Canad a
14-09-2005, 00:30
Peter Mansbridge stood in front of the camera as he gave a pleasant smile as he began, "Good evening, Canada. Today, we have elected the first female President of the Canadian Republic, Senator Iris Ryan. She isn't the only woman to run for the Presidency. In 1995, Democrat Vice President Kim Campbell tried running for the Presidency against Republican President Preston Manning."
The anchor for the election special continued after taking a moment to catch a breath as he continued, "I look forward to her first four year term as President of our country."
Peter Mansbridge stood in front of the camera as he gave a pleasant smile as he began, "Good evening, Canada. Today, we have elected the first female President of the Canadian Republic, Senator Iris Ryan. She isn't the only woman to run for the Presidency. In 1995, Democrat Vice President Kim Campbell tried running for the Presidency against Republican President Preston Manning."
The anchor for the election special continued after taking a moment to catch a breath as he continued, "I look forward to her first four year term as President of our country."