New Dracora
20-09-2005, 16:31
(This Factbook is under construction and is not likely to be finished for a number of days. Until then, I ask that no one posts in this thread. Thankee siree.)
"...and in latest news, the GM regional headquarters in Guana became the fourth urban bombing in as many weeks as the-"
"-I love you! You love me! We're a-"
"-oming live from Ibiza, it's the annual MTV movie awards-"
"-in other news, political analysts were surprised by a press release by the UN representive from the Incorporated States of New Dracora stating that the nation is presently considering the merits of extending it's activities beyond it's home region and out into the wider international community..."
From: Dept. of Foreign Affairs
Re: New Dracora
The following information is considered to be highly sensitive and thus requires top level security clearance. Individuals whom read the following material contained within the marked dossier without the required clearance shall be prosecuted under the 'National security act' article 32, paragraph A361.
New Dracora
21-09-2005, 15:34
The Heavily Industrialised State of New Dracora
"Breaking all boundries" (
(ooc: Behold my utterly unimpressive art skills! least it's a start)
[This is reserved for the New Dracorian Factbook which is to be filled in at a time when I am less well, 'intoxicated'. Until then, feel free to think of something along the lines of "dear god, what is this n00b doing?" while clicking on the picture to see the NS front page, and using NSTracker ( for economic information.]
New Dracora
21-09-2005, 16:00
This nation intrigues me. On one side we have a nation of isolationists, with strict neutral foreign policies, an extensive police force, high military spending and a rampant disregard for this planets fragile environment. Yet most people are truely happy here. There is no crime, there is no restriction on freedoms of expression (and I mean it - one person was calmly walking her sex slave whilst completely starkers when she stopped to pay a complement to a young boy casually drawing on an office window with his mothers lipstick - no one thought it out of the ordinary), and an omnipresnt welfare department that sends workers over to greet literally hordes of refugees and asylum seekers making use of the nations open immigration policy every single day. Indeed profiling this place has been unusually difficult as one finds themselves trying to figure out how a place of such diversity can exist peacefully, but this report tries to do so none the less.
New Dracora
21-09-2005, 16:38
Government name - the Citizens Conclave of New Dracora
Government type - Representative Technocracy
UN category - Civil Rights Lovefest
UN political freedoms rating - World Benchmark
One of the most difficult sections to classify has been the nature of New Dracora's government. If one was to simply look it's workings, it would be classified as a straight Technocracy - no political parties, ruling members selected on merit, complete control of local industry, that sort of thing.
But there is a twist, and it involves the people of New Dracora. To be more specific it involves the average intelligence of the average citizen - it is extraordinarily high (when a dock worker comes up to you and starts discussing Plato, you can normally guess that this is going to be the case). Not only this, but many individuals are not shy when it comes to making their opinions heard, nor are they afraid to defend them when challenged. Indeed this leads to an interesting situation - you have a government that promotes it's members on pure merit and you have a wide range of incredibly talented citizens who could be no less apathic if they tried to be. As such, when it comes time for the government to be reviewed, there are numerous candidates for every seat and each one easily meets the government requirements. From this point on until poling day, it is like the average political campaign you would see in standard democracies thorughout NS earth but with one major difference - the populace actually takes notice.
In short, it is a Technocratic government system that anyone in the nation can become a part of thanks to the high level of national interlect. The end result is a high degree of political freedom but without the bureaucracy. Simply incredible.
New Dracora
22-09-2005, 08:59
In order to learn more about general life in New Dracora, I entered the country posing as an immigrant. Doing this was easy enough, all I had to do was go up to the arrivals desk and declare that I was a refugee fleeing the oppressive regime in Guana. This took some time however, considering the queue was pretty long. From here, I was directed towards a bus terminal and found myself boarding a coach already full of other potential migrants. A few more people clambered on board before things got moving, then it was off to what I was to learn would be one of a number of processing centers run by the social department.
I soon found myself in a room amongst others that had apparently fled Guana. A nice young woman entered and immediately began talking to us, giving out the usual immigration speak but in native Guanian. It soon became apparent to me that this was no ordinary migrant rundown when we were each handed out information containing lists of details for possible work, all personalised based on individual personality traits, skills and so forth. It hit me then that these people must've run a background check on every person in this room, myself included. I became very nervous, but it seemed the fake back info you provided worked out well enough.
