A Suicide March
Borman Empire
06-09-2005, 02:02
Borman and Allies:
Borman Empire
Generic Empire
The Helghan Empire and allies:
The Helghan Empire
Outpost Command
Pfeif (?)
SkyCapt (x)
Pschycotic Pschycos (x)
War Coalition (Supports Borman)
Independant Hitmen (x)
OOC: The Helghan Empire has for no reason decided to war upon my nation, despite my many doing I have agreed to facilitate their needs. As of now the allied side of Borman is full and locked at 7, Helghan’s is at 7 and 2/7 full. Any nation wishing to do so may OOCly or ICly observe the conflict. Any friendly OOC advice is welcome and appreciated and can be given in the OOC thread Here (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9591128#post9591128)
And Friendly IC advice or communications may by given in this thread.
Several rules have been set down to facilitate the RP and get it going and ending quickly:
1.) Helghan Empire and allies are based on Earth, no other planet
2.) Helghan Empire and allied fleets (However poor or well equipped they may be) are ready and loaded with an invasion force for Borman, and on the edge of their territorial waters
3.) Up to PMT is allowed, absolutely no FT
4.) It is understood that some of the Helghan allies are first time RPers and thus some leniency can be given in terms of breaking RP etiquette and god-moding. But after so many times may patience can run thin and I may be forced to ask someone to leave the RP.
5.) (More to come if needed or remembered, I don’t have that good a short term memory)
I believe that’s it and we can begin. If things need to be added here they will be.
I will allow Helghan and allies to have the first IC post as they are the invaders
As of now this is on hold due to The Helghan Empire’s wishes, if possible it will continue without them, but as of now they want it on hold.
06-09-2005, 15:53
Time for war it is, bitches.
06-09-2005, 16:26
A formation of Swilatian millitary aircraft has entered Borman Empire Airspace, with a mission to destroy a factory proding an SD platform, and the SDP being produced.
OOC: MAy i join Bormon, just to help your enermys out, not as a personal thing you understand, this seems a little unfair.
Borman Empire
06-09-2005, 16:48
OOC: Check OOC thread.
helghan empire sent me a tg to post his allies so here goes....
helghan allies(confirmed)
the helghan empire
war coalition
unconfirmed allies
independent hitmen
conservative union
I'd like to join Helghan's side, just to even things out. Unless slots are all gone.
06-09-2005, 23:12
THe Prime Minister heard of the news of possible war and decided to move his satalites over the area got popcorn and some beer,called over some generals and watched....it was a regular guys night out.
07-09-2005, 00:03
OOC: wow My first full scale war w00t!
Swilatia, you can't just fly aircraft into his airspace without him knowing it, or having a chance to shoot at them.
IC: The Emperor, Lloyd IV, has, since the declaration of war on Borman Empire, raised the national defense level to code RED for the enemy had threatened the Emperor's ally, Borman, with a great alliance. The Military bases were fully staffed, for the second time ever, and all Anti-Air batteries were coming online. The Jipleastani Grand Navy stood read to fight the enemies. Shore Defense batteries were also coming to operational status.
OOC: more later.
07-09-2005, 20:20
Generals sat down and prepared a large stack of nachoes, peppers, popcorn and Dr. Pepper. It was going to be fun. They turned on the satellite feed and waited.
OOC: Bump, Tag
07-09-2005, 20:22
Generals sat down and prepared a large stack of nachoes, peppers, popcorn and Dr. Pepper. It was going to be fun. They turned on the satellite feed and waited.
OOC: Bump, Tag
the prime minister phoned leaf's president "YO man this is goin to be a awsome show man!"
he was a bit drunk
07-09-2005, 20:23
the prime minister phoned leaf's president "YO man this is goin to be a awsome show man!"
he was a bit drunk
General Sandra Lee, who was high on the caffeine responded "Want some Harvest Microbrewed Raspberry beer?" There was a massive crate outside, just waiting for the festivities.
07-09-2005, 20:47
General Sandra Lee, who was high on the caffeine responded "Want some Harvest Microbrewed Raspberry beer?" There was a massive crate outside, just waiting for the festivities.
official response "NICE MAN....just....jus.....just FRIKEN NICE MAN!!!!"
07-09-2005, 21:03
official response "NICE MAN....just....jus.....just FRIKEN NICE MAN!!!!"
A crate was sent via Airdrop as fast as possible to be in time for the festivities.
07-09-2005, 21:09
My advise to the people against the suicide march- do it the vindaloovian way- shoot them all down.
i have sanctioned a waepons drop for you containing
2X curry ray
24X ar15 rifles
50X ak-47 rifles
good look
07-09-2005, 21:49
I recieved this TG from Helghan earlier today. Seems that he forgets me TGing him and him threatening to "cast you and your people to the ground...in body bags". I sent him a TG clearly stating that i was helping Borman Empire. I TGed him and he damn well knows it so I'm in no matter what he says.
The Rogue Nation of The Helghan Empire
Received: 10 hours ago
You clearly have not TGed me. So therefore, you cannot join Borman.
got another tg from the helghan empire he says that war coalition and pfeif are confirmed
07-09-2005, 22:44
*Moved. Link to follow*
Shazbotdom Forces (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9602166&postcount=405)
07-09-2005, 23:03
To: Members of the Coalition against The Helghan Empire and his allies
From: Emperor Galen Q. Leotardia
The Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom has notified it's allies in the Coalition of Independant Nations about the threats made against Shazbotdom. If war occures they might join.
2 of them might be able to take the place of the 2 we are waiting for. If that is applicable
07-09-2005, 23:08
To: Members of the Coalition against The Helghan Empire and his allies
From: Emperor Galen Q. Leotardia
The Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom has notified it's allies in the Coalition of Independant Nations about the threats made against Shazbotdom. If war occures they might join.
2 of them might be able to take the place of the 2 we are waiting for. If that is applicable
OOC: We've recieved a contact from the C.I.N. and have been following this incident closely. We can provide air cover and paratroopers. Would you mind?
07-09-2005, 23:45
got another tg from the helghan empire he says that war coalition and pfeif are confirmed
OOC: Where is Helghan Empire, and why is he using you as his platform for telling us who is committed and who isn't? Why dosn't he just show his face and tell us who is involved and who is not?
And Thekalu, I might comment you on your flag WHICH IS LIKE 10X BIGGER THAN IT SOULD BE!!!!!!
OOC: Where is Helghan Empire, and why is he using you as his platform for telling us who is committed and who isn't? Why dosn't he just show his face and tell us who is involved and who is not?
And Thekalu, I might comment you on your flag WHICH IS LIKE 10X BIGGER THAN IT SOULD BE!!!!!!
I have no idea why he chose me I just get random telegrams from him and as for my flag I found a newer smaller one you whiny litlle bitch jk :D
08-09-2005, 00:10
OOC: Why don't you just tell him to stop bothering you, and post himself?
Let's take this discussion to the OOC thread...
OOC Thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=441101&page=28&pp=15)
My advise to the people against the suicide march- do it the vindaloovian way- shoot them all down.
i have sanctioned a waepons drop for you containing
2X curry ray
24X ar15 rifles
50X ak-47 rifles
good look
When did you stop by me storefront? Or where did you get those? *lol*
08-09-2005, 00:15
Independent Hitment has stated that he will in no way help in this war. Just for reference.
08-09-2005, 00:43
Secret IC:
The flight group of all the aircraft under Shazbotdom control are T Minus 3 hours away from Borman Empire. They stopped broadcasting their national information roughly 35 minutes ago to make it hard for the enemies to spot what contry they are from. Only secure intra-aircraft communication was being used to coordinate movement as they flew roughly 100 miles to the side from the enemy fleets.
Borman Empire
08-09-2005, 03:40
OOC: Please use OOC thread, it's there for a reason.
(That's where you can have your "Watching the conflict RPs" I've had many and enjoy them)
Update: We should be able to start on Friday or Saturday. Helghan Empire has school and lots of homework, as I do too (Didn't know how hard AP would be, not to mention some looney Physics teacher who has no idea what a reasonable work load is, and a math teacher who's giving us work we use to get in middle of school last year on first day).
09-09-2005, 00:55
OOC: Hmmm... AP...Physics... you must be either a juinor or senior in high school. I feel your pain, Im only a Soph in HS but I get homework in almost ever subject every night.
Friday or Saturday are fine with me, except for Friday (tommorow) I have band practice from 2:00 to 4:00 EST and saturday I have a Cross-County meet in the morning. So other than that I will be good. But I will shut up with all my OOC crap. *shuts up*
10-09-2005, 18:21
OOC: Come on guys, dont let it die!!!!
Borman Empire
10-09-2005, 20:23
Ooc: Yarg! Use Ooc Thread!!!
Borman Empire
14-09-2005, 00:08
Bhalk looked down to his left. Feet apart, back bent forward, hands hanging loosely, good grip. He brought his club back quickly but gently and then back down again, sending his golf ball flying down towards the green.
“WOW! You drove onto the green! How the hell did you do that?”
“Well, it’s honestly part the clubs. They’re 100% Shooban; real Shooban skull for the clubface, bones for the shaft, and Shooban leather for the grip. That and I rule at golf.”
One of the many guards protecting the emperor walked over to him with some papers in his hand.
“Damn it! Do you have to bother me? I’m golfing!”
“Well sir, we have info on Outpost Command.”
“Well, they have a fleet mobilized and on the edge of their waters, presumably to invade us. We also have information they are allied to Swilatia, Pschycotic Pschycos, and SkyCapt. They also might be able to pull Pfief to their side. In the event that they commence hostilities towards us we have confirmed assistance from Generic Empire, Jipleastan, Inkana, Freudotopia, Willink, and Shazbotdom.”
The emperor sighed as he handed his club to one of the more civilized Shooban slaves.
“Our forces are still all mobilized?”
