NationStates Jolt Archive

Port of Entry (Aquatic)

Aqua Anu
21-08-2005, 20:35
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise] Aqua Anu's Remote Point of Entry is a good place for ships to refule, captians to relax, and get out of rough waters. Also open for Trading and Selling with Aqua Anu, or other Nation's Ships that stop here. Also, can be a good passer through.


19 Knots

[SIZE=5]NOTICE: This remote port is the property of the Queendom of Aqau Anu, and is subjected to National Laws of the Nation.

Up For Sale: Good Condition Navel Gun ships.

Six EXE-Twin Turbine Engins

Two Civ. Use Ships, Engin Included.