Communist Rally Ahnnialated!
The Celestial Swords
02-09-2005, 00:49
Earlier today, in a lightning-quick raid, the ralley on Romolus II was destroyed by a new military tactic being tested for the possible war with the dark and false Imperium. The raid was first disrupted by three wings of fighter who bombed and strafed the area. After 20 minutes, military press releases say, artillery opened up with a 15-round barrage, and was stormed by mobile-infantry and a Icharus Scout Ship full of Marines. The tactic proved very effective, and less than 30 of the estimated 1100 were survivng when the guardsmen charged. 5 surrendered to the Guardsmen and are serving life sentances for being a member of a party that would opress the people. 1 Marine is currently under rehabilitation as he used excessive brutality in a Mark-II foe, his violence was deemed unneccasary for the cicumstances, and he will be serving 1 hour of therapy.
Emperor Kea
The emperor of Karaska would like to state his disgust at the unneccesary violence used in this raid. Although Communism is a horrible form of government many of these people were merely stating there beliefs, only to be chopped down like dogs. We in Karaska would like to believe that stronger forms of government such as democracy and monarchy is strong enough to convince people to not evert to communism and are deeply disgusted by the acts taken in Romolus II
To the leader of the Celestrial sword
The Celestial Swords
02-09-2005, 01:01
The government saw it imperitive to discourage this behavior through an act with such a big impact.
New Sans
02-09-2005, 01:15
Official Republic Response
While our nation in the past has had a few problems with communism, a rally here, a protest there, a give us control of the government, but nothing we couldn't handle. While we are wish you had taken an alternative to the action taken here, we believe that at least you shouldn't have been broadcasting this to an international community fond of invading nations for actions such as this.
Donald Giert, Foreign Minister.
The People's Republic of New Sans
Emperor Kea
After reviewing the situation, we have decided to request that you hand over the 5 surrendered communists so they can be taken to Karaska and taught how brutal communism truly is and give them another chance in life. We also request that you send in to Karaska the orphans of the men you brutally slaughtered as well, so they can be taught and given a chance at life rather than to grow up in a nation knowing that their parents had been shot to pieces without mercy. Again we display our disgust at what has happened here.
To the leader of The Celestrial Sword
New Sans
02-09-2005, 01:26
Emperor Kea
After reviewing the situation, we have decided to request that you hand over the 5 surrendered communists so they can be taken to Karaska and taught how brutal communism truly is and give them another chance in life. We also request that you send in to Karaska the orphans of the men you brutally slaughtered as well, so they can be taught and given a chance at life rather than to grow up in a nation knowing that their parents had been shot to pieces without mercy. Again we display our disgust at what has happened here.
To the leader of The Celestrial Sword
Republic Response
We find it ironic that your nation shows it's disgust at this, yet sends men to a country to see brutality. It seems your nation isn't so different from The Celestial Swords after all then.
Donald Giert, Foreign Minister.
The People's Republic of New Sans
Republic Response
We find it ironic that your nation shows it's disgust at this, yet sends men to a country to see brutality. It seems your nation isn't so different from The Celestial Swords after all then.
Donald Giert, Foreign Minister.
The People's Republic of New Sans
In response to The People's Republic of New Sans, we believe that those men and orphans in that state deserves to be allowed a second chance. In truth they are only guilty for being uneducated. Naturally those who are only after power will be imprisonned in Karaska however I highly doubt everyone of those 1100 communist supporters there, were all after power and money. I also do not see how it is brutal to take in the children of those murdered. Would you rather them grow up in a place were they are discriminated for having parents who supported communism? Please return your answer, for many of us back in Karaska are confused about why we are considered brutal?
From Emperor Kea
To Don Giert, Foreign Minister
02-09-2005, 01:37
Fear, is the bigest weakness in a leader, you have let your fear of communism show by this over-reaction, you will let your people influence your desicions in this way? pah!
and you arrest your own troops for show of violence? what use is a soldier who will not kill, and under the circumstances the action seems a little contradictory wouldnt you say?
rioting is the time to try new military ideas, not rallies... rallies are for arrests and good old-fasioned execusions, not a completely tactless show of fear of your own people...
