Mene, Tekel, Fares (New Haven)
Confederate States Space Command
"Holy mother of god!" "They did WHAT?!" "Oh my god! My aunt! My aunt is living there!"
Then there was silence. Standing in the middle of the room, Admiral Cameron announced his sentence. "Gentlemen, Yurka-city has been stricken by weapons of mass destruction from space. Five million died on the spot. Others are dying now. I believe we are now dealing with a war of survival. While most of our craft are tied up at Earth, I now order a pre-emptive homeworld strike. Direct four Porcupine-class craft and half our frigates to New-Haven’s homeworld. That’s 250 Hughey Mk II frigates. Arm them with the orbit-to-ground bombs. Go for it. How long will it take to prepare?"
"Several hours, Sir."
"Very well. Radio the GPSN, we will need all firepower we need on this one."
11-08-2005, 20:48
Am I to understand this is a field test, Lord?
Quite so. You know that the rest of the Judges are quite enthused with Athena, to the point they're considering replacing you with her. ISIS, if you excel here, you'll crush Athena, and reinforce your position.
Perfectly plain, Lord. I shan't fail.
Ensure that you don't. You have the co-ordinates from the Allaneans?
Already assembled, Lord. I try and stay informed.
Excellent. Leave when ready.
ISIS was the battlenet of the Eternal Empire, a single intelligence gifted with the ability to think, feel, adapt, and overcome obstacles that other machines stumbled on. Yet until now, she was auxiliary to the Judges of the Warrior caste. She carried out their wishes, enabled their orders to be carried out, but she didn't control things like she would now. And that made ISIS nervous. Her life was on the line. Immortality tended to make one take that for granted.
Access securenet, bay 12, cameras 1-6
Into her vision came six images, the feed from a docking bay. Inside it, was her task force. Six racks, each containing six identical ships were bolted to a cold concrete wall that faded quickly to darkness at any distance from the light. She couldn't see in orbit, however, were the two Boomsticks, gigantic anticapitalship weapons of crushing power, but she could feel them. She was integrated into their systems, their controls, every single circuit was under her command. They were utterly crewless. And it was this same control she exerted into the racked ships, Nonsequitor destroyers. Their flat, circular bodies gently lifting under their own power, and sliding from their holdings, one by one, a neat line. Doors slid open, exposing the bay to the void of space. In their neat line, they slipped out. ISIS could almost feel the rush of the wind on their hulls as it was tugged out into the vacuum along with the vessels.
And then it was over, that little flurry of activity on some far side of a desolate planetoid had finished. The ships were lined up with the co-ordinates and disappeared into hyperspace.
11-08-2005, 21:25
Gaia Fleet HQ, Gaia, Gaia System
Gaia Timestamp: 060010262534 SR
Commodore Katherine Moondagger stood at attention in the fleet headquarters. She had been asked to report to the HQ to receive orders. After only a few moments, she saw a familiar face.
"Commodore, it is good to see you again." Admiral Dyrixia said, shaking the Burmecian woman’s hand...
"It’s good to see you too, too busy to come back and visit us down in sector 7?" she asked,
"You have no idea, take my advice, and don’t let them promote you."
“You miss putting out the brushfires for the SPOOKS already?”
“Speaking of brushfires, you have an assignment… I had to work to get you it too, they were going to give it to Syphera and the TIF… There has been an attack on an ESUS member, and we have received our orders, we are to assist in a counter strike against the TIS. You are to achieve whatever goals the other admiral’s desire. But do not sink to butchery, Military and Government targets only… Just, come back safe.”
”Thanks Jacob.”
Fourth Fleet:
1 Freestar IV Carriers
16 Freestar III Carriers
27 Bladerunner II class Battleships
30 Bladerunner I class Battleships
12 New Yevon Class Cruisers
18 Spira class Frigates
12-08-2005, 01:26
NGSS Thomas Jones
P3X-719, Criun System
Brigadier General Lee Wyatt was finishing his lunch, a delicious ham and cheese sandwich, in the Thomas Jones’ mess hall when a young sergeant walked up to the General’s table. The sergeant did not dare to interrupt him. Doing so might land him a job cleaning the toilets for a month.
Wyatt noticed him and looked up from his plate. “Yes?”
“Sir, we have just received this important transmission,” the sergeant replied as he handed it to the General, who immediately read it.
