NationStates Jolt Archive

Rebirth of Yukatania(Closed I think..)

18-09-2005, 04:44
OOC: I think I'll let Sep start this one.

After the Yukatan War the planet of Yukatania came under the control of the The United Sephrite Empire. The planet lay in ruins.
18-09-2005, 05:15
The Yukatanin poeple were just starting to rebuild thire glorious Planet under the infuence of the Empire. The Empire ships could be seen in the Atmosphere...
18-09-2005, 05:17
ok said the planets comandant first job is to rebuild the capital citty
18-09-2005, 05:24
After Yukatan City is rebuilt my government will reinstate there.
We will focus on rebuilding smaller city and towns.
18-09-2005, 05:31
ace raised an eybrow remeber your goverment is a figuarehead for the empire and im in charge here. make things difficult for me and ill pake things dificult for planet yukatan
18-09-2005, 05:33
We konow we are a figurehead but we connot rule from a bunker, we need to be seen.
18-09-2005, 05:34
ok we will use the empires desgiens though say president i never got your name it was in my doiser but i have not had time to look
18-09-2005, 05:37
My name is President Nathan D. Cole , and I will still govern my people how I best see fit. But, I will allow you to influnence us a little.
18-09-2005, 05:39
well nathan lets for get our jobs for a while and have a drink im buying oh i was leading the offencive actions against you.
18-09-2005, 05:41
Nice to finnaly meet you, you know if My Admirality didn't start this war, we might have met under more peaceful conditions.
18-09-2005, 05:44
no hard feelings i was told by high command to not allow suurender but being the brother of the emperror doe have its bennefits. besides at the time we were profesionals doing our jobs so tell me what do you think of our navy
ace grabs a bottle of the finet sephrion wine care for a glass nathen
18-09-2005, 05:46
Well your navy outmatched and outgunned us. But, we were able to score a few kills didn't we. Nathan took the glass gracously.
18-09-2005, 05:50
ace looked at the damage his ship the hammer had done damn he said i nevver knew the hamers sub space cannon was so powerful he knocked his wine back .you know nathan we the same really high command doesnot tell me all even though im rellated to the emepror
18-09-2005, 05:53
Military Generals always seem to forget to tell the leader about everything they do huh...
18-09-2005, 05:57
yeah i damn near shot lord xarus before we were deployed he insluted our farther the great lord pain so the citty is progerssing nicely hm thier are a few bandits a bit away ffom the south west droid base says the 'eye in the sky' refering to the dominators ace groused i would have prefered a peceful start to my rule but some idiots want to start
18-09-2005, 06:05
Well with the collapse of a planet some people might think it's the end of the world. Do you have a way I could communitcate with everyone so I could tell them what is going on?
18-09-2005, 06:07
ya see that apc over thier coms deviece in it press code 789 and request some battle droids over here
18-09-2005, 06:14
President Cole got on the com. Worldwide his speech was heard he told the survivng populace everything from the start till now. He urged his people that thier regular life will start again soon. If they would all lay down thire arms and start the rebuilding process everything will go smoother. "Well I hope that did it." President Cole sat down and waited.
18-09-2005, 06:21
ace shouted yo cole get ya arse over here i can move this girder with just my supe strenegnth alone give ma hand
18-09-2005, 06:29
Cole helped Ace move some girders around. "I'm sorry that my Admirals provoked this war if any of them are still alive I will personally execute them.
18-09-2005, 06:32
id leave that to my old unit the black sqaud he said
yes i am a black sqaud soldier
he looked at the creater we are goonna need a lot of marble
18-09-2005, 06:36
"These craters could be filled up with dirt, we don't need marble for this." Cole looked around and realized the damage that has been done. "Damn this was done with what weapon?"
