Seat of Power – Political Summit (Closed: Attn Green Sun, Dweladelfia prime, Pschyco)
High Council Chambers, Arrandin
The golden version of the Imperial emblem, a dragon with out stretched claws swooping downwards, embossed across the double doors of the High Council chambers cracked in half as the great doors on the southern wall of the room were forced open.
The murmurs around the seated councilors died suddenly as the black robes of the Emperor entered through the open doorway. While he moved across the marbled floor towards his seat, Emperor Balor motioned for the gathered men to remain seated. The Emperor was not one who bothered much with formalities unless it was a formal occasion, and especially not when it would extend a meeting beyond the minimum amount of time necessary.
The Emperor sat
“Given the turnout of events surrounding the restrictions on our waters, I have seen fit to invite representatives from several nations to meet here in Arrandin. Given the importance of this meeting, I gather that most of you will find the time to attend”.
General Caracas laughed
“Of course we will. It’s either that or another visit to the Senate. I know which one I’d rather be at”.
A chorus of agreement echoed around the room.
“Plus, I suppose we should really be there to greet the first foreigners to enter the capital in nine hundred years”.
And with that the meeting trailed off into a series of governmental issues. Once they were complete the room would be refurnished and made ready for the arrival of the diplomats, who were expected to arrive iwithin the next 24 hours.
OOC: Once everyone’s here we can begin.
Green Sun
03-09-2005, 16:53
A tall, cloaked figure walked onto the hot sidewalk. His lizardlike feet sent messages of pain from the hot summer sun on the concrete, but he was strong enough to not even flinch. He walked towards the building, flanked by two armed gaurds holding GS-729 SMGs and a sidearm. Shaku himself had no weapons. He wasn't a fighter, although he was at two points in his life. He was a Sultan, a leader of a people.
Green Sun's people.
The public had never actually seen him before in this time. After he was tossed back from 3079 to 1948, he had only been seen without a disguise public twice. Even when he attended teh debates for the elections, he wore a large cloak to seal his identity. His story was the fact that he was heavily scarred early in his life and his appearance was so fearful he did not want his appearance to affect the elections. And the public agreed. Green Sun was full of very smart and accepting people.
The last time he had appeared without his cloak was at Scorpius' wedding. Even then, people thought him as a large, highly advanced robot, but Green Sun had yet to achieve that technology. Shaku intended to reveal his identity because holding the cloak like this was very uncomfortable.
Dweladelfia prime
03-09-2005, 17:45
Ambassador Sean G. is a short man with brown hair and a funny Personality. He is to represent Dweladelfia Prime at this Confrence. He is flanked by to Platinum Gaurds with XM8 Assault rifles.
Ambassador Sean G. grew up on a Farm in Southern Dweladelfia Prime. His father, George G. was a Senator in th Upper Senate. At the age of 9 Sean's parents put him into the Legisaltive youth program. After he graduated he became the intern of Ambassador Yellowstone. When Ambassador Yellowstone was assanated, Sean took his place. Since Then Sean has been one of the head Dweladelfian Ambassadors.
Today Ambassador Sean is his humores self, joking with his gaurds while they walk down the streets to the High Council chambers.
Pschycotic Pschycos
03-09-2005, 19:16
The journey to Yallak had taken part in stages. First, the new shogun, Heero Yuy, had taken a small jet to one of the carriers still in the region. From there, he used a Seahawk helicopter to travel into Yallak. As it approached, the pilot sent out a message.
This is Navy One carrying Shogun Yuy to diplomatic meeting.
Requesting entry to nation, over.
Dweladelfia prime
04-09-2005, 03:29
The journey to Yallak had taken part in stages. First, the new shogun, Heero Yuy, had taken a small jet to one of the carriers still in the region. From there, he used a Seahawk helicopter to travel into Yallak. As it approached, the pilot sent out a message.
This is Navy One carrying Shogun Yuy to diplomatic meeting.
Requesting entry to nation, over.
Once received the message was quickly replied to.
Navy One, you are clear to land.
Transmitting navigational data to you now.
Proceed to indicated point; an escort will be waiting for your arrival.
The Sun sat high over the Arrandin. On the steps of the Imperial Palace, General Caracas waited in the shadows of the huge building, flanked on either side by Imperial Guards. He waiting patiently, watching the representatives from Dweladelfia Prime and Green Sun coming down the main street. His eyes traced the path of tall, cloaked figure heading towards him.
The approaching parties reached the bottom of the steps as a message cam through informing the General that ‘Psi-Pso’s’ transport was just arriving. Caracas took a step forward.
“Welcome. I am Caracas, High Lord of Navarath. Please turn in any weapons you are carrying to the guards and then we will head inside - You will not need them here.”
Caracas signaled some of the guards to move forward and accept the weapons. He stopped one next to him.
“Inform Lord Balor that we will soon be ready”.
Pschycotic Pschycos
04-09-2005, 22:23
The chopper came in, landing softly in the sun. From it stepped Shogun Heero Yuy. Coming from it, he approached the others and bowed, introducing himself. "I am Shogun Heero Yuy. It is a pleasure."
OOC: Whoever started Psi-Pso, thanx. I like it better than 'PP'. <--that just sounds wrong.
Green Sun
04-09-2005, 22:41
The Sun sat high over the Arrandin. On the steps of the Imperial Palace, General Caracas waited in the shadows of the huge building, flanked on either side by Imperial Guards. He waiting patiently, watching the representatives from Dweladelfia Prime and Green Sun coming down the main street. His eyes traced the path of tall, cloaked figure heading towards him.
The approaching parties reached the bottom of the steps as a message cam through informing the General that ‘Psi-Pso’s’ transport was just arriving. Caracas took a step forward.