Office of the Chairman
Executive Tower - Centennial Plaza
Caprica City, Northrop-Grumman, Earth
Brigadier General Lee Wyatt
Commander of the NGSS Thomas Jones
As you already know, there has been an attack upon Yurka
City, an Allanean territory. The Second Fleet is ordered to The
Island States' homeworld and is authorized to use whatever
force necessary to compel them to stop this senseless conflict.
I am already apprised of your current status. You are to leave
once the loading is complete. Good luck.
“How much longer ‘til we have the rest of the missiles aboard?” asked Wyatt, referring to the newly arrived shipment of Kanuckistani 'Mare Crisium' missiles that carried a payload matter-energy conversion bombs.
“About twenty minutes, sir.”
“Very well, dismissed.”
Within twenty minutes, the final crates of missiles were brought aboard. Immediately, the Second Fleet set course towards the Island States’ homeworld and entered hyperspace.
The Island States
12-08-2005, 01:50
New Haven
"Hyperspace jump successful, we have entered cislunar space above New Haven. The Third Fleet is hailing us."
"Admiral Wainwright, this is Co-Imperator Sara the First in command of the Baltic," The Third Fleet hailed. "Co-Imperator Ashley the First will take command of the New Haven. You will serve as her aide in this conflict and take over if she perishes. Major amounts of allied blood have been spilt, but not a drop of civilian blood shall be spilt here today. The hyperspace gate is our primary defense co-objective, as is the capital city. God help us all."
The Diplomatic Shuttle carrying the Co-Imperator docked fast, dropping off the New Haven's new CO.
"Helm, bring us above the Third Fleet fast and join formation. Prepare to fire siege cannon and launch all corvettes and gunships. Activate short-range FTL inhibitor field, lets catch them in front of us and prepare to extend the field. Prepare torpedo traps for immediate usage. Smoke 'em if you got 'em."
New Haven
Just as with the other front, a very similar tactic was used. The corvettes went for the main planet, skimming the edge of the athmosphere, spreading all over the place, hitting the various cities with a variety of nuclear and chemical weaponry. The idea was the same - kill. Destroy. Punish. Defeat.
The Porcupines approached, slowly, fighting off swarmes of fighters and torpedoes with their CIWS, their anti-ship cannons spinning in a frenzy of death and destruction, catching ships and frigates in their sights, firing again and again and again - not always actually doing damage, but doing their best, of course. The Confederate Navy may not have been the most efficient, but it was the bravest they had.
12-08-2005, 04:00
Within moments of the opening shots, the Fourth Fleet decloaked. Two freestar III class carriers launched some fighters, over 1500 in total. These fighters began to head for the larger enemy vessels, loosing plasma and antimatter warheads and skipper missiles onto the targets.
The 57 Battleships headed to punch thru their targets. Shields blazing, and Temporal Gauss cannons charging. within 20 seconds, they loosed a volley of Temporally charged Gauss blasts towards their enemy vessel.
Meanwhile, the cruisers and frigates sent pulses of energy into the capital ship's shield recharge system. Bolstering an already formidable defence.
Message to Alleana Forces:
We are here to assist a fellow ESUS member. Any suggestions on how to go around doing this?
12-08-2005, 05:00
To ISIS, hyperspace established itself as a mesh of colours, co-ordinates and expanding grid references, with herself at the core. Everything shot by at a tremendous rate to the everchanging liquid blue/green view, until New Haven appeared. Dropping out a few light seconds from the planet itself, as far from predicted enemy positions as it could be, ISIS' task force remerged from hyperspace, one moment not there, the next as if they had never left.
Though nobody was aboard any of the vessels but ISIS herself, her sense of theatrics played out. Holo emmiters in one of the Boomsticks ( activated, beams of light establishing the full sized form of ISIS, wild blue-silver hair and a translucent body, striding up and down the bridge of the Unpronouncable Jabberwocky. Calling up sensor showings on the screen, she spied the enemy fleet, invisibly far to the naked eye, but not to her sensors. There were a few large ships, which would make tasty targets for the main guns of the two boomsticks. There were also an uncomfortably large amount of smaller vessels, though that was what the Nonsequitors were there for. It seemed the Allaneans had already begun their attack. Very convenient. Clearing the path of the boomstick shots of any swarming Nonsequitor, they began their bombardment. Deep within the bowels of the vessel, there was an intense bass rumbling, faintly reaching the bridge. Clunks of heavy machinery sliding into place came next, building up to an intense crescendo. Pistons turned, moving faster and fast, the industry working itself into a frenzy. The whine of the accelerator began to penetrate the rumbling of the machinery, the hiss of the pistons, the flurry of motion that ISIS could feel around her. A single shell slotted into place. The whine increased, dominating the other sound, beginning to drown it out. It was little surprise the crew that would have been on this ship were fitted earguards. Just when the noise could not become more deafening, it was released like a spring under tension. All of the energy that went into powering that shot was released like a thunderstorm. The vessel itself groaned under the pressure as the shell pounded into the void. The other boomstick done the same.
