NationStates Jolt Archive

Celebrate with the Holy Empire of Ninhursag

13-08-2005, 00:52
From the Sacred Desk of Ninhursag

Celebrate the Ultimate Truth; even heroes must die!

We invite all national leaders, nobles, royalty, diplomats, or ambassadors to a gala of mortality, pessimism, and death. This will include dancing, music, singing, and enough food to save millions of lives; all over a three day span, spanning the three Holiest days in Ninhursag. In addition we will be celebrating our new found friendship with The Glorious Socialistic Empire of Amerigo. We have forged an alliance and will be exchanging observers to view each others customs, religious practices, and societies. We invite other nations to do the same, however I would like to be very clear on this: This is not a meeting of any political standing therefore leave all political issues at the door along with your coats. Up to 10 delegates from each nation will be served free of charge, more are welcome, but we do not have the means to feed them. We will be serving a large variety of foods including but not limited to: sea bass, salmon, fried chicken, fillet mignon, fruit-both domestic and exotic, vegetables, cakes, pies, pastries, coffees, teas, tarts, tortes, juices, and on the third day the sacred River Ulaja will flood and bring life and death, birth and decay, creation and destruction!

The first day will consist of a 24 hour fast (however you are welcome to eat outside of the Great Ziggurat; however it will be difficult to find food outside the Shining City of Light). There will be song and dance for 20 hours, followed by 4 hours of sleep. The second day will consist of a two hour sermon by me starting at midnight. Followed by two hours of prayer. At four the real fun begins. The Cleansing will truly begin, you are welcome to participate but not required. The cleansing consists of being suspended from the Great Ziggurat for three hours and having needles placed into the skin (much like acupuncture) after another hour of prayer, the fast is broken. Until 18:00 on the third day we will eat, dance, sing, and party. Finally we will have a reenactment of the falling of the great Gilgamesh. At 20:00 the great river Ulaja will flood bringing with her fury; death and destruction, birth and decay, and life and death. Then we will sleep and you will be dismissed after a continental breakfast.

Do not worry security will be tight. There will be planes in the air at all times, submarines in the seas, and troops patrolling the entire city. There will be 25000 extra MP’s all over the city and another 2500 in the great Ziggurat. Please RSVP now, so that you can be sent your confirmation. We will escort you from the airport to the Great Ziggurat and back to the airport in three days time. May the Earth-Mother bless you.

His Holiness, the theocrat of Ninhursag,
Hierophant Kugler, defender of the light

OoC: This sounds like fun right?
13-08-2005, 02:40
OoC: C'mon no one wants three free days of room and board in a beautiful city, and to meet with foreign ministers as people not politicians?
13-08-2005, 02:46
We find your rituals quaint, we wish you all the best in your celebrations.
13-08-2005, 03:53
Well please come, we don't want to waste all this food. And thank you for your good wishes, but we really want you to come. It may seem a little strange if you don't understand, but thats what we want to promote, the healthy exchange of ideas. So please come, or atleast send an ambassador, or ten. May the Earth-Mother bless you.

Sister Mary Angelise
13-08-2005, 04:48
i hate saying it, but "Bump"
13-08-2005, 04:54
We may send someone, if we can find someone interested, thought that's a big IF.
13-08-2005, 05:48
OoC: yet again, bump. C'mon ppl u don't want his holiness to cry, do you?
13-08-2005, 06:25
Well, we totally would, but you use those disease-causing SatPhones everywhere... ;)
13-08-2005, 06:29
Three delegates have decided to come see this festival. If you wish personal information, please list the catagories, and we shall see what we can do.
13-08-2005, 18:44
From the sacred desk of Ninhursag

That is excellent news! All we really need is the delegates name, position, and allergies(such as peanut oil). The other imprtant thing is whether or not they plan on taking part in the Cleansing, we want to make sure we have enough sterilized needles.
In response to the Satphones you hate so much, there are none currently in our nation, they have been dispatched to elsewhere, so even IF they did casue disease, they are not present at the time, nor will they be during the party.

His Holiness, the theocrat of Ninhursag,
Hierophant Kugler, defender of the light
13-08-2005, 22:37
Sigh, Bump*-*
13-08-2005, 22:46
Premier Hareb of Iranistacria wishes to join the celebrations, and will arrive in his private jet two days before festivities begin.
13-08-2005, 22:50
Delegate's Name: James Miran
Position: Diplomat
Allergies: None
Participation: No

Delegate's Name: Victor Pleon
Position: Attache(M)
Allergies: None
Participation: Yes

Delegate's Name: Sara LeFlan
Position: Attache(C)
Allergies: None
Participation: No
14-08-2005, 00:24
Wolfstein Beber our Chief Representative himself has sent word that he is interested in participating in your grand celebration, if you allow it he will be on his way via helicopted. He also wishes to observe and study your religious practices, and hopes to share the most common religion in Darvainia, and some of our beliefs if you are interested in hearing. He has made clear that he will participate in your 24-hour fast, but not the great cleansing as he has an irrational and deadly fear of needles...

