NationStates Jolt Archive

Jenrak's Biological Storefront (Intermediate RPing Recommended)

23-08-2005, 23:16
The Biological Storefront

Jenrak has been put in isolation their viral secrets, their biological and chemical weapons always used for their nefarious purposes, whether they are suppressing rioters, fighting off foreign invaders, or clearing unwanted remaining survivors of enemy camps and/or installations.

Next to our erratically diverse navy, involving many hundred different kinds of various naval devices and weaponry, which are usually devious inventions that have been added onto and improved over the years, Jenrak's only military advantage and/or supremacy against many nations in the world is the apt use of our biological, organic and viral weaponry, all which are ever changing, due to the aspect of many countries developing more advanced immunities and health cares against our everlasting poisons.

Therefore, because of this, the Jenrakian Storefronts are barely open, as expensive and risky as it is to advertise such seemingly cheap and deliberately unfair weapons against other nations, and also that many nations see such weapons as cowardly and inefficient. While it may do little good against fully fledged enemy armies, it is painstakingly effective against civilian riots, poorly organized militias, anarchist states and assasination targets. The thing that cuts our viral weaponry above the rest are the added benefits of that the more premium chemicals leave very little, and nearly untraceable leftovers, and sometimes if so, they are usually cloaked as natural death encounters. So, without further ado, here is the index of the Jenrakian chemical weaponry:


I 0.0 Information Layout

Basic Chemicals
-Y 1.0 Small Doses
-Y 1.1 Medium Doses
-Y 1.2 Large Doses

Suppressive Chemicals
-V 2.0 Small Doses
-V 2.1 Medium Doses
-V 2.2 Large Doses

Environmentally Friendly Chemicals/Naturally Produced Poisons
-X 3.0 Small Doses
-X 3.1 Medium Doses

Corrosive Chemicals
-N 4.0 Medium Doses
-N 4.1 Large Doses

Rare/Novelty/Unique Poisons
-R 5.0 Minute Doses
-R 5.1 Small Doses
-R 5.2 Medium Doses
-R 5.3 Large Doses

**NOTE**: All poisons (save for a few novelty potions) are quite capable of killing. If you are looking for any killing potions, then any potion has the kill capability (save for novelty potions).

I 0.0 Information Layout
Native Chemical: Although Jenrakian Chemicals are invented and produced in Jenrak, it's wasteland/desert environment does not leave it open to all chemical possibilities. Some chemicals have ingredients that are imported from foreign countries, such as Sanduras.
CPB/CPV: The chemical is split into two kinds: Barrel form, and Vial form. Vials are useful for assasinations and personal targets, or small number of targets. Barrels are useful for gassing ventilation shafts, infiltration and bombing cities to suppress of kill people at the masses. They are also useful for gassing riots. However, some poisons are only effective in large quantities, and others are only produced in small quantities, so some have only CPB or CPV. They mean 'Cost Per Barrel' or 'Cost Per Vial'. Barrels are generally 100 vials.
Effects: The Effects done to the victim when this chemical is applied.
Cost Percentage: Allied nations are given this discount. Enemy nations have this percentage added on. Neutral nations are not affected by this number. You may query whether you are an ally or an enemy, or neutral.

Y 1.0 Basic Chemicals - Small Doses
Basic Chemicals are ranked under 3 kinds of levels: Disruptive, Explosive, and Dissentive. Disruptive Basic Chemicals tend to cause diversions and also are more involved in paralysis, where death is usually not a wanted option. Explosive chemicals can be used as a small ignited, such as gasoline and petrol, which are not usual poisons, but if so, would be ranked as explosive, due to their combustive quality. Dissentive are simple eye watering and throat drying chemicals that cause little pain, and usually given to criminals or animals when 'put to sleep'.

Know that doses will determine the amount of medicine per pint required to stall, or stop the poison from working. Small doses require only a needle of the medicine or even a pill, while larger ones utilize entire treatments. Therefore, larger dosage will be more expensive, but albeit cause more havoc on enemy health.

Level 1 Xanthiram
Native Chemical: No.
CPB/CPV: $5,500/$60
Effects: Bloody coughing, slight twinging in throat, Drying eyes, thinning skin
Cost Percentage: 20%

Level 2 Xanthiram
Native Chemical: No.
CPB/CPV: $6,125/$72
Effects: Dry Painful Coughs, Choking, Itchyness
Cost Percentage: 15%

Level 3 Xanthiram
Native Chemical: No.
CPB/CPV: $6,500/$75
Effects: Slight Vomiting, Sore Throats, Dry Coughs, Diarrhea
Cost Percentage: 20%

Level 1 Vaazhy-Blood
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $3,110/$32
Effects: Frequent Headaches - Amplified tenfold by loud noises
Cost Percentage: 5%

