NationStates Jolt Archive

Rising Star [FT, Semi-Open]

14-09-2005, 06:08
OOC: This is an itroductory thread for my new FT nation, the Republic of Kalden. If you send a warfleet to my front door I wil not be happy. But I'll deal with it. Somehow.


The Republic of Kalden had been doing well. Very well. The small, spacefaring nation had managed ot achieve a method of Faster Then Light Travel only about seventy-five years ago, but had utilized it to the best of it's abilites. After a brief five-year spat the world government claed it's way to the the top, beating aside would-be emperors with a stick.

Another ten years had been spent building ship,s unifying the planet and putting things in order. Finally the first colony ship had gone out. Word came back a few weeks later that it had reached the targe system and colonization had begun. Within the next fifty years, five other solar systems had been colonized or had resource gathering operations going in them. The home star system lay at the core of the colonies. Soon more ships were sent out to explore, some returning, some not.

And now the government has announced a new age of exploration, as the few new systems discovered are set to be colonized and another wave of exploratory vessels launched...

The Keldenians are a warm-blooded, lizard-like race. The typically stand between 5'4" and 5'10". They are covered in scales, the color ranging from a light blue to a blue so dark it's almost black. Their eyes are a black and peer out at the world from over a short snout. They have three fingers and an opposable thumb.

Office of Colonial Affairs, Home Station in orbit over Keldan Prime
"Attention all ships, you are in the green and ready to go."

"We copy Home Station. Prepping for launch to Keldan Scondary."

Administrator Jak Ressis glanced out of the viewport as he listened to the converstaion between the Controller and the colony ships heading for the last staging point of their colonization effort. It was his job to voersee the entire traffic control network of the Keldan PRime system. So far, as on most days, everything was going smoothly...

OOC: OK, the Kaldenians control several star systems as noted and have sent out exploration vessels. Most returned, but a few didn't.

Their FTL method is the creation of an artifical wormhole, which allows them to cut the distance from Point A to Point B down to a relatively short distance. Longer jumps take a muhc longer time and have the potential to be horribly off-course.

Warships are few, mostly police craft and one or two larger things. They are mostly armed with rail-guns, longrange missile launchers, and a few primitive energy weapons. Their defenses are deployable armor and a few primitive shields. The fighters are equipped with homing misiles and armor-piercing cannon.

That's about it for now. Join in if you want.
Hyperspatial Travel
14-09-2005, 08:20
"Sir, we have non-hostile contact in area... 165GG8433BHE537Y"

The Controller looked up. He was a fat man, and had recently been made the butt of all jokes, after the sudden appearance of an ancient, revised televised show, which had something to do with train engines, a form of transport that was far superior to any other in that day and age.

The single probe in that area, beyond all expectations, had picked up intelligent life. Of course, the minor amount of transmissions sent back meant they had no idea of the aliens' physiology, language, or just about anything, apart from the fact that they knew that they were there.

"Orright, send in an... well... We really don't have much free, do we? Ehhh... Ah, I've got it! A mining frigate, re-armed for war, and with an ambassadors compartment. That should do the trick! Of course, some miners are going to lose their ships, but they'll suffer."
14-09-2005, 10:12
On the edge of a star system, a strange ship rippled into view. Its entire hull appeared to move as it adjusted various protruding pods and deployed sensor arrays. Although it didn't appear to have any set 'form', it was perhaps 600 metres across in its current shape, and due to the fact that it seemed to have propulsion systems littered across its outer-hull it could adjust its course with the agility of a firefly. It moved towards the outer-most planet of the star system and began an intrusive scan of its innards, probing the very core of the world until it found what it was looking for.

It shifted its sensor array and deployed a communications system in its place, and was about to call in a MOEV and a MEEV when it detected something else. A series of garbled verbal communications, leaking from another planet in the system.

The form of the craft shrank somewhat, and the craft rippled into nothingness once more. It reappeared closer to the source of the communications and deployed a sensor array once again, scanning everything it could find in the vicinity. Ships, a planet, communications, probes... organics? SS31 was confused, somewhat unnerved. The last time it had found organics it needed to be protected by a Battleship. It sat in silence regardless and continued its scans.
14-09-2005, 20:18
Privately Owned Mining Ship Kildani's Venture, Outskirts of Kalden Tertiary System

The Crew Chief glanced around at his crew. THey were all on their way back to Tertiary Station to dump off their load and get some decent Rest and Relaxtion. Three months out in the asteriod fields was stressful and dangerous. He turned, eyes slitting in a frown, as something started beeping on the sensor panel.