18-09-2005, 06:41
ace said cole the empire likes showing off so id let us pave the steets our
what weapon i think it was the sub space cannons
18-09-2005, 06:43
"Jesus Cannons went though the atmospehere?!" Marble wouldn't be suited for our automobiles to travers across. I'd suggest having it be as close to normal as before to ease the people into this new existence.
18-09-2005, 06:49
ok but you guys adopt our curency ace said i thin thier should be a statur to the empereor here ace incated to a wrecked founti what do you think cole
18-09-2005, 06:52
"Well It would be nice I guess I would really like to meet with your Emporer someday." Cole moved some rubble off of the street.
18-09-2005, 06:54
you mean ryu my brother i can tell you the guys a jackass ace said as he shifted rubble ace groused damn we sure did a number on you guys
18-09-2005, 06:56
If only you would have attacked in a few years we would have had a great Navy by then.
18-09-2005, 06:58
what we did is termed by us black sqaud soldiers as the sephrion beat down ace smiled ace moved more rubble
18-09-2005, 06:59
Hopefully everything will be back to normal in a few years and we can stop being the conquered and be allies huh?
18-09-2005, 07:02
hey dont ask me im just the meat head they assigned to this back water hellhole ace groused maybe i should not have stole my brother woman
sorry cole but i miss sephrion prime and my speeder
18-09-2005, 07:03
"Heh we not all advance multi-million year old races here are we" Cole said with a smile.
18-09-2005, 07:09
true lets get back to work before they decide to ship me out to the aura fortifed system ace pulled his hand phaserr out and blasted a few huge chuncks of rubble aura is the worst posting for a sephrion of royal decent he explained its were the armyt puts people it feels will embarras the empire
18-09-2005, 07:11
Hm so arua is like out Sibta well maby it's alot bigger.
18-09-2005, 07:14
ya most our ship yards are in aura gimme a hand with this chunk damn im gonna have to blow it up
18-09-2005, 07:15
How are the other cities going do you know? Cole lifted rocks into a large pile..
18-09-2005, 07:17
nope thiers a commander assigied 2 each 1 ill get a stat report in a bt ace set a qauntium charge get to cover cole
18-09-2005, 07:18
Cole ran behind a partly destroyed building. A Semi-Large explosion was felt and hurd.
18-09-2005, 07:20
he picked up the fragments and threw them in the pile
18-09-2005, 07:24
"So you have seen my vast empire, so how large is your Empire?"
18-09-2005, 07:26
over 30 star systems the outer systems are the most pain in the ass to far away from sephrion prime for the laws to be really enforced ache got to work on the paritally destroyed building
18-09-2005, 07:30
"Hm I don't think I could rule a multi-starsystem Empire too much to think about, too many people." Cole walked around the whole building and looked at the devestation.
18-09-2005, 07:31
oh speaking of that wecaptured one of your marines from the destroyer picket fleet
18-09-2005, 07:34
"What someone survived that, I'd like to have him brought back as soon as possible!" Cole stared right at Ace untill he answered.
18-09-2005, 07:36
you see it is not gonna be easy well the thing is he is at black sqaud hq prison on prison collent delta i have no power thier you will have to talk to ryu
18-09-2005, 07:38
"Well who is this Ryu I want that Marine to be brought back Imediatly!"
18-09-2005, 07:41
the emperror i call him by he is my brother so i use his birth name
you see the black sqaud are famed fotr how brutal thier intergation tequniche s are he has mech arms and legs now
18-09-2005, 07:43
"Well at least he survived, how did he lose his arms and legs?"
18-09-2005, 07:45
to put it simply he refused to spill to the interigator and a cerburus ripped hiss arms and legs off
18-09-2005, 07:46
What did you interrogate him about?
18-09-2005, 07:47
location of your home world and fleet strenth but we use mind reading devices as wella s phyical coesrion
18-09-2005, 07:48
"He lasted though extremety removal?, Godamn what a hero."
18-09-2005, 07:50
only because we emeresed him ina batca tank and revived him he was not so damn cocky when we took the ship
18-09-2005, 07:51
How long did our Destroyers last, against your fleet?
