NationStates Jolt Archive

For Glory, For Honor

26-08-2005, 04:51
[OOC: This is an Operation Hellfire related thread.]

"We'll be ready to go in three minutes, Your Majesty."

The Regent quietly sat behind his huge solid oak desk as the camera operators jockied to get the best position possible. The mood was somber even though no one outside of the Privy Council knew what the Regent was going to say to the nation.

Prime Minister Ziller stood behind Camera 1, arms locked together with his hans tucked under his armpits. He locked eyes with his Regent. The two men had worked together for over six decades, they could almost sense what the other was thinking.

One of the technicians cautiously addressed Allenby, "Regent, we're ready to go in ten seconds."

Allenby took in a deep breath and closed his eyes as the count down started.

We're betting a lot on this, he thought to himself
We are bound, for better or worse to our allies
Our allies may fall, leaving us alone
But even if they do fall they will be serving Our needs, he silenced his mind as a smile came over his face.

National Priority Broadcasting System
Great Seal of the Regent of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire

My fellow Hamptonians, I come to you today under the gravest of circumstances. Over the past twenty-four hours our allies Sarzonia, Praetonia, and Hogsweat have been ruthlessly attacked by Automagfreek and Pantera. The attacks against our allies are wholly unprovoked and unjustified. While the Grand Duchy values its status as a friend and ally of Automagfreek, our silence whilst they attack our Praetonian, Sarzonian, and Hogsweatan brothers and sisters would be criminal. Accordingly, earlier this afternoon in an emergency session, the Royal Senate voted to officially condemn the attacks against Praetonia and Hogsweat and the Panteran invasion of Branwyn. We see these attacks as an affront to Hamptonshire itself, a stain on the collective honor of all civilized nations that must be cleansed.

We cannot continue to maintain the formal bonds of alliance and friendship while our true friends, while those that share a special kinship with all Hamptonians, fight and die at the hands of ruthless invaders. It is with a heavy heart that I must inform the international community of Hamptonshire's full and complete withdrawal from the New Alliance Treaty Organization. The Grand Duchy resigns in protest over the illegal and immoral actions of Automagfreek and its allies. It is our hope that the belligerent nations, lead by Automagfreek, come to realize the fault of their actions.

I seek now to allay the fears and suspicious of both sides in this conflict. We do not seek participation. We will not attack Automagfreek unless first attacked. We will not respond to the Panteran invasion of Branwyn unless they directly threaten the security and integrity of our Manium colonies. I have ordered the Royal Armed Forces to increase their readiness and alert conditions to Defensive Level 2. RAF and Colonial military units throughout the Hamptonian League will be brought up to Full Defensive Status. Should any nation, whether it be Pantera or Sarzonia, violate the sovereignty of the Grand Duchy and her Protectorate Realms, we are fully prepared to strike back with the full force of our military arsenal. Until forced to by unsavory forces the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire shall pursue a policy of Armed Neutrality. May God have mercy on the nation that seeks to change that policy.

Shortly before this broadcast began I issued, in conjunction with the Privy Council, Royal Proclamation 5773 the Belligerent Nations Act. Effectively immediately, nations deemed to be aggressive and/or belligerent by the Commerce Ministry and Federal State Ministry will be black listed. Black listed nations will be forbidden from importing or otherwise receiving "Strategic War Materials" from Hamptonshire, the Protectorate Realms and businesses operating within the entire Hamptonian League. Keeping with our policy of neutrality, 5773 applies to all nations in this conflict not just those that support Automagfreek and Pantera. Furthermore, the Grand Duchy shall cease diplomatic relations with all nations deemed belligerent. Individual nations involved in the issue may request from the Commerce Ministry their status as a Non-Belligerent or Belligerent Nation.

Our hand has been forced by unsavory and undemocratic forces that seek to undermine the world as we know it. We do not take kindly to such actions nor do we look upon the growing threat to Hamptonian sovereignty without growing trepidation. Our nation is being readied for its defense, to fight a war that we hope never reaches our shores or borders. If there is still wisdom and honor left in the great nations of Automagfreek and Pantera they will realize the folly of their actions. Should they, or any fighting nation, wish to sue for peace Hamptonshire offers itself as neutral ground for any conferences.

