NationStates Jolt Archive

International Allied Defense Federation - Opening Recruitment Again!

The Macabees
07-09-2005, 22:13
[Background Information]
The international Allied Defense Federation (IADF) is an alliance based on the common well being of her members, including mercantilism and defense. The IADF has always stuck by its word, and is an alliance for the unification, in terms of diplomacy, even nations split by ideological differences, such as Communist and Fascists.

The administration includes three seperate tiers. The technical high end of the administration belongs to the President, which is voted for every real life month. The President, however, has several restrictions and checks, ensuring the dominance of the general assembly, which is the assembly of all members. The middle tier, between the general assembly and the president, is the Security Council, formed of three seperate nations. The Security Council includes a Commander in Chief of the Rapid Reaction Force, the minister of intelligence and the minister of foreign relations.

The IADF is given a law code through the alliance charter:

[Alliance Charter]
The IADF is an alliance that promises the defense of all member nations, small or large, socialist or fascist, regardless of political ideologies. In the world of NATO and the RWC it is imperative that a neutral alliance is formed along these lines that protects the individuals from the larger behemoths who's only aims are to gobble up the weak and unprotected. Furthermore, the IADF stands up for the all that is ethically and morally correct, being a champion of the underdog. In that sense, the IADF in accordance to the wishes of the IADF member body, will stand against those who practice genocide or other war crimes. The evil will find no safe haven against the IADF and the good will always find an ally in times of need. It is to say, that even as the skies grow dark the IADF will always be there to cast an ambient of light and an aura of hope.

Although it might seem hypocritical that the IADF allow both the right and the left to join, or the imperialist and the isolationist, or white and black, it truly fails to fit into the category of hypocracy. We are not opposed to conquests or war, we are a peaceful alliance. However, under no circumstances would we allow war crimes to occur or blatant imperialism, and that is what sets us apart from those who conquer just to conquer.

Article 1A
The powers of the General Assembly will hearby be layed out in this article. It will detail the powers of the General Assembly against the Security Council and the President, alike. The General Assembly is intended to be the most powerful branch of the IADF government and is for that reason, the most influential. It is also intended to counterbalance the powers of the Security Council along with the President to assure that they truely represent the alliance along with the good of the alliance.
The General Assembly will be made up of every member of the alliance except for the 3 individuals in Security Council and the Presidency. This assures that no nation gains more power in the alliance then the other.
Each member has one vote and no more. No matter your status, you will have one vote and only one vote. But you are allowed to influence other nations, but bullying or forceful tactics will not be tolerated and will result in harsh punishment for the wrongdoing nation.
The General Assembly is responsible for maintaining the IADF alliance while also further progressing it in the International stage of NS.
The General Assembly is the only body or authority, that is capable of forming comittees inside the alliance for specific jobs.
The Security Council is responsible to listen to the General Assembly and report a weekly report too it, if there are any events that affect the alliance on a whole.
The General Assembly is allowed to establish hearings, probes, and investigations on behalf of the alliance on member nations, office holders, and the president. No one is allowed to keep secrets from the Assembly if under probe, investigations, or in hearings.
The General Assembly is responsible for managing the funds for the IADF.
The General Assembly is the only body capable of declaring war for more than 5 days.
The General Assembly is has the final say for any recommendations or laws brought up by member nations.
The General Assembly has the power to block membership to any nation if 2 objections by member nation's have been voiced about the applying nation.
Article 1B
The Security Council, made up for the Commander in Chief, Director of Foreign Affairs, and Director of Interior and Intelligence Affairs, has powers detailed here.
The Security Council will be composed of three positions, the Commander-and-Chief of the RRF, the Director of Foreign Affairs, and the Director of Intelligence.
The Security Council has the power to initiate a war with another nation or alliance if deemed nessessary, but for 5 days before either gaining premission to expand the war from the General Assembly or pull out.
The Commander-and-Chief of the Rapid Reaction Forces is responsible for controlling and reporting about the Rapid Reatiion Forces of the IADF.
The Director of Foreign Affairs is responsible for representing the alliance in the international stage. The Director also influences the membership of nations to the alliance.
The Director of Intelligence and Domestic Affairs is responsible for the welfare of the nation. The Director of Intelligence is responsible for reporting problems internally in the alliance to the Security Council or where the General Assembly can not be used, problems in the international stage where the IADF can become involved, and other information that would further expand the capabilities of the IADF.
The Security Council has the power to start an impeachment of the President. If impeached by the Security Council, then the case will go to the General Assembly for final vote.
The Security Council will be headed by the President of the IADF.
The Security Council is responsible for maintaining the security of the alliance at all costs.
The Security Council is obligated to report all major events concerning the alliance to the General Assembly.
The Security Council is capable vetoing any issues proposed by the General Assembly if they are deemed a threat to the security of the alliance. All three members along with the President must cite opposition before it is capable of using this power.
The Security Council is allowed to form treaties, pacts, embargos, etc against opposing nation/alliance/body when nessessary without the approval of the General Assembly, but must gain premission from the General Assembly to continue such activity past 5 days or face being forced to end or lift the act committed.
The Security Council is capable of deploying peacekeeping forces without the General Assembly's voice for 5 days max before having to ask premission. But must get okay from President.
The Security Council is given temporary powers to act against attacking nation/alliance/body when in a state of invasion without asking the General Assembly.
The Security Council is capable of creating sub-committees that are concerned with the defense or welfare of the alliance.
The Security Council is capable of declaring a state of emergency for the alliance.