As for the Nonsequitors, their role was far less strenuous to the ear. Ports opened up along their hull, small as it was compared to the far larger boomsticks. Missiles shot out from their circular body towards the foe. Hummingbirds were the standard armanent of the Jordaxian navy. Intelligent, fairly powerful, and absolutely deadly to smaller craft like corvettes, and even frigates en masse. But they weren't the primary target. These missiles had a special purpose. To repay the favour that had started this whole incident. These were special "dirty" warheads designed to spread radiation throughout a targetted world. The yield wasn't as high as a cleaner weapon, but a few landing in an ocean would sterilise it for decades to come, and the Nonsequitor task force launched hundreds. Conserving fuel, they relied on their initial burst to take them to the target area, where they would fly a drunken, totally random course to the target, making corrections only in the last split second to hinder point defence.
All in all, ISIS was pleased with the beginning, though time would tell the damage it would reap.
The Island States
12-08-2005, 05:15
"We've taken multple hits! Automatic tracking is down! Engines are failing, life support failing! Shields are at 5%! We've lost the frigates and many of the corvettes! FTL offline! We can't stay here any longer, Imperator!"
"Full reverse! Take us back!" The shields failed aboard the New Haven, the Asherton being towed away quickly by Remoras as the Juggernauts tried their damndest to hold off the attack. Remoras latched onto the New Haven, one of them taking a direct hit and exploding before it could establish shields.
"If we take another major hit, we're going to lose power!"
"Imperator, ships appearing all around us! We're being overwhelmed!"
The Island States
12-08-2005, 05:19
Losses in New Haven:
150 million civilians dead in New Freeport
50 million civilians missing
25 million civilians wounded
1 Juggernaut Cruisers
12 Remora Cruisers
6 Longbow Destroyers
All of the Frigates
All of the Corvettes/Gunships
All of the Fighter Drones
12-08-2005, 06:43
New Haven
After a short trip, the Second Fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the midst of the battle. They immediately raised their shields while the Thomas Jones started launching its fighters. The first wave of one hundred screamed out of the hangar bays towards the enemy and began to fire their 'Mare Crisium' missiles at the Juggernauts.
Meanwhile, the seven of the ten battle cruisers, along with the full force of the corvettes, broke off from the main fleet and pursued the New Haven and the Asherton. The battle cruisers opened fire with their HMAC-X cannons. Each of the cannon’s shells contained numerous neutron bombs and nearly shook the vessels apart when fired.
Bryn Shander
12-08-2005, 07:41
Above and below the Siesatian fleet, two massive fleets appeared out of nowhere in a blinding flash of light. Each numbered nearly four thousand ships, the largest of which were the five huge 6km*3km*1km Inverse class dreadnoughts in the center of each fleet. Surrounding each of the black dreadnoughts were twenty four of Bryn Shander's 1.2km long Starburst class battleships, the light of their arrival illuminating their deep purple hulls. More still were the crimson Usagi class heavy cruisers, which numbered nearly one hundred and fifty per fleet, and the emerald green Musai Daioh class light cruisers, which counted at nearly three hundred. And then there were the thousands of destroyers, frigates, and support ships.
With the fleets came a thick cloud of invisible Minovsky Particles that jammed nearly all sensors, and an even thicker cloud of fighters and mobile suits. As the glare from the two flashes died out, squads of fighters and suits shot towards the Siestian and Allanean ships.
From the bridge of one of the Inverse class ships in the topside fleet, bright flashes spelled out a message to the enemy fleets in morse code.
