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Kaldren joins the FT community

18-08-2005, 01:37
Kaldren Factbook
Kaldren is a young FT civilization that uses Star Wars-type technology. Its people are a humanoid warrior race who depend on droids for their way of life, and spend most of their time training in combat. Kaldren has a rich culture and a historical background which has shaped it into the society it is now. The Kaldrenese (also known as Kaldrenicans or Kaldrenians) especially hate and fear the Jedi and Sith, and thus spend their lives training and conditioning themselves to fight these opponents, and to resist their Force powers, especially their “mind tricks.”
The Kaldrenian race evolved underground, living in the caves and caverns that cover the landscape of their homeworld, Kaldrenica. They lived as feral predators, sleeping in the caves during the day, and coming out at night to hunt, using their natural weapons. As such, they have many physical adaptations leftover from their animalistic lifestyle. At a glance, the Kaldrenians resembled pale-skinned, dark-haired humans, though a closer look reveals a few subtle differences. Their eyes are very large (about the size of a human’s entire socket) and have luminescent green irises. They also have reddish claws on their fingers and toes instead of nails, as well as a claw on each heel. They tend to stand from 60 to 64 inches tall, and are well-muscled. Their skeletal system is also much tougher and more developed than a human’s. They have bony studs under their skin, and their muscles and nerves are almost all protected by bone. They also have bones protecting their stomach and intestines. Their bones are of a different material than human bones, and are several times harder and more flexible, thus far harder to break. They also can run much faster than humans and can keep a full sprint for several minutes. They can also easily hold their breath for up two minutes under water, and are very strong swimmers. They can also easily climb over rough surfaces, thanks to their strong claws. They can see in the dark, but see best in dim illumination, such as in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, etc. However, in bright light, such as sunlight, they are blinded and suffer severe eye pain and damage. Therefore, they keep the lights in their dwellings dim, sleep during they day, and wear tinted glasses or goggles when forced to go out during the day.
Kaldrenica is located in the Primara system. It is one of seven major planets, which include four other terrestrial worlds (uninhabitable though) and two gas giants. There are also three major asteroid fields and a very large number of comets. Kaldrenica is the fourth planet out from Primara. It is 8,175 miles in diameter. Kaldrenica however, has some big differences from Earth. First of all, it rotates on its axis extremely fast, completing one rotation every 9 hours, 26 minutes, and 47.3 seconds. Secondly, it is tilted only 3.124 degrees off center, resulting in almost no seasonal variation. Its atmosphere is 44% argon, 25% neon, 17% oxygen, 11% nitrogen, 2% argon, and 1% other gases. 82% of its surface area is covered by oceans, seas, and other bodies of water. Another 6% is the polar ice caps, with only 12% of the planet’s surface covered by land, with two main continents (Kalantania and Verondia) and numerous smaller islands. The planet also has a prominent ring system (like Saturn or Geonosis) and four large moons, which are named Xoros, Minalin, Crotica, and Fauren. Finally, Kaldrenica completes a revolution around its star once every 426 Earth days.
Kaldrenican religion is known to the rest of the galaxy as Luneralism, since it revolves around worship of the planet’s moons. Luneralism goes back over 12,000 years. The Kaldrenicans believed that each moon was associated with a different classical element: earth, air, water, and fire. Based on their physical characteristics and habitat, animals and plants were categorized into being the creations of one of the four moon-gods. People were also sorted in a similar system, based on their personalities. It is also believed that Paradise is located on the planet’s rings. Today, religion still plays a very important role in Kaldrenic society.
The official name of Kaldren is the United Star Empire of Kaldren, and its capital is the city of Kondell. The tradition of rule by emperor goes back for 4,000 years, ever since the planet was united into one nation. Since then, there have been revolts, civil wars, assassinations, and court intrigue, but the imperial system has endured. The Emperor or Empress is all-powerful, believed to be the divine representative of the gods, and as such rules with absolute power and cannot be questioned. While rule by an Emperor is not uncommon, Kaldren has a unique system of inheritance. When the Emperor or Empress dies, all relatives and life-bonds (explained later) must take a test of courage, knowledge, piety, and stamina, and only those who pass this test may take part in the next stage. All who pass the test must take part in ritual melee combat with the others. There may be only one survivor. He or she is then declared Emperor or Empress. If all the combatants are killed or fail to pass the test, then the test is offered to anyone who wishes. All who pass then participate in the combat. The Emperor or Empress is advised by the Divine Council, a council of high clergy, along with any advisors, courtiers, or mentors they wish to take counsel from.
The culture and traditions of Kaldren have remained constant for millennia. One important aspect of this is respect and loyalty to family. Another is the takrate, a silver medallion that must be handcrafted at the age of 14, the year when a Kaldrenian traditionally comes of age. The medallion must be worn at all times from then on. To lose it is a loss of honor. If lost, a Kaldrenian must make every attempt to recover it. If it is not recovered within a year, that Kaldrenian must commit ritual suicide or disgrace his/her name and family. Marriages are usually arranged. Another unique aspect is the formation of life-bonds. Life-bonds are very close friendships with those outside one’s one family. A life-bond is created through a formal ritual and ceremony. The most important traits for a Kaldrenian are loyalty to the gods, emperor and family, faith and piety, courage, and warrior skills. Finally, Kaldrenians hate and fear the Jedi and Sith, believing them to be dangerous, vile heretics. It was out of this fear and distrust of the Force-wielders that Kaldren became a warrior culture.
The life of every Kaldrenian revolves around training to fight and kill Jedi and Sith, and learning to be great field commanders. They use droid armies to defeat normal opponents, usually led by Kaldrenian generals. They prefer to challenge Jedi and Sith opponents themselves, but usually fight backed up by droids because of the intensity of their hatred of Jedi and Sith. These are the droid units used by the Kaldrenian military. They are the same is their real Star Wars counterparts, except that they are capable of learning and remembering, and can anticipate an enemy’s attacks and actions, thus making them capable of gaining experience and skills and developing personalities over time. All droids can be male or female, based on their voice and programming.