Along with the rest of the Government I will continue to closely observe the situations as they develop. Should the time come for us to act you can all rest assured, my fellow Hamptonians, that the Royal Armed Forces will act to defend all those that are threatened by the insidious forces that seek to destroy us.

Thank you and May God Bless the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire.

His Royal Majesty Bernard III, Duke of Obsidia (

The red lights on the cameras dimmed, simultaneously the operators all said, "And we're out."

"Quite a speech you had there," Ziller said as he uncrossed his arms, "should go over well, or at least I hope so."

"No," Allenby responded, "I hope it doesn't."
26-08-2005, 05:00
We would like to note the great hypocrisy in the words of 'His Royal Majesty'. The recent firing of the Cariya Islands was a self defensive measure. We were fired upon first for non aggressively passing by the Cariya Islands, and our ships were minding their own business.

They were greeted by scores of missles from the mainland, and we were simply exercising our right to defend ourselves by returning fire. If this were some country other than Automagfreek, you would flock to the defense of the wrongly attacked and condemn those of Cariya for firing upon a non aggressive target. But no, most of the world has a hidden agenda against Automagfreek, and our now ex-ally Hamptonshire is no different.

We will not soon forget this...insult for everything the Empire has done for Hamptonshire. You openly support a party that commenced in a first strike attack against a passive fleet, and therefore you stand on the side of wrong....of evil.

Your choice has been made, cowards of Hamptonshire. I wonder what foreign power whispered in your ear and coerced you into this betrayal, but mark my words that those you spoke today will be carved upon your grave marker, 'Highness'.
Minister Hartman
-Minister of Foreign Affairs-
26-08-2005, 05:18
We applaud the dignifed positions that our friends in Hamptonshire has taken, and the swift measures that they have deployed immediately against imperalist threats such as Automagfreek, and their belligerent lapdogs such as Pantera. In our views, as much hurdles and regrets there will be in declaring neutrality in the face of naked aggression against Hamptonshire and Omzian allies such as Hogsweat, Praetonia, and Sarzonia, we applaud Hamptonshire's valiant and courageous stand against these reckless barbarians. We applaud the brave action of pulling out the NATO alliance despite the disadvantages that it might bring, if only for the fact that they are a hurdle for the Hamptonshire government in whatever way. We are also assured however, that the united forces of Hogsweat, Praetonia, and Sarzonia will prevail morally against the Automagfreek aggressors and their lapdogs even when outnumbered, for their cause is just, and their struggle for survival against an imperalistic threat is dignified.

However, in the end, due to various political blunders and hurdles that prevents a possible military involvement bill from being passed, we - with regret but no sadness - are forced to adopt a similar 'Armed Neutrality' policy against all participants of this growing conflict, but especially the aggressors themselves. The Omzian nation will stay firm and stalwart in their positions at home, while we watch in anticipation at the course of the current turmoil. Aid in any and all other form will not be provided to any nations in the conflict if they relate directly to the efforts in the conflict itself.

Honourable President Loran Vansare,
President's Office,
Omzian Democratic Republic

OOC: Just a declaration, nothing more :)
26-08-2005, 05:25
Brynne Napier was enjoying a nap. She had just finished tending to her garden on a warm afternoon and the cool, air conditioned comfort of her bedroom was a welcome respite from the hot sun.

She was just now getting used to life out of uniform after her deployment at Inkana came to an ignominous end. While her fleet got a chance to restore some of the Sarzonian military's lost dignity, the whole Inkana operation was a disaster. She didn't want her career to end that way, but she decided to accept the fact that she knew her time in the command chair was up.

Her nap came to an abrupt end when the phone rang.

"Hello," she said, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

"Mom, it's Paula. Turn on Channel Six news right now!"

Napier reached for her remote and turned it on. With her contact lenses in the powder room, she reached for her glasses and put them on. She squinted until she saw Bernard III, Duke of Obsidia and the Hamptonian Regent, on her tele. She raised her eyebrow, wondering what was going on. Hamptonshire was a NATO member and with that in mind, she fully expected to see Hamptonshire declare neutrality or worse.

After Bernard's speech ended, she turned to the telephone.

"They're leaving NATO," Paula said with a tone of surprise in her voice.

"They're on our side," Napier said.

"Mom, he said armed neutrality."

