Blood Prince: Episode 2: Strands of Fate
Ald Rhun
31-08-2005, 18:48
OOC: Please keep all ooc comments to the ooc thread here (
"ONS Dirty Girl, this is Rhunholm command. Challenge one, provide counter-challenge one, over."
Marlin hunched over the comm station, working furiously on the console.
"Rhunholm command, this is ONS Dirty Girl. Request acknowledged. Sending counter-challenge one now."
"Acknowledged, Dirty Bird. Counterchallenge one received. Challenge two outgoing, provide counter-challenge two, over."
Tiaru sat bored in the lounge of the ship, waiting patiently to dock so she could finish with this dreary business.
"Counter-challenge two transmitted. Awaiting challenge three."
On the Swift Hand of God, Inquisitor Ezekial was undergoing the same rigorous security clearances.
"Counter-challenge two recieved. Transmitting challenge three, over."
And deep in the hold of the Dirty Girl, Heinrich waited...
Ald Rhun
31-08-2005, 20:52
"Counter-challenge fifteen recieved. ONS Dirty Girl, you are cleared to dock. Welcome to Rhunholm."
Marlin was shaken out of his reverie. Finally. It sure as hell had taken the lizards long enough.
"Counter-challenge fifteen recieved. CNS Swift Hand of God, you are cleared to dock. You have approximatley three minutes to dock before our defenses engage you."
The daemonship's systems automatically engaged the engines, and drifted towards the orbital docking relay.
Heinrich could feel the impact of the docking servo's from his cell.
Soon after, the door of the cell slid open.
"You needn't use that stasis field this time, I'll come pea-
The smell of blood filled the air in the bounty office. A large Rhun in ceremonial armor leaned in, inspecting the stasis field with a complex looking scanning device.
"Very good. This is my Lord Heinrich."
The massive beast set down the scanner, took a cred-stick from a console, and turned towards the humans.
"Here is your reward. Three trillion United States Dollars, as promised. I don't particularly want to know what you want to do with that much money, and don't much care either."
He turned, moved the stasis field onto a mag-cart, and sent it off towards a waiting transport.
"The Arbiter has decreed that you may accompany us to witness the debriefing of the Prince, if you wish. It will begin as soon as the transport reaches the quarantine site."
The blessed Chris
31-08-2005, 21:31
Caerdroth stalked the undulating pathways and alleys of the ship, uttering muttered recriminations and curses that he had been dispatched from his exarch shrine to hunt a creature as unworthy as this. Subsequent to 24 centuries of experiance in all the martial paths one of his race could tread, he was as adept as any of the remaining eldar at encountering and dispensing with the enemies of his race. And yet he now found himself prowling the ghettoes of a seething, fetid human settlement hunting a depraved beast with a taste for flesh. Irrespstive of whether or not such a practice was abhorrent, it was a demeaning task for one of his skill, and he riled at it.
His reverie was broken as a gutteral scream becae audble over the cacophony of noise that permeated the ghetto, and Caedroth imediatly departed rapidly in the region of its provenance. Mere seconds later he arrived in the back alley he percieved to be it's origin, and was met with a truly abhorrent scene, a slavering, semi bestial figure gorging itself on the flesh of a recently dispatched victim. Caedroth was revulsed, and drew his long, elegant blade with an imperceptible sound, and before the beast was able to register his presence , he darted below his throat, thrusting at the veins that ran along the neck. The elegance of the stroke was undoubted, its effect was fatal. Blood cascaded from the severed arteries, falling to the floor to combine with that of the creature's victim, and as the beast clutched at his throat, he failed to notice the backhand swipe whose blurred arc seperated a his head from his shoulders and returned the blade to its sheath in one movement.
Caerdroth spun on his heels and departed for his shuttle, content in the ease of his dispatch. As he did so, however, a disqueit permeated his body, and he felt a compulsion towards an adventure he had not yearned for for millenia.....
