NationStates Jolt Archive

Delusions of Grandeur

20-09-2005, 04:45
Private Johnston marched through the streets of the dilapidated market center. The small, thin line of Incorporated Troopers was part of a F.A.R. Team, sent to reconnoiter the area. Reports of a rebellion had been coming in daily from this area, so the 27th Corps had been sent to check it out. From what commanders had made out from the jumbled reports, a corps leader from the old Royal SkyCapt Army had been strongly against the new Incorporated Army, and he and his troops had been conducting raids on major supply routes and RIA Installations. Ravencorps East had been attacked multiple times in recent weeks, so the Royal Incoporated Army Corps stationed there had been placed on high alert. Johnston noticed a boarded-up window with 2 boards at a peculiar angle. He told the others, and they went on, appearing to have not noticed anything out of place. But each trooper was watching the window out of the corner of their eye. It suddenly blew open, and a mounted XSW-2 opened up. The F.A.R. Troopers took cover, then began returning fire. The gunfire stopped after a grenade thrown inside detonated. The roof of the 20+ year old house collapsed, killing anyone who might have been on the top floor. The team moved on, this time far more cautiously. Finding nothing else, they returned to camp, and reported their findings. They returned, this time accompanied by their entire unit. They would find this renegade unit, who's commander apparently had a head filled with thoughts of defeating a professionally trained army. Johnson snickered at the thought.
James Narsh paced the floor of the presidential office. 5 reports of renegade Royal SkyCapt Army Corps had come in that morning. The day didn't get much better as it progressed. 5 more reports of more renegade units had come in. Maybe the RIA wasn't such a good idea, he thought. Then he shook his head. Defence of this nation was vital, and the RIA was an essential part of the military's overhauling, a large scale guinea pig of sorts. He thought a moment more, then sat down. If the situation worsened, international help would be necessary...

OOC: Good night all... More stuff will be on tomorrow.
20-09-2005, 15:19
1st Lt. Cobham stalked through the woods with his squadron. Reports of enemy movement had come from the town nearby, so the 9th Corps had been moved to this area. The soldiers moved around the heavily wooded forest, spread out and looking for any sign of enemy movement. Suddenly gunfire broke out, and the squadron dropped to the ground. The fog provided them cover, while their visor modes allowed them to look for any rebels with ease. More gunfire could be heard to their right, and they began moving that way. Here the fog was much lighter, and they began to get more cautious. They stepped into a clearing, and found a group of entrenched rebels on a hillside, facing east. 4 Tanks were giving support, so the squadron began to crawl up. About 50 Rebels were there, firing away furiously. A whole lot more bodies lay behind the defensive barriers. The Incorporated Troopers opened fire, with their anti-tanker firing his SHED at an enemy tank. They hopped into the small trench, methodically clearing out the rebels. Suddenly parts of the trench floor opened up, and more rebels climbed out. The men began to fire at them, and dropped grenades down. The squadron that had been under fire moved into the trench with them, and did the same. Before long, the position was cleared out and under RIA control. The tanks, having been cleared out by grenades, were imploded by the anti-tanker, and the men moved on.
10 More reports of rebelling RSA Corps had come in, some of those army units having been stationed less then 15 miles from the capital. He sighed, then sat down on his desk. The next day, his call for international help was sent out.

To: All nations concerned
From: The Incorporated States of SkyCapt

We have a situation here, one that calls for international help. As many of you know, our move with the Royal Incorporated Army went well, until now. It seems many corps commanders are against being merged into the RIA, and are now rebelling. We currrently have 20 odd rebellious corps on our hands, and more are on the brink of following them. At the moment, the rebellion forces outnumber the men we can send drastically, so we ask any abd all nations to send help and put down this rebellion.

OOC: Oh, and anyone interested/willing can RP the Rebel troops.
20-09-2005, 16:30
Sgt. Kelly of the RSA walked through the deserted facilities of Ravencorps East. 2 Corps had attacked there, and had overwhelmed the RIA Corps by bruteforce, while taking heavy casualties. He and his rebel squadron were now on patrol, while workers and troops from Ravencorps East were being interrogated for info on something big. Kelly walked through a door leading to a half destoyed office, with the half of the room facing outside blown to shreds. He sat down in a chair, his rifle on the floor next to it. He jumped up as gunfire sounded outside the buildings. He ran down the flights of stairs, coming to a stop at the doorway. TX-65 MBT's rolled past the doorway as he sank back against the wall, trying to hide in the shadows. The RIA had arrived. Incorporated Troopers burst through the doors, looking around the room. Kelly took a grenade from his vest pocket, and silently pulled the clip. He rolled it on the floor, and watched as 2 of the enemy were blown off their feet. He turned off the safety on his Model 15, and fired at the remaining troops. Bullets pierced his combat suit as the enemy returned fire. He sank to the ground, dead.
20-09-2005, 17:51
*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*. Artillery had gone off all morning, firing into Ravencorps East. The sound of passing TX-65's, Jaguar Scout Cars, and Armoured Troop Carriers is sleep-inducing, thought a corporal sitting in one of the Cargo Trucks heading into the crumbling inudstrial facility. He stifled a yawned inside his suit, and checked the time. 3:00 AM. He blinked a few times, then removed his helmet to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Other troops were doing the same. Fighters roared overhead, preparing to execute precision strikes before the first wave of troops came in. "Okay!" Shouted the squad leader. "Togson, I want your SHED moving around, we need enemy armor cleared away as fast as possible. But save some for the Dragoons, we don't want them to feel left out." The men chuckled, then the squad leader went on. "Drakes, I need you and Brales inside the main building with the rest of the squadron." "Yes sir." "Thompson! I want you with me, we're going to take out their supply depots. You got your gear together?" "Yes sir," responded the trooper, showing his C4 and Timed Explosives. "Everyone got it?" "Yes sir!" "Good." The truck driver turned around, and yelled something about a minute until arrival. Explosions could be heard from inside the fence of the massive industrial center, as factories and buildings housing rebels were demolished. Suddenly mortar fire fell from the sky, coming out of Ravencorps East. "Let's go!" The truck stopped, and the men inside bailed out, seconds before a mortar shell it hit. The troopers looked as the driver began to curse the rebels. They moved in on the fences, and blew open an entrance. Gunfire came from buildings as F.A.R. Teams returned fire. The squad linked up with one, and moved in on the rest of the factory-filled area. Gunfire came from buildings and deserted streets, and barriers were set up on different walkways. A few deserted tanks lined the streets. Empty combat suits were on the walkways as well, some blown to shreds, others broken apart. A factory was on fire, half of it falling down as the fire progressed. Ravencorps East was a mess, and apparently the majority of the rebels had left, leaving a small rear-guard. Before long, the facility was secured, but multiple weapons, combat systems, and vehicles had been confiscated. The government was sure to step up security on Ravencorps West.
20-09-2005, 18:13
President Taylor walked through the Presidential Palace into the cabinet room. Apart from the usual people, sat at the other end of the mahogany table sat Supreme Commander G.Robinson. Without saying hello, he stood with the others and started talking as Taylor went to his seat.

"SkyCapt are in danger. Rebel forces from their old military, as you know being formed into a new one, are against it." Taylor motioned with his hands for the cabinet to sit, he did also. Robinson remained standing. "Intell suggests-"

"I know." Robinson was taken by suprise. "That was why I thought you were here. To discuss mobilisation."

"No sir. I was informing you. We have troops ready to move in on your command."

"You need not my command to defend an ally." Taylor was never that fond of Robinson, but he was an excellent commander none the less. Just what the country needed to defend it.

Robinson pulled out his phone, and seconds later said, "Operation Allied Defence is a go." He put the phone away. "I must leave and take care of this now. Excuse me." He took long strides out of the room. The big scar on the back of his neck showed, a memory embedded into his very soul from battles won.
20-09-2005, 18:30
The main aircraft carrier set course for SkyCapt, as well as a number of other vessels. Cargo planes took off from strips in various places, holding supplies and troops. Land forces were mobilised crossing nearby borders to get to their destination.

While all of this was happening, Robinson was attempting to gather information. High on his list was the question, where are the rebels mainly situated. Also, he needed to know whether he was to kill or force surrender upon rebel forces.

OOC: The questions could come in handy for my upcoming onslaught on these rebels.
20-09-2005, 18:58
James sat up as an official walked in, followed by Command Pierce, and an intelligence officer. "Sir, Muesilania is on their way with troops." Pierce spoke up. "And they need intelligence on the enemy's whereabouts." He coughed, then took a deep breath. He hadn't felt this sick since he had had pneumonia when he was young. The intelligence officer now walked up. He held a sheaf of papers out to the president, which he took. "Now, um, we have confirmed reports of rebel units moving in on SkyCapt City. Pierce has ordered the 34th, 35th, and 17th Corps to defend the city, while all other available units continue searching for the enemy. We can give UAV overflights to provide maps and data for the Muesilanian forces, but that's about it. These rebels know what they're doing." "Do it. And try to call back more corps to the city. With the size of the rebel units, just 3 of them would outnubmer 4 our ours." "Yes sir." The men walked out of the room.
20-09-2005, 20:47
The huge aircraft carrier was still movinga fair bit, the anchor plunged straight through the surface of the water and about a minute later the tug was felt on the boat. It stopped. Waiting for confirmation from certain people, the captain didnt do anything else.
21-09-2005, 05:07
Bump before bed. I won't be on until maybe 6:00 or 7:00 tomorrow.
21-09-2005, 05:58
Premier Yong Jin-ho read the intelligence reports. He was not happy with what he saw. He quickly summoned the politburo to an emergency meeting to discuss his decision.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE ARE GOING TO HELP SKYCAPT!!!!" Shouted the Defense Minister, Seo Jung-Keun, "Do I have to remind you that they threatened our forces with annhilation during our air embargo of Torontia! And now, while our men prepare for battle with Tanakis and his illegal regime, SkyCapt has done nothing to aid OUR coalition. We owe these people nothing. I say we let the rebels take control, or if anything, help them."

The Foreign Minister Jeon Ho-Bong responded, "I have reason to believe that they have not helped in Torontia because of this very rebellion. If we help them with it, they may help us. I would add, comrade Defense Minister, that SkyCapt was not the only nation to threaton our forces during the blockade. Aqaetio did as well, and they are our closest allies against Tanakis now."

Seo was not convinced, "They did not call for aid until long after Aqaetio had already joined forces with us. They do not care for our people. I cannot support them on the hope that they will ally themselves with us later."

Shin Yong, the Intelligence Minister, felt now would be a good time to bring up his new data, "Comrades, I have new information I think is relevant to this discussion. These rebels have been operating for some time, and are very well organized. Comrade Jeon may be correct, the rebellion had already started before we ended our embargo. They only called for aid when the situation became dire, as it has now. As far as we can piece together, Ravencorps East has all but fallen. Ravencorps West is secure for now, but we do not know how long that will last. SkyCapt City itself is practically under siege. We do not know how many rebel forces are approaching the city, but we now there are a lot of them, and SkyCapt only has 3 corps to defend it with at this time. There are also remors that more of the RIA may defect to the rebels."

Premier Yong Jin-ho put an end to the arguing, "Comrades, regardless of whether or not they are allies now, I will not allow this rebellion to succeed. SkyCapt has a very powerful military, and I am not sure what type of government would emerge from the downfall of this one. They could become an even greater threat to us and our allies. Imagine if they joined with Tanakis, something the current government won't do, even if they won't stop him. I also agree with comrade Jeon, this represents an oppurtunity to make up for the poor start in our relationship with SkyCapt. Comrade Seo, I want you to send 3 expiditionary forces to support SkyCapt. You can take them from the home defense units if you have to. Comrade Jeon, send a message to the SkyCapt President pledging our support, and asking where to send our forces. Dismissed."

The politburo ajourned, with the Defense Minister still fuming, but he would do as he was told.

To: President of SkyCapt
From: Mannatopian Foreign Minister Jeon Ho-Bong

Our two nations have not always agreed in the past. You know that as well as I do, but you have made a call for aid, and we are answering. We are willing to put our past differences behind us, and hope that you are as well.

As you now, our forces are currently deployed near Torontia, so we can only spare 3 expiditionary forces to help you. We request clearance to fly our cargo aircraft and fighters into your territory, and to know what airbases to land at.
21-09-2005, 06:06
To: Mannatopian Foreign Minister Jeon Ho-Bong
From: General John Hartsmith, RIA Command Staff

We accept your offers for help, and despite our doing nothing to help you in the past, you come to help us. For that, we 'owe you one', as the saying goes.

OOC: Oh, and the rebellion started because commanders in the old army (The Royal SkyCapt Army) were opposed to the new Royal Incorporated Army, so I doubt that any RIA Troops would join the rebellion...
21-09-2005, 19:06
OOC: Is there any sea town held by the rebel forces? I really want to RP a beach landing, but if it does not fit with the RP, I won't. A port is the wrong idea, but I could work with that also. Im not fussy which one. Thanks.
22-09-2005, 22:40
OOC: Yes. The north and east sides of SkyCapt are landlocked, while the south and west and bordered by seas, and dotted with naval facilities. Since most of the RSA was stationed in the west and south, most naval bases and sea towns are held by the rebels, while the inland is held by the loyalists. So take your pick. Oh, and this thread has been bumped.
23-09-2005, 18:24
The sea was peaceful, splashing against the sand, as the sound dies down another replaces it. A number of black boats fell upon the shoreline, the door let down lightly and troops ran out, guns ready.

They advanced behind rocks and some bringing barriers out, setting them at places along the shoreline. As they advanced, they were suprised by the lack of action. Enthusiasm unhampered, they continued their advance. As they reached the town, they waited for a while.

OOC: It would be really good if somebody could just RP the holders of the city for a short while. I want some kind of beach landing battle type thing... fairly loose there.
23-09-2005, 19:08
The deal had been done earlier that week. The Peoples Republic of Cheznik would help the rebels in their cause. If they wanted freedom, the annihalation of SkyCapt or whatever, they deserved it. Although small, Cheznik wanted to make a BIG mark on the world, and this would be one way of doing it.

It had been agreed that one Battalion of Paratroopers, around eight thousand men, would be dispatched to the rebels side of the country, assisted by a Brigade of Armor and a Squadron of aircraft. The battle should be interesting.


Undisclosed Air Base in Cheznik

The whole dispatch force was gathered on the base, a whole invasion force in one. Around three quarters of the cargo force would be needed to supply and transport the troops, and several freighters for the Armor. It would take around a week for the whole force to be dispatched. In the first wave was three wings of fighters, most of the cargo aircraft and the most Elite Paratroopers. They would arrive by dawn.

The first elements took to the air, and got ready for their landing.

(OOC: By coincidence, we are going to land just north of your "beach-head" and assault it. We may withdraw, but who knows? :D)
23-09-2005, 20:43
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. The sound of measured footsteps on the hard gravel that covered the road was lulling. Pop pop pop pop pop. The sound of gunfire in the distance was enough to jerk someone awake from the sleep induced by the marching. Suddenly the sound of rockets suddenly sounded, and explosions went off just behind the treeline to the soldiers left. "Take cover!" A rebel ambush had been sprung, and the company had been caught in the middle. "Keep moving! Keep movin'!" The men scrambled on, trying to dodge incoming rockets. They finally got out of the target zone, and a roll call was taken. 12 men had been downed. They continued on, pushing towards a sea-side town where a Meusilanian landing was reported taking place. These rebels needed help, and the company was part of a corps of RSA troops going to reinforce that town.
The sound of breathing inside the trooper's helmet echoed around the sides of the ceramic and fiber weave helmet layers. He ran through a bush, his Model 75 assault rifle facing ahead. "Got... To... Keep... Going..." He panted. He pulled a grenade out of it's pouch on his belt, and pulled the pin. A few seconds later the grenade detonated inside a house ahead. Screams of pain came from the remnants of it. The trooper emptied his clip into it. The sound of waves on the beach to his left could be heard, and the sea-side own ahead. Muesilanian troops could be seen running up the beach, and the trooper ran faster.
23-09-2005, 20:57
OOC: I presume you are playing rebels in that post SkyCapt.


The small army continued up the beach, stopping in places to take pop shots at rebels. A few men were falling on both sides, the majority still stood. Muesilanian troops had cover, not so much as the rebels though. Well trained in different scenarios and experienced in many conflicts, they knew exactly what to do. Paratroopers began to fall on the city, reigning down to unleash hell on those who opposed SkyCapt. As they fell, some were shot, others landed. Putting their parachutes someplace out of the way, they began to occupy houses and rooftops. A blackhawk hovered over the city square, as a special unit dropped out.


Briefing room. 6 hours ago. Unknown location.

"Listen up guys. We have to destroy the rebel nerve centre within this town. You've all seen the folders, any questions?" Paltrotov, the only foreign person in the team, by far the most skilled, was itching to go. He had been in command of this unit for 7 years now.
"When do we leave, sir?" The room laughed, and everyone stood and left the room.
23-09-2005, 21:17
OOC: The top half was rebels, the bottom was me RP'ing an Incorporated Trooper.

A yell went up among the rebels as they started running into groups of Muesilanian troops. Bayonets glinted in the dimming sunlight as the rebels engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Suddenly a group of Incorporated Troopers ran out from buildings having taken advantange of the rebel's preoccupation. Black-clad troopers spread out among the group of rebels, capturing and killing many of them. Finally, parts of the town were secured, leaving only the western side rebel held.
"Sir. Cheznik has entered the conflict on the rebels side, stating something about this being a way for them to leave a mark, or something or the other." "Doesn't matter. Their troops will be dealt with easily. Alert all RIA Corps."
23-09-2005, 21:32
The dead lay there. Three Muesilanian troops dead, two injured, three could be patched up. The beach was a different story.

