Arabanistan needs Stealth technology.
24-08-2005, 15:56
From: The Republic of Arabanistan
To: All Nations
The Republic of Arabanistan would like to ask all nations interested that they help Arabanistan develope Stealth technology. Arabanistan will need blueprints, scientists and other support besides to help us attain this.
Arabanistan needs Stealth technology for projectiles and missiles as part of a programme to diversify our military capabilities.
Any nation wishing to help us attain this technology can inform us of that and their price for any deal that will be made.
President Hafez al Assad
Kjata Major
24-08-2005, 16:00
OOC: This is so pathetic. You get nukes now you want to purchase the METAL we use in's not the metal so much as the angle it is placed.
From: The Republic of Arabanistan
To: All Nations
The Republic of Arabanistan would like to purchase the metal plating that Stealth planes use. Arabanistan needs Stealth technology for projectiles and missiles as part of a programme to diversify our military capabilities.
Any nation wishing to sell us this technology can inform us of that and their price for any purchases that will be made.
President Hafez al Assad
(OOC: It's the RAM in addition to the geometry of the curves of the aircraft's fuselage, mixed with numerous other stealth features that make staelth planes stealthy. Not just a single material. Edit your post accodingly.)
Kjata Major
24-08-2005, 16:19
(OOC: It's the RAM in addition to the geometry of the curves of the aircraft's fuselage, mixed with numerous other stealth features that make staelth planes stealthy. Not just a single material. Edit your post accodingly.)
It doesn't have to be curves. What about stealth ships.....angle would be a more correct term then 'geometry of the curves'.
24-08-2005, 16:23
Sorry about that. Im not a military know it all in real life.
Anyways Im now asking for help to give us the technical know how to build stealth technology, blueprints etc...
24-08-2005, 18:22
To: The Republic of Arabanistan
From: The Federation of Animarnia
The Federation of Animarnia Refuses to sell or distribute any of its stealth technology or designs to your nation. These blueprints are highly classified and not for sale as you have already declared yourself a Nuclear power, the acquisition of B-2 Stealth Bombers or any other stealth technology would further increase the threat that such a tremendously powerful weapon would be used on Animarnia or its protectorates.
Animarnia State Department
24-08-2005, 18:49
OOC:Are stelth ships common or am i the only one
Kjata Major
24-08-2005, 18:52
OOC:Are stelth ships common or am i the only one
They are rare as can be. They aren't exactly cheap or effective. They make wonderful scouts.
24-08-2005, 18:53
OOC: For aircraft, I've got steath fightes, bombers and UCAVs, and what you are looking for are Radar Absorbent Materials, Radar Crossection reducing Geometry, and Radar absorbent paint/ Paint Schemes... if that helps any, or look at the F-22 raptor for it's stealth characteristics.
24-08-2005, 18:56
They are rare as can be. They aren't exactly cheap or effective. They make wonderful scouts.
that is what i use mine for the are too expensive in warfare...they have combat application(tomahawks,sams.....etc....) but i cram them with advanced electronics and give cordinates to friendly ships.
Kjata Major
24-08-2005, 18:58
that is what i use mine for the are too expensive in warfare...they have combat application(tomahawks,sams.....etc....) but i cram them with advanced electronics and give cordinates to friendly ships.
You can track subs underwater because they don't run silent, then you have the light ship on the water which is nearly invisible on radar screens
OOC: C'mon lay off him, guys. At least he's trying to be legit. At least he doesn't say something like 'omg! I have stealth weapons now!!!!!'. Besides, he's probably a puppet...or is he???
24-08-2005, 19:04
You can track subs underwater because they don't run silent, then you have the light ship on the water which is nearly invisible on radar screens
the key word is nearly....ships can be spotted on radar but the signal is so weak that missiles cannot lock on.and then sometimes a captain might think it is nothing...due to the weakness of the signal....also you hav to be pretty close to see it on radar....if you want i cound sell you some.
