Post-War Algeristan Meeting (Closed IC)
09-08-2005, 21:13
If you were not a part of the "Algeristan War" thread. Please do not post here. Nations who are involved should state their representitve's name for future reference.
Open to:
FishCaks, Muesilania, Halberdgardia, SkyCapt, Starenell, McKagan
Secret IC:
*Aboard the USS Shaz Bot*
Several of the Deligates have arrived and Mr. Larry Williams was waiting in a make shift office that was created for him. Looking over intel from the Shazbotdom Intelligance Agency, he debated how he would start off this conference, or if he would let the other nations start the conference themselves.
History and how the conference came to be:
The Algeristan War was a short event. Few people were killed in the attacks of the war but the Algeristan government fell for unknown reasons during the 4th week of fighting. Shortly there-after many of the governments assumed control of a variety of territory within Algeristan but had no clear plan for the future of the nation.
Emporer Galen Q. Leotardia put Grand Admiral Rockenbach in charge of setting up a conference for the leaders, or representitives, of each nation to discuss what the future would hold for the nation of Algeristan.
09-08-2005, 21:19
OOC: I forgot to state that I claimed part of Algeristan, um...I'm in this right. If so:
Captain Angela McGrath will be our representative.
09-08-2005, 21:22
President Taylor of Muesilania and the UNA will be the representative for NAM-UNA.
09-08-2005, 21:22
Captain-General Austin Bekker
OOC: Back before ANYONE claimed part of Algeristan I sent a 5000 man security force. So let it be known i'm RPing that I've claimed part of a coastline.
Captain Nathan Miller will be our representative.
Are we suppose to have them on your ship already, or are we flying them in now?
09-08-2005, 21:23
I was there right at the beginning of the end of the "Algeristan-Leafanistan War" so if I'm allowed to be at this meeting, I'll send Provinzführer Mark Goldfetter by way of Lambda-class Shuttle unless someone really badly wants me to use a roflchopper.
09-08-2005, 21:25
Scratch this post.....
Actually, it wasn't really 'few people were killed'. A lot of the executees were executed. Jim Narsh, the President of SkyCapt will be present. And is present.
09-08-2005, 21:27
Nothing to do with communists. Human Rights.
09-08-2005, 21:28
Yeah, I was in the Algeristan War but my forces never did anything because I was doing other things and when I checked back at the Algeristan War thread it had grown by like 20 pages and ignoring was abound.
09-08-2005, 21:28
Nothing to do with communists. Human Rights.
OOC: He started the war because he hated communists, socialists, and marxists. That was his stance on the war. It just escilated because of Human Rights.
09-08-2005, 21:29
He started the war because alot of people were decrying him executing people, not just communists.
09-08-2005, 21:29
I suggest we open this meeting now. It is getting late
The McKagan Republic is sending a Blackhawk helicopter with the Captain and an aid, not to mention to (un)armed guards (whatever is allowed.)
On the deck of RMV Avisron the Blackhawl sits, slightly damaged from a blast from a missile earlier but still more than mobile.
It lifted off.
"So, what's the situation." the Captain asked, not really knowing much about what was going on other than what his Force Recon teams and intel helicopter pilots had told him.
"Apparently a few nations that didn't even want to make landfall want a say in what we're doing with the nation. That's ok, the RMMC landed it's 5000 man force last week. The Republic will be here for a long time."
The Captain nodded as the Blackhawk suddenly banked heavily towards it's destination.
09-08-2005, 21:31
He started the war because alot of people were decrying him executing people, not just communists.
ok....lets lets just get with the meeting.
09-08-2005, 21:32
Captain Angela sat in a chair outside the meeting hall. She was bored, waiting for the others to arrive.
09-08-2005, 21:32
ok....lets lets just get with the meeting.
So can Mark attend?
09-08-2005, 21:33
Prime Minister Jim Youuns will be present and is pressent
09-08-2005, 21:34
Captain-General Bekker walked into the room and sat down.
09-08-2005, 21:35
Prime Minister Jim Youuns will be present and is pressent
OOC: Imagine that hot sexy woman in a uniform, who is beautiful but can kick your ass.
Captain Angela walked around and bumped into a man, knocking him over. She noticed he was Prime Minister Jim Youuns. She paniced, she quickly pulled him up, her genetically altered strenght strained his arm heavily. She began to apologize profusely.
"IMN-1 to Shazbotdom vessel, we are preparing to land, where do you want us?"
OOC: I don't like just saying i've already got someone at a meeting, and for those interested the Naval initials are now IMN and not RMN, i've upgraded to the new initial system a little early, I know.