“Yes sir, after this we will become completely involved in WWVII and dedicate all our forces to probably fighting the nation of Yallak(sp?). So we need to take care of this quickly, or if it isn’t aimed at us, then move onto Yallak.”
“Excellent, can I go back to golf?”
“Yes sir.”
14-09-2005, 00:32
Secret IC:
The flight group were on final approach to the territorial boundries of the Borman Empire. Every pilot checked their equipment and insturment control panels. The lead aircraft finally decided to break communication silence as he prepares to write up a message that he will relay to the leadership of the Borman empire. Lets see, he thought to himself. What should i ask? He then taps on his consol a few times as he thinks of what to send. He then figures out what he wants to send and types it into the onboard computer and sends it to the Air Traffic Control center in the Borman Empire.
**Official Message**
This is an official message from the flight group from the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom. We request permission to land in your nation near the shoreline to set up defences against the impending invasion. If you could notify us on a place to land so we can unload our troops, vehicles, and equipment we could be able to set up within a day. We thank you for your time.
A small willink convoy, consisting of multitude of colorful Cruise ships, escorted by 2 Kongo class destroyers, lazily made there way toward Borman. The 20,000 men on board laughed and considered their new mission a paid vacation, as they crept at the slow speed of 10 knots to enjoy the water. The men drank and sang as they approached the port of ??(I have no idea).
They were to help in the defense of The Borman empire, as if they needed it. The men immeditly searched out for the nearest bars and Prostitutes, and the commanders made their way to the ports military hq, dressed in flower shirts.
14-09-2005, 01:48
**At the Imperial Palace, Shaz City, Shazbotdom **
Emporer Galen Q. Leotardia walked into his office pissed as hell. Not only did they interrupt him during a time in which he was to be on a 3 day vacation, but they interrupted him during his vacation at his personal summer retreat in Northern Shazbotdom! he slammed his fists on the table just before he picked up the telephone for a teleconference with the Departmental Ministers.
Galen: "So what the fuck is going on?"
D. Minister: "We have dispatched a team of the military to help defend the Borman Empire from an unlawful declaration of war by a nation called OutpostCommand. Were awaiting authorization from the Borman Empire and for a place to land within their boarders."
F.A. Minister: "What we have realized already is that our forces will be enough to at least hold back their initial attack while our AC-02's launch cruise missiles at OutpostCommand's naval fleet. We figure that with as small of a military budget as they have, they will have little, if no defence against a cruise missile attack. Especially from SuperSonic Cruise Missiles."
Galen: "I'm sick of these goddamn idiotic nations thinking they can take on nations that are more than goddamn quintuple their fucking size. This shit stops here. Who is orderd to the area?"
D. Minister: "1st Armored Company, 1st through 20th Division of the Shazbotdom Marine Corps, Sir."
Galen: "Alright. Prepare the 1st Armored Company, 1st Through 10th Division of the Marine Corps Special Operations. At the first sign of this OutpostCommand nations defeat, send them in to secure some land within the national boundries of OutpostCommand. I'm going to prepare an official declaration of war against OutpostCommand because they pissed me off ROYALY!"
Ministers: "Yes, Sir."
Galen then hung up the telephone and started to type up a message. It didnt take him long to figure out what he wanted to say and how he was going to say it, but the nation of OutpostCommand would get the legist of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire's stance on the bullshit that OutpostCommand was starting. Galen hasn't been this furious since he won the election that put him in command of the nation, and this probably wouldn't be the last time he was this pissed.
Made By: Galen Q. Leotardia, 2nd Emporer of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Against: The Leadership and all of whom are affiliated with The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand.
It is herby my duty as current ruler of the Pure Socialst Holy Emprie of Shazbotdom to declare a state of war against The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand for their illegal and completely unnessicary declaration of war against The War Machine of Borman Empire. This declaration is authorized by the highest levels within the Pure Socialist Holy Empire. We will herby drop this Declaration of War if, and only if, The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand agrees to the following conditions:
Said Nation drops his declaration against Borman Empire.
Said Nation withdraws all troops from the area.
Said Nation gives 10 square kilometers or more of their national land to Borman Empire and allies for the establishment of Military Bases.
Said Nation reduces their military spending to only $1,000,000 USD.
Said Nation will turn over all naval vessels to the Alliance for immediate decomission.
Said Nation will give up their leader to be tried for war crimes by a tribunal consisting of members from the Alliance.
Galen Q. Leotardia, Emporer
OOC: Alright, I'll help in handing out some ass-kicking. Since I'm tired, and one line actions seem to be all the rage in the war...
The 5th Panzer Armee, all 800 Tanks and 150,000 men of it, has been shipped to Borman via the Inkanan Channel and rail lines from the Generic Empire to the Borman Empire. When they reach their staging points further orders shall be given.
14-09-2005, 02:59
OOC: bout damn time... here we go!
IC: A spy sattilite was scanning the area around the edge of Borman waters for signs of the Outpost Command fleet. At about 10:30 in the morning it was detected and notes were taken. At 10:32 a small group of planes departed from a hidden airbase in the mountains on its way to do a recon run. By 10:50 they should be over the fleet, taking pictures, video, and streaming live footage from the air. All of that flowing into the JCC (Jipleastani Command Centre).
OOC: correct me if I am wrong, but I believe I am the only nation in CAD with an operational ODIOUS center? If so read the rest of this post, if not disregard ( for those of you who don't know ODIOUS was a anti-balistic missle sattilite which used a high powered energy burst to obliterate the incomming missle)
IC: The ODIOUS center came online as the techs staffed it again. ODIOUS was not going to be used for anti missle defense today... oh no, it was going to be an anti-ship device, specifically, Outpost Command's flagship. It would be ready to fire in about half a day.
Borman Empire
14-09-2005, 03:00
OOC: http://usera.imagecave.com/obsterray/CADContinent.PNG Current map of CAD continent.
Secret IC Transmission to all allied forces:
We thank you for your support. Your soldiers however, will most likely only be used for a counter invasion, we highly doubt their ships will get within 500 miles of our coastline. However, you should direct all ships to a Seering Sister port. The only northern coastline Borman has is almost all rock, and the passage into it is vulnerable to pounding artillery from three different allied nation, sheer suicide by itself adn even more with Borman beach defenses. We're going to attempt to stop their ships from even entering The Doomingsland-War Masterian strait, and then launch a counter-invasion.
We have artillery positioned on the sides of the strait to pound any naval ships that come. Then we also have the ability to assault them from well over 600 miles from our coastline with our highly advanced anti-shipping missiles. Then our artillery can hit them from our land. Also, throughout this when nto being shelled to shit or having anti-shipping missiles launched at them they will have to deal with the newly reformed, but still very effective, Borman navy. If they do land, a chance of about zero, they will have to put up with our defenses and then finally face our soldiers, some of the most feared in the world.
Then we counter invade.
14-09-2005, 21:08
Secret IC:
After retrieving the message sent by the Borman Empire, the pilot of the lead aircraft got on a secure channel to the rest of the flight group. He punched up a security code that was used by all Shazbotdom air, naval, and land personel just for access to ensure that the channel was completely secure from any and all enemy listening stations. A simple text message was sent to the other pilots with five letters. TIYSC. Then the pilot proceeded to wait 10 seconds till he was sure that the rest of the pilots were on the same channel.
Lead Pilot: "Alright. Change course, bearing three five seven mark two five niner. Head to refueling station Alpha Five One. We are to refuel before launching a full blown invasion of OutpostCommand. I'm sending a message to Marine Air Command and the Emperor for further instructions. Close the Channel now."
With that all the pilots closed the channel at the same time and the Lead Pilot typed in a message that would be encripted and broadcast to MAC and the Emperor.
To: MAC and Emperor
From: Captain Greg Losendag, Lead Pilot
Encription Level: 20
Word is that we are not needed in the defence of the Borman Empire. He suggest that we use our forces for a counter invasion of OutpostCommand along with the other allied forces. We are heading to refueling station Alpha Five One to refuel for the journey to the shoreline of OutpostCommand. Input is being requested. Over.
15-09-2005, 00:25
***Official Military Message***
To: Captain Greg Losendag, Lead Pilot
From: Joint Message from Marine Air Command and the Emperor
Encription Level: 20 (Ultra-High)
You will meet up with the Special Forces teams at the refueling depot and hold there for 24 hours. Orders are for a joint mission into the heart of OutpostCommand and then a full scale SuperSonic Cruise Missile strike. Boeing 777's and AC-01's are to hold at the refueling depot while the AC-02's comence missile firing operations. Head to low orbit until you reach OutpostCommand territory and then drop through atmosphere and launch SuperSonic Cruise Missiles, this will bypass their defensive systems (if there are any).
Borman Empire
15-09-2005, 01:08
SIC transmission to allies:
We think there may be some confusion and so would like to restate some things. Your soldiers SHOULD head to a Seering Sister Port. While they are probably not needed for defense, they should have the opportunity to fight alongside allied soldiers against Outpost soldiers; a sort of live combat training. When we smack down the Outpost invasion we will then launch a counter-invasion.
15-09-2005, 01:17
20 millitary planes took off from a millitary airfield near Vilvek, headed to attack Borman Empire, Shazbotdom, and Willink.
Borman Empire
15-09-2005, 01:56
"Sir, 20 military planes took off from Swilatia a couple minutes ago, it looks like they're headed towards us."
"It's too early to tell. Plot their course, if it looks like they're heading for us or our allies put up 20 of our planes...and take 'em to hell."
Pschycotic Pschycos
15-09-2005, 01:57
Notification to all Involved Nations.
There seems to be a misconception that we are involved on Outpost's side. This is not true, as doing so would just be plain stupid on our part. Who in their right mind would challenge such an opposition?
However, we are in alliance with the nation of Yallak. Should any adverse action be taken upon them, we will have to fight back. Make no mistake about it.