Y 1.1 Basic Chemicals - Medium Doses

Level 2 Vaazhy-Blood
Native Chemical: No.
CPB/CPV: $4,000/$42
Effects: Increasingly Painful Migraines
Cost Percentage: 15%

Level 1 Geyser Gas
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $1,000/$15
Effects: Bloody Eyes, Intense Itchyness
Cost Percentage: None

Y 1.2 Basic Chemicals - Large Doses

Level 3 Vaazhy-Blood
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $6,000/$65
Effects: Insanity, Short Term Memory Loss, Death
Cost Percentage: 20%

Level 2 Geyser Gas
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $1,500/$20
Effects: Numbness of Smell, Numbness of Taste
Cost Percentage: None

V 2.0 Suppressive Chemicals - Small Doses

Level 1 Riaxis
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB Only: $4,100
Effects: Slowed Growth, Drained Muscles, Slight Paralysis
Cost Percentage: 10%

Level 2 Riaxis
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB Only: $4,400
Effects: Strong Paralysis, Lower body entirely stunned
Cost Percentage: 15%

V 2.1 Suppressive Chemicals - Medium Doses

Level 3 Riaxis
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB Only: $5,400
Effects: Entire Body stunned, Short Term Memory Loss
Cost Percentage: 20%

Level 1 Cazisz
Native Chemical: No.
CPB Only: $3,200
Effects: Diarrhea, Vomiting
Cost Percentage: None

Level 2 Cazisz
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $4,000/$41
Effects: Violent Diarrhea, Heavy Sweating
Cost Percentage: 15%

V 2.2 Suppressive Chemicals - Large Doses

Level 3 Cazisz
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $5,000/$51
Effects: Bloody Vomit, Tiredness
Cost Percentage: 8%

Native Chemical: No.
CPB/CPV: $12,000/$120
Effects: Throbbingly Painful Arms, Numb Legs and Stomach, Extreme Migraines
Cost Percentage: 10%

X 3.0 Environmentally Friendly/Naturally Produced Chemicals - Small Doses

Night Rabies Level 1
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $10,000/$101
Effects: Insanity, Cannibalism
Cost Percentage: 10%

Hemlock's Syrup
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $10,500/$106
Effects: Temporary Blindness
Cost Percentage: 10%

X 3.1 Environmentally Friendly/Naturally Produced Chemicals - Medium Doses

Night Rabies Level 2
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $11,000/$111
Effects: Insanity, Cannibalism
Cost Percentage: 10%

Native Chemical: No.
CPV Only: $115
Effects: Swollen Jaw, Loss of Hair, Stunted Growth (Permanent)
Cost Percentage: 8%

N 4.0 Corrosive Chemicals - Medium Doses

Jenrakian Acid Level 1
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $3,300/$34
Effects: Rotting Jaw, Corroded Bones
Cost Percentage: 10%

Ascheran Acid Level 1
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $8,000/$81
Effects: Slowed Heartrate, Stunted Knuckles, Tiredness
Cost Percentage: 10%

N 4.1 Corrosive Chemicals - Large Doses

Jenrakian Acid Level 2
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $5,300/$54
Effects: Deterioration of Eyes
Cost Percentage: 10%

Ascheran Acid Level 2
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPB/CPV: $10,000/$105
Effects: Deterioration of Lungs and Knees
Cost Percentage: 10%

R 5.0 Rare/Novelty/Unique - Minute Doses

Increased Sight
Native Chemical: No.
CPV Only: $82
Effects: Painful increased sight - too preceptive, Insanity
Cost Percentage: 12%

Sperm Deterioration
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPV Only: $200
Effects: No more body creation of sperm (male only)
Cost Percentage: 10%

R 5.1 Rare/Novelty/Unique - Small Doses

Constant Erection
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPV Only: $120
Effects: Constant Erection (male only)
Cost Percentage: 15%

Hormone Indicator
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPV Only: $100
Effects: Has a quick twitch when displaying a strong sexual emotion (horny)
Cost Percentage: 15%

R 5.2 Rare/Novelty/Unique - Medium Doses

Truth Serum Level 1
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPV Only: $40
Effects: Hallucinations, Increased (800% Increase) chance of telling the truth
Cost Percentage: 20%

Truth Serum Level 2
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPV Only: $80
Effects: Hallucinations, Increased (1000% Increase) chance of telling the truth
Cost Percentage: 10%

R 5.3 Rare/Novelty/Unique - High Doses

'Love Potion'
Native Chemical: No.
CPV Only: $350
Effects: Unbelievably Strong sexual emotions
Cost Percentage: None
**NOTE**: This potion does not create love, it merely imitates it. It gives the victim a strong sexual emotion, so strong that they are willing to 'release' it unto nearly anyone. In short, they would want to screw anyone.