Lessir Tsurani
01-09-2005, 08:05
OOC Going to make a few presuptions here, hope you don't mind, everyone else seems to be in the habit of doing it, so It wouldn't be all bad.
IC James slept on the deck on Marlins ship, His Gold and Purple Body curled into a tight ball. As the ship came to a halt. He swore, his body uncurling in a cat like grace. As he stood, his two meter thin form could be seen, all that could be seen was the Robotic Reven Shell.
He sighed, so they where on the Rhun Homeworld. Shuddering to himself, he remembered when he had asked the owner of the ship for a ride. The pay was amazing, but for an unknown reason, the man had some eargent need to get to the Rhun world, before being able to take him to earth. He shrugged, moving outside quickly.
James walked to get off the ship, noticed the Xeno's, Rhun's, taking something in a Mag Cart. Another thing was he heard the Big one in armour say something about "Trillion Reward, don't know what you will do with that money" and a Trial, True it used Debriefing, but The Reven was never one to assume the best, the worst was best to assume, that way when the best happened you got taken compleatly by suprise.
With a movement, he moved to follow those who would lead him to the Trial. Tsurani always loved trials.
Ald Rhun
02-09-2005, 21:01
"-fully. Damn."
Heinrich shrugged off the remains of the stasis net, and looked around. A cell, much larger than the last one, and quite luxurious, as befit his station. A cell, none the less.
At least they had provided him with a flaying unit.
He walked over to the unit's port, and lay down into it.
The pain was luxurious. He hadn't had a flayer like this since he'd left Rhunholm before the incident in Otagian space. He probed around with his mind.
Fools. They forgot to shield the cell. Too easy.
Marduk. Some help would be appreciated. I seem to have gotten myself into a little bind. Nothing I can't get myself out of, but I have a bad feeling it's about to get a lot worse.
What sort of a bind? You haven't gotten yourself captured, have you?
Sigh... When do you need me and where are you?
Rhunholm. In a rather nice cell, having a nice flaying at the moment. It's quite comfortable, you should try it some time. Nothing like taking your skin off to be cleaned.
I don't have any skin.
Oh. Right. Anyway, I'll meet you in the Crysham system. Then we'll head to the same place as last time. I'll need to make a rather large distraction to get Grandfather off my back.
Just like old times. I'll meet you there.
Good. Oh, and Marduk?
Be careful. Grandfather has developed a penchant for antimatter recently.
Lovely. I'll keep an eye out for that. Those gouges are so hard to repair...
They better be. It was expensive enough making that suit in the first place. I'll see you in a few hours, assuming you still have that necroscope.
I do. See you then.
"Sir, we just had a massive psychic dump from the prisoner's cell."
The Warden looked up sharply.
"What the hell are you talking about, soldier? He's not even supposed to be PSY positive."
"Then someone made a mistake, sir. We need to get shielding up around that cell as soon as possible."
"Make it so, sergeant."
Interesting. That parasite is more devious than I anticipated. Make sure that there are no more outgoing signals. We need to isolate the Prince so we can extract the Xeno without interruption.
Yes, Broodfather. Our will be done.
Heinrich's flaying was rudely interrupted by a pair of intent on taking him to the Debriefing room. As punishment for their insolence, he eviscerated them both before following the next pair.
"Please state your name and title for the benefit of the foreign dignitaries here today."
"Heinrich, Prince of Ald Rhun."
"Are you aware of the various charges arranged against you?"
"I am."
"How do you plead?"
"Not guilty, on grounds of necessity."
"Very well, we find you not guilty. Now, please relate to use the events that transpired on ORS-1421, thirteen standard years ago?"
"I rendevouzed with the ONS Baal Hammon to view a specimen that they had recovered from the quarantine zone. Our expedition determined that further research of the xenoform was needed, and we entered the quarantine zone with the permission of Otagian forces."