- .... .. ... / .. ... / - .... . / .--. -. ... / -..- . .-.. .-.. --- ... --..-- / ..-. .-.. .- --. ... .... .. .--. / --- ..-. / - .... . / -... .-. -.-- -. / ... .... .- -. -.. . .-. / ... .--. .- -.-. . / ..-. --- .-. -.-. . .----. ... / ----- ..--- -. -.. / .. -. ...- . .-. ... . / -... .- - - .-.. . ..-. .-.. . . - .-.-.- / .- ... / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. / ... . . --..-- / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -.-. .-.. . .- .-. .-.. -.-- / --- ..- - -. ..- -- -... . .-. . -.. / .- -. -.. / ..-. .-.. .- -. -.- . -.. .-.-.- / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / ...- .- .-.. ..- . / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .-.. .. ...- . ... / .- -. -.. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -. .- - .. --- -. --..-- / .-- .. - .... -.. .-. .- .-- / .. -- -- . -.. .. . - .-.. -.-- .-.-.- / - .... .. ... / .. ... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- .-. -. .. -. --. .-.-.-
OOC: Damien, if the message has any bearing on this RP, I request humbly that you translate it into English
OOC: As I think of it, Bryn Shander, I wonder: Why should I even recognise this post? Note sequence of events:
1. Last time we fought, you and Greater Prussia mutually ignored.
2. Then, your allies Hallad and TIS attacked me. This thread is a result of me fighting back.
3. Please tell me why I should bother RPing with someone who admitted previously he does not enjoy RPing with me, whose roleplays with me were, at the time, accompanied by OOC insults, and OOC *death threats* (or what was seen as such by the operators of #nationstates_general)? Remember, Hallad and TIS have attacked Allanea. They should have known Allanea ignores you, and that Allana is allied with GPE.
Bryn Shander
12-08-2005, 09:46
OOC: Because, as you're attacking New Haven in this thread, he is the defender and gets to choose who joins. Seeing as how he asked me to intervene, I suppose you have two options.
1. Deal with it.
2. Pack your shit and leave.
OOC: Happily, I have no major ships here. Given that I continue to ignore your existence, and given that ICly my ships ran out of ammunition anyway, in previous post, here's what I'll do.
They were out of ammunition. The Allanean vessels disappeared in blinding balls of light, returning to Earth for rearming and maintenance. The Islanders still had the Jordaxians, Grummanians, and Siesatians to deal with.
OOC: According to Damien's statements on IRC, he only owns a 4,000-ship navy, total. According to those very same statements, at least half of those 8,000 ships here are illusions or decoys of some form (he did not specify). While this is OOC data, and can't be used IC, I think it's still something you all should know.
12-08-2005, 15:14
The Pythagoras recieved, and translated the message...
Recieving this, a new message was drafted...
Message to PNS Xellos...
You are threatening an ESUS member, under ESUS constitution, Section 3A... We are bound to send military aid to Alleana. You will return to your own space, or you will be fired upon.
This is your only warning.
Moving to ready an attack on the enemy ships, the Temporal Gauss Cannons began to charge, a brilliant blue glow emminating from them.
Fighters and Bombers launched, ready to face the oncoming enemys. Their ammunition racks packing the charged Anti Plasma STS Demon Missiles, that wreaked havoc on any electronic device.
Meanwhile, in responce to the increased enemys, the 1st Siesatian Temporal Incursion Fleet, and the 3rd Fleet were on their way.
1st TI Fleet:
1 Grandfather Class Temporal Command Vessel
26 Paradyne Class Temporal Battleships
19 Paradox Class Temporal Carriers
3rd Fleet:
1 Freestar V Carier
5 Freestar IV Carriers
19 Freestar III Carriers
36 Bladerunner II class Battleships
38 Bladerunner I class Battleships
24 New Yevon Class Cruisers
26 Spira class Frigates
12-08-2005, 16:40
Frustrating. MOST frustrating.
Attaching the last few minutes of sensor, both optical and electronic, readouts to a messenger probe, she spat it out of a Nonsequitor missile hatch, and it leapt away to send the signal to the rest of the Eternal Empire. If ISIS was defeated here, she didn't want it to be used against her, especially to argue in favour of that useless Athena. And the size of the fleets here were certainly beyond her skill to combat, with such a tiny Jordaxian force deployed. Still, wasn't as if these new foreigners.... Bryn Shander, could actually kill her. That was laughable.