Enkur's Tear
Native Chemical: Yes.
CPV Only: $800
Effects: Most lethal poison in Jenrak - For the ultimate painful experience, the Tear will do the job.
Cost Percentage: None.
23-08-2005, 23:52
Sidenote: Please check the amount before sending it. I don't want to have to check everyone's stuff constantly...ugh.
24-08-2005, 00:44
The Transylvania
24-08-2005, 00:50
TAG for a later order
The Transylvania
24-08-2005, 02:24
I will place a huge order with my ally. These weapons are better then anything I have seen. So, I will have a good size order for my ally.

First part of the order, the stuff I will be using on prisoners and POWS.

1,000,000 Truth Serum Level 2 vials = $ 72,000,000
1,000,000 'Love Potion' vials = $ 350,000,000
1,000,000 Constant Erection vials = $ 102,000,000
1,000,000 Hormone Indicator vials = $ 85,000,000
1,000,000 Sperm Deterioration vials = $ 180,000,000

The second part of my order, the stuff I will be using on enemies.

50,000 Level 2 Cazisz barrels = $ 170,000,000
50,000 Level 2 Cazisz barrels = $ 230,000,000
50,000 Night Rabies Level 2 barrels = $ 495,000,000

The last part is for stuff, I will use only on special people.

500,000 Enkur's Tear vials = $ 400,000,000

Total = $ 2,084,000,000

*****Money Wired*****

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf.
24-08-2005, 02:32
To Transylvania:
**The money has been recieved, and thank you for shopping at the BS (Biological Storefront, not Bullshit).
The Transylvania
24-08-2005, 02:38
Good. Man, I just spend 2 billion on biological weapons. I have problems.

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf.
24-08-2005, 02:43
Imagine the cost for us researching and developing these things.
-Arcarum Dreskisk.
The Transylvania
24-08-2005, 02:56
Okay, that is a lot of money. I do have problems anyways. You know that, I know that.

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf.
24-08-2005, 03:05
Then we're all content with whatever comes our way.
-Arcarum Dreskisk.
24-08-2005, 03:14
* A check lands on the desk for two hundred million dollars and a note that says "Send us 500 vials of Tear to this P.O. Box, keep the rest as hush money"*
The Transylvania
24-08-2005, 03:22
Then we're all content with whatever comes our way.
-Arcarum Dreskisk.

You can say that twice. I will have another order later.
~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf
24-08-2005, 03:39
* A check lands on the desk for two hundred million dollars and a note that says "Send us 500 vials of Tear to this P.O. Box, keep the rest as hush money"*

We will send them as discreetly as possible, and hope that whoever that you use them on will suffer as painfully and slowly as possible. Thank you for purchasing.
-Serrin Dreskisk
24-08-2005, 16:30
Bumping in the land of Oz.
24-08-2005, 18:21
24-08-2005, 19:01
3 Bumps in a row. Two more and it's a new record for me.
24-08-2005, 19:06
The Empire of Sonaj wishes to make a purchase, though we would prefer a certain degree of discretion about it.

Truth Serum Level 2
$80 X 100,000 = $8,000,000

Night Rabies Level 1
CPB $11,000 X 3,000 = $33,000,000

Level 1 Xanthiram
CPB $5,500 X 1,000 = $5,500,000

Level 2 Riaxis
CPB $4,400 X 1,000 = $4,400,000

Total: $50,900,000 = {S}39,552,412,77

The money will be wired to you upon acceptance.
24-08-2005, 19:16
We will do our absolute best to be discreet, and expect your items to arrive in a few days on board a cargo ship titled as 'Humanitarian Aid'. Hopefully you are not too involved in aiding countries, so you shouldn't have it confused.
27-08-2005, 19:45
Bumps of Hurrah
The Transylvania
27-08-2005, 19:49
I’m going to place the same order that I placed early. The more stuff I have, the happy I am.

1,000,000 Truth Serum Level 2 vials = $ 72,000,000
1,000,000 'Love Potion' vials = $ 350,000,000
1,000,000 Constant Erection vials = $ 102,000,000
1,000,000 Hormone Indicator vials = $ 85,000,000
1,000,000 Sperm Deterioration vials = $ 180,000,000
50,000 Level 2 Cazisz barrels = $ 170,000,000
50,000 Level 2 Cazisz barrels = $ 230,000,000
50,000 Night Rabies Level 2 barrels = $ 495,000,000
500,000 Enkur's Tear vials = $ 400,000,000

Total = $ 2,084,000,000

*****Money Wired*****

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf.
27-08-2005, 20:16
Mondoth offers a condemnation of Jenrak for proliferation of chemical and biological weapons, Unless Jenrak ceases these contemptable actions within 24 hours, Mondoth will declare a full economic embargo against Jenrak and all nations buying from the nation of Jenrak.
27-08-2005, 20:36
Otagia advises Jenrak and his affiliates to ignore the blustering of Mondoth. If you are placed under embargo, Otagia will gladly work to increase trade with your nations in order to render the embargo moot.
27-08-2005, 23:41
OOC: A couple of things
1. I can declare full economic embargo on anyone I want to for any reason I want to, plenty of people place embargoes on WMD storefronts and their customers
2. Why would embargoing You be a bad Idea? WHat have you ever sold to me or bought from me?