18-09-2005, 07:54
against the 4 rapiers or the taical strike fleet against the destroyers surpisling long but against the full srike flle not long
18-09-2005, 07:58
"Well that's something right?" "Anyway when can I talk/meet your brother?" Cole moved a grdier aside and came across a human body. "Shit!" Cole backed away..
18-09-2005, 08:00
ace being an hardend vvvertren just shruged and threw the body 2 1 side
i dont know my brother and annt on speaking terms
18-09-2005, 08:03
"Family cuarrles huh?" "My brother died along time ago.." Cole saw something duck behind a building...he moved closer to the area.
18-09-2005, 08:07
cole use this he threw a hand phaser at him i should of been emperreor traditionaly the eldestest male of my family gets the title shoulda been mine but ryyu cited an ancient rite to challenge it
18-09-2005, 08:10
"Hm untill I meet this Ryu you could co-rule this planet be my vice-president if you want." As Cole moved closer a little girl jump out an ran at him. He stoped her and picked her up. "Now whats your name?" "Kyla..." "Hello, Kyla do you know who I am?" "Yes your our president..." "Where are your parents?" "Thier sleeping and they won't wake up."..
18-09-2005, 08:11
ace said musta died in the bombardment here kid want a candy bar ace asked
18-09-2005, 08:15
"I like candy" Kyla said as she took the bar.."We need to set up a refugee camp here soon, their aught to be more of people like this." Cole walked back into the bunker and set her up with one of the maids. "Take care of her, would you?" "Yes sir." Cole looked up to the sky and sighed as he walked back to Ace.
18-09-2005, 08:17
poor kid ace said had that been my daughter i woulda killed the idiot that fired
ya but getting the infostrucre back is our primarry comcern
18-09-2005, 08:19
It's gonna be a long road ahead, I need to know how many are still alive, what roads are still acceptable, what Military units are still active, and what airports are usable with planes."
18-09-2005, 08:22
ace said if we use the droid thing could be done a hellauva lot quicker
18-09-2005, 08:24
Yes it would go a lot faster but I still need to know what my infastructure is like at this point.
18-09-2005, 08:25
it will take monts this way ace spoted movement pass me my phaser
18-09-2005, 08:27
Cole gave Ace his phaser, "Remember don't kill'em we need every person we can get."
18-09-2005, 08:31
he sett his phaser to heavy stun i know what setting to use
he found a verry confused woman
18-09-2005, 08:34
"Hello there what is your name?" "I....Oh my god...your the president..." "Yes..yes I am now tell me what is your name?" "Alica what has happened?" "Well we have lost a war which we never new started." "I don't understand.." "Alica can you walk down this road untill you reach a bunker and stay there?" "Yes I can do that."
18-09-2005, 08:37
she s probly shell shocked damn thiers bodies in here all alive but out cold
18-09-2005, 08:38
"Jesus we need to rebuild and fast....damn this was pointless...."Cole moved more debrie
18-09-2005, 08:42
ooc im tired im goin 2 bed
18-09-2005, 08:43
OOC: yeah me to it;s already 12:45
18-09-2005, 20:16
It has been one month since the reconstruction started the Capitol City was almost finished, smaller towns were already finished and life was begining to go back to normal.
18-09-2005, 20:21
they looked at the new houses of parment made of marble a sign of the empires wealth and strength droids walks around the ciity cole what do you think of the new houses of parlenent
18-09-2005, 20:23
"Well they will serve their purposes but I'm still worried about the rual areas." Cole moved his hand over the marble.
18-09-2005, 20:25
they can wait ace groused lets celeberate tthe completion of the fountian and the houses of palemnet ace pulled a bottle of sephrion whiskey out last 5000 year old boittle ever your in for a treat cole
18-09-2005, 20:28
"Jesus 5,000 years?" Cole grabed the bottle and tasted it "Wow nice." "Do you have anyway of knowing how the reconstruction is on other parts of the planet.?"
