Last Effort for peace (FT Closed Attn Neo Zeta)
03-09-2005, 01:33
The Emperor Akarth Von Antheron wanted to secure the Antaries Galaxy from possiable Neo Zetan Attack. He had a plan but it required him to give back a vital prisoner Albedo the head of Neo Zeta's Blue Cosmo organization. The Emperor annouces to the Neo Zetan government:The United Galactic Empire of Deatharon will release Albedo in exchange for an Non aggression pact with the Current Neo Zeta Government.
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 02:26
The Eternal of Neo Zeta got the message and sent its reply from the Emperor.
The Eternal Fayth of Neo Zeta fully agrees on this matter. War should be avoided at all cost. We will send Weyoun 5 to discusse the terms of the pact. Do not worry This New Weyoun is not the one who lead the murder on your capital.
03-09-2005, 04:53
The Empire will agrees to this. The meeting will be on the Prision Asteriod belt Kipitis.
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 05:01
One Fayth Battlecruiser with Weyoun aboard left Bevelle Space Command Dock. It set coarse for the prison.
The Fold took a good hour as they were in no hurry.
Once arrived it shields were up but weapons offline. The Fayth ships were a elder race class of ship but they expected Deatharon would have theirs there as well.
Weyoun sent a message announceing his arrivel. I have come to over see Albedos return and the signing of a new none-aggression pact
03-09-2005, 05:11
The Antaran Green Fleet had elements of there forces in the system for the occasion. The Albedo had been beamed aboard the Raptor a new Antaran Planet Killer ship. He had been forced to work in the mines like the other prisioners and he had all the bruises from diffcult work. The only reason he had surrived the ordeal was due to the Princess Maria who managed to pull enough support in the Imperial Council to get Albedo out of the mines and into her private palace for his protection and for the prisioner exchange. She was personally in charge of this operation. She Sent the reply: Weclome to Imperial Space do you wish to negoiate on our ship or yours?
OOC: normal policy would have been to work him to death.
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 05:17
Weyoun smiled Our ship will do for this. Forgive me if the trust between us for now is low. And i fear for my safty on your ship. I may not be Weyoun 2 but i doubt to many of your people a dead Weyoun is the only good one
The Ship lowered its shields over the bridge to allow transport.
03-09-2005, 05:22
Princess Maria saids to her Guards "Keep Albedo here untill I get back. If they hold me captive or kill me. threaten to kill him." The Guards nod and lower there shields just enough to beam the Princess and three Imperial Intelligence Core Agents. Albedo is locked in the Brige with Dimensional Shields to keep them from trying to beam him or dimesionally grab him.
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 05:27
The Shields of The Fayth Battlecrusier went back up as Weyoun sat at a table in a room by the bridge.
As the princess beamed aboard she would see Four Jem'Hadar and a Human recorder to take note of the talks. Weyoun ofcourse sat at the head of the table. He smiled and stood " Welcome Princess its a plasure to see you."
03-09-2005, 05:31
The Imperial Intelligence Core Agents take postions around the princess. They were prepared to fight Jem Hadar soldiers and cause some distruption to get the Princess of the ship if it came to that. The Princess Maria Von Antheron smiles and saids, "Yes lets gets this over with, The Empire has better things to do than fight your kind for the next century."
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 05:38
Weyoun only laughs " As do we have better things to deal with then upstarts."
He looks at a data padd " I will go first with a list of our demands.
First that the military build up on the boarder be stoped and ship levels returned to normal.
Secound The Unfreezing of FTU assets and payment to the FTU of any damages cuased by it.
Third for your goverment to make a public promise to honor the Treaty of Clan Home.
Fourth Return of Albedo.
And last but not least you will not interfear in Neo Zetan Internal Matters or that of Yevons."
He then looks at the princess " Now state your demands."
03-09-2005, 05:52
The Princess Maria Von Antheron replies, "Our demands is that the Founder and Weyoun responsiable for the Imperial Massacre be put on trial for war crimes hopefully in a neutral nation that has knowledge of this tragic event. We also demand the Death penalty be used if they are found guilty. The Emperor also demands the creation of a Neutral Zone for our peoples. The Empire will not agree to honor the treaty of Clan Home without Imperial approval. The Empire will also not unfreeze or repay the damages done to the FTU untill they remove all there forces in the area of question."
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 06:02
Weyoun Laughs " Put a founder on trail. You expect us to do that when you refuse to repay the FTU or honor the treaty of Clan Home. We will agree the Neutral Zone. However the terrority in the Neutral Zone will be created 60% by you and 40% by us. Meaning 60% of the width of it will be your space given to it and 40 of ours."
03-09-2005, 06:10
The Princess replies, "The Founders will pay for there crimes agaisnt the Empire. They have to learn that Geno-cide on a civilization has terriable consquences. If you do not hand the one Founder over we will come in and kill them all." The Imperial Intelligence Core agents ready for an attack.