It doesn't have to be curves. What about stealth ships.....angle would be a more correct term then 'geometry of the curves'.
1) I never said it had to be curves,
2) Stealth vessels do employ curves. Just ask the Swedes, Germans, etc.
3) There are curves in Geometry. I know you didn't say that there weren't, but I'm saying this anyhow.
4) Don't respond to this. If you've got something to say back, give me a call. I've got enough of a bad rep of ruining perfectly good threads with OOC nonsense.
5) Repeat #4.
New South Serbia
25-08-2005, 00:17
The Holy Empire of New South Serbia will gladly sell any and all of our patented SuperStealth weaponry/ships/tanks/planes/etc to anyone who may be interested, regardless of geopolitical persuasion, provided that they do not (at the time of purchase) plan to use them to attack us directly. At least not much.
This having been said, a word would seem to be in order regarding our patented SuperStealth technology.
First off, let me just say that we are not really sure how exactly we did it.
All we know is that for the past several years, our military budget has been getting ever larger, and as of yet, we cannot see a single warship in our harbor. Nor are there any planes on our military airstrip.
From this, we can only assume that our massive miliraty budget has been spent entirely on stealth weaponry so effective that even we cannot see it!
At any rate, andyone stupid enough to purchase some of our patented SuperStealth ships or planes is welcome to it! Just make payment to our account, and then pick up your ships at your convenience.... if you can find them.
Red Tide2
25-08-2005, 00:43
Official Message from the Tech-Com Corporation to Arabanistan
"We not only offer you plans to the B-2 Strategic Stealth Bomber(our nations principle stealth bomber), but also 5 of these fine planes to boot, as well as the nessecary machine tools to manufacture more. Be warned... the price is... well... pricey. At 100 BILLION dollars for the planes alone! 1 billion for the blueprints and 32 billion for the machine tools for a whopping 133 billion dollars... then there is the price of training the specialised engineers to build and maintain them... yadda yadda. But that last item IS NOT our department." Anyways, if you can pay, you can recieve."
End Message
25-08-2005, 00:51
the key word is nearly....ships can be spotted on radar but the signal is so weak that missiles cannot lock on.and then sometimes a captain might think it is nothing...due to the weakness of the signal....also you hav to be pretty close to see it on radar....if you want i cound sell you some.
OOC: Got a link to the bio of your ship or its spec? might be interested in buying some to complment our navy
25-08-2005, 06:03
sorry have no specs...this dude gave me a massive list of ships he wanted to get rid of...i am currently getting specs but i dont know when i will be finished.
also i might have to trade in these ships to get their real world counter parts...because it will be easier to get info and i suck at drawing.
25-08-2005, 18:50
OOC: I know the united States has or is developng a "Shadow Class" Stealth ship dunno where you might find the specs on that
Russia an East Europe
25-08-2005, 19:12
Stealth Technology is a joke. Its so much cheaper to devolope SAMS to shoot down stealth fighters. It happen in Bosnian war, by a older type of SAM system. Our nation is not a 3rd world country, we actualy have radar to detect stealth bombers befor they come withien our airspace. Our s300 air defence system is one of the worlds advance radar systems, just a warning for many other nations that are thinking of buying stealth bombers. Stealth bombers work good against 3rd world countries like IRAQ, and so on. But when you mess with The United Socialist States of Russia an East Europe exspect your stealth bombers to be shot on sight.
Aleksander Alexivich-Dictator of The United Socialist States of Russia an East Europe
P.S.-It will be a joy to shoot down any of your stealth fighters :D
Bottom line, they cost way to much to devolope, and by the time its in service, a other nation has radar to detect it, and the SAM systtem to shoot it down. Good example- BOSNIA
25-08-2005, 19:18
While Nianacio is not prepared to share advanced military technology to any nations other than those it is allied with, there are nations out there that sell stealthy vehicles. Perhaps you could acquire, test, and examine such vehicles.