Thank you for your time all, and sorry for the mixed signals.
20 millitary planes took off from a millitary airfield near Vilvek, headed to attack Borman Empire, Shazbotdom, and Willink.
OOC- LoL thats it, attack 3 countries with 20 planes ?? Hell almost all will be downed by sams before they even see the shore !
Borman Empire
15-09-2005, 02:31
Notification to all Involved Nations.
There seems to be a misconception that we are involved on Outpost's side. This is not true, as doing so would just be plain stupid on our part. Who in their right mind would challenge such an opposition?
However, we are in alliance with the nation of Yallak. Should any adverse action be taken upon them, we will have to fight back. Make no mistake about it.
Thank you for your time all, and sorry for the mixed signals.
OOC: I'm only gonna use OOC here cause you may not check the OOC thread. Two things, 1.) You requested to be on his side, you wanted to go against such opposition 2.) Yallak is because of the AMF war.
15-09-2005, 03:16
A naval Squadron stationed in a small navy base on the southern shore of Jipleastan left port on its way to one of the Seering Sister Ports to be part of the defense, and to deposit troops and armored vehicles there.
In all:
--10 amphibious transports, each containing roughly 5000 soldiers with assorted small arms, between 30 and 50 armored vehicles: Imperators, M1A5 King Abrams and other more lightly armored vehicles.
--5 Yorktown carriers
--4 Modified Iowa class battleships
--10 Arleigh Burke AEGIS Crusiers
--8 Oliver Hazard Perry Destroyer/Frigate
--an undisclosed number of cruise missle/nuclear submarines.
Secret IC:
We are JS-91 and are requesting permission to dock in
the Western Seering Sister Port, Over
15-09-2005, 11:20
**At the Imperial Palace, Shaz City, Shazbotdom **
Emporer Galen Q. Leotardia walked into his office pissed as hell. Not only did they interrupt him during a time in which he was to be on a 3 day vacation, but they interrupted him during his vacation at his personal summer retreat in Northern Shazbotdom! he slammed his fists on the table just before he picked up the telephone for a teleconference with the Departmental Ministers.
Galen: "So what the fuck is going on?"
D. Minister: "We have dispatched a team of the military to help defend the Borman Empire from an unlawful declaration of war by a nation called OutpostCommand. Were awaiting authorization from the Borman Empire and for a place to land within their boarders."
F.A. Minister: "What we have realized already is that our forces will be enough to at least hold back their initial attack while our AC-02's launch cruise missiles at OutpostCommand's naval fleet. We figure that with as small of a military budget as they have, they will have little, if no defence against a cruise missile attack. Especially from SuperSonic Cruise Missiles."
Galen: "I'm sick of these goddamn idiotic nations thinking they can take on nations that are more than goddamn quintuple their fucking size. This shit stops here. Who is orderd to the area?"
D. Minister: "1st Armored Company, 1st through 20th Division of the Shazbotdom Marine Corps, Sir."
Galen: "Alright. Prepare the 1st Armored Company, 1st Through 10th Division of the Marine Corps Special Operations. At the first sign of this OutpostCommand nations defeat, send them in to secure some land within the national boundries of OutpostCommand. I'm going to prepare an official declaration of war against OutpostCommand because they pissed me off ROYALY!"
Ministers: "Yes, Sir."
Galen then hung up the telephone and started to type up a message. It didnt take him long to figure out what he wanted to say and how he was going to say it, but the nation of OutpostCommand would get the legist of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire's stance on the bullshit that OutpostCommand was starting. Galen hasn't been this furious since he won the election that put him in command of the nation, and this probably wouldn't be the last time he was this pissed.
Made By: Galen Q. Leotardia, 2nd Emporer of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Against: The Leadership and all of whom are affiliated with The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand.
It is herby my duty as current ruler of the Pure Socialst Holy Emprie of Shazbotdom to declare a state of war against The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand for their illegal and completely unnessicary declaration of war against The War Machine of Borman Empire. This declaration is authorized by the highest levels within the Pure Socialist Holy Empire. We will herby drop this Declaration of War if, and only if, The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand agrees to the following conditions:
Said Nation drops his declaration against Borman Empire.
Said Nation withdraws all troops from the area.
Said Nation gives 10 square kilometers or more of their national land to Borman Empire and allies for the establishment of Military Bases.
Said Nation reduces their military spending to only $1,000,000 USD.
Said Nation will turn over all naval vessels to the Alliance for immediate decomission.
Said Nation will give up their leader to be tried for war crimes by a tribunal consisting of members from the Alliance.
Galen Q. Leotardia, Emporer
Hahahahahaha....absolutely hilarious.
My military has been trained to an absolute maximum.
A little 'perswasion' was given to my soldiers to kill as much of any opposing force as they can before dying.
Secret IC
>General Hamilton.
<General Peterson.
Hamilton, I have the amounts you are to issue to soldiers.
They are subject to change.
1.Enemy soldier killed - 50 Helghan dollars.
2.Enemy light armoured vehicle destroyed - 500 Helghan dollars.
3.Enemy heavily armoured vehicle/Tank destroyed - 2500 Helghan dollars.
4.Enemy aircraft destroyed - 2500 Helghan dollars.
5.Battleship destroyed - 5000 Helghan dollars.
6.Enemy outpost destroyed - 5000 Helghan dollars.
7.Enemy large/significant base destroyed - 15000 Helghan dollars.
8.Enemy brigadier general killed - 500 Helghan dollars.
9.Enemy major general killed - 1000 Helghan dollars.
10.Enemy lieutenant general killed - 1500 Helghan dollars.
11.Enemy general killed - 2000 Helghan dollars.
12.Enemy G.O.A killed - 100000 Helghan dollars.
13.Enemy civilian killed - 5 Helghan dollars.
Hopefully, this will increase our soldiers morale.
We fight soon, once Clive arrives back from his location.
A few more days.
Get the dropships ready.
Never mind, read the post wrong.. :)
I have to go to school, so get on later..
15-09-2005, 16:15
20 millitary planes took off from a millitary airfield near Vilvek, headed to attack Borman Empire, Shazbotdom, and Willink.
Shazbotdom Marine Command was a bustle. Red warning flags were being lit up all around as reports of aircraft taking off from Swilatia circled the room. 4 Star General Craig L. Theod, Minister of the Marine Corps, walked in as soon as he heard about the reports to see what was going on. He walked up to the main command consol and punched up a Spysat that has been in the area of the Nation of Swiltia since the beginning of this escipade. Looking over the last hour of footage from the satelite, he spotted something. Pausing the video feed, he zoomed in on it and then put it up on the big screen in front of the room.
Theod: "It seems that Swilatia has launched 20 aircraft. This isn't that big of a deal to us as we have one of the best AA defence shields in the CIN. Start the activation sequence for all AA batteries. I want all of the gun and SAM sites operational within the next 5 minutes."
He then kept that image on the main screen but on his consol he punched up the live video feed and watched the course of the aircraft. Using the computer and it's telemitry programming he realized that Shazbotdom wasn't the only nation that these aircraft were going toward. Willink and Borman Empire were also targets, but this didn't matter. Those aircraft would be shot down as soon as they reached range of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire and her allies.
***Encoded Transmission***
To: Allied Forces
From: 4 Star General Craig L. Theod, Minister of the Marine Corps
Coded: Level 20
We have recently spotted a flight group of 20 aircraft leaving Swilatia airspace. Although it is uncertain as to if they will stay in a flight group and all of them attack each nation in a row, we do know that they will be made short work of if they came anywhere near the Pure Socialist Holy Empire or any of it's allies. I have notified the Emperor and his only reply was a loud laugh when he heard the ammount of aircraft that was put up against us.
God Bless and Good Hunting!
15-09-2005, 16:17
Just for your reference. Everything but the Declaration of War is SECRET IC which means you can't see it.
Willink commanders recieved a message concerning the launch of enemy planes. They were barley concered, and activated only 60 percent of their air defenses, and waited. "Remind me to blow up their navy, and hurry up the launch of the Spartan class."
15-09-2005, 20:41
Just for your reference. Everything but the Declaration of War is SECRET IC which means you can't see it.
My dear sir, not in any part in your post did it say secret IC (Maybe its just my -5.75's)
Borman Empire
15-09-2005, 21:13
My dear sir, not in any part in your post did it say secret IC (Maybe its just my -5.75's)
OOC: Please use OOC Thread.
Secret Transmission To Allied Forces:
We are aware of these aircraft and will destroy them if they approach us or any allied nations. We shall soon put 20 F78 air superiority fighters into the air to take them down, or just let our massivley long AA defences chew them apart.
15-09-2005, 23:13
OOC: Avast... me matyes in honour of Talk like a Pirate day my IC post will be in Pirate arrrr....
"Sir!, we be pickin' up 20 enemy fighters leavin' Swilatia."
"Sargeant, do ye think I care????" replied th' frusterated Lieutenant.
"Nay sir, but I jus' figured ye would like t' know..."
"That`s lovely, but 'ere be they goin'?!?"
"Undetermined, sir."
"I be surrounded by idiots... complete idiots..."
"Wait! 't seems as tho they be breakin' off into seperate squadrons..."
"Oh? 'ere be they going"
"Too early t' tell, sir."
Alas, Willink began to prepare for the small naval war ahead. one of its three Super-Dreadnoughts, the WNF-Victory, was sent to The Borman Empire, along with 5 Kongo class destroyers, to attack the Outpostcommand and Swilatia fleets. (once my 1st 3 Spartan class Super-battlecruisers are completed, they will be sent to help also)
The massive, 2.90 million ton ship crept out of his berth, and began to reach its top speed of 30 knots. the 5 Destroyers followed shortly, and would arrive soon.
16-09-2005, 01:20
OOC: Avast... me matyes in honour of Talk like a Pirate day my IC post will be in Pirate arrrr....