B-1 Standard Battle Droid: 20,000,000
Designations: Infantry, Assault, Assassin, Security, Pilot, Commander
Armament: E-11 blaster rifle, thermal detonators (infantry, security, commander); homing missile launcher, KYD-21 blaster pistol (assault), sniper rifle, KYD-21 blaster pistol, “Dark-Eye” recon droid (assassin), KYD-21 blaster pistol (pilot)
B-2 Super Battle Droid: 1,000,000
Armament: wrist-mounted automatic blaster, 3 wrist rockets
Droideka Destroyer Droid: 200,000
Armament: 2 dual automatic heavy blasters (wrist-mounted)
Shield: Englobing deflector shield
STAP (Single Trooper Aerial Platform): 91,200
Armament: 2 light blaster cannons
Dwarf Spider Droid: 14,740
Armament: 1 nose-mounted laser cannon, self-destruct charges
Homing Spider Droid: 14,740
Armament: 1 rapid-firing anti-personal laser cannon, 1 composite laser beam cannon
IG-227 Hailfire Droid: 14,740
Armament: 1 long-range medium laser cannon, 30 Hailfire guided missiles
NR-N99 Tank Droid: 14,740
Armament: 4 arm-mounted blaster cannons
Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike: 14,740
Armament: Dual laser cannon
LM-432 Crab Droid: 14,740
Armament: 2 slashing arms, 1 long-range medium blaster cannon, 12 concussion missiles
AAT (Armoured Assault Tank): 14,740
Armament: 1 rotating heavy blaster cannon, 2 range-finding medium lasers, 2 lateral anti-personal blasters, 6 plasma shell launchers (bunker-buster, armor-piercing, and high-energy)
AMT (Armoured Missile Tank): 14,740
Armament: 2 heavy laser cannons, 60 surface-to-air missiles
MTT (Multi Troop Transport): 22,800
Armament: 4 17kv anti-personnel blaster cannons mounted in ball turrets
Capacity: 100 battle droids, super battle droids, and/or droidekas (mixed)
PAC (Platoon Attack Carrier): 68,400
Armament: None
Capacity: 100 standard battle droids
GAT (Ground Attack Tank): 14,740
Armament: 2 medium laser cannons, 16 concussion missiles
HAG (Heavy Artillery Gun): 14,740
Armament: 1 heavy turbolaser
HMP (Heavy Missile Platform) Droid Gunship: 2,400
Armament: 2 laser cannon turrets, 1 medium laser cannon, 2 light wingtip laser cannons, 14 air-to-ground missiles
MK-1 Vulture Droid: 39,600
Armament: 4 blaster cannons, 20 proton torpedoes
Droid Tri-Fighter: 13,600
Armament: 1 medium laser cannon, 3 light laser cannon, 6 Buzz Droid missiles
Mankvim-814 Interceptor: 2,400
Armament: 2 laser cannons
C-9979 Landing Ship: 2,280
Armament: 2 pairs of wingtip laser cannons, 4 turret-mounted cannons
Capacity: 10 MTTs, 30 PACs, 40 STAPs, 120 assorted armoured vehicles
Munificent-class Star Frigate: 100
Dimensions: 2,706 feet long, 1,397 feet wide, 797 feet tall
Armament: 2 heavy turbolaser cannons, 2 long-range ion cannons, 26 twin turbolaser cannons, 20 light turbolaser turrets, 38 point-defense laser cannons
Hyperdrive: class 1.0, 150,000 light-year range
Complement: 150,000 battle droids
Recusant-class Light Destroyer: 150
Dimensions: 3,893 feet long, 515 feet wide, 535 feet tall
Armament: 1 prow heavy turbolaser cannon, 4 heavy turbolaser cannons, 6 heavy turbolaser turrets, 5 turbolaser cannons, 30 dual laser cannons, 12 dual light laser cannons, 60 point-defense laser cannons
Hyperdrive: class 2.0, 30,000 light-year range
Complement: 40,000 battle droids
Lucrehulk-class Control Battleship: 20
Dimensions: 10,400 foot diameter
Armament: 42 quadlaser emplacements
Hyperdrive: class 1.8, 190,000 light-year range
Complement: 4 million battle droids, 1,500 Vulture Droids, 200 Tri-fighters, 120 HMPs, 50 landing ships, 500 MTTs, 1,200 PACs, 6,250 assorted droid vehicles
Providence-class Destroyer-Carrier: 80
Dimensions: 3,570 feet long, 650 feet wide, 1,139 feet tall
Armament: 14 quad turbolaser turrets, 34 dual laser cannons, 2 ion cannons, 12 point-defense ion cannons, 102 proton torpedo turrets
Hyperdrive: class 1.5, 40,000 light-year effective range
Complement: 1.5 million battle droids, 120 Tri-fighters, 120 Vulture Droids, 160 MTTs, 280 assorted droid vehicles, 16 landing ships.