3. I might not know that you have bought from him yet but not everbody has been posting SIC (infact, neither have you, if you don't say secret IC in a post then its assumed that the post was open. ANyway, even if I didn't klnow from your messages, when shipments arrive or are shipped then I could figure it out easily, or, now that Jenrak is being watched, SIGInt can find that you're emailing/messaging him and that shipments are being sent afterwards.
28-08-2005, 00:16
Following order placed with discretion. Kindly send the order to the airport address attached.

1,000,000 Truth Serum Level 2 vials = $ 72,000,000
50,000 Night Rabies Level 2 barrels = $ 495,000,000

Total: 412m USD

Gen. Gregor Marx,
Ministry for Military Procurement, Cruxgrad.
28-08-2005, 01:55

1. thanks

2. I'm more than four times your size, I could wipe the board with you. But it doesn't matter because my ships aren't going anywhere near you, I'm just not buying from you.

3. Where else would I post it this is where its happening, If you read around some in the more controversial storefronts then you'd note that I'm not the only person who posts this kind of thing in a storefront
SIGInt means Sinals Intelligence, the information gathered by monitoring communications (be they radio, sattelite, cellular, carried over fiber optic lines or telephone wires or the internet, theres only two ways to avoid SIGInt: Don't send electronic messages or destroy whoever you're afraid of listening in) and what would an anti tracking program have to do with anything? I simply using intelligence sources to 'watch' what goes in and out of Jenrak, including cargo ships that could be carrying Biological weapons

Plus I can say whatever I want, UN or not I don't like people trading Biological and Cheical Weapons around And I'm going to keep an eye on those that do.
28-08-2005, 03:10
Message to Transylvania
Of course, we will clearly send over some engineers to help you in your construction of more power plants, as per decreed in the treaty we have promised between our two nations.
Secret Message to Transylvania
"It will be marked in the cargo planes labelled 'Nuclear Power components', and will arrive in a few days, as we will keep things discreet."

Message to Cruxgrad
I am sorry, but foreign immigration is at an all time low in our nation right now, and all terrorist groups have been effectively quashed to a fine pulp. Thank you for your concern, however.
Secret Message to Cruxgrad
"The biological weapons will be supplied by the air, masqueraded by a group of ambassadors from Jenrak visiting your fair nation. We hope you enjoy your purchase. It will arrive in a few hours."

Message to Otagia
We thank Otagia in their participation in Mondoth's threat of an economic embargo against our nation, and would like to ask if Otagia is listed as one of our allies. If not, then we would be glad if they would accept to being one of our allies.

OOC: Well, time to explain things to Mondoth. So, you claim that you will place trade embargoes on all my purchasers. Well, are you placing in the fact that countries may have allies, or are in organizations? I am in no organization, because of their laws (which one could be the bann of chemical and biological weapons, therefore I am not in one), but I have enough allies to keep me alive. That is if you placed a trade embargo on me. Well, you technically can't without it being seen as a move of war, because I only have supplier, who shares a relatively large land border with me.

Secondly, you cannot simply depend on your country size to Roleplay supremacy. From what I see, Transylvania has over a thousand posts than you, and unless you have been in more wars than he was, your army would be against a foe more experienced than yours. Unless you're a puppet, but then why declare war like this? It'd be called puppet-wanking if you did use another nation to help you.

You may have noticed that I myself do not support terrorism in my nation, so although I may sell to terrorist nations (I want to make a profit here), I will not sell to people who say 'I w1ll pay j00 cus i have money...loll'. Notice the Intermediate RPing Recommended Sign? I know you did, don't reply please.

Secondly, you claim of operatives, spies, and satellites working (one of them, or all of them) to collect information in my nation. Well, I must quash this one by one. Satellites are, if flying over Jenrak, then what makes you think that we don't have satellites watching your satellites? A country that sells bio weapons like ours does not neccessarily make feel like we're safe. Spies and operatives are impossible. One, Jenrak is a theocracy with a caste system. You are given only certain information in certain castes, and you will never have the whole picture. All politicians are persona friends of the King, so unless you have enough money to regularly spend on breaking a very strong friendship, you will be too poor to react.

Hope that explains some things.
28-08-2005, 03:56
1. well, there are muh more brutish nations around than me, and either way you can call me all the names you want, I don't mind.
2. oh I know what I'm doing.
3. You haven't been around as long as me, people used to physically BOMB storefronts, and slave stores aren't the only places where people are placing sanctions and embargoes against other people, not all WMD storefronts to be sure but plenty of them it is perfectly acceptable either way.