"Sir!, we be pickin' up 20 enemy fighters leavin' Swilatia."
"Sargeant, do ye think I care????" replied th' frusterated Lieutenant.
"Nay sir, but I jus' figured ye would like t' know..."
"That`s lovely, but 'ere be they goin'?!?"
"Undetermined, sir."
"I be surrounded by idiots... complete idiots..."
"Wait! 't seems as tho they be breakin' off into seperate squadrons..."
"Oh? 'ere be they going"
"Too early t' tell, sir."
What?? You cant determine where my planes are going!! The are not breaking up.
Borman Empire
16-09-2005, 01:48
What?? You cant determine where my planes are going!! The are not breaking up.
And as of now your planes are still just outside your airspace, you gotta keep RPing them.
16-09-2005, 14:29
Secret IC
To: General Jan Vermacht
General, as of 1600 hours today the Freudotopian Imperial Air Force will be on full strategic alert. The FIAF will patrol territorial seas of Freudotopia and the Borman Empire with interceptors, all strategic long- and medium- range bombers are to be put on full operational alert, as are all missile sites, with the exception of all S.M.I.T.E. silos.
While the Navy, Marines, and Army have also been put on standby alert, the Air Force will be the first line of defense in the event of hostilities, and will undoubtedly play a decisive role in the conflict.
General Sinister
16-09-2005, 17:47
20 millitary planes took off from a millitary airfield near Vilvek, headed to attack Borman Empire, Shazbotdom, and Willink.
Dosn't look like secret IC.... You stated they were going to different places, so that would be they are breaking into seperate groups...
but in other news
IC: Long range Sam sites were beginning to come online as the enemy fighters came nearer... there was no chance that they could get through the AA grids of all the CAD nations as they would be shot to pieces.
16-09-2005, 21:06
The night crew at Shazbotdom Marine Command has since taken control. The Emperor has put General Rodgers in charge with General Harringon as his second in command until morning. Rodgers was briefing the others on the situation as information was comming in from all over the alliance. Marine Corps movement was being relayed across secure channels to the alliance while spysats were observing enemy troop deployments. General Rodgers begins to brief his team.
Gen. Rodgers: "Spysat's spotted the enemy aircraft shortly after they took off."
Gen. Harrington: "How many of our AA sites are operational at this current time?"
Sgt. Jefferson: "Approximatly 90% sir. Also, the flight group has reported that they are arming their SSCM's as we speak."
Gen. Rodgers: "Alright. It's time to show these prissy little kids who's not going to back down."
General Rodgers walked back to the main comand consol near the back of the large room and punched up a map of Shazbotdom. On it there were little bright red dots in strategic locations along the shore line and some areas were only covered with dark red dots.
Gen. Rodgers: "Alright. We have a small gap of only about 10 miles along the coast here. Although nearby stations can cover that area, i want the crews to the goddamn SAM and AA sites along that 10 mile cooridor as soon as fucking possible."
Sgt. Jefferson: "Last we heard, they were 1 mile away from their posts and heading there. That was about 3 minutes ago." There was a short silence as Jefferson listened in on his headset. "Wait. I have reports of the AA and SAM sites at that location powering up at this moment."
The lights on the map changed from a dark red to a light red within the 10 mile cooridor that Rodgers was complaining about. According to the map, now all SAM and AA sites were operational and ready for any and all incomming aircraft. At this time, Fleet Admiral Yackber walked into the room.
Adm. Yackber: "I briefed my people and they are on their way to patrol the coast. It would be nice if a few spysats were sent to areas above our waters to watch for any vessels so that my men could be deployed to an area faster."
Gen. Rodgers: "We were just about to do that. Private Jenson, i want you to reposition SpySat's 8, 9, and 10 into a geocyncranis orbit just above our nation. Watch for any enemy naval vessels."
Pvt. Jenson: "Yes, Sir!"
With that the defence of the homeland was ready for any and all OutpostCommand and his allies aircraft and/or sea vessels. The only thing that remained was to wait, and thats what they did.
Borman Empire
16-09-2005, 22:31
"Almost 2,000 ships in Borman sir. Defences are all on full."
"Excellent. Recall any and all operatived from foriegn fields. We'll squash Outpost as soon as we can, then move onto bigger fish."
"And those planes?"
"They've dropped to the slowest speed they could manage, they're basically crawling to wherever they're going. Probably us."
"Hmm...wasting fuel to go to them would be foolish. let us allow them to come closer."
16-09-2005, 22:45
"Those imbeciles have sent defese forces!" the master general of the swilatian millitary yelled "Launch AirTanks, with them we will destroy any forces wishing to stop us from attacking Borman Empire and his allies!"
16-09-2005, 22:48
"Almost 2,000 ships in Borman sir. Defences are all on full."
"Excellent. Recall any and all operatived from foriegn fields. We'll squash Outpost as soon as we can, then move onto bigger fish."
"And those planes?"
"They've dropped to the slowest speed they could manage, they're basically crawling to wherever they're going. Probably us."
"Hmm...wasting fuel to go to them would be foolish. let us allow them to come closer."
OOC; my planes are not crawiling at the lowest possible speed!
Borman Empire
16-09-2005, 23:19
OOC; my planes are not crawiling at the lowest possible speed!
16-09-2005, 23:21
OOC: WTH are airtanks? give me specs or Ill ignore them...
IC: "The enemy fighters seem to be close enough, fire a volley of SAM missles at them", said the Commander of the battery closest to the area. with that 20 SAM missles launched going at about mach 3.9 towards the enemy planes.
OOC2: you are bound to lose some planes buddy so dont say "all your missles missed because of my plane's uber flying skillz" kthx
15 MiG-1.42 fighters took off and flew toward Borman, to patrol int waters.
South Helghan
17-09-2005, 01:51
OOC: Air tanks? I thought this was MT.
Im not in this war!
17-09-2005, 01:54
OOC: Air tanks? I thought this was MT.
Im not in this war!
This is PMT, also, AirTank is just a name of a powerful fighter used by Swilatia. I don't really mean "air tanks" here.
17-09-2005, 01:57
OOC: WTH are airtanks?
They are very powerful fighters used by Swilatia.
17-09-2005, 02:19
OOC: answer my questions in an IC post with OOC in it. GIVE ME STATISTICS of this "AirTanks"
IC: The volley of missles closed in onto the enemy fighters and collided with them. (post losses now)
17-09-2005, 02:27
OOC: answer my questions in an IC post with OOC in it. GIVE ME STATISTICS of this "AirTanks"
IC: The volley of missles closed in onto the enemy fighters and collided with them. (post losses now)
IC: The planes have tried to evade the missiles, and did well, but one of the planes did suicide to stop the rest of the planes from being knocked down, and got hit with 3 missiles and knocked down. 19 planes are left.
OOC: What statistics??
IC: The planes have tried to evade the missiles, and did well, but one of the planes did suicide to stop the rest of the planes from being knocked down, and got hit with 3 missiles and knocked down. 19 planes are left.
OOC: What statistics??
1. He means what they are, a powerful fighter is not an explanation
2. A plane doing "suicide" is impossible, missiles track onto individual targets, so the rest would continue and engage your fighters.
17-09-2005, 10:19
OOC:South Helghan...are you anything to do with The Helghan Empire ?
Secret IC > Swilatia.
Once the shipment of 15 nuclear artillery shells arrives, we shall join.
17-09-2005, 17:49
Secret IC:
It was late night in Shazbotdom when a flight group of enemy aircraft was spotted on radar. Imedeitally Shazbotdom Marine Command was notified and the Navy was put on aleart and dispatched to the coastline in front of the aircraft. AA Guns and SAM sites were ready for anything.
Gen. Rodgers: "Commence firing at the aircraft. We can launch over 5 vollies of missiles at them before they come in range of the AA guns."
Suddenly, along the coastline, fire rang out from the SAM sites as over 40 missiles were launched at the flight group of enemy aircraft that was comming. They had locked onto the aircraft and were screaming toward them at mach 3.99 in a blaze of glory.
OOC: Swilatia, post your losses from my volley of SAM's.
Borman Empire
17-09-2005, 18:57
OOC: This is automatically SIC because it's between my generals and other officers and such.
"Sir, other nations have begun firing SAMs. Should we?"
"That force of planes will be taken out, we'll skip it."
South Helghan
17-09-2005, 20:06
OOC:South Helghan...are you anything to do with The Helghan Empire ?
Secret IC > Swilatia.
Once the shipment of 15 nuclear artillery shells arrives, we shall join.
OOC: Noo...We're just another nation on Helghan...but we're democratic.
Muhahaha! *Runs away*
19-09-2005, 17:49
Secret IC:
The General was sitting, watching the missile blips on the radar streak toward the Enemy Aircraft.
Sitll waiting for Swilatia to post his losses from my volley of SAM's.
Borman Empire
19-09-2005, 21:26
Secret IC:
"Sir, as you are no doubt aware Outpost has yet to launch an attack. They're ships, as well as Swilatia's have been sitting on the edge of their territory for quite some time. You asked me to remid you if it got like this for plan C."
"Ah yes, take out the plans for our counter-invasion. We'll need to edit them a bit if we want to invade. Soon we'll alert our allies to the possibilityi of us invading."
The New willink Super-battlecruiser WNF- Hampton was sent to watch the area. It's sister ship had been badly damadged(Survived a massive attack from doom, laying on a sandbar, beached, with no power though) ,but she had survived. The newer Hampton had additional armor, but was still as fast. She cruised into Borman at 38 knots, and docked herself.
20-09-2005, 15:08
Why ?
because I refuse to fight without my main ally The Helghan Empire.