Article 1C
The president will have administrational powers, as depicted here.
The President is the head of the IADF.
The President is incharge of creating the policy and providing leadership and direction for the pact.
The President is the only member except for founder (The Macabee) to accept new members into the alliance.
The President is given the power to defend the pact at all costs.
The President must report to the Security Council and the General Assembly with an annual State of the Pact speech every month in office.
The President is capable impeaching officials deemed "uncontrollable" from the alliance without the premission of the General Assembly but with the premission from the Security Council.
The President is capable of creating Secetary positions and forming a cabinet independent of the Security Council for advice on matters concerning the alliance.
The President is capable of vetoing any laws or recommendations put by the General Assembly or Security Council if deemed "unnessessary". But veto can be lifted by General Assembly with a 2/3's vote.
The President is allowed to sign treaties and begin embargos on other nations with the premission of the Security Council.
The President is responsible for proposing laws for the pact and influencing the pact outline.
The President is responsible for guiding the pact in all states of time, from peace to war, from emergency to prosperity.
The President can serve for unlimited terms.
Article 2
The Parties undertake to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the maintaining international peace and security and justice unless such use of force is required to bring a return to peace and stability.

Article 3
The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them.

Article 4
In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.

Millitary action against any Party or Parties is forbidden, except with the unanimous consent of the Security Council, excluding the potential target(s) of action, if that Party or Parties is a member the Security Council.

Article 5
The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened. A Security Council of no more than three members plus a President will be established to evaluate these claims and to determine when the use of force is justified.

The Security Council and President shall consist of active members and shall serve in staggered terms of two RL months. The Presidency of the Security Council shall be an elected position in addition to the Security Council.

Article 6
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the attacked Party or Parties.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.

Article 7
For the purpose of Article 6, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:
• On the territory of any of the Parties, or on any lands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties;
• On the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in the world if the Party was attacked upon and commited no previous wrong against the attacking nation;
• On the citizens of any of the Parties either at home or abroad.

Article 8
A Rapid Reaction Force shall be established for the mutual defense of one or more of the Parties in the event of an armed attack. All Parties shall contribute to the Rapid Reaction Force the following: one light infantry battalion and air transport necessary to transport such forces. If a party nation cannot donate what is required to the Rapid Reaction Force the nation may substitute other vheciles or troops to the force, as long as the Security Council deems the substution is fair.

The Rapid Reaction Force shall be trained and equipped in such a fashion as to be a cohesive fighting force when deployed. Field command of the Rapid Reaction Force shall be assigned to the designee of the President of the Security Council.

Article 9
This Treaty does not affect, and shall not be interpreted as affecting in any way the rights and obligations of any Party.

Article 10
Each Party declares that none of the international engagements now in force between it and any other of the Parties or any third state is in conflict with the provisions of this Treaty, and undertakes not to enter into any international engagement in conflict with this Treaty.

Article 11
The Parties hereby establish a General Assembly, on which each of them shall be represented, to consider matters concerning the implementation of this Treaty. The General Assembly shall be so organised as to be able to meet promptly at any time. The General Assembly shall set up such subsidiary bodies and committees as may be necessary; in particular it shall establish immediately a Security Council which shall recommend measures for the implementation of Articles 3, 4 and 5.

Article 12
The Parties may, by a simple majority agreement of the General Assembly, invite any other State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the Parties to accede to this Treaty. Any State so invited may become a Party to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the IADF. The IADF will inform each of the Parties of the deposit of each such instrument of accession.

Article 13
This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the IADF, which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit. The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of the majority of the signatories have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.

Article 14
After the Treaty has been in force for one RL month, or at any time thereafter, the Parties shall, if any of them so requests, consult together for the purpose of reviewing the Treaty, having regard for the factors then affecting peace and security in the NS World, including the development of universal as well as regional arrangements for the maintenance of international peace and security.

Article 15
Any Party may cease to be a Party one RL day after its notice of denunciation has been given to the IADF, which will inform the Governments of the other Parties of the deposit of each notice of denunciation. Any equipment and/or funds donated to the IADF Rapid Reaction Force will be returned.

Article 16
This Treaty shall be deposited in the archives of the IADF. Duly certified copies will be transmitted to the Governments of all signatories.