Plus: I don't have to have spies anywhere, thats why its called Signals intelligence (as opposed to HUMInt, which is intelligence gathered by spies) And you can whine about me monitoring your communications all you want but for one thing you have to find out ICly that I'm doing it (Just because you've been sanctioned for secretly trading with Jenrak doesn't mean I'm spying on you, I could have people in Jenrak that are monitoring the storefront, have an agreement with a Jenrakian citizen that works with the storefront or I could be monitoring Jenraks communications(WHich is what I am doing, so technically I'm not even spying on YOU) you know OOCly what I'm doing but ICly you have no idea how I got my information) and for another I don't have to listen to you whining about me monitoring your communications anyway.
ADD: (for Jenrak)
Well, I'm not buying from you, and I'm not selling to younor am I trading with people you have business dealings with your storefront, I don't care what Alliances you may or may not be in but I hae made my decision.
As for intelligence techniques: Fell free to watch my sattelites, goodness knows I have no idea what that will accomplish but feel free, I have no spies or operative (unclear on the difference but whatever) in Jenrak, like I said its SIGInt, all it needs is a single out post, or boat, or sattelite, or person with the proper gear, somewhere between where the message is coming from to where it is going, it doesn't even have to be in line, there could be a string of receivers the disguised as trees strung out, or boats emulating the famous russian trawlers, or any number of things, Like I said, the only way to stop a nation from gathering SIgInt about you is to either stop sending signals or to kill the nation thats monitoring you (or use one of the three kinds of Encryption systems that have so far proven 'unbreakable' but if you don't know what they are then I doubt your nation uses them)
Also I'm not relying on my size, I recognize that many people view size as the end all be all of how powerful a nation is and often times I exploit that fact, you and Transylvania are obviously intelligent enough not to view things this way and I applaud you, but if Transylvania were to attack me, I'd have to say that in a pue force on force scenerio, I am highly confident on the ability of my military to respond to any attack no matter what size.
As for being a puppet, I am, I'll say that right now and I'll also say that I won't puppet wank, Its a stupid cowardly way to fight a war and I don't do it, instead I have a powerful, technically capable military and several allies (who aren't played by me) to help defend me and my opinions. However, as a puppet, I have considerably more posts thanTransylvania, they're just spread out over different nations, and that doesn't even really matter, Post count is just as much of a power and experience indicator as Population, I've seen players who on their first post were better RPers than me, and I've seen players on their 10Kth post that just didn't get it.
28-08-2005, 13:29
OOC: In other words, you are simply not going to buy, sell or trade anything with me. I do not really care, because we never traded in the first place. So the effect would be null, if at most minimal. Whether you threaten to upstage a trade embargo, go ahead, be my guest.
28-08-2005, 14:49

The Imperator is most pleased to know his concern was accepted so graciously and we eagerly await the arrival of your ambassadors. Our people shall meet them at the aforementioned airport and aid your people with the unloading of their things.

Sir Ivan Zachis,
Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Red Tide2
28-08-2005, 14:59
Official Statement From Red Tide Goverment
"Any invasion of Jenrak or Transylvania by Mondoth will be regarded as a HIGHLY imperialistic action by Mondoth. We will take action if such an invasion happens. Also, we wish to open relations with Jenrak and establish an Embassy. Maybe trade relations as well?"
End Message

Top Secret Message From Unknown Source Somewhere in Red Tide to Jenrak
"We represent the discrete supply buisness here in Red Tide and multiple warzones across the world. We would like to purchase 2,000 barrels of Level 3 Vaazhy-Blood. The total will be 120,000 dollars(OOC:This May be wrong). Please deliver to the port of Crig in the nation of Red Tide. We will take care of the shipping arrangments."
End Message
The Transylvania
28-08-2005, 16:30
Message to Transylvania
Of course, we will clearly send over some engineers to help you in your construction of more power plants, as per decreed in the treaty we have promised between our two nations.
Secret Message to Transylvania
"It will be marked in the cargo planes labeled 'Nuclear Power components', and will arrive in a few days, as we will keep things discreet."

Thanks you, my wonderful ally. My people will hold think of you as awesome people.

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf
28-08-2005, 19:03
OOC: In other words, you are simply not going to buy, sell or trade anything with me. I do not really care, because we never traded in the first place. So the effect would be null, if at most minimal. Whether you threaten to upstage a trade embargo, go ahead, be my guest.

Finally, yes and I was wonderign why y'all were making such a big deal out of it.

Any way, later I might want to seize some of your ships, but I'll work with you on that one for a good RP (unless you don'twant that to happen, in which case I won't)
28-08-2005, 19:06
OOC: 1) Well, I could turn the international community against you.

2) And I know what I’m doing. I have ways of down nations that a bigger down on their knees. Without using WMDS.

