The Kraven Corporation's Grand OOC Question Time Thread
The Kraven Corporation
24-09-2005, 16:14
Yes, I too have sucumbed to the OOC thread, But my reasoning behind it are as follows
A: Not Many people know about the Kraven Corp.
B: I want people to know who we are, and what we are about
C: Sooner or later the Mods will get annoyed at all of these Band Wagon threads and outlaw them
D: Im a Megalomaniac and Like the attention
So, Please feel free to ask anything, I will answer them to the best of my abilities
James/The High Command
The Kraven Corporation
24-09-2005, 19:22
The Kraven Corporation
24-09-2005, 22:35
Bump? No one? Any one?
Swedish Dominions
24-09-2005, 23:01
How did the Kraven Corporation form?
The Kraven Corporation
24-09-2005, 23:11
The Kraven Corporation formed during a time of turbulance in the Former nation of Slovinia, The Corporation rose to power after using its financial might to take over smaller companies, these ranged from fledling car companies, to Care homes and Insurance Brokers, it was said at the time of the Great Food Riot, the Corporation was in control of 95% of the Countries Companies,
The Corporation then began a food war with itself, Dropping the prices of Food to Stupidly low prices, but not stocking enough for demand while in another shop raising the prices of food to unaffordable levels, thus Food Riots ensued.
The Current Governemnt only had a small standing army not capable of controlling the situation, which is where the Corporation stepped in, Deploying its newly created Capitol Police, Mobile Army, it quickly Placed a state of martial law upon the country, and using the force of arms smashed the riots, but at the same time, continued to fund the riots, ensuring that the Corporations Emergency Control of the Country was maintained.
The Origonal Government members were all killed during a Corporation funded Terrorist attack during a Parliment meeting, The Corporation then decided to maintain its state of Martial law in fear of further terrorist attacks, and in the sake of Furthering Peacefull nature, The Capitol Police Declared themselves Guardians of Peace and Public Order
The Small Standing army was Then Disbanded and replaced by the Imperial Guard (However during the Civil War, The Imperial Guard was Destroyed by the Capitol Police, who then became not only the Guardians of Law and Order but also the Military, Naval and Air Forces of the Corporation
3 Days after the origonal Government was Destroyed in a Terrorist attack Slovinia was declared The Totalitarian Military State of the Kraven Corporation, and the Capitol City Renamed Kravonika
I hope this answers your question
24-09-2005, 23:23
Ive always wondered, what was your police force before the Capitol Police?
The Kraven Corporation
24-09-2005, 23:29
Slovinias Police force was Bought out by the Corporation 3 Years before the Food Riots started, The police force was known as the "Black Guard" Corporate Security Systems
Before the Planned Food Riots started the Police force was put on standby and asked into the Manchillian Science Group for Pyschological "analysis" and "Assessment" The Black Guard was no longer seen, and replaced with the Capitol Police.
Who then Declared themselves Guardians of Public law and Order
24-09-2005, 23:38
We would like to know more about the 101st :P
The Kraven Corporation
24-09-2005, 23:45
The 101st was an Army created in RL, by me
It is a force of Imperial Guard that are purley Kas'rkin, The Force has 3 units of Stormtroopers then 3 units of Elite Stormtroopers, in effect an army of 60 stormtroopers, Each squad is supported by a Melta Gun and Plasma gun.
The Army doesn't use Tanks but rather 3 Sentinals mounted with Laz Cannons and supported by two units of 3 Mortar squads.
The Army in RL has been Effective against, Orks, Eldar, Necrons and Chaos Space Marines, Forces its faltered against are Tau and Grey Knights
In NS:
The 101st mimicked the above army, but on a grand scale, however a Necron Attack against one of our battlecruisers crippled us and our pleas for assistance from the Imperium of Man went unheard, Until Chronosias Dark Imperium and Showed us the Light... So to speak...
Since then The 101st have been dedicated to the dark god Khorne, casting aside their Firearms in favour of Cruder more Khornite weapons... The Axe and The Blade choosing to spill blood in the most favoured manner... Hand To Hand
Note: The 101st is The Corps. FT army that was created to play in the Imperium of Man Story line and the soon to be created thread "The Hunt for the 101st"
The Kraven Corporation
04-10-2005, 21:44
04-10-2005, 22:14
((Uh...are you FT, MT, PMT, PFT, or a mixture of the above?))
The Kraven Corporation
04-10-2005, 22:20
((Uh...are you FT, MT, PMT, PFT, or a mixture of the above?))
Im not FT, i dont use lazers or Space ships or anything that can be classed as FT, the most advanced things I use are Advanced Cloning techniques, lowering the growth rate to months rather than years, Crude Cybernetics (see: Sardaukar Phase 4's) pyscholgical reconditioning, and pyschical enhancements through drugs, and Fusion reactors.
I am a mixture of the rest though.... but mainly class myself as PMT as its in the middle of the 3, which is where abouts my Nation is
Nation of Fortune
04-10-2005, 22:37
How about we get some IC relations going on again?
I dont' know why, but for some reason I liked the idea of working for you even if the attempt failed miserably, perhaps we shoudl try doing something again. I'm usually not a flake, I guess I depended a little too much on that other person.
The Kraven Corporation
04-10-2005, 22:46
How about we get some IC relations going on again?
I dont' know why, but for some reason I liked the idea of working for you even if the attempt failed miserably, perhaps we shoudl try doing something again. I'm usually not a flake, I guess I depended a little too much on that other person.
Yes, I agree, although the Corporation you met back in NS War part 1 has changed a lot, ive spent a lot of time developing it and fleshing it out more,
a lot of people are starting to see the Corporation as some Cold evil machine which is exactly how i wanted it to work, so yeah IC relations, I may have some work for you infact, TG me, and ill give you the details...
