Foreign Investment Welcomed!
02-09-2005, 01:56
Today we proudly announce that Mengistua is continuing with economic reforms. For years we have lived poor, but Marxism-Leninism calls for material development, dogmatism has no place in a society run by Marxism-Leninism and Islam together and we regret having strayed into it. The Bank of Mengistua as well as all industries of Mengistua including the Oil, Copper and Steel industries which are all quite large, are all available for foreign investment and foreign nations can purchase large percentages of these. We welcome all foreign investors to come and visit Mengistua.
- Workers Party of Mengistua
Space Union
02-09-2005, 02:01
On behalf of UMCI (Union Military and Civil Industries) we would be interested in buying up your oil, copper, and steel industries. We would like to know their total output per year, and how much will they all be. We wish to buy all your oil fields, copper mines and steel mines. We will then proceed to build refineries and mills to develop the resources. This will give a huge boost to your economy by adding thousands upon thousands of jobs, even in the millions if you allow us to expand. We hope we can get a positive reaction from you.
CEO/Chairman Raja Tylon,
02-09-2005, 02:07
This is an example of selling out! You are an Arab nation in the United Arab States, you are our neighbour and regional partner and should focus on Arab economics and not allow the Western Imperialists to buy your resources. For years Mengistua has been poor due to it's bad management of resources, this will only further your problems. We warn you to retract all economic reform in one hour, if not Quezadria will be forced to take action in the name of Arab unity.
Private Telegram from Saddam Aflaq to the Workers Party of Mengistua