3) I have been around longer then you. My first nation was in 2003 ‘Wolf Kingdom’ and you know what Nobody was doing what you are doing now by then. So, you are almost sounding like a n00b with I’m four times the size of you and that you haven't been around as long as me.

well, at least ONE person in here is being reasonable.

1. good luck with that
2. now who's cting N00bish
3. see above, I've already said I'm a friggin puppet, how do you know you were here first?

now were taking up forimspace, continue this in TGs, don't want to take up any more of Jenraks storefront
The Transylvania
28-08-2005, 19:27
Finally, yes and I was wonderign why y'all were making such a big deal out of it.

Any way, later I might want to seize some of your ships, but I'll work with you on that one for a good RP (unless you don't want that to happen, in which case I won't)

OOC: Got a better idea, I use a couple of Timber Wolf Inc. cargo planes to pick up my stuff. For Mondoth’s info, Timber Wolf Inc. is own by Count JWolf. And they do some stuff with Jenrak.

So…if you try to force them to land to search them, JWolf could sue your nation because it would be unlawful thing to do. And I could get millions of dollars for you.
28-08-2005, 19:55
We thank Otagia in their participation in Mondoth's threat of an economic embargo against our nation, and would like to ask if Otagia is listed as one of our allies. If not, then we would be glad if they would accept to being one of our allies.
We are not yet an official ally of Jenrak, but would be grateful to be deemed worthy of such an honor.
29-08-2005, 00:08
OOC: Got a better idea, I use a couple of Timber Wolf Inc. cargo planes to pick up my stuff. For Mondoth’s info, Timber Wolf Inc. is own by Count JWolf. And they do some stuff with Jenrak.

So…if you try to force them to land to search them, JWolf could sue your nation because it would be unlawful thing to do. And I could get millions of dollars for you.

I'm not even justifying that with a response, except for a general impunction that you should read up on international law.
Red Tide2
29-08-2005, 00:52
OOC:And what international law or treaty that he has signed says you cannot transport Chemical or Biological weapons? I just checked... he isnt the UN. Therefore HE CAN own biological and chemical weapons.
29-08-2005, 00:55
I'm talking about the legal differences between somebody seizing a ship owned by a government and forcing a privately owned and operated aircraft to land for search and seizure. One could mean war, the other is barely a minor incident.
Red Tide2
29-08-2005, 01:05
OOC:Ah, I see you are refferring to that law which let the Soviets seize those 3 B-29s that were forced to land in Vladivostock? Well there are a few problems. Mind you I have heard about it but I havent read it so... I may or may not be right on the following problems you are going to have.

A:Those bombers flew into Soviet airspace. He most likely will not be flying a plane ANYWHERE near your nation. Therefore you cannot force him to land in international airspace(nor can you in his or Jenraks airspace(at least not with military aircraft), that would be violating their soveriegnty and they would have every right to shoot you down).

B:The planes the Soviets siezed were BOMBERS. The planes that you are trying to seize are COMMERCIAL planes on a routine and completely legitimate trade mission.
29-08-2005, 01:10
OOC: the bombers were controlled by a government entity, seizing comercial aircraft would definately carry stiffer penalties but would not be as big a deal as seizing ships, so ultimately puting the cargo on aircraft is even less of a detterant than having the cargo on ships.
Red Tide2
29-08-2005, 01:16
OOC:And how, persay, do you propose in forcing a aircraft to land? IN INTERNATIONAL AIRSPACE???!!! They can easily refuse, and then what? You shoot them down? HA! That means I, Transylvania, and Jenrak invade you!
29-08-2005, 01:25
(OOC: Not to mention those nations who use less savoury tactics than direct open warfare :D)
29-08-2005, 02:49
OOC: I know Mondoth means well with his reasoning, so can we just settle down on him? Or her, I'm not a very in-tuned person sometimes.

It's true that I'm not in the UN, and that I am in NO organizations (except for the CAN, Legions and UA, two of which I've been booted from). I never liked the UN, never since they took my economy down from frightening to powerhouse in one sweep overnight.

But Cruxgrad, I am confused on what you mean...? :(


To Otagia:
Heh. I highly doubt being one of my allies would be regarded as an honor. A word of warning: I tend to lose my list of allies (OOC: I do, actually), so I may now and then again ask whether you are my ally. I usully remember allies that I frequently RP with, and if you ever need assistance, I would be happy to lend any, save that I myself am not under any pressure or damage from any wars I could be plagued with.
Red Tide2
29-08-2005, 02:53
OOC:Jenrak... can you respond to my order?
29-08-2005, 02:56
(OOC: I was just saying that in response to RedTide stating that several people would invade him for such an act as shooting down one of your planes. He missed certain people of the list, such as those who use dirty tricks. :rolleyes: )
29-08-2005, 02:57
(OOC: Also Jenrak check out the News Broadcast thread I started and the link included there.)
29-08-2005, 02:59
OOC: you don't have to shoot a plane down to force it to land in international airspace, just threaten that you will, and if that doesn't work then there are some tricks that can be employed, most of them are highly complex but theres no real reason why they wouldn't work.
The Transylvania
29-08-2005, 03:00
I'm not even justifying that with a response, except for a general impunction that you should read up on international law.