"Paula, don't you remember your history? There's neutrality and there's neutrality as an excuse to get ready to kick your ass. Remember when the United States was 'neutral' during World War II and they passed shoot on sight orders?"

"Um, yeah."

"This is what's happening here," Napier said.

"I thought you hated Hamptonshire Mom."

Napire thought for a moment. She hated Hamptonshire, all right. But she thought about what was happening. Sarzonia was in a war for its very lives and Hamptonshire was going out on a major limb to support it. She finally drew her breath slowly, deliberating with every extra second.

"You're right Paula," Napier began finally. "I hated Hamptonshire."

Napier let the emphasis of the past tense of a sentence that could have merely confirmed her daughter's original thought hang in the air for a few pregnant seconds. After years of Hamptonian atonement for mistakes and the two countries distancing themselves from the edge of war toward a healthy respect for one another, the one defining moment that ended half a lifetime of unremitting hostility finally flashed on the screen in front of Napier's own eyes.

I hated them, she whispered. It's time to let go of a few former friendships. And one former enmity.
26-08-2005, 05:53
The sigh that escaped the President's lips could have toppled a mountain. Most Artitsans, if not all of them would be expecting a statement. But thats where the expecting stopped. The people of Artitsa knew war was coming. The people of Artitsa knew that Automagfreek would not be on the same proverbial baseball team.

It all seemed so pointless to Dmitri. Maybe that made him a bad president? Everyone knew Artitsa would back any nation in the OMP. And everyone knew, at least in Artitsa, that the ties to the member nations were deeper than just the charter.

And thus, Dmitri Milosvaji went before the awaiting press. Dozens of little red lights greeted him, drilling into his soul. The Camera's they belonged to captured his every manurism. The closed fist, thumb on top. His words flowed with relative ease, an occasional stumble could be counted to pressure.

By the time he was done, at least a hundred arms flew into the air. Everyone was reaching out for a piece of him, some kind of answer. What more could they want? Artitsa backed Hamptonshires black-listing, and completely sided with Sarzonia and Praetonia. Of course some of their questions might pertain to the large amount of armed forces that had been activated, and some of the reservists who had been called up. That part had been left out of his statement.
26-08-2005, 07:03

It is the duty of a free nation to from time to time place upon itself the burden for which we are commanded to carry by good conscience and divine means.

There comes a time and place whereby injustice cannot be tolerated in the face of peaceful innonence and the nations whom call themselves God-fearing must place upon the tyrannts the fear of God.

It is with this intention of pure hopes for an end to injustice that we must support our brothers in Hamptonshire not just in words of truth but with swords of war.

I call upon this mighty House of Parliament, if it have any honour to not stand the injustices of AMF and to command our nation to war.

His Eminency,
His Royal Majesty,
The Honourable,
Crown Prince
Dionysus Baccheus.
President of Rotovia,
Grand Duke of Athens,
Prince of Carthage
and Lord of All Domains.

OOC: This will be reposted for the opening post in my war with The Parthians.
26-08-2005, 07:47
I wonder what foreign power whispered in your ear and coerced you into this betrayal

OOC: IT WAS MEEEEEE!!! ;) *tag*
26-08-2005, 08:10
Official Statement of the Prime Minister
The Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

For many days, my colleagues and I have watched the impending doom of war unfold across the vast lands of our planet. It severely unsettles me, because it has left me with the tough decision of which side to support. My loyalties, and the loyalties of my people, lie with both sides of the conflict.

On one side, pure and true Sarzonia and her allies, on the other, defiant and brave Automagfreek and her allies. It is not hard to spot the fact that I have been placed in a precarious position because of the strong ties I have to all nations involved, excluding Pantera. It has left me, honestly, utterly speechless. I have no idea what to say or how to react to this ultimate paradox of decisions, because of the aforementioned fact. You may agree that it is also the ultimate human folly to lose speaking abilities right when it counts.

You may also agree with me when I say war is wrong. I have watched this conflict from the start and I still can honestly say I don't know all of the story. Sometimes I think I don't want to. But I want you to agree that I have my loyalties, like all others, but my honour and my nation's honour means I stick to a decision, and never go back on it. It implies that I should support those nations I have known and trusted longer, and implies that I should defend the common interests of those very same.

