The United Galactic Empire of Deatharon calls on Allies for help agaisnt Neo Zeta FT
05-09-2005, 02:12
The United Galactic Empire of Deatharon calls on all allies to help defend ourselves from the feared Neo Zetan invasion that is sure to come the details of what started this war our detail below. The Empire asks for help agaisnt the Commie dogs.
The Details our here:
Kellarin Corporation
05-09-2005, 02:40
*Message to Deatharon*
A holographic representative of a young woman appears and begins to speak:
"Greetings on behalf of the Kellarin Corporation. While we are unwilling and unable to provide direct military assistance to your cause, Kellarin Corporation's military division manufactures a vast array of products that would assist your war effort. Also, a certain percentage of our industrial capacity is available for lease, and within a matter of days, we could begin construcion of Deatharon warships at our shipyards. Presently, we have six Redemption class destroyers, and 3 Enforcer class frigates built and awaiting a buyer. In addition to completed warships and small craft, we offer land systems, such as the Lancer mecha, of which two hundred are in storage, and production can be brought up to considerable quantity right away. If your infantry or marine forces are in need of equipment, we offer a wide variety of tactical gear and weapon systems, our most popular is the Mk.4 Chromatic Pulse Rifle, while slightly less powerful than the Mk.5 Derrier Pulse rifle, the Mk.4 is more affordable and more reliable. We also sell starship weapon systems, such as the directed fusion cannon (DFC), derrier pulse cannons, particle beam cannons, and plasma weaponry. We can also retrofit your vessels at our advanced repair yards and drydock facilities, outfitting them with the latest in matter/anti-matter reactors and interstellar weaponry. Please contact Kellarin Corporation or send a representative to the Salus city-station in the Kellarin system for further details and to arrange transactions, thank you, and have a good day." The hologram smiles and fades to the Kellarin Corporation logo, with the co-ordinates of the Salus station and contact information.
Green Sun
05-09-2005, 02:54
Green Sun is disgusted by Deatharon's last call for help in a fight he could not win and had instigated themselves. Green Sun, although not a member of the GE, advises that Deatharon be left alone in this fight to learn its lesson.
05-09-2005, 05:01
The United Galactic Empire of Deatharon is in no relations part of the GE. We are part of the Republic. We did not start the fight the Zetan monsters did with there threatening of our security.
05-09-2005, 05:42
The Republic is behind you, Consul Antheron.
06-09-2005, 04:20
Ships from across the galaxy were being recalled from a vast variety of missions back into Kazeci space. The massive fleets of Kazecistan began to assemble in staging grounds, stocking up and maintaining peak condition for the war to come. Several statements have been made explaining the reasons for war, including just about everything but Communism, due to the fact that Kazecistan is run under a modified version of it.
06-09-2005, 04:26
why should we help you?
Give us a good reason..... If it is a good one Reaver will be dispatched to you.
After a token investigation, the Alphini of the Socialist Republic have concluded that the United Galactic Empire of Deatharon instigated this war through its own agressive "security" policies, driven by a paranoid suspicion of the Eternal Fayth of Neo Zeta's domestic policy. Any action taken by the Eternal Fayth to protect themselves from the Empire's agression is seen by our administration as a ligitimate defense of national sovereignty. Because of this, our support falls to the Neo Zetans in the current dispute. That said, we respect it as a matter not directly concerning the Republic and do not intend to take any action that would make us party to this bilateral affair.
Yătzĭl Ämsi
First Alphin of the Socialist Republic of Xanthal
06-09-2005, 07:01
We ask all the nations of the universe to please rally to our side and aid us in this conflict. Those who do will be richly rewarded with both pluder, conquered territory, and many many slaves if you so wish it.
06-09-2005, 07:08
Now I am interested.....
06-09-2005, 07:14
Then will you pledge your support to us? We are merely defending against an agressor, but will make them pay for their blatant disrespect. And of course, you will be rewarded quite nicely as I already mentioned.
06-09-2005, 07:26
Well We may send- unoffically - Reaver to assist you. If they get to your homeland
06-09-2005, 07:44
What exactly is a "Reaver"?
06-09-2005, 07:55
Reaver is a pilot of a level 2 biomech- a planet destrying mech.... There are rare to see in action but they have done some fighting in the N.S. war.... With Coreworlds- So powerful that Chronosia Fears them....