Article 17
The Alliance shall keep record of all Active and Inactive Alliance members. Active Alliance members are those who have signed the Alliance charter, and who have communicated through Allliance diplomatic channels (OOC: The web board or our region page on NS) in the previous 14 RL days. Inactive Alliance Members are those who have signed the Alliance charter, but who have not communicated through Alliance diplomatic channels in the previous 14 RL days.

Inactive Alliance members recieve the full benefits of IADF membership, but their vote will not be counted in either the numerator or denominator of the required members in order to pass a motion. Both Inactive and Active Alliance members all recieve the assurance of mutual self-defense as defined in Articles 4 and 5, and are obligated to follow all rules and regulations set out by the Alliance and by this charter.

Any member who has been placed on the Inactive member list may regain Active status by establishing communication on an Alliance Diplomatic channel.

Article 18
The Alliance shall keep a record of whether member nations are Alliance Members or Puppet Members. Puppet Members shall be nations that are controlled by the government of an Alliance Member.

Only Alliance Members may vote in the General Assembly or hold office as President or as a Security Council member. However, Puppet Nations are subject to mutual self-protection as outlined in Articles 4 and 5, and are obligated to follow and are obligated to follow all rules and regulations set out by the Alliance and by this charter.

No Alliance Member shall be required to bring their Puppet Nations into the IADF, but any Puppet Nation that is not a member of the IADF shall not be included in the mutual protection offered by the Alliance. Puppet Nations are, however, expected to follow Alliance policy in the categories of imperialism, non-agression against Alliance members, and Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Article 19
This charter may be amended by a 2/3rds majority vote in the General Assembly.

Article 20
IADF is a NationStates Earth only alliance, meaning the bonds between nations only exists on NS Earth. Of course, nations that are willing can carry over the bonds to their Earths, however, in the general sense war between two IADF members on Earth X is allowed and does not disrupt the alliance. Furthermore, as do most Earths, to the IADF all other Earths are regarded as Out of Character, or non-existant.

Article 21
Membership into the IADF is open to all nations that agree with the ideology of the organization. They will not be discriminated based upon their state, policies, and commitements unless they prove to be violent. In order to join the alliance, though, the member must have a legal standing that makes it independent of another nation and allows it to carry out all the obligations of a member in the alliance. If a member is incapable of fulfilling these obligations, then they will not be accepted.

As for nation's that are colonies or territories of another nation. If that nation is given the right to join the alliance from its motherland or occupier and the occupier is not within the alliance, then it will be treated as a soverign nation within the alliance. This is because if the nation has the right to decide upon its legal issues, then it should be allowed to be a full member of the alliance. But the IADF is not obligated to defend the motherland of the colony if it is under attack, as the alliance considers the nation to be an independent nation not a subordinate organization. But the nation may appeal for defense of its mother country.

[Important Documents]
IADF Decision on an Active RRF

Active Defense- Alliance authorized use of pre-emptive and preventative force against an enemy that constitutes a materializing threat to a member-state of the alliance or the alliance as a whole. Actively seeks out threats and can extend the sphere of defense to nations outside of the IADF if necessary. Authorization of force in cases of pre-emptive and preventative attacks are to be sanctioned by the common body of the IADF and would require a 2/3rds majority vote to authorize such actions. First strike attacks upon member-states of the alliance or the alliance as a whole by an enemy nation gives automatic authority to the allied body to attack and subdue and neutralize any and all enemies and any materializing threats whose goal is to bring further destruction to the alliance and its member-states.

Active defense automatically assumes passive defense when pre-emptive and preventative actions are not being considerd and a threat has not been identified prior to an attack upon a member-state or the alliance as a whole.

The IADF RRF may be used to assist in Pre-emptive and/or preventative attacks against enemies and materializing threats.

[Passed with 8 against 4 votes]

[Old Nations]
If you were an old nation, you were most likely deleted for inactivity. If you still wish to be part of the IADF just re-register. I remember you all, so I'll accept you as soon as possible.

[Members [17]]

Dweladelfia Prime
Macabees, The
Pschycotic Pschycos
Silver Sky, The
Space Union
Vuhifellian States, The
The Macabees
07-09-2005, 22:16
[Oops: The forums: ]
07-09-2005, 22:39
To: Founder of the IADF, the Empire of the Golden Throne of The Macabees
From: Kenix Kil, Secretary of State, the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Request for Admission

Greetings, esteemed ally. Given the current state of affairs in the world, and the rising body count in the Automagfreek/Praetonia War, we feel it prudent to petition for admission to the IADF. We ourselves are preparing for war with the nations of Doomingsland and Freudotopia over their invasion of our longtime ally Space Union, and, to put things bluntly, need all the friends and assistance we can get. Not only this, but we wholeheartedly support the values for which the IADF stands. Having said this, we officially request to join the IADF, either as a member or, if possible, as the Director of Foreign Affairs. If we are accepted, we will inform you of our representative to the IADF upon his or her approval by Congress. We thank you for your time.