I have no intention of entering this conflict in a war mode; I, like my friends in Hamptonshire, plan to be neutral unless I am dragged into this conflict. But I do hope that the dire warning is heeded herein: I will defend my friends in the international ring, and I will support them, even if they may be wrong. I am appalled by the actions of some, but impressed by the diplomacy of others. They know who they are, and by now, you should have a clear image of who I, and therefore, my people support.

The only concerns I have now are protecting my people and standing strong beside Sarzonia, Praetonia, Hogsweat, Hamptonshire and the Omzian Democratic Republic, my strongest allies and greatest friends, whom all Pacitalians believe are right and true in this pressing manner of conflict. I would never fail to support them, ever. I shall make it perfectly clear that I am not impressed by Automagfreek's, if I may be blunt, desperate rebuttal claiming that every nation on this fine Earth has got it in for them. That is not the case. Any other claims by Automagfreek and Pantera I could not possibly digest as verifiable.

Despite all this, Automagfreek and Pacitalia still have a friendship, but safe estimation suggests that this friendship is severely weakened by my comments. I am certain that the former values this relationship, and therefore, I would not be assuming incorrectly that the desire to stop the conflict dead in its tracks before more lives are lost also exists. We respect Automagfreek, but only when it uses its power and prestige in the correct form. Times such as now are not a good example of this.

It has all made me realise yet again how much I despise the smothering gloom of war.

Jesucristo sea con tutta.

Sincerely in good faith,
Timothy Ell
Prime Minister
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

(OOC: Same thing as Omz. I'm not declaring war, but I've chosen a side though still effectively neutral.)
26-08-2005, 20:04
[OOC: Per Euro's request, I have edited out the sections of this post related to Euroslavia declaring its support of AMF. I'm disappointed that this war will not go on as planned, especially since I rather liked the sections related to Euroslavia, but since they will be nullified, I am complying with the request.]
Official Statement, Incorporated Sarzonian Government

OOC: Great Seal designed by Pacitalia.

We are patently unimpressed with the bluster emanating from the mouths of the pathetic, craven dogs of the Excessively Armed Empire of Automagfreek, in particular with their baseless insults of the Regent of our honourable allies in the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire. Automagfreek fashions itself as the world's greatest bully, but as is so often the case with schoolyard bullies, that fearsome appearance masks a cowardice they are so quick to label Hamptonshire with. It is eminently clear to the Incorporated Sarzonian Government that Automagfreek is an insecure bunch of idiot brutes who want nothing but the taste of blood and world conquest. It is time for the forces of true heroism and good to put down the rabble of evil once and for all.

The Incorporated Sarzonian Government hereby announces that all diplomatic and economic relations with Automagfreek and her declared allies are hereby and irrevocably severed. Any trade currently conduted between Sarzonia and any allies of Automagfreek is hereby prohibited. In addition, all Sarzonian civilians located in any of the allied countries with Automagfreek are ordered to return to Sarzonia herself within a 72 hour timeframe.

Sic Semper Tyrannus. Thus be it ever to tyrants.

Mike Sarzo
Incorporated States of Sarzonia

Nicole J. Lewis
Lieutenant President
Incorporated States of Sarzonia
26-08-2005, 20:23
Communiqué from the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development

Bearing witness upon the verbal assault made against our siblings in Praetonia, Sarzonia, Hogsweat, and Hamptonshire as well as the attacks against the Cariya Islands and the Sarzonian colony of Branwyn, His Majesty's Government declares an immediate cessation of diplomatic relations with the uncivilised and vile nations of Automagfreek, Pantera, and their allies. Whilst we in HM Government are aware that Hogsweat had pre-emptively reacted against the presumed threat of Automagfreek aggression, the following diplomatic failures have emphasised the great differences that oblige the United Kingdom of Isselmere-Nieland to stand firmly beside our allies.

Furthermore, Parliament, upon the recommendation of His Majesty the King, has voted to enforce the War Measures Act (1915). Consequently, all property of the proscribed nations of Automagfreek and its allies ("proscribed nations") within the UKIN shall be requisitioned for the duration and their diplomatic staff and any visitors from those proscribed nations shall be given forty-eight hours to leave the UKIN. Any persons from those proscribed nations within the UKIN past that point shall be subject to immediate detention for the duration.

The UKIN-DF have been placed on high alert and any and all assistance shall be given to our allies with all our capacity. These insults shall not be endured without a swift and brutal rebuke.

