Assassination in Korridan!
10-08-2005, 03:48
"Yesterday, at 4:30 PM, despicable elements within New Siberia assassinated Ian Steinman, Beloved leader of the Korridanian people. He led us to our own soverign lands, and fought off the imperialistic wretches who sought to oppose us. Through his leadership the people of Korridan prospered, but this incident has shown weakness within Korridan. I, as Second in Command will lead our nation into a new age, one of strength and power, one of unity and loyalty as the new head of our nation. Blood will be spilled for this incident, and reforms will be taken. No expense nor effort will be wasted in bringing about the Security of the Korridanian people!"
-Speach by Klaus Heinrich, New Leader of Korridan and New Siberia
10-08-2005, 07:11
10-08-2005, 07:48
Rammsteinburg offers condolences to Korridan and it's people.
The Lone Alliance
10-08-2005, 08:24
The Lone Alliance also offers condolences to Korridan.
But we warn Klaus Heinrich that, ally of Korridan we may be we will not allow you to become those you are seeking to stop.
10-08-2005, 12:58
From: The Republic of Portugalona
To: Korridan
The Republic of Portugalona mourns the loss of a great and respected leader, a man who led Korridan on the path of stability and greatness.
If Korridan needs any help in hunting down those vile terrorists who killed your great leader, then Portugalonan security forces will assist your forces, should you so wish it.
President Antonio Salazar
10-08-2005, 13:39
To: The people of Korridan
On behalf of the government and peoples of The Incorporated Nations of Sororszag, I Joeszff McKay extend deepest sympathies and condolences in this time of loss. We offer our services if needed in the tracking of the perpetrators if this dispicable crime.
Joeszff McKay, The People's Prime Minister of the Incorporated Nations of Sororszag
Hitler the Nazi
10-08-2005, 13:53
I believe the same terrorists that assassinated your leader stole my biological weapon. Maybe if we work together we can destrroy these terrorists.
10-08-2005, 15:28
The Confederated States of Aysheaia would like to offer our condolences on your loss. We hold dear the memory of Steinman, and offer our support in your time of need. We fully understand your desire for vengeance, and in the spirit of this understanding we direct your attention to our fine lines of budget reconnaissance and attack aircraft in hope that they might enable you to accomplish what you set out to do.
10-08-2005, 15:34
We of Frozopia mourn the death of your great leader. Although at times our two nations were enemies, we still oppose these terrorist who attempt to destabilise your country
King Clauro IX