09-08-2005, 21:36
NAM-UNA would like to lay out that it is happy with any situation that arrises as to the future of Algeristan as long as:
1) The people are not subjected to the regime they endured while Algeristan is in charge.
2) Basic human rights are observed by the occupier.
3) The country is allowed to grow and be prosperous.
I say that the area should be given its own government. If a leading nation must be decided upon, NAM-UNA gives its endorsement to Halberdgardian, due to its already good reign.
09-08-2005, 21:38
*Below Deck*
Minister Williams walked down the hall toward the conference room. With him were 2 Marines, armed with AR-03 Sub-Machine Guns for his own personal protection. He walked up to the door of the Conference room and opened it, supprised to see no one was in the room, he walked to the computer in the front of the room and brought up an image of the Flag of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire. The flag used to be a flag used by Zimbabwe before they were taken over by the Brittish 3 years ago.
*On the Flight Deck*
Several Marines ran toward the FishCaks Helecopter. They were to inspect the Helecopter for illegal contraband. This included Guns, Bombs, Drugs and other miscelanious stuff. 4 Marines pulled the FishCaks Representitve and his guard out of the chopper and began to pat them down. While 6 other Marines began to search compartments on board the Chopper. 10 more marines were standing in a circle around the Helecopter holding their guns in a ready position to arrest the FishCaks representitve and his guard in case illegal contraband was found by the other 10 Marines.
McKagan would like to, if only allowed to do one thing, be in charge of the upgrading of the Algeristani economy.
(OOC: I've got less than 500 million people and have the highest possible economic level, btw.)
09-08-2005, 21:39
So can Mark attend?
Sure, he can attend.
President Jim Narsh sat in his chair, bored out of his wits, playing with his ballpen, flipping it up and down, twirling it on his finger, and other things... He took a quick look at the door, and saw 2 representatives trying to squeeze through the door. He chucked inwardly, then sat back.
09-08-2005, 21:41
Captain Angela ran down to the meeting hall, almost slamming into yet another person. She quickly apologized and took her seat, cursing herself on her clumsyness and adjusting her white uniform.
09-08-2005, 21:41
My helie copter is empty
09-08-2005, 21:42
Captain-General Bekker took out a small handheld console and began to surf the internet.
"Damnit, we're allies. We're setting it down!"
The radio officer on the Blackhawk thought it odd that such a large ship had missed reponding to a landing request, but knowing it was allied and knowing that they KNEW the Blackhawk was allied, they sat down midways on the deck.
09-08-2005, 21:48
***On the flight deck***
The Flight deck of the USS Shaz Bot was littered with different Helecopters. Only one helecopter was a good distance away from the others and guarded by 4 WH-01 Warthogs that were flown on board from the USS Starcher and that was the FishCaks Helecopter.
***In The Radio Tower***
Radio Operator: "McKagen helecopter, you are cleared to land. We are sorry for the late reply but we were switching radio operators. Please land near the large grouping of Helecopters at the front of the USS Shaz Bot."
09-08-2005, 21:48
OOC: Okay, thanks.
IC: "USS Shaz Bot, this is Shuttle ST-443, requesting clearance to land. Delegate and Provinzführer Mark Goldfetter is aboard with three armed Stormtrooper guards."
The Lambda-shuttle streaked low over the glassy water.
President Narsh sat in his chair, wondering why he hadn't thought of bringing a book...
09-08-2005, 21:49
IC: "USS Shaz Bot, this is Shuttle ST-443, requesting clearance to land. Delegate and Provinzführer Mark Goldfetter is aboard with three armed Stormtrooper guards."
The Lambda-shuttle streaked low over the glassy water.
***In the Radio Tower***
Radio Operator: "You are cleared to land. Please land near the grouping of Helecopters near the front of the USS Shaz Bot. Note that one of your Armed Guards is to remain on your craft as only 2 are allowed below deck."
09-08-2005, 21:50
Captain Angela McGrath grew a bit bored. She noticed another representative surfing the web, she again cursed herself for not bringing something fun to do. She was bored, a few thoughts crossed her mind but nothing that interesting. She got up and walked toward the person not engrossed in his tablet PC, and said "Hi, I'm the Leafanistani Representative, and you are?"
09-08-2005, 21:52
"Understood," came the reply from the gleaming white shuttle. Its engines growled as they slowed and the wings began folding upward as the shuttle neared the naval vessel.
09-08-2005, 21:52
OOC: I got to go. I need to go home and do some chores. I don't have internet at the house so I probably won't be on till around 10:30am Central US time tomarrow. You can talk amoungst yourselves or continue to do post-war stuff in the war thread till i get back.