"While on the planet, I was attacked by one of the xenoforms, and in the process of destroying it, was incapacitated, and, I believe, infected by the creature, through what means I do not know."
"What has transpired as a result of your... infection?"
"My size and girth have increased much faster than is the norm, I have gained a certain mutability of the flesh, and control over it, and my PSY potential has increased exponentially."
"Now, please tell us what exactly transpired on the Jordaxian ringworld of Monopol-"
A resounding crash shook the building.
"SECURITY! What in the name of Arioch was that?!?"
Another crash shook tilings off of the ceiling.
Psychic frost began to spread across the metal table in front of Heinrich.
Belthazar was travelling the universe and had chanced upon an interesting planet. Checking the D-Banks, he found it labled as the Rhun Homeworld.
He guided the ship to the nearest port(one where Heinrich is), and sent a message asking for clearence to dock.
Lessir Tsurani
03-09-2005, 08:25
James, who had been watching the Trial, swore as the Prince began his assult. Having been a member of the Inquisitors Reutine, he knew how to deal with Psykics, however, that generally requires someone with Psykic Talant to keep the enemy occupied while you shot him. James was never really one to try and keep one alive. He was a soldier, not a Bounty Hunter. This may have been the reason that he activated his Baridium Shell rifle, Unslung his Pulse Sword, and activated the Psy-Nullifier Generator which he had built in after the Armour had begun initiation.
"Lord Prince, I am afraid I must ask you to Cease, I will not ask again" Even as he did, he raised the Rifle.
OOC Just for Info, because of my Overuse of magic, ((I used to use it to power my ships)) we have develouped lots of weapons. The Psy Nullifier weakens Psykic attacks directed at the User. Not get rid of them entirely, just weakens them.,
03-09-2005, 12:28
Tiaru had been watching the debreifing, or was it a trial? When she felt the room shake around her. She looked around wondering what it was. She felt the room shake a second time and heard the voice of Heinrich say that it was him causing it.
Of course... He was going to escape.
Then she heard someone say, "Lord Prince, I am afraid I must ask you to Cease, I will not ask again." She looked over at the speaker and saw someone covered in armour draw a variety of weapons and point them Heinrich.
She shrugged and looked to Heinrich, seeing the spreading frost on the table.
She decided she wouldn't attack Heinrich unless he attacked her. Afterall, this wasn't directed at her. Yet. He might attack her still. She would wait until he did. If he did, she would defend herself. But not until then. She ducked and covered her head when the tiles started falling then slid off her seat and walked over to the door, where there were no falling tiles to hit her.
The blessed Chris
03-09-2005, 13:17
Caerdroth glanced at the moniters that were arrayed around him in the piloting bay, and immediatly discerned a large land mass he vaguely recollected as the Rhun homeworld, having engaged nemerous foes there some centuries previously. Compelled by an odd impulse to walk once more the fields upon which he saw countless frineds die, Caerdroth set a new course to the Rhun homeworld, his ship responding impeccably and with the ease and precision only his race could create.
03-09-2005, 13:54
Ezekial stepped up next to Tiaru, ignoring any falling tiles and simply watching as the frost spread. "Magnificent, isn't it? All the work to catch him, and they cock things up during the interrogation. I wonder if these Rhunians are truely serious about containing him." He turned to regard Tiaru, crouching to look her in the eye; tilting his head and chuckling softly.
"Are you frightened yet?"
OOC: Right, trying to land on Rhunholm=BAD THING. Remember the 15 challenges? That's for people they trust. You either are not getting there for hours, or being shot down by massed amounts of railguns.
IC: Marlin smiled. Heinrich wasn't one to go down easily. Overturning a table, Marlin ducked behind it. This thing isn't going to keep anything Heinrich throws at me away, but at least I'm not an obvious target now...
As he shot out of hyperspace into what he was told was the the system of the Ruhn homeworld he though of the last orders he got from the Bureau. He remembered Commander Kane ordering him off on another assanition mission, going after this "Prince Heinrich". She told him he should start on their homeworld and had given him the security clearance for landing.