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 06:17
Weyouns face no longer that of a diplomate but more of the military commander side of him looks her in the eyes " You dont have have the means to beat Neo Zeta,TFU,Chonosia,Coreworlds and The Humankind Abh in a war. Even if the Republic Joined it would turn into a trench war. No gains only loses for both sides. Is your pride so much it blinds you to that fact."
He laughs " The Founders i asure you are very safe where they are now. We are trying to avoid war. However if you must push for the founder being handed over then this pact will go no where."
03-09-2005, 06:27
The Princess replies in with her own Military mindset, " The Empire would not engage in a ground war we would just bomb entire worlds into ash and head all the way to Neo Zeta once you our knocked out of the war the others would back off."
She then smiles and saids, "The Empire was nearly wiped out from that assualt. It made us lose our power base and many slave races rebelled the Antaries Galaxy was a mess thanks to the Founders and there Dominion. We now want justice for that crime."
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 06:30
Weyoun smiles " you wish for justice then explane to us what you would get out of it. We could with ease reclone Weyoun and the Founders are one in the Great link so the one founder lives on. What is the use of it?"
03-09-2005, 06:35
The Princess Maria responds, "It would put to rest all the people who lost families and loved ones. The Empire may have recloned many of the people however some opted not to be recloned thanks to there personally beliefs of it being some sort of sin agaisnt nature. They have left families and loved ones who still want and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 06:39
Weyoun looks emotionless at her " Their feelings are none of my concern. We are here to stop war. If you had wanted them you had your chance with Emperor Jayce. He would have granted you this. But you missed the chance."
03-09-2005, 06:47
The Princess replies, "Let me fill you in on something. The Idea of peace with Neo Zeta is highly unpopular at home. The only people who support it our me and the Emperor everyone else wants war with Neo Zeta. The Imperial Council nearly voted on war agaisnt you when you changed into this Eternal Fayth nonsense and now you go communist. The Empire is really spoiling to a fight and I can not blame it. So give me a reason why I should not just call this off and let Albedo be publicly executed and tortured for the public's amusement?"
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 06:51
" For the simple fact that if you do your nation will die. Neo Zeta will be hurt but will live on. Our allied forces out match you in every way. Your Empire would be over and your people beat. Your econemy no more. You rights gone and the slave races will revolt."
03-09-2005, 06:57
The Princess replies, " I think we are getting no where with this. It seems to me peace will not come this day. I request permission to beam off this ship and back on to my own in exchange for the freedom of geting out of Imperial Space without being gunned down."
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 07:00
Weyoun nods "very well you may go but know if you attack Neo Zeta you doom your self"
The shield lowered to allow tranport and the fold drives begian to warm up.
03-09-2005, 07:05
The Princess Maria while beaming up sent a present to the Neo Zetans hopeing this would keep them from premitve strikes on the Empire. The transporter beam that sent her to the Rapator was programed to beam Albedo in exchange for her this would put Albedo right where she had been standing. When the transfer was complete she said, " If war is invetiable I hope Albedo is not the first murdered to prove a point that he did not have a hand in."
The Scandinvans
03-09-2005, 07:11
The Eternal of Neo Zeta got the message and sent its reply from the Emperor.
OOC: The Eternal? Also can you give me a little background on your faith. Fell free to ignore this at is kinda of spamming.
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 07:11
As soon as Albedo was tranported on board shields raised and the ship folded out.
Albedo smiled " Its is good to be home"
Weyoun looked and smiled " You are of no use to us"
As he said that the door opened as a Albedo clone entered. This one was much more crule and powerful. Improved in every way. He smiled and said " What a weakling you are" as he pulled his sword out and stabed threw the real Albedo.
As he fall to the floor his last thoughts were of the princess as everything became dark as he died.
Weyound looked up " Well that was intresting i bealive its time for dinner"
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 07:14
OOC: The Eternal? Also can you give me a little background on your faith. Fell free to ignore this at is kinda of spamming. OOC: By Eternal i mean as in ever lasting not your elder race. As for Fayth ( that is how they are spelled in FFX) they are my elder race. They have been around way befor earth was formed. Some give their souls to the temples to be used in the Summoning of Aeons. And since they are immortal unless killed i came up with the name The Eternal Fayth of Neo Zeta.
The Scandinvans
03-09-2005, 07:18
OOC: Thank you just wanted to know a little bit about this as I have only read a few reports of your new religion thread on the forums.
03-09-2005, 07:27
The Supreme psyker on board felt Albedo's mind weaken to a state of dying a death. He immdeitaley informs the Princess who orders an rescue operation to reclaim that body. The Imperial Intelligence Core agents prepare for the comeing assualt.
OOC: Last post my computer is causing trouble.
Neo Zeta
03-09-2005, 07:30
As the Ship returned to Bevelle the defence systems over Neo Zeta went to full alert and allied forces readyed for any attack.