OOC: You need to read up on your international law. The plane are own privately owned by the company not owned by the government.

You ask or demand them to land, and then the pilots would not land because your demands would not be something they would do.

Then would you shot them down, doing that would get you in more trouble. So, as long as my planes don’t fly near your nation’s airspace. You can’t do anything.
29-08-2005, 03:03
see above
29-08-2005, 03:03
OOC: Well, I could have corporations masquerading to be independant when they're government labs. *twilight zone*
29-08-2005, 03:04
(OOC: Also Jenrak check out the News Broadcast thread I started and the link included there.)

OOC: I'll be going to sleep soon, so can you give me the link? I can't find it.
The Transylvania
29-08-2005, 03:09
see above

OOC: Read my post, my planes ain’t flying near your airspace. Now, NOMORE OOC BULLCRAP, JENRAK DOES NOT WANT THIS IN THIS THREAD!
29-08-2005, 03:11
(OOC: )
The Transylvania
29-08-2005, 03:19

I’m going to place the same order as my first two. I will have planes land at the nearest airport to be load. Somebody touches those planes; I will be a mad person. Plus, I will being using Airbus A300B4 (, Antonov AN-124 (, and Boeing 707 ( cargo planes. Each one will have Timber Wolf Inc markings and be from the company.

1,000,000 Truth Serum Level 2 vials = $ 72,000,000
1,000,000 'Love Potion' vials = $ 350,000,000
1,000,000 Constant Erection vials = $ 102,000,000
1,000,000 Hormone Indicator vials = $ 85,000,000
1,000,000 Sperm Deterioration vials = $ 180,000,000
50,000 Level 2 Cazisz barrels = $ 170,000,000
50,000 Level 2 Cazisz barrels = $ 230,000,000
50,000 Night Rabies Level 2 barrels = $ 495,000,000
500,000 Enkur's Tear vials = $ 400,000,000

Total = $ 2,084,000,000

*****Money Wired*****

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf
29-08-2005, 03:27
OOC: Read my post, my planes ain’t flying near your airspace. Now, NOMORE OOC BULLCRAP, JENRAK DOES NOT WANT THIS IN THIS THREAD!
well, I;ve asked you to keep the rest of this in TG, no need to yell. and your planes don't need to fly anywhere near my airspace, if you had read above (like I asked) thenyou would have seen that.
The Transylvania
29-08-2005, 03:55
well, I;ve asked you to keep the rest of this in TG, no need to yell. and your planes don't need to fly anywhere near my airspace, if you had read above (like I asked) thenyou would have seen that.

OOC: Check your TMs then.
29-08-2005, 19:30
Official Statement From Red Tide Goverment
"Any invasion of Jenrak or Transylvania by Mondoth will be regarded as a HIGHLY imperialistic action by Mondoth. We will take action if such an invasion happens. Also, we wish to open relations with Jenrak and establish an Embassy. Maybe trade relations as well?"
End Message

Top Secret Message From Unknown Source Somewhere in Red Tide to Jenrak
"We represent the discrete supply buisness here in Red Tide and multiple warzones across the world. We would like to purchase 2,000 barrels of Level 3 Vaazhy-Blood. The total will be 120,000 dollars(OOC:This May be wrong). Please deliver to the port of Crig in the nation of Red Tide. We will take care of the shipping arrangments."
End Message

OOC: Sorry for that. I forgot about you (I'm going crazy, I swear)


Message to Red Tide2
"We will do our best to supply you with exotic species, but we do not know the purpose of your purchase of such animals. However, if you wish, we will send them. Enjoy, and we dearly hope that you have adaptable environments for them."
Secret Message to Red Tide2
"It will be in the marked crates, and hopefully you will be able to have a good use to these poisons. Enjoy their effects."

Regarding Embassies in Jenrak:
Red Tide2, you are entirely allowed to have embassies in Jenrak, but we warn you that any contact with the civilians if you follow a distinct religion unlike our own may give you a fiarly bleak name. However, we hope that a tie between the nations grow strong.
29-08-2005, 19:32

I’m going to place the same order as my first two. I will have planes land at the nearest airport to be load. Somebody touches those planes; I will be a mad person. Plus, I will being using Airbus A300B4 (, Antonov AN-124 (, and Boeing 707 ( cargo planes. Each one will have Timber Wolf Inc markings and be from the company.