Pinned down under fire, the troops hid. Rocks or a makeshift barrier. As the fire appeared to be dying down, the troops jumped up from their hiding places and launched a full charge on the rebel positions. Screaming and popping off shots as they went, some fell, others continued. The majority made it, killing all rebels inside, minus one.

Gary Haart stood within the walls of the rebel shelter. His pistol drawn he looked about. A floorboard creeked, making him turn around. One man stood there, raising his gun Gary was hit from behind. His fell to the floor, unconscious.
23-09-2005, 21:40
Captain Bravo was next to the doorway of a rebel shelter. Suddenly he heard a creaking floorboard, then the sound of a smack. He ran in, and aimed his gun at a man in front of him. The man looked at him, then raised his gun. Click. Bravo fired. He picked up the Muesilanian soldier on the ground, and dragged him out to make sure he was alive.
23-09-2005, 21:53
Muesilanian troops advanced through the city. Five in a fireteam scaled the walls, one sniper and one anti-tank in each. Fireteam 27 walked along the wall. The sniper sidestepped to the otherside of the gap, securing the area, the men ran across. A door swung open and a small child walked out, to find a weapon in his face, he looked terrified. The soldier lowered his gun. Placing his hand on the boys shoulder, he apologised.

The fireteam suddenly came under a burst of fire. The small child was hit, falling to the ground. The team moved up against the other wall, lowering the angle that they could be fired at. "27 - Under fire." The leader spoke loudly into his mike. A rifle appeared at the window across the street. The sniper suddenly raised, and fired off one shot. The gun fell to the street below, the man left hanging half out the window.

The teamleader continued to almost shout into his mike. "Request assistance. Outgunned. Guerilla forces. Urgent assistance required."

A few rebel soldiers came round the corner, kneeling down and taking shots at the team. Two were hit down, the other received a shot from a different direction. A humvee rolled around the corner, gunner on top. It began to fire across the top of the building, the men below crouched slightly as glass began to fall on top of them. They stood, brushing themselves off as team 27 and a few others entered the building.
23-09-2005, 22:09
The vice president was going over notes the president had left in his absence when his phone rang. "hello" "hello mr. vice president, i hate to bother you but there seems to be the start of a rebellion in skycapt." "hmm, well get there president on the phone and see if he needs any help" "ok, Mr. Vice president" The Vice president hung up the phone then picked it up again dialing a few buttons. the phone rang once then a quiet voice answered. "hello, Mr. Vice president what is it that you wanted" "i need you to give a mesage to The minister of ONE" " yes sir what is it" " tell him we might need to mobalize two of our armies." " Ok, sir"
23-09-2005, 22:19
"SkyCapt need help do they?"
"Yes, sir"
"What resources can we send them?"
"We could pull that battlegroup from Gerfaanlich thats on patrol out and send some Oceans out there with the 2nd Cavalry Corps aboard"
"Do it, thats died down anyway and Hellions boy's'l make mincemeat out of them"
"Yes, sir"
The general saluted the President and walked out.

Superbattlecruiser Sequin
Admiral Grugging looked out the bridge windows as the cruiser moved towards SkyCapt, he called on the radio "Incorporated states of Skycapt, do you read over," he waited for the reply as almost two hundred ships carrying the largest single force in the history of the confederacy moved towards its destiny
23-09-2005, 22:26

Perhaps we should now close this RP? This has a risk of overcrowding. If needs must I'll pull out.

What you think?
23-09-2005, 22:28
OOC: I agree. I think mine and SkyCapts RPing attracted others. We must be too good to pass up :p
23-09-2005, 22:29

Heh, I was gonna join anyway. *Cough* :D
23-09-2005, 23:33
ooc: my nation got permission earlier to support SkyCapt, and now will

The pilot of the IL-76MFA was uneasy. He had read the reports on the SkyCapt air force, it was supposed to be one of the best. He wasn't worried about being attacked by the Incorporated forces, of course, since he was here to help them. What worried him was what was not in the intelligence reports, there was nothing on the Royals aircraft or air defenses, nothing on what airspace was under Incorporated control, and what was under Royal control.

Suddenly he saw a fighter screach in front of his aircraft, then back around again. It was one of the JF-17As escorting his flight. He knew they were there, but thepilot was so far on edge that each time they flew by he nearly jumped through his windscreen.

It was a nighttime flight, and ahead of him the pilot saw the only thing that was going to bring him to ease, the lights of SkyCapt City. Around it he could see the occassional flashes from artillery, signs of the war his country was about to join.

"SkyCapt control, this is the lead Mannatopian aircraft, 18th Airlift Wing, 5th Expeditionary Force, requesting permission to land." The pilot waited for a response. Behind him, 600 other IL-76MFAs, 200 from each of the 3 EF Mannatopia was sending, were carrying the first landing force of the 5th EF. They would land, unload, refuel, and fly back to Mannatopia to get the next load.

5th Expeditionary Force
22nd Motorized Rifle Division: 305 Stingray II light tanks, 540 BMP-3s, 3,780 infantry
35th Mechanized Infantry Division: 715 BMP-3s, 5,005 infantry
36th Mechanized Infantry Division: 715 BMP-3s, 5,005 infantry
37th Mechanized Infantry Division: 715 BMP-3s, 5,005 infantry
38th Mechanized Infantry Division: 715 BMP-3s, 5,005 infantry
39th Mechanized Infantry Division: 715 BMP-3s, 5,005 infantry
40th Mechanized Infantry Division: 715 BMP-3s, 5,005 infantry
41st Mechanized Infantry Division: 715 BMP-3s, 5,005 infantry
42nd Mechanized Infantry Division: 715 BMP-3s, 5,005 infantry
89th Infantry Division: 12,000 infantry
90th Infantry Division: 12,000 infantry
91st Infantry Division: 12,000 infantry
92nd Infantry Division: 12,000 infantry
93rd Infantry Division: 12,000 infantry
9th Air Defense Regiment: 15 MIM-23 Hawk fire units
10th Air Defense Regiment: 15 MIM-23 Hawk fire units
5th Fighter Wing: 50 JF-17A Lightnings
18th Airlift Wing: 200 IL-76MFA Assualt Candids
In addition, the 5th EF has 107,100 logistical personnel

The SkyCapt controllers hadn't responded yet.
"SkyCapt control, SkyCapt control, this is the lead Mannatopian aircraft, 18th Airlift Wing, 5th Expeditionary Force, requesting permission to land."
24-09-2005, 00:07
Secret IC:

An Order of Battle Form was handed to Field Commisar General Mishkin, with the troops and aircraft alloted to him written down. It had the instruction "destroy after reading" at the bottom, due to the fact it was a classified piece of military information. It read as follows:


Group Commander: Field Commisar General Mishkin

Group Second in Command: Field General McAdam

1st Paratroop Battalion

7776 Paratroopers with 9mm and SA-80A3
2808 M-249 Para-SAW's
1296 SA-80A3/M-203M6 Grenade Launchers
1296 L-96A1 Rifles
432 M-60E4 GPMG's
144 81 mm Mortar-MK's
144 RPG-28P Anti-Tank Rockets
144 Igla-S AA Missiles
12 105mm Artillery Guns
12 Kornet-F Anti-Tank Missiles
12 Quad-Igla AA Missile Launchers

3rd Armored Brigade

52 EE-T1C Command Tanks
124 EE-T1A Main Battle Tanks
48 MB-3A Light Tanks
36 Msta-S SPG's
27 EE-T1B Tank Destroyers
10 M-12R Light Tanks

1st Expeditionary Air Corps

6 F-16 Block 60's
3 Su-33 SuperFlankers
3 Su-37 Terminators
3 F-16ER SuperFalcons
3 0A-10B Thunderbolts
3 F-16 Block 60R "Wild Weasel II'"
3 KC-130 Refuelers
1 E-3 Sentry "AWAC's"
2 Nimrod Mark 4's

1st Dedicated Transport Wing

9 An-70 Cargo Aircraft
3 An-124 Cargo Aircraft


A page of instructions was also present:


In the first wave, 2,592 paratroopers will paradrop in combat configuration.
In the second wave, 3,024 paratroopers will paradrop in normal configuration.
In the third wave, 2,160 paratroopers will land on a runway in relaxed state.

These landings will be followed by the transportation of the 3rd Armored Brigade, and the construction of a Base of Operations for the 1st Expeditionary Air Corps.

It will take 48 hours for the 1st Paratroop Battalion to be in theatre, and 7 days 8 hours after that for the 3rd Armored Brigade to be in theatre. At a total, the entire Task Force will take 9 days and 8 hours to be in theatre.

This is, of course, with no hitches, and the force will reach 75% efficiency by the end of day 3.


Although the Para's will have a lack of armored support for 2 days, their new RPG-28's are suitable to penetrate the frontal armor of anything up to a T-72, and the Kornet-F can penetrate the frontal armor of any Tank on this earth. Both have 2 stage warheads, meaning they can defeat even the latest ERA. This ATGM and ATM configuration should allow the Para's to have an edge against armor. Please, General, use this advanced equipment well.

Although there are not many aircraft, they are of top quality and suitable for your job, General. The Igla's will provide Air Defense, as will the TUNGUSKA units.

Any Artillery support is well catered for from MSTA-S Self Propelled Guns, 105mm Guns and 81mm Mortars.

Air support will be provided by Su-33's, 0A-10's, F-16 Wild Weasel II's and Nimrod's. There is more than enough Aircraft to aid the Paratroops on the ground in the way we were trained.

Combined arms are to be used at all times, combining Anti-Tank, Anti-Aircraft and Fire Support whenever possible.


This was the Task Forces plan of action. The landing zone: 150 miles north of the beachead, where a runway would be set up aswell as a fire base, 20 miles east of the landing zone, for the transportation of Marines after that.
24-09-2005, 00:43
ooc: Cheznik, how far away from SkyCapt city are your forces assembling, and what is the closest that your aircraft come to SkyCapt city?
24-09-2005, 03:53
OOC: Ahhhhh! slow down! *lol*

"This is SkyCapt Control, begin lading prodecures, clearance to land granted. Be advised, we have a pair of Delta's patrolling the air space, I advise warning your escorts."
"Superbattlecruiser Sequin, we read you. Any reinforcements you can provide will be gladly welcomed."

OOC: OK... I don't believe there is danger of overcrowding, most nations joining in are smaller ones. When/if bigger ones join in simulataneously... Well... We'll see.
24-09-2005, 08:53
OOC: I've seen it before with other nations. You cna have a great RP, then around 3 to 5 smaller nations join and you have over-posting. Hence why you need us to slow down.

OOC2: By the way, can you answer his question for me? How far away would I be from SkyCapt City? Oh, and do you mind if I make up some terrain?

I was thinking a valley with a town in the middle of it, with only one entry point at each end. I'd make up mroe details in the RP. Would this be ok?
24-09-2005, 13:34
From: Supreme Command G.Robinson
To: SkyCapt

SkyCapt. We are, as you know, operating a small fleet in your territory, which contains our biggest carrier. We also have a small air base in a neighbouring land. We would request that a strategic bombing raid be conducted on a town.

I know, having told you this, your answer will be no. This town is, as intell suggests, a strategic point for the rebels, linking up their territory. Knocking this out would not only strengthen our ability to get your country back in order, but also severly hamper, for a period of time, the rebels movement and supply. We are not requesting a carpet bombing or such strategy. Instead, we request the permission to knock out arms factories and military bases that are in rebel hands.

We will respect your decision, but ask you to think long and hard on it.
24-09-2005, 14:59
OOC: I'm going to be off-line for a while, so jsut hang on... (the laptop needs to be returned, then we're going to buy a new one (!!!))
24-09-2005, 16:10
Suzie Picked up the phone and dialed hoping there was someone at skycapt to answer.

Airhawkay Airforce base, northern island

The second and third FMAs were preparing to bored the helecopters that would take them to the waiting fleet just inside piglatnian waters.

The forces are as follows:

Second FMA:
2,500 Riflemen (carying 1 ak-107, 1 bereta model 92 pistol, 4 gernades, and 1 anti-personell mine)
2,000 assault troopers (carying 1 ak-107, 5 timed TNT charges, 3 anti-tank mines, and 1 bereta sniper rifle)
250 anti-tank soilders (carying 1 MAT launcher, 8 MAT missiles, 4 anti-tank mines, 2 gernades, and 1 bereta model 92 pistol)
250 medics (carying 1 bereta model 92 pistol, 1 feild medicle kit, 1 insta-stretcher, and 3 gernades)
50 specialized attack trucks 25 anti-tank, 20 MSGs, 5 anti-air.

Third FMA
2,500 Riflemen (carying 1 ak-107, 1 bereta model 92 pistol, 4 gernades, and 1 anti-personell mine)
2,000 assault troopers (carying 1 ak-107, 5 timed TNT charges, 3 anti-tank mines, and 1 bereta sniper rifle)
250 anti-tank soilders (carying 1 MAT launcher, 8 MAT missiles, 4 anti-tank mines, 2 gernades, and 1 bereta model 92 pistol)
250 medics (carying 1 bereta model 92 pistol, 1 feild medicle kit, 1 insta-stretcher, and 3 gernades)
500 Swordfish Amphibious Assault Vehicle.
24-09-2005, 19:27
OOC: I gots a PC! *w00t*

One of the Division Staff officers at the command center picked up the ringing phone, and answered the woman at the other end.
To: Supreme Command G. Robinson
From: SkyCapt High Command

We have considered your request for a strategic air raid on what has been confirmed as a rebel supply post. It has been a difficult decision, but we agree to this. We will be sending an air wing to assist in escorting and to execute precision strikes in the outlying areas. But we ask that you delay your strike until all civilians are evacuated.

Cheznik: If your troops are on the west border of SkyCapt, then your troops are approximtely 900 Miles from the capital. Eastern Border, 800 Miles, Northern border, 400 Miles. And finally, southern border, 950 Miles. If your inside SkyCapt, then your distance depends on where you are. And sure, feel free to make up terrain.
24-09-2005, 19:29
Supreme Commander G.Robinson to SkyCapt

If you could let us know when all civilians are evacuated, we will begin bombing raids.

Thank you for your co-operation.
24-09-2005, 19:37
suzie was just about to hang up when someone answerd the phone, "hello" said the voice on the other end "hello i would like to speak to whoever is in charge over there"
24-09-2005, 19:38
The town has been evacuated, bombing can commence.
24-09-2005, 20:14
one by one the first wave of transport helecopters reached the fleet when all 500 had landed the first fleet left, heading toward skycapt. The second fleet took there position to recieve the second wave.
24-09-2005, 20:17
TO: SkyCapt military command
FROM: Command Centre, Superbattlecruiser Sequin

We are ready to deply 1 Para and 1 Air Cavalry to any locatiosn you see fit, our other forces will have to be landed at a port, we request advisroy suggesting troop deployments //STOP

24-09-2005, 20:20
Falling through space and time in its infiniteness. Peaceful and entrancing with elegance and beauty. Heavier than air but lighter than a feather. Gathering speed as it ignited, whistling silently as it went.

Hitting the solid object, almost being absorbed. It blew open into particles, the destroyer and creator.

"Target hit."
24-09-2005, 20:28
Falling through space and time in its infiniteness. Peaceful and entrancing with elegance and beauty. Heavier than air but lighter than a feather. Gathering speed as it ignited, whistling silently as it went.

Hitting the solid object, almost being absorbed. It blew open into particles, the destroyer and creator.

"Target hit."

OOC: wow you make bombing so beutifull
24-09-2005, 20:56
"Valley Bravo Whiskey Tree Nine", South Eastern SkyCapt

On the southern coast of SkyCapt, around thirty aircraft slipped through the air. Flying buses, ultra-hight ech fighter planes and aircraft briseling with antenna's, they all sipped in, deep in the night. It was hardly an armada, but was the closest that Cheznik could provide.

On the cargo aircraft, thousands of paratroopers sat nervously, fully armed for several weeks fighting. They had been trained for this moment, yet some of the more youthful men were really nervous. And they had every right to.

What the enemies of Cheznik were fielding was unbelieveable. Msses of men and machines, entire Air Corps. This would be a though battle, and an interesting one at that. What the forces lacked in numbers they hoped they would make up with cunning, determination, equipment and tacts. That was the plan, anyway.

They were within 30 miles of the drop zone when the lead "Wild Weasel" F-16's begain pickign up Air Defense systems. If they even thought about arming, they would be blown right off the face of the earth.

For now, the armada flew on unhindered, as the para's readied themselves for the jump.
24-09-2005, 21:39
The sound of gear moving reverberated in the huge factory that was part of Ravencorps West, as troops stood at attention. Guns were facing up as RIA Troopers stood ramrod-straight, staring straight ahead. 2 sister companies were packed in like sardines. The roar of jet engines echoed throughout the meta and concrete walls of the former arms factory. After a brief overview of the troopers objectives, the troopers began to file out, loading into choppers, APC's, and Scout Cars. A rebel stronghold had been found, one which the brass believed housed the rebel's leaders. This rebellion had to stop. It had to.
24-09-2005, 22:09
Valley BW39

The three An-124's came in first, in a arrowhead formation. As they flew up the base of the valley, the doors and ramps opened and a Brigade of Para's threw themselves into the damp night air.

Most were landing softly by the time the nine An-70's came over in groups of three. From these, another Brigade dived into the open, followed by their supplies, equipment and heavy guns.

The An-124's swept up and round in a high ark, as the An-70's turned tight and fell in under them. The fighers did a sweep round the area, found not very much, and flew back to their escorting positions.

It was during refueling just before the coast that some of the "Wild Weasel" F-16's picked up an Air Defense correlation 100 km south of the valley where the troops landed, around 50 km north of a major combat area where some landings had just taken place.