OOC: For stealthy ships, a Google search for stealth ships comes up with some results that may get you on the correct track. For info on detecting stealth vehicles...I'll just say it's out there. ;)
While Nianacio is not prepared to share advanced military technology to any nations other than those it is allied with, there are nations out there that sell stealthy vehicles. Perhaps you could acquire, test, and examine such vehicles.
OOC: For stealthy ships, a Google search for stealth ships comes up with some results that may get you on the correct track. For info on detecting stealth vehicles...I'll just say it's out there. ;)
Further use of useless Stealth-
An F-117 was shot down over yougosolvia by a sam system from 1967... LOL
Boom (
Stealth is usless, due to continuing development of ever more powerful radar. -video
25-08-2005, 19:26
OOC: That probably wouldn't have happened if they hadn't kept flying over the same area, and getting shot up may have increased the RCS.
Stealth is very useful against some types of radar, and not quite as useful against others. It's far from useless.
Russia an East Europe
25-08-2005, 19:37
Further use of useless Stealth-
An F-117 was shot down over yougosolvia by a sam system from 1967... LOL
Boom (
Stealth is usless, due to continuing development of ever more powerful radar. -video
Thank you, thats the point i was trying to make.
Stealth bombers are great against 3rd world countries, but when it comes down to total war, exspect it to be just as vulnerbal as reguler airplanes, since many modern nations have radar to detect it.
25-08-2005, 19:43
OOC: Some of the more modern radar is particularly ineffective against stealth technology...But I think that's enough details until I need to convince someone I'm at war with that my aircraft aren't perfectly visible. :D If you want to learn about stealth and anti-stealth technology, books and industry websites are generally better than places like and
I use the Japaniese(please excuse the spelling) FPS-XX radar, which can detect almost anything, cruise missiles, stealth aircraft ect, ect, which is very effective.
25-08-2005, 19:57
OOC:I use the Japaniese(please excuse the spelling) FPS-XX radar, which can detect almost anything, cruise missiles, stealth aircraft ect, ect, which is very effective.Stealth technology reduces detection range, but it doesn't make the vehicle completely invisible to radar. Just saying a radar can detect stealth aircraft isn't saying very much, although certain types of radar are of particular use against stealth technology.
25-08-2005, 20:18
Further use of useless Stealth-
An F-117 was shot down over yougosolvia by a sam system from 1967... LOL
Stealth is usless, due to continuing development of ever more powerful radar.
Ya, you’re right. A SINGLE F-117 was shot down over Yugoslavia in…what was it, 1967? That being back during the programs TESTING phase. You may want to check the date, because I read the article to, and I didn’t see one.
Anyways, Stealth is not useless. It may we’ll not be the golden bird we once thought it was, but, if the enemy is not looking, it can slip in, and out. It can evade many forms of RADAR, but, of course, a system of developed to beat it, that is the way of things. As it happens, the RADAR stations used in World War 2 were perfectly capable to detecting Stealth aircraft.
I’m not sure if this is the same incident, but a 2nd F-117 was shot down once over Serbia. What they did was triangulate its position with cellular towers, and dump fire in that direction, and they got it.
Anyways, Stealth isn’t useless per se, but its also not the unstoppable behemoth people believe it is.
And, now for something completely IC…
OIS Command Center
Valhalla Command Station
“They want the metal used in making stealth aircraft?” asked Director-General Davis, a bit stunned
“Yes sir.” Replied Sub-Commander Fires
“Well, sell it to them then.” He said, as f that were the obvious solution
“Um, sir, I’m sure I don’t have to explain to you that the metal used in a stealth aircraft inst the deciding factor. It has more to do with the curvature of the metal, the angles, and what not…” he began, trying desperately to not insult his soupier officer
“You know that, and I know that, but, they don’t seem to know that.” He said, with a smile
“I understand….” Said Fires, catching on
“Tell them we’ll be perfectly happy to sell them stealth material, and, sell it reasonably cheap too, tons of it. Then procure some sheet metal, and have it painted black and sent to them. Of course, they can shape it into whatever they like…. so, we aren’t cheating them.” Said Davis, leaning back and lighting his cigar
“Yes sir!” said Fires, departing the room
OOC:Stealth technology reduces detection range, but it doesn't make the vehicle completely invisible to radar. Just saying a radar can detect stealth aircraft isn't saying very much, although certain types of radar are of particular use against stealth technology.