With numerous pamphlets (written in native Guanian) on job prospects mixed in with various aspects of New Dracorian life now in my possession things looked to be off to a good start. Having been provided with an address and directions by the welfare department (also written in native Guanian), I took a bus to what was to be my home for the next few months. The apartment block was a lot more upper class than I would've expected for a temporary housing complex and was not far from the CBD of New Dracora City - one of eight dense urban areas that make up the so called 'Steel Coast' megacity. With a quick walk around the building I was able to observe that all the other occupants appeared to be refugees as well and my thoughts immediately turned to segmentation, apparently we had been seperated from the citizens of New Dracora. But after talking to a number of my new neighbours I was no longer certain of my earlier judgement, there had to be at least twenty different ethnic groups on my floor alone. Not only that many appeared to be new arrivals just like me yet try as I might I couldn't recognise any faces from the meeting eariler... an interesting observation. The few long term residents I did run into seemed to be preparing themselves to move out and on to a better life and by long term I meant at least six months. My confidence in my first impression dropped further. I returned to the quaint one bedroom unit that was to be my home for the next few months as I contemplated on my arrival. No sooner had I sat down on my modest new bed that I was visited by a fine young brunette that turned out to be another of New Dracora's social workers. She was checking to see if I had made it to my accomodations ok, how I was feeling, etc and if I had any questions. I had several, and I learned much about my surroundings in those few minutes. I would've learned more, but the kindly woman made it clear that she had many others to visit today. She would be back every single week, and I must admit, I looked forward to every visit.
I spent the next few weeks trying to familiarise myself with this new environment. My first impression of New Dracora City was that it was much like the famed Japanese city of Tokyo... if it was on steroids. The energy here is truely astounding - megalithic skyscrapers line streets that can be up to ten lanes each way and can only safely be crossed by utilising one of the many overhead walkways. Extensive urban art covers just about every square inch at ground level. From large scrawling letters done in graffiti-style to gigantic murals, it was done with such skill and detail you'd swear the random street painting had been done by professional artists, not grade schooliers whom I was told were mostly responsible. At any one time you can spot someone continuously adding to this endless array of colour whether they be a gangsta rapper-wannabie or an upper class business man. Sometimes you can even see both working together, as such was the case when I was invited over to add my own piece. I must say that my little stick figure waving a blue square meant to be the UN flag had never looked so pathetic, yet somehow the street art wasn't any worse for it.
Indeed many examples of artwork can be found all over the place. Varied architecture, statues, sculptures even buskers reciting poetry. But one thing I soon noticed that despite all this grandure, all the beautiful culture, historic buildings, grandose constructions, there was not one tree. Indeed not one city park could be found of any sort. Puzzled by this, I began to ask around for where I could see some vegetation. Some people just looked at me as if I was on crack and keep walking, others were more helpful. Soon, I found myself in the New Dracora City National Arboretum. A tree museum, yes an actual tree museum.
The place was huge and must've contained every single species of plant life imaginable... I even spotted a specimen of our humble national tree. I joined one of the numerous tour groups and began to ask about the lack of trees outside this place, stating my ignorance was on account of being an immigrant. I must say the biologist leading the tour had some unusual answers, talking about how his team was working on being able to create viable natural environments once the potential of the present environment had been fully utilised. "Huh? What do you mean, 'fully utilised'?" was my response. Try as I might I couldn't quite get what this old man was on about, he keep pratting on about space, destinies, inevitability and a whole bunch of scientific jargon that even went over my head. Eventually, in order to placitate the members of the tour group, who seemed annoyed at how my ignorance had interrupted then delayed their learning experience, I was eventually given up on and then given the details of a nearby casino... yes, a casino. After that no one would answer my questions, I was simply told to "Go see for yourself" (Well that's the nice way of repeating it). So I did.
That night I made my way through the busy crowds basking in the glow of neon, towards the Happy Dragon Casino. Again, the place was huge and grandose (it was becoming a recuring theme around here) with a large marble fountain, adorned by merticulously sculptured draconic figures in random positions being the first thing one sees upon entering. Navigating through the endless rows of dancefloors, bars, drunken orgies and poker machines proved to be a challenge since the place was absolutely packed, but eventually I made my way to one of the many ornate elevators. Going down a few levels, I absent-mindedly exited and quickly discovered I had misread the strange botanists note. I was now in the middle of another example of New Dracorian depravity. All around me, people were well... enjoying one another in the misty, dimmly lit floor as topless women moved around from booth to booth taking orders of food and drink. A dim red glow gave the whole seen a kind of hellish, sinful glow as laser lights cut through the steaming atmosphere in time to the pumping dance music that made all attempts at verbal communication impossible. As soon as I stepped onto the floor I greeted by one of the establishments 'bar maids'. Naturally, I made myself back to the elevator faster than you can say 'sensory overload'.
Going down some more levels I didn't come out again until the elevator had reached the lowest underground level. I made certain to take a good look out before exiting ... and suddenly grasped what the old man had been on about. Before me stood an impossible eden of exotic trees and wildflowers. As I walked out into this underground forest environment gaping like a paralysed pufferfish, I almost forgot that I was currently deep underground, under an out of control pleasure palace in the middle of a smog-choked city. Very few things stun me in my career as an professional agent, by this was truely incredible.