A wing of three F-16 Wild Weasel's broke off from the formation and began an interrogate-attack run, to determine if the target was to be eliminated.


Back at the valley, the troops were gathering their groups and equipment, and began filling out their alloted roles. They had been briefed well.

Three regiments set up northern valley defenses, facing out over a wide area of marshland. Another three set up southern ones, facing out from a area of woodland over a wide, barren empty space. Another three began setting up fire support positions, while the last three set about setting up an airfield.

The valley had been chosen as a easily defendable site, and as a good base of operations. Shortly after, a radio message was sent out over the net:

"All RSA personnel in the area please rally at Valley BW39, *GPS Co-ordinates*. This is a friendly rebel speaker - we will serve as a base for your operations."

The message was repeated on ever band and many times on each, from a coms truck in the centre of the compound. Another wave of aircraft was due to arrive twelve hours later, along with the first aircraft that were going to stay for good.


Is this ok with you, espcially the terrain and Air Defense bits? I think you stated before you had SAM assets in the area.
24-09-2005, 22:36
The fleet had reached the edge of international waters, all ships stoped and waited. On the bridge of the PNS Homeland General Gamle sent a transmision to skycapt, If they got a reply saying the could comence operations then all 5,000 troops of the 2nd FMA would be deployed into the southern shoreline of skycapt.

To: skycapt
From:the PNS Homeland

we have the first wave ready to land on your southern shore and are waiting for you to give the go ahead. If you do not wish us to land then reply with that answer.

General Gamle
25-09-2005, 00:13
Secret IC:
At SkyCapt City, the 5th Expeditionary Force had finally finished landing. The aircraft did not stay, they had two more EFs to bring, and they went on their way.

The fighters did stay, and combat air patrols were commenced in the airspace around the city. The fighters could see on their radar the cargo aircraft making runs to a valley called BW39, but they were outside of the fighter's patrol area, and they were not authorized to attack anything outside that zone. They simply reported to their HQ that a number of cargo aircraft appeared to be making para-drops in this valley, probably attampting to stay below ground based radar.

On the ground, everyone was busy. The two SAM regiments were deploying to add to the air defense of the city. They were also learning how to identify Incorporated and other allied aircraft from those of the enemy. The tanks and APCs from the Motorized Rifle Division were getting into formation, preparing to attack and achieve a beakthrough in the lines of the 3 RSA Corps. besieging the city.

The APCs of the far more numerous Mechinized Infantry Divisions were forming into 3 sections. Five divisions would follow the MRD and take advantage of the breakthrough. The four other divisions split into 2 division groups, went to the flanks, and waited...

The five Infantry Divisions waited back at the capital for now, defending the airbase, ensuring the the rebels would not set one foot in SkyCapt city.

To: General John Hartsmith, RIA Command Staff
From: Commander, Mannatopian Forces, SkyCapt Deployment Force

Our forces are in position for a counter-strike against the 3 RSA Corps. around SkyCapt City. We await your go ahead to commence our attack. In addition, our fighters have detected large cargo aircraft which are not on the list of authorized flights you have provided us. They are flying low, in and out of a valley known as BW32. We believe they are enemy aircraft assembling forces at that valley, and request permission to engage the aircraft.

ooc: SkyCapt, what technology and forces do the three corps. around the city have. What is the tech in general ofthe RSA, are they in battle suits and stuff like the Incorporated?
25-09-2005, 01:32
"An RSA strong hold has been located here in Gamma Sector, SkyCapt forces are planning a counter strike, you will move in to provide tactical air support, and if neccesary cover W-25 Stratolifters who will deploy 1 Para into the battle, good luck and good hunting, man your planes"

144 W-33s and 72 AT/GA-1B Seastorms took off and headed towards what woudl become a charred battlefield.
25-09-2005, 01:33
OOC: RSA Troops are equipped with today's RL equipment, like regular assault rifles and gear, although some elite troopers are equipped with MkI Battle Armor. As for the RIA, you know what they have. Oh, and it's all OK, Cheznik.

To: Mannatopian SkyCapt Deployment Force
From: SkyCapt High Command

Your forces have the green light to engage. Be warned, we currently have 6 RSA Corps that have been deployed by the rebels, which amounts to 72,000 troops. We have RIA forces being recalled, which will strike rebel held positions from the rear. Good luck.

To: PNS Homeland
From: SkyCapt High Command

Your first wave has the green light to land and engage. Good luck.
Crickets chirped as troopers ran through the woods of SkyCapt. Suddenly a mounted MG fired a spray of bullets at a clump of trees. "Go, go, go!" "Incoming!" "Look out!" Guns began to open up as Incorporated Troopers engaged rebel soldiers. "Go! Clear the bunker!" "I've got him!" "Door's jammed!" "Get me a charge over here!" Chaos ensued as doors were lown open and troopers were met with gunfire. The stronghold had been breached...
25-09-2005, 01:39
When the green light came there wa a short horn blast over all the speakers, then the landing ships took off carying a half of the troops well the others were are lifted in along with the trucks.

OOC: Could someone rp the rebles in the area,
25-09-2005, 01:50
the helecopters were the first to land unloading there cargo and taking off, by the time the ships reached the shore a small trench was already being dug to keep the wounded in.
25-09-2005, 01:53
A rebel trooper was patrolling a gun position on a cliff that overlooked a beach. He turned, and squinted. He opened his eyes wide in surpise, and yelled out an alarm. He had picked out landing craft moving in, coming closer. Men began to scurry around, and manned artillery guns and MG's. Snipers took up positions, and squadrons were moved down into the reinforced positions on the beachhead.
25-09-2005, 02:04
"This is wing commander collins, of the confederate air force, we will render air support to Incorporated forces in this area, request enemy composistion and usage of gorund based laser designators, over"
He said as his gorund attack aircraft wound up htier rotary cannons and armed there 15 Tagus 1/B Bravo Heavy AT missiles, each one designed ot take out a mark 9 Iscariot wiht an armour penetration of over 7800mm RHA
25-09-2005, 02:05
2 squads were sent foward to check out the area. They moved forward slowly and cautiosly, hoping there wasn't going to be oposition on the beach.
25-09-2005, 04:04
30 JF-17A Lightning fighters swept away from SkyCapt City. They looked down and saw the armored formations of their comrades on the ground. They flashed their afterburners as they passed overhead, then continued their low altittude flight...

As the fighters approached a forest, their radars showed what they had been looking for. The RSA had been depending on the trees to obscure their radar signature, a good tactic at night, but not this time. The fighters noticed the higher radar return of the metal tanks and trucks, and the pilots knew they had reached the front line. They popped up, and let loose with their 30mm cannon.

The depleted uranium shells ripped through the armor like it was paper, blasting a hole in the rebel lines. The sky lit up with the fires from tanks, trucks, and APCs. Had the pilots been on the ground, they would have heard the screams of the infantry who had been maimed by the strafing run, and not heard the ones killed.

The fighters pulled away. As they did, 6 missile trails could be seen behind them, but the pilots had all already dropped flares, expecting a small shoulder-launched missile response from the RSA. They then flew off to the second part of their mission, the investigation and attack of BW39...

From his Stingray II tank, the commander of the lead vehicle of the 22nd MRD saw the pre-determined signal to begin the attack, the afterburner flash from the JF-17As. All around him, tanks and APCs started their engines. They started off towards where the enemy was believed to be. Shortly after they began driving, the commander saw the glow on the horizon from the strike of the fighters, and began driving towards it, the other vehicles following him.

They arrived at the forest. The night vision cameras in the tanks showed the burning enemy vehicles, and then other tanks driving to fill the gap. They had not seen the Mannatopian's yet.

"Perfect," thought the commander. He sent a signal to the other vehicles, and to HQ, "The Dawn is rising, the Dragon is falling up."

He then told his gunner, "Commence firing."

The tank rocked with the launch of an APFSDS, but it had never stopped driving, kept pushing towards the forest. All around him, the other tanks were firing as well. More RSA vehicles were destroyed, as they had been caught off-guard trying to seal the gap in their lines. They did not take long to realize what had happened. Quickly, their tanks, the ones that were left, returned fire.

On his nightvision, the Mannatopian commander saw the flashes of the RSA tanks firing. "Gunner, see those flashes? Shoot them as fast as you can!" To his left, a Stingray exploded, it had been hit. "Damn this light armor," thought the commander, "They had to send us out with light tanks! I know our M1A3s are occupied with Torontia, but at least they could have sent some of them here!" The tanks drove on, APCs behind them, into the woods, and the forest battle had begun. The BMP-3s used their 100mm cannons to mop up the forces the Stingrays were fighting.

Far away, off each flank of the battle, the 4 remaining MIDs started their attack. THey had been waiting for the signal "the Dragon is falling up." That meant the RSA had tanken the bait, and was moving their forces to close the gap. Above each of the two groups, 10 JF-17As each swooped forward on the RSA positions, letting loose with there cannon and dropping bombs. The BMP-3s moved up, firing their cannon as fast as they could, and destroying RSA vehicles.

The 20 fighters supporting the flanking operation returned to base, rearmed, and took off again. It would be a long night for them. THey had to support the APCs and their lackof tanks.

ooc: if someone wants to RP the rebels, go ahead
25-09-2005, 04:06
"An RSA strong hold has been located here in Gamma Sector, SkyCapt forces are planning a counter strike, you will move in to provide tactical air support, and if neccesary cover W-25 Stratolifters who will deploy 1 Para into the battle, good luck and good hunting, man your planes"

144 W-33s and 72 AT/GA-1B Seastorms took off and headed towards what woudl become a charred battlefield.
ooc: are those RSA forces you are talking about the ones near the capital?
25-09-2005, 04:12
25-09-2005, 04:31
"This is wing commander collins, of the confederate air force, we will render air support to Incorporated forces in this area, request enemy composistion and usage of gorund based laser designators, over"
He said as his gorund attack aircraft wound up htier rotary cannons and armed there 15 Tagus 1/B Bravo Heavy AT missiles, each one designed ot take out a mark 9 Iscariot wiht an armour penetration of over 7800mm RHA
The commander of the 5th EF picked up the radio,
"Wing Commander Collins? This is the commander of the Mannatopian forces. We request your air attacks along the flanks of the battle, and whatever you can spare in the forest to the center. The enemy force is 6 RSA corps., we need you to attack their tanks, followed by their APCs. We will designate targets with lasers."
He then sent an order out to the forces in the battle.

At each area of battle, some of the BMP-3s started unloading troops. The troops ran forward, under cover of their vehicles, and started lighting up enemy tanks with targeting lasers. They thought it was a good thing they brought them along, because they knew that Mannatopia had not been planning to send any laser guided weapons. The rest of the soldiers were firing away at RSA soldiers with their AK-103s, protecting the troops with the lasers as best they could.
25-09-2005, 04:42
OOC: Whoa, wait, the RSA Stronghold SkyCapt forces discovered was far away from the capital...
25-09-2005, 04:42
The laser designator interpretor lit up on his panel as over seventy contacts appeared, he clicked on his radio "Roger target count seven-two over," he switched to his wing only channel, "Seastorm wing, one tagus 1/BB each targets as designated... calling targets," each contact was tagged by a different aircraft, "Cover leader, maintain CAP incase of interferance by enemy air assets, on my command, FIRE!" seventy-two missiles shot off and explsoion blossomed as they struck there targets, "MBT Targets Obliterated requesting more targets, wouldnt want ot waste fuel up here would we". He smiled sometimes he really enjoyed his job

OOC: I have so many aircraft available that this is a differnt wing, sorry if that wasnt clear, you can still have air support.
25-09-2005, 05:20
The soldiers were delighted when they heard the attack aircraft over head, and saw the tanks in front of them explode. They quickly turned their lasers onto other tanks.

In the forest, the battle raged on.
"Gunner, TC, Tank! Fire Fire Sabot."
The tank rocked back.
"Gunner, TC, Tank! Fire Fire HEAT."
The tank rocked again.
"Gunner, TC, APC, Fire Fire Sabot."
The tanked rocked again.
"TC, Gunner, any chance of running out of enemy tanks soon?
The tank commander smiled and called back down the in tank radio,
"Getting tired? Well, it looks like they are almost all go-" His nightvision screen suddenly showed more enemy tanks coming into view. "Not good," he thought, as he had already lost half of his own tank force.
"Release the bees, release the bees."

The BMP-3s in the forest stopped firing long enough to let out their troops, then resumed their attack. About 13,500 infantry fanned out amongst the trees. They fired at the RSA troops with their AK-103s, and launched parachute flares with their 40mm grenade launchers, lighting up the night. Some also fired other grenades at the tanks, but the real power of the "bees" came from the RPG soldiers. They ran from tree to tree, firing at enemy tanks as they went.

ooc: this is probably it for the night for me
25-09-2005, 07:15
From Supreme Commander G.Robinson
To All Nations

We are about to launch an assault on the town we have knocked out strategic targetsin. We request that until phase 1 is complete that nobody come to our aid.

Thanks you.
25-09-2005, 07:24
The vehicle drove through the road block. Today was a busy day, car after car after car. Their was a queue forming inside the roadblock.

The guard fell forward, blood emerging from his back. Troops poured out of their vehicles, APCs raced over the terrain towards the roadblock. A few tanks rolled in, more troops jumped out from civilian clothing. The roadblock was down within moments. The troops continued to advance through the town. Phase 1 was go.
25-09-2005, 12:21
F-16 Block 60 WW-II On Attack Run

The three F-16's flew high, around 40,000 feet, and used their On-Top-Look-Down Sensors to detect the Air Defense assets. They interrogated the electronics, and determined they were SkyCapt RIA S-A-M assets, high priority targets.

In the formation was a Radar, C3 Truck and three launchers. The computers on board quickly worked out an attack plan, and autopilot took over. Two Storm Shadow missiles were released from each fighter, skimming through the air on a dedicated attack run. They would arrive in about ten minutes, hopefully smashing into the C3 truck and Long Range Radar.

The F-16's then dived and hit the deck at Mach 0.9, skimming low above the trees. They began their attack runs. All three split up, and came in at three angles - 45 degress left, dead centre and 45 degrees right.

As planned, 5 miles from target in visual range, they popped up, fired off two HARM-125 (short range small size anti radar missiles) missiles each, fired directly at the launchers. They then swept round low, popped chaff and flare, and flew away as quickly as possible in formation. A flight of F-16ER Aircraft was waiting in a protection screen ahead.

Valley BW39

The sound of buzz-saws could be heard in the south of the valley, as troops felled tree's to create an impassable tank trap - the only entrance for vehicles was the road. They had dug a small trench network and set up Comunications, Anti-Tank Missile points and Machine Gun Posts.

Further back you would find 81-mm Mortar ditches and SAM sites. Even further back were some newly dug Artillery positions.

To the north, the same had been done, but with more of an emphasis of the firepower being on the front line. The idea was to cut down the enemy while he was still on the marsh. Indeed, the front line was a hundred metres thick, and held a lot of the firepower.

The main base had been set up with rough accodmidation, a mess, a C3 system and the airfield was taking shape, with the capability to land an An-70.

High above the base in the surrounding hills, various Artillery spotting points and shoulder launched SAM sites had been constructed, making the whole valley totally protected. The only current problem was that the troops were thin on the ground.

Two Hours Later

The aerial armada was back, and this time with more fighter cover. It was the same drill as before, as another two Brigades of Para's decended onto the base. However, this time something special happened.

Another two An-70's specially tasked from regular home-land duties landed on the runway. They taxied over to a main apron, and unloaded their cargo - an S-300 long range SAM system and an Isklander Missile System - the modern SCUD.

Also, two wings of F-16 Block 62 Fighters landed - the multirole backbone of Cheznik's Airforce. A refueling rig was also unloaded from one of An-70's, so the fighters could efficiently operate from their new base.

Now the Base, newly christened "FOB Cloud", had an strong effensive and defensive capability. The Isklander was prepped for launch from a pre-built dug-out, the S-300 was moved to a small hilltop, and the F-16's moved to their personal aprons. An attack would be launched soon.
25-09-2005, 16:50
The army was within the city, as buildings in rebel useage were temporarily downed and rebel troops killed or captured.

Bombs were still being dropped on some targets, once small circles had been cleared around the target. Muesilanian troops were everywhere. Phase two was go.

The street battles were raging, land takeovers were a daily occurence. On the third day, disaster hit the rapid Muesilanian advance. A stronghold, rebel held, was standing in the way. With anti-aircraft guns it was a small risk to bomb them into submission. They had watchtowers, heavily armed, troops were going to die in some numbers to gain entrance. One main gate, and surrounded by impassable terrain, this was going to be a problem.

A small army was gethering and setting up road blocks around it. APCs were driving around the area frequently. Troops manned small posts set-up. The rebels, as far as the troops could see, had no way in, and no way out.

OOC: Phase two, join in if you wish. I was going to use my MTF (Muesilanian Task Force) to take this base. It would be the perfect chance to get some background for them.
25-09-2005, 18:32
"Second volley called, FIRE"
72 Missiles shot towards there targets, turning 72 expensive tanks into smoking wrecks in a series of collosal explosions,
"Ground forces, request additional support, we can keep shooting the tanks with Tagus missiles but if you mark your posistions with yellow smoke we can also use our cannons on enemy infantry and APCs, over"

Cheznik, whos side are you on, casue your shooting at Royal Incorporated Army forces, if you do not desist we will be forced to exact massive retribution.
25-09-2005, 20:18

The side of the rebels. I said so a while ago...I hope I did anyway!

Sure, bring it on. Should make things...interesting :P Now lets spice things up some more.