Transmission from "Unpronouncable Jabberwocky" to PNS Xellos
This is ISIS of the Eternal Empire. I am here rendering assistance under obligation from ally Allanea. The Eternal Empire does not seek further violence once "New Haven" has been decontaminated, and it falls to me to issue an ultimatum in return. Leave now, or face the consequences.
Now that the mandatory threatening letter had been sent away, so to speak, it was time for action that would cement the threat. The two Boomsticks turned to face the enemy fleet. Particularly the one that was flashing the lights at the Siesatians. The Nonsequitors, simply floated in the void, ready to unleash volley after volley of missiles should it come to it.
That and, from the underside of the Nonsequitors facing the planet, millions of kilometres away, capsules began to detatch, and igniting rockets which leapt forth with an intense blue-white flame, headed with drastic acceleration towards the world of New haven once more, filled with myriad wonders. Finely ground plutonium, to scatter like ashes across the fields and oceans like the bombs dropped before, virii like Ebola, Smallpox, and even an old favourite. The Black Death. The Bubonic plague.
Decontamination, after all, had to be thorough.
12-08-2005, 17:07
Transmission to Deep Space TRC Planet...
Classification Level 12
Status: Urgent
Authentication Number: SIE235COM604IND
12-08-2005, 17:28
OOC: On Saturday, August 13, 8:00 AM Eastern Time, I Siesatia, in sound body and mind... do hereby temporarily relinquish my control of Fleets 3 and 4, and the 1st Temporal Incursion Fleet... Until Tuesday August 23rd, 1:00 AM to Indra Prime. As Drake, Siesatia's player, is on vacation.
12-08-2005, 18:30
OOC: Since the last code was the best ESUS Encryption code, it would be godmodding to assume you can decode it... however, I will post the meaning.
Indra Prime, this is Siesatian Temporal Fleet Alpha. ESUS Members have been attacked at ESUS Registry Coordinates: Tango Zero One Eight - Whisky Four Nine Nine -Zulu Seven Seven Zero - Beta Eight Two Four - Gamma Four Nine Four - Tango Nine Eight Two
We request immediate support, enemy outnumbers us by a factor of four.
12-08-2005, 18:33
Commodore Ch'cye growled as she reviewed her orders once more, nausia mixing with primal fury - not at what she was about to do, but the actions she was about to support.
Damnit - what the hell is wrong with people now days? On both sides of this homicidal war!
Sighing, one hand running fingers through a cheek ruff, the vixen banished the document from mind's eye with a thought; orders were orders, afterall, and the other bastards had started it.
"Ma'am, all stations now report full combat readiness." - the Operation Officer's words drawing her to the present; a glance at her repeated confirmed as much - a few quick commands displaying she vessel's readied arsenal, charged cannons and deployed defences. All was in order; there was no more cause for delay.
"Sound combat alert and angle displacers; helm, call for forerunners on Waypoint Aplha when ready and follow as soon as it's clear."
Ayes followed, and she only hoped diciplin would hold when they saw the devistation assuredly being wrought upon civilians even now by their very allies. Theirs... and hers.
"New Haven Home System"(?), 90 MSK/5 Light Minutes Above Enemy Homeworld, Relative the orbital Plane
It was a subtle thing, an exagerated quirk of chance, which heralded the arrival of the High Gaurd's Forerunner probes; 250 baseball-sized sensor packages, deployed by a distant displacer platform, apearing without fanfare or phenominon in a cube of space 5 light seconds - 1.5 MSK - on a side.
Two seconds later, the three kilometer behemoth of a Kanuckistani Superfortress was amoungst them.
"This is Commodore Ch'cye of the Kanuckistani High Gaurd Vessel Target Drone," a general hail began, even as FTLi fields blossemed outwards at half the speed of light; it's final radius two and a half light minutes, "We are here in support of allied retaliatory measures in response unprovoked agression." Thickly wrought armoured doors slid open, spilling forth a horde of 'whiskers' - the sensor and ECM drones streaming through her fully charged barrier fields in the thousands, securly linked by contextual thermal entanglment. "While the Dominion frowns heavily upon the bombing of non-military targets in all but the most desperate circumstances, we can neither dictate the military policies of our allies, nor stand by while they are set upon by warmongers. Target Drone out."