18-09-2005, 20:30
ace laughed this is 1 of the more rarer bottles i think my brother has 20 7000 year old bottles its goin fine he took a gulp mmm nice
18-09-2005, 20:34
"How long do you think untill were finished here , I want to start leading my people again.."
18-09-2005, 20:36
probly another 6 months but eh you should see sephrion prime the jewel in the crown of the empire
18-09-2005, 20:39
Sephrioth Prime sounds wonderful, any pictures?
18-09-2005, 20:46
ya here minf you the only building i saw was high command im genreall rank
18-09-2005, 20:48
"Wow." "So how long did it take you to conqure the 30 star systems?"
18-09-2005, 20:53
we conqured them in one year naval blitzkrieg
18-09-2005, 20:54
"Damn so we only saw like what a half-percent of your fleet?"
18-09-2005, 20:56
about .1 percent of the fleet were scouting more systems
18-09-2005, 21:01
"Jeez how lang will it take before your empire will be so large it won't be able to govern it's people?"
18-09-2005, 21:03
a long while jellous of our naval capacity
18-09-2005, 21:06
"Well we won't have to worry about a Navy for a long time. But, Can we still persue new technologies commercialy for space travel and ship design?"
18-09-2005, 21:07
ya we normally let the vassal rule themselveves but using our laws
18-09-2005, 21:12
"We will pursure technologys at our own pace, but your laws will be incorperated with ours."
18-09-2005, 21:18
we have over 3000 planters in the empire 30 planets per sysyem and you will subimit to having some black sqaud soldiers present
18-09-2005, 21:21
"How many have you conquered in this system?"
18-09-2005, 21:23
70 duiifernt races and the borg we have a treaty with the borg
18-09-2005, 21:24
"I guess we ahve a lot to learn about intergalatic treaties and politics huh?"
18-09-2005, 21:28
yeah a word of advice never try negotiating withe borg they allways try to asimilate you
18-09-2005, 21:30
"I think for now we will just stay under your sphere of influence."
18-09-2005, 21:32
good idea we only got the borg to ally because the cnt modify thier shielding to suspace weapons
18-09-2005, 21:37
"God I think this is the beginning of a wonderfull alliance."
18-09-2005, 21:38
00c last post for to day
18-09-2005, 21:40
OOC: alright we wil restart whenever yopu get back
18-09-2005, 22:34
ace grimaced as he found his speeder cole qant a ride
18-09-2005, 22:36
"Meh why not, how fast does this go?"
18-09-2005, 22:39
well normally when tuned up 200mph minnes fully nuned and supercharged so 300 mph
18-09-2005, 22:43
"Why don't we take a drive to see how the other cities are coming along?"
18-09-2005, 22:54
he got on the speeder
18-09-2005, 22:57
Cole followed suit. "Let's head down to Yuka City." Cole marveled at the techological advancements on this speeder.
18-09-2005, 23:10
hold on tight its gona be fast damn i forgot your probly not used to riding a speeder at 300 mph so bite dpwn on this rubber boton the headed of this is a preaty old speeder the new zx 89 is the best they cost a moths pay of 3 million meterias btw thats a genreals pay
18-09-2005, 23:14
Cole bit down on the rubber baton and waited for the immense G's to begin.
18-09-2005, 23:16
ace cracked his knuckles and accrtlated to 300 mph an
18-09-2005, 23:20
Cole was thrown back in his seat as the acceleration took hold of him he could barley keep his eyes open. In a few minutes they reached Yuka City. Cole coughed and sat upright and held his side. "So....why haven't you gotten the "new: speeder?"
18-09-2005, 23:54
ace laughed the the price tag and i kind of offened the compant that makes it
i refused to back thier bid to make armed speeders
18-09-2005, 23:57
"You seem to offened a lot of people huh?" Cole got out of the speeder and watched the droids finsish a building.