“Welcome. I am Caracas, High Lord of Navarath. Please turn in any weapons you are carrying to the guards and then we will head inside - You will not need them here.”
Caracas signaled some of the guards to move forward and accept the weapons. He stopped one next to him.
“Inform Lord Balor that we will soon be ready”.
"My gaurds must at least keep their sidearms and know where the rifles are being kept."
Shaku holds up a paper.
"Emperor's orders. I'm sorry, but there have been things going on in Green Sun and we can't take chances."
OOC: The italics by the way are not characters talking but what their thinking.
The General’s facial expression did not change at Shaku’s request. Only someone who knew him well would have been able to tell that he was not impressed.
“Then they may keep their sidearms.”
They won’t be of any use to you if you try anything
“Your rifles will be detained at the security office just inside the doors”
As guards collected the rifles, Shogun Heero Yuy arrived. Caracas returned his greeting, and then motioned for the gathered party follow.
“This way, Gentlemen”
Heading up the stairs they pass through the giant Palace doors. The guards with the detained weapons veered of to the right, entering the security room where the guns would be placed in a locker.
After another two flights of stairs, they entered the great hall. Measuring thirty metres long, it was lined down the sides at every two metres with large stone statues. Standing more than twice the size of a man and fully black, the statues were of great winged demons wielding giant double bladed axes. Off set at the end of the hall was their goal - the golden dragon seal covering the doors to the High Council Chambers.
The hall echoed as they made their journey towards the end. Two guards outside the doors heaved them open as they approached.
Inside the room, the usual set up had been removed and a single large table had been placed in its stead.
Caracas, indicated to the large high backed chairs around the table.
“Please, make yourself comfortable. The Emperor will be with us shortly”
OOC: have to do an assignment now, so might not be able to do anymore today.
Green Sun
05-09-2005, 03:51
Shaku's gaurds gave up tehir rifles and followed Shaku into the room. Shaku sat and his gaurds took their posts next to Shaku and next to the door. He moved his hood back and looked around.
Dweladelfia prime
05-09-2005, 04:03
Ambassador Sean walks into the room flanked by his two gaurds.
"This is mighty nice" the Ambassador mutters to his gaurds. "big fancy chairs and a table as big as my bedroom when I was grown up.
Ambassador Sean sits at one of the chairs and introduces him self to Shaku.
Sean offors to shake hands but Shaku refuses.
Sean sits back in his chair and waits for the meeting to begin.
Pschycotic Pschycos
05-09-2005, 15:42
Heero sat back into the big chairs, yet kept swaying back and forth. "Sorry, not used to flying in helicopters. This could take a while," he said. "And how is everyone today?"
Dweladelfia prime
05-09-2005, 17:16
"Very well" exclams Ambassador Sean.
Sean and Heero continue to talk while they wait.
Dweladelfia prime
05-09-2005, 21:18
Green Sun
06-09-2005, 01:52
Ambassador Sean walks into the room flanked by his two gaurds.
"This is mighty nice" the Ambassador mutters to his gaurds. "big fancy chairs and a table as big as my bedroom when I was grown up.
Ambassador Sean sits at one of the chairs and introduces him self to Shaku.
Sean offors to shake hands but Shaku refuses.
Sean sits back in his chair and waits for the meeting to begin.
((Watch it, man, you don't know if Shaku would accept his hand. And the fact he's my character and that's a GM.))
Pschycotic Pschycos
06-09-2005, 01:59
((Watch it, man, you don't know if Shaku would accept his hand. And the fact he's my character and that's a GM.))
OOC: Calm down dude, ain't that bad. You'd probably have him act civily anyway. It's not like he launched a bajillion nukes or anything.
Green Sun
06-09-2005, 02:13
((I know, but it's still something he should remember. Don't control anotehr person's character.))
Green Sun has requested to bring in additional security for Shaku Sha'amamee. We're having some terrorist problems and we can't take chances, and we can only really trust our own men.
OOC: At uni now but i will start things off as soon as i get home.
Dweladelfia prime
06-09-2005, 03:22
((I know, but it's still something he should remember. Don't control anotehr person's character.))
Green Sun has requested to bring in additional security for Shaku Sha'amamee. We're having some terrorist problems and we can't take chances, and we can only really trust our own men.
OOC: sorry won't happen again.
OOC: Sorry, don’t have the time for a topnotch post, anyway now I really have to go to class.
High Council Chambers, Arrandin
By now several Yallakian officials had gathered with the foreign envoys, among them were the Emperor’s foreign affairs advisor and Baelin the High Lord of Kilrah. It had only been a few minutes since all the parties had been seated when they the great doors on the southern wall swung open again and Balor, Emperor of Yallak entered the room. Behind him came four Imperial Guards, who took up positions at the corners of the room.
Balor took his seat at the far end of the table.
“I apologize for the wait. The current naval problems leave little time to spare at the moment. Oh, and I have approved Green Sun’s request for additional security, to a maximum of six guards”
“Anyway, welcome to Yallak. I am Emperor Balor.”
General Caracas then introduced the gathered dignitaries to each other before the Emperor continued.
“In the past several centuries, you are only the second nations with which we are willing to establish permanent and standing relations. Your aid during the recent restrictions in our territorial waters was greatly appreciated and has shown that your people are of the kind that we will happily befriend.
Among today’s agenda will be the creation of some kind of joint Non-aggression Pact and the establishment of tax free trade between the nations gathered here.
I understand also that you have expressed interest in the creation of embassies here too. We will discuss the terms of such arrangements as well.”
The Emperor paused.
“Are there any questions before we begin? Are there any issues you wish to raise while we are here?”
Pschycotic Pschycos
06-09-2005, 21:08
"No," Heero said. "This all sounds very good. I do have just one question, though." He paused, "how ARE the refit of your fleets coming along? I hope you don't mind, but as a major naval power ourselves, we always take intrest into other nation's techniques."
