FP Internal Shock! Civil War?
21-08-2005, 18:36
From the news desk of Les Acualites de Franco-Philia
translated for our anglophone friends
"Today, in one of the most shocking events in Franco-Philia's history The Minister Didier Remy gave a four and a half long hour speech stating the importance of religion to a nation and how he personaly believed God had guided F-P through all of her troubles, he then stated bluntly and seemingly without emotion or regret that he and the legislative body of F-P had decided that for the souls and well being of the over one billion citizens they have dominion over that F-P will now adopt the one true mother church (The RCC) as the STATE religion and in the course of the next three months all other religious institutions will be converted into governement building, Catholic churches, or museums. All non Catholic citizens have the options of converting or looking for asylum in other nations, and non catholic religious literature is to be remanded to the public libraries and school/universites of F-P and only to be used there for their historic content and not to be owned personaly by the citizenry.Minister Remy ended the speech with a short prayer and the entire nation was in dismay, almost not believing what they had just heard...
F-P's population is only 57% Catholic so almost immediately the people were infuriated on both sides with the F-P national guard having to be placed in front of the National Cathedral and seat of the Archbishop who has not been seen and refuses to give a comment. Riots have broken out in the Capital city and all over the nation as people demand for the impeachment and immediate removal of Didier Remy as the national leader. The legislators however are 99% Catholic, definately not reflecting the make up of FP and the people had little control as the govt. has favored Catholics since the beginning and a social "caste" system has always existed withing the communities of FP.
In an even more shocking action the government has decided to suspend all exit visas till the person can be personaly interogated and file lengthy amounts of paperwork. Already hundreds have been deatained trying to flee the nation for asylum in other lands and even more hundreds have been detained for non catholic public prayer protests. Martial law has been declared in the capital city of Ville de Franco and the FP Army is being sent to patrol particuliarly troublesome borders.
In what is being called one of the worst atrocities in FP's time and a modern day inquisition many rebels have began to plead foreign powers to aid in their removal before they are faced with the force of conversion or lose their land, money, family, etc. The FP government has denied all attempts to leave the country and seized the properties of the rebels with almost half the naton begging for outside support....
21-08-2005, 18:50
OOC: bump, also, to define the need, the thing here is that more free nations can smuggle out citizens and conflict follow.....
21-08-2005, 19:17
After over 250 refugees, refusing to convert and attempting to flee were captured and detained, a devout hindu from an undisclosed location with a muslim imam have smuggled a videotape out of the nation and onto the main airways of international news programs with the following message...
"To any nation that would help us in this our plight we impore you to aid in the removal of refugees from the nation of Franco-Philia. Atrocities are already being commited to those brave souls who refuse conversion...we ourselves have seen the burning of homes and draining of all assets before imprisonment and even expulsion form the country into the hands of slave traders from non UN agressor states. We beg of anyone...help before this inquisition destroys all of our lives."
Wether or not all of their statements are true a few nations have began to investigate into the slave trading nations for any contacts with Franco-Philia and many other regions and nations are begining toquestion wether or nt they should step in and smuggle out refugees...
To: Minister Didier Remy of Franco-Philia
From: President Leto Raelthorne
Subject: Religious Issues
It has come to my attention that you have enforced a state religion, much to the disaproval of the general public. You have done nothing to deal with this disapproval aside from punishing those that disagree with you. I implore you to attempt to satisfy the public by withdrawing your action or at least mitigating it. At the very least I ask that you allow people to leave the country for asylum elsewhere. My nation would be very happy to accept these refugees and would even be happy to arrange transport.
-Presiden Leto Raelthorne
22-08-2005, 00:18
In a rare appearance after his speech the minister issues the following short statement:
"Regardless of what my people say and what some fringe groups say, this action is for their best interest and any removal of these citizens will be considered an act of terrorism on Franco-Philia. Any non catholic citizens fleeing the nation illegaly will be turned over to various states for forced labor, and their property seized by the federal Franco-Philian government. That is all for now and the Archbishop and I will hold a conference with the legislative body of our nation and the press this evening... that is all."
This outburst of religious almightment in a clearly diverse nation it simpley unjust, and should be delt with.
I am sure many radicals such as Golencia (just to name a single in the Catholic field) would give you billions to raise a war effort against my armed forces, and the usual decisions would be to wage war. Yet, I will not.
I offer amnesty to any religious sect in this corrupted nation into the Jewittist Republic, of which, past crimes and guilts shall be whiped clean off records.
An economic embargo will be inacted, and if this persists to where the civilians cannot live, we shall blockade your nation.
-Chancellor Fonzi Jewitt
OOC: Mind giving me an idea of what type of nation you are? Government, political marjoity, islander or coastal, or even landlocked, research levels, etcetera.
22-08-2005, 00:44
From the desk of Chancellor Roulen, speaking for Le Ministre Dider Remy and Archbishop Francois Devant...
Franco-Philia stays her course and will not allow any citizenry to leave without investigation by federaly appointed personell. All visas are suspended and for the moment borders are closed.
OOC: Franco-Philia is a landlocked nation, Socialist in economics and right wing republic on politics. The ruling part is the Socialist party which regardless of Socialism itself, holds many right wing beliefs. Research is modern tech with nuclear capabilities.