21-09-2005, 01:29
Shazbotdom News Network:
"Today, Defence forces have indicated that the threat against the Pure Socialist Holy Empire has ended. Civilians have been advised to go on with their daily lives, but to be warned to enter the Bomb shelters at a moments notice. Marine Corps have gone to full active aleart and the nations defence level remains at DEFCON 1 until it can be decided that the threat to the Pure Socialist Holy Empire has been dismissed."
"Also, Anti-Aircraft and Surface to Air Missile locations have been put on partial aleart until it can be determined that the enemy aircraft have indeed been destroyed. No news on why these actions have been taken at this moment but sources from inside the government have stated that it is to encourage the Shazbotdonian people to not hide from tyranical regemes across the planet."
"In Other News, Truancy rates are at an all-time high. Peaking at 1.1% this past month, the Emperor and the Parliament decide to start a Truancy Patrol that will stop all minors on the street and judge if they are to be in school or if they have graduated properly".....
Report By: Stephanie Lockheamal
Borman Empire
21-09-2005, 01:43
"We have word Helghan may relead the coalition."
"Oh...Ok. Make sure you follow this."
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 02:01
From: Scolar Visari - Supreme Leader of The Helghan Empire
To: Emperor Bhalk
Subject: War Begins
I know that you ally Shazbotdom has taken his army off of red alert. Just so you know, if I can get my allies regrouped, the war is officially beginning tomorrow. Just wait until I regroup them. You and I are tired of this wating, so it now finally begins. Remember, I make the first move.
Borman Empire
21-09-2005, 02:29
From: Scolar Visari - Supreme Leader of The Helghan Empire
To: Emperor Bhalk
Subject: War Begins
I know that you ally Shazbotdom has taken his army off of red alert. Just so you know, if I can get my allies regrouped, the war is officially beginning tomorrow. Just wait until I regroup them. You and I are tired of this wating, so it now finally begins. Remember, I make the first move.
Official Imperial Communique:
To: Scolar Visari
From: Chancellor Licinius
Our ally is still on red alert, clearly yor information is flawed. We are currently at war and whoever strikes first, well, makes the first move. Maybe I should attack you now before you can gather allies? Hmmm??? I bid you to die.
End Transmission
21-09-2005, 10:18
General Peterson sat there, in the cold hard metal room thinking.
It was a difficult descision.
To him, everyone was a pawn - ineffective.
He made him mind up.
He sacrificed the bishop, signalling a obvious defensive reaction from General Hamilton.
Then, as Hamilton sat bamboozed at why Peterson would make such a silly move, it hit him.
It was check mate.
Peterson had been sneaking up with the queen and had cornered Hamiltons king.
General Peterson finally broke the silence.
"So, we were discussing how to transport those Maus A2s to The Borman Empire."
General Hamilton replied "Well, weve got a few options...
1.They can go by cargo plane, but even our strongest and most heavy duty cargo planes can only transport one Maus at a time, so many returns will be required.
2.They can go by ship, which can carry 3 at most, but that will leave us extremilly vunerable."
Peterson thought for a while.
"Well, we can split them in groups.
30% can go by ship, and 70% can go by cargo plane.
I simply love the idea of someone shooting down one of our cargo planes, a Maus falls out and crushes the AA system that shot us down."
Both of them laughed.
Hamilton said via the intercom to send Lieutenant-General Mateuski.
After a 5 minute long chat with Mateuski, it was all agreed.
21-09-2005, 16:49
Shazbotdom News Network:
"In a stunning press release from the Imperial Palace, it was decided that more troops would be called up today. The 1st Company, 21st through 50th divisions will be notified later today that they are to move to undisclosed locations inside the Pure Socialist Holy Empire where they will train lightly in preperation for a show of military force. It is yet uncertain as to what they are being called up to do, but speculation here at the News Station is that they will be a main driving force in a defensive move. Although no one has confirmed the speculations from us here at the Station."
"Also, the Marine Corps Special Operations that were called up earlier are being rerouted to an undisclosed location outside the Pure Socialist Holy Empire for equipment briefing and weapons testing. Modifications have been made to the AR-22's that the Empire had bought from Phoenix-Dynamix INC 15 years ago. No word is on what the modifications are yet but a press release is expected within the next few days."
"In Other News, the Parliament voted unanimously to join the Mutual Aid Pact as their Fifty-Fourth Member since the groups conception. A diplomat has been sent to their headquarters for a meet and greet. This is the 5th Alliance that the Pure Socialist Holy Empire has joined since the nation was founded more than 50 years ago...."
Borman Empire
21-09-2005, 18:33
Various Borman military and naval forces from around the world had been recalled to the mainland and were sailing into various ports. Defenses were still tight, but as of yet satalitte (sp?) images revealed no movement in the fleets of any hostile nations.
21-09-2005, 20:09
As General Peterson sat waiting for General Hamilton to play their daily chess game, Petersons 2 way radio crackled to life.
It was Dr. O'Brien.
"General, we have made a sensational discovery with our TASR model 15 experimental." Blurted out James, his voice obviously full of excitement.
"If the fact that we have discovered how to produce full-auto fire and
incredible velocity that can penetrate multiple targets in a line doesnt have you shifting in your chair, then how about this....the weapon has
minimal recoil ! Sniper soldiers will no longer be so vunerable !"
Peterson sat there.
He had already worked out the layout of sniper teams, but this changed everything.
Peterson finally said "O'Brein, you and your entire scientific team can consider their wages tripled."
General Hamilton arrived, whistling, for his chess game.
"Whats the matter ?" Hamilton said, puzzeled at Petersons face experession.
5 minutes later...
"Every soldier sir ? Have the technology attached to the OICWs ? Every OICW to have a detachable sniper scope ? Yes sir, ill ask them right away." Barked Hamilton.
"Oh...and one more thing Hamilton" said Peterson. "Ask the scientific department to research into developing unlimited ammunition."
"Yes sir"
And with that, todays chess game was replaced with a thinking match.
we have discovered how to completely eliminate recoil ! Sniper soldiers will no longer be so vunerable !"
That is physically impossible, unless you want to have a 10 foot long, 80 pound gun. You see, in nature, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This principle is responsible for the recoil effect in guns. When you propel a bullet down the barrel, the forward force of the bullet has an opposite force that pushes the gun backward. That force has to go somewere, you cant just eliminate it. Recoil reductan coils are used in most modern guns, but to have a recoiless weapon it would have to have such a large amount of coils the gun would be huge, heavy, and useless in small arms combat.
21-09-2005, 20:35
Shazbotdom News Network: "Reports form inside the capital building are that the Marine Corps is getting bored waiting for OutpostCommand and Swilatia to make another move. There is no word as of yet if our missile attack against the Swilatian aircraft was a success or not. The Shazbotdom News Network will report any changes in information as it comes in. We are the voice of the people, the voice of the Empire."
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 20:37
That is physically impossible, unless you want to have a 10 foot long, 80 pound gun. You see, in nature, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This principle is responsible for the recoil effect in guns. When you propel a bullet down the barrel, the forward force of the bullet has an opposite force that pushes the gun backward. That force has to go somewere, you cant just eliminate it. Recoil reductan coils are used in most modern guns, but to have a recoiless weapon it would have to have such a large amount of coils the gun would be huge, heavy, and useless in small arms combat.
You can always decrease recoil in the gun, but yes, eliminating recoil is impossible. Not impossible to decrease it.
21-09-2005, 20:44
Ive edited the post.
The Willink super-battlecruiser WNF-Hampton sat lisurely along the borman coast. At 1,000 meters long and weighing in at close to 2.88 million tons, she was a behemoth, and one of the most beautiful ships in the Willink fleet. Her 4 sister ships besides the price would be completed soon, but theu would serve against Doomingsland in defense of Space Union.
She, along with 5 CG-X crusiers, 1 CVN-21 carrier, and 6 Kongo class destroyers would make up the Willink 8th fleet, and would serve in this conflict. If needed, 5 other carriers, could be sent, not to mention the nearly 30 Carriers under construction, would be able to easily outperform the enemy at sea.
21-09-2005, 21:16
Clive was pleased.
The Cargo planes and personell carriers were being refuelled and should be ready for take off in T-3hrs.
They were due to be loaded with armoured vehicles shortly after refueling.
The armed carriers were already refuelled, and most of them already loaded with armoured vehicles.
The plan was to have each armed carrier to have 1 destroyer and 1 submarine covering.
The armys OICWs were currently being modified, and should be ready for use in 5hrs.
General Peterson lay there on his bed.
He could not sleep due to adreline.
His heart was doing at least 150bpm.
He had to get up in 2 hours anyway, so he got up and did some last minute
invasion plans.
Secret IC
The four unarmed freighters and 3 dropships would be launched 2hrs after the main invasion commenses.
They were being loaded with theyre strictly classified cargo.
These units were highly important, and would serve a massive blow to The Borman Empire if they succeded with their missions.
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 21:40
The Official Declaration Of War
Made By: Scolar Visari, Supreme Leader of The Helghan Empire
I, Scolar Visari, have hearby declare a full scale war against The War Machine of Borman Empire and his allied forces. This declaration will be officially recognized and authorized by Scolar Visari once the war is officially unleashed.
We, the Helghast race, feel that it is right to rid the world of the corrupt and weak as best we can. A world ruled by the strong can survive, only the corrupt must be elimanted by brute force.And that is why we choose to destroy Borman Empire, especially the lack of fidelity its leader, Emperor Bhalk, contains. We believe that he is a threat to others - even though he is considered great by his allies and nuetral forces - because of the large amount of military bases and embassies established in too many nations.
War will only end if Emperor Bhalk and his allies surrender unconditionly. We have not stated if either side is to surrender because there is much moral coming from Helghast troops and the two Helghast leaders will never surrender. Especially that we know that we will be thrown into chains and be shamed. That is why fighting to the death is compulsory if all odds are against the Helghast.
If you are to surrender, these are our conditions to leaders who will surrender:
-Surrender nearly 68% of your territory to Helghast and Helghast ally control.