Green Sun
06-09-2005, 23:59
"Green Sun is willing to create such a pact, under one condition. It has been recently added to our constitution that Green Sun holds the right to board and extradite criminals and those who owe money to our Government in other nation's waters with their knowing and agreement and a copy of the warrant. Would Yallak be so kind to agree to let us do this in such a case?"
Dweladelfia prime
07-09-2005, 00:36
"The Christian Empire of Dweladelfia Prime would like to change this from A Non-aggression Pact to a Mutual Protection pact."
“The upgrades go well Lord Heero. They should be finished by the end of tomorrow – with new railguns, thicker armour, more weapons and even new reactors. If you wish, I can arrange a tour of the IYS Bloodthirster for you before it leaves port”.
Balor turned to Shaku.
“We accept your condition. We do not tolerate criminal acts of any kind in our nation, and would never harbor a person who has committed crimes elsewhere - They would be shot or captured immediately if we were aware of their presence.”
Returning his focus to the whole group, Balor addressed Ambassador Sean’s comment.
“Your nations have proven themselves worthy of the friendship of the Infinite Empire. If all parties agree we would accept a Mutual Protection Pact.
Dweladelfia prime
09-09-2005, 00:12
Thankyou very much.
Pschycotic Pschycos
09-09-2005, 22:35
Heero leaned forward, "yes, a non-aggression pact would be ideal. In these troubled time, it is always better knowing you have a friend or three nearby. As for a tour of the ship, I would indeed appreciate it. I'm glad to hear the upgrades went well."
"Excellent. Then let it be done.”
The Emperor signaled to his Advisor, who immediately left the room heading off to his office to retrieve some papers.
“Lord Heero, i will summon one of the Admirals to take you to the Eadhan docks after the meeting to see the ship.
For now, your nations have expressed interest in establishing an embassy within Yallak.
While we welcome you to establish a diplomatic base in Arrandin our highest traditions and laws mean that I must insist that these be setup inside the palace, and thus remain the sovereign territory of Yallak, and that security be provided by the Imperial Guard of Arrandin, not your own forces.
If you are adverse to these requests then I am open to your suggestions about alternatives.”
OOC: Sorry for the late reply, blame my stupid work for that. If you want more info on my nation see my factbook: Yallakian Factbook (
Green Sun
11-09-2005, 20:41
"Green Sun would like at least a small security force of our own, just for our own safety, in our embassy. Green Sun will create an embassy in Embassy City for Yallak to use. They are welcome to install their own security force tehre, but no military forces."
Pschycotic Pschycos
11-09-2005, 22:29
"Yes, thank you for the tour," Heero said. "As for the embassy, we'll agree to your terms. I think we can trust you enough. If you want, we'll set aside a space in our capitol for you to set up an embassy. You can bring in your own security, just no military forces. It's incredibly safe, especially in the capitol."
“If you feel that you absolutely need your own security then I suppose we can accommodate you. Trust should be a major part of the relations between our nations. You may supply your own embassy guards but please understand that due to the fact these forces will be located inside the Imperial palace we will still need to have our own security close by.”
Just then, Balor’s foreign advisor re-entered the room. The Emperor waved him in.
“Yes, we would appreciate it if you set up embassy’s for our use in your nations.”
The Foreign advisor reached the Emperor placing a document on the table in front of him. Balor took out a pen and signed the bottom. The advisor then carried the document around the table starting with Shaku.
“Gentlemen. To formalize our new Mutual Protection Pact would you care to sign this? In essence our nations will defend the others with whatever aid they can provide during crisis’s of military or economical basis.”
As the document was past round Balor continued,
“Let us move on. I propose tax free trade on all goods moving between the four nations gathered here. Are there any objections?”
Green Sun
12-09-2005, 11:34
"Inside the palace? Then that is a much different story. If the embassy will be loctaed there, then we will feel safe enough to not need our own gaurds."
Shaku took the pen and signed the document.
Dweladelfia prime
12-09-2005, 17:00
"We would love to have an embassy in the palace. I have a staff of 23 that is on there way soon."
Pschycotic Pschycos
12-09-2005, 22:03
Heero read the paper, not really reading, though. He took up a pen and signed it. "Tax free trade also sounds like a good idea," he said. "Now, our nation has high security on our waters. I'd like you to all be careful, seeing as there is a new mine barrier situated at 50Nm. There are openings in it for commercial traffic. Usually, traffic requires an air escort. However, for the nations here, any ship of yours, regardless of destination shall go without one. Also, we'll allow you to use our waters for the movement of military vessels as well, should they need to be in that close." He paused, then continued, "just thought that you ought to be forewarned before something bad happens."
Dweladelfia prime
12-09-2005, 23:52
" Maybe we could establish military bases in eachothers nations. We welcome any who want to."
Pschycotic Pschycos
13-09-2005, 00:26
" Maybe we could establish military bases in eachothers nations. We welcome any who want to."
"That will not do," answered Heero sharply. "The only forceful precence we allow in our nation is that of regional militarys or those security forces of foreign embassys. We cannot allow for their to be a foregin military force within our borders."
"That will not do," answered Heero sharply. "The only forceful precence we allow in our nation is that of regional militarys or those security forces of foreign embassys. We cannot allow for their to be a foregin military force within our borders."
I'm afraid I must agree with Lord Heero on this matter. Perhaps in time or when one of us is greatly threatened we could consider such actions.
"Inside the palace? Then that is a much different story. If the embassy will be loctaed there, then we will feel safe enough to not need our own gaurds."
Shaku took the pen and signed the document.
Then all is good, and I can assure you that no harm will come to your embassy staff while they are on Yallakian soil.
