions are exiled from the island or die. Members who are exiled from the island under penalty of death often return and form camps on the surface of the plateau where they train militants. These camps are often targeted by the government in SuBRaMCs (SUrfaced Based Raids on Militant Camps).However the 90% of the population does practice Buddhism to some degree as it is intertwined into many of the philosophies of the Demogades. However, in actuality it is Neo-Buddhism with many of the ideas and teachings changed or expanded on.
*Buddhism - 90%
*Islam - 6%
*Militant - 2%
*No Religion - 2%
Politics and Policies
Politics as a fact don't exist in the Demogade culture. There are no parties that are conservative/liberal or republican/democrat. This is for three main reasons: One it creates strife and subversive ness to have many parties vying for power, Two, it creates extremist partisans who vote the way of their party instead of they way that is good for the society as a whole, and three (and most importantly) there are no elections or groups of politicians, only those hand picked by the Supreme Ruler. Keep the government out of the hands of the politics is the saying in Viscount-ania.
Political Policy
The government is doing what is best for the country and the citizens of the country. There are no elections because elections lead to misinformation and subterfuge which is unnecessary and the propaganda that is created is unsettling to the general population. Also the Supreme Ruler of DMG who founded the nation along with all Demogades decided that politicians should be kept out of politics so it can be left for people who actually want to do the work. Without having to get re-elected by the populous, those who work in government can focus on doing what is right and not what is popular.
Civil Policy
All the rights that don't interfere with other people's rights. As long as what you are doing doesn't hurt someone else physically than it is most likely all right, although there are a few exceptions. The exceptions generally deal with doing something to oneself that could later endanger others. The government has the ability to take away any civic right it feels necessary. It could be to protect the populous or ensure national security but as long as the Supreme Ruler agrees with or issues the order it can be undertaken. Taking away a civil right from someone to protect them creates the best result for everyone.
Foreign Policy
The Dominion maintains the policy of, "Don't interfere with our internal business and we won't interfere with yours." Any law passed or action undertaken in our country is the business of the Dominion and it should not be up to the rest of the world to decide what our government is and isn't allowed to do. The Dominion is willing to make alliances with friendly countries or declare war on aggressive ones and won't attack a foreign country as long as they don't attack or threaten the Dominion or its allies. Diplomatic immunity is not granted to any member of a foreign nation other than the head of state and extradition treaties are currently not in place.
Economic Policy
Growing the economy and corporation domination of the Dominion is a prime goal. Monopolies over industries are completely legal - this is due to the Neo-Darwinian belief of a sudo-survival of the fittest. Also, the government can and will place tarrifs and trade barriers on foreign goods if it thinks it in the best interest of the nation; though this is rare because of the lack of imported goods.
Military Policy
War is often necessary so the Dominion will be good at it. The Dominion will not declare war on a foreign nation without provocation or in the defense of another nation. Much spending goes into the military and defense budgets. The largest corporation in the Dominion is a military development company (DMI). The military plays an important role in the Dominion and is a major source of pride for all Demogades.
Although the word holiday is derived from holy day, the holidays of the Dominion are in no way religious as there is no official religion of the Dominion.
The Day of Demogades
The highest of holidays in the Demogades culture, it celebrates the culture and uniqueness of Demogades. Many Demogades refer to it as 'The Day of DMG' in honor of the founding father, the Supreme Ruler of DMG. On this day all work is halted so that every Demogade can celebrate and then rest.
Memorial Day
As it is in many cultures, Memorial Day, is to honor and celebrate those who gave their lives in service of the Dominion. All veterans of any war are given the day off from work and are honored as heroes of the Dominion.
Civic Samaritan Day
A very unique day because the date changes and is unknown aside from a few government officials. Once a year un-announced, the government sends out observers to watch the populace for good Samaritans. Later that week the government announces that it was recently Civic Samaritan Day and then sends out hefty checks to those who did good deeds. This promotes good deeds as a whole because it is unknown when the day will come.
Right of Passage
To pass into the realm of adult Demogades, adolescents must complete their Right of Passage. The Right of Passage is different for males and females as males and females have different 'unofficial' roles in the Dominion. After completing their Right of Passage the Demogades must live in the real world and learn to survive in a competitive, no holds barred environment.
