Harvesting of Once-Organic Planet (FT)
ONI Concordiat
23-09-2005, 00:05
The original Organics had finally been exterminated. The Oraneks, creators of the Machines and initial Organics behind the creation of the Concordiat, had held out on one cloaked world...
one cloaked world which had been found. The battle was short, but magnificent. The massive orbital fortress fired every gun, every missile, exterminating the missiles as they swerved in, as well as the missile-busses on 'suicide runs'. The orbital fortress expended itself, its energy...and the monitors moved in. Rapid-fire machine-gun-like cannon opened fire, the gunports cycling open and closed. Heavy slugs, more than three kilometers in length, rippled through the fortress.
The Machines won, of course. And like any Organic planet which was captured, the autofactories began to convert it into another Monitor. The planet, however, before being harvested, emmitted a beacon. Once-twice-three times before the outer surface was completely recombined into duralloy and endurachrome armor...
Avenge us! Destroy these machines! We were their creators, but now they seek to eliminate Mankind! They will surely find allies...they are sentient Machines! They will operate like humans..but more ruthless, hellbent on war...
do not allow them entry into any of Mankind's strongholds...
In the months past reports had begun to come in about a race of machines inhabiting this galaxy. Many disregarded these tales as propaganda, but many more took them deadly serious. Afterall, the infidels of this galaxy used mechanical abominations as servants and soldiers. These disgraceful imitations of life were an affront to the Gods and the Talaaxians had vowed to rid at least their corner of this galaxy of them. If these stories were true, then these abominations must be destroyed. This race of machines were the ultimate insult to the Gods.
In order to investigate the stories about these abominations, the heavy cruiser Sunulok has been dispatched to the origin of the rumours. Should the stories prove to be true, the infidel imitations of life must be destroyed - completely and utterly.
23-09-2005, 00:17
The message was recieved by the Inter-Galactic Confederation. The Fuhrer Alfred Von Antheron and the High Command was notified of this machine problem. The Inter-Galactic Confederation would be on guard for the machines but would not seek them out unless they wished to fight the Fatherland on its own territory.
ONI Concordiat
23-09-2005, 03:16
The circuitry on the picket cruiser initiated an alarm protocol. The Datalink fluttered, information flowing between the ships and the Mainframe. A large ship was moving in the direction of the World Which Was Being Harvested, and it was making speed. The Datalink reached out, its psychic/psyker nature attempting to touch the minds of any remotely psychic being upon the ship...
23-09-2005, 03:33
The carrier F.T.S.C. Furry received the transmission and immediately relayed it to the space base F.T.S.C. Tanis via slip-space burst. Then, it proceeded to make a jump towards the origin of the transmission....
ONI Concordiat
23-09-2005, 03:37
The carrier F.T.S.C. Furry received the transmission and immediately relayed it to the space base F.T.S.C. Tanis via slip-space burst. Then, it proceeded to make a jump towards the origin of the transmission....
The Sentiences reacted quickly, the nanosecond time-frame of a computer being shrunk even further by the massive parallel-processing of the Datalink. An object had been detected in the Realm, a large object... indeed, a ship.
Alarm circuits jangled as the three monitors came online, surrounded by the ships which had accompanied them. The planet-monitor, still undergoing the finishing touches, was moved off by the ancillary engines which functioned. The fleet prepared for battle.
23-09-2005, 03:44
The Sentiences reacted quickly, the nanosecond time-frame of a computer being shrunk even further by the massive parallel-processing of the Datalink. An object had been detected in the Realm, a large object... indeed, a ship.
Alarm circuits jangled as the three monitors came online, surrounded by the ships which had accompanied them. The planet-monitor, still undergoing the finishing touches, was moved off by the ancillary engines which functioned. The fleet prepared for battle.
"Sir," the sensors operator yelled, "Multiple contacts, too many to, count!”
“Friendly,” questioned the CO?
“I don’t think so!”
“Battle stations, if they approach jump back to the Tanis!”
Alarms blared throughout the ship; crew ran about, particle-laces, ion canons, and rail guns bristled as the ship’s R.I. took control of the turrets. Only time would tell of their intentions.
ONI Concordiat
23-09-2005, 03:49
"Sir," the sensors operator yelled, "Multiple contacts, too many to, count!”
“Friendly,” questioned the CO?
“I don’t think so!”
“Battle stations, if they approach jump back to the Tanis!”
Alarms blared throughout the ship; crew ran about, particle-laces, ion canons, and rail guns bristled as the ship’s R.I. took control of the turrets. Only time would tell of their intentions.
The Sentiences were startled. A Single Ship? Such things were unheard of inside. Only the picket cruisers in the Outside operated alone...what were these beings?
A scratchy, mechanical voice came online.
Aboard the Sunulok an undedicated villip began to pulse, demanding attention. Commander Shedao Yim stroked the villip to life.
"This is the cruiser Sunulok I demand that you make your purposes known! This is a private villip channel!" He bellowed at the blank villip in his native tongue.
23-09-2005, 04:02
This is the F.T.S.C. Carrier Furry responding to a distress signal, guess we found the machines they were talking about.
Secreat IC: Send a message back to the Tanias, have them contact our allies, if the poo-poo hits the paddles we'er gonna need some back-up.