18-09-2005, 23:59
yeah i meen i took offence to you at first and after a couple of drinks i realized yah only a jackass
19-09-2005, 00:07
Cole hit Ace square in the jaw at the last remark.
19-09-2005, 00:13
ace rubbed his jaw then punched cole in the nose and with drew his dagger
19-09-2005, 00:15
"Let's leave it at this a brusied jaw and a broken nose kay?" Cole held and pinched his nose.
19-09-2005, 00:20
punching a bezerker in the jaw is like me calling you a weak peahetic bieng. ace chagred at cole determined to kill him
19-09-2005, 00:23
Cole got into a Linebacker stance and ran at Ace tackleing him putting his shoulder striaght into Ace's stomache Cole wrapped up and dropped Ace. "Alright man let's not get carried away."
19-09-2005, 00:25
ace got uo he was angry he was more then angry he was frurios forgetiing his train ing he threw thedagger down and fired a fire ball from his rght hand at cole
19-09-2005, 00:29
The fireball hit cole in the arm lighting his sleeve on fire. "Shit shit." Cole tore off his sleeve and charged Ace throwing a puch and conntcting at his sternum.
19-09-2005, 00:31
ace bought booth hands to gether to do a double fireball strike on col he threw booth at the same time
19-09-2005, 00:34
Cole droped to the ground as the fireball wizzed over his head, he got back up and keep his distance. "Hello ace you there man?"
19-09-2005, 00:36
thace heard him but his anger had over welmed him causing hi to regeres in to the ancient sephrion state he threw a stream of fire balls at cole
19-09-2005, 00:43
Cole ran as the fire stream lunged at hit his leg and put his pant leg on fire another nearly missed his head. Cole slid behind a low wall panting. "Jesus any more tricks thier Ace?"
19-09-2005, 00:49
ace chargedat cole detrimed to hurt cole as he charge he calmed down
19-09-2005, 00:53
Cole looked from around the wall and realized Ace was slowing down. "You alright thier Ace?"
19-09-2005, 00:55
he held his head what in the name of the 7 gods happened i have a huge headace
19-09-2005, 00:56
"Well fire thingys came outta your arm, and can I come out now?"
19-09-2005, 00:57
yeah you must of enraged me for that to happen my race has the abbilty to throw fire balls when were angry
19-09-2005, 01:02
"Goddamn that's cool." Cole got up from the wall and walked over to Ace.
19-09-2005, 01:07
its not all wine and roses ace moned it leaves ya with 1 helluva headace he took a gulp of water from his canteen
19-09-2005, 01:09
"So between you and your brother who would kick the others ass?" Cole watched some droids contruct a low building.
19-09-2005, 01:11
depends if he enraged me because im a hulluva lot powerfullerwhen im 'primal'
but he has the advantage of being able to throw fireballs with out going primal
19-09-2005, 01:15
"Was thier a civil war when your brother "stole" your seat of power?"
19-09-2005, 01:16
thier was a rebelion led by me strangly he dint put me or my troops to death
19-09-2005, 01:19
"Maby he liked the thought of his brother being jealous?" Cole looked up at te sky.
19-09-2005, 01:26
maybe hes afraid ill challenge his rulership hence him assiging meto this back water hellhole lord pain my father maybe old but i only have to claim the rite of combat in front of the grand emperror thier is thhe grand emperor and the emerrper and me and my brother will be hounorbound to fight for the leadership
19-09-2005, 01:31
"So it's kinda like a fight to the death thing in your Empire huh"
19-09-2005, 01:33
your the leadership yes normal sephrions dont need the rte
19-09-2005, 01:37
"I think it's time I head back to the Capitol and begine leading again.."
19-09-2005, 01:41
get on the speeder ace said
oh you must udestand my race is ruled by hounor
19-09-2005, 01:43
"A man without honor is nothing." Cole hopped back on the speeder.