When an adolescent male reaches the age of 15 years old, with all his training in mind, he must venture to the frigid plains of the plateau where he will have to survive on his own for an entire year without contact of any kind. During his journey he must retrieve a small piece of Chimeraen skin for the handle of his sword. The only way to get the skin of a Gryffinic Chimera is to cut it off its unprotected stomach and then run. If and when he returns from his journey he is treated as an adult and must leave his family and learn to fend for himself in the real world.
When a female Demogade reaches the age of 17 she also must leave her family to enter the real world. The right of passage for a female adolescent is marrying another Demogade and having a child. After her first child is born she is fully accepted as a woman in the community.
National Animal
The Gryffinic Chimera
The national animal of the Dominion is the Gryffinic Chimera for a couple of reasons. The first of which is that it is revered for its immense strength and fighting ability. The other is that before the Demogades populated the island, the most dominant animal was the Gryffinic Chimera; it was the king of the frigid plains.
The Gryffinic Chimera is what most people would call a dragon; however it does not breathe fire and does not horde gold. They are monstrous creatures that stand at 18 feet when upright and 9-10 feet when on all fours. It has a wingspan of 30 feet which allows it to glide through the air. However because the dragon ways nearly 2500 pounds it cannot fly for very long which explains why the Gryffinic Chimera can only be found on the island of DMG. The distance from the island to the next piece of land is too far for it to make without resting and since the island is surrounded by vast oceans it cannot make the long journey.
Covered in spikes and aided by sharp claws and teeth, the Gryffinic Chimera is a fierce creature that doesn't take kindly to any other creature including other Gryffinic Chimeras. However it does not have very good eye sight and has to mainly rely on its sense of smell so Demogades can often sneak past undetected.
It dwells in caves on the surface of the plateau but due to the lethal temperatures of the winter months it hibernates in small caves. During the warmer months the Gryffinic Chimera hunts animals of all sizes for food.
*Height - 18 Feet standing, 9-10 Feet on all fours
*Weight - 2500 Pounds
*Unique to the Island
*Can Fly
*Ferocious and aggressive
*Solitary Animals
United Nations
The nation is currently not part of the United Nations and does not recognize the authority of the United Nations to set forth rules on every matter for all United Nation members. The Dominion believes that United Nations often passes resolutions on the inner workings of nations in which it should have no authority. Also many members of the United Nations try to pass resolutions that are very ideological and as result the majority of the United Nations became an enforcer of utopias in which everyone is free to be free...
The Dominion is a progressive nation which realizes that trade is a necessity in order to grow. DMG Military Industries is the major exporter of goods in the Dominion and has exported over 20 Trillion USD in military products and technology.
Due to the unique situation the city of Viscount-ania is in, the major and only port of The Dominion is located at Trimian Naval Base. The naval base receives all shipping traffic in and out of the nation. It has a complex and secure system to transport the shipments from the city to the naval base or vice versa. The system is basically a pair super long conveyer belts that go from the naval port to a port on the inside of the city. Because the city is so big it has shipping ways to transport the goods to different parts of the city. Through out the entire conveyer belt system a gas that is highly corrosive and lethal to only organic entities is released and kills anybody trying to sneak in or out of the city. Also the conveyer belt system is watched by thousands of cameras with infrared and thermal imaging so that if anyone sneaks in to the system they can be seen and the one thousand man team guarding the conveyer belt is alerted.
-Military Hardware
Foreigners and Immigration
People of the entire world are welcome into the Dominion and while no special accommodation (unless of political importance) will be made for them, the government greets them with open arms. Immigration can be put on halt by the government if they see fit, and the banning of a particular nation's citizens is also allowed if the government deems necessary. All crimes committed by or against a foreigner on Dominion soil, will be tried, sentenced, and carry out their sentence in the Dominion. The Dominion does not expect any diplomatic immunity or extradition of Demogades in foreign nations.
*No Extraterritoriality
*No Extradition
As all citizens do, foreigners must register with the government and submit to a full background search before entering the Dominion. Foreigners must submit all travel plans and locations as well as changes in plans or locations to the government ahead of time and can be tracked. Failure to do either of these will result in punishment including possible jail time or at the worst life banishment from the Dominion.
The most popular and only nationalized sport in the Dominion is Slu'awl, the Sport of Swords. In Slu'awl two combatants step into a 20 meter ring and square off. They wear their strongest armor but use specialized metal blades instead of their usual diamond ones. The battle continues until one of the two combatants gives up or is unable to continue. Very often the battle continues for more than a week without pause. If a Demogade becomes a Slu'awl champion he is regarded with the highest of esteem and is compensated by the government for his dangerous work over the years.