Kenix Kil
Secretary of State
The Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
07-09-2005, 22:55
[OOC: ahh, quite good to see this up again.]
The Macabees
07-09-2005, 23:03
To: Kenix Kil, Secretary of State, the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

It would only be logical of us to accept the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia as a member of the International Allied Defense Federation, seeing as how the Democratic Imperium has been a long standing friendly, and ally, to the Golden Throne. The fact that we are brought closer through the war with AutoMagFreek and her allies just underscores the necessity for a nation like Halberdgaria within the ranks of the IADF.

As a consequence, as the official recruiter for the alliance [OOC: for now], Halberdgardia is accepted within the IADF. Unfortunately, our two most active members, myself and Mekugi are currently embroiled in an offshoot of that Gholgoth war, fighting Havenite forces and two rebel armies. Subsequently, we can offer little in the way of support for your forces defending Space Union, except for aid in the form of money and equipment. We send our apologies for such a failure to support our allies at this time, however, we are sure that other IADF members are more willing to defend an member of the IADF.

As for that post as Director of Foreign Affairs, the IADF will be undergoing a general election soon; first for presidency, then for the security council. Halberdgardia will be able to make her be known there, and most possibly will be elected as Minister of Foreign Affairs, or whatever else the representative of Halberdgardia wants to run for.

[signed]Fedor I
07-09-2005, 23:05
As enemy forces run rampant around the world, we cannot stand up for these priciples alone. Therefore we submit our application, we hope you accept it.

-Minister of Sour Cream and Onion
The Macabees
07-09-2005, 23:17
To: Leafanistan

Your decision to enter within the ranks of the IADF is a pleasant one, and we were hoping that more nations from the Shaharawi War Coalition and the Anti-Ankhmet Coalition would join. You have always stood for what is correct, and consequently, you are an irreplaceable candidate to join the IADF.

In other words, welcome to the alliance.

[signed]Fedor I
The Macabees
07-09-2005, 23:36
[Added another important document.]
The Silver Sky
07-09-2005, 23:40
The Silver Sky would be honored to be allowed into the IADF, we belive this will be come a great organization.

The Minister of Cheesy Products
The Macabees
07-09-2005, 23:43
The Silver Sky would be honored to be allowed into the IADF, we belive this will be come a great organization.

The Minister of Cheesy Products

To: The Silver Sky

Your request to join the IADF has been approved, although the Silver Sky has conducted itself in business deals that would place itself almost at cold war with the Golden Throne [the Argentine, and your response to it]. Regardless, the IADF could seal relations between our two nations, and your entrance will offer a great boost to the alliance.

Welcome to the IADF.

[signed]Fedor I
Pschycotic Pschycos
07-09-2005, 23:43
Excuse the language, but like hell we wouldn't join. Therefore, the Imperial Shogunate of Pschycotic Pschycos hereby expresses its desire to join this alliance, as we've been wanting to expand our diplomatic and military ties for a while now.

Advisor of Foreign Affairs-Shigeru Myamoto
The Silver Sky
07-09-2005, 23:46
OOC: What? I have no idea if what you're talking about, unless you're talking about that SD-killer you made, but I bought some....
The Macabees
07-09-2005, 23:48
To: Advisor of Foreign Affairs-Shigeru Myamoto

Of course, Pschycotic Pschycos has been approved into the alliance. Your willingness to talk is evidence to all that Pschycotic Pschycos is a perfect member of the IADF. Consequently, welcome to the alliance.

[signed]Fedor I
07-09-2005, 23:53
Hey gov'ner why dont you let us apply for alliances?
-Ministry of Health- Snack Foods Division

quit this nonsense and get back to work!
-Senator Roberts speaking 'candidly' on the subject

[glorified bump]
The Macabees
07-09-2005, 23:53
[You guys should register up!]
Pschycotic Pschycos
07-09-2005, 23:56
To: Advisor of Foreign Affairs-Shigeru Myamoto

Of course, Pschycotic Pschycos has been approved into the alliance. Your willingness to talk is evidence to all that Pschycotic Pschycos is a perfect member of the IADF. Consequently, welcome to the alliance.

[signed]Fedor I


(OOC: Jap for thank you!)
Space Union
07-09-2005, 23:58
The Sikh Republic of Space Union would like to join this pact. It is nessessary to maintain balance in this chaotic world of face certain annilation from other more aggressive nations. We wish to join in this fabulous organization as it fits our policies and goals. We understand any/either decision you make as to our membership in the IADF.

President Harsimran Mann

OOC: Does W@W count? We might have bad relationships there but we could try again in NS. Why not give it a shot? I'm always an open person :)
08-09-2005, 00:07
The Armed Republic of Coln (ARC) Priority One Staff has read the document and has agreed with what has been stated. ARC has agrees with what the IDAF stands for and is interested in the enrollment of such a fine alliance. ARC has chemical weopons deemed for destruction due to the UN law that was recently passed. The Security Council has voted and came to an agreement that these weopons shall be donated to the IDAF upon enrollment.