From birth to death, a Kaldrenian’s entire life is training for war. Droids work the jobs, manufacture the goods, manage the services, grow the food, mine resources, and construct all the buildings and structures. Thus, Kaldrenians have no distractions and can continue honing their fighting and leadership skills. Upon birth, infant Kaldrenians are genetically engineered, to eliminate genetic diseases and defects and to produce desirable traits. At various stages of their life, Kaldrenians receive cybernetic implants to further enhance their senses, strength, speed, and stamina. Until they reach the age of 14, Kaldrenian children receive a mostly ordinary education. They study mathematics, history, science, art, technology, music, reading, and writing. They learn the proper techniques for swimming, jumping, and climbing. They are also taught the meaning of a life-bond and learn the ritual involved in sealing a life-bond. There are also rigorous exercise routines to develop strength and coordination and build confidence. They also spend much of their time in prayer and meditation, and learning various methods of self-defence. There is also a great deal of what some would call “brain-washing” and the Kaldrenians call “mental conditioning.” Early on, this conditioning is mostly to develop absolute loyalty to the Emperor and respect for the gods and family, as well as hatred of the Jedi and Sith. Later on, this conditioning develops into resisting the “mind-tricks” of a Jedi or Sith, and learning to use the power of Force Immunity to protect themselves from the Force powers of a Jedi or Sith. The forms of entertainment provided to children and adults alike are books, the HoloNet, certain sports, board games, art and music, and virtual reality games, which are usually first-person battle simulations or strategy games. When a Kaldrenian comes of age at 14, the real training begins. Kaldrenians spend hours in target practice with their blasters and learning melee techniques. An important part of their training is studying the seven forms of lightsaber combat and the best ways to counter each. They also get used to wearing battle armor and enduring conditions of discomfort and pain. Kaldrenians also learn to pilot the various types of customized vehicles and spacecraft they use. A great deal of time is spent in VR simulations, fighting against virtual Jedi/Sith opponents and each other, as well as in great battle strategy game tournaments.
The armor of Kaldrenian warriors consists firstly of a shirt and pants of a waterproof, fire resistant synthetic cloth, covered by a blast-resistant synthetic leather tunic. Several cortosis (a metal resistant to lightsabers and blasts) plates protect the chest, stomach, back, shoulders, and hips. There are also guards for the lower arms and legs (extending to cover the knees and elbows) of the same blast-resistant synthetic leather. There are also metal wrist gauntlets over their arm guards, with a variety of weapons built in to them. The Kaldrenians also wear a golden headband and royal blue cape over the right shoulder, their takrate, and a pair of tinted goggles, if they are fighting in conditions of bright light. Each Kaldrenian also has a personal deflector shield that functions the same as a droideka’s, but is translucent and “skin-tight.”
The Kaldrenian warriors fight with a variety of weapons. First of all, they have two 20-inch cortosis claws implanted into the back of each hand. The primary melee weapon of the Kaldrenians is the electrostaff (the weapons used by General Grievous’ MagnaGuards). They also each have a blaster, flamethrower, cable-gun, and toxic dart launcher built into each wrist gauntlet. Additionally, the carry two cortosis throwing vibro-knives, four thermal detonators, a flechette gun, and two TKV-14 blaster pistols (fires 5 shots per second, bolts deviate slightly from target in different directions to make them difficult to deflect).
