NationStates Jolt Archive

The Jewittist Republic Is Whole - Contracters Needed

24-08-2005, 01:48
Today the Jewittist Republic has annouced its new project to fully make its infrastructure from 63.2% (mostly of larger "Capital" islands being an average of 99%) to at least 95% Republic-wide in ten years.

The demand for this has long been over due as private contractors before the socialist movement had created make-shift bridges connecting close islands.

Since the Jewittist Republic is unique in allowing each island (with exceptions to Capital islands) their own nation-like abilitity, some have created locks and seawalls and dumped imported sand in the baren sea ocean to create more land for their growing populous, which some islands have united into single ones due to this and became Capital islands.

This practice will eventually kill the economy of the Jewittist Republic because its lower-Middle Class sectors (southern islanders) rely on competing IslandStates for their buisness for being trade routes, tourist locations, and etcetera.

Thus, the Republican Council is doing something, and that is mandating that the once-stampent war factories be re-openned for tool and manufacturering purposes. This would call for more materials (such as refined tungsten and polytomine) which could be used in the construction of under-see bridges (a new alternative due to the hurricanes which sweep the chain yearly and destroy over-sea bridges) and reinforced dome housing complexes, along with triangular buisness complexes (all proven to withstand hurricane force winds).

Added onto this, sand is also needed to replinish those islands that nearly leveled themselves to make their size match the population, as if overcrowding was not an issue as it is.

A new act is input that a new island is to be made every month, and the following month will be used to create a city the size of Chicago. This massive turn in economic pacifism to industrial might is making the lower-lying IslandStates very conserned.

As of now, under-sea bridges are being made to connect the "Emeraldian Shield," or the islands around the mainland of Emeraldia, and housing complexes are being finished on Emeraldia and other Capital islands and will spred to their neighboring islanders.

As of now, 34,000,000,000 [oB] is being put torwards this project, and it is expected to have much more.

Map of the Emeraldian Isles (
Camel Eaters
24-08-2005, 02:26 need contractors? Or don't you? If you do then Traitor's Gum Wicked Nice Mining can help out. Then of course the massive ecological preservation companies could make sure that your islands stay a good place to live while protecting the enviroment.......and they scout for natural resources. So yeah........

Mr. Widdershins Redshanks
Minister of Private Commerce
24-08-2005, 02:31
We do need contracters, but not of that kind. Mostly those who will create a form or some request option of materials that would be needed, and these very from plaster to tungsten, as we have mentioned. We do not need a full company in our nation, unless you want all of its possesetions taken (Socialism does that, you know).

-Sectur James Conners
Camel Eaters
24-08-2005, 02:35 and those other guys. We got those too. The Ministry of Private Business can lease you an accounting firm to handle your purchases and tally up your requirements for building material. However if you seize all their possessions we will be extremely angry and the insurance will go up on everything. Oh and people might be killed and things blown up. Rightio! Let's negoitiate.

Mr. Widdershins Redshanks
Minister of Private Commerce
25-08-2005, 00:31
We can settle for those. Factories and physical property will be taken from non-citizens, not offices within already-standing establishments.

We may, in fact, need some accountants, to make sure we get enough of certain materials that will be bulk-bought, but beyond that, I just need a few good billion tons of metals and construction supplies.

-Sectur James Conners
Camel Eaters
25-08-2005, 00:54
Aye lad. Can do. We also can do some mining and get you some fine camel steel. So aye. WHOO!

Mr. Widdershins Redshanks
Minister or Private Commerce
25-08-2005, 01:01
Belive it or not, steel is our less-resourceful metal in the chain (although it is or largest industry, we just refine it into COBAT-Steel), and this would be grand if you could supply us. Name your price and we shall consider your offer.

-Sectur James Conners
--(Overseer) Richard Loyamin, Director of Infrastructural Improvements
Camel Eaters
25-08-2005, 01:04
Aye aye.

Let me see here........ah how's thirty tons for 5 billion in Fergies if ya will. We'll collect soon. Hells all we gotta do is ship it all out tae ya. Already sitting in government coffers ready to be loaded up and out. You want refined or naw?

King Linfield Hannon
25-08-2005, 01:16
We will refine it ourselves. As to the comming package, what exactly is this currency? What is its conversion from a USD? Also, may the steel come in 4mx3m thick sheets 14m long each?
Camel Eaters
25-08-2005, 01:18
Aye. We can do that. Let me see here......I believe a close estimate put the Fergie at 2 per 1 on the USD. Aye that's about right.

King Linfield Hannon
25-08-2005, 01:26
Seems quite expencive but we are interested in establishing ties with as many nations as possible through this process, so we accept.

We are still awaiting anyone who is interested in trading tungsten, raw, for the Seaway Roadways.

-Sectur James Conners
--(Overseer) Richard Loyamin, Director of Infrastructural Development
Camel Eaters
25-08-2005, 01:35
We can give you complete access to some tungsten fields in Mexico about Daggafjord they are. Go ahead and develop them and take as much as you need. All we ask is a small "tribute" of $2.5 million Fergies a year for the use of our lands and resources. We hope you accept. The fields can be completely run like an embassy sort of thing. Though after you have found sufficient tungsten we ask you to withdraw your workers within the year or you may continue to develop the area to your benefits. Daggafjord is wealthy with minerals, greatly untapped.

King Kellin Hannon
25-08-2005, 01:42
This is acceptable. Mind us asking the terrain of Daggafjord and about how much land we can use? We may incorporate it into a Terribronsch, or a state-owned territorial complex where our workers live there and start small communities, and also pays your taxes. Would it happen to be coastal or inland?

-Secutr James Conners
Camel Eaters
25-08-2005, 01:47
Daggafjord is coastal but more inland. The plains lend themselves to mining and development. Camel Eaters run salt mines are just a few miles to the northwest and the tungsten veins are rather nice. You may develop up to 10 square miles of land in any direction from Daggafjord. The locals will help you of course so long as you employ them properly. We will be happy to let Terribronsch take the land for a decade contract. Then if both parties care to renew that's no problem. We look forward to working with you.

King Kellin Hannon
25-08-2005, 02:01
How much would this cost for the land's rent? Also, we are economic socialists, they are paid enough to live off of (some 15 [oB] hourly if not salary).

We would like a small port ownership treding into complezes of housing and comercial goods, then into the mines themselves.
Camel Eaters
25-08-2005, 02:14
Right. Well you don't have to pay for the land. Just the 2.5 million Fergies a year....we may decide to have you pay less if that's what you're needing. The locals may have a tough time adjusting but they should get along well enough. We'll give them enough to buy liquor and CDs....hehe. Ah let me see. Ports are ours, however you will get secondary dibs as it were. First priority will be to CE ships and then yours. All other ships going into Daggafjord must wait. You can and will receive development rights for any extensions to Daggafjord for your workers and equipment and while you're there the mines are yours. They are however not yet built or tapped. Tungsten sits there waiting for you. We hope this arrangement will be sufficient.

King Kellin Hannon
25-08-2005, 22:43
This is sufficant and our first payment will be made admediately. Could a perminate deal be made torwards this, for say, paying for ten year's worth or what not?

Our engineers are skilled in finding resources, so tapping it will not be a problem. However, we do ask to inspect the site and insure that tungsten, infact, does rest there, before we begin development and payment.

I hope you understand.

-Sectur James Conners