What do you think of Jenrak? Both ICly and OOCly.
Also, what happened to the World War Zero thread? (Yes, I remember it - it never started)
The Kraven Corporation
04-10-2005, 23:27
What do you think of Jenrak? Both ICly and OOCly.
Also, what happened to the World War Zero thread? (Yes, I remember it - it never started)
The Corporation has never met your nation either diplomaticaly, or in the field of battle, The Corporation currently sees your nation as an asset that can be added to the Corporations list of resources, farming its people and strip mining its resources until the nation is nothing but a barren wasteland devoid of life, however what the Corporation thinks, and what it actualy does is two different things...
OOC: Ive never really Rp'd with you, or seen much of your nation, and i assume its the vice versa, As for the World War Zero thread, it sank out into nothingness as i couldn't retreive because of the Search engine, however ive found it and can bump it back up so we can get it started again
The Macabees
04-10-2005, 23:35
What exactly is the ideology of the Corporation? It is to say, what is your country based around politically? What is the corporation?
The Kraven Corporation
04-10-2005, 23:43
What is the Corporation?
The Corporation is a Totalitarian state, It wants and Has Complete control, it seeks to further its goals, imagine the Corporation as a human equivalant of the Borg, it simply expands, Feeds, Reproduces, Moves on, its constantly seeking new areas of conquest because resouces run out fast for the Corporation, who are constantly making weapons for war.
The Political Ideals are War, its what the Corporation is, Its constantly seeking war, constantly seeking to Control and dominate other nations, using their Human Resources and Natural resources until they run out, War is important because it keeps the Economy of the Corporation turning, Citizens are urged to exceed production quotas of weapons to aid the War effort, so Citizens feeling their are doing a sense of duty to help the war effort naturaly increase their work rates.
It is a Totalitiarian Military state, and what it seeks is Complete Control of everything...
05-10-2005, 12:43
What does the corporation think of Southeastasia's leader and his cabinet members?
Oh is the Kraven Corporation goals really to take over the world?
I couldnt help but ask Kraven.
The Kraven Corporation
05-10-2005, 17:53
What does the corporation think of Southeastasia's leader and his cabinet members?
The Corporation has established its Embassy in your nation to determine the Strategic usefullness of your nation.
[Resource Pool, 657] = Southeastasia
as for your Cabinet ministers, the Corporation tries not to trouble itself with Politics, and any Diplomatic talks are usualy thinly veiled attempts at Intimidation.
The Kraven Corporation
05-10-2005, 17:54
Oh is the Kraven Corporation goals really to take over the world?
I couldnt help but ask Kraven.
Erm, In character, Sorta they want to control as much as possible
Out of Character... Yes...
So how does Kraven Corporation view the Empire of Yurka?
The Kraven Corporation
05-10-2005, 18:09
The Empire of Yurka: [Resource Pool, 558]
Never rp'ed with you or your nation, any nation that doesn't have the Corporations respect or Alliance is seen as a resource pool their to be exploited...
Jenrak better not be seen as a resource pool...or we'll get almighty Enkur to smit eyou!
The Kraven Corporation
05-10-2005, 18:18
Jenrak better not be seen as a resource pool...or we'll get almighty Enkur to smit eyou!
Jenrak: [Resource Pool, 148]
Until the High Command decides that your nation is more valuable than just for its resources, the Status will change, But as i said before, what the Corporations says or veiws is different from what it will actually do...
Swedish Dominions
05-10-2005, 18:52
What is the Corperations view on the Empire of the Swedish Dominions. Ic'ly and Ooc'ly..
The Kraven Corporation
05-10-2005, 18:56
What is the Corperations view on the Empire of the Swedish Dominions. Ic'ly and Ooc'ly..
The Corporation sees your nation as a Future allie, We have had dealings with your nation During the Burnin' sky Incident,
OOC: I see your nation as a future Corporation, ;) go on, you know you want to, succumb to the dark side...
05-10-2005, 18:58
Two questions:
1. What happened after your bombers smashed into our deflector shields like bugs on windshields? :D
2. What does the Corporation think of the Imperial Republic?
The Kraven Corporation
05-10-2005, 19:07
Two questions:
1. What happened after your bombers smashed into our deflector shields like bugs on windshields? :D
2. What does the Corporation think of the Imperial Republic?
Lol, i thought you'd ask that...
1: I had computer problems around that time, and had to pull out, in short the last thing to go through the pilots mind was the rear tail of the plane...
2: The Corporation defeated your nation during NS war part 1, but never got fully involved in part 2 to make an impact, The Corporation veiws your nation as a possible avenue for conquest at a later date.
this is all of course OOC :D:P
05-10-2005, 19:18
Lol, i thought you'd ask that...
1: I had computer problems around that time, and had to pull out, in short the last thing to go through the pilots mind was the rear tail of the plane...
2: The Corporation defeated your nation during NS war part 1, but never got fully involved in part 2 to make an impact, The Corporation veiws your nation as a possible avenue for conquest at a later date.
this is all of course OOC :D:P
Possible avenue of conquest...YEAH RIGHT!! The only possible avenue of conquest for you is six feet under! :p
Indeed it's a bad idea to invade Coredia, even if I don't pull my space assets into play.
The Kraven Corporation
05-10-2005, 19:43
Possible avenue of conquest...YEAH RIGHT!! The only possible avenue of conquest for you is six feet under! :p
Indeed it's a bad idea to invade Coredia, even if I don't pull my space assets into play.
Well, regardless of your nation size, space assets, all encompassing sheilds of death, the Corporation still veiws your nation as one for possible conquest in the future, bearing in mind if the Corporation does make a move, it wont be alone... and I assume neither will you... hmmm, this could be quite interesting...