NationStates Jolt Archive

Demonstration Turns into Brutal Conflict, Slanneshi News Broadcast. (OPEN)

12-08-2005, 14:46
<19:15 Slaneeshi Central Time>

Comrade Jessica Hunter: [i]Good evening Comrades, welcome to tonights Slaneeshi News Broadcast, tonight coming to you live from the notorius Agary State Prison, just North of Pantit. The main stories this evening; A major protest in the centre of Pantit's Government district has boiled over into a bloody conflict, resulting in upwards of 100 casualties after the Imperial Guard interveened.
The demonstration began peacefully at 08:00 this morning with 1,200 traitors arriving at Patriot airport, just outside the Suburbs of Pantit, armed with nothing but posters and banners. This planned event was of course known about by the Glorious Peace & Control Enforcement Agency (P.A.C.E) agents based in Pantit, and as a result 50 agents were sent to disperse the protestors immediatley after they disembarked, These traitors were warned before disembarking that if they were caught in defiance of our Great Leader they would face execution or indeffinate imprissonment without trial. Rough figures suggest that only 200 or so of the in-bound protestors obeyed this warning, leaving over 1000 filthy rats to march on to Pantit itself. the PACE agents followed the route and frequently warned them that their actions would not go un punished if they entered Pantit.
At 09:12 the first protestors passed the Pantit check point and officially gave up all of their Comrade Rights in doing so. The agents of PACE took up their duty to dispell the evil do-ers through force now they presented a serious threat and began making arrests. 400 of these scum were bound on the floor with electra-tape in under 10 minutes and 12 lay dead as a result of their defiance of PACE authority. The rats who had not been arrested began running towards the Government distrcit at this point, apparently infuriated that their worthless associates had been rightfully captured by loyal Pace Agents. It was decided that this event had gone far enough, and that 50 PACE agents was not sufficient to detain this rabble.
As the group began to run into the district 500 Imperial Guard troops emerged, along with over a dozen armoured vehicles, to complete the rounding up of the defiant dogs. Before engaging with the panic stricken hippies the Imperial Guard released over 100 dogs from vans. These heroic animals killed several people in the crowd before the troops opened fire on the 300 or so remaining protestors who had not been arrested or fled.
Automatic weapon fire was heard for many blocks arround as the infidels fell one by one. The gun fire stopped after only 30 seconds, with in excess of 100 lethal wounds inflicted. Many more were injured, and the remaining few lay down on the ground in a position of surrender.
All were bound with Electra-Tape and taken away to this prison behind me were they are being kept now. All are to be exectuted, in fact I think if we go to our Courtyard camera we can see the first of the infidels being brought out infront of the media. Look at the deep wounds on his un worthy face, hopefully put there by the PACE agents or Imperial Guard troops. The card hanging arround his neck reads "Infidel: 0152145159" That means that the first execution will be off Infidel John Tape, of Dacri in the South of this fine land.
It appears that this execution will be rightfully savage as he is led towards the electric fence which surrounds the dog pen. Behind him as he stands on the confessionary podium 2 of the most savage dogs in Slaneeshi are eager to get suck into this scum. I must confess I enjoy watching infidels thrown to the dogs more than any other of our fine executions of unworthy souls. As you can see, the gate is now closed and out comes the executioner. Erm, okay, i'm a little confused, he isnt wearing any padding but he is carrying a sword, surely a beheading is too good for this scum? Lets watch.
Oh now I am confused, the executioner has handed the sword to the condemned infidel, possibly sebukku? Sebukki has not been used in this country for over 500 years, and never as an execution method. This comrdae is intrigued. The excecutioner has left and the electric fence is powered up to full power. Now the crowd and media down there are chanting, it appears this infidel is going to be taunted into suicide, emotional torture which is very much deserved.
12 minutes have passed now since this infidel was positioned on his suicide block and he is shaking out of fear now as he is holding the blade against his chest, apparently ready to give in to the torture. Yes, yes he has done it. This infidel has thrust a sword into his chest and is now crouched on the floor screaming to his last. The blood is pouring from him onto the sand, and Oh my, the people of Slaneeshi have broken past the PACE guards and are spitting on the dying infidel.
*camera manages to get a shot through the legs of Slaneeshi comrades as the Infidel gasps for final breath before closing his eyes for the last time in agony*
12-08-2005, 17:21
Bump for responces...
13-08-2005, 12:40