The Founding of Eborall (
The Next Frontier: Space
The Dominion has an active space program including space telescopes, satellites, military satellites, and space stations. As state above the necessity or want to colonize other planets may become important so the Dominion space program has begun hypothetical work on colonization plans. These plans are very limited and not completely serious as of yet but as time moves on they may become very necessary. Also an avid campaign has been undertaken to deploy Space Based Weapons which we have accomplished and are now online.
Currently the Dominion has many satellites orbiting in space including commercial and privately owned ones as well as governmental and military ones. Almost all non governmental or military satellites are used for communication or tracking by private business (with the exception of a privately owned, fully defense capable space station of Mar'ki Ticron). The government/military satellites range from tracking and communication to defensive and offensive weapons (including strategic nuclear launch silos).
The Dominion currently operates four major space stations orbiting in space that currently serve as advanced space research centers but may in the future be used to launch colony ships or the such.
Enemies and Allies
The Dominion has good relations with a great number of countries but only has formal alliances with two. All nations, as previously stated, who have an embassy are situated at the Imperial Palace.
-Dweladelfia Prime, Reciprocated
-The Macabees, Reciprocated
*Guerreros, Embassy
*Omni Sense, Embassy
The Alliance of GOD
The Alliance of GOD is made up of Guerreros, Omni-Sense, and DMG. Although the name of the alliance is GOD, the alliance itself is not religious based at all. Two of the three nations involved, DMG and Omni-Sense do not have an official religion and the majority of the citizens in them are atheist. The alliance is mainly a military union to ensure the security, progress, and power of the nations involved.
The Dominion of DMG produces very elite troops which carry out secret operations and guard the highest officials in the Alliance. The island of DMG is the main site for training of soldiers in the alliance because of its seclusion and harsh climate. DMG maintains the majority of the air and naval power of the alliance because of its striking capability and the fact that ground forces would not due much good on the plateau of DMG.
Guerreros maintains a very large standing army, about 5% of the population. The people of Guerreros are brought up from birth as soldiers and devote Catholics. The army of Guerreros calls themselves the Crusaders as they fight in the name of their God. The belief in behind Guerreros' Christian army is that a belief in a higher power gives hope when there isn't any and thus inspires soldiers to fight till the death.
Omni-Sense being in the unique place it is and even more secluded than DMG does not maintain a military of any kind. The distance between Omni-Sense and the rest of civilization puts it in the unique position that it would be costly, obvious, and useless to invade. The population of Omni-Sense is roughly 5 million and then another hundred million robots and Compuclonics (Computer personalities that are cloned from humans. They live in the nets and serve their human creator.) Immigration to the platform nation is prohibited and security, maintained by Dominion Special Forces, is tightly monitored. Because of their high intelligence and mechanical abilities, the Dominion and Guerreros, pour billions of dollars into research and inventions made by Intemechs (self used name by Sensers, citizens of Omni Sense) and DMG Military Industries.
Although the Alliance of GOD is primarily for military security and progress, it also consists of other benefits such as trade rights. Trade rights between the three nations are secured and guaranteed under the pact of GOD, however all three nations are prohibited to trade their military technology to other nations outside the alliance. This is done to secure that all inventions funded and created by the Alliance stay within the alliance. The three nations also support each other in political, national, and international decisions so as to keep the Alliance strong and unified.
The beginning of the Dominion's history begins when a small band of Demogades lead by who is now known as the Supreme Ruler, mysteriously emerged on the island.
Important Events
Informal Documents (1217)
The first set of rules established by the Supreme Ruler. They were very basic and disputes often arose about them.
Clorik'Ean Revolt (1351-1356)
During the 5 year revolt more than 1 million Demogades were killed. Shaelk Brinthormer led a separatist movement from the Supreme Ruler which had over 1 million followers. Many of his followers were killed while others returned to civilization marked a traitorous Demogade.
Viscount-ania (1533)
The underground cave and only city of the Dominion is built. The Demogades move from their makeshift towns and caves into the warmer atmosphere of the city. The population starts soaring and businesses flourish.
Trimian Changes (1581)
The basis for the Constitution and government that is in existence today. The Trimian Changes are attributed to Trimus the second hand man to the Supreme Ruler during the Establishment Era.
Constitution (1595)
The Constitution under which the today's government is formed and the citizens live.