An oasis under the urban desert of New Dracora City
I wandered down one of the leaf choked paths in amazement, listening to the sounds of birds chirping (not speakers - actual birds). I soon came across a small bar that had been made to look like an outside gazebo. It suddenly dawned on me that there were not many people here in this stunning creation. 'Why would people ignore a beautiful place such as this?' I asked myself. As I ordered a fine imported beer and a taco I acquired about this place and the apparent lack of people.
"Most people come during the day, the action above during the night tends to drive off most of the tranquil types that like to come here."
"I see."
We talked for a bit. This place and a number of others like it was a substitute to make up for the lack of city parks as all space above was used to the maximum benefit of New Dracora. The casinos owned every single one too, but then those with the underground edens were mostly government owned anyway so funds tended to not be a problem. When I asked about what the motivation would be for such an money and profit driven industry for building a place like this. I was to learn that it was one of the main lures the places used to gain overseas regional interest. It was one of the main reasons why a nation such as New Dracora, with some of the worst weather and environments in the NS world (another thing I was also to learn), had such a booming tourism industry. People came to see the 'edens' as they were called and then got drawn into the highly profitable nightlife. But when they went home, it was the edens the often talked about... or so it was assumed (it was considered doubtful many would openly talk about their 'adventures' on that OTHER misty underground level). It made sense really when I thought about it, most people were often looking for a unique form of escape when choosing a holiday destination - this place was certainly unique. Before leaving the women behind the bar made the comment that things had been slow in recent years (But wait, it gets better my friend), because of the NDSA's Space Hotel... no I didn't ask, but as I write this I now wish that I had, maybe I'll look it up later.
After getting my dose of New Dracorian culture, I decided it was time to move to the next phase of gathering information to profile the nation. Next time the nice social worker came around I informed her I was interested in getting a job in health. Unfortunately, my educational profile in my phoney background, which many back home and abroad considered to be more than quite reasonable, was not enough to get accepted into the national health service. Not to worry, I was told that a short six month basic health course existed to get people like me in the medical profession to get up to speed.
So began my review of New Dracora's educational system. The first nice surprise I got was the course was completely free, compliments of the citizen's conclave. The next was the most amount of students in one of my classes was not much more than twenty. The last was that the teacher of my physiology class had a really nice ass. Not as nice as that brunette social worker, but a close second none the less.
The next six months would have to have been the busiest times of my life. Not only was the course accelerated, it was of New Dracorian standard - which means I had a tough time keeping up. However, the teachers were brilliant and were more than happy to help increase my understanding... especially my physiology teacher. I also discovered that the reason why my education didn't cost anything was because most if not all local national activities worked on a merit system, since technically, apart from foreign investment, the citizen's conclave owned everything. Not just a few random establishments as I first thought. This 'merit' earned comes in the form of universal welfare payments, or as the locals call it - 'the citizens payroll'. I should point out that education here is completely free, no 'merit' required. However, living in the housing complex, eating, and the other essentials of daily life were not. So, on top of the already intense study load, I also took a part time position in the social department.
Through both the study and the social system, I have learned much of the inner workings of the country. The education system here is first class. Students here study from an early age until they reach working age much like anywhere else. But unlike any other nation I've profiled, this place also provides extensive 'life' classes - teachings based on peoples everyday experiences. Working hand in hand with the welfare department, students learn of such things like managing finances, approaching people, relationships, and even take motivational courses. Due to my age and my part time role in the social department I was invited to talk at one of these life classes. I was at a loss, what was I supposed to talk about? I mean, my backstory was just a sham to get myself into this country. However, it turned out to be easier than I thought - I was not first, so I was able to pick up on what the other speakers discussed. Most were just parents making use of a day off, all just talked about their average day. So... that is what I did. I was surprised at how much attention the younger students listening paid to my improvised speech, and even more so by the praise I got afterwards. I later realised the true genius of this small program and linked it to the unusually high motivation and 'street savvy' that I had witnessed during all my time here. When I return, I will definately forwarding you a recommendation that you can send to our education department.
I had other experiences worth noting. As part of my social work, I would accompany workers on their weekily check ups. These check ups covered all citizens, not just immigrants, and it seemed like every day I was in a different place.
These workers are amazing. Like mobile councillers, they move from door to door to listen to everyone's problems and attempt to come up with ways to fix them. Most of the time, all that is required is a few minutes advice, in other cases however, timetables are laid down for more intense visits.
I was also a part of the call out service at one stage. This was for more extreme cases when the police had to intervene. Mostly domestic disputes. When a call came in we would go around and with police protection try to calm the situation. Normally, thanks to our intervention no one would be arrested and a counciling service setup. But I have witnessed times when this is not the case.