Green Sun
13-09-2005, 12:02
"In the meantime, Green Sun is willing to make such a deal should the need ever arise."
Shaku shifted in his seat.
"I would also adress the sharing of technology and buisnesses. I believe we should promote the sharing of both, but with the latter, each government has no obligation to share, but it is encouraged. Any objections?"
"In the meantime, Green Sun is willing to make such a deal should the need ever arise."
Shaku shifted in his seat.
"I would also adress the sharing of technology and buisnesses. I believe we should promote the sharing of both, but with the latter, each government has no obligation to share, but it is encouraged. Any objections?"
“This is a complicated issue” started Balor, “while we are fully open to sharing businesses, markets, industrial technology and other technologies, the metal that our military hardware is constructed from are completely classified to all other nations.
We have no concerns in helping to upgrade your technologies as we can but our armour composite cannot be shared. Perhaps, like with military bases, this may change in the future.”
Dweladelfia prime
13-09-2005, 19:44
"That is alright. When our relationships with eachother grow then we can look into the posabilaty."
Pschycotic Pschycos
13-09-2005, 20:58
“This is a complicated issue” started Balor, “while we are fully open to sharing businesses, markets, industrial technology and other technologies, the metal that our military hardware is constructed from are completely classified to all other nations.
We have no concerns in helping to upgrade your technologies as we can but our armour composite cannot be shared. Perhaps, like with military bases, this may change in the future.”
"Same with us," Heero said. "While the trade of businesses and technology is perfectly fine, the trading of military technologies is not. We've too much to risk. Our armor as well is new. In fact, it can only be refined in zero-G. This knowledge would lead to a veneurablity. The other businesses is a fine idea, though."
Green Sun
13-09-2005, 21:05
"So industrial technologies will be shared, but military technologies will be discussed on between our nations," Shaku said.
Pschycotic Pschycos
13-09-2005, 21:13
"That is the look of it."
“Exactly”, said Balor
“Perhaps”, started General Caracas as refreshments were brought in and placed along the length of the table, “a joint research station can be established somewhere”.
Dweladelfia prime
14-09-2005, 19:07
"Yes that would be good. Dweladelfia Prime has many small islands that we can use."
Green Sun
14-09-2005, 22:00
"That sounds useful. Green Sun would like to help out with that."
Pschycotic Pschycos
14-09-2005, 22:16
"And our government maintains many research vessels. We could donate several to a joint institution."
Dweladelfia prime
15-09-2005, 02:48
"This is coming together very well. Would you like our goverment to start building the fasilaties?"
Green Sun
15-09-2005, 02:50
"The sooner the better."
Dweladelfia prime
15-09-2005, 03:01
"I will contact my goverment as soon as I can."
Balor was very pleased with the reception this idea had received,
"Yallak will help cover whatever setup costs Dweladelfia prime incurs in the creation of this research facility as well and send over research supplies and equipment. Should you require anything else just ask”.
After the Emperor had finished talking General Caracas spoke again.
“Although we are reluctant to open our nations to military bases, Ambassador Sean’s idea could still be of use to us. Such an island could house a joint military base, as a sign of our military co-operation as well as to protect the assets that will be deployed to the location”.
Dweladelfia prime
15-09-2005, 16:58
"Yes that would be a good idea. What will we call this base. Will this base be AF, Navy, or army, or all of the tree? My goverment will asign Fighter groups soon."
Dweladelfia prime
15-09-2005, 22:32
Pschycotic Pschycos
15-09-2005, 22:37
"An idea such as this is a great one. It should house all three branches. To properly fullfil its mutual protection role, it should be about an equal distance from all nations, allowing it a good first-strike capacity at all locations."
Dweladelfia prime
15-09-2005, 23:19
"Ok, so what are we going to call the base?"
Pschycotic Pschycos
15-09-2005, 23:22
"I think the 'Quad-Alliance Joint Military Installation sounds good. QuAJMI for short. That's just what I think, though."
Dweladelfia prime
16-09-2005, 00:11
" Thats sounds pretty good"
We will base:
500 Behemoth II Heavy Battle Tank
30,000 Soldiers (XM8, Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, M240 Medium Machine Gun, Land warrior)
2,000 M1A1/2 Abrams
100 C-4 Galexys
225 Gun ships
200 AH-64 APACHE
100 Mi-28 Havocâ
150 F-4 Phantom II
125 AV-8B Harrier II
6 A-310
200 UH-60 Blackhawk
250 ST-37K1 Next Generation Battle Tank
200 Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank
600 M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems
40 M109A6 Paladin Self Propelled Howitzer
350 M998 HMMWV Humvee
Yellow Comet SQ- 100 F-22
Black Knight SQ- 100 F-22
3rd Bomber Wing- 25 B-1B Bombers
4th Bomber Wing- 25 B-52 Bombers
Eagle SQ- 100 F-15
Venom SQ-100 F-15
Blue Moon SQ- 200 F-16
Green Earth SQ- 200 F-16
10 Carriers (Admiral Class)
35 Subs (Seawolf Class)
10 Battle ships (Dreadnought Class)
Kripto SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Tom cat SQ- 200 F-14 Tom cats
Rectar SQ- 200 F-15
Giga SQ- 200 F-15
5 A-130
Kodac- 300 F-18
FireBird SQ- 300 F-18
Pionex SQ- 300 F-18
Veneus SQ- 300 F-18
Mars SQ-100 F-18
Alpine SQ- 300 F-35
Juno SQ 300 F-35
Zenc SQ- 300 F-35
Rockwell SQ- 100 F-35
5,000 Tidal Wave Class
10 Nautilus Class
25 Dolphin Class
50 Stingray Class
Dweladelfia prime
16-09-2005, 01:00
Dweladelfia prime
16-09-2005, 02:14
Dweladelfia prime
16-09-2005, 05:04
“The name is good. We will dispatch a naval battlegroup, with its air compliment, and a battalion of troops.”