As he appoached the planet he contacted them to try and land. During the lengthy process of challenge and counter challenge he sent a call to one of the Bureau's contacts on the planet. From him he found out that Heinrich had already been captured. Arhan smiled to himself, quite satisfied that he wouldn't have to do the Bureau's dirty work. He decided to land anyways, at the very least to perhaps see the trial.
OOC: If this makes too many assumptions and such, just tell me.
Ald Rhun
03-09-2005, 21:14
Heinrich smiled, as his jaw distorted, and what appeared to be ears began to grow from the rear of his skull. He lifted his hands above his head.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Here you are, so heavily armed, and me without anything. I suppose I'll have to surrender."
With that, a flaming sphere, about a meter in diameter, blasted through the ceiling of the room, casting a blinding light throughout. A greenish beam struck out from the sphere, scanning across the room. Settling on Heinrich, the beam vanished, and the fiery radiance of the sphere vanished.
Without warning, the now cooled metal ball slammed into Heinrich, smashing him into a wall.
Shrugging off the rubble of the wall, Heinrich rose to his feet, cooly observing the sphere melting onto his body, covering him with a speading sheen of metal.
OOC: Well, you could probably make it onto the planet at the moment, judging by the fact that Heinrich's little stunt is throwing things into disarray.
Lessir Tsurani
03-09-2005, 23:54
That did it.
Immidietly, James began to open fire with the rifle. As the shots struck ((Anything mind)) their where small explosions. James sighed, wishing he was using a larger Quantity of Baridium, but continued to fire as it was. He did an estimation of the size of the room, before deciding using one of the full BAridium shells would be rather stupid. Thus it was he moved forward with extream speed. His rifle stopped, and his sword came up, timed for the pulse to hit as the blade struck.
With the lack of response, Belthazar simply went ahead with his landing.
Once on land he looked around as he heard a few very faint explosions.
A small wormhole appeared. A female voice could be heard yelling at someone at the other end.
'-WON'T DO THIS. IF YOU THINK YOU CAN-- OW!" A Noghri tumbled out of the wormhole and fell onto the roof of a building. She stood up and looked around. Their aim was off too. I'm a couple of blocks away from the place where Heinrich is being held. The Noghri pulled out a datacard entitled "Bharakhina's Description of Suicidal Missions and how Not to do Them." She made a note in it and then sped off towards the debriefing room. From a distance she noticed several explosions. She decided to be safe and used a pair of glasses to monitor the inside of the building.
05-09-2005, 08:50
Tiaru looked out at the room from the doorway and considered it for a moment. Then she turned back to Ezekial and smiled slightly. "Not really. It's quite ironic. You nearly get yourself killed capturing him the first time and then the people who wanted you to capture him let him escape."
Tiaru felt the flaming sphere before it broke through the roof and turned away just as it broke through and the light flashed. When she looked back one of the walls was broken and Heinrich was somehow being melded into the sphere which was no longer flaming.
Tiaru started when one of the baridium bullets just missed her and hit the door behind her exploding on impact and sighed. "What is it with people and blowing things up? Honestly, there are other ways of doing things." She looked over at the man in purple and gold armour, a look of resignation on her face and saw him switch weapons. She shook her head, looked back at Ezekial and finished what she was saying, "It's quite funny. They offer a huge reward for him, only to lose him when they have him."
10-10-2005, 08:56
The Reven seemed to shudder for a moment, as infomation passed through its mind. It seemed to watch in its mind eye, as a thousand bits of infomation a second past through. as the First strike with the blade would connect, The body dematerialized, dissapating into nothingness. The reason? Programming had dictated the fall of the Empire, all Revers would be terminated. Well, the Empire had fallen, thus, the Revers where terminated.
OOC Yes, basicly leaving the RP, bad exit I know, but its what happened.