The crew member manning the station turned tothe Chief, "Chief, we have something on the edges of our scanners. THe sensores can't get a good profile on it...It might just be a sensore anomaly, but do you think it's worth checking out?"

The CHief thought for a moment. If it was just an anomaly then he would've wasted the time of his crew, plus the fuel that would carry them out there. On the other hand...

He hissed in annoyance and nodded, "Navigator change course. Let's go see what we can see."
14-09-2005, 21:06
"Alpha Sector 14095KG12, Sector H25, Subsector K14-95, Area 23, clear!"

"Yeah, Frank, I know. You don't need to yell. I'm sitting right next to you, I can see everything you can."

"Yeah, but...I like yelling..."

"Well, yelling isn't a part of our job, now is it? Let's just finish up the scan already so we can get back to Company H.Q."


A large exploration vessel, cleverly diguised as an asteroid harmlessly drifting through space, wandered through the galaxy. The team aboard, mainly consisting of a few Scariliuns, 10 or 20 "Helper" Droids, and the Computer AI, had been out here for a Terran Standard Week, searching for potential customers, resources, or anything else of interest. So far, nothing much had been found. The only exceptions were a race of Hydrogen-Based Free-Flowing Gas Life Forms, a large, salvageable wreckage of an old space cruiser (that had been infested with giant Space Worms), and an undeveloped planet, almost entirely made of minerals and metals that could be useful in the coming days.

"Hey Frank."


"Take a look a this."

"Hm...Wierd. Looks like some forms of organic life on something are being picked up by Orbiter Probe number 52683-Ow! What was that for!"

"You don't need to read it all off! It's on my screen after al!"

"Fine...Mulburian Mug-Dwelling Feemer Biter"

"Now, as I was going to say, it looks like the probe's picked up some semi-primitive reptilian life forms, along with some underdeveloped forms of spacecraft. Perhaps a few who might be interested in a few, more-advanced technologies, hmm?"

"I don't know Svaritis, remember that last reptile-race we encountered? They tried to cut our heads off with laser-sabers and serve them on silver platters."

"Yeah, I know Frank, but these are smaller...More...Human-sized. I say we should check it out."

"Fine, it's your decision. Don't blame me if you get eaten."
14-09-2005, 23:18
OOC: That's awesome! Love your post. The Kaldenians don't you're here yet, so....Bump.
14-09-2005, 23:34
OOC: the Rupil love new people. Especially lizard-people.
Thkliakg Freetn-Hyassajtg Illuk* is male, a warrior. A wealthy warrior, as can be seen by the sleek, weapon-encrusted fighter currently about to enter TransSpace. As the TS torpedo flew out from Rupil System Traffic Control, he followed it a few hundred meters back. With a flash it went off, creating its temporary TransSpace Gate- a luminous sphere only marginally larger than the fighter that was scheduled to use it. Unbeknownst to those who had built, fired, and now about to use this particular torpedo, it had a small defect**. One that would result in Thkliakg Freetn-Hyassajtg Illuk ending up thousands of light years from his destination. And as he was scheduled to meet a Cavalry Cruiser in deeps space, he had no torpedo for a return trip.

*He goes by Illuk for those of us with human tongues.
** Torpedo defects only occur for plot reasons. They are otherwise 100% safe.
15-09-2005, 00:04
Kalden Four, Outer System Police Patrol Craft 234-Gamma-Epsilon

The small, two-Kaldenian fighter soared through the vacum as it went through the standard patrol it had been doing for the past few years. The Navigator and Sensors Officer, Junior Navigator Kilriss Ilkuk, looked out at the stars through his canopy and patted his helmet reassuringly to make sure it was still sealed against any sudden loss of cabin pressure. Ahead of him the Pilot, Senior Pilot Hil-kik Karuk deftly brought the Kilri Patrol craft on to course.

"Last leg of the patrol for today, Junior Navigator."

"Yes Senior, I-"

There was a bright flash off too starboard. Kilriss instinctively turned his head to avoid being blinded. He gaped as he spotted an alien looking craft appear out of virtually nowhere. Hil-Kik brought the craft around so they were head on to the craft.

"Don't just sit there! Let Control know we've got an alien craft in-system!"

Kilriss did as we was told, patching thorugh to Control...