24-09-2005, 06:51
The Xeraphian Ministry of Information has announced the defeat and assimilation of the nation of Nuevo Laredo and it's ally, Tehatchapi. This brings the total of nations in the Empire of Xeraph to twelve.
The former president of Nuevo Laredo, Armonde Frickel, was arrested by the Commander of the 82nd Xeraphian Marine Battalion yesterday at 1655 hours. At 1705 hours, the Nuevo Laredan president was shot by a firing squad, his body tossed into an unmarked grave in a corn field outside the capitol city limits.
Tehatchapi territory was occupied by divisions from the Xeraphian nation of Black Shadows. The Tehatchapi military was disbanded, and the government dissolved peaceably.
The two nations will for the time being retain their pre-conquest names. In 90 days, the two nations will be combined as one, and will be known as AIMB-1 ( Artificial Intelligence Military Base One), and will station 11.6 million AI-Spiders and Paladins. Human population will be around 500.
This base is the second Xeraphian expansion of military forces this year. The other is the former Kingdom of Ag-Chthlu, now ruled by Queen Xenobia, who was selected personally by the Emperor to oversee this base.
As most of Nuevo Laredan cities were destroyed, clean-up and rebuilding will commence immediately.
The former president of Nuevo Laredo, Armonde Frickel, was arrested by the Commander of the 82nd Xeraphian Marine Battalion yesterday at 1655 hours. At 1705 hours, the Nuevo Laredan president was shot by a firing squad, his body tossed into an unmarked grave in a corn field outside the capitol city limits.
Tehatchapi territory was occupied by divisions from the Xeraphian nation of Black Shadows. The Tehatchapi military was disbanded, and the government dissolved peaceably.
The two nations will for the time being retain their pre-conquest names. In 90 days, the two nations will be combined as one, and will be known as AIMB-1 ( Artificial Intelligence Military Base One), and will station 11.6 million AI-Spiders and Paladins. Human population will be around 500.
This base is the second Xeraphian expansion of military forces this year. The other is the former Kingdom of Ag-Chthlu, now ruled by Queen Xenobia, who was selected personally by the Emperor to oversee this base.
As most of Nuevo Laredan cities were destroyed, clean-up and rebuilding will commence immediately.