New Sans
02-09-2005, 01:39
In response to The People's Republic of New Sans, we believe that those men and orphans in that state deserves to be allowed a second chance. In truth they are only guilty for being uneducated. Naturally those who are only after power will be imprisonned in Karaska however I highly doubt everyone of those 1100 communist supporters there, were all after power and money. I also do not see how it is brutal to take in the children of those murdered. Would you rather them grow up in a place were they are discriminated for having parents who supported communism? Please return your answer, for many of us back in Karaska are confused about why we are considered brutal?
From Emperor Kea
To Don Giert, Foreign Minister
Republic Response
It seems we had misinterpreted your last message as it was sending 5 men into The Celestial Swords to see brutality. We wish to apologize for that, and as for our translator who interpreted your message, well he's going to need a new job and some ice for the black eye he was just given by our High Councilman.
Donald Giert, Foreign Minister.
The People's Republic of New Sans
We accept the appology and ask if the people of New Sans could possibly help support Karaska's request and help put politicial pressure on the leaders of The Celestrial Swords.
From Emperor Kea
To Don Giert, Foreign Minister
The Socialist Republic condemns all politically-motivated executions. People of all belief structures should be allowed to excercise free expression provided it does not harm the rest of the population. The Armed Republic would do well to note that that sort of opression is the type to breed revolt and, in some cases, even bring the military might of other nations upon you. Killing civilians en masse as punishment for their personal opinions is neither virtuous, merciful, nor courageous. That you must kill nonviolent opponents speaks only to your government's own weakness. If you feel that you must eliminate your political minorities we encourage you to deport them to more tolerant nations rather than wasting sentient life.
Eko Oeşe
Second Alphin of the Socialist Republic of Xanthal
New Sans
02-09-2005, 01:49
We accept the appology and ask if the people of New Sans could possibly help support Karaska's request and help put politicial pressure on the leaders of The Celestrial Swords.
From Emperor Kea
To Don Giert, Foreign Minister
Republic Response
Unfortunately for the most part it has been our nations stance to avoid international conflicts due to the destruction that usually follows. War to save lives in this situation is pointless since it will only cost lives. In our minds the best solution is to as tactfully as possible ask for the potential relocation of communists to your nation. We would, but unfortuantly we have been having our own problems with communists, and do not feel it needed to take them here. I'm sure The Celestial Swords would be willing acquiesce to your request though.
Donald Giert, Foreign Minister.
The People's Republic of New Sans
Fascist Confederacy
02-09-2005, 01:51
Heh... Another reactionary state wishing to stamp out freedom. Tyranny, ladies and gentleman, is all that the Celestial Swords represent. Now, I wish to notify the Celestial Swords administration, that a meeting with the Political Bureau on 1/2/05 will be completely engulfed with a debate on whether or not to completely annihilate the government of Celestial Swords and the sympathizers of its regime. Perhaps we are at a turning point, perhaps democracy will be brought to Celestial Swords. Perhaps socialism will engulf the small nation and the proletariat, inspired by life and love, will be provoked by the administration's oppression, shoot their military and governmental officers, and topple the tyrannical regime of reactionary bigots.
- Robert Pacitania, General Secretary Of The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union
Commissariat Of Foreign Affairs
I find this complete disregard for human life disgusting. How would the Celestial administration like if a Red Army soldier lined them up, put a Makarov to their necks, and pulled the trigger? Perhaps that's what should happen to people such as the tyrannical bourgeoisie living within the Celestial Swords.