-Disarm and disband your armed forces to only a voluntary military and police force.
-Gives up most of your nations economy to The Helghan Empire so we may split it up for your Helghast and Helghast allies.
-We establish an oppressive rule over your people.
-The leader and generals of their army, of the surrendering nation, will be taken prisoner by Helghast forces.
Scolar Visari,
Supreme Leader of The Helghan Empire
General Lente,
Second in Command of The Helghan Empire,
Supreme Leader of The Helghan Army
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 21:42
No criticisms please.
21-09-2005, 21:44
Shazbotdom News Network: "Reports are that a submarine has launched from dry dock from Shazbotdom Naval Command. It is yet unknown where this submarine is headed but reports are that it is armed with well roughly 50 BGM-5 Hatches SuperSonic Cruise Missiles and 50 BGM-6 BattleAxe Cruise Missiles. Shazbotdom Naval Command has not issued a statement reguarding this launch. Shazbotdom Marine Command has issued the following statement. 'The issue of why the submarine was launched after being out of service for well over 9 months is not one that we are to discuss. The public does need to know that the launch of this submarine is vital to the defence of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire and the victory that awaits us after this brutal battle.' Naval Expert John Delouise speculates that the submarine will be used as a first strike weapon against any vessel that approaches our shores."
***Aboard the USS Alerus***
Captain Heinz walked back and forth as the vessel was passing Tip Island. Their orders were to launch any weapon feasable against any enemy fleet (namely that of OutpostCommand, Helghan Emprie, or Swilatia) that passed through the shipping lanes near the Pure Socialist Holy Empire. Spy Satelites 8, 9, and 10 were sent to positions where they could see the Pure Socalist Holy Empire, their territorial waters, and the shipping lanes nearby while Spy Satelites 1, 2 and 3 were sent to OutpostCommand, 4, 5 and 6 were sent to Helghan Empire, and 7 11, and 12 were sent to Swilatia.
***At Shazbotdom Marine Command***
Emperor Leotardia walked back into the main command room and watched the map for any further movement. There was no word yet on the fate of the Swilatian aircraft that the Empire shot missiles at earlier. 1 Star General Hammond walked up to the Emperor and handed him a headset. The Emporer put it on and listened.
Voice on Headset: "This is Captain Heinz. I encoded this signal so that only SMC could recieve and decode it. We are currently 500 kilometers south of port, passing by Tip Island. We can see all the SAM and AA sites. They are still searching the sky for enemy aircraft. We are due to submerge as we pass Thero Island, which will be in approximatly 45 minutes. Over and Out."
Galen then took off the headset and nodded at General Hammond. The codes for the missiles on the Submarine were to be found and dispatched to the sub at level 30 encription. This would guarantee that the missile codes were not intercepted by anyone else even though the missiles could only be launched using equipment designed in Shazbotdom. The message contianing the codes was sent to the submarine and then Galen sat down in a chair in the center of the main command room.
Defense minister Michael White took one look at the declaration and laughed, throwing it in the garbage.
He then turned to his aid, to tell him that The Helghan empire had declared war but was at most a tiny threat. At this the aid scurried away, running to the presidents office..
21-09-2005, 22:02
Broadcast over more than 200 international radio frequencies so other could hear.
To: The Helghan Empire
From: Emporer Galen Q. Leotardia
Your official declaration of war is amusing to us. You start an unjust war against a nation that has done nothing to you. A few days ago we issued a Declaration of War against OutpostCommand for declaring an unjust war against a nation that has done nothing wrong at all. We now alter that Declaration of war to include your nation. You are advised to stop this illegal war before the Alliance takes you to school
All changes are Italicized.
Made By: Galen Q. Leotardia, 2nd Emporer of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Against: The Leadership and all of whom are affiliated with The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand and The Rogue Nation of The Helghan Empire.
It is herby my duty as current ruler of the Pure Socialst Holy Emprie of Shazbotdom to declare a state of war against The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand and The Rogue Nation of The Helghan Empire for their illegal and completely unnessicary declaration of war against The War Machine of Borman Empire. This declaration is authorized by the highest levels within the Pure Socialist Holy Empire. We will herby drop this Declaration of War if, and only if, The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand and the The Rogue Nation of The Helghan Empire agree to the following conditions:
Said Nations drop their declaration against Borman Empire.
Said Nations withdraw all troops from the area.
Said Nation gives 10 square kilometers or more of their national land to Borman Empire and allies for the establishment of Military Bases.
Said Nations reduce their military spending to only $1,000,000 USD.
Said Nations will turn over all naval vessels to the Alliance for immediate decomission.
Said Nations will give up their leader to be tried for war crimes by a tribunal consisting of members from the Alliance.
Galen Q. Leotardia, Emporer
21-09-2005, 22:05
I, Clive Johnson, leader of OutpostCommand, my nation, and my allies have descided to rid the universe of such vermin as The Borman Empire and his allies.
The morale between OutpostCommands troops and superiors is sky high.
OutpostCommand sends this warning to The Borman Empire-
We will destroy your military, your people and your land.
Wether we need to destroy your land inch by inch, or mile by mile, consider it gone.
When we destroy your land, we will erect a 500ft pole holding OutpostCommands and The Helghan Empires flag on the highest hill we can find.
Are your troops trained to fight to the death ?
OutpostCommands and The Helghan Empires troops will sooner die than surrender.
I wish The Borman Empire and their allies an incredible amount of bad luck.
Clive Johnson,
Supreme leader of OutpostCommand.
General Peterson,
leader of OutpostCommands military.
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 22:09
Broadcast over more than 200 international radio frequencies so other could hear.
To: The Helghan Empire
From: Emporer Galen Q. Leotardia
Your official declaration of war is amusing to us. You start an unjust war against a nation that has done nothing to you. A few days ago we issued a Declaration of War against OutpostCommand for declaring an unjust war against a nation that has done nothing wrong at all. We now alter that Declaration of war to include your nation. You are advised to stop this illegal war before the Alliance takes you to school
All changes are Italicized.
Made By: Galen Q. Leotardia, 2nd Emporer of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Against: The Leadership and all of whom are affiliated with The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand and The Rogue Nation of The Helghan Empire.
It is herby my duty as current ruler of the Pure Socialst Holy Emprie of Shazbotdom to declare a state of war against The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand and The Rogue Nation of The Helghan Empire for their illegal and completely unnessicary declaration of war against The War Machine of Borman Empire. This declaration is authorized by the highest levels within the Pure Socialist Holy Empire. We will herby drop this Declaration of War if, and only if, The Armed Republic of OutpostCommand and the The Rogue Nation of The Helghan Empire agree to the following conditions:
Said Nations drop their declaration against Borman Empire.
Said Nations withdraw all troops from the area.
Said Nation gives 10 square kilometers or more of their national land to Borman Empire and allies for the establishment of Military Bases.
Said Nations reduce their military spending to only $1,000,000 USD.
Said Nations will turn over all naval vessels to the Alliance for immediate decomission.
Said Nations will give up their leader to be tried for war crimes by a tribunal consisting of members from the Alliance.
Galen Q. Leotardia, Emporer
:yawns: I have already seen your laughable Declaration
And besides, he might have done nothing wrong. Besides, I have my reasons. The Helghan Empire despises ALL corrupt leaders, especially Bhalk. I might not know but my conscience has a majority that he must not be trusted, and you might know either if he's pure or a liar. (I always trust my conscience and there is nothing you can say about, but at least I finally put your mind at ease of why I declared war on him.)
21-09-2005, 22:10
Said Nations drop their declaration against Borman Empire.
Said Nations withdraw all troops from the area.
Said Nation gives 10 square kilometers or more of their national land to Borman Empire and allies for the establishment of Military Bases.
Said Nations reduce their military spending to only $1,000,000 USD.
Said Nations will turn over all naval vessels to the Alliance for immediate decomission.
Said Nations will give up their leader to be tried for war crimes by a tribunal consisting of members from the Alliance.
Clive Johnson has the following words to pass along.
Your offer is very...kind, but Im afriad OutpostCommand will pass on the offer.
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 22:13
I, Clive Johnson, leader of OutpostCommand, my nation, and my allies have descided to rid the universe of such vermin as The Borman Empire and his allies.
The morale between OutpostCommands troops and superiors is sky high.
OutpostCommand sends this warning to The Borman Empire-
We will destroy your military, your people and your land.
Wether we need to destroy your land inch by inch, or mile by mile, consider it gone.
When we destroy your land, we will erect a 500ft pole holding OutpostCommands and The Helghan Empires flag on the highest hill we can find.
Are your troops trained to fight to the death ?
OutpostCommands and The Helghan Empires troops will sooner die than surrender.
I wish The Borman Empire and their allies an incredible amount of bad luck.
Clive Johnson,
Supreme leader of OutpostCommand.
General Peterson,
leader of OutpostCommands military.
We have full praise in you Clive Johnson and General Peterson! But remember that Swilatia is still our allied force in this war. So don't forget about him.
21-09-2005, 22:14
But ofcourse, Swilatia most definitaly will not be forgotten.
21-09-2005, 22:16
Secret IC:
Galen: "General Hammond."
The general walked across the room. Checking monitors as he went along. making sure that everything was going according to plan. Once he reached the Emperor, he saluted.
Hammond: "Yes, Sir?"
Galen: "Did you outfit those Cruise Missiles with the weaponry that was released from Shazbotdom Military R&D?"
Hammond: "Yes, Sir, We did. The BGM-5's are loaded with 2 Kiloton Conventional Warheads. 25 of the BGM-6's are loaded with 50 Kiloton Nuclear Weapons and the other 25 BGM-6's are loaded with a compressed black plague gas. The submarine that they are on has been ordered to go silent running and plant itself 600 kilometers off the coast of Helghan Empire Which is well out of their territorial waters. If there is the slightest bit of a chance that Helghan will attack Shazbotdom controlled territory, the Submarine is authorized to launch the Conventional Warheads at the coastal regions of the Heghan Empire."