MSK = mega-strato kilometer = 1 million km
I'd like to also request distance and location information - speeds are nice too, atleast when aproaching or withdrawing. Atleast from anyone who wants to attack me, although it's generally good information to provide.
I've found it helps keeps things clear and prevent them from becoming a mindless furball when you actually know where everyone is. ;)
12-08-2005, 20:03
On the bridge of the the NGSS Thomas Jones a relatively small distance away from the Siesatian fleet, General Wyatt tapped his fingers on the arms of his command chair as he read the transmission from the Bryn Shander battlefleet. This makes things a little more interesting, he thought to himself, then tapped out a reply using his built-in keyboard.
To: PNS Xellos
This is Brigadier General Lee Wyatt of the NGSS
Thomas Jones. We are here assisting our
Allanean allies in response to an unprovoked attack
upon their soil. We highly recommend that you
return to your region of space. Any attacks on
allied vessels will result in the use of force against
your fleet.
After the reply was sent, the Second Fleet prepared for an encounter with the Bryn Shander battlefleet. The battle cruisers and corvettes that had been pursuing the Island States’ remaining vessels broke off their attacks and returned to the main fleet. Meanwhile, the Thomas Jones launched it’s remaining complement of nearly eight hundred fighters. They took up positions above and below the fleet and were awaiting their final orders.
The Island States
12-08-2005, 21:47
"Provide cover for operation exodus, all batteries fire!" Five hundred AOMs launched from the surface of the planet, climbing high into the sky as quickly as the boosters could carry the Astra Mk.II torpedoes into the air. At the other end of the planet, thirty civilian freighters took off from the surface from various facilities. Onboard the freighters were the survivors from the bombardment. Without major cleanup, New Haven was now uninhabitable.
The Great Citadel of New Freeport, the crown jewel of the planet, had been destroyed. The city itself, a city of 350 million people, had been destroyed utterly. All that remained were several settlements with spaceports, which had now been cleared. The inhabitants would now try to make it to the other colonies, hopefully to the Far Haven System (far from sight well beyond New Haven's sphere and off any known trade lanes).
As the Astra torpedoes seperated from the boosters, the freighters climbed high into the thermosphere. At that point, the FTL drives engaged and carried the survivors off to a rendevous point near a nearby red dwarf. From there, they would jump to the Asherton System. Then from there, they would probably make it to Far Haven.
There was still hope, but only if Bryn Shander could hold up.
Sol System, Oort Cloud
AFS 12 "First's Blessing"
AFS 3 "Medusa"
AFS 5 "G-Force"
AFS 9 "Jackhammer"
AFS 11 "Ironclad"
"Right, boys. We're dropping out now. I want everybody, down to the fighters and exo boys, to be running a New Haven IFF code and quiet comms. No slip-ups; I don't want us to be detected. Prepare for jump out."
The massive First's Blessing dropped out of hyperspace in a blue Cerenkov flash. The smaller flashes of the Medusa, G-Force, Jackhammer, and Ironclad appeared moments later.
"OK. We've exited a little off our destination so our flashes don't give away our intentions. Everyone now move onto the line between Sol and New Haven. G-Force, prepare to engage your inhibitors on my mark."
"We're in position, Leader."
"Good. Engage your inhibitors now."
The G-Force's hyperdrive had started out oversized for racing. The Augmented had made it even larger, and grafted an interdiction field generator onto it to boot.
Any Allanean ships attempting to return to New Haven would find themselves uncerimoniously dumped back into normal space in the center of the Augmented fleet.
The Island States
12-08-2005, 22:19
I'm retconning this RP to the point where my fleet arrives based on the following --
1. My fleets were totally ignored as Allanean corvettes slipped through without being shot at. I had no chance to defend against the bombardment.
2. My hyperspace inhibitor field was ignored.
3. Allanean vessels did not even emerge from hyperspace. How'd they get here?
12-08-2005, 22:38
I'm retconning this RP to the point where my fleet arrives based on the following
Starting a new thread or continuing in this one?
2. My hyperspace inhibitor field was ignored.
"short-range" is increadibly vauge and will mean something different to just about everyone; you might want to give some solid numbers.
The Island States
12-08-2005, 22:40
Short range is 50 kilometers. Long range is two lunar distances.
12-08-2005, 22:47
Short range is 50 kilometers. Long range is two lunar distances.