We are in a state of war and we have done retreating. We shall fight with our siblings until victorious or to the last of our life's blood.


The Rt Hon Sir George Fredericks KL, MP, CS, PC
Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development
02-09-2005, 00:51
Open Letter to the International Community
Great Seal of the Regent of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire

The world has come to a crossroads. The orders, organizations and alliances that successfully held war at bay have failed. Sarzonians, Praetonians, Freeks, Panterans and citizens of dozens of other nations are now devoted to the enterprise of war. The actions of a few careless and immoral leaders have affected the lives of untold billions.

The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire, along with other like-minded nations, has declared itelf an Armed Neutral. We do not seek war but we are hostile to the belligerent forces that have plunged our world into war. The Grand Duchy has come to the conclusion that without a unifying force, without something to bind all the righteous and peaceful nations together, we will fall. It is not a question of if, it would be a question of when.

As Regent of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire I can stand by while this nation or any Allied nations start to slip into the darkness of helplessness and barbarity that cloud the belligerent nations. It is in the spirit of cooperation and the preserveration of what remains of the "International Peace" that I call leaders and representatives from all Armed Neutral and Non-Belligerent nations to the Hamptonian city of Seaburg for a conference to establish the Consortium of Associated Nations.

If we come together now in peace, understanding and in the spirit of cooperation the citizens of all our nations may be spared the specter of unrestrained and cataclysmic warfare.

May God Bless the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire.

[signed], His Royal Majesty Bernard III, Duke of Obsidia
Regent of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
President of the Royal Congress
Federal State Minister

[OOC: I will start the conference thread either later tonight or tomorrow morning. Once I post the introductory post, the Conference can get right underway. I'm going to ask for nations that would like to attend to RSVP here. I'll also be sending out TGs to several target nations to make sure they attend.]
02-09-2005, 01:24
Official Statement of the People's Government of
the Omzian Democratic Republic

Having received the mentioned letter with immediate interest and perhaps even eagerness, the Omzian government - in the face of the continuation of carnage and devastation around our world as a result of the escalation of hostilities and conflict by certain reckless and belligerent nations, has few alternatives in mind but to officially express its great anticipation in the face of the upcoming events related to this gracious proposal of alliance. Despite of the fact that the Omzian nation will remain an 'Armed Neutral' power in regards to this rapidly expanding storm of bloody engagements, we can no longer bear to simply watch as nations, friends, and allies around us are being pushed to the edge of disaster. It is simply a wonder how the simple words and instructions of reckless leaders can rapidly explode in a state of total war and conflict; yet, we are hopeful that we can extrapolate this effect by forming an alliance of 'Armed Neutral' nations, in the hands of individual nations but having a decisive impact on the conflict later on.

As a result, by the authorization of the Honourable President of the Omzian Democratic Republic and by the full consent and graciousness of the Omzian People's Parliament and the Administrative Council, the Omzian Democratic Republic would once again officially reiterate its position as an 'Armed Neutral'. Consequently, for the cause of the encouragement of stability and restoration of order and justice against the barbarous aggression exhibited by the imperialist nation of Automagfreek and their so-called "allied" lapdogs, we with full eagerness and enthusiasm warmly welcomes the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire's offer of the establishment of the Consortium of Associated Nations. As well, consequently, we officially announce our intention of becoming a member of the conference, with a common goal of forming a great compact that will unite nations seeking stability against the dangers of aggression and naked belligerency.

President's Office,
Omzian Democratic Republic
02-09-2005, 02:58
Official Statement, Incorporated Sarzonian Government
OOC: Great seal created by Pacitalia.

In light of your nation's noble effort to restore peace in a world ravaged by war, the Incorporated States of Sarzonia would like to send Deputy Senior Vice President and External Affairs Officer Grant Haffner to Seaburg for the conference to establish the Consortium of Associated Nations.

We believe that this bold stroke for peace is vital to restore what is left of the international order of things.

Mark Lorber
Senior Vice President and External Affairs Officer
The Macabees
02-09-2005, 17:25

The Second Empire of the Golden Throne, as a virtual supporter of the war against AutoMagFreek, and bordering several of the Gholgoth supporters, will make a presence at the conference in Hamptonian City. Our goals within this conference are to further our diplomatic ties with the nations of the Organization of Maritime Powers, as we are already in an alliance with the United City States of New Empire, and, in general, to link the Golden Throne with some of the more prestigious nations on this Earth.