Muesilania, have you got an HQ in the beach area?
25-09-2005, 20:22
Where are your aircraft coming from? I want o tuse 1300 planes to level it?
25-09-2005, 20:26
The rythmatic thumping of the XSW-3's drowned out the noise of firing rifles as troopers fired on a rebel held building. "I've got it. Tango 1 armed an ready to go." The sound of an overflying jet was suddenly silenced by an implosion on the 18th floor of the rumbling hotel. "Tango 1 is away, building hit. Pancor 1 out." The jet screamed into the night sky as the building was devastated by more explosions from the inside. "OK men, let's go," ordered the company commander. The troops ran off into the street, clearing buildings. The town was one of many cities, towns, and villages being cleared of rebels.
"Alright men! Muesilanian troops down below are preparing to clear out another rebel stronghold, and RIA Command wants us to help. Let's go!" Troopers began sliding down the ropes of the stationary Knighthawks, into areas around the stronghold.
25-09-2005, 20:28
OOC: I don't have an HQ there. We are going to set one up in the next town.
25-09-2005, 20:35
F-16 Block 60 WW-II On Attack Run

The F-16's then dived and hit the deck at Mach 2.2, skimming low above the trees. They rapidly overtook the released ordinance, and began their attack runs. All three split up, and came in at three angles - 45 degress left, dead centre and 45 degrees right.
ooc: Just so you know, F-16s can't go at Mach 2 at low altitude, just about nothing can break Mach 1 at low altitude, so it is very unrealistic for your F-16s to be at Mach 2.2 over the treetops.
25-09-2005, 20:40

There is such a thing as not going too far. I could have easily joined the "good" side and made the RP totally one sided, but I decided to go for some variety.

Also, by doing so you would shortedn the duration of the RP considerably, and make it certainly more tedious.

Thirdly, the logistics of that would take weeks, to gather and arm all the aircraft. And to set up 1300 aircraft arriving SIMULTANEOUSLY is impossible unless you are taking off from 12 different air bases.

So, for the good of the RP, make it reasonable man. Keep it small numbers - I think the last time there was that number of aircraft was WWII.

Another point - you are still technically small in the world of Nationstates. 1300 aircraft would feasbly be your WHOLE air force. I don't care what you say - if you have 10,000 aircraft, your godmodding. Especially as your economy is only "good".

Point made?

SkyCapt I will assume that Air Defense network is destroyed.

Muesilania, thanks, I just wanted to check before bombing buildings that don't exist!

Mannatopia, I'll edit that. It said Mach 1.6 at altitude, so I assumed there wouldnt be that much difference. I am proved wrong!
25-09-2005, 20:44
My entire airforce is only 5,500 aircraft, my army is small and they are taking of from over seventy different flight decks.
25-09-2005, 20:48

So!? I doubt over a fifth of your Air Force can be slaved to attack one valley at such short notice. And remember, your 5,500 must include transports, refulers, EW aircraft, AWAC's, the works, not just fighters.

As for 70 flight decks, I find this far fetched. Great Britain with a population of 60 Million, has half a dozen small carriers and a handful of air bases. Your nation could certainly not handle the maintenance, running costs and upkeep of SEVENTY air bases or carriers of any size.

And you are missing the point. Your taking my attacks personally, and want to show off how big and bad your nation is. You would kill my half of the RP.
25-09-2005, 21:00
OOC: Yes Cheznik, the Air Defence Network is destroyed, I guess my post Rp'ing the destructio didn't get put in. And 70 (!!!) Carriers?! Do you have Destroyers, Battleships and other escort and support ships in your fleet, Spizania? :p
25-09-2005, 21:07
I have two actual carriers, and loads of small Ocean Class Helicopter assualt ships, they carry 25 fighters each and a thousand troops, tehy also do well at picket and escort duties becasue of thier small size. The cost less than $1bn each, and no im not taking it personally, i just want to level something with overwhelmng firepower.
25-09-2005, 21:20
Osoantipatico has decided to enter the war on the side of our ally, SkyCapt. Osoantipatico already has a millitary base there, and deployment will begin immedatly. The Navy, Airforce, and 3/4 of the marines are deployed there. Our fighters are in the Air, and we are brining in our own AA to replace SkyCapt's.
25-09-2005, 21:34

See, another nation on SkyCapt's side. Do you really want this RP ot be totally one sided, Spizania? I won't attack you if you don't attack me. Oh wait, you want to show off your toys by flattening me, right? I have a bigger nation and could be doing that right now. But I amn't.

By my calculation you ahve 68 Ocean Class Carriers. That means about $51 Billion Dollars. Phew, thats a bit of a strain. Plus aircraft and an Army? Yu must be joking.


FAB Cloud - 1800 Hours

There was a silence in the valley, as the buzz saws stopped and the JCB's halted. It went on for about five minutes, before it was shattered by something awe inspiring.

The ISKLANDER-E missile was launched, smashing into the sky at high velocity. It lit up the faces of those who watched it, as it arched across the sky and south, out of sight. Only after its sound had echoed for the last time and it had gone out of view did the work on the defenses resume.

Another squadron of fighters had arrived, greatly boosting the airfields capabilities. Also, a dedicated KC-10, E-3 sentry and Nimrod Mark 4 had turned up, along with half a squadron of helicopters. The base was now truly fearful.

The full compliment of Para's had arrived, and the first Armor was due in the next day. When that happened, it would be all go.


378km South of Cloud - Recently Captured Rebel Stronghold

The town was ripe with troops, mostly Muesilanian. They were holding down the town, and moving onto the next phase of their operation. The action was dense and there was a lot of armor.

There seemed to be a main base of operatiosn for the gathering Muesilanian Army, where the men and equipment were particularly packed.

High above this point, the Isklander-E arched down from 70,000 feet and decended near vertically on the camp. 500 feet above ground level, its fuze activated, and 430 kg of Fuel Air Explosive detonated. For two milesa round, trees were picekd up and thrown, and anything remotely flammable burned. The termperature at ground zero was 2,000 degrees.

It was nasty.


Not technically a WOMD, but close enough. Is that ok?
25-09-2005, 21:41
OOC: Dead Irishmans everywhere! No! Think of the animals! And the Muesilanian soldiers, but Irishmans are more important.

Woosh. Soldiers marching on the road where knocked down by the shockwave of the explosion. "Wha-what was that?" "Something bad..." "That was hard," muttered a soldier, picking himself up and rolling his eyes. He gathered his equipment, and the troopers formed up again and continued marching towards the Muesilanian camp they were heading to, this time at a much faster pace.
25-09-2005, 21:50
As the two squads moved foward one of the men thought they saw something ahead of them. the first squad got into the prone position while the other one continued to check out the movement.
25-09-2005, 21:58
A squadron of rebel troopers patrolling the woods suddenly heard rustling to their left, and got into defensive positions. 2 Troopers parted the bushes, weapons ready, and saw a group of Piglatnian troops kneeling. Another one was heading their way.
25-09-2005, 22:04
100 W-25 Stratolifters took off from the Carriers Valourious and Gloruois escorted by 98 Lu-05s and 36 AT-GA-1s

The stratolifters carried 1 Para Division and all its equipment and supplies, they turned towards the area of heaviest action adn sped away form the fleet.
25-09-2005, 22:08
The squad moving foward opened fire when the saw the bushes moving, half the seccond squad moved up to help.
25-09-2005, 22:13
The two soldiers flew back, blood oozing out of holes in their Kevlar weave vests. "Open fire!" Screamed a rebel soldier. The sound of support gunners and riflemen firing filled the humid air, accompanied by explosions that were caused by thrown grenades. Bushes and sticks were torn apart by bullets, and grass was scorched by phosphorous and fragmentation grenades.
25-09-2005, 22:16
A squadron of F-18s began to fan our and search for Cheznik forces. They flew patrols, waiting for the emeny planes to appear. Meanwhile, the Marines were going through the forest lookin for Cheznik forces on the gorund.
25-09-2005, 22:21
FAB Cloud - 2000 Hours

Two helicopters took to the air - one a sinister looking Stealth Helicopter, the other a sleek transport helo with a probe at the front. Both were matt black.

The stealth one was a Ka-58, the most vicious piece of kit in Chezniks arsenal. It could pop a radar at 8 km, kill any tank at 5 and take off a mans head at 2. It was impervious to any radar on mans great earth - and it could fly low.

The other was a Ka-60, the Russian answer to the Blackhawk. This one had been pimped-up with a refueling probe and a bunch of ECM kit. It specifically belonged to Cheznik's elite special forces team, who were on-board - Zulu.

Both flew off to the south, shattering the peace of SkyCapt's beautiful forests with rotor whine and engine carnage. They flew in tandem for 176 km, before pulling up. The Ka-60 settled down on a field, the '58 flying round it. A team of six men piled out, before the '60 wipped up into the air and flew back the way it had come, in tandem once more.

The team began to trek, carrying a load of equipment each. They headed east, found their place on GPS, and set up a small Basha in a dell, thick in the forest.


That's it for the night folks. Lot's or RPing from me, sorry, but I have to get things going from my end! Especially if I'm going to be flattened soon.

And I don't wan't to be around when Muesilania turns up - he wont be best pleased.
25-09-2005, 22:24
Half the first squad were killed by bullets or explosions the ones that were left were falling back to the second squad. while they were backing up, they threw gernades into the bushes. another man fell. this was getting bad.


The sound of bullet fire alarmed the men in the trench, they got up and charged forward followed by other men in trucks. the lone radio operator started shouting comands and questions into the radio linked to the ships. "has the second wave arived yet?" "no they are about half an hour away" "damn, well then i need you to fire all guns at the cliffs to our right, position 40, 10." "why what is happening" " we are bored and would like to see fireworks, what do you think is happening" " don't shout at me" " god damn it just fire."

Sirens started blazing, and an anoucment was made, "all guns fire 40, 10 incenerary rounds now, i repeat all guns 40, 10 incenerary." minutes later the guns fired.
25-09-2005, 22:25
OOC: Um, Spizania is on our side, Osoantipatico..

"Agh! I'm hit!" "Let's go medic!" Guns fired as Piglatnian troops began to back away. "We've got them! Keep it coming!"
25-09-2005, 22:32
"Inbound Missiles, Captain, i see 6 birds over"
"Roger, Cover Leader take em down"
The front squadron of fighters fired two MTAAM-3 Silencers each, easily smashing the missiles.
"Sir the planes that fired on us, theyre supposed to be friendly!"
"Return the Compliment, with interest!"
"Bypassing Safety Lockouts, Missiles away!"
Six MTAAMs flew off towards the offending trio of planes.
25-09-2005, 22:35
The pilots of the F-18s realized thier mistake and disengaged the missles before they hit. The planes turned off, and the piolots were court-martailed and shot.
25-09-2005, 22:35
men started coming from the bushes some were hit as they came out but the others continued down the beach. another piglatnian fell, squirting blood over his friends and squad mates. One of the soilders froze up at this and started shaking, so 4 people took him back to the trench. when they were half way there the saw the trucks comming and cheered a bit but then rememdered there shivering friend. and continued to the trench.
25-09-2005, 22:37
Can i drop my paras into the middle of a battle between RIA and RSA forces?
25-09-2005, 22:48
OOC: Why not to the left, then your troops wil hear fighting, then they can go towards the firefight and get involved. If you drop them in the middle of it, they'll get slaughtered by RSA gunners before they hit the ground...
25-09-2005, 23:05
OOC: Ofcourse why didnt i think of that

IC: The back door of Stratolifter November-Foxtrot-Whiskey-Whiskey opened and the lined up parachutists clipped there ripcords to the metal wire already attached to the cargo pallets containing there heavy weapons and other equipment too heavy for the men to jump while carrying, Thomas Kynechvich, a captain in the Confederate paras heard singing break out at the front of his men, everyone quickly joined in, Thomas last as he was at the back of the line on the portside of the aircraft:-

"Glory Glory, what a hell of a way to die,
Hell of a way to die
Glory Glory, what a hell of a way to die,
Hell of a way to die
And i aint gonna jump no more"

The Loadmasters pushed the kit out of the back of the plane and signalled the men to follow, they jumped two at a time from oposite sides of hte airplanes,

"Glory Glory, what a hell of a way to die,
Hell of a way to die
Glory Glory, what a hell of a way to die,
Hell of a way to die
And i aint gonna jump no more"

It was getting fainter, until he realised it was his turn, he took a deep breath, and took a jump off the back of the ramp.

OOC: They are out of range of the RSA gunners at the moment.
25-09-2005, 23:17
OOC: ICly, it's night, so they can't see you... And night battles are fun.

"Get moving!" "I need some ammo over here!" "Get that radio over here!" "This is Foxtrot Company, we have a confirmed rebel force of at least 10,000 troops, request two heavies vectored to our position, South Southwest area of Sector 218, coordinates are..." "Go! Go! Go!" "I need a medic over here..." Men were running about the fortified positions to the south of a wheat field. Rebel troops were attacking the area with a force of over 13,000 troops, pitted against an RIA garrison of 8,000. An unidentified plane shot overhead, but the men down below were to busy to bother identify it, and merely hoped it wans't a Cheznik or rebel plane.
25-09-2005, 23:22
20 trucks moved up to what was left of the second squad that was sent on recon, followed by the rest of the second FMA.
26-09-2005, 00:07
the trucks sprayed the bushes then moved foward up the beach, stoping every once and a while to fire in the direction of shots. halfway towards the bushes the cliffs to their rights light up with a tremendous boom. spreading fire all over the cliffs. several "ooohs" came from the troops behind the trucks then they moved foward.
26-09-2005, 00:15
The remaining rebel troopers ran away, throwing grenades in different diretions in an attempt to confuse the Piglatnian troops.
26-09-2005, 00:46
The trucks moved ever closer to the bushes. a gernade exploded and a truck fliped over only the driver emerged from the wreck. the remaining trucks burst through the bushes. seeing the rebles run the fired after them then cheered. they had won the beach for tonight.
26-09-2005, 01:10
"This is Bravo 1, I a visual and radar reading on a rebel armoured column on Rebel Supply Route 442, southwest Sector 183. Requesting permission to prosecute." "Bravo 1, request granted." "Affirmative." The lone F-32 Jackal dove towards the supply route, the pilots throwing technical chatter back and forth. "Tango 1 is armed and ready to go!" "Give me a sec... Got it. I have a lock on the lead vehicle, with 2 AA Heavies behind. Get those flares and chafes ready.." "If you say so," the co-pilot said with a humorous undertone. They had done this many times, and they both had the routine down pat. "3... 2... Tango 1 is away!" "Look out, those heavies are opening up!" "I got ya, hold- We lost something!"
An officer sat slumped in his chair, staring at a newspaper and sipping coffee. Suddenly his headset crackled to life. "This is-... -Bravo 1-.... -... Los-... Altitude, taken direct hit to the starboard engine-... -Going down in rebel territory, 70 miles northeast of Rebel Supply Route 4-... ...-2, in sec-... ...1-... -3-..." The officer jumped up, and yelled an alarm. He yanked off his headset as officers ran over. "We have a downed aircraft over a rebel supply route, something that starts with '4' and ends with '2'. Over sector 18 something, I didn't get the rest. Their radio must've conked out, since it went dead." "Do you know what jet that was?" "Uh, Bravo... Bravo 1. What area did they patrol?" "I remember," said another man. "Supply Route 442, rebel held, in Sector 183. That entire area is infested with rebels." "What was the jet's crew?" "Um, let me see... Here it is. Captain Robert Loksmith, and Captain Janet Ellic-Smith." "Get a rescue team together. We're not leaving them stranded."
26-09-2005, 14:54
Near BW39:

The 30 JF-17As swept in at treetop level. They wanted to get an idea what all this air activity around this valley was.

Suddenly, theur threat receivers started blaring.
"Crap, SAMS, they're all over the place"
"Do you see that, Cheznik's got an airfield, a firebase, huge ground forces, and all this air defense"
"Big on the air defense. Squad, break apart and run for home!"
"I think I see Scud launchers."
"That's great, you wanna see them again, you'll run!"
"Missiles inbound... I'm hit... going down!"

The fighters did what they could to climb and get away from the SAMS. They did, but not before 12 fighters had been lost. The remaining 17 now climbed to altitude to fly home as fast as they could. It was a mistake most would not live to regret, as they flew right into the Cheznik F-16 patrols. A huge dogfight ensued, but the JF-17A pilots didn't have much experiance in air combat, and only managed to down 5 F-16s.

In the end, only one JF-17A made it back to SkyCapt City to report on the forces and aircraft around BW39.


Forest outside SkyCapt City:

The morning after the battle. The strategy had worked, but at such a cost. A breakthrough in the center had been achieved, and the Motorized Infantry Division BMP-3s and infantry had taken advantage of it and pressed behind the RSA lines. They fanned left and right, forming a solid front in the rear with the 4 MID that had attacked initially on the sides. The remaining RSA forces in this battle had surrendered, but at what a cost.

75 out of the original 305 Stingray II tanks remained.
3,756 out of 6,260 BMP-3 APCs remained
25,412 of the original 43,820 infantry sent into battle were still alive

It probably would have been a complete defeat for Mannatopia, had it not been for the air support of Spizania.

The RSA forces, 6 Corps and 72,000 men, were now down to 12,768, and they had were now prisoners of war. The Mannatopian forces withdrew, bringing their prisoners with them.

The commander of the 5th EF a message to the SkyCapt forces:

To: General John Hartsmith, RIA Command Staff
From: Commander, Mannatopian Forces, SkyCapt Deployment Force

Our forces have won a major victory. The siege of SkyCapt City has been lifted, but our forces have taken heavy losses. They are returning to our base with nearly 13,000 RSA prisoners, whom we shall turn over to you. More Mannatopian reinforcements are on the way, but until then, we lack the tanks necessery to defend the land we have taken from RSA.