This letter has been approved by The Priority One Staff, ARC Security Council, ARC Defense Council, ARC Foreign Relations and Managment Council.
Sec. of State,
Kyle Lieon
Sec. of Defense,
David Lanahan
Sec. Foreign Relations and Managment,
Julia Niral
Prime Minister,
Neil Hanna
The Macabees
08-09-2005, 00:07
[OOC: Don't worry, I don't mix up world at war with Nation States - I regard them as two seperate spheres of diplomacy.]

To: President Harsimran Mann of Space Union

As another member of those targeted by Ankhmet, we have found that Space Union and the Golden Throne have much in common. As our official alliance recruitment driver until one is elected we are inclined to accept Space Union as a member of the IADF, so welcome to the alliance.

[signed]Fedor I
The Macabees
08-09-2005, 00:12
To: Kyle Lieon, Coln

Your request is under review. Unfortunately, we have had no prior experiences diplomatically with Coln, consequently, we cannot make such a decision as quickly as the others. However, please do not lose confidence with the alliance, your membership application will be processed quickly and without fault.

[signed]Fedor I

[OOC: Are you another member's puppet? Or, do you have any recent role plays that I could read, to analyze your application?]
08-09-2005, 00:17
We, The Holy Empire of Asgarnieu have reviewed your organization, and believe whole-heartedly that we should become members of your fine Federation. We thank you for considering us.

-Holy Empire of Asgarnieu
08-09-2005, 00:40
((OOC: I do believe that Risban was a member some time ago. I'll reapply. It might be interesting to be involved in such an alliance when the Risban Civil War swings into full force. Heh!))

~Statement from the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs~

The Grand Imperium of Risban wishes to reaffirm its membership in this grand alliance of nations. Our representative to the federation will be Lord Justinian Fowl, former Risbanian ambassador to the United Nations.

-Alexander Perkins, High Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Macabees
08-09-2005, 00:41
To: Holy Empire of Asgarnieu

Your application is under review. If you would please point us towards some recent events in your country's history, especially political and military history, we would be grateful. A response will come as soon as possible.

[signed]Fedor I
The Macabees
08-09-2005, 00:43
To: Alexander Perkins, High Minister for Foreign Affairs

Fortunately, we know Risban, and know its politics, consequently, the decision of Risban's application can be made on the spot. Inconsequentially, Risban is accepted into the IADF. Congratulations!

[signed]Fedor I
The Macabees
08-09-2005, 01:13
The Macabees
08-09-2005, 02:15
08-09-2005, 03:51
[OOC: No, I havent been on NS for awhile and just began to come back. I love roleplaying and writing and do it very often. I apologize for the lack of information.]
08-09-2005, 04:09
The Commonwealth of Pheanix would be honored to koined these estemed alliance. Our nation shall help out any member nation, and shall adhere to teh Security COuncil decicions trhought our stay in the alliance.

Elena Diaz, Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Macabees
08-09-2005, 15:08
To: Coln and Pheanix

After much review and discussion, both nations are willingly accepted into the IADF. So, welcome to the alliance. There is much to be discussed on the boards, so join quickly! [OOC: It might take me a while to validate your membership, since I have class from 9:30 to 2:15].

[signed]Fedor I
The Macabees
08-09-2005, 23:01
08-09-2005, 23:10
The Confederacy of Spizania wishes to apply for membership of this esteemed organisation.
The Macabees
08-09-2005, 23:12
To: Spizania

Since we know your nation vaguely [ooc: albeit, from World at War] you have been categorized as an accepted member of the IADF. However, your current influence throughout the world is rather small, consequently, as a member of the IADF we expect more international responses by your nation. [ooc: In other words, we expect you to role play some more.] Regardless, welcome to the alliance. Once a member, you're always a member.

[signed]Fedor I
The Vuhifellian States
08-09-2005, 23:17
We, once again, apply for membership to the IADF.

OOC: This alliance seems to be cursed by inactivity
The Macabees
08-09-2005, 23:18
We, once again, apply for membership to the IADF.

OOC: This alliance seems to be cursed by inactivity

[OOC: Just re-register. All old alliance members just re-register and they're considered part of the alliance.]
The Macabees
09-09-2005, 17:54
10-09-2005, 09:23
I would formally like to request an admission to this alliance as these are troubled times.

-Chairman Alexance, Uldarious.
The Macabees
11-09-2005, 20:16
I would formally like to request an admission to this alliance as these are troubled times.

-Chairman Alexance, Uldarious.

[OOC: Sorry, I didn't see this before.]

To: Uldarious

Thank you for showing interest with the IADF. On a basis of membership, you have been accepted into the IADF. Welcome to the alliance, and hope you find yourself at home.