“Does any one else have any other ideas or uses for this island?”
Dweladelfia prime
16-09-2005, 16:32
"Silos" Sean repiles.
Pschycotic Pschycos
16-09-2005, 21:53
“The name is good. We will dispatch a naval battlegroup, with its air compliment, and a battalion of troops.”
“Does any one else have any other ideas or uses for this island?”
"We'll dispatch that amount too. Silos are also a good idea."
Dweladelfia prime
16-09-2005, 22:08
"Ok, I think we are all in agreement."
Dweladelfia prime
17-09-2005, 00:37
Dweladelfia prime
17-09-2005, 01:04
Green Sun
17-09-2005, 01:09
One of Shaku's bodygaurds walked in and whispered in his ear. He nodded and solemnly stood up.
"I'm afraid something of utmost importance that requires my immediate attention has arisen. Green Sunw will agree to anything you agree apon. Good day to you."
Dweladelfia prime
17-09-2005, 01:29
"Farewell good freind."
Dweladelfia prime
17-09-2005, 04:29
Dweladelfia prime
17-09-2005, 07:01
"Goodbye Lord Shaku."
The Emperor signaled one of his guards to follow and return the secured weapons to the Green Sun guards on their way out. Once the doors had closed behind Shaku, Balor returned his attention to the men sitting at the table.
“Well, we have covered everything I had planned for today. Is there anything either of you wish to add?”
Dweladelfia prime
17-09-2005, 15:09
"So heres what we have on the base.
-Weapons Research
-Military base
So is this it?"
Green Sun
17-09-2005, 16:44
Shaku opened teh door to his limo and counted,
The car starts.
It begins to move.
The car explodes in a huge fireball, flipping over the armored vehicle next to it. The remaiining Green Sun secuirty gaurds that lingered to make sure they wouldn't be followed were thrown into the building. As it had been written, Shaku Sha'amamee's grave would be in his trusted armored limo in a nation Green Sun knew little of.
Dweladelfia prime
17-09-2005, 17:29
OOC: WTH, what was that for?
Pschycotic Pschycos
17-09-2005, 19:19
Ooc: Wtf?
Green Sun
17-09-2005, 19:50
OOC: Don't worry, it's not an attack on anyone except Green Sun.
Dweladelfia prime
18-09-2005, 02:50
OOC: O but shaku was the one counting down?
Green Sun
18-09-2005, 04:53
OOC; To himself. He knew that he was going to die on the exact second. He had read about it in his biography that he had found in the time he's from, so he knew the exact minute, hour, day, and second.
Dweladelfia prime
18-09-2005, 15:00
*is confused*
Green Sun
18-09-2005, 16:28
OOC: Don't worry about it, the car just blew up.
Dweladelfia prime
18-09-2005, 16:35
Hearing the blast Ambassador Sean jumps out of his chair. "what was that!" Sean exclaims.
Pschycotic Pschycos
18-09-2005, 17:43
As the explosion rumbled through the ground, Heero lept from his seat too, looking around wildly, and wishing he had something with which to prepare to fight. "What in the hell is going on here?"
Green Sun
18-09-2005, 17:45
One of teh Green Sun gaurds stumbled into the room and coughed.
"Shaku's car was bombed. He's dead. Only two casualties, Shaku and the driver. The building, however, was damaged."
Pschycotic Pschycos
18-09-2005, 20:24
"Ah, shit. What's going on? We need to know. WE may soon come under assault!"
Green Sun
18-09-2005, 20:28
"Good assumption. We'll do an investigation as soon as we can. Probably just a Black Sun attack..."
Dweladelfia prime
18-09-2005, 20:29
" Black sun who in the dikens are they?"
Green Sun
18-09-2005, 20:31
"Terrorist organization based in Green Sun. Rather imperialistic bunch of folks, this is the first time they've ever actually killed any of our officials."
Dweladelfia prime
18-09-2005, 20:35
" What do we do now. Your Highness?"
Pschycotic Pschycos
19-09-2005, 01:43
"A paramilitaristic terrorist organization, just as we're getting to form an alliance. Great, just what I needed today," Heero said, pissed off. "What are we suppossed to do now?" He turned to the Emperor of Yallak, "get your guards on alert. Expect more of this crap."
Dweladelfia prime
19-09-2005, 05:05
*Never a day of peace. *sigh*"
OOC: Sorry about the delay – the net’s been screwing up at my house, disconnecting itself after a few minutes. I had to wait until I could get to uni today before I could post.
IC: Balor stood at the sound outside. He glanced across the table to Caracas but had no need to tell him what do to. Seconds later the General was out the door, the Imperial guards hurrying after him. The Emperor signaled to Lord Baelin who had now stood with the rest. Baelin returned a nod and then he too made haste out the door to summon medical aid for the Green Sun guard.
Balor turned back to the table.
“Gentlemen, please sit. The palace will be sealed off immediately.”
He though for a moment, quickly passing an array of possibilities of how this atrocity could have happened in his mind. He could think of only one viable answer.
“I can assure you that there is no possibility that the weapon used in this attack was planted during our meeting. The border guards alone would have prevented it getting through, let alone the attackers somehow by passing the Imperial guards protecting the palace.
It can only be that the explosive was already on the car when it entered our land. Out of respect the cars were only briefly scanned for firearms other than those carried by the Green Sun guards.
For now we must remain here until General Caracas returns. We are quite safe here, and while you are within my lands I personally garantee your saftey".
He looked at the injured and dust covered Green Sun guard.
“Is it possible that one of Shaku’s guards placed the weapons after he had unloaded from the car upon his arrival here?”