I, Emperor Fedor I, although currently in a state of civil disruption, in a war coming to be known as the War of Golden Succession [OOC: Began before Hellfire, but is becoming a spin-off, since Gholgoth supporters are going to start supporting the contender to the throne], will abondon the front I began to lead to turn back the tide, and will make my way there with an entourage of two of my most powerful generals, both lords from the region of Fedala, and two advisors. We hope that this is not too many, and if need be they will not make a physical appearence within the conference, and will remain at our quarters.

Regardless, the Golden Throne will be there. Thank you for your hospitality, and we can only pray to God that this meeting will conclude in a ground breaking union.

[signed]Fedor I
02-09-2005, 17:47
[OOC: I need to get one of those fancy coat of arms one of these days...]

Official Communiqué from the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development

Your Royal Grace,

It is a great privilege for us within His Isselmerian and Nielander Majesty's Government to pledge our support for the proposed Consortium of Associated Nations and I shall personally attend the conference at Seaburg on behalf of HM Government.

We within the United Kingdom of Isselmere-Nieland will stand by our siblings embroiled in this unfortunate conflict and shall support them to the best of our ability, including a beneficial lend-lease agreement to assist our friends.

Sincerely yours,

The Rt Hon Sir George Fredericks, KL, MP, CS, PC
Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development
02-09-2005, 18:09
Official Statement, Commission of the Prime Minister
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

Dear sirs -

I would be honoured and delighted to take part in the conference to establish the Consortium of Associated Nations. However, I am currently indisposed with the flu and would not be able to make it out to the conference in Hamptonshire City until at least Monday night (OOC: RL**).

Please accept my apologies for the inability to attend if you cannot work around my illness.

Sincera in domina bene,

Timothy Ell
Prime Minister of Pacitalia

(** RL: I'm not actually sick, I'm on vacation down in Seattle, and somehow managed to get internet access at my hotel to post this.)
02-09-2005, 18:18
**Tagged for intelligence purposes. May respond in due time. Given some past historical problems with Gholgoth, this seems prudent.**
The Macabees
05-09-2005, 05:54
[Just a bump!]
05-09-2005, 06:00
[OOC: I'm sorry but the past couple days have seen my shuttle between various cities all over Southern California. The Conference will be forthcoming but sometimes life does poke its sneaky head out of the shadows...]
05-09-2005, 13:10
Official Statement of the Grand Imperium
{OOC: Due to my absence, Risban had not yet made any comments specifically on the war. However, seeing as Risban holds embassies and trade with just about every single nation involved in the conflict, and that Risban is involved with several major alliances, they tecnically should have given a reponse by now. FYI, Risban will be declaring neutrality shortly.}

The Grand Imperium of Risban is deeply disheartened by the present conflicts that have erupted into what we can call a modern-day world war. We have declared neutrality in the war, and hope to maintain such a position as we watch many of our friends and allies kill eachother.

In the interests of furthering world peace and an end to this armed conflict, I will personally attend this conference.

Imperium at Libertas.

~Emperor Robinson Antares Scorpius~
Austar Union
09-09-2005, 08:37
OOC: Actually Hampton, 'tis quite lucky your "Real Life" got a little in the way; since I only found this now. Anyhow, assuming that I too have recieved it. Take your time anyway, I'm sure many of us should have better things to do than Nationstates day in, day out.

{Open Transmission}
{FROM: Lord Indigo Blue, the Absolutist State of Austar Union}
{TO: His Royal Majesty Bernard III, Hamptonshire}
{SUBJECT: Consortium of Associated Nations}

A novel and interesting idea, this Consortium you propose. Normally, I would not send a delegate along, but considering the former friendship our nations held in the past--if you dont mind, I will send along my own Right-Hand; Mr. Juno Sanchez along to this conference in Seaburg. Whilst I cannot promise that I will sign myself into any treaty which might arise, I can at least be content to have been a witness to this event, which I am sure that the people of Hamptonshire ought to be prideful of.

Regardless of the outcome, I look forward to it; perhaps even if only for old-times sake.

With Respect,

Lord Indigo Blue
The Absolutist State of Austar Union.
{Close Transmission}