[signed]Fedor I

[OOC: Register up!]
The Macabees
12-09-2005, 00:50
13-09-2005, 10:07
OOC: Alright so I'm a member now?, if I am are their any special duties I have to fulfil?
The Macabees
13-09-2005, 15:40
OOC: Alright so I'm a member now?, if I am are their any special duties I have to fulfil?

[OOC: Yes, I've just approved your account. Just keep up on the boards and make sure you know everything that is going on! Right now the IADF has no military duties, but we are electing presidents (two candidates to chose from), and soon enough we're going to start the elections for the security council.]
13-09-2005, 21:40
On behald of the Federal Kingdom, we would like to restiblish relations with the International Allied Defense Federation. The great works done by the organization and its members is a noble cause Triancia would be honored to join once again. Although I can no longer represent Triancia, I will make sure my replacment upholds our reputation as an honorable nation, and effective member-state.

Dr. Elizibeth Forest,
Deputy Secretary of State for Establishment of Relations,
Formerly Member of the Security Council for Intelligence and Internal Affiars, IADF.
The Macabees
13-09-2005, 22:50
On behald of the Federal Kingdom, we would like to restiblish relations with the International Allied Defense Federation. The great works done by the organization and its members is a noble cause Triancia would be honored to join once again. Although I can no longer represent Triancia, I will make sure my replacment upholds our reputation as an honorable nation, and effective member-state.

Dr. Elizibeth Forest,
Deputy Secretary of State for Establishment of Relations,
Formerly Member of the Security Council for Intelligence and Internal Affiars, IADF.

[OOC: I think you're still on the membership roster because you were, along with Mekugi, one of the few who remained posting even during the three to four months of inactivity.]

To: Dr. Elizibeth Forest

Of course, Triancia is always welcomed to the IADF. Triancia's history with the IADF is much more than what is needed to prove that Triancia was and always will be a valuable addition to the alliance. Consequently, consider yourself never gone from the IADF, even if it is not yourself who represents your nation within the alliance. Furthermore, do not fret, your heir to the representation to the IADF will be just as respected and just as loved. Thank you for your continued interest with the IADF.

[signed]Fedor I
The Macabees
16-09-2005, 17:23
West Pacific
18-09-2005, 07:01
OOC: I assume that it was ok that I registered for the forum since I am still listed as being a member, correct?
The Macabees
18-09-2005, 17:34
OOC: I assume that it was ok that I registered for the forum since I am still listed as being a member, correct?

OOC: Of course.]
18-09-2005, 21:52
The Kingdom of Vietnamexico would like to join the IADF
18-09-2005, 22:07
[OOC: Seeing as the charter is the same as the 2nd IADF Charter, this document has already been ratified by the Novikovian Government, so I'd rather not go through another process of applying for membership. As far as I'm concerned, the 2nd IADF was inactive, but had never been disbanded, making me a de-facto member.

Of course you might have already suspected that, so sign me up already.]
The Macabees
19-09-2005, 01:00
[OOC: The charter you signed is the same charter, and it's the same alliance. It's just going through a 'revamping' the membership - let's call it another membership you're still a legal member.

Vietnamexico, you were in the old one, albeit under a different name, so just go ahead and register and I'll approve you.]
19-09-2005, 04:39
To: Holy Empire of Asgarnieu

Your application is under review. If you would please point us towards some recent events in your country's history, especially political and military history, we would be grateful. A response will come as soon as possible.

[signed]Fedor I

Well, our President, Justin A. Herbert, has remained in office since our countries conception. However, our Grand Chancellor was assassinated several days ago. We now have a new one, but we are very watchful. In terms of military, we have most recently been involved in the war between Kyros and SkyCapt, but Kyros surrendered, so we didn't see too much action. We have helped many allied nations in war by sending supplies, but no soldiers. That is all we have on record. Thank You.
Dweladelfia prime
19-09-2005, 04:59
The Christain Empire of Dweladelfia Prime would like to join the IADF.

Dweladelfia Prime is a Protectorate of the UNA. Unarmed Nations Alience.

I am an experienced Rper.

I would love to join your alience

I am also interested in being on the security council.
The Macabees
19-09-2005, 15:43
Well, our President, Justin A. Herbert, has remained in office since our countries conception. However, our Grand Chancellor was assassinated several days ago. We now have a new one, but we are very watchful. In terms of military, we have most recently been involved in the war between Kyros and SkyCapt, but Kyros surrendered, so we didn't see too much action. We have helped many allied nations in war by sending supplies, but no soldiers. That is all we have on record. Thank You.

To: President Justic A. Herbert

Merely the fact that you were allied to SkyCapt, which is also allied to one of our loyal Kriegzimmer clients, McKagan, we grant you entry into the IADF. Welcome to the alliance.

[signed]Fedor I

The Christain Empire of Dweladelfia Prime would like to join the IADF.

Dweladelfia Prime is a Protectorate of the UNA. Unarmed Nations Alience.

I am an experienced Rper.

I would love to join your alience

I am also interested in being on the security council.