Galen: "Good. Keep me informed to any other updates."
Hammond: "Yes, SIR!"
Hammond then saluted again and walked back to his post on the other side of the room.
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 22:23
War Starts Now!! We Will Invade Shortly!!!
21-09-2005, 22:33
General Peterson sat in his room.
It looked like a ordinary room, but was totally indestructable.
Even a nuclear warhead couldnt penetrate such armour.
But still Peterson felt unsafe.
The Borman Empire and its allies were being quiet.Too quiet.
He sent a fax to General Hamilton, who too could not sleep.
It was an excellent idea.
General Hamilton forwarded the message to General Mateuski, (Who couldnt sleep) who forwarded it to General Platnokov(Who couldnt sleep) who forwarded it too pretty much every other General in The Armed Republic Of OutpostCommand.
Within 10mins every General came to the same conclusion.
15 mins later, all AA and AM systems were online, and regular submarine and ship patrols.
It was impossible for anyone to come into OutpostCommands territory now without setting off a few alarms.
It seems a feasible idea a submarine armed with a nuclear torpedo could come
to blow up OutpostCommand.
General Peterson sent a TG The Helghan Empire and Swilatia to do likewise.
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 22:40
Oh, remember, let me make the first move and then you. I need to write a topic relevant to this right now.
21-09-2005, 22:42
It seems a feasible idea a submarine armed with a nuclear torpedo could come
to blow up OutpostCommand.
General Peterson sent a TG The Helghan Empire and Swilatia to do likewise.
OOC: Sorry fore posting this here everyone. That is complete and utter bullshit. My post was SECRET IC which means that you couldn't know that was happening. And i stated that when i started it. My submarine is in INTERNAIONAL WATERS sitting at the bottom. You wouldn't be able to see it sitting in a crevise because it would just come back and seem to you like it is just a part of the ocean floor.
Anywys. My next IC post....
Secret IC: (you can't see what is going on OUTPOSTCOMMAND)
At Marine Command, General Hammond sat and watched on the screen (using satelites and the submarines unique encripted ID number) as the Submarine approach it's destination in International Waters. Galen had walked out of the room as he had a dinner appointment with his wife at the Golden Lobster in Downtown Shaz City. They figured that he wouldn't be back for a few days.
On board the submarine, the Captain had ordered that the Missile tubs on the top of the submarine flooded but the hatches to the outside didn't open. The submarine was to sit there for the next few days, week, or months until this shit was over. Good thing the sub had enough food for the alloted time as they only left port with a skelleton crew.
21-09-2005, 22:43
All allies of the Borman Empire, a good ally of us, have been granted a 35% Mild Wartime Threat discoutn on my storefront.
21-09-2005, 22:43
Secret IC
The was a incoming cargo ship that was ignoring requests to identify itself.
Commander Micheal Shump instantly picked up his radio and asked for advice
from Platnokov.
"So theres no responce ?"
"No sir"
"Speed ?"
"56 knots"
"Send another three requests, and tell them that they will be destroyed if they do not reply."
1st try....no reply.
2nd try....no reply.
3rd try....no reply.
Micheal breathed in deeply...and contacted the OCD23 to destroy the ship.
30mins later, a search team contacted Micheal with the news that he had destroyed a ship containing tons of drugs from a overseas smuggler wanted by the police.
21-09-2005, 22:47
OOC: Sorry fore posting this here everyone. That is complete and utter bullshit. My post was SECRET IC which means that you couldn't know that was happening. And i stated that when i started it. My submarine is in INTERNAIONAL WATERS sitting at the bottom. You wouldn't be able to see it sitting in a crevise because it would just come back and seem to you like it is just a part of the ocean floor.
OOC:Not to the submarine patrols that carry ultrasound radars.
Who says I did pay any attension to your post ? General Peterson was just being careful.
21-09-2005, 23:26
The Pure Socialist Holy Empire has gone to full alert. Shazbotdom has gone to a full DEFCON 1 status. Sirents went off all around the Pure Socialist Holy Empire as people rushed back into the cities and towns. Marine Corps forces were beginning to prep for the smallest battle of their lives. At Fort Klegland the Marine Reserves were being called up and armed just in case of an invasion by enemy forces. At Fort Woot the Marine 2nd Company 1st through 50th division were preparing all the left over tanks, warthogs, and ATV's for deployment throughout the nation.
In Shaz City the Marine National Guard closed off access to the capital building as the Ministers and their aids went into underground bomb shelters. Tourists were asked to go back to their hotels as the Parliamentary building was closed down and all Parliament sessions for the next week were canceled. This would create a major backup in resolving issues within Shazbotdom but it had to be done.
Reports were that the submarine made it to the location 600 kilometers off the coast of the Helghan Empire unspotted. It sank down to the lowest it could go and rested in a crevise that was just 30 meters wider than the submarine itself. This would make it near impossible for any enemy craft to see it. The Captain of the submarine sent a message back to Shazbotdom Marine Command. It said, "We are a go. Waiting for further Orders." The Marine Corps and the Navy reported full readiness. Soon would come the end to these tyrants....
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 23:36
I am now mobilizing my Helghast War Machine via Attack Ship out of The Helghan Planet. They will arrive in two days to C A D and the nation of Borman Empire.
You will have no chance for survival in this war.
21-09-2005, 23:42
I am now mobilizing my Helghast War Machine via Attack Ship out of The Helghan Planet. They will arrive in two days to C A D and the nation of Borman Empire.
You will have no chance for survival in this war.
OOC: Read the rules of this RP please. All of us your going against are MT and/or PMT with no way of travelling through space so we are saying that you and OutpostCommand are based out of Earth for this RP.
Borman Empire
21-09-2005, 23:43
Secret IC:
General Marquiis Montalbann sat at his desk with piles of papers in front of him. A young man walked up and handed him another slimmer stack.
"Sat images reveal that the nation of Helghan is mobilizing. When they're done mobilizing it should take their ships about 2 days to get to Warmaster."
"Damn. Alright, thank you."
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 23:48
OOC: Alright let me get this straight! My Attack Ships's only purpose is to deploy troops from the sky and protect them as they are deploying. That is about it! And I don't want to start arguments or flaming, but remember, I am the one who started the war and can choose the rules. So I choose A LITTLE BIT of FT features. I'm with it if you choose FT features too.
21-09-2005, 23:54
OOC: Alright then. Although any attacks that OutpostCommand makes against my submarine i am going to ignore unless he find another way of finding me instead of the non-existant ultrasound-sonar technology that he is using.
Will post tomarrow....gotta head home.....
The Helghan Empire
21-09-2005, 23:56
OOC:So is it agreed that I can have what I need?
22-09-2005, 00:35
OOC: Ultrasound usually cannot penetrate far into tissue which makes them useful for imaging not entirely through like X-Rays but only partially through
RADAR stands for RAdio Detection And Ranging, SONAR stands for SOund Navigation And Ranging. They are very different.
And as you increase the frequency of Ultrasound it produces higher resolutions, but, water is a thick material. Eventually the waves loose their stability and they collapse. Doing SONAR scans of the ocean floor would reveal a poor-resolution bump (unless you are down there with powerful SONAR sets close enough for him to hit you, no warning since you don't know they are there) indistinguisable from a rock. Remember, you have a picture of the ocean floor, with distortion, a bump with a bump can be interpreted as a submarine, but there are a lot of bumps with bumps on the ocean floor. And when it is in a crevass the walls of hte crevass prevent the Sound Waves from getting back. You can't investigate every black hole on the ocean floor and odd bump.
22-09-2005, 00:35
What do you not understand about NO FUTURE TECH??
You and Outpost Command are based on NS earth, the same place where the CAD is. You use water craft, aircraft, tanks, and NORMAL infantry (no super-soldiers)
GOT IT? good. now if you wish to continue this argument, please do so on the OOC THREAD (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9591128#post9591128)
The Helghan Empire
22-09-2005, 00:44
Secret IC
Helghast Attack Ships travelling through the peaceful open space numbered to a least 300-400 Ships. All carry at least 130,000 forces each. Some carrying an amount a little larger than that. The Attack Ships all started out with 600 gallons of fuel, and are now down to 529 gallons during the first day of mobilization, wich is very remarkable. They would be saving 200 gallons of fuel for the Tanks, APCs, and the other vehicles reserved for war. The 12 Dropships, there are twelve stored in each Attack Ship, for every Attack Ship are ran electrically so fuel is no problem. Just batteries.
They are one day away from C A D, and there are no restless soldiers complaining about a two-day wait.
The plan for the first day of battle was to eliminate civilians and gun down Borman soldiers. Another plan was to take key locations and find oil supplies for the vehicles so the Helghan heartland didn't need to use up all its oil supplies and just worry about getting weapons, ammunition, and provisions to the troops on the front.
The Helghast troops know that Emperor Bhalk is expecting them so they will have all defenses online. They also know they need to be cautious about where to fight and where to go.
The Helghan Army is much more prepared war machine, far superior to the defending war machine.
One more day to go and the nation of the Borman Empire will be chaotic and the massive battlefield will be one big hell.
The Helghan Empire
22-09-2005, 00:47
What do you not understand about NO FUTURE TECH??
You and Outpost Command are based on NS earth, the same place where the CAD is. You use water craft, aircraft, tanks, and NORMAL infantry (no super-soldiers)
GOT IT? good. now if you wish to continue this argument, please do so on the OOC THREAD (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9591128#post9591128)
OOC:And what don't you get when it is I who can make the rules fair for both? So I can use my FT and you can use whatever. I'm not going to argue any further, I started the war so I can do what I need to. If anyone needs to argue about this, I will ignore it and get on with this war.