Those are incredibly short ranges for FTLi. For example, I left hyperspace at a distance of 8 lightseconds.... if my maths is correct, that's a distance of 2.4 million kilometres. Far outside even your long range FTLi. Kanuckistan emerged even further, at 90 million km. The distance between the Earth and the moon is 385000 km, twice that is obviously 770,000km. Whilst I cannot say for Allanea, neither me or Kanuckistan would be affected.
12-08-2005, 22:55
Short range is 50 kilometers. Long range is two lunar distances.
So, short range's about halfway into space if it's planet-based(it apears ship based, which would make it a good defence against cheap FTL jump or ram tactics), and long range is 2x the average distance from the Earth to the moon? Call it 2.4 lightseconds, or 726'208 KM?
I assume that's radius, not diamiter?
12-08-2005, 23:02
Those are incredibly short ranges for FTLi. For example, I left hyperspace at a distance of 8 lightseconds.... if my maths is correct, that's a distance of 2.4 million kilometres. Far outside even your long range FTLi. Kanuckistan emerged even further, at 90 million km. The distance between the Earth and the moon is 385000 km, twice that is obviously 770,000km. Whilst I cannot say for Allanea, neither me or Kanuckistan would be affected.
To be fair, I exited a rather absurd distance from the planet; way the hell beyond any plausible energy weapons range - I was going to conduct long range missile bombardment, you see, and at 5 light minutes, well, it would take my missiles 10-15 IC minutes to reach the planet's vacinity.
Now, 2.4 lightseconds is a fairly useful tactical level of FTLi - it's not going to stop someone from running away, but it'll give you some breathing room when they attack, as they'll be limited by how close in they can jump - in fact, I usually employ FTLi in roughly this range, although typicly closer to 5 lightseconds in radius.
The Island States
12-08-2005, 23:08
It was radius, and its for breathing room and anti-ram. Any more power diverted to the system and I'd have to sacrifice a lot of weapons.
You are right, it is based inside the Island-class Mothership by using the FTL drives to emit the field.
Central Facehuggeria
12-08-2005, 23:23
It was radius, and its for breathing room and anti-ram.
Not much breathing room. 50 kilometers is the range of some modern tech artillery.
You are right, it is based inside the Island-class Mothership by using the FTL drives to emit the field.
So, how exactly does it work? What exactly does it block?
The Island States
12-08-2005, 23:34
The FTL inhibitor field generates a chaotic field of gravity and hyperspace ripples which destabilizes a vessel's FTL. It will work on most non-normal space FTLs (unless you're coming in via the Astral plane), but will not work on warp or other normal space FTL drives.
The Island States
13-08-2005, 00:14
Also, I would prefer if Damien were accepted in this conflict. Otherwise, the ignores may begin to branch out. I would rather this conflict not end like that.
13-08-2005, 00:31
Also, I would prefer if Damien were accepted in this conflict. Otherwise, the ignores may begin to branch out. I would rather this conflict not end like that.
I assume Damien is Bryn Shander?
The Island States
13-08-2005, 01:24
Yeah, to answer your question.
I'm retconning out of this war since Hallad left Hermes and this whole thing is a CF. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.
13-08-2005, 01:33
Yeah, to answer your question.
I'm retconning out of this war since Hallad left Hermes and this whole thing is a CF. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.
So, you're OOCly pulling your IC butt out of the fire because things went badly for you ICly?
That seems like rather poor sportsmanship.
Bryn Shander
13-08-2005, 01:58
OOC: As opposed to letting any warmongering asshat join an alliance with absolutely no IC interaction so that they can make asses of themselves and clusterfuck their enemies when they get caught with their dick out?
I believe you should take a look at yourself before you start calling the kettle black, Mr. Pot.
13-08-2005, 02:15
OOC: As opposed to letting any warmongering asshat join an alliance with absolutely no IC interaction so that they can make asses of themselves and clusterfuck their enemies when they get caught with their dick out?
I believe you should take a look at yourself before you start calling the kettle black, Mr. Pot.
Actually, the ESUS only Defends its members. If Allanea had struck first, he'd be out on his ear unless he persuaded alliance members to assist. But I really don't want this to turn into an OOC bitchfest. They're so distasteful.
13-08-2005, 02:31
OOC: I believe you are the one with the 4000 odd ships... The ESUS members are obliged to assist a fellow member. Read our constitution at
Many of us are here protecting an ally and friend. As he was placed under a siege, something that we consider an Hostile Act, it was therefor demanded by the constitution that we assist.