To: The Christain Empire of Dweladelfia Prime
Since you gave us your resume with your application we have nothing else to do but to grant you entrance into the IADF. Welcome to the alliance. On the security council, you can still run, fortunately, and terms of office begin the 1st of October.

[signed]Fedor I
Dweladelfia prime
19-09-2005, 15:52
So when do we elect security council and president?
The Macabees
19-09-2005, 16:01
So when do we elect security council and president?

The president has been elected, it's President Harmann from Space Union. The Security Council is going through application time right now - meaning, if you read that thread on the boards, you can put up your own candidate for one of the positions on the Security Council.

I'll activate your account once you register on the boards. Oh yea, the next presidential elections will occur September 25th, and the next president will be sworn in October 1st.
Dweladelfia prime
19-09-2005, 16:06
where are the boards can I get a link?
The Macabees
19-09-2005, 16:10
where are the boards can I get a link?
Dweladelfia prime
19-09-2005, 16:31
It won't let me post.
The Macabees
19-09-2005, 17:41
It won't let me post.

You've just been approved.
The Macabees
20-09-2005, 03:42
[Get back up there!]
Space Union
20-09-2005, 04:02
Alright people keep joining! We need more people!
The Macabees
22-09-2005, 00:43
Alright people keep joining! We need more people!

Indeed, we do!
The Macabees
22-09-2005, 17:13
Memberlist updated.
Dostanuot Loj
22-09-2005, 17:52
OOC: Hey Mac, nice to see this back up. Sorry I went inactive there, shit happend, so I kind og stopped being able to pop in this place. But I'm back and hoping to get back into things.
For refrence, I signed up to the forum again under the name "Sumer". I hope that won't cause problems.


It is with great pleasure that we make application to the renovated IADF.
We were a strong supporter of the previous incarnation, and we continue to be strong supporters of the ideals and principals of the current incarnation. Such that it was no surprise when word came to us of this that the Civil Senate voted in affirmance towards renewing our association with the IADF.
We hope that we can once again be accecpted amongst the ranks of the IADF.

- Head of the State,
Feild Marshal Peshtur Namtar

- High Diplomat of External Relations,
Brigadier Josef Rommel

- Representative of the Civil Senate,
Captian Amar Eannatum (Retired)
Space Union
22-09-2005, 20:38
To: Dostanuot Loj
From: President Harsimran Mann,
President of the IADF
Subject: Reapplying

We welcome a former member to the pact with open arms. As you already have been in this alliance, you will be accepted on the spot. Welcome back and we hope that you will once more become active in the works of the IADF, as it currently is under massive reforms that need as much opinion as we can get. Hopefully, a former member may provide us more expertise.

President Harsimran Mann

OOC: Welcome back! I'm currently serving as President and your just in time to vote in the Security Council elections (if there is one since we don't have many nominations). Hope you will become active in the forums as its spurring into activity.
22-09-2005, 20:57
The Theocratic Chemicalists of Jenrak wishes for a non-aggression pact against the International Allied Defense Federation, if that is at all possible.
The Candrian Empire
23-09-2005, 01:32
Official Response from the Under-Attendant to the Secratary of the Ministry of Defense, Joel Marial:

It is with great humbility that the Dominion of the Candrian Empire, a relativly small and young nation in the world's scope, requests to join in the IADF. While not being a particularly large military power, we do see the need for such an organization as this to protect the sovereignty of individual governments. We wish to do our part in this world, and joining this organization.
Space Union
23-09-2005, 01:47
To: Jenrak
From: President Harsimran Mann,
President of the IADF
Subject: Non-Aggression Pact

We would be more than happy to sign an aggression pact with your nation. It would be an honor. We hope that in the future you decide to join our organization. Thank You.

President Harsimran Mann


To: The Canadrian Empire
From: President Harsimran Mann,
President of the IADF
Subject: Membership

We would like to congratulate you on your acceptance in the pact. It is a great honor to have your nation, big or small, a part of our evergrowing community of brothers/sisters. We hope that we can further establish relations with one another for the better pursuit for justice and peace in the international stage. Thank You.

President Harsimran Mann
The Macabees
28-09-2005, 23:23
The Macabees
01-10-2005, 22:54
02-10-2005, 04:11
To: Jenrak
From: President Harsimran Mann,
President of the IADF
Subject: Non-Aggression Pact

We would be more than happy to sign an aggression pact with your nation. It would be an honor. We hope that in the future you decide to join our organization. Thank You.