19-09-2005, 02:04
they set of at 30 mph alots safer
its alot safer at lowers speeds if i just stoped bing primal
19-09-2005, 02:05
a monkey throws his crap at sephrioth

Knock off the hijacking of this thread. As you can see, it is closed. Do not post again.
19-09-2005, 03:33
OOC: Thank you Moderator

IC: Cole closed his eyes and thought about how he would go about persiding over his people again..he also wondered about the fate of his people.
19-09-2005, 03:49
yeah i hear you thier i wanna go home to i miss my pet masamune
19-09-2005, 03:52
"So are you assigned to protect this new founded "Colony" of yours?"
19-09-2005, 03:56
nah i was sent here in an act of war now the fleet goes home and i can see my masamune i hope it hasnt burnt my apartment down again
19-09-2005, 03:59
"Hm so who watches over this piece of space now?"
19-09-2005, 04:15
aint sure probly my son josh
19-09-2005, 04:18
"Hm your son eh?"
19-09-2005, 04:19
yeah long story want to see a picture of him at the family ranch looking after a masamune
19-09-2005, 04:32
"How big is your family?" Cole noticed that trees were still flattened.
19-09-2005, 05:07
3 kids all boys tripletes
19-09-2005, 05:11
"Triplets huh, so are they all in the military?"
19-09-2005, 05:12
yep 2 low level grunts one a genreal like his dad
19-09-2005, 05:17
After ariving in the capitol Cole went straight to his new Presidental Palace. "Wow, this is nice."
19-09-2005, 05:20
its a mockery of the imperial palace on sephrion prime thaton is fiftty times biiger
19-09-2005, 05:26
"Well it's very nice." Cole walked through the front door, and was amazed. "Jesus.."
19-09-2005, 07:15
had the stone writes of the empire been here this place would be 10000 times grander
19-09-2005, 07:40
"Wow you guys did one hell of a job here." Cole walked through the palace.
19-09-2005, 20:13
nah to me it looks cruude and unrefind mind you i have lived in the immperail palace on sephrion prime
21-09-2005, 01:55
Cole walked around his office and then sat down in his new chair. "So, when will you be leaving us?"
21-09-2005, 02:06
im not sure
the fleet is in bad shape probly 2-12 days
21-09-2005, 02:25
"Well untill then you can find any accomadations that suit your standards here, and enjoy yourself."
21-09-2005, 02:34
nah ill sleep on the hamer i have forgot what sleeping in zero g is like our ships dont use gravity hence a sephrion bieging so damned strong
21-09-2005, 02:36
"How long would it take to get back to your homeworld from Yukatania?" Cole stared out the Window as he asked this question.
21-09-2005, 02:38
depeds if we use trans warp or warp
mind you we have todrop to impuls as soon as we neaid the angel system subspace mines protect the incore millions off them
21-09-2005, 02:41
"I was thinking that you could take me to Sephrioth Prime on a Diplomatic Mission, to stregnthin our ties between our two governments?"
21-09-2005, 02:43
thats the plan but i doubt thiers spare quarters on my ship i supouse we could put you in the brigg
21-09-2005, 04:01
"Well....I guess that wouldn't be too bad"...
21-09-2005, 04:04
ace spat in too his cominicator two too been up and have a company of cerberuses waiting in the transporter room
21-09-2005, 04:07
"Your gonna have me be guarded by a full company?...You a little scared of me?"Cole Looked over each droid.
21-09-2005, 04:10
no im scared of what my crew will try ace explained may i add these droids weapons are set to kill one false move from you or the crew and thye go red
21-09-2005, 04:11
"Okay so how long is the trip we are about to take?"
21-09-2005, 04:14
depends we arnt trans warp capible oour transwarp core are heavily dammaged a mont at warp 9.9
21-09-2005, 04:23
"Hm...well try and make it fast."