One such time resulted in a visit to one of the local prisons. More like a mental hospital than a prison, these facilities are funded by the police but mostly run by the welfare department. I later learned that ever since crime 'had ceased to exist' police involvement and funding had gone into social welfare under the guise of 'crime prevention', an interesting union to say the least. It is here however, that I noticed some rather disturbing things and using my talents of subtle information gathering I quickly learned that most of the long term prisoners here were the so-called 'eco-terrorists' - environmentalists and animal liberationists. Again, I was faced with another example of this nation's seemingly hostile attitude towards the environment. Was there something out in the wilderness that I should know about?
I came to the conclusion that something was definately amiss here and it was time to stop basking in the granduer of this place long enough to do my real job. Finishing off my accelerated health course I applied for a full time position in the poisons and toxin ward (a speciality not in my phoney dosser but in my official agent file as you probably well know) in the national health service. I was accepted and immediately put into the role as a junior doctor.
This is when things really started becoming interesting. Unlike what I had experienced up until this point, the toxins ward in the hospital I was appointed to turned out to be rather ordinary which was kind of a disappointment, but then again I should mention that I did have a few inventive (if not expensive) and nifty tools at my disposal. The doctors were brilliant also however, and as usual the odd social worker could be seen hovering around in the background checking up on peoples problems. I personally proved myself quickly with my chosen role (I have the skills learnt from my own government to thank for that methinks) and soon found myself in charge of an entire ward. Most my patients suffered from the effects of excessive pollutants no doubt ingested through simply breathing and many seemed to live in the outskirts of NDC. After a few months it dawned on me that I hadn't yet explored much beyond the central city, and decided to immediately remedy this. Plus I still had that nagging curiousiness over why 'green' policy was not very popular, even when it was quite evident that whatever was going on was seriously affecting the health of average citizens. Securing a week off, I made preparations to explore New Dracora's wilderness.
I instantly discovered that such a wilderness did not exist. Taking the car I had bought with the 'merit' I had earned during my stay here, my first place to visit was the coast. Driving down on of the cities many laned highways, I entered the bayside in searched for a place to sun myself for a few hours. I was shocked to learn that all the beaches were owned by the local casinos and unlike the underground edens, payment was required to enter. The government had control over the beaches as well it seemed. Somewhat preturbed I dug out some money for the ticket machine, boldly strode out onto the busy beach with my towel in my beach thongs, and searched for a place to settle. I was asked to show my ticket no less than three times before I found a clear spot.
As I applied my suntan lotion, I couldn't help but notice a large omnious looking construction way out to sea. "I wonder what that is?" I said out loud to myself. I was over heard by a group of children in the middle of a game of beach cricket. "That's one of the coastal defense forts silly," a small boy proudly proclaimed, "My daddy works there. He says there's these two BIG railgun-thingies that they use to blast 'vaders 'n stuff." The boy waved his arm in the air to indicate the apparently large size of the fortress guns. "I see" was my response as I looked back towards the distant structure with new interest. It looked more like an old star-shaped coastal fort from the 16th and 17th centuries, not a modern gun housing. "Yu' huh. Daddy says that he could blow the sh.t out of one of those super-dupa-dreadnought warboat-thingies and still be home in time for nookie." No doubt my eyebrows raised, this boy had to be no older than five years old. "Michael!" That's when the boys mother came in and grabbed the grinning lad by his ear. "What have I told you about swearing young man!? Sorry sir." I simply waved as the boy was dragged away by his conservative mother... still grinning. I just shook my head as I turned back to look at this apparent railgun fortress, sure enough after a few moments I noticed a pair of somethings moving on top of the old looking structure. I have to say, if those things are indeed railguns then anyone with aspirations of invading would be faced with a serious problem. Then I noticed that far off to my right there was another one. I quickly looked off to my left and sure enough - there was another. Yep, a very serious problem. It suddenly dawned on me that there could even be more of those things further beyond. "Jesus..."
I continued my journey north along the great ocean road, counting the railgun fortresses as I went. Six... seven... they were endless. By this point I had travelled beyond the urban limits of New Dracora City. At least that's what the sign had said, yet as I continued up the eight lane freeway buildings and other man-made structures still dominated the view. Then I came across the welcome sign for the city of Melbournia. Figures. By nightfall I had left the Steel Coast (so said the sign) but was still in the middle of urbania. I decided to check myself into a local hotel and call it a night, staring at the endless gray was tiring. By the time I approached the front desk I yearned for green, as such I Spent most of the night in the casino's (considerable smaller) underground eden. I spent the time contemplating the aims of my trip, it was doubtful I would get too far north before I had to turn back and return to my 'job' but then if I stumble across anything interesting I doubt that would be a problem.
I am now sending out the encrypted files through the usual processes. After the next six months I'll send out my second report as planned. I don't fore see anything 'unfortunate' happening at this present moment, things seem to be going perfectly, but then, I've got that nagging feeling.....
Transmission terminated.