The Conversion of all to the Light of the Eternals (Open, FT). - Page 2
Remius proceeds to do so, thought he causes it to explode with far more force than the Eternal intended.
The Scandinvans
16-09-2005, 02:27
The Eternal chuckled a bit and said," You now have a good grasp on your power, but I leave you to discover your other powers now."
"Could you explain and lethal limits first?" Remius asked
The Scandinvans
16-09-2005, 02:35
"That varies to being able to elimate all life on a planet or just causing someones arm hair to tinge a bit,'" the Eternal responded while leaving.
"I meant areas that are best left un-explored." Remius replied
ooc: What/If any actions will result in him being killed by his abilities?
The Scandinvans
16-09-2005, 02:50
By the time he had asked the question the Eternal had left and now had come to answer his question.
OOC: Pretty unlikely since the Eternals can control the effects to a degree in the event of something happening like that, but I suppose it can happen.
Remius began experimenting with the abilities.
The Scandinvans
16-09-2005, 04:48
Though they were not there the Eternals still watched him pratice assesing his progress often from afar.
OOC: This is my last post for the night.
Remius continued in the same vien the Eternal had set, start small, then enlarge or increase the difficulty of the item.