The Kaldrenian warriors also pilot unique starfighters. These are K-17 Armanda class heavy interceptors (a unique craft of my own design). The fighters basically look like half-circles, with the flat side facing forward. They are painted black for camoflauge. They have two forward-firing heavy laser cannons, a dual rotating laser turret on the top of the craft, an EMP cannon for disabling shields, an aft-facing ion cannon, two Devastator antimatter missiles for destroying capital ships, and eight proton torpedoes. They also have a socket for an astromech droid, a built-in hyperdrive, and [cramped] quarters for the the pilot, with ten days' food, water, air, and fuel, allowing for extended patrol missions. It also sports heavy armor, top-of-the line sublight engines, an advanced sensor package, and a cloaking device. Furthermore, the ship can be based in any Kaldrenian capital ship, can make planetary landings, and can even travel underwater.
For almost ten thousand years, the Kaldrenians remained a feral and animalistic species, with no exceptional intelligence. The Kaldrenians evolved on the continent of Kalantania. On Verondia, a very different species, the Paranids, evolved intelligence. Eventually, the Kaldrenians and Paranids both developed primitive language, used simple tools and fire, and developed a complex social structure. During a time when both cultures had advanced to a level of technology equal to the Late Bronze Age, first contact came about between the two species. Each developed an intense hatred of the other. Thus came about the Blood War, a series of massive interspecies wars that culminated in the complete genocide and extinction of the Paranids. Little is known about them, except that they were insectoids (similar to Geonosians) and lived in great communal hives, under the command of a queen. Eventually, when the Kaldrenians were at a level of technology equal to late 20th century humans, a warship from the Techno Union came out of hyperspace above Kaldrenica. The foreman at the head of the expedition demanded that the Kaldrenians surrender their freedom and their planet, or be completely killed off. The Kaldrenian emperor, Kareesh the Brave, defied the Techno Union and ordered a missile barrage of the warship. It was unsuccessful, and shuttles of Techno Union soldiers and battle droids began landing on Kaldrenica. Some were shot down by aircraft, antiaircraft guns, and SAMs, but most made intact thanks to support from Techno Union starfighters. However, the Techno Union underestimated the defences of the capital city, Kondell, and the soldiers were overwhelmed. Emperor Kareesh and a body of elite warriors took up the blasters of the fallen Union troops and disguised themselves in Techno Union battle armor. Leaving the future of his people in the hands of 14-year old son Joramon, Kareesh and his warriors took two Techno Union shuttles back up to the warship. His warriors launched a surprise attack on the crew of the ship, and Kareesh and his men planted three atomic charges in the ship’s hypermatter reactor. The resulting explosion knocked the ship out of orbit, and killed most of the crew. Kareesh was not among the survivors. His foremost advisor, Naero, used a protocol droid and the communications array of the ship, which was still fairly intact, to broadcast a message calling for the immediate surrender of all Techno Union forces on the planet. He also managed to deactivate the Techno Unions droid forces. Kareesh’s only son, Joramon, was proclaimed Emperor. Joramon continued the campaign against the remaining Techno Union forces, which ran out of supplies. By interrogating prisoners, Joramon was able to learn to manufacture and use blasters and other advanced weapons and technology. Using these new weapons, Joramon enabled the Kaldrenians to repel two further assaults by the Techno Union, and went down in Kaldrenic history as Joramon the Wise. Eventually, another alien army appeared, this time a Sith Army under Darth Moradon. The emperor of the time, Blaerodit the Survivor, appealed to the Jedi for aid. But none ever came. Most of the Kaldrenian population was wiped out in defeating the Sith. This event triggered the Kaldrenians’ extreme hatred of the Jedi and Sith, and their intense training to fight them. By spending all their time training, the Kaldrenians also came to rely on droids to support their industry and economy.
Since then, the Kaldrenians have laid claim to four star systems, including their home system, but Kaldrenica is the only inhabited world so far, although others are mined for resources.