Scalonian Wars (1673-1682)
A long bloody war with the Scalons, a race very different from the Demogades. Eventually the Scalons were all killed by the Demogades.
Malachorian Wars (1685-1688, 1689-1694, 1695)
Three separate yet equally bloody wars fought against the same foe from across the sea. Three times they invaded the island, lost the war, and made a peace treaty. After the third time when their population was decimated they sailed off never to return to the island.
Braenth Civil War (1699)
The Civil War was not a bloody war like the Clorik'Ean revolt but rather a war of words and propaganda that escalated to monstrous proportions. Eventually the Supreme Ruler squelched both sides and had the leaders detained and sentenced to public works.
Founding of DMI (1980)
Founded by Mar’ki Ticron, it is arguably the greatest company ever created by a Demogade, DMG Military Industries is now responsible for almost every private business in the nation. It also maintains the nation’s military and defense forces and boosts the economy with its numerous exports.
Notable Demogades
DMG – The Supreme Ruler
Though he is the oldest, most famous, most beloved Demogade and not to mention founder of the Dominion, almost nothing else is known about him. He is rarely in the public eye and merely supervises the government rather than taking a front seat in ruling the nation.
Naaras Thulio
First High Councilor appointed by the Supreme Ruler after the Trimian changes. He delivered rulings on many key issues and some of the decisions still stand today more than 400 years later.
Shaelk Brinthormer
Lead the famous Clorik'Ean Revolt before it was quelled down by the military. He was put on trial for treason, the second highest crime possible under the law, and was convicted and sentenced to death by starvation rather than the normal way of the sword.
Likra Manorth
First Secretary of State appointed by the Supreme Ruler after the Trimian changes. She helped lead the country during a turbulent and unsure time of change.
Blane Fir'eth
First Supreme Allied Commander of the Dominion Combined Forces appointed by the Supreme Ruler after the Trimian changes. Although he accomplished no important feat he did set the precedent for future commanders.
Second hand man to the Supreme Ruler of DMG. The Trimian Changes that embody today's government is attributed to his ideas and influence on the Supreme Ruler. Widely acknowledged as the second most famous and beloved Demogade, behind the Supreme Ruler, in history.
Xaro Tal'Bot
The greatest commander the Dominion has ever seen. He was the Supreme Allied Commander of the Dominion Combined Forces during the Contention Era and led the Dominion to victory in the Scalonian and Malachorian Wars before he was killed in the Braenth Civil War by his own body guards. A special tribute is given every memorial day in his honor.
Mar’ki Ticron
Founder of DMG Military Industries and DMG Civil Industries, he has become the richest and most powerful citizen in the Dominion, other than the Supreme Ruler.
Establishment Era (1160-1283)
The beginning of the nation was being formed. A small group of Demogades lived in the caves on top of the plateau and struggled for survival.
Imperial Era (1284-1528)
After the establishment of the Demogade race on the island there began little feuds and quips between fellow Demogades. The Supreme Ruler decided that until a more structured nation could be formed he would have to rule the Demogades with an iron fist. He raised an army and police force which helped put down the trouble makers and arguments. However this also led to the Clorik'Ean revolt in which 1 million Demogades were killed.
Conversion Era (1529-1595)
During the Conversion Era the government, culture, and economy began changing. It began with the establishment of the underground city of Viscount-ania which is still today the only city of the Dominion. Also during this period the Trimian Changes, which are the basis of the Constitution, came into affect.
Enlightenment Era (1596-1669)
Finally feeling like a nation and a community the Demogades began focusing their lives on bettering themselves in heart, soul, and mind.
Contention Era (1670-1700)
During this era there were many bloody wars for the ownership of the island. Many Demogades were made heroes while others were made widows. 6 million Demogades lost their lives during the wars in service of the Dominion.
Isolationist Era (1701-1876)
As a result of Contention Era, many Demogades did no longer feel secure with outsiders and the nation was plunged into the Isolationist Era. During the era the nation fell behind in technology and common philosophies so eventually the citizens of the Dominion opened their doors to outsiders, although very skeptically.
Economic Era (1877-2014)
After the Isolationist Era in which the nation fell behind many others, the Ministry felt like it needed to improve upon the economy and technology so it started focusing lots of money into commerce, trade and businesses.
Common Era (2015)
After a long period in the Economic Era in which most funds were going towards advancement the Ministry changed its attitude to better the life of all Demogades, mainly through education but also transportation, healthcare, and welfare. This is the current outlook that the government holds.