Imperialist Police action in The Fiefdom of Urscheler
The Imperial Race
20-09-2005, 22:37
Rebels in The Fiefdom of Urscheler have overthrown the Imperialist Government and have turned to socialism. The Imperial Race has sent an Invasion force of 2 million troops and Private logistcs troops to move into the nation and restore the Imperialist governmet.
Nicknamed Operation "Red Death" The Black army has moved in to the nation.
20-09-2005, 22:46
do you wish aid (both in the terms of troops and also weapons and technical help)
Secret IC:
Telegram From Mr Spoot to Urscheler
We will aid in funding rebels in the oppressed feifdom, unfortunantly we have no men to spare but we wish this legitimate nation luck in seperating from the Dog nation of The Imperial Race.
Tetris L-Shaped Block
21-09-2005, 02:19
((( OOC: urcheler donet go on often, and im prettty sure he dosnet know much about RPing, dunno if this will result in anything at all... )))
The Imperial Race
24-09-2005, 04:20
The Black army has begun an attack 10 million men are on the move into the nation. Urscheler has 24 hours to surrender
Praetoria Novus
24-09-2005, 17:42
Hansard for Senate general debate, 04:22 local time, 25th September 2005.
Senator Gaius Severus: I'd like to bring to the attention to the Proconsul that we do not have a quorum in the Senate.
Senator Augustus Arrian: What... oh, yes right Quaestor Gaius indeed. Very good. Please ring the bells, a quorum is needed for debate to continue in the Senate (checks watch tiredly).
04:37: The last of the Senators needed to form a quorum, 25% of the House, finally arrives.
Senator Augustus Arrian: Very good, quorum reached. We are to resume debate. Umm, who was it that was speaking?
Senator Aurilian Falco: (Very annoyed) It was I, Proconsul. May I contine?
Senator Augustus Arrian: Ahh, yes. The Senate recognises Aedile Aurilian.
Senator Aurilian Falco: (Quite exasperated) Thankyou Proconsul. As I was saying, though it has received virtually no publicity here in Praetoria Novus, the noble, Soveriegn State of Urscheler has come under unprovoked and wholely predatory and illegal attack by the Barbarian nation of Imperial Race.
Though perhaps this Senate is little concerned with developments on the other side of the world, it should be, especially when they represent a fundamental denial of the democratic rights that our nation so venerates.
I move that the Senate pass an official statement, strongly condeming the despicable actions of Imperial Race, and calling on others to lend moral, military and political support to Urscheler in their valiant fight against such criminal bastardy.
Senator Augustus Arrian: Very well, the motion..
Senator Caius Septimus: Proconsul, on a point of order. Aedile Aurilian knows full well that only Praetors with at least a half the numbers of the Senate present may propose the passing of resolutions.
Senator Aurilian Falco: That is completely rediculous Caius, while you sit here and critisise me on..
Senator Augustus Lucious: Proconsul, on a point of order. Aedile Aurilian must refer to all members of the Senate by their proper titles..
Senator Aurilian Falco: This is absurd, you..
Senator Augustus Arrian: Order. Order. (unrestrained talking) There will be order in the Senate. Aedile Aurilian, on a point of order, you may not interupt another Senator except on a point of order. You must also adress fellow Senators by their proper titles only. Finally you may not move for..
Senator Aurilian Falco: Augustus, that is preposterous, I hardly think these issues are as important..
Senator Augustus Arrian: (unrestrained talking) Order. Order! The Senator, Aedile Aurilian Falco to be ejected from the Senate for a period of 30 minutes for repeated violations of Senate conventions. Praetorians, remove..
Senator Aurilian Falco: Get out of my way (to Praetorian) I can remove my self! (To the rest of the Senate) You cannot ignore the great injustice occuring in Urscheler!
Senator Augustus Arrian: Yes well, very good. The Senator has been ejected? Fine. Next?
Senator Scipius Tillius: Yes thankyou Proconsul. I refer back to Bill 18846, the proposed Small Corporations Naming Conventions Ammendment Act 2005, which will allow...
Hansard segment ends, 04:43 25th September 2005.
The Scandinvans
24-09-2005, 18:22
To aide the Imperial goveremnt in resuring the Fiefdom of Urscheler we are willing to provide arms, supplies, medical crews and materials, and as well we are willing to entirely fund the campiagn to recapture Urscheler.
The Imperial Race
25-09-2005, 00:17
we accept the arms and we will move into the nation as no reply has come yet (the nation has been informed Various times by myself and others) we will move into the nation. the 10 million man army is moving into the nation as we speak and is makeing increable headway we have encountered no resistence as of now
The Imperial Race
25-09-2005, 05:02
THE TROOPS IN URSCHELER HAVE REBELLED! the amry that was for a long time being (secretly) withdrawln has revolted. In the homeland the troops where rounded up before they could march on the capital but the troops in combat have declared the Terriory under their control A nation. It is called the Imperialist Nation!
The Furhur George Pita said "we will crush the Floydist conspirators and then we will take the nation! they are poorly trained (trianed before Pita's reforms and armed with Soviet weapons) and armed. The Werhmacht shall crush the rebels once and for all! Imperialism is as of know OUTLAWED in the Imperial Race!
The Imperial Race
25-09-2005, 22:08
the Rebels have been crushed. nukes where used to elimate them. the nuclear strike continued on all of the cities fo Ursheler.