09-08-2005, 21:53
Im the prime minister of FishCaks nice to meet you (For some un known reason im under serve watching 'cuz im aparantly ur enmey (OOC: Can u explain that every thing i did in the war didnt count;)) So how are you ?
The McKagan Blackhawk Helicopter began to slowly come down at a slight angle, then it pitched upward and landed perfectly, a good 10m's from the closest helicopter, which one of the guards with an airsoft P90 couldn't identify.
Upon landing the other Marine decided it would be best if they popped the door themselves instead of being dragged out like the others.
So the hatch was opened and they got out, holding the airsoft guns with red tips (to indicate they aren't "real") up in the air.
Then Miller got out and held position for the incoming search party.
09-08-2005, 21:54
OOC: I am leaving, be back in an hour or so.
Upon hearing that Shazbotdom had to leave the room and look over something, President Narsh became even more exasperated. He looked around the room for something to do...
Im the prime minister of FishCaks nice to meet you (For some un known reason im under serve watching 'cuz im aparantly ur enmey (OOC: Can u explain that every thing i did in the war didnt count;)) So how are you ?
No. If you do something, unless it is a godmod or the story is chaged BY THE RP OWNER, your actions count.
The Velkyan Union
09-08-2005, 21:56
USS Shazbot Bridge
"Sir, unknown IFF reading from the north!"
"What, bring it on screen."
"Northwest at angles 10!"
The radio cracked to life.
"This is Sgt Major Leon of the Velkyan Army. We are here to represent The Velkyan Union in these post war talks. We request clearence to land!"
OOC: So wait a minute. Algeristan was defeated? I was under the impression that you were helping him.
09-08-2005, 21:56
Could someone drop a line to Halberdgardia and tell him about this thread so i can figure out what his REP's name is and so he can participate?
Algeristan got deleted for some reason, now we are discussing post-war things.
09-08-2005, 21:58
No. If you do something, unless it is a godmod or the story is chaged BY THE RP OWNER, your actions count.
Yes wich alegstain and Leafy said that i wasnt in that part of the rp
The Velkyan Union
09-08-2005, 21:58
"Umm...Shazbot, waiting for that landing clearence..."
"Damn it..."
09-08-2005, 21:58
***In the Radio Tower***
Radio Operator: "Velkyan Union Helecopter, you are cleared to land. Land near the large grouping of Helecopters in the front half of the USS Shaz Bot."
OOC: So wait a minute. Algeristan was defeated? I was under the impression that you were helping him.
OOC: I wan't truly helping him. My guy was just sick of the fighting and decided to block the shoreline. Problem is that they didn't get into position before a few invaders got through and now were just sitting in a group.
Now i'm leaving for the house. Have fun and don't do anything major till i get back online tomarrow.
09-08-2005, 21:59
With the engines still humming with energy, ST-443 lowered itself smoothly onto twin legs. Suddenly darkening, the engines were terminated. The ramp at the front of the graceful ship opened in a hiss of steam, and Mark Goldfetter, flanked by two Stormtroopers armed with their conforming weapons walked down and out onto the deck plating. Very plain cylinders to the waist of each Stormtrooper indicated their silver lightsabers (OOC: Decorum only for MT purposes) that hopefully would not be ignited. Mark looked across the deck to see rotors still turning on an Imperial McKagan helicopter.
09-08-2005, 21:59
Could someone drop a line to Halberdgardia and tell him about this thread so i can figure out what his REP's name is and so he can participate?
He is clearly offline, so we do not know when he will be available to pick up our telegrams.
The Velkyan Union
09-08-2005, 22:06
"Screw this, we're landing!"
"Aww's my brithday! Can't we just go home!"
The Carrier Ferry Aircraft (CFA) lined itself up with the carrier deck.
"This is gonna be tough!"
The ground crew saw the CFA aproach.
The aircraft got closer and closer.
The aircraft go faster and faster's engines rotated up, and it landed vertically on the flight deck.
Leon and a few armed commandos stepped out. He looked at the startled ground crew.
"Heheh...what's shakin?"
One of the other commandos spoke up.
"We're here for the negotiation"
"Right this way..."
Leon looked back.
"You guys stay here and guard the Osprey!"
"Hey wait a min-"
But Leon had already stepped below decks.
Yes wich alegstain and Leafy said that i wasnt in that part of the rp
Dude, you fired, you were hostile, stop trying to remove yourself from any blame.
The Velkyan Union
09-08-2005, 22:08
OOC: FishCaks, its high time I learned you in the ways of RP. I was hostile too, and I'm here, what you did existed, since you stated it. Maybe you can get some monetary compensation for this.