Transmission to Deep Space TRC Planet...
Classification Level 12
Status: Urgent
Authentication Number: SIE889COM556IND
13-08-2005, 02:45
OOC: As opposed to letting any warmongering asshat join an alliance with absolutely no IC interaction so that they can make asses of themselves and clusterfuck their enemies when they get caught with their dick out?
I believe you should take a look at yourself before you start calling the kettle black, Mr. Pot.
My, such language; do try and be a bit more civil?
Also, I am a long standing ally of Allanea via the ESUS, responding to a specific request for assistance after obtaining his blessing to do so.
Additionally, I have never engaged in a war of agression; the last thing you could call Kanuckistan is a warmongering nation. Conversly, the other side, which TIS supported, started this fight; thus, if anything, it is he who is the warmonger.
And finally, I deployed but a single vessel. One ship - and a Superfortress, too, rather than a proper Battleplate. You deployed, what? 4000 ships? Isn't that something like your entire navy?
You're not making yourself look very good, all things considered.
OOC: So lemme get this straight: TIS is retconning his very involvement in this?
Hyperspatial Travel
13-08-2005, 03:41
OOC: As opposed to letting any warmongering asshat join an alliance with absolutely no IC interaction so that they can make asses of themselves and clusterfuck their enemies when they get caught with their dick out?
I believe you should take a look at yourself before you start calling the kettle black, Mr. Pot.
Well, I believe you should take a good, long look at what you said, and then you'll realise you shouldn't blame us when we call you an idiot.
I mean, statements like "Absolutely no IC interaction", just show your lack of knowledge for what it is. We RP actively, probably more than any other FT alliance, and nearly all MT alliance. Not to mention the fact that we actually have a screening tests, to shut out idiots, and techwankers, and godmodders. (Yes, that was aimed at you. Gonna cry about it?), and the fact that the ESUS is a defense-only alliance. If Allanea had attacked first, we probably would've stood by, and watched him die.
Please, think before you make statements that make you the laughing-stock of just about everybody, not to mention the fact that we all now think you're an idiot that can't take ICly things ICly, and instead has to flame us all OOCly, just to make an asshat of yourself. (No offense, I'm just pointing things out as they stand. And, if it does offend you, I give you permission to cry like a little girl)
Central Facehuggeria
13-08-2005, 21:56
I'm retconning out of this war since Hallad left Hermes and this whole thing is a CF. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.
...Excuse me? I realize what you said, but you might as well write out 'cluster fuck' instead of CF. After all, there is a player named CF participating here. :p And he's stupid enough to get confused. ;)
I mean, statements like "Absolutely no IC interaction", just show your lack of knowledge for what it is.
Indeed. Many ESUS members are involved in ESUS only RPs. And other members like myself have IC ties to Allanea outside the ESUS, such as on Mercury and Greater Prussia.
So, Bryn Shander, instead of making a blanket statement like that, please do your homework.
Not to mention the fact that we actually have a screening tests, to shut out idiots, and techwankers, and godmodders. (Yes, that was aimed at you. Gonna cry about it?)
Actually, the test is more to screen out OOC assholes. Screening out godmoders is more difficult because a person can be a good RPer and have a minor godmod go unnoticed unless it's of the blatant 'calling damage' type. For example: My blink shields would fall under the 'minor godmod' heading because they provide me with obscene defensive capability. But they're balanced, because they require an enemy stupid enough to pour firepower onto them. Without an enemy ship shooting at them, they'll fall in minutes and leave me comparatively defenseless.
For the most part, the system works.
and the fact that the ESUS is a defense-only alliance.
Theoretically. A good many of the ESUS nations are friends ICly with each other though. Ex: Me and Allanea, and soon to be me and AZN. I would have supported Allanea ICly in a war of agression because I'm an evil expansionist xenocidal empire (TM.) All IC reasons, naturally.
Bryn Shander, the ESUS kind of frowns upon roleplaying for OOC reasons. In fact, during the Last Allanean crisis, I asked Allanea to do up an IC request for assistance instead of making an OOC one. He did so.
If Allanea had attacked first, we probably would've stood by, and watched him die.
The alliance as a whole would have, but a not inconsiderable amount of members would likely join in merely to help their IC ally. Myself included.