To the citizens of Darvainia, if he is allowed to come the Head of Parliament will act as head of state in his three-day absence, and he looks foreward to returning with his stories and experiences at this celebration, and to share them with you on the government's official website, that as you know is in the section for his dairy, you know under the section entitled "Chicken Soup of The Chief Rep's Soul"
Moses Land
14-08-2005, 00:33
The following Delegates will come:

Jorge Io (Former Holy Court Judge)

Janis Mirium (Socialist MP)

General James Aaron (Commander Holy Air Force)

Aaron III (Former King)

John Tio (Prime Ministers brother, former Conservative MP)

The delegates will notify you if they have any alergies.

Prime Minister Tio took a fillibuster break to send his best wishes and regrets he can not attend.
14-08-2005, 02:05
Do to the preparations for his first state marriage, the MHEB of Barlibgil, Bol Relym, regretfully, and respectfully, declines the invitation to attend this function.

He will be sending instead two of his highest ranking government officials.

General Ovessa Melprom, Leader of Cavin, member of the High Council
Potentate Duvira Uth'Mal, Leader of Druese, member of the High Council

Neither have any food allergies, but only the General shall be taking part in the Cleansing.

Bol Relym
MHEB of Barlibgil

(OOC:City Leaders are the highest ranking officials, next to the MHEB)
14-08-2005, 02:35
Gibraltarland is excited about this holiday. The following will come:

Jeff Si (President)
Alex Gq (Labor leader) Allergic to Corn Syrup
Joan Hoi (Democrat leader) Alergic to Beans
High Colonel Quincy Ki (Army Head) Alergic to Carrots
Poliu Rel (Foreign Minister)

We would each like to thank you for allowing us to come.
14-08-2005, 04:03
From the Sacred Desk of Ninhursag

We would like to thank everyone that has signed up for the festivites and welcome others to do the same.
~Iranistacria thank you for sending Premier Hareb, his plane has been cleared and his clearence codes will be sent to you on a more secure network.
~Theo we appreciate your decision to send delegates to our celebration, His excellence James Mirium and the attaches Pleon and LeFlan will surely enjoy themselves. Especially Pleon, the cleansing is very exhilarating the first time.
~Darvainia thank you for sending Wolfstein Beber to our celebration. We appreciate his participation, and understand his fear.
~Moses Land we see you are very enthusiastic about this and we are very glad. All your representatives will need to clarify any allergies they have at the gateway. And we wish Prime Minister Tio best of luck with his filibuster, and if he need something to read into the record I recomend our 5500 page Holy book, its just a thought.
~Barlibgil i wish you the best of luck on your marriage, may the Earth-Mother bless your marriage, "and may your first child, be a masculine child." General Ovessa Melprom and Duuirm Uth'Mal will have a wonderful time.
~Gibraltarland thank you so much for sending representatives. Alex Gq, will probably want to stick to mainly meats, fruits, and vegetables as many of the sweets propaply have corn syrup in them. High Colonel Quincy Ki will want to avoid the carrots, and be sure he realizes that we have a rare breed of white carrots, that he also will want to avoid.
Thank you all once again for allowing us to entartain your guests, they will not be disappointed. And if you haven't signed up yet there is plenty of time, food, and red-hot sterilized needles! Earht-Mother Bless

His Holiness, the theocrat of Ninhursag,
Hierophant Kugler, defender of the light

OoC: In a few days I will post a thread of the actual party, give it 2 or three days. And plz tell all ur friends and allies, thanx! I am so happy my first thread is a success :D :cool:
14-08-2005, 05:31
Bump said to bump, "hey bump why don't you bump?"
15-08-2005, 00:56
16-08-2005, 03:19
OoC: Last chance, I will be creating the party thread, sometime 2morrow, or very(very) early the next day.
17-08-2005, 03:09
I am gonna bump this one more time, since i will post the party 2morrow, i am Really tired, and the host shouldn't fall asleep.E-Mother bless
The Scandinvans
17-08-2005, 19:52
We shall send Lord Erikson as our rep and he will be involed it also he has no allergies.
~Emperor Harold of the Scandinvans~
18-08-2005, 05:18
Catch the party at: The Par-tee (
Roman Republic
18-08-2005, 05:21
The Roman President will attend. I will bring along my lieutenants and a 21-man Marine Security Guard detachment.
18-08-2005, 05:54
From the Sacred Desk of Ninhursag

I would prefer that you not bring the security detail, and I guarentee that they will not be needed, however if you insist, they will be disarmed at the door and admitted.

His Holiness, the theocrat of Ninhursag,
Hierophant Kugler, defender of the light
Roman Republic
18-08-2005, 05:57
Hmm..I will bring along my security, but they'll remove their firearms.