President Harsimran Mann

To President Harsimran Mann
From Jenrak
Subject Non-Aggression Pact

Excellent. As for possible thoughts of joining this organization, we shall think it over. We have not so far joined a prominent war/diplomatic alliance so far, and wonder what would happen should we do so now.
The Macabees
07-10-2005, 02:30
The Macabees
10-10-2005, 05:02
[OOC: Charter updated]
10-10-2005, 05:22
[OOC: Charter updated]

[OOC: Yay! I made a difference.]
30-11-2005, 09:41
To: Founder of the IADF, the Empire of the Golden Throne of The Macabees
From: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin
Re: Southeast Asia Application for IADF membership

Dear Sir,

With Southeast Asia, generally viewed well by many governments, but not possessing membership of any well known pacts, so we have turned to you. We agree with your cause, and would be greatly honored if you were to accept us into the International Allied Defense Federation. We have a friend in this alliance: the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia, and we view the other member-states neutrally but from what we have seen, they possess good governments. Should we be accepted, we shall be looking for an ambassador to the IADF and announce whether the Parliament accepts he or she.

His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
The Macabees
30-11-2005, 23:15
To: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin

Membership to the USNSEA is rather simple since we, to date, have no application system, although technically, either ourselves or our foreign minister, now on hiatus [I suspect], are supposed to 'background check' the applicant - however, your administration's history comes with your name and it's safe to say that your application has been confirmed. Therefore, welcome to the IADF. Although we have no real embassy location, nor a headquarters, although Fedala may host one very soon, there are temporary meeting locations [OOC: the forums are where we talk] and you can send your delegate to those locations when the meetings are developed. Technicalities nonwithstanding, welcome to the IADF.

[signed]IADF Commander in Chief, Grand Admiral Durgstaden von Laifsraggen
12-01-2006, 13:02
TO: IADF Commander in Chief, Grand Admiral Durgstaden von Laifsraggen
FROM: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin
SUBJECT: Southeast Asia's Ambassador to the IADF

Dear Grand Admiral,

I am pleased to announce our ambassador to the International Allied Defense Federation. The ambassador is a male, and from the capitol of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia itself, is Austin Thian Hsien-Ma. He possesses a Master of Arts in Diplomacy and another Master of Arts in Politics. He has been approved by the Parliament sixty percent to forty percent, and I believe that Thian will be a good ambassador to the IADF.

His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
26-01-2006, 10:24
26-01-2006, 11:15
Credonia has permanently returned to the international scene and requests re-admittance into the instutition that it helped to create some time ago. Its nice to see that the IADF is still around after first being founded by Credonia some 3 years ago.
The Macabees
26-01-2006, 23:23
Credonia has permanently returned to the international scene and requests re-admittance into the instutition that it helped to create some time ago. Its nice to see that the IADF is still around after first being founded by Credonia some 3 years ago.

To: Crendonia

Around, but in major disrepair. It will take some effort to, again, bring it off the ground, despite two brief moments in which the alliance seemed to flourish since it's refounding. Nonetheless, the alliance is open to the original founder.

[signed]Jench Fersas
27-01-2006, 01:14
To: The Macabees

Whilist Willink has been rather isolated in the past few years(OOC-Im finally back after an unnanouced 2 month break, had things to get to), we are seeing this orginization as a trustworthy and are seeing many of our allies join,and wish to get back to International matters. With that, Willink wishes to apply for Admittance.

Justin Scarfe, President, Willink
27-01-2006, 05:35
To: Crendonia

Around, but in major disrepair. It will take some effort to, again, bring it off the ground, despite two brief moments in which the alliance seemed to flourish since it's refounding. Nonetheless, the alliance is open to the original founder.

[signed]Jench Fersas

OOC: Whats the link to the forums? I'll see what i can do about recruiting
The Macabees
27-01-2006, 06:50

Willink, assume yourself accepted; I don't have time this late at night to formulate a well constructed post.
03-02-2006, 07:59
To: Emperor Feldor, the Empire of the Golden Throne of The Macabees
From: Emperor Alexander XIII, President Trenton Alexi, and Populus Vox voxcis Speaker Anthony Trimon
Subject: Admission into the IADF

In the World we live in, it is paramount to the defense of the Christian Imperial Republic of Droloon to choose it allies wisely, for such allies can lead to disaster or to humanly salvation. Admission into this alliance was brought before the Populus Vox voxcis (Populuce Voice, aka Parliament) and it was agreed upon by an overwhelming majority. It is then that I Emperor Alexander Alexi XIII, along with President Trenton Alexi, and Populus Vox voxcis Speaker Anthony Trimon to formally request as the Voice of Droloon that we desire to be accepted into this alliance.

As soon as you accept us, the Populus Vox voxcis will immiedately vote on the matter, we expect it to pass with relative ease.
The Macabees
03-02-2006, 16:26
To: Emperor Alexander XIII, President Trenton Alexi, and Populus Vox voxcis Speaker Anthony Trimon

My fellow regal authority, Alexander, and most honorable President Trenton Alexi, and speaker of the popular voice, Anthony Trimon, the IADF could only be improved with your acceptance, and therefore, there is absolutely no question. Droloon is to be considered an ally of the IADF, and membership is accepted. We hope that the issue goes through the Populus Vox voxcis with a positive ending, and await your full inclusion. Welcome to the IADF.

[singned]Fedor I