In addition, our aircraft have identified the activity at BW39. It is Cheznik. They have set up an extremely well defended base there, with massive air defense, large numbers of troops and vehicles, numerious fighters, and tactical surface to surface missiles similar to Scuds. This information came at great cost, which should emphasize the level of defense at this fire base, out of 30 aircraft sent, only 1 returned. I shall soon send you a message with the remaining forces we have in the region, as soon as we reorginaze what we have left.

One last note. Our campaign near Torontia has ended, and we will soon be able tosend many of those forces here. This will vastly increase our tank capability.

ooc: Torontia decided he didn't want to have his RP, so m forces that were there are now available to be moved here
26-09-2005, 17:50
Team Zulu - 0600 Hours

It was early. Very early. But these guys didn't care, it was their job. Since they rose at four A.M. and dissasembled their hideout, they had travelled seven miles and were at their target.

They had set up a small position on a hill, with all round protection, over looking something very important. Down the hill, about three mile and a half miles away, was a SkyCapt Air Defense site. It was their mission to take it out. To do this, they had a Kornet-F launcher, the most sophisticated Troop capable AT missile in the world. And they had two rockets for it.

At 0613, Corporal Phil Tanz fired the first missile down the hill. He kept it in his sites right up until the target was hit, the missile speeding at a velocity of 300 m/s into the side of the radar truck. Its first stage warhead would melt the outside armor, and the main warhead detonate inside the truck.

The instant the missile detonated, another missile was reloaded. This one was fired at the Command truck, where most troops would be. The same could be said for this one. The moment it detonated, the AT Launcher was slung over Tanz's shoulder and two smoke grenades were slung in front of the position, hiding the troops retreat. All they leaft behind them were a couple of marks on the ground and the smoke grenades, which were not even Cheznik made.

They retreated to another forest 15 miles away, where they set up another Basha and awaited their next mission.


FOB Cloud - 0740 Hours

The loss of five F-16's was damaging, but it only took a day to replace them, as another five were flown in from CAF Broxburn. And the base was getting stronger by the day, as half the armored compliment and their crews had arrived. This meant that the defense lines were boosted by Tank Destroyers and SPG's, and yet more SAM and AAA capabilities.

What was worrying though, was the fact that the base had been detected and at least one JF-17 had escaped. It was paramount that the CAF struck first.

Three wings of aircraft, in total three Su-34's, three F-16ER's and three F-16 WW-II aircraft, had taken off supported by an AWAC's and a KC-10, and headed north, and swept round. The plan was to attack the Mannatopian Air Base before they had a chance to attack FAB Cloud.

The weapon of choice - six Storm Shadow long range cruise missiles and three Bright Star Ramjet Cruise missiles, capable of Mach 5 flight. These weapons would be launched from 250km and cruise in, smacking the airbase right where it hurt - the Command building, refueling rig area, the armory and various large hangars. A Titanium tipped Penetrator Bright Star would be used on the armory.

The aircraft hit their 250km mark and let go of their weapons. They swept round to retreat - hopefully they would get away in time.
26-09-2005, 18:26
0750 hours

Mannatopian air defense radar picked up the 9 fighters, which had taken a hisgher altitude flight to make use of air-to-air refueling and to increase the range the cruise missiles could get.

"Comrade captain, I have 10 bogeys on my radar."

The captain responded, "identify targets, I want origin and classification."

Operator: "Nationality unknown, but they did come from the general direction of the Cheznik base our pilot found. Classification... 9 fighter class, one larger aircraft, a refueler or heavy bomber."

Captain: "Full alert! Scramble a flight of 15 Lightnings and alert the Hawk SAMs!

Oerator: "Captain, the bogeys have just turned away, they were all outside of our SAM umbrella. Wait... Standbye...CONFIRMED 9 MISSILES INBOUND!! 6 subsonic and 3 hypersonic cruise missiles inbound!!"

Captain: "Alert the SAMs to the new threat, and get those fighter back into the hardened bunkers!!"

As he was speaking, Hawk missiles were being fired in an attempt to shoot down the incoming missiles. For the Mach 5 missiles, it was no use, the Hawks might be able to handle a ballistic missile at that speed, but not a cruise missile. The Storm Shadows were another matter.

First one, then two, and finally 5 of the Shadows were shot down. Then the Bright Stars hit their targets. The main ammunition storage armory was hit, and exploded in a massive fireball.

The other two Stars went at the hardened aircraft shelters for the fighters, and broke through with their titanium tips. The shelters collapsed on the fighters, killing the crews who had rushed in for the scramble order.

The Storm Shadow missile had not been destroyed, but it had been damaged. It hit the command center, but luckily it did not detonate, and only 14 staff were killed.
26-09-2005, 22:31
The trucks moved foward into the small town, searching every road to find any remaining rebles.
26-09-2005, 22:45
A rebel soldier stood in the window of a half blown up building, hold a rocket launcher. "I've got the truck in my sights, stand by... Rocket away!" The rocket sped towards the truck, as men in other windows began firing.
26-09-2005, 23:11
"rpg" shouted the gunner of a truck but it was to late. with a loud explosion the car became junk, instanly 4 other trucks showed up fireing into the windows. one of the drivers radioed for asistance " we are under fire need leged support at least 3 squads" " copy that squads 10- 20 are coming what is your position" " we are on the east side road 12 just head toward the gunfire"
the squad leader of squad 10 recieved the first transmision "we need your squad to head to road 12, our trucks are taking heavy fire." "roger, we are on our way are we the only ones going?" "no 11-20 are going too" "alright over and out" he switched to squad com.1 " alright everybody listen up the trucks are under fire and we have been called to help them. hioh!" "hioh" replied his squad in unison. they started towards the city. The comander of squad 10 swithched to squad com. 2 then specified which ones he wanted to talk to specificly. " squad 10 checking in are you all go" " 11 go" "12 go" "13 go" "14 go" "15 go" "16 go" "17 go" "18 go" "19 go" "20 go" "alright move foward, 15- 20 you try to enter the building from the rear we will try to take the front, hioh!" "hioh" came the reply of the other leaders.
26-09-2005, 23:33
"Get 'em!" Bullets fired into the trucks behind the wreckage, and Anti-tank troopers began to fire as well. A company was called up, along with some armor. "Keep firing! Go!" "We've got armor support, let's go!"
26-09-2005, 23:43
"crap more anti-tank evasive manuvers" another truck was turned to scrap leaving only three left. "we got armour comming at us when are the squads comming and can we get some more trucks up here." "yes the squads are comming and we are sending the anti-tank trucks right now. also if you wanted to know the second wave has arived" " no i did not want to know why the hell did you think i wanted to know?" "rpgs" came a shout "damn" the trucks tried to get out of the way.

"this is 15 we see some armour comming toward your position" "try to distract it and we need you to take out the gunners in the buildings 16 and 17 the rest cover the entrance or help with the armour" "yes sir" squad 16 entered a building moving slowly through the rooms then up the stairs well 17 did the same for the oposite building.
squad 10 was firing into the windows and throwing gernades up into other windows to distract the rebles from the other squads entering the building next to the ones 16 and 17 were entering.
26-09-2005, 23:56
"Fire!" "I got it, hold on," yelled a rebel anti-tanker, firing a HEAT round into an enemy truck. "GO! GO! GO!" Men charged out of buildings, firing into the enemy. T-43 MBT's rolled into the wider streets, surrounded by rebel troops. Lighter armor began rolling behind the T-43's, and gave supporting fire. Rebel Sharshooters began to pick off Piglatian troops, adding more support to the infantry onslaught.
27-09-2005, 00:23
squad 15 started throwing gernades at the oncoming tanks while there lone anti-tank trooper got of one shot before being hit in the head by a bullet. squad 15 fell back and around a building, all except one brave or foolish man who held two armed mines in his hands well he ran towards the tanks.

squad 19 had gotten around the armor and was now open an assault on the rebles in front of them, well their lone anti-tank unloaded its 4 missiles into the tanks.

squad 17 had reached the middle of the steps when some rebles came down the stairs. they opened fire on the rebles before the rebles knew what was hapening. their anti-tank was at a window launching its missiles at the lighter armor.

squad 16 had bearly made it to the stairs when rebles fired upon them. they were taken by suprise but managed to get off a round before they had to retreat. losing 6 men in the process.

squad 18 heard the gunshots from inside the building and ran in to help squad 16. suprising the rebles from behind.

squad 20 was on the look out for any amor coming into street 13.

squad 10 was taking heavy fire from the rebles in the buildings but managed to get a few gernades into windows.

squad 11 and 13 were all ready on the second floor preparing to atack the rebles in the next room. one man threw in a gernade, they steped down a bit then ran into the room fireing.

squad 12 and 14 weren't so lucky some of the rebles were waiting for them on the stairs, mass blood shed ocured for squad 12 which was leading but squad 14 was able to take out a few before they retreated into another room.

another truck was blown up from an rpg, leaving only 2. " how long till the anti-tank so we can get out of here?" "they are at street 14"

The anti-tank trucks were just passed street 15 when they heard an explosion. 10 went down 14 to try to catch any tanks from behind and 10 continued down street A to get in front of the tanks.
27-09-2005, 01:05
To: General John Hartsmith, RIA Command Staff
From: General Kweon Kap-yong, Commander, Mannatopian Forces, SkyCapt Deployment Force

Our forces in SkyCapt have been decimated. We have no fighter support, no tank support, and next to no APCs remaining. We have lost a significant portion of our infantry. I have been recalled to Mannatopia to answer for this loss. In the mean time, Mannatopian forces are being airlifted out of SkyCapt. I cannot say when, or if, we shall return. Do not underestimate the forces of Cheznik, they are quite capable.


ooc: yikes, that attack really hurt me. I will be back, but after some reorginization of my command staff
27-09-2005, 01:12
To: General Kweon Kap-yong, Commander, Mannatopian Forces, SkyCapt Deployment Force
From: RIA Command Staff

We hope a quick return, although new recruits are being turned out of RIA Training Facilities daily. However, with rebel forces on the rise, cities are being attacked daily.
27-09-2005, 02:09
ooc: Cheznik, do your aircraft fly over the ocean to reinforce that base of your?
27-09-2005, 03:24
part 1:

Secret IC:
He had just landed in Kyeryong , capital of Mannatopia. General Kweon Kap-yong, the commander of what was left of the 5th EF, walked into the politburo meeting. He was already uneasy, and things only got worse.

Defense Minister Seo Jung-Keun started things off.
"I am bringing this meeting to order. We are here to discuss the military failures that have occured, and what we should do about them. We are also here to discuss what, if anything, we can do to the Imperials of Cheznik."

General Tsin Lee, the commander of the 1st EF, which was among the forces that had just returned from the Torontian border, interrupted.
"Comrade Defense Minister, should we not wait for Premier Yong Jin-ho, should he not be involved in this decision making?"

Seo continued, "Our Premier has fallen ill, and I have taken charge in his place. Until his recovery, of course."

This sent a chill down Tsin Lee's back. The defense minister was often a madman, and only held in check by the Premier. Tsin wasn't even sure if he could trust that the Premier was ill, and that Seo had not simply decided to take power. Her knew that Seo had not been happy with backing SkyCapt. He looked at the other officers called to this meeting:
General Li Wang, commander of the 2nd EF, and a close friend, their wives had introduced them to each other.
General Kweon Kap-yong, commander of the 5th EF, just back from SkyCapt City. Tsin had known Kweon since the academy.
Admiral Weon Seong-chin, commander of the new carrier task force. Tsin had only met him once, but he seemed to be a reasonable man.
On all of their faces, he saw worry. He knew they feared what he feared. Even if the defense minister was telling the truth, he was in charge now, and none of them knew what to expect out of him.

"First of all," Seo continued, "comrade General Kweon Kap-yong, report on what happened in SkyCapt."

"As you know, comrades, we were sent into SkyCapt with minimal tank support, and only 50 fighters. What we did not lack were APCs and men, but, as you shall see, that was not enough. Soon after we landed, we began combat air patrols, and it was then that we first detected aircraft at valley BW39. The next night, we assembled our ground forces for a massive ground strike to liberate the siege of SkyCapt City. We succeeded, but at nearly 50% losses, even worse in our tanks. We only managed a victory die to allied air support. That same night, we sent 30 fighters to investigate the valley. My pilots have never seen combat before, and they were ripped to shreds. Only one returned to tell u that the base was Cheznik. That morning, they sent their airstrike, 9 cruise missiles, 3 of them hypersonic. We knocked out 5 missiles, and damaged one so it could not detonate, but we had no defense against the hypersonic missiles. They destroyed all of our remaining pilots and fighters, and created such a fire and explosion with the destruction of our armory that most of our remaining soldiers and logistical personnel gave their lives to put out the fire, and therefore save SkyCapt City. I am nominating them Heroes of Mannatopia!" General Kweon Kap-yong exclaimed.

"Request denied," Defense Minister Seo Jung-Keun said very matter-a-factly. "Now, comrade intelligence minister, how did you miss this base, and the involvement of Cheznik?"

Intelligence Minister Shin Yong responded, "You know as well as I do that my rescources are limited. I have no spy planes, no spy satelites, and depserately few spies in other countries."

"Fine, at least you have a reason for your failures." Seo said.

The other generals in the room became uneasy.

"Comrades," General Li Wang said, "this is not General Kweon Kap-yong's fault. He had no M1A3 tanks, only light Stingray IIs, and not many of them. His men were not tested in previous combat. He has already said his air force units were untested. None of us could have defended against those missiles." He did not say what he was thinking, what he and General Tsin had discussed earlier. They thought that the Defense Minister had set this up on purpose, to discredit the premier, and they worried that General Kweon Kap-yong would be used as a scape-goat.

to be finished in part 2
27-09-2005, 03:46
The anti-tank trucks passed the wreckage that was street 13, stoping at the intersection, waiting for squad 19 to stop firing. then they rounded the corner and blasted their missiles into the remaining tanks.
27-09-2005, 16:59
1 Para slowly regrouped after the landing and recovered there weapons, when one of the scouts reported that he had heard weapons fire, the division began to move towards the sources, adn emerged in a running battle, they opened fire on RSA forces, while the lead units radiomen called in the clear for reinforcements and airsupport

Confederate Airforce Base, Castle, Very Small Island

4 Archimedes Lever heavy Transports, on autopilot and packed with 270 tonnes of high-grade OctoNitroCubane took off accompanied by 72 Lu-05s and 24 GHI-34 Albatross heavy bombers. They headed towards SkyCapt.
27-09-2005, 17:03

Some flights do, some flight's don't. Most of the fighters come in over the sea, but supply aircraft and vulnerable stuff comes in over the western border.

Wonder where Muesilania went?
27-09-2005, 17:10
"Sir! We have Spizanian troopers assisting!" "Very good. Get a team over there!" The RIA commander turned back to a table with other commanders around it, looking at maps and recon pictures. "Get moving, follow me," Ordered the trooper, gathering a group of soldiers as he went.
27-09-2005, 17:22
"1 Para this is Wing COmmadner thomas, light em up and well open up those tin cans for you,"
Almost immediatly 720 locks appeared on his lock management screen,
"Calling Targets, FIRE"
720 taguis 1/B Bravo missiles shot off and towards hte designated 720 RIA vehicles, 720 explosions bloomed in the distance, he looked at his moniter and smiled "Tighten it up wing we only nailed 719 Targets, i want a clean sweep next time"
"Sorry Boss"
"Awaiting new targets"

OOC: Were aiming at tanks, APCs and ohter comabt vehicles like Half Tracks and troop lorries
27-09-2005, 18:01
OOC: Gotcha.

"Sir! Fuel reserves and vehicles on stand by are out!" "Get those mercs up to the front!" An officer yelled before turning to the rebel soldier waiting. "Say what?" "Fuel reserves, and vehicles on stand by are out of action, an unidentified are wing knocked them out." "Alright, that's not important now. What I need is for you to get the 3rd Divison up and running, they're needed on the left. Make sure the trenches get fresh reinforcements, ammo, and arms. We can't afford to lose this position." "Yes sir. I'll have Captain Thompson on it right away."
27-09-2005, 18:08
"1 Para this is Wing COmmadner thomas, light em up and well open up those tin cans for you,"
Almost immediatly 720 locks appeared on his lock management screen,
"Calling Targets, FIRE"
720 taguis 1/B Bravo missiles shot off and towards hte designated 720 RIA vehicles, 720 explosions bloomed in the distance, he looked at his moniter and smiled "Tighten it up wing we only nailed 719 Targets, i want a clean sweep next time"
"Sorry Boss"
"Awaiting new targets"

OOC: Were aiming at tanks, APCs and ohter comabt vehicles like Half Tracks and troop lorries
ooc: umm, you know you have been fighting on the side of RIA. your enemy is RSA, so you just blew up 719 friendlies
27-09-2005, 18:14
OOC: It's probably a typo. Although 'I' is nowhere near 'S' on the keyboard...
27-09-2005, 18:27
Sorry typo that was an accident.
27-09-2005, 18:38
An Incorporated Trooper walked through a jumbled mess of equipment, ammo, and fuel barrels as he attempted to make his way to the mobile command center. "Sir, Spizanian air assets have made an attack run on a rebel motor pool, which has been confirmed by 3rd Wing. We also have those Dragoons running finally. They are now making their way up the flanks, covering the 5th." "Very good, get the 2nd and 7th backing up the 5th." Responded the commander, still looking at the map before him. "Yes sir."
"Shut up, moron! HQ is sending orders now." "Sorry 'bout that." Said a trooper sheepishly. He looked around, then turned back. "OK men. According to reports, that jet crashed approximately 5 Miles north of our position. I hope you're up for a run, because that homing signal came from the middle of the woods." "Ah crap. We always get the hard jobs..." "Shut up, we're moving out." The squadron began to jog through the underbrush, headed for the last known position of the downed pilots.
27-09-2005, 18:43
OOC: Im back guys, sorry about that. A few problems in general and no spare time.