- Alexai Vladimirmorov, Commissar Of Foreign Affairs
Commissariat Of Military Affairs
So, the 'Celestials' think they can simply throw civil liberties to the side? Heh... Under Stalin, people like the 'Celestials' were purged from this Earth. Perhaps we should bring back the Gulag system and let the 'Celestials' live a day in a Oimyakon gold mine. I bet they'd understand the true meaning of labour. Never-the-less, under orders from the Political Bureau - and the Soviet people - the military has been put on a heightened alert in every Soviet Socialist Republic. If the 'Celestials' pray, I do believe now would be a good time to bend down and squeal to your god.
- Marshal Yevegny Borisovitch Volgin, Commissar Of Military Affairs
02-09-2005, 01:52
speaks only to your government's own weakness.
killing people doesnt show weakness... killing en-masse does however, especially in such a large show of poor military conduct (a) you wouldnt need aircraft, B)you wouldnt need arty C) even after all that there were still a large number of comunists left... thus prooving the point D) you then needed a huge number of troops to clean up
Fascist Confederacy
02-09-2005, 01:58
(OOC: Xanthal, may I please have your Yahoo contact name? The Jolt Yahoo Button doesn't seem to be functioning correctly. I'd wish to have further talks.)
Xanthal, may I please have your Yahoo contact name?)zorak950
Fascist Confederacy
02-09-2005, 02:04
(OOC: Thank you.)
(OOC uh oh I see a communist alliance brewing hhehehe better power up your military spending Celestial Swords :D my military budget alone is 4x your military budget hehehe)
New Sans
02-09-2005, 02:08
(OOC uh oh I see a communist alliance brewing hhehehe better power up your military spending Celestial Swords :D my military budget alone is 4x your military budget hehehe)
OCC: You know it's thing I've got some popcorn here to watch the communist smackdown that's probably going to go down soon.
02-09-2005, 02:10
The Imperium wishes to know how it feels to take it's place on the top of peoples most hated lists. While TCS may disagree with the way the Imperium runs its affairs; it has the sense (And PR) to make sure that it does not anger certain groups; except loyalist dogs.
-Chronosian Diplomatic Corps.
OOC:I'm roasting hot dogs.....
Current idea of what I think it going to happen
Celestrial Swords-:headbang: :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :gundge:-Communists
02-09-2005, 02:11
Parminth as a communist dictatorship is outraged and disgusted by this act of tyranny. We demand that you hand over the 5 prisoners at once so that we might bring them here so they might be welcomed in a society that does not stamp out humble rallys.
Parminth as a communist dictatorship is outraged and disgusted by this act of tyranny. We demand that you hand over the 5 prisoners at once so that we might bring them here so they might be welcomed in a society that does not stamp out humble rallys.
Parmith the emperor of Karaska has already asked that Celestrial Swords hand over the 5 prisoners as well as the orphans of those killed on that day. Rest assure they will be in good hands
Emperor Kea
To the leader of Parminth
02-09-2005, 02:19
Parmith the emperor of Karaska has already asked that Celestrial Swords hand over the 5 prisoners as well as the orphans of those killed on that day. Rest assure they will be in good hands
Emperor Kea
To the leader of Parminth
Karaska we do not believe your methods of treating the prisoners is wise. We want the prisoners so they might live in a communist society and be treated as animals not forced into a fake vision of what some capatalistic pigs believe communism is.
......The emperor of Karaska would like to comment that Karaska is a monarchy and far from being the kindest nation on earth however if the people of Parminth wish to take in the 5 prisoners they are welcome to do so. However we stand firm on the belief that our nation should take in the orphans of those killed.
Emperor Kea
To the leader of Parminth
Fascist Confederacy
02-09-2005, 02:24
Hello, this is the Telegrafnoe Agentstvo Sovetskogo Soiuza coming to you from the Ukranian SSR. This evening, rallies have been taking place all around the Soviet Union in response to the genocidal acts taking place in the Celestial Swords. Earlier today, the Celestial Swords openly admitted to executing hundreds of our comrades for protesting the Celestial domestic, foreign, and political policy. Communist and anarchist groups around the country have united to send a message to the Political Bureau, "Kill the fascists!"