22-09-2005, 00:59
OOC THREAD (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=442516&page=12&pp=15) we can contine our argument there.
Borman Empire
22-09-2005, 02:27
OOC: As Jipleastan said, Use OOC thread.
22-09-2005, 12:09
IC: As the planes continued, the enemy launced 40 missiles at the planes, only 2 planes continued to fly.
General Dalsanius then ordered the lauching of 18 fighters, and 2 airtanks, as an escort.
The remaining 2 fighters were ordered to land at the nearest aircraft carrier or outpost that belongs to the millitary of Swilatia, or any of its allies, where they would wait for an escort that would defend the planes, so they can reach CAD.
OOC: AirTanks are large planes with powerful cannons mounted to them (Those kind that are found on a tank). They are not "the ultimate fighter" though, as they are slower then regular fighters, they travel at the speed of a regular airliner.
22-09-2005, 13:51
OOC:Finally....we are in our actual location, and dont need to pretend using some sort of fangled transport planes.
IC: The dropships and cargo dropships were being loaded with troops and armoured vehicles.
General Peterson walked into one of the ultra-armoured dropships, and was greeted with a wave of salutes.
OutpostCommands troops were dressed exactly like Helghast troops due to the fact the soldiers didnt have time to doubt who was an enemy and who was friendly.
One soldier said to General Peterson "If I get the chance, Ill bring you some Borman weapons for your weapon collection sir".
There were roughly 400 dropships.
A few returns would be needed to bring the entire force over to The Borman Empire.
General Hamilton stood outside, looking at the massive force of dropships and cargo dropships being filled with people, armoured vehicles and other cargo.
It was a magnificant sight.
He looked at his IvP Tropov (Helghan design).
He took a bullet out of the clip currently loaded, spat on it, put it back in, and reloaded the clip.
1 hour later, everything was set.
Lift off commenced, and for OutpostCommand, the battle had started.
OOC:Shazbotdom, about your submarine shenanigans, that never happened, because im happily located on another planet.
22-09-2005, 14:09
Secret IC
The special cargo dropships took off 3hrs after the lift off of the the 1st attack wave.
The artillery, loaded with nuclear artillery shells would land at undisclosed locations, and open fire at the near by city.
This city, which was not to be attacked by allied forces unless the attack failed, would be just a pile of rubble if the attack succeeded.
This would cause atleast hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths if everything went to plan.
The artillery looked similar to the 2s7 Pion.
But because this attack was so crucial, it had twice heavier armour than the
Maus A2.
The speed for this artillery was 10mph.
But that did not matter, they would be dropped close to their firing area anyway.
The armour, being so extremely thick, would give the artillery a chance to fire off its load, even if under severe fire.
These artillery units would be dropped at different and well hidden spots, so even if one artillery unit was discovered, there was another eight units, so the chance of failure was very slim.
The Technology Empire
22-09-2005, 14:35
3 armoured vehicles came to pick up the 3 free nuclear warheads.
Later on Roger flintlock recived a fax with the message -
"These nuclear warheads are like nothing weve ever seen before.
We shall try this 'special ingredient' on OutpostCommands army now flying in from The Helghan Planet."
Roger was pleased.
The Technology Empire
22-09-2005, 14:53
2 nuclear warheads had arrived at their destinations.
The The truck carrying the 3rd had crashed in Inglo city at Wratham junction and was waiting for a replacement truck.
The 2nd was in Inglo city military HQ.
The 1st was being examined at Hinjiid city atomic labs.
Roger was waiting for someone to contact him about the excellence of these warheads when he noticed he had left his spare detonator (The other was sent along with the 1st warhead) lieing around on his desk.
Just as he was going to put it is his safe, the door in his office slammed open.
"W....who are you, and h...ho...how did you get in...h..here ?!" screamed Roger.
He had noticed the man was holding a OICW equipped with a silencer.
"Give me the damn detonator, or youre going to be dead as the rest.
Really, I wouldve though the security would have been better here."
"Wh...what detonator...?" said Roger, trying to hide it.
"If you dont pass me the detonator we will torture you OutpostCommand style.
We will give you 'acupuncture' then we will take off the skin from your body.
The longer you resist, the more skin we take off."
Roger didnt want to even imagine how that worked.
Roger threw the detonator to the mysterious man.
The mysterious mans job was to aquire the detonator, and press the purple button.
"Thank you" He said "At least youre smarter than the rest."
Across The Borman Empire, two unimaginably gigantic explosions occurred.
22-09-2005, 15:10
This is General Peterson reporting from Quadrant A2
Ive been doing a bit observation recently and found out The Technology Empire was selling nuclear warheads to The Borman Empire.
I also found out they had devices that destroyed them if the worst happened.
I knew that Roger had a spare.
So....I sent one of our most proffesional assasains to aquire this spare.
There was good security, but nothing a few Maus A2s and our soldiers couldnt handle.
That shouldve taken out very many forces and even more civilians.
22-09-2005, 15:51
OOC: who the fuck is this The Technology Empire guy? I'm ignoring any and all posts by him. he's not in this RP.
Shazbotdom News Network: "No new reports have been comming in from Shazbotdom Marine Command lately."
"But in other news. The Government voted with a 4/5 majority vote to not have any uniforms for students in the Public School System. This decision was made after looking at crime rates for other nations with Uniform Dress Codes like the one being proposed here. They found that after implementing a Uniform Dress Code, crime rates actually doubled, and even trippled in some cases. Which helped them decide to vote the bill down. Students at the local John Adams High School cheered for joy as the verdict was announced on their school intercom earlier today."
The Helghan Empire
22-09-2005, 20:28
Secret IC
The Attack Ships are closing in on C A D. Escpecially Borman airspace. It was quiet, very unusual because Helghast troops know that they scrambled their air defences and have its AA systems online.
The Staff Commanders have briefed their soldiers on their own missions. PA systems in the Ships informed the fresh troops that Borman airspace is one hour away. And will deploy immediatly.
OOC: AirTanks are large planes with powerful cannons mounted to them (Those kind that are found on a tank). They are not "the ultimate fighter" though, as they are slower then regular fighters, they travel at the speed of a regular airliner.
A reg airline traves at 400mph, which is around .6 mach. An why the hell do you mount a 120mm gun to shoot at other planes ? Completley pointless.
and helghan and outpost command, whoever is being the stupid puppet wanker, you start outside of borman, not in him, as he has tons of AAA and SAM defenses, and i will rephrase it.. NO DAMN FUTURE TECH, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU NOT GET ?!?!?
OOC- I also Doubt anyone would need to buy nukes from anyone. Any Economically advanced country over 320 million ppl could do it themselves.
The Helghan Empire
22-09-2005, 20:37
A reg airline traves at 400mph, which is around .6 mach. An why the hell do you mount a 120mm gun to shoot at other planes ? Completley pointless.
OOC: I don't care if you r talkin to Swilatia, you just need to deal with it. Just like my FT.
Borman Empire
22-09-2005, 20:51
OOC: Post 127 and on (excepting Willink and Shazbotdom) have been ignored due to use of phrohibited Future Tech.
22-09-2005, 23:29
"Your Highness, Borman has officialy decided to IGNORE this war."
"Very well, I was hoping to kick some n00b butt, but oh well"
"Permission to fire the I.G.N.O.R.E cannon!"
"Permission Granted, Sargeant"
22-09-2005, 23:43
General Hamilton walked up to Clive Johnson who was expecting a him.
"Sir, they are acting more noobish than us sir, we have played more proffesionally, but they continue to be absolute noobs.
What should be do ?"
"Ach....its no use, if they be such noobs the only choice we have is abandon RP."
"Yes sir."
And with that, the IGNORE tape was reeled around The Borman Empire and his allies.
Pschycotic Pschycos
23-09-2005, 00:26
I'm gonna have to say that this thread, with help from Outpostcommand and Helghan Empire, has dissolved into a n00b-fest. Borman and allies, good job for trying to put up with them, I respect you both. OutpostCommand and Helghan, here's an idea: Have a closed RP war against each other and hone your skills a little. Once done with that, you might have what it takes to re-enter the mainstream RP front. I wish luck to you.
23-09-2005, 07:02
A reg airline traves at 400mph, which is around .6 mach. An why the hell do you mount a 120mm gun to shoot at other planes ? Completley pointless.
No. Its not exactly like on a tank, and it is also used to attack ships, not only planes.
Hmmmm...... you seem to be arguing with yourself now Swilatia (and your still losing – a 120mm gun would be useless against any ship armored enough to be a viable target worth shooting at.)
Nice try Borman but I second Psi-Pso. Helghan Empire and OutpostCommand grow up and get some RP experience with each other. No decent NS player will want to even hear your names mentioned if you act like that and can’t even follow a simple request – not to use FT (Hell as you said – you were only using it to transport your forces not to fight – what difference would it have made if you just swapped them for some MT and had yourselves a decent RP. Oh I know it would have been A GOOD IDEA.)
23-09-2005, 10:56
Hmmmm...... you seem to be arguing with yourself now Swilatia (and your still losing – a 120mm gun would be useless against any ship armored enough to be a viable target worth shooting at.)
Nice try Borman but I second Psi-Pso. Helghan Empire and OutpostCommand grow up and get some RP experience with each other. No decent NS player will want to even hear your names mentioned if you act like that and can’t even follow a simple request – not to use FT (Hell as you said – you were only using it to transport your forces not to fight – what difference would it have made if you just swapped them for some MT and had yourselves a decent RP. Oh I know it would have been A GOOD IDEA.)
Its not a 120mm gon on the airtank, its a missile launcer.
Its not a 120mm gon on the airtank, its a missile launcer.
The MM size is due to barrel length, which dosn't apply to missile launchers.
23-09-2005, 14:09
OOC: Alright, we can stop arguing about gun caliber and missile launchers, because the thread is IGNORED!