Muesilanian troops were hooked on the news at home. Their families in ever increasing danger, they couldn't help but be worried.

The main priority was their lives though. The city now taken, they had to be wary of rebels still active within the city. Some had escaped, and they would probably have no second thoughts about gunning a man or two down.

OOC 2: Since I haven't been here, could somebody quickly sum up whats going on for me?
27-09-2005, 18:50
OOC: OK. Cheznik launched a scud-type missile on one of your bases, a little engagement between Piglatnian forces and Rebel troops is going on, and Spizania dropped a paratrooper force close to an engagement between RIA and RSA forces, and bombed a rebel motor-pool. That's about it.
27-09-2005, 19:07
OOC: Hmm... what base? Never mind, erm... what to do about that one. Ill find the post after this and get something together.
27-09-2005, 19:17
OOC: Page 6 or 7. I forgot which one.
27-09-2005, 19:52
Valley SI78 - 1542 Hours

The team was half way up a hill, three miles away from a main road, as well hidden as was possible. In front of them - a vast valley, with the main road and a river running right down the middle.

Just half an hour earlier they had placed a huge satchel charge in a pothole on that road, and were now waitting for the convoy to arrive. In the convoy were three SAM launchers, a Radar Truck, a troop truck and a Command Vehicle.

Tanz peered through his binoculars, his finger on the button. He waited until the Command Vehicle had rolled right over the pothole and.......

BOOM! The explosion echoed for miles and the convoy ground to a halt, troops diving out the back of the troop truck. The team hurriedly got up and dived down the hill, going back the way they came at a dead sprint.

FAB Cloud - 15 Minutes Later

"News, sir! Zulu reports execution of third phase - all SAM assets in the area are effectively neutralized. We can launch Grand Phase Four, sir!" reported a Captain excitedly to the General.

"Very well. Inform the Armor, Air Crews and Helicopter Crews - all go at 0500 tommorow morning. Agreed?" the General replied.

"Yes, sir! I will get it underway immediately, sir!" snapped the Captain, rushing out the room as quickly as he could.

"God help us all....." muttered the General.

The plan was to attack while the enemy was on the back foot - Mannatopia was out of the fight for a while, Muesilinia was surely hampered and SkyCapt had it's hands full with rebels. It would be all go the next day.


Any chance of some loss postage? I wan't to know I blew it up right. You don't seem to have a reaction to three Air Defense sites going boom.
27-09-2005, 20:06
Approximatley oen hour ago, 1st adn 2nd Air Cav groups (some 130000 men, almost half the native spizanian army) ladned at the Capital of SkyCapt City, 6 Amoured and 2 Mechanised Divisions have made landfall accomapigned by three regiments of the 1st Arabanistan Foreign Legion Light Infantry.
27-09-2005, 20:08
OOC: Sorry about that... I don't have much time, and kind of skimmed through the posts to see what had happened.

The trooper driving the truck saw the explosion a second before everything happened. Boom. He screamed in pain on the ground, and tried to get up. He fell back down, horrified at what had happened to his legs. He looked at the truck. It was now a modern piece of art, and the Mobile Command Center it had been carrying was also out of commision.
"Sir, convoy 118 has been attacked, the mobile command center has been heavily damaged. 10 Wounded, 2 dead." The communications officer rattled off, as he spun hic chair around to face the commander. "The SAM Trucks were also hit. 2 down, the 3rd is going to take a long time to fix."
27-09-2005, 21:43
as promised, part 2

Secret IC:

The meeting in the politburo with the command staff continued.

Foreign Minister Jeon Ho-Bong, the only member of the politburo in the meeting who had been in the politburo longer than the defense minister, piped in.
"He's right. You sent him in there with insufficient assets. You set him up to fail. Don't think I don't remember you opposition to this entire SkyCapt affair. I was right, you know, we have gained allies in this."

"Allies and one very capable enemy." Interrupted the defense minister. "Admiral Weon Seong-chin, are you ready with your defense against these missiles."

"Yes, comrade defense minister. We have removed the CIWS from two of our destroyers, and they can be et up to defend our base in SkyCapt. But I warn you, they are not exactly a mobile system."

"Very well, prepare their deployment." Ordered the defense minister. "General Tsin, you are to command our new force in SkyCapt. General Li will accompany you with his forces. From what I know, our naval forces are nearly in position as well. General Kweon Kap-yong, the services of you and your 5th EF are no longer necessery, you may return to your family."

General Kweon Kap-yong responded, "I am to be relieved then."

"No. You misunderstand. Your family has been executed for your failure, and you shall be as well."

This is what General Tsin had been afraid of. The defense minister was a hardliner. He wanted to do something, to stop this, but there was nothing for him to do. He had his deployment orders, and had to get moving, or else his own family might be in danger.

ooc: this is all leading up to an RP I am going to have after this conflict is over.
27-09-2005, 21:53
The second wave landed and their comander walked up to a small tent that was the comand center.
"so whats hapening so far?"

"well we have control of the beach and men are working on a mine feild, but there is a conflict in the city."

"how big"

"well several reble troops, based on our intel satalite, have secured positions in buildings all over the city. also several trucks came under atack here" the general pointed to a portion of the map with a red square around it
"so far we have 10 squads plus 20 anti-tank trucks in the area. the rebles still hold 2 buildings and at least 1 tank, but the trucks are working on that."

"i see, so when are we going to atempt to take the other buildings that are not in the red zone?"

" well the other 15 trucks were locked and anti-thefted(basicly a car bomb with a remote switch to arm it or disarm it) and the crew went on foot into buildings so far we have no report of caualties on our side"

"ok, so should my men help with the red zone or the rest of the city or what?"

"well the mine feild is almost done so your men can wait till the helecopters come with our mobile anti-air turrets, so we can strengthen our defenses"

OOC: any chance of a damage report?
27-09-2005, 22:12
An RSA Soldier ran along, behind the tall trench wall, clutching a bag of papers. Artillery shells were scattered around the wide strip of sunken ground, and gunners were rushing back and forth along the lines, carrying something each time they passed her. "Ugh, excuse me, ah, sorry," she grunted, squeezing past a group of soldiers running fratically along. She finally stepped into the command post, a large tent set up in it's own patch of sunken dirt, with guns and AA batteries around it. "Sir, we have a report from the troop dispatched to sector 208. It's come under attack from Piglatnian forces, half of the city is under enemy control. A preliminary report states 30 men dead, 20 wounded, and half the armor down. Which leaves us with 150 soldiers, and 2 Armor groups, 10 tanks each." Suddenly the sound of gunfire got closer, and the officers and the lone soldier looked out the window. The early dawn sky revealed 1,200 Incorporated Troopers running across the churned up field of dirt that stood between the rebels and the RIA Forces.
27-09-2005, 22:17
FAB Cloud - 0510

A huge tank force leaft the main gate, one contructed of tank traps and mines. They were assisted by a full compliment of troops, overall one Battallion of Tanks and two Battallions of Troops, in Armored Vehicles.

There was a Division strong in the base now, and this task force had just leaft southwards, supported by helicopters and jets. Their mission - to force their way south to the town of Marino, where a check point would be set up and a jumping off point for towns furhter south, where the action was. There, they would also set up a meeting point for Rebels - they had already contacted a whole new Corps of recruits, trained in the hills and equipped with Cheznikian gear.

The attack was on, as the massive Army moved to the tune of Heavy Metal.

Rebel Stronghold

A pair of Ka-58's observed the scene from afar, 5 miles off. They saw all - the artillery guns, the trench, and most concerningly, the 1,200 troops rushing down the hill. They ahd been on regular patrol when they caught Rebel transmissions - it was time to act.

This was the first action of the helicopters, and wouldn't be the last. Over seventy High Explosive missiles were launched at the advancing troops, before the Helicopters closed and engaged targets from just above tree top level, 1.5 miles away, suing their 30mm cannons to great effects.

They hoped they could make a difference in time.
27-09-2005, 22:30
"INCOMING CHOPPERS! GET DOWN!!" The troopers ducked as men were shot to pieces by the cannons, as others were knocked into the air by the rockets. "Radioman, get HQ, tell them we need help, we need at least a wing of Desert Foxes. GO!" "Ye-yeah!" The men advanced again, this time with the Anti-tank Troopers firing at the enemy choppers, trying to create a screen of sorts with the explosions.
"Gamma flight is up and running, wish us luck." "Roger that Gamma Flight, have a nice day." 8 Desert Foxes began turning their rotors, which gained speed as they continued to turn. "OK, weapons systems are green, engine systems green, avionics and flight controls are green." "Here we go!" The gunships lifted off, and headed in the direction of the battlefield. "I got a lock on one, get the missile link online." 20 Missiles suddenly blasted out of their pods, and began swarming in the direction of the Ka-58's.
27-09-2005, 22:43
Rebel Stronghold

The helo's lifted up high to get away from the rockets and jettisoned their external fuel tanks on the troops below, but were sitting fucks for the missiles. One got slammed in the rotor housing and exploded dramatically, showering the battlefield with debris.

The other did a massive, vertical loop, before swinging back down and round in a horizontal loop, regular anti missile practice. It was just about away when the engine housing was shredded by a cannon burst from a chopper and sent the copter cyclic, spinning into the ground.

The RSA AA guns opened up on the choppers, and the downed helo radioed for Air Support, in the form of a wing off three F-16 Blocks 62's. They came swooping down and lit off eighteen Python 5 Missiles before looping up, round and down, using their cannons on the Desert Fox's.

The downed helo crew was dazed but alright. The had hit hard rolled a couple of times but were fine. They opped the cockpit, grabbed their AKS-74U's and sprinted towards the RSA position, hoping to help with the defense effort.

To further support the cause, two Ka-60 Kasatka's lifted off from FAB cloud, loaded with Elite Zulu troops....ETA 10 minutes.
27-09-2005, 23:03
"Ah, we're hit!" The Desert Fox spun to the ground, exploding on impact. The other 7 choppers began to spread out, letting off chafes and flares. Their linked cannon pods began to fire bursts at the speeding F-16's, a few rounds scoring hits. AA Batteries around the RSA positions began opening up, and bullets flew past the choppers, which promptly turned and began flying back to the airfield. If the enemy fighters followed, they would be shot down or damaged by the multiple AA and AAA positions, and if they didn't, that didn't matter.
"The Cheznik choppers are gone, secure that downed Ka-58. I want you to capture thsoe pilots if possible, only fire if fired upon." "Yes sir!" Came from the 10 troopers, who hurried off towards the battered wreck on the ground.
27-09-2005, 23:28
An F-16 smashed the ground - hard. The pilot ejected but was killed in the explosion. Another was damaged and had to return to base, quickly. The final F-16 let off two AA-3 Missiles, the most advanced long range missile in the world.

It was just in time for the Ka-60's aswell. They arrived just as the ten soldiers approached the Ka-58, the side door gunner in one opening up with his minigun while the other Ka-60 setlled down, six men clambering out, armed to the teeth. Then the same was done, the other way around, and six moved towards the helicopter while the other six went to the RSA trenches.


The squads are made up like:

Team Leader (SA-80 with GL, Radio, 9mm Pistol, Claymores)
Support Gunner (M-249 SAW, 9mm Pistol, Smoke Grenades, Lots of Ammo)
Sniper (L-96, 9mm, MP-5, Basha Equipment)

Machine Gunner (M-60E4, 9mm, Lots of Ammo of Various Calibers)
Demo Man (SA-80 with GL, Kornet Launcher, Missiles)

Elite Sniper (AW .50 cal, 9mm, Satchel Chargers)

These squads are our best.
27-09-2005, 23:58
The first wave of Incorporated Troopers had reached the RSA positions, and hopped into the trenches. Soon cleared out, they rushed into the command building, brandishing their rifles.
The creaking of the tracks on the XT-65 was suddenly quieted as it stopped. "I got a bead on the down Ka, preparing to fire." "Affirmative." The blast of the cannon resonated around the interior of the tank, and another shell was loaded. The first shell had been fired to ward off the enemy troops heading for the chopper, and the second was intended to kill any of them if they ventured close to it. The gunner on the tank opened up on the trooper holding the rocket-launcher.
"We've got hostiles around the chopper, but we've got the wreck secured. No sign of the pilots, they must've gotten away." "Very good, but keep that chopper secured. According to tanker reports, there's only six men heading your way. You have the green light to engage. Repeat, green light to engage." The troopers smiled. Things were about to get fun.
28-09-2005, 00:02
"comand this is squad 10 we are still being hit hard, and the msgs are nothing but targets, permision to load our wounded onto the trucks and have them get out of here." "permision granted also we are sending some black hawks to help with the tanks" "thank you sir squad 10 out."

"alright men get our wounded to the trucks," 3 men were caried to the trucks well the rest of the squad gave cover. when all of his men were in 10 leader asked for damage reports.
"alright leaders we have permision to evac our wounded to the base, i need damage reports then you can bring your men to the trucks"
"11 reporting in, we have no wounded seriously just a little cut up and shooken our building is secure."
11 leader cut out, and 10 leader waited for 12 to reply, nothing. "squad 12 are you there?" still nothing he switched to the second in comand "squad 12 can you hear me." still nothing, he switched to 14
"14 what is up with 12 leader?" "hit sir masive blood loss only three are left that can stand 4 dead." "ok, get them to the trucks asap. but what about yours?" "1 wounded thats about it we stoped the bleeding so he should be fine it was just a flesh wound"
"ok, squad 13" "no injuries"
"15 reporting in, one dead 2 injured"
"squad 16, 6 men dead 1 wounded"
"17, one injury our building is secure."
"18, one wounded not serious, building secure"
"19, one injury."
28-09-2005, 02:20
helecopters flew towards the tanks firing missiles at the ones still standing. then two of them landed in street 12 to help with the evac of the wounded. after all were loaded that could fit they took off heading back towards base.
the remains of the squads came together, there wasn't much left of the rebles in street 11. the tanks there had been hit by so many missles that some of the drivers had tried to flee, they were shot. the other drivers of the imobile tanks had to be coaxed out with some gernades. the rebles in the buildings around street 11, 12, and 13 were nutrilized.

10 leader motioned that the remaining leaders of the squads come together for a meeting. "alright this threat seems secure, but we have rebles in other buildings. the helecopters i doing a fly over to scan the buildings to see if there was any movement since our satalite last scaned." 10 leader pulled out a pda, pulling up a map of the town. "we are here" he pointed to a red square "so far we have confirmed rebles in 5 builings, i want those 5 cleared when they are we meet here" he taped the screen and it zoomed a bit "that is the safest place. now for the squads 12 will come with mine and 15 will go with 16, with 15 leader leading. now lets go." 10 leader walked over to what was left of 12. you guys are with my squad." "yes sir" "now lets move out" the remaining squads moved to their targets.
28-09-2005, 17:47
The front two troops were blown over by the shockwave, before the decision was made that securing the chopper was not a good idea. They ahd only wanted to demolish it anyway - the tank had done it for them.

The rocket soldier was followed by bullets as he dived into the trench, just makign it out alive. He found a round in his backpack - it had gone straight through the casing. He unslung the Kornet Launcher and set it up so that the tank couldnt see him, but if it moved he would blow it up within a second.

Instead they dived into the nearest trench and took cover. The second squad had hit the first line trench just as it was taken - they turned round and ran into the second line, where they set up their weapons in readiness.
28-09-2005, 17:58
The Troopers advanced quickly, overtaking the rebel positions one by one. Small barriers the rebels had set up were reversed, and used by the Incorporated Troopers as cover, while the rest of them moved in. 3 Grenades went into a trench which, as soon as they went off, were followed by a wave of troopers.
28-09-2005, 18:51
Muesilanian troops began to fall into the conflict. As APCs rushed to the conflict, and troops advanced on foot, taking up cover as they went.

The leader of fireteam 927 took up position behind a tree, releasing a grenade into a small group of rebel soldiers. It blew, and his troops advanced. A few bursts of fire were going off, one soldier fell, shot to the shoulder. He was living, but unable to continue. One soldier ran past, collected the mans ammo, and advanced after saying "hang in there, we'll be back for you mate". An APC shielded the man from further fire, as a medic jumped out.
28-09-2005, 19:15
"This is Unit 442, requesting back-up! Hello?! This is unit 442! Requesting back-up!" The rebel trooper slumped to the ground, along with the remaining 200 soldiers, which by some miracle, had been able to stave off enemy attacks. "OK, keep it coming!" "Ammo, over here!" "Incoming troopers, right flank." The chatter was tossed around the trench, as the soldiers tried their best to hold the last position on the western front. "Muesilanian troops, on the left! Suppresing fire!"
"What's the situation at outpost 102?" "Heavy causalties, we have Muesilanian and loyalist forces attempting to break the lines there. Cheznik has sent in a few men, but it's probably not enough." The commander sighed. The outcome of the civil war depended on the outcome of this battle. If they failed, the units deployed to the east would be surrounded, and defeated in a matter of days.
28-09-2005, 19:26
Muesilanian troops filed into the wreck of a building, and took up defensive positions as others went to find another spot. If they could hold this position, they would eventually mount an attack on the rebel position. They were not going to sit around. That had been their commanders problem before, making them wait too long. He had learnt from this mistake, and so had they.

Shots were still being fired outside, as Muesilanian troops rushed past, stopping to take pop shots at rebels occasionally. The sniper in the fireteam volleyed off a shot, the repetitive gunfire not that far away ceased. More troops rushed past and another team climbed in through the windows, covering the entrances.
28-09-2005, 20:49
The squads were in retreat. The arrival of APC's and more men pushed them right back, as they joined th elines of RSA troops.