Pschycotic Pschycos
20-09-2005, 21:44
"If you say we are safe, than I will not worry." Heero said. "But I never did think about one of Green Sun's own betraying them." He turned to the guard too, "I'm also curious, is there anyway it could have been one of the guards?"
Green Sun
21-09-2005, 00:20
The gaurd shook his head.
"We're Forge Force, the Governmental bodygaurd unit and Counter-Terrorism unit. There hasn't been a corrupted member since Black Sun first showed up and we've implemented programs to garuntee that no member can be corrupted by Black Sun. There's no way any Forge Force members could be members. The only one who might be would be the driver, and Black Sun has never used suicide bombers. Either the bomb was planted beforehand, which it wasn't because I check the underside of the car myself, or Yallak has an outpost. I wouldn't be surprised, they have one in about every region."
Pschycotic Pschycos
22-09-2005, 00:05
"This isn't good. What are we going to do about this?"
Green Sun
22-09-2005, 01:42
"I suggest that you inspect the city for an outpost.. We'll work with you through the whole thing."
OOC: The nets still not working so ill only be able to reply when I can get into uni. So please be patient as it may take some time for me to make replies.
General Caracas returned in time to hear the last part of the Green Sun guard’s comments and the Emperor’s reply.
“That they should have established an outpost within our nation is extremely unlikely”, said Balor, “Yet it would be ignorance to deny the that it could be possible.”
“Perhaps that wasn’t all of them”, Caracas said slowly, as if speaking to himself.
“All of who General?” Balor demanded.
The Emperor’s voice broke the General out of his own thoughts and he began to explain.
“Just a few weeks ago, an element of the 4th Legion discovered and destroyed a group of Guerrilla fighters just outside the borders North of Valeon during Operation Recoil (
This outpost of theirs could be only a km or less outside our country. If they’re as good as claimed, it could be possible they bypassed security today – and Sergeant Ries reported that they were far more heavily armed and trained than a simple terrorist cell.”
A smile crept across his face.
“We captured two of them during the attack. With Green Sun’s experience and background in dealing with these terrorists, an interrogation with their help might be the best place to start.”
Pschycotic Pschycos
22-09-2005, 20:50
"Well, at least we're getting some progress here." Heero said, a bit irratably.
Green Sun
22-09-2005, 23:36
"Yeah...Let me call in, first. I don't know how many wounded we have, though."
The Green Sun soldier left the room and assembled the rest of the team. Four were seriously wounded, five had superficial wounds, and the last seven were fine. Hardly enough to fight a mission against Black Sun.
"This is the USS Reynolds to Yallak Port. Please open a spot for us to dock, we'll arrive in three days with Green Sun reinforcements."
Imperial Palace, Arrandin
Balor stood up. There was nothing more that could be achieved by sitting around in this room after the recent attack.
“Perhaps it’s time we gave you that tour, Lord Heero. Would you care to join us Ambassador Sean?”
He indicated to the doors, which were pulled open by the guard. He led out of the palace, following the route they took to get inside, and heading out to a waiting helicopter.
Imperial Naval Command
"This is the USS Reynolds to Yallak Port. Please open a spot for us to dock, we'll arrive in three days with Green Sun reinforcements."
The transmission from the incoming Green Sun vessel arrived clearly, among the low background noise of the monitoring and tactical equipment around the command room.
The officer on duty quickly checked for a place to for the ship then relayed his orders back to the ship.
“Attention USS Reynolds, you are granted permission to dock at Eädhan shipyards. [OOC: Just North of the capital where the meeting was]. I am transmitting map data and docking codes to you now.”
Karak Shipyards
One hour later
The Emperor’s personal black and white helicopter touched down just inside the facility’s perimeter. As he led Heero and Sean away from the helipad, an Imperial Naval officer stood waiting, a wall of metal sat towering behind him.
He nodded first to the Emperor, then introduced himself to the other two men.
“Good afternoon. I am Supreme Commader Dagon of the Yallakian Navy. Im here to show you around that.” He said indicating to the metal wall behind, which was in fact the hull of a giant battleship.
“The IYS Bloodthirster - Flagship of the Imperial Navy.”
Dweladelfia prime
23-09-2005, 05:31
"Thats a bloody big battleship! Whats the hull made out of?"
“We call it Tiranaide metal. How we make it is our most highly classified secret but I can tell you that it is a nanostructured alloy that is two and a half times harder than steel and more than twenty times stronger. On the down side it cost a lot to construct and almost as much time, but the protection is well worth it.”
Dagon pointed at a very small boarding ramp.
“That where we will be getting on. The total length of the ship is seven hundred and twenty meters so it’s quite a walk – that ramp is really much bigger than it looks.”
As he led them off, the Emperor bid his farewell and headed back to his helicopter.
Dweladelfia prime
23-09-2005, 18:26
"What kind of guns do you have on this ship."
Pschycotic Pschycos
23-09-2005, 22:39
"What can you tell me about the Tiranaide-to-steel ratio? Every 4 inches of our armour equals 10 inches of steel. And I also want to hear of the armarments." Heero said, much impressed with what he saw.
Green Sun
23-09-2005, 22:52
"Holee shit that's a huge fuckin ship!" one sailor said to his buddy, observing the flagship from teh Reynolds. His buddy whistled loudly.
"Daaaamn! That thing can probably take a nuke!"
"I heard that the meteor that crashed in Green Sun could!"
"You serious?"
"Yeah! They shot it with a Goliath tank and it wasn't even dented!"
"Damn! We shoudl find more of that stuff!"
“The main armaments consist of five four barreled twenty six-inch railguns. Secondary weapons are eight two barreled eight-inch railguns. Then there’s an assortment of two inch anti air/fast ship rail guns, Aster SAM launchers, Phalanx CIWS and Harpoon SLAM launchers.