The FPS-XX ground-based phased- array radar was developed by the JDA's Technical Research and Development Centre, with work completed in Fiscal Year 2003 (FY03). It has been undergoing tests from 2004 in Asahi, Chiba prefecture.
The new radar is intended to replace the FPS-3 radar. It is capable of detecting fast and small platforms, including ballistic, cruise and air-to-ground missiles, together with stealth aircraft, at a range three times greater than the FPS-3.
(Janes defence weekly)
It determined that a radar system capable of detecting ballistic missiles several hundred kilometers away from any base in Japan would be necessary to complement plans to introduce a missile defense system starting in 2007, the sources said. (Japan times)
US wants Japan to share missile defense radar data (Japan Times)
This throught willnk, plus 2 early warning satalites and over 300 Pac-3 stationary Patriot missiles systems and SS-X Sam positions and Mobile S-400 Sams ( equals lots of thing to shoot your planes down, along with my anti-ballistic missiles shield system, and a very powerful Willink WNX-7900 Bistatic radar system to locate defected waves off of incoming missiles and Stealth aircraft, anti-AWACS Willink SS-24 SAM missile emplacments and directed energy air-defense weapons protect my airspace... so anyway no stealth aircraft getting into my territory(except Aurora spy planes, which i use.)
Red Tide2
25-08-2005, 21:20
Stealth Technology is a joke. Its so much cheaper to devolope SAMS to shoot down stealth fighters. It happen in Bosnian war, by a older type of SAM system. Our nation is not a 3rd world country, we actualy have radar to detect stealth bombers befor they come withien our airspace. Our s300 air defence system is one of the worlds advance radar systems, just a warning for many other nations that are thinking of buying stealth bombers. Stealth bombers work good against 3rd world countries like IRAQ, and so on. But when you mess with The United Socialist States of Russia an East Europe exspect your stealth bombers to be shot on sight.
OOC:The only reason that F-117 was shot down was because it was flying at low altitudes, spotted by people on the ground(not radar), and the SAM was wire guided(they could not get a heat, IR, or Radar lock on the aircraft). The only radar that I know of that can detect a F-117 or B-2 is the SPY Radar on the US AEGIS Cruiser... and that thing is a DAMN powerful radar. Most NS nations utilise sufficiently high powered radars to take down stealth bombers... but radars that powerful are VERY vulnerable to HARMs(High speed Anti-Radiation Missiles, basicilly missiles that lock onto the source of the radar waves that radars send out). Therefore, it is best to send in stealth weapons after firing off a couple of hundred HARMs.
25-08-2005, 21:33
OOC: Yeah, but how good is the FPS-3? If it's one of the worse radars to use against stealth aircraft, it doesn't really matter if the FPS-XX detects stealth aircraft at ranges three times as great.
FWIW, I don't think your air defenses would stop a top-of-the-line yet realistic (no Auroras) air force, but I think we're straying too far from the topic.
26-08-2005, 01:28
OOC:i got it
Displacement 16,000 Builder Morvonian Ship Builders Power Plant Integrated Power System (IPS)
Length 156.5m
Beam 5.99
Draft 28 feet
Armament 2 - 155mm Advanced Gun System
121 VLS cells
Missiles: 80 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles ,41 harpoons,60 sams
Systems Multi-Function Radar (MFR)
Volume Search Radar (VSR)
Naval Surface Fire Support Weapon Control System (NWCS)
Speed 38 knots
Crew:113 men
Aircraft 2 Ka-60
OOC: please give you opinion
26-08-2005, 22:59