OOC: Can you tell me if there's anything I should change/work on?
Hyperspatial Travel
18-08-2005, 01:50
OOC: My...god. A FT civilization which isn't OMGZ IR TEH UBRRZ! Of course, the use of SW technology kinda balances that out, but I'm sure, as time goes on, you'll develop a more distinct technology of your own. Welcome to FT.
Hyperspatial Travel
18-08-2005, 01:56
Ehh. Just one thing. You have five million population. You do realise you have to include your military in that, which does include droids, y'know.
18-08-2005, 01:58
Ya I'm with HT on this. You've got a far to big miitary for such a young nation.
Other than that no problems here.
18-08-2005, 01:59
Crap, I was hoping battle droids wouldn't count for population. Can I just say that's the total I have, but most of it is deactivated until I have high enough population?
Hyperspatial Travel
18-08-2005, 02:02
Crap, I was hoping battle droids wouldn't count for population. Can I just say that's the total I have, but most of it is deactivated until I have high enough population?

Eh, well, you can RP whatever you like, but people will cry godmod and ignore you if you try to hit them with that many battle droids this early in your nation's stages.

Just make that a projected number by (whenever you reach the population you need), and just deploy small amounts for now. I mean, you're probably not going to get into any major wars right now?
18-08-2005, 02:04
Yes, Welcome to FT. I am Hobbeebia inventor and sole user of the Biomech fighting units, and The inventor of of Interdimensional Weapons , protection ,and transportation systems. If you wish to talk about the use of Interdimensional systems, just TG me
Hyperspatial Travel
18-08-2005, 02:19
Yes, Welcome to FT. I am Hobbeebia inventor and sole user of the Biomech fighting units, and The inventor of of Interdimensional Weapons , protection ,and transportation systems. If you wish to talk about the use of Interdimensional systems, just TG me

*steals Interdimensional systems*

Sole user, you say?
18-08-2005, 02:24
( takes inventory.....

"carp someone took out defective equitment again.....")

18-08-2005, 02:28
I've been using interdimensional weapons and engines almost since I started :)
18-08-2005, 02:33
You may have but I made them first way back..... And I said I am the Sole user Of biomach units.... not Interdimensional systems.... :rolleyes: .

But if this is true let us talk. about yours to mine.
The Velkyan Union
18-08-2005, 02:49
That just sounded...wrong.

Anyhow, welcome to FT, and the forums, and I wish you the best of luck.
18-08-2005, 02:54
That just sounded...wrong.

Anyhow, welcome to FT, and the forums, and I wish you the best of luck.

whats wrong?
The Velkyan Union
18-08-2005, 02:57
"About yours to mine"

Sorry, something in that just doesn't sit well with me.
18-08-2005, 02:59
...... now that you point that out...... We will never speak of this again... :)
18-08-2005, 04:02

Welcome to FT.

Yes, Welcome to FT. I am Hobbeebia inventor and sole user of the Biomech fighting units, and The inventor of of Interdimensional Weapons , protection ,and transportation systems. If you wish to talk about the use of Interdimensional systems, just TG me

Those... are all fairly generic. 'Interdimentional'? Hyperspace, subspace, etc. are all interdimentional by definition. Biomech-type combatants(depending on your definition) are rarer, but I recall seeing them around a good long while ago.
The Velkyan Union
18-08-2005, 04:06
...... now that you point that out...... We will never speak of this again... :)

You got it.
18-08-2005, 04:25
By Interdimensional travel I mean that subspace and hyperspace are horse and buggy compared to mine.

and I will get my thread on the Biomech units....
18-08-2005, 04:37
By Interdimensional travel I mean that subspace and hyperspace are horse and buggy compared to mine.

So you took the interdimentional concept and ran with it; lots of folks do and have done. I'm just saying that you weren't the first on NS.

I don't doubt that the intricacies of your ID and biomech tech are unique, just saying that similar things have been in use for a good long while on NS.

Hell, coming up with something fundimentally unique is damn near impossible there days.

Eh, guess I'm just trying to avoid the new guy mistaking you for an accepted authority. Or something; I dunno.
18-08-2005, 04:45
Trust me know one i have seen has ever gone in to it as much as I have and have yet to find anything on it, on the degree of what i use it. Plus My Biomech units are of my unique design. so On a few levels I may just be an authority on that area. just a thought....
18-08-2005, 22:11
Thanks everyone for the gracious welcome. I am fairly experienced in RP'ing and will develop indigenous weapons, technology, vehicles, and spacecraft that my warriors use. As you can see, I've already added a custom starfighter that my living pilots use.