As for the armour to steel ratio, its at least one inch of armour to 8 or 9 inches of steel, but one of our engineers would be better placed to answer that”.
The party finally reached the automated ramp and it took them several minutes to reach the top and step out onto the deck. In front of them was one of the forward main gun emplacements, where several crewmen were busy cleaning and adjusting the equipment.
Dagon led them left and through into the passages and stairways that led them up to the bridge.
Out in the harbor a patrol boat headed out towards the Reynolds to guide them into the port.
OOC: Not a lot of time to post today because im working all day
The crew in the bridge snapped to attention as Dagon led Sean and Heero into the bridge.
"From here we can access all of the ships data and systems, and moniter the arrival of the Green Sun vessel. Feel free to use the main terminal to have a look - though some systems require security clearance to access.
Any particular areas of the ship you wish to see?"
Green Sun
28-09-2005, 02:17
The Reynolds docked and locked. Some civilians left the ship, but otehr than that, nothing else special happened with teh Reynolds.
((Who can tell me where the name for the Reynolds came from? Hint: Computer game.))
An Imperial armoured car pulled up near the dock where the USS Reynolds had stopped. General Caracas stepped out, followed by two of his officers. They made there way down the path to the waiting ship.
The General watched as several civilians unloaded from the ship. He called one of them over.
"We were expecting Green Sun's reinforcements?", He questioned the man.
[Edit: As for the name i have no idea.]
Green Sun
28-09-2005, 02:40
The civilian nodded.
"Yeah. The Forge Force is on board to find the Black Sun outpost in this region. Hell, even General Yillik's on board. I thought he was running for president. Anyway, I gotta go, I'm twenty years late for dinner."
Pschycotic Pschycos
28-09-2005, 22:41
OOC: Sorry for absense.
Standing on the bridge, Heero walked over to a computer terminal. "Can I take a look at the propulsion systems?"
Bridge of the IYS Bloodthirster
Dagon nodded to Heero’s request, then moved over to the terminal and after pressing several buttons on the screen schematics of the ships hull appeared. Highlighted in the image were the four Nuclear reactors that powered the craft. Popping up next to them were statistics and data relating to operation of the reactors.
“It’s a touchscreen. You press any of those pieces of data or the images to get more information or a close up of the reactors”.
Outside the USS Reynolds
The General watched silently as the civilian moved away from him, then he nodded to the Captain standing next to him.
The Captain headed off towards the Reynolds to find out what was keeping the Green Sun soldiers, or if they planned to spend there stay onboard their ship.
Green Sun
29-09-2005, 01:47
A soldier carrying a Green Sun rifle on his back stopped the Captain.
"I'm sorry, sir, but this is Green Sun military property. Unless you're someone of authority of Yallak or from Green Sun, I can't let you on, I'll need some ID."
Dweladelfia prime
29-09-2005, 16:39
Walking over to the screen Sean bends down to look at the screen. "Can I see the Radar?"
A soldier carrying a Green Sun rifle on his back stopped the Captain.
"I'm sorry, sir, but this is Green Sun military property. Unless you're someone of authority of Yallak or from Green Sun, I can't let you on, I'll need some ID."
"I am Captain Mauriac of the Imperial Army, here under orders from General Caracas - a High Lord of Yallak."
The Captain pulled out his personal ID card and showed it to the Green Sun soldier.
Walking over to the screen Sean bends down to look at the screen. "Can I see the Radar?"
"Certainly can."
Dagon pressed another few button causing the screen to split into two halves. On the right remained the schematics of the nuclear reactors and on the left popped up a similar blueprint image of the radar tower and accompanying systems and electronic warfare equipment.
Dweladelfia prime
01-10-2005, 02:05
Green Sun
01-10-2005, 03:58
"The Captain is on the bridge and the General is in his quarters. Because General Yillik is royalty and is a very important person in the GS military, I'm going to have to confiscate your weapons."
"Yes. These systems are still being refitted across the fleet and upgraded but they can be done out of port so were left until last to complete."
"The Captain is on the bridge and the General is in his quarters. Because General Yillik is royalty and is a very important person in the GS military, I'm going to have to confiscate your weapons."
"So be it".
The Captain handed over his sidearm
"Could you take me to the General?"
Bridge of the IYS Bloodthirster
The comunication terminal on the left side of the bridge gave out a series of alert tones. The nearby officer activated the system and an encoded communication was received.
"Commander Dagon", the officer said, "it's from Naval Command".
Dagon stepped away from the main terminal where Heero and Sean were loking through the ships systems.
"Put it through".
Seconds later the decoded message was played in the bridges audio system.
Supreme Commander Dagon
Hostilities have begun between Concremo and Xirnium.
Our trade interests are threatened.
Take a fleet and protect our shipping.
Destroy any and all enemy necessary
Naval Command Out
Dagon turned to Heero and Sean.
“I’ll have to leave with this ship immediately. You are welcome to come, or I can arrange transport for you to wherever you need to go.”
Pschycotic Pschycos
01-10-2005, 15:14
Heero didn't look fazed, "I've got an SDN off shore a ways. I'll have them send in a chopper. If you don't mind, I'll have the ship accompany your fleet and help out, sound good?" He turned and put the call in for the chopper, and then came back around for an answer.
Heero didn't look fazed, "I've got an SDN off shore a ways. I'll have them send in a chopper. If you don't mind, I'll have the ship accompany your fleet and help out, sound good?" He turned and put the call in for the chopper, and then came back around for an answer.
"If you are willing, that is fine."
Dagon waved a hand towards one of his officers.
"Bring a transmitter".
As the officer left the bridge Dagon explaned what he was doing.