OOC: Never had a conflict with a landlocked country before which could involve a blockade....what nation(s) border(s) you? And for the record, my nation is split between Socialist and Capitalist through Jewittism (democratic USSR mostly which allows either political views in each region).
We have begun by causing all public and private dealings with Franco-Philia to be banned from export/import listings. Any Philian (Correct?) ships that come into port are to be sieged admediately. If civilian, they are permitted to leave, but government must be kept until further notice. Exporting is to only be permitted to any supporting of factions who voice their conserns against this, and to them only.
Arms will not be provided to these factions, regaurdless of the civilian demand against the government.
-Chancellor Fonzi Jewitt
22-08-2005, 00:58
Appearing before barrages of microphones and reporters the Chancellor for the minister who cannot be disturbed at the present moment issues the follow international response:
"Franco-Philia remands all units to the homeland and has temporarily began sending vast numbers of national guard to the borders shutting off all "refugees" from leaving. We have issued a ban on international communication for the next 72 hours save from that straight from the Capital of Ville de Franco. This is all for now, and in approx. two hours the minister and the archbishop will hold a press conference within the chambers of the Senate."
OOC: Philia will work just fine. I am bordered by the nations of the region in "France" which do not RP.
22-08-2005, 01:08
Official Statement by the Peoples Republic of Yangtzee
The people of Yangtzee have been reinforced in their beliefs thanks to the abominable actions of Minister Didier Remy of Franco-Philia. The current situation there is a reminder that religion has no place in politics, and should not influence the actions of a leader. Yangtzee offers it's assistance with giving the non-catholic section of your populace homes and shelter in our fair and free country if Minister Didier Remy of Franco-Philia would permit it. We wish to see this problem come to a peaceful and fair conclusion.
22-08-2005, 01:13
Official Statement by the Peoples Republic of Yangtzee
The people of Yangtzee have been reinforced in their beliefs thanks to the abominable actions of Minister Didier Remy of Franco-Philia. The current situation there is a reminder that religion has no place in politics, and should not influence the actions of a leader. Yangtzee offers it's assistance with giving the non-catholic section of your populace homes and shelter in our fair and free country if Minister Didier Remy of Franco-Philia would permit it. We wish to see this problem come to a peaceful and fair conclusion.
"Though I am sure the "refugees" as you would call them that are thrilled by your offer I am afraid that the borders are closed until further notice and all visas suspended."
22-08-2005, 01:15
That is indeed unfortunate Minister Remy, give the refugees our regards.
The Parthians
22-08-2005, 02:50
Official Statement from the Shah of Parthia
I hereby tell the Zoroastrians of Franco-Philia that your time of troubles is ending. I offer unto you, the nation of Parthia, ruled by your bretheren in faith. You are welcome here, O children of Ahura Mazda! Come here, enjoy freedom of religion. Bring your hearths and goods to here, and enjoy our capitalistic, Pro growth economy and religious freedom.
As to you, the corrupt government of Franco Philia, I am hereby giving you 24 hours to rethink your position. If you refuse to repeal this law immediatley until it is redrafted, I will take all necessary measures to install a government that will.
-Shah Khosru III
To: Minister Remy
From: President Leto Raelthorne
Are you sure you want to do that? We would be glad to accept refugees from your nation were you to allow them to leave, however, if you wish to do this the hard way I am willing to commit to freeing your citizens from your tyranny. There is an easy way out, as I have already stated, if you do not wish to take this easy road things will become increasingly more difficult for you.
We really do wish for peace, but you may just force our hand...
-Leto Raelthorne
Small and secret room somewhere in Winterfell
Leto entered the meeting room, a small drab peice of work that was greatly at odds with the general veiw of the powerful government. He greeted the assembled officers who already sat at the small table and took a seat himself.
"Alright, what do we know about Franco-Philia?" asked Leto, as the meeting began.
"Their government is socialist, but generally right wing, becoming even more so with this move," answered Hajjaj, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, taking his turn to speak.
"And, what of things relevant to you?" asked Leto of the Minister of Defense, High General Durandal.
"They're landlocked by a number of politically inacrive, stable nations. They have no technology of note, but they are nuclearly capable with a military average to their nations size. The military is currently alerted, with national guard units mobilizing to their borders, we believe to prevent any sort of exodus by the refugees," answered Durandal, simple and direct as always.
"What of the rebels' claims, of forced labor camps and an "inquisition"?" Leto asked, his tone more serious.
Durandal took a folder from one of the officers standing at his shoulder and handed it to Leto. Leto opened it and looked at the pictures inside. "Those are pictures taken by one of our surveillance sattelites early this morning. They show what we can only conclude to be forced labor camps. In some other photos we see what appears to be construction of new camps. As to the other claims we cannot confirm anything else, our only evidence is the tape from the rebels." General Durandal explained.
"Okay. General Durandal, I want you to organize a special forces operation to liberate one of the camps, I need them to know we mean buisness. But it has to be completely non-lethal, understand? Clear everything with me before you proceed. Also, be ready to mobolize units for war.
Hajjaj, I want you to find and contact any other nations that are trying to help the refugees, we may be able to coordinate our efforts. In addition I need you to prepare for the possible backlash of any covert operation we mount, on the off chance we are caught," Leto gave them both their instructions, thinking hard as he did so. He made sure they both understood, and adjurned the meeting.