Marches of this caliber have not taken place since the begining of the Soviet Union. People are running through the streets attempting to get the attention of the Supreme Soviet, Party, and Politburo. Already this evening, the Politburo has heightened the readiness of the Red Military to an advanced state, readying even the most rural forces. In a surprising act, Comrade Troskin has even brought up the idea of committing his first Executive Order in the invasion of the Celestial Swords. However, at the moment, this is simply a rumor; a popular rumor, but a rumor none-the-less.
Su-91's have been seen doing military drills over the Mediterranean near the Italian SSR. People in rural communities have gone to their dumas requesting that the Red Airforce give prior notice of this drills, not so that the population can hide from the noise, but so they can line up and watch the exceptional acrobatic manuevers the pilots do. This has been a special report from the TASS. Please stay tuned for more information. We will disperse it as it becomes available.
- Nataliya Volsayovich, Senior Journalist, Telegrafnoe Agentstvo Sovetskogo Soiuza, Ukranian SSR
The Celestial Swords
02-09-2005, 02:24
Emperor Kea
After reviewing the situation, we have decided to request that you hand over the 5 surrendered communists so they can be taken to Karaska and taught how brutal communism truly is and give them another chance in life. We also request that you send in to Karaska the orphans of the men you brutally slaughtered as well, so they can be taught and given a chance at life rather than to grow up in a nation knowing that their parents had been shot to pieces without mercy. Again we display our disgust at what has happened here.
To the leader of The Celestrial Sword
We agree to send the children, but we will keep our prisoners.
02-09-2005, 02:25
We would like to propose that the orphans are aloud to choose where they go to split between the Empire of karaska and Parminth. If they are to young to deicide they will go where the majority of the older orphans chose to go. Karaska we also thank you in your cooperation with allowing us to take the 5 prisoners.
The Celestial Swords
02-09-2005, 02:25
I must add, unless your capable of shuttling men through space, the I'm afraid nothing can be done.
Fascist Confederacy
02-09-2005, 02:27
(OOC: You're an FT nation? Or is this an attempt - I might add a newbish attempt - to keep from being bludgened by retalitory forces?)
The Celestial Swords
02-09-2005, 02:27
Parminth as a communist dictatorship is outraged and disgusted by this act of tyranny. We demand that you hand over the 5 prisoners at once so that we might bring them here so they might be welcomed in a society that does not stamp out humble rallys.
We will be sending you what we can find of the remaining limbs and apendages of the vile, liberty-opposing, immoralistic swine through a transport freighter. Expect the frozen mass in a few days.
Admiral Vereii
The Celestial Swords
02-09-2005, 02:29
(OOC: You're an FT nation? Or is this an attempt - I might add a newbish attempt - to keep from being bludgened by retalitory forces?)
I'm an FT nation. If you'll look the the Calpe Shipdocks store, you can see I buy often, not to mention I'm a part of the Imperium of Man, gone to war with Chronosia on a foreign planet with Reken and Dratheria...
Fascist Confederacy
02-09-2005, 02:29
(OOC: You should make it more obvious. Ignore my posts. I don't associate with future tech nations.)
Emperor Kea
We thank the Celestrial Swords for agreeing to send the orphans of those men and women to us. Several transport ships will soon be sent to Celestrial Swords and we ask that they hold on to the children for us, so we will not be forced to trek through your nation and find them
To Celestrial Swords leaders
Again we thank them for allowing us to do this
The Celestial Swords
02-09-2005, 02:32
Buut, I'm looking for a fight, so our Antarctica outpost has no orbital ships, just four fighters, as well as 200 men, who are very accustomed to the territory, and equipped with laser rifles.
Jenrak condemns The Celestial Swords' foolish actions on these communists, as they would be better off simply enslaving or placing them in labour camps, rather than losing money on genocide. We do not care about the political alignment or information, but we care about profit and the betterment of the country.