Counter Terrorist Ops [Attn Leafanistan]
Al Ahmera
01-09-2005, 18:18
CNN Newsflash:
Today inside one of Al Ahmera's central 2nd Line tube/subway inner-city stations a group of masked men launched a terrorist attack.
The men, estimated in numbers of thirty or more have shut of all power to the station and have set up their own electricity supply base.
Members of the [Leafistani - Al Ahmera] embassy, located only two blocks from the station are being catagorised as V.I.P hostages, and two teams of Ahmerai Guard Couter Terrorist Unit are currently pinned down behind various obsticals.
As of yet these unknown terrorist have made no attempt to comprimise nor have they made any demands or requests.
The majority of of the hostages may have been forced back into a maintanence corridor (See map), and could possibly consist of citizen for nations around the world.
OOC: If you want any of your citizens to be involved, post below. I shall RP as terrorists and Ahmerai Guard, you may RP as you own CTU operatives of you nation.
Brian groaned as he was shoved in the maintanence corridor
"Grr this is not a good day" Brian massaged his head a bit...
"and all I wanted was a little vacations from Karaska, ever since emperor Kea began getting involved with other nations, there has been more and more military operation"
Brian brightened and thought 'hopefully Karaska can hear about this, there is no way these untrained thugs can take on the imperial army'
Brian watched as a "thug" quickly shot a running hostage straight in the head.... 'Oh shit...'
Al Ahmera
01-09-2005, 18:39
Aruz slowly lowered the pistol,
"Anymore shit like that!" he spun turning to the hostages as he slamed the door the maintanence corridor, and she will be next!" As he said this he grabbed a young blonde girl by her hair and threw her to the floor,
"Shut the fuck up, and keep quiet, and noboby gets hurt!"
"Why are you doing this?" Moaned a man from the back of the crowd.
Aruz silenced the man with a bullet.
"Any more questions?"
Al Ahmera
01-09-2005, 18:42
Lucy was pushed to the floor so hard that her knee cap displaced.
She said nothing.
The door closed.
A man stood from the crowd in the corridor and spoke by lucy was too frightened to do take in what was said.
Before she knew it, there was trickles of blood lining her blonde hair.
Brian twitched a bit as the man's body fell over him effectively spraying him with blood. After a while Brian began to stare intently at the terrorists hoping to see if he could find out anything interesting about them by what they are wearing and using as weapons.
(Please give informations on what the terrorists look like)
Al Ahmera
01-09-2005, 18:53
The two men watching the maintanence corridor were both bald and very muscular, one held two large pistols one at the door, one at the hostages.
The other [Aruz] held a black mashete in one hand (Having put away his pistol) and an AK47 assalt rifle in the other.
Al Ahmera
01-09-2005, 18:58
Kelly Froze. His eyes locked on the target ahead.
"Move, Move, Move!" Came the issued order.
Kelly rose slowly from behind the concrete pillars and crept toward the seurity door.
His hand outstretched to reach the handle......
As he did so, four shotgun rounds erupted through the door sinking into his chest and the ground behind him.
He rasped forword struggling for air, as the world around him turned black.
Brian heard the shots ringing and immediately stood up terrified
Brian looked at the terrorist clearly frightened
Al Ahmera
01-09-2005, 19:09
Karm`il heard the approching soldier from behing the rienfrorced door, as he huncured down behing the overturned security desk,
As he did so, the door handled began to turn.
Karm`il paniced.
He let of five rounds at the door way and pullped the pin from a grenade.
Al Ahmera
01-09-2005, 19:13
Karm`il staggered backward toward the computer bankment and through the grenade underarm through the large shatered hole in the door.
He vaulted sideways hurling the table upright infront of the door to shield himself from the blast.
The blast was deafening.
Karm`il aim at the door half expcting a team of CTO to burst through the door on fire but nothing happened
Al Ahmera
01-09-2005, 19:21
Flame roared upward in the flashover as the Ahmerai four man team dispersted across the room.
Two were thrown backwards, (one even shooting the other in confusion), one ran out into the subway floor and was pinned down by an array of bullets.
and the others suit caught fire sending him up in flames
Al Ahmera
01-09-2005, 19:44
CNN Newsflash: Ahmeria Terrorist make first demands!
Today following the hostage crisis in Mercury Hollows Sub-station, a man was sent running out onto the streets above the underground with a remote detenation device strapped to his chest screaming violenty, before being blown to shreads.
Amongst the wreckage and carnage that follow a smmall black box contaning a video tape was dicovered inside the mans chestpack.
CNN is yet to discover what the tape says or includes but it is rumored the terrorist wish to see and overthrow of governmert in southern Al Ahmera
Al Ahmera
02-09-2005, 13:04
Jahul aimed at the hostage [Brian] as he was forced from the platform, dynamite strapped to his chest. He cocked the sniper.
The mans knees gave way and he threw up.
Jahul kept his crosshairs focused on the man's head from inside the security booth. Brain was pushed forward up the stairs and out past a team of Ahmerai onto the street. Jahul followed the man up the street until he was out of sight.
A huge explosion and various shouts and screams of fear were heard and Jahul un-cocked his rifle, and wept.