"I will give you a portable tranmsitter. With it you will be able to communicate to this ship, receive map and fleet data and our weapons control systems will identify you as non-hostile".
Green Sun
01-10-2005, 21:59
"So be it".
The Captain handed over his sidearm
"Could you take me to the General?"
The soldeir took teh sidearm and led the captain to General Yillik's quarters. Two heavily armed gaurds stood in the front of it. One of them banged on teh door and the door opened. There was one bodygaurd and a man with a Green Sun military uniform on but opened, slaving over paperwork.
"Can I help you?" he asked without looking up.
The soldeir took teh sidearm and led the captain to General Yillik's quarters. Two heavily armed gaurds stood in the front of it. One of them banged on teh door and the door opened. There was one bodygaurd and a man with a Green Sun military uniform on but opened, slaving over paperwork.
"Can I help you?" he asked without looking up.
“I am Captain Mauriac of the Imperial Army of Yallak. The captured Black Sun agents are ready for interrogation and there are transports ready to take you there.”
Green Sun
02-10-2005, 02:59
"You've captured the assasins so soon?" he asked with a tone of disbelief.
"Two terrorists were captured about a week ago, but from the description of the abilities and firepower of the Black Sun organisation it has been concluded that they were BS operatives. We believe that extracting information from the two prisoners will be the best way to track down the assassins who killed Shaku.
Border security has been increased ten fold so that they cannot escape before we find them."
Green Sun
02-10-2005, 19:35
"I want them moved to this ship ASAP, Captain. I want a record of all known Black market operatives and black market areas. If you're performing a raid with anything, whether it be CIA or SWAT, I want the Forge Force to be part of it. Black Sun is not to be underestimated, when they want something big, they get it."
"I want them moved to this ship ASAP, Captain. I want a record of all known Black market operatives and black market areas. If you're performing a raid with anything, whether it be CIA or SWAT, I want the Forge Force to be part of it. Black Sun is not to be underestimated, when they want something big, they get it."
"I will make arrangements General".
The Captain nodded to the General and headed out of the ship, collecting his sidearm on the way.
OOC: Doing an assignment at the moment so bear with me as replies may be slow.
Green Sun
05-10-2005, 23:42
((It's alright.))
"As if I didn't already have enough to do, Black Sun decides to blow up more shit..." he mumbles to himself as teh Captain leaves.
It was about two hours later when three Imperial transport trucks arrived back at the USS Reynolds. Out of the first stepped Captain Mauriac and half a dozen infantry bearing the insignia of an Imperial Legion. A similar amount exited from the third vehicle as well.
Mauriac called two of his soldiers over and pointed at the second truck.
“Bring them”.
As he moved away towards the Green Sun ship, four more soldiers jumped down from the second truck hauling two sad excuses for people behind them as they followed the Captain. The first prisoner had a swollen jaw but was otherwise fine. The second however was clearly in worse condition and had his right leg bandaged – the result of bullet wound.
Green Sun
07-10-2005, 22:35
"These two aren't important. Just recruits," the General told the Captain once interrogation was complete, "They claim to be important, but they're not, I've interrogated enough of them to know. But they did confirm one thing. They've started to plan something big, but it won't start for a while. I was able to get one other thing out of them. Black Sun has set up a major base in your region. It could be anywhere. It could be in a farmhouse, a tree, a skyscraper, an oil rig, hell, even the capital building of Yallak. They were actually found underneath one in a really tiny nation. Where were these two captured? Where did it seem they were headed? Where were the found?"
"They were caught just outside the Imperial borders of a protectorate state in the North-west. Police tracked them down to a building after a few raids were commited against our uranium convoys. They were cornered in their base and our military teams went in and killed them all - except those two."
Green Sun
09-10-2005, 05:38
"How many were there in the battle? Which one seemed to be in command?"
“Nine confirmed, including the two prisoners. The infantry squads that took part in the operation reported that there was no clear leader figure. It is possible he was on the third level of the building, but that was blocked of by a machine gun position and so consequently demolished by grenades. We don’t know how many of them were up there, but it is definite that none survived.”
Green Sun
09-10-2005, 16:22
"Hmm. There must be something important in that building. I want a search warrant, the Forge Force will be ready shortly."
"Not a problem. We can leave as soon as your ready - there are trucks outside that can take us there."
Dweladelfia prime
10-10-2005, 21:40
Attention Yallak and Green Sun
The Christain Empire of Dweladelfia Prime Would like to ask if you would like us to send some CTA (Counter Terrerisom Agency) agents.
Green Sun
10-10-2005, 23:23
From: General Yillik
To: CTA administration
We have enough personell on this mission. I ask that you conduct your own investigation in your own nation and track down any Black Sun operatives or outposts. We don't know if they are active in your nation and it's unlikely taht they are.
"Johnson, Stevenson, Kevin, Ollie, and Piers, let's go," the General told five operatives as he donned his armor, grabbed a few grnades, his rifle, and a sidearm along with some ammo. Teh five soliders followed the captain to the trucks.
The three trucks rolled across the Imperial border just after 4pm. It had taken the better part of a day to make the journey across half the empire by land – almost three thousand kilometers of road.
Once all the border security checks had been completed, it was only a few more minutes until the convoy arrived at the site where the two Black Sun operatives had been captured. Having been only two weeks since the incident, the roads around the buildings block were still closed off as the building itself was still in bad shape. The entire third story had ceased to exist, and the remainder didn’t look entirely stable.
Repairs had begun with patching up the gaping hole in the second floor caused by an Imperial anti-armour rocket.
Captain Mauriac jumped down from the lead truck, followed by several of his men. As they pulled aside the barrier blocking the road, the Captain headed over to General Yillik.
“Were here. You can probably pick which building they were in”
OOC: you still alive Green Sun??