02-09-2005, 00:32
Karuchean Arab News Agency
September, 2005.
Victory of Ba'athism Encouraged-
"Today more than ever the system of Ba'athism is needed. Today when the Imperialists and Western Agents attempt to destroy the Arab identity and Arab culture, there is only one ideology revolutionary enough to establish Arabism and that is Ba'athism. All nations of Arabs must be unified if they are ever to be truly independant and successful against Imperialism. Freedom is what every nation longs for, but today Karuchea and several other Arab nations have embraced Ba'athism and are as free as possible from Western agents, Zionist goals and cultural degredation, all of this is possible due to the Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party and the victory of Socialism. Socialism is an economic system fully within and supported by Islam and the Arabic culture. Arab culture can only be preserved and grown through the return of Socialism in the Arab nations. Arabs have a common language and culture and must establish themselves as one under Ba'athism with Unity, Freedom and Socialism. Today we call for all Arabs to rise up under the banner of Ba'athism!"
*The words of Leader, Mohammed Nyerere
Karuchea Announces Aid Plan-
(Sadr City) The Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party officially announced today the intention to provide several thousand AKs and SAM systems to Arabanistan to rebuild it's national-defence in the wake of the war. These systems are under the temporary command of Karuchean forces in Arabanistan, but will be transfered upon completion of rebuilding.
Karuchea Congratulates Arabanistan-
(Arabanistan) General Secretary of the Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party, Comrade Mohammed Nyerere officially sent word of congratulation to the Republic of Arabanistan on it's successful defence in war. The leader has said the victory of Arabanistan in defending itself along with United Arab States' aid was a decisive victory for all Arabs everywhere, proving the superiority of the Socialist path, Ba'athism and Arabs.
Tri-Partite Union Announced-
(Sadr City) Today in Sadr City, leaders of Prachanda, Karuchea and Quezadria approved the deals on forming a United Arab Federation. The Capital will be in Sadr City, Bishi and Santiago will be regional capitals for their respective areas. The Leader has promised that this Federation is the first step in the union of all Arabs. The Union itself is within and does not conflict with the overall aims of the United Arab States, but it is a goal that the entire UAS join in this Federation.
Five-Year Plan to go into Effect this month-
(Karuchea) The next Five-Year Plan, for the period of 2005-2010, will begin this month. Production quotas are set at a level three times higher than the last plan, the successes in building the material basis for this solely rests upon the victory of the last plan and the overall superiority of Socialist Economic Planning. This plan's focus on heavy industry is fully neccesary in the days of war, imperialism and Pan-Arabist struggle.
Mengistua Urged to Reform it's System-
(Sadr City) The leader re-iterated his concerns about the Mengistuan system, saying that Marxism-Leninism and Islam are wholly incompatible and urged the dropping of Islamic Socialism, emphasizing the need for Arab indentity and Ba'athism. The leader also expressed hopes that the economic reforms in Mengistua will stop.
September, 2005.
Victory of Ba'athism Encouraged-
"Today more than ever the system of Ba'athism is needed. Today when the Imperialists and Western Agents attempt to destroy the Arab identity and Arab culture, there is only one ideology revolutionary enough to establish Arabism and that is Ba'athism. All nations of Arabs must be unified if they are ever to be truly independant and successful against Imperialism. Freedom is what every nation longs for, but today Karuchea and several other Arab nations have embraced Ba'athism and are as free as possible from Western agents, Zionist goals and cultural degredation, all of this is possible due to the Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party and the victory of Socialism. Socialism is an economic system fully within and supported by Islam and the Arabic culture. Arab culture can only be preserved and grown through the return of Socialism in the Arab nations. Arabs have a common language and culture and must establish themselves as one under Ba'athism with Unity, Freedom and Socialism. Today we call for all Arabs to rise up under the banner of Ba'athism!"
*The words of Leader, Mohammed Nyerere
Karuchea Announces Aid Plan-
(Sadr City) The Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party officially announced today the intention to provide several thousand AKs and SAM systems to Arabanistan to rebuild it's national-defence in the wake of the war. These systems are under the temporary command of Karuchean forces in Arabanistan, but will be transfered upon completion of rebuilding.
Karuchea Congratulates Arabanistan-
(Arabanistan) General Secretary of the Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party, Comrade Mohammed Nyerere officially sent word of congratulation to the Republic of Arabanistan on it's successful defence in war. The leader has said the victory of Arabanistan in defending itself along with United Arab States' aid was a decisive victory for all Arabs everywhere, proving the superiority of the Socialist path, Ba'athism and Arabs.
Tri-Partite Union Announced-
(Sadr City) Today in Sadr City, leaders of Prachanda, Karuchea and Quezadria approved the deals on forming a United Arab Federation. The Capital will be in Sadr City, Bishi and Santiago will be regional capitals for their respective areas. The Leader has promised that this Federation is the first step in the union of all Arabs. The Union itself is within and does not conflict with the overall aims of the United Arab States, but it is a goal that the entire UAS join in this Federation.
Five-Year Plan to go into Effect this month-
(Karuchea) The next Five-Year Plan, for the period of 2005-2010, will begin this month. Production quotas are set at a level three times higher than the last plan, the successes in building the material basis for this solely rests upon the victory of the last plan and the overall superiority of Socialist Economic Planning. This plan's focus on heavy industry is fully neccesary in the days of war, imperialism and Pan-Arabist struggle.
Mengistua Urged to Reform it's System-
(Sadr City) The leader re-iterated his concerns about the Mengistuan system, saying that Marxism-Leninism and Islam are wholly incompatible and urged the dropping of Islamic Socialism, emphasizing the need for Arab indentity and Ba'athism. The leader also expressed hopes that the economic reforms in Mengistua will stop.