The rocket soldiers fired off Missile after Missile at the APC's, changing positions after each shot. they got off three missiles each, and ran out of ammo.

The Machine Gunners were doing all they could to ward off the enemy from hidden positions, the Grenaders were lobbing rounds everywhere and two snipers was picking off head shot after headshot, changing positions after each shot.

But two snipers were elsewhere. One was half way up a small mound in a bush, taking careful aim. He lined up the sights, zeroed them in, controlled his breathing and fired. From a mile and a half, he sent a .50 cal round right towards the side of the head of the Medic.

The other spotted a Officer near the rear, ushering men forward into the fight. He zeroed the rifle in and pulled off a round, hopefully sending the 50 cal shell right through the mans head.


20 Miles Down the Road

Two hundred and sixteen MSTA-S 155mm Mobile Artillery Guns sat in a line, dug in slightly. They sat in the silence and solitude of war, no-one outside, nothing moving. Dust floated in the air and bushes ebbed with the wind - it was beautiful yet deadly at the same time.

Without warning, a silent electronic message was passed throught the air instantly, popping up on two hundred and sixteen screens without fanfare, sent from a man in a fancy uniform two hundred miles away. It was a violent yet silent signal that would lead to destruction on a huge scale and the death of many a man.

Without ceremony, two hundred and sixteen men pressed two hundred and sixteen buttons within a second of each other. With that, two hundred and sixteen Fuel Air Explosive 155mm sheels were hurled through the air t high velocity to an unseen target twenty miles away.

Those shells landed within a second, turning the RIA and Muesilanian side fo the battlefield into a large cloud of gas, quickly followed by a fireball unseen since Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It was so large that the men on the rebel side lost their eyebrows instantly.

The MSTA-S vehicles then quickly reloaded a second round each, firing off HE and Cluster rounds for over ten minutes. Meanwhile, a huge force made down two roads on the battlefield, 1,944 Tanks and Armored Vehicles thundering into battle.

Coming in on another road were 5,292 IFV's, APC's, Trucks and HMMWV's filled with troops. This battle was about to become a hell of a lot more even.

Even more air support was on the way - every aircraft available on the base was in the Air, closing in rapidly. ETA on the reaction force - half an hour.
28-09-2005, 21:07
The commander cursed. Half of his men on the ground had been killed. Half of his vehicles on the ground had been destroyed. Air support had suddenly been thrown into his 'Necessary list'. "Jents, get the airfield on the line and tell them we need air support! Anything they can give us! No, everything!" He turned to another officer. "Nosseed, I want all divisions to the front, no one should be left back here but command staff! And get all available Dragoon Units up there with them, along with the Mobile AA units. We are not losing this battle."
"Everybody up! We're going to kick some rebel butt, along with anything their sympathizers have. Form up, the rest of the division is waiting on us!" That got the men moving. But when they got outside, all they saw was another company. Apparently they were the ones waiting, not the division. Finally, everything was set. Fighters and fighter bombers were flying overhead, circling around constantly, giving the enemy no mercy. Desert Foxes and Attack Knighthawks were giving them what was probably unnecessary support. Any rebels out there were sure to die, wether it was by air, or ground. Nothing, would stand in the way of them. Nothing.
28-09-2005, 21:31
ooc: Cheznik, how are you affording all of this advanced military hardware and in such high numbers? You have a nation of 40 million people and a defense budget of only 7 billion USD.
28-09-2005, 21:42
OOC: Every nation starts out with something.
28-09-2005, 21:56
50 miles south of SkyCapt beaches:

Admiral Weon Seong-chin was proud. He had flown out to oversee Mannatopia's first international naval deployment personally. Under his command was a powerful force:

2 R-11A Lion Pride light carriers, with helicopters and 12 Yak-141A Freestyle II fighters each. The pilots were among the best trained Mannatopia had to offer.

3 KDX-1a Okpo DDH destroyers, assigned both to defend the carriers, and to attack any enemy surface or submarine contacts they found.

6 FF Ulsan mod-a frigates, again assigned with the defense of the carriers, but also to put up a more general air defense in the waters around SkyCapt.

Intelligence had reported the Cheznik forces used flights over the ocean as one of their supply routes. The main mission of this task force was to cut that route off.


North of SkyCapt City:

A new base was being set up. General Tsin was already on the ground, and had watched the engineering personnel set up the runways. Now, the air armada was arriving. Cheznik would pay for what they had done. They would pay for General Kweon Kap-yong.

1,400 IL-76MFA were being used, all that Mannatopia had. General Tsin watched as they landed at the 10 runways set up, quickly got out of the way, unloaded, and took off again. This first wave would deliver a massive force in its own right:

61st Armored Division: 1,250 Stingray II tanks
69th Infantry Division: 12,000 Infantry
1st Air Defense Regiment: 15 MIM-23 Hawk fire units
2nd Air Defense Regiment: 15 MIM-23 Hawk fire units
The 4 30mm CIWS were in this flight, and were unloaded and set up as fast as possible
1st Fighter Wing: 50 JF-17A
2nd Fighter Wing: 50 JF-17A
3rd Fighter Wing: 50 JF-17A
4th Fighter Wing: 50 JF-17A
6th Fighter Wing: 50 JF-17A
7th Fighter Wing: 50 JF-17A

It truly was a massive force, but more was to come. They would pay.


Public Statement by Premier Yong Jin-ho

Our government has pledged support to the Incorporated government of SkyCapt, and our forces have been deployed to the region for some time now. A number of days ago, our forces were attacked, unprovoked, by military units of Cheznik. To that nation, I have the following demands:

1). Make a formal apology to the families of the thousands of our brave soldiers you killed.

2). Make a formal apology to SkyCapt for any of his soldiers you have killed.

3). Cease any reinforcement of your forces in SkyCapt. Cease any military activities against SkyCapt or their allies.

4). Turn over any military equipment already in SkyCapt to allied forces. This equipment shall be split among the allied powers. Any soldiers remaining shall be allowed to return to Cheznik.

In support of these demands, I have ordered a naval blockade of SkyCapt to any Cheznik shipping or aircraft. I have also deployed land and air assets to the region, both to replace those lost, and to enforce our demands, should you not voluntarily follow them.

You have one day to respond to our demands.
28-09-2005, 22:02
OOC: Every nation starts out with something.
ooc: I know, but he has advanced versions of F-16s
advanced attack helicopters
advanced stealth helicopters
fighter launched cruise missiles
long range anti-radiation missiles
hypersonic cruise missiles
advanced scud like missiles armed with fuel air explosive
lots of artillery (also armed with fuel air explosives)
lots of main battle tanks
supposedly the most advanced infantry borne anti-tank missiles
supposedly the most advanced long range air to air missiles

this all seems very high tech, and to add to that seems to be in large numbers. It just doesn't seem right for such a small nation with such a small defense budget. I would add that part of the reason his defense budget is so small is that it is only about 5% of his government budget. My nation has about 25% of its budget devoted to defense.
28-09-2005, 22:04
"sir squad 10 reports total control of the city, and heat scans confirm it. also there seems to be a battle between a reble comand center and our allies."
"alright send in the 1-10 squads of the 3rd FMA, also send in the SAAVs to give them support"
"how many SAAVs sir?"
The to squads clambord into the helecopters to be air lifted into the battle. when all were inside the helecopters took off, heading towards the assault. when they got into radar range they split up to ensure that atleast one of them landed. 3 of the helecopters headed towards what apeared to be the skycapt comand base, the others towards various positions." this is B-13 requesting permision to land we have 3 apcs and 30 men wiating to uload and join the battle"
28-09-2005, 22:13
"That won't be necessary, but send them in anyways. Deploy them to the left of our forces, I don't want any Cheznik forces getting through."
28-09-2005, 22:17
"This is armoured taskforce Charlie Tango, over request deployment information" called general spruins into the radio of his Ferne tank.

OOC: Can he be made to pay for expended ammunition? those Tagus 1/B Bravo missiles and 20mm SABOT Depleted Uranium rounds arnt cheap.
28-09-2005, 22:24
"alright" the helecopters gained a little altitude before they flew to the left, stoping ounce and a while to take pot shots at some enemy troopers.
when they found a sutible spot, the 3 squads jumped out. then they unhooked the SAAVs atached to the bottom.
"alright we have landed how are the rest of you faring."
"4, us and squad 5 are advancing on the lines from the right"
"6, my squad and 7's are hitting the left lines hard"
"8, we and 9 and 10 have laneded and are moving through the middle at a fair pace"
"alright, 2 man the 3 blades and move foward. 3 give 2 ground support." now move out."
"yes sir"
1 leader signaled to his squad and they headed towards the lines.
28-09-2005, 22:38
"This is armoured taskforce Charlie Tango, over request deployment information" called general spruins into the radio of his Ferne tank.

OOC: Can he be made to pay for expended ammunition? those Tagus 1/B Bravo missiles and 20mm SABOT Depleted Uranium rounds arnt cheap.
"Go ahead. You have the green light to engage, Task Force CT."

OOC: Whaaaaaa?
28-09-2005, 23:15
Public Statement by the President of the Confederacy of Spizania:-

1. In support of SkyCapt and her allies our ships in the area are to join the blockade of SkyCapt against the forces of Cheznik by the Mannatopian fleet.

2. Cheznik forces, your posisition is helpless, further resistance will only lead to the complete destruction of your forces in SkyCapt and possibly in the invasion of your homeland

3. I am ordering the mobilisation of the ENTIRE arabanistan foreign legion contingent, to Cheznik do you think you can stand 100000 well trained light infantry on your doorstep?
29-09-2005, 00:50

To: Cheznik Forces
From: SkyCaptian* Government

In light of Mannatopia and Spizania's demands, we have written up our own, for both allied and opposing nations. Taken from both of the last two, here they are:

1) All Cheznik Forces deployed in SkyCapt are to return home
2) Cheznik equipment will remain in Cheznik hands
3) No apology is needed, only the removal of Cheznik Troops and Equipment
4) Cheznik is to cease all hostilities against SkyCapt and her allies

Failure to do so will result in further hostilities, which must have been obvious.

*: (SkyCaptian pronounced "SkyCapt-ean [Long 'e'])
29-09-2005, 01:04

To: Cheznik Forces
From: SkyCaptian* Government

In light of Mannatopia and Spizania's demands, we have written up our own, for both allied and opposing nations. Taken from both of the last two, here they are:

1) All Cheznik Forces deployed in SkyCapt are to return home
2) Cheznik equipment will remain in Cheznik hands
3) No apology is needed, only the removal of Cheznik Troops and Equipment
4) Cheznik is to cease all hostilities against SkyCapt and her allies

Failure to do so will result in further hostilities, which must have been obvious.

*: (SkyCaptian pronounced "SkyCapt-ean [Long 'e'])

Public State by the Premier:

Due to the nature of the demands of our ally SkyCapt, we will no longer demand the leaving of Cheznik equipment in SkyCapt. In addition, we no longer set an apology to the families of Mannatopian soldiers killed in Cheznik's unprovoked attack as a requirement of peace, but if they do not apologize, we will not restore diplomatic ties with Cheznik, and will not allow any trade with that nation until relations are mended.

If Cheznik agrees to these terms, we understand that they will require the use of cargo aircraft and/or ships to withdraw their forces from SkyCapt. We request that we be informed when and if that happens so that there is no unfortunate misunderstanding resulting in our blockade attacking said aircraft and ships as they attempt travel near SkyCapt. We will honor the wishes of our ally, but only if we know that Cheznik is complying with the terms of the withdrawl.
29-09-2005, 01:21
We agree to the demands made by skycapt, except that we ask that you sign a treaty stating that you will not atack us or anyone else that fought against you for reasons related to this conflict.
29-09-2005, 01:45
We agree to the demands made by skycapt, except that we ask that you sign a treaty stating that you will not atack us or anyone else that fought against you for reasons related to this conflict.
ooc: I am confused. I thought you were fighting against the RSA on the side of the RIA. That's who I have been fighting with. THe only one I know of who fought with the RSA was Cheznik, so these demands are not directed at you.

In addition, I want to clear something up. My demands (and I assume the other nations demands) do not end the civil war. They simply end the involvement of Cheznik forces (should he agree), allowing the rest of our forces to concentrate on removing the RSA.
29-09-2005, 01:52
ooc: I am confused. I thought you were fighting against the RSA on the side of the RIA. That's who I have been fighting with. THe only one I know of who fought with the RSA was Cheznik, so these demands are not directed at you.

In addition, I want to clear something up. My demands (and I assume the other nations demands) do not end the civil war. They simply end the involvement of Cheznik forces (should he agree), allowing the rest of our forces to concentrate on removing the RSA.

OOC: ahh yes i can see where you can be mislead i meant that our demands are the same as skycapt's except for our adition.
29-09-2005, 01:58
OOC: Eh? What's this Taurus I fellow doing 'ere? In any case, my 'treaty' of sorts was directed at both Cheznik, and my allies.
29-09-2005, 04:44
The soft padding of boots on dirt was almost silent as 4 Divisions of RSA troops advanced on the well worn path that led to an entrance to SkyCapt City, one known by few. Quietly they began to file into the city, ready to begin operations. Suddenly a men flew back into a nearby wall, a spray of blood flying from his chest, where a sniper had fired on him. An alarm sounded. The element of surprise no longer existed.
The ringing of the alarms inside the militia barracks jolted the men awake. Putting on their combat equipment, they ran outside, loading their militia issue BR-24's. The enemy was at their doorstep.
29-09-2005, 05:05
SkyCapt City:

From the base north of the city, the Mannatopian forces received word of an RSA attack in the city.
"I want 50 Stingray II tanks and 500 troops to head to the capital building and defend it. 200 tanks and 2,000 troops fan out through the city and find the RSA." General Tsin ordered. "We will deploy further assets once the situation becomes clearer."
"Yes sir."

The JF-17A Lightnings had already started combat air patrols to prevent a repeat of the disaster that had led to the execution of the General's friend.

General Tsin picked up the phone and dialed SkyCapt command.
"This is General Tsin Lee of the Mannatopian 1st Expeditionary Force. We have received word of RSA forces entering the city. We are sending forces to defend the capital building itself, as well as to find rebel forces in the city. Do you have any further intelligence on the enemy?"

He waited for a response.


20 miles offshore:

Aboard his carrier, Admiral Weon Seong-chin watched as the blockade came online. The destroyers all remained within sight of the carriers, lest they need defending, but the frigates had spread out along the shore, ready to attack Cheznik shipping.

The Admiral's attention was called to another roaring, as a Freestyle II took off for another combat air patrol. This again was part of the blockade; no Cheznik aircraft would get in by see, and no ship would be able to travel unseen.
29-09-2005, 15:02
An officer ran to the phone, and answered it. A man on the other end replied back. "This is General Tsin Lee of the Mannatopian 1st Expeditionary Force. We have received word of RSA forces entering the city. We are sending forces to defend the capital building itself, as well as to find rebel forces in the city. Do you have any further intelligence on the enemy?" The man turned, and told the man to hold on. He waved a higher ranking over, who picked up the phone. "This is General Harker, what do you need?"
"I've got a troop of rebels converging on High Command, requesting permission to take 3rd Company and intervene." "Of course, get to it!" With that, the 200 remaining men of 3rd Company began to move closer to the advancing rebels. Taking aim, a sniper began to zero in the officers. The loud report reverberated around the buildings. The sniper nearly threw his gun off the building. How could he have forgotten the silencer? It was too late now, as rebels began opening up on the militiamen, who fired back.
29-09-2005, 15:59
ooc: I am changing the names if two of my characters. This is because I came up with them on my own before I had a list of Korean names (and since I am not Korean, I didn't do a good job with them).

1st Expeditionary Force Commander: General Cheong Tong-sik (formely Tsin Lee)

2nd Expeditionary Force Commander: General Im Sun-t'aek (formerly Li Wang)

These are the only two names that did not sound Korean, and since they will both be important in the future of my nation, I felt it important to change the names. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Also, SkyCapt, is the High Command the center of your government, like the Whitehouse, or just the command center for your military, like the Pentagon, or both?
29-09-2005, 16:14
Cheznik will accept the SkyCapt demands AND apologise to all the families that are effected, but we ask one fairly major thing:

The rebels be allowed to keep BW39 and the surrounding area as their own territory. All Cheznik equipment will be pulled out of BW39, but we want it to be become an RSA Nation-State.

Most rebels want peace as long as they get their own land. There are still some violent factions, approx one corp of agressors, but the rest will stand down if this is given to them.

Other than this, we agree to the cease fire terms.

OOC: Sorry, been away for a bit. I am technically the descendant nation of Freedom Country, formed in June 2002, so I have quite a lot of kit. I know puppet wanking is frowned upon, but FC was my primary nation and I would rather it were remembered!
29-09-2005, 16:33
General Cheong Tong-sik continued the phone call.
"General Harker, this is what we need. Any intelligence you have regarding the location and composition of the rebel forces that heve entered the capital. In addition, we would like any information you have on where they are entering from so that we can cut off their supply routes. Finally, if there is anywhere in the city that you need reinforcements, please tell me that as well."


Some street in SkyCapt (I will name it later, can't think of a name right now, it is not near the High commandor anything. SkyCapt, you can suggest a name):

Lt. Kang Hun looked around at the nearby buildings. His platoon was one of many moving through the city, his with one Stingray II tank. When they had entered the northern side of the capital, there were still civilians running around, in a near panic now that they had heard the city had been breached. "To think," the Lt. had thought, "Only a week ago thousands of our soldiers had died to keep this very thing from happening, all in vain." He had heard rumors of the executions of General Kweon Kap-yong and his family. He thought it terrible, not the way our great Premier led this nation.