1,000,000 Truth Serum Level 2 vials = $ 72,000,000
1,000,000 'Love Potion' vials = $ 350,000,000
1,000,000 Constant Erection vials = $ 102,000,000
1,000,000 Hormone Indicator vials = $ 85,000,000
1,000,000 Sperm Deterioration vials = $ 180,000,000
50,000 Level 2 Cazisz barrels = $ 170,000,000
50,000 Level 2 Cazisz barrels = $ 230,000,000
50,000 Night Rabies Level 2 barrels = $ 495,000,000
500,000 Enkur's Tear vials = $ 400,000,000

Total = $ 2,084,000,000

*****Money Wired*****

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf

To Transylvania:
Your payment has been recieved, and the planes should land at Ouridna, to recieve your cargo.
The Transylvania
29-08-2005, 19:53
To Transylvania:
Your payment has been recieved, and the planes should land at Ouridna, to recieve your cargo.


I will have them land there. There will be two Antonov AN-124, four Boeing 707, and four Airbus A300B4 to pick up my cargo.

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf
29-08-2005, 20:06
To Transylvania:
Enjoy your cargo.
29-08-2005, 20:31
The SovietRepublicofRussia has need of many items from this storefront these include:
Order from Ministry of Love(Law & Order):
2,000,000-vials Truth Serum Level 2 - 144,000,000
2,000,000-vials Sperm Deterioration - 360,000,000
Total: 504,000,000

Order from Ministry of Peace(Defence):
100,000-barrels Night Rabies Level 2- 990,000,000
100,000-barrels Level 2 Cazisz - 400,000,000
100,000-barrels Level 3 Vaazhy-Blood - 600,000,000
100,000-barrels Level 1 Vaazhy-Blood -311,000,000
100,000-barrels Level 1 Riaxis -410,000,000
100,000-barrels Level 2 Riaxis -440,000,000

total: 3,655,000,000

*money wired*
29-08-2005, 22:09
Jenrak will supply these in a few days, and they will arrive in a few days. Enjoy your cargo.
29-08-2005, 22:50
30-08-2005, 19:45
30-08-2005, 21:04
OOC: Third Bump, almost at fifth one to break the record!
31-08-2005, 01:02
31-08-2005, 02:25
OOC: I have finally beaten my record of no response with a fifth bump! YEEESSSS!
01-09-2005, 02:25
Sixth, and last bump. If there is no reply, I will finally no longer bother to care about this.
The Transylvania
01-09-2005, 06:09

I’m going to place the same order as my first two. I will have planes land at the Ouridna to be load. Somebody touches those planes; I will be a mad person. Plus, I will being using four Airbus A300B4, two Antonov AN-124, and four Boeing 707 cargo planes. Each one will have Timber Wolf Inc markings and be from the company.

1,000,000 Truth Serum Level 2 vials = $ 72,000,000
1,000,000 'Love Potion' vials = $ 350,000,000
1,000,000 Constant Erection vials = $ 102,000,000
1,000,000 Hormone Indicator vials = $ 85,000,000
1,000,000 Sperm Deterioration vials = $ 180,000,000
50,000 Level 2 Cazisz barrels = $ 170,000,000
50,000 Level 2 Cazisz barrels = $ 230,000,000
50,000 Night Rabies Level 2 barrels = $ 495,000,000
500,000 Enkur's Tear vials = $ 400,000,000

Total = $ 2,084,000,000

*****Money Wired*****

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf
Scamptica Prime
01-09-2005, 07:24
Scamptica Prime wishes to buy 10,000 vials of Enkur's Tear for $8 billion. Money to be wired upon conformation.

OOC: Bookmarked. I will order from here again. just don't tell the UN. :gundge:
01-09-2005, 19:53
The Transylvania:
The ordere has been filled, and will be shipped to you via cargo trucks towards the port. Once it is placed within your planes, you will be able to depart.

To Scamptica Prime:
Your membership in the UN is highly disturbing, and we fear that you may be a spy. However, the UN most likely openly knows of our transgressions, so should you purchase these adn be caught, we will not admit to any intervention, and we will not assist you in such.

It is your own life you are playing with, and we will not divulge, but should there be a chance that you are exposed (and you could easily be), we will not help.

On another note, we will sell you the poison. It is simply insane to deny cash when are intent on making a profit.
The Transylvania
01-09-2005, 21:36
The Transylvania:
The ordere has been filled, and will be shipped to you via cargo trucks towards the port. Once it is placed within your planes, you will be able to depart.

Okay, thanks for the good stuff.

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf
02-09-2005, 01:48
Okay, thanks for the good stuff.

~ The God-Emperor Count JWolf

Your welcome.
Scamptica Prime
02-09-2005, 02:23
OOC: I think poisons are fine. I was pretty much joking about the UN, but I'm glad I did as your reaction was funny.

IC: Scamptica is plesed with the affect and wishes to order another 10,001 vials of Enkur's Tear for $8,000,000,800. Money to be wired upon conformation.
02-09-2005, 02:40
We will provide them to you, once the money is wired.