Extension of Relations; Semi-Open Diplomatic RP (OOC Thread)
11-08-2005, 22:36
I'm basically looking to create some sort of Tour, visiting each nation for a bit, then traveling to the next nation on the list to develop relations. If you'd like to be a part of the Tour, I'd like you to fill this out, just so my leader has something to work with, especially if I've never heard of your nation before.
Nation Name:
Style of Government (Democracy, Dictatorship, Monarchy, etc):
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Reason for Opening/Improving Relations with Euroslavia:
These Tours tend to die out quickly, because people lose interest, so I'm only looking for a few nations to accept.
Nation Name: Thianon
Leader: Gen. Thian Cho
Style of Government: Corrupt Dominion
Civil Rights: Rare
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
Reason for Opening/Improving Relations with Euroslavia: The state of Thianon was recently founded through a coup d'etat. As such, the new leader Gen. Thian Cho is interested in public relations, and opening trade to use the small state's considerable (for its size) wealth. The state is currently in disarray, and Cho hopes to stabilize it by buying medical and food supplies.
I'm very new to NS, let alone RP'ing, so if you'd rather give my spot to someone more experienced, I'll understand.
EDIT: Wording.
04-09-2005, 19:03
OOC: Perhaps a bump would be in order.
04-09-2005, 19:07
Nation Name: The Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Leader: President Kir Kanos
Style of Government (Democracy, Dictatorship, Monarchy, etc): Democracy
Civil Rights: Very Good
Political Freedoms: Excellent
Reason for Opening/Improving Relations with Euroslavia: [OOC: Because it's always a smart idea to be on good terms with mods. ;)] We seek to open relations with Euroslavia because it is our opinion that it is always a good thing to befriend large, like-minded nations. We feel that we would benefit greatly from increased relations with Euroslavia, and we would be happy to do whatever necessary to ensure that Euroslavia benefits as well.
The Kraven Corporation
04-09-2005, 19:08
Nation Name: The Kraven Corporation
Leader: The High Command
Style of Government (Democracy, Dictatorship, Monarchy, etc): Totalitarian Military State
Civil Rights: Outlawed
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
Reason for Opening/Improving Relations with Euroslavia: The Corporation is looking for Allies, or Supporters of the Corporation during "Delicate" times of International Pressure
04-09-2005, 19:12
Nation Name: Krendakov (the Republic of)
Leader: Aleksei
Style of Government (Democracy, Dictatorship, Monarchy, etc): Corrupt Dictatorship (attempting to begin free elections)
Civil Rights: Average
Political Freedoms: Rare
Reason for Opening/Improving Relations with Euroslavia: (OOC: Why not?) Improved relations with Euroslavia may aid our country in all areas, especially economic.
04-09-2005, 19:29
Euroslav Tour
The Kraven Corporation
...So far.
The Kraven Corporation
12-09-2005, 22:14
Bump and When does this start?
Nation Name:YAfor 2
Leader:Elected Duke Rudiv Sodo
Style of Government (Democracy, Dictatorship, Monarchy, etc):Democracy
Civil Rights:Some
Political Freedoms:Good
Reason for Opening/Improving Relations with Euroslavia:They sheltered Lad Destra during part of the Civil War, so it would be polite for her to drop by...that and the fact that we never actaully got and RP going..so...
13-09-2005, 19:54
Bump and When does this start?
Quite soon.
Communist Brazil
14-09-2005, 00:11
Nation Name: The Confederal Municipalities of Communist Brazil
Leader: Popular Speaker Afonso, though he has very little actual power
Style of Government: Direct Democracy, libertarian communist
Civil Rights: Superb
Political Freedoms: Excellent
Reason for Opening/Improving Relations with Euroslavia: Euroslavia, as the founder of the Union of World Powers, has proven itself again and again one of the most venerabled and experienced nationstates in global politics. While Brasil is entering a phase of adolescence in comparison, we greatly seek the advice of the wise nation, in opening diplomatic relations within the upper strata of world powers, in the interest of mutual relations.
Nation: The Democratic Nations of Haughey
Leader: President Cornelius Haughey, son of the founder of the nation.
Style of Government: Right-Wing Utopian Democracy.
Civil Rights: Rare, though Cornelius is working hard to improve them.
Political Freedoms:Excellent.
Reason for diplomatic elations: We are new on this world, and wish to extend the Olive Branch of peace to those that wish it.