Something was wrong. Starting several blocks back, the buildings had been mostly abandoned, as the civilians fleed north to get away from the rebels. They left their buildings mostly boarded up, but the bords here were different, they were damaged, with holes in them that made them look like they had been there for years.

It hit Lt. Kang what had happened. This was a trap. He held up his arm for the platoon to stop, and signaled them to take up firing positions. He radioed the tank to take aim at the upper level of a building to the left, a spot the Lt. thought would be perfect for snipers.

The Stingray fired, and blew a giant hole in the building. Nothing happened for 20 seconds. Just when the Lt. was starting to think he might have been paranoid, a rocket flew out of one of the other buildings and blew up the tank. Suddenly, they were surrounded by enemy fire.

The Lt. started shouting out orders as he went for cover himself.
"Alpha squad, bravo squad, left flank! Get covering fire on that building!"

Another rocket zoomed out, killing two soldiers on the ground.

"Charlie squad, take out that rocket! Delta squad, find a way into that building and clear it out!"

The Lt. changed his radio to the command channel.
"Command, thi is Lt. Kang Hun of the 45th platoon. We are pinned down under heavy rebel fire and request assistance. We are on (insert street name here). Our tank has been destroyed. Do you read, over?"

"Roger 45th platoon, we read you under enemy fire and need assistance. Sit tight, we'll get you some help as fast as we can."


Mannatopian Base north of capital:

"Roger 45th platoon, we read you under enemy fire and need assistance. Sit tight, we'll get you some help as fast as we can."

Outide, the airlift had been continueing, and now the 8th Motorized Rifle Division had landed with 3,168 infantry, and 260 Stingray II tanks, and 528 M2A4 APCs.
29-09-2005, 16:43
Cheznik will accept the SkyCapt demands AND apologise to all the families that are effected, but we ask one fairly major thing:

The rebels be allowed to keep BW39 and the surrounding area as their own territory. All Cheznik equipment will be pulled out of BW39, but we want it to be become an RSA Nation-State.

Most rebels want peace as long as they get their own land. There are still some violent factions, approx one corp of agressors, but the rest will stand down if this is given to them.

Other than this, we agree to the cease fire terms.

To: Cheznik
From: Foreign Minister Jeon Ho-Bong, Mannatopia

The terms you have set out are asking a lot of SkyCapt. They are especially difficult to accept as the RSA themselves have made no such demands for an independent state. We are willing to accept these terms only if SkyCapt does so as well. In the mean time, while our nations discuss this matter, we propose a cease-fire with Cheznik and forces surrounding BW39. This applies only in that region, any Cheznik forces outside of the region will still be seen as enemy combatants, and the blockade will remain in effect. We do wish to note that we are pleased that you are willing to consider a peaceful resolution to this conflict, and we are offering this cease-fire as a measure of good will.

a copy of this message was also sent to the SkyCapt government
29-09-2005, 17:51
To: Cheznik
From: SkyCaptian Government

As for as we know, the RSA rebelled because (for some absurd reason) they refused to be phased into the Royal Incorporated Army. If they wish, they might be given a piece of land on which to call their own, but that land would be under strict surveillance.
29-09-2005, 18:36
Street in SkyCapt City:

The battle raged through the street. As soon as he was off the radio, Lt. Kang Hun got out his AK-103, and helped with the covering fire. Another rocket flew out from the building, this time it missed, only wounding 3 soldiers. They kept firing despite the pain. Lt. Kang was proud of them. If they got through this, he would nominate them for some award, he would decide later.

With that last rocket, Charlie squad had figured out which window they were coming from. The sergeant called over his grenader.
"Alright, I want you to fire one of those 40 mm grenades into that window. Blow that son of bitch out."


The soldier worked carefully with the aim, it was a difficult high angle shot, but when he was satisfied, he pulled the trigger on the 40 mm grenade launcher mounted under his rifle. He heard a satisfying 'thump' as it flew out, and immedietly reloaded another one.

The grenade flew through the air, and into the window. It detonated, spreading shrapnel throughout the room. The rebel soldier who had been firing the rockets was perferated. He now resembled swiss cheese more than a man, that is if swiss cheese was red.

Delta squad had snuck to the backside of the building, and found one door, locked. The sergeant put his head to the door and listened. He heard all the gunfire of the battle, but he also heard footsteps on the other side. They had to be rebel.
"Alright, here's the plan," the sergeant told his squad, "we are going to kick this door in, and throw a couply of grenades in as soon as it is down, then duck behind these walls outside until they blow. Then we'll rush it."

They did just that. The door went down, two hand grenades flew in, and the 5 guards didn't have time to react. The squad rushed in and went up the stairs.

The sergeant lead the way. He saw a rebel jump behind a table, and opened fire with his AK-103. The bullets went through the table and killed the rebel. Suddenly, the sergeant felt a shapr pain in his chest. Another rebel had hit him. He fell down, a squadmate shot the rebel. He looked down at his sergeant, dead. The rest of the squad kept moving, clearing out the building.

ooc: SkyCapt, can you come up with a name for this street? I don't know how you name them.
29-09-2005, 18:50
The alarms sounded at the main airport and hundred of men ran to there stations, 25 minutes later two mechanised divisions left and headed towards the battle.
29-09-2005, 18:54
The alarms sounded at the main airport and hundred of men ran to there stations, 25 minutes later two mechanised divisions left and headed towards the battle.
ooc: assuming you are talking about my battle, it is pretty small right now. one or two buildings with rebels, and one of my platoons. 2 mechanized divisions might be overkill. also, just curious, what airport are you operating from?
29-09-2005, 18:56
OOC: Um, um, OK, Bogden Street/Lane/Avenue. (Pick the last part)

"Move move! Redman, take the left, keep suppresing fire on that building," the sergeant ordered, pointing at a delapidated building, which must have been build decades ago. "On it, sir." "The rest of you, with me, 1st Squad, left flank, 2nd Squad, on the right!" With that, the squadron moved out. When they neared Bodgen Street, they heard gunfire, and immediately their attention was drawn to a destroyed armor piece. "Secure the area, Thompson, get a squad in the building, open fire if fired upon!" "Yes sir!"

OOC: You're men, which are new here, I'm assuming have never seen a RIA trooper, expect for when they're out of armor. So they don't know what to expect, maybe you can build upon that, and see if you can get something.
30-09-2005, 14:48
Near Bogden Street:

The 27th and 31st platoons running as fast as they could to Bogden Street. They had gotten the call from command, their comrades were under fire. With the platoons were 2 Stingray II tanks. As they approached the street, the front scouts saw an odd site, soldiers running between cover in full body armored suits. These suits were something they had never seen before, and since they had never seen RSA soldiers yet, the scouts reacted by calling the platoons to halt and alert the Lieutenants.

"Sir, unidentified troops ahead."
One of the Lieutenants took charge and started giving orders,
"The RSA may be trying to reinforce their units. 2 squads come left around this building, 2 squads right around the one across the street. Set up with covering fire while the remaining 4 squads come up behind these troops."

The squads split apart.

2 minutes later the side squads were in position, and when they saw the rear squads approach, one started firing. Now, the Lieutenants got their first look at the "unidentified" soldiers. THe head Lieutenant shouted into his radio,

Fortunetly, they heard, and the two shots that had gotten off had missed.

The Lieutenant walked up, one of his sergeants with him, to the RIA sergeant.

"My apologies, we have never seen RIA battle armor before. I briefed my men on the reports we have of what you all look like, but apparently they are a little on edge being in a combat zone."

He was interrupted by the sound of gunfire from Bogden Street.

"Platoons, reassemble!"

After they had gotten back together, they ran to the street, Stingrays behind them.


Bogden Street:

Lt. Kang Hun's relief was palpable as he saw the two platoons and there tanks coming to his position.

"Thank you for getting here. I am designating you squads Echo through Lima. Echo and Foxtrot squads, get into that building and help Delta Squad. Golf, Hotel, get down here and help provide cover while we treat our wounded. India, Juliet, Kilo, get in the building to the left of Delta's, secure it, and set up a high ground fire position. Lima, Go down the street with the two Stingrays and blow out any buildings you see rebels."
30-09-2005, 15:54
The sergeant began running with his squads, going up a building which afforded a perfect view of multiple buildings, which he just knew were brimming with rebels. "1st and 2nd Squads, continue on. We'll cover you."
30-09-2005, 22:16
30-09-2005, 22:24
The lead Warrior IFV was crossing an intersection about 5 streets away from the fight when it abruptly blew up, RPGs lanced down on the column, shredding the light vehicles at the head of the column, as men poured out and advanced forward machine guns opened up joined by several hundred AR-20s, The infantry fired there AR-20Cs wildly at the buildings, Warrior IIs that had split off the now stationary column in an attempt to encircle the ambush were caught in a crossfire between RPGs and Ar-20s, hundreds of men and dozens of vehicles were lost and it appeared several thousand RSA troosp had penetrated the city.
30-09-2005, 22:34
OOC: Are the AR-20's you're refering to SkyCApt make, or another rifle that's designated as AR-20?

"Woohoo! We got 'em surrounded." "Get a team down there, see if they'll surrender." 30 men immediately ran towards the group of Spizanian's, while the other rebels held their fire. Snipers, clearly visible, were aiming at the enemy, to give the group of rebels cover.
30-09-2005, 22:48
OOC:Firstly there are 9000 Men in that pocket and there i reckon about 12000 rebels, they arent going ot surrender that easily, anyway those weapons were bought off your storefront the AR-20C is the standard rifle for my regular army.

The rebels approaching got there answer when they were sent diving for their own lines by a volley of 7.62mm and 30mm Rarden II autocannon fire
30-09-2005, 22:56
Medics ran out into the streets, focused on getting aid to their comrades. Snipers instantly took cover, and sniped from different positions, changing spots after every shot. Suddenly the sound of incoming artillery rocked the air.
30-09-2005, 23:03
The men outside the armour ran for cover or climbed back inside as artillery and sniper fire split the air, Warrior II IFVS rotated there turrets around firing there Cannon at anything that moved not wearing the light body armor of a Confederate soldier.
Inside the 3rd Warrior from the front of the column the radio operator was screaming for reinforcements.
30-09-2005, 23:04
"Go! Go! Go!" Screamed an officer, yelling at a group of greenhorns sitting behind a building. "Get to cover idiots!" A stray artillery shell collapsed the building on the unfortunate troops, and the officer twitched an eye. He peered around the corner, shooting a gunner on one of the Spizanian vehicles.
30-09-2005, 23:06
As the gunner collapsed into the passenger compartment of the vehicle, shot in the shoulder another took his place, firing continouisly.

OOC: Could we escalate this with RIA and the other Mechanised division mounting a rescue and the RSA calling in reinforcements?
30-09-2005, 23:11
OOC: Since there are no loyalists in that area... We must assuem they are rebel...
30-09-2005, 23:16
As the gunner collapsed into the passenger compartment of the vehicle, shot in the shoulder another took his place, firing continouisly the radioman continued calling ofr anyone to come help them.

OOC: Could we escalate this with RIA and the other Mechanised division mounting a rescue and the RSA calling in reinforcements?
30-09-2005, 23:22
OOC: Sure.

"Sir, we have a call for help from a Spizanian unit in... Sector 207, an abandoned town. Says a large rebel unit is putting them under pressure." The Command Staff all turned. "Redirect the 4th and 42nd Corps to that area." "Affirmative."
The rebel commander paced the floor. "Sir! Intercepted message, it looks like the RIA Command is redirecting 2 Corps to this area!" "Then call in the 2nd Corps. 24,000 men is too much even for the Royal Incorporated Army."
01-10-2005, 13:31
"Sir we have RIA reinforcements inbound!"
"Good, all units allied forces are inbound, keep firing!"

SkyCapt Airport
"Sir the 1st Mech. are taking a pounding!"
"Send out the second mechanised to help, and pray they dont have any reinforcements!"
02-10-2005, 20:28
Bump for Muesilania...
02-10-2005, 21:09
OOC: Sorry about this. I have been so busy, just about able to keep up with my own thread. I think I will have to take a big step right now. GCSEs don't help.

President Taylor apologises to SkyCapt. Since our current situation is dire, and yours seems under control, we regret we will have to withdraw our forces from the area. We hope this does not create bad feeling between us.

If you ever need help again, we would be glad to provide it. If we get our own country sorted and back on track, we will, if it is still needed, return.

We hope that you will overcome your problems. We will keep a close eye on it, and will return should we be needed.
03-10-2005, 14:12
ooc: sorry it's been so long since my last post, I have been quite busy

Bogden Street:

The situation seemed to have stabilized. 3 mannatopian platoons with two tanks and one RIA platoon were now in the street. Three buildings were now under firm control.

Lt. Kang Hun was overseeing the tending of his wounded. 5 soldiers had died, and 13 were injured. Most of alpha and charlie squad's were out of action. Right now, that was ok, thanks to the reinforcements, he had enough forces to hold this area. Still, he needed to get these wounded out.

"Command, this is Lt. Kang Hun, I need a platoon of M2A4s out here toextract wounded and get them back to the base."

"Wilco Lt. Kang Hun, a platoon is on its way."

He just needed to keep them alive a little longer...
03-10-2005, 14:46
A rebel soldier peered out from a window. Everything was calm. But the silence would not stay long. "Situation's calm, everything is under control. Commence operation." The man smiled. Picking up a sniper rifle, he got a bead on an armor-clad trooper, then squeezed the trigger.
An Incorporated Trooper suddenly flew back into a wall, a small hole in his armor oozing blood. "Clear out the area, find that sniper!" Yelled the sergeant, running with a medic to help the downed trooper.
03-10-2005, 19:11
03-10-2005, 19:12
The 1st Mech was killing the rebels, it was just there were more arriving, and this kind of fight gulps ammunition, 30mm Rarden Cannon II ammunition was already 10% used up, 7.62 was in bettershape but still.
The Armoured lorries at the back of the column were running low on ammo for thier GU8 Avengers and there Machine guns, there were just too many. Another three Warriors and one lorry were lost, casualties were mounting fast, the commander hoped help would arrived soon.

OOC: The armour on the lorries is only proof on small arms, RPG is a pratically guarenteed kill
03-10-2005, 19:14
Bogden Street:

The shot had been heard by the Mannatopian soldiers as well. Lt. Kang Hun jumped on his radio.
"All soldiers come to alert! The RIA platoon is under attack. Delta and India squads, could either of your forces see where that shot came from?"

"Delta squad, negative."

"India squad, affirmative, it came from a window 2 buildings west of the one RIA is holding."

Lt. Kang Hun gave out his orders.
"Tanks, get fire on that building! Foxtrot and Kilo, deploy from your buildings and begin a sweep of the structures near RIA."

The tanks moved forward into position to fire on the building, Lima squad close behind. They stopped, and as their turrets moved into position to fire, two RSA soldiers ran out from behind cover and went right in front of the tanks. They fired off two rockets, blowing up both the tanks, and themselves.

"Lt. Kang, Lt. Kang, this is Lima squad, our tanks have been destroyed. We are moving into a nearby building for co.."

The next sound Lt. Kang Hun heard on his radio was gunfire. He heard shouting, someone saying, "Sarge is down!" and other shouts. The radio finally went dead. Lima squad had been wiped out.

"Foxtrot, Kilo, pull back! Secure the path that our reinforcements are coming on." He wanted to send out more of his squads to help, but he was already stretched thin.

"Command, this is Lt. Kang Hun, RIA has been ambushed, and we have lost men and tanks trying to help them, we need more reinforcements."

"Lt. Kang Hun, this is command, what is your estimate, is this turnign into a major engagement."

"I don't know, but my gut says yes."
03-10-2005, 19:25
"Move move!" Yelled troopers, running for cover as they fired into a building. The lone trooper on the ground had long since been wasted of blood, and now lay there, propped up against a wall. Suddenly the sound of advancing tanks and APC's was heard close-by. Rebel reinforcements had arrived.
04-10-2005, 16:11
05-10-2005, 02:16
the helecopters landed picking up the soilders from their last battle, most of them were mumbling about never getting to a battle on time. others were moaning slightly from the pain of there injuries. 3 were silent seeing as how they were dead.

The sound of choppers made the gaurds look up but only for a minute as they were friendly. the base had been moved into the city to keep up an overwhelming presence so that any civilians stayed loyal. also half the second FMA had been mobalized to help in the efforts in skycapt city.
05-10-2005, 17:01
06-10-2005, 15:03
Teh bump.
06-10-2005, 21:46
helecopters flew over head giving cover to the blades down below. They were in sight of the city, "this is flying pig one we have several thousand troops moving towards your city can you give us a position to land and unload our cargo safely?"
07-10-2005, 02:52
"Sure!" A radio operator said. Giving the chopper the coordinates to the landing zone, he sat back in his chair and relaxed.

Oh, and bump for Mannatopia and Spizania.
08-10-2005, 00:37
as the confirmation came the helecopters flew over the buildings well the blades navigated through the streets. when they came to the coordinates the blades secured the area well the rest of the troops slided down ropes to the ground below the last one down was comander telsa. "alright here is the deal we are about 300 yards from our target, i want half the blades in front half in back. with the ones on foot in between. if one of the blades get hit in route we split into kits some go behind some go infront. now move out!" And the moved out heading towards the battle that had started in the city.
08-10-2005, 12:17
"Sir, allied units inbound, the second Mech is going to try and break through te incirclement and skycapt forces are inbound"
"Try getting us soem artillery support!"
"Yes sir"
The battel continnued to rage
13-10-2005, 01:14
Bump for Mannatopia...