*ahem* Sorry
Why did we stop ignoring FishKaks?
The next time he gets his ass handed to him he'll say he's never coming back, anyway.
09-08-2005, 22:12
OOC: Im tired. Im going now, Ill be around 7pm (british time) tomorrow. Cya guys
09-08-2005, 23:43
OOC: Sorry for the delay in my response, my Internet's semi-on-the-fritz, and then I was out shopping. To speed things up, I'll assume that Shaz has already granted landing permission to my helo.
IC: A Blackhawk helicopter, carrying Fleet Admiral Jack Forrester and two unarmed Marine bodyguards, hailed the USS Shaz Bot, requesting permission to land. It was granted, and the Blackhawk set down on an empty patch of flight deck near the transports of the other delegates. The Shazbotdom guards searched the three, and upon determining that they were not armed, they directed them to the conference room where the other delegates were discussing the situation.
"Sorry I'm late," Forrester said as he entered the room. "We had some technical difficulties with our helo, then a security problem cropped up in Algeristan..."
10-08-2005, 18:39
President Taylor approached Fleet Admiral Forrester of Halbergardia.
"Welcome to the meeting. I am President Taylor of Muesilania, and head of the UNA. We must talk some time between our nations, our nation and alliance would love to have you on our side, as friend and ally."
10-08-2005, 19:23
President Taylor approached Fleet Admiral Forrester of Halbergardia.
"Welcome to the meeting. I am President Taylor of Muesilania, and head of the UNA. We must talk some time between our nations, our nation and alliance would love to have you on our side, as friend and ally."
Forrester gave the man a firm but quick handshake.
"Pleased to meet you, Mr. President. I'm not much of a diplomat," Forrester said, grinning. "but I'm sure we can work something out. After all, the State Department's already accepted you as an ally, pending the signing of a formal alliance between us.
"If you'll excuse me, however, I think we ought to get to the matter at hand: namely, the security of our territory. These people are essentially Halberdgardians now, and as such, I have an obligation to protect them. I cannot sit idly by while this terrorist scum threatens to destabilize what we have all worked to keep stable."
10-08-2005, 19:32
Forrester gave the man a firm but quick handshake.
"Pleased to meet you, Mr. President. I'm not much of a diplomat," Forrester said, grinning. "but I'm sure we can work something out. After all, the State Department's already accepted you as an ally, pending the signing of a formal alliance between us.
"If you'll excuse me, however, I think we ought to get to the matter at hand: namely, the security of our territory. These people are essentially Halberdgardians now, and as such, I have an obligation to protect them. I cannot sit idly by while this terrorist scum threatens to destabilize what we have all worked to keep stable."
"I could not agree more. We would like to say we fully support you in this war on terrorists in your territory. We offer support in any way we can (keeping within the peaceful nature of NAM-UNA troops of course). I agree, we should sit down and talk over these issues. The UNA and Muesilania gives your nation full backing to take ownership of this area, however, we would like to see the country be able to govern itself given help to grow and prosper.
I am sure you understand."
10-08-2005, 19:38
Mr Williams started to walk back to the Conference room after checking a few things in his office and catching up on his Voice Mail. he walked past the room where the guards were kept, all of the guards from the different nations were in there and the door was wide open. This was to ensure that they didn't feel caged up.
He walked up to the Marine just outside the room and saluted him. He then walked into the room.
Williams: "I would like to welcome you all to the flagship of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom's Naval Fleet, The USS Shaz Bot. If you would all mind taking your seats we can begin this meeting."
10-08-2005, 19:42
President Taylor took a front seat, making sure he could get his views heard. He waited patiently for talks to start, finally.
10-08-2005, 19:49
"I could not agree more. We would like to say we fully support you in this war on terrorists in your territory. We offer support in any way we can (keeping within the peaceful nature of NAM-UNA troops of course). I agree, we should sit down and talk over these issues. The UNA and Muesilania gives your nation full backing to take ownership of this area, however, we would like to see the country be able to govern itself given help to grow and prosper.
I am sure you understand."
As Forrester moved to take a seat, he spoke once more to President Taylor.
"I believe our government's position is that they will have self-government on the local and national level, but will be part of Halberdgardia and ultimately answer to the Halberdgardian government. The citizens will, of course, have all the rights of Halberdgardian citizens."
He then listened to the Shazbotdom representative, and waited for the beginning of the talks.
10-08-2005, 19:57
As Forrester moved to take a seat, he spoke once more to President Taylor.
"I believe our government's position is that they will have self-government on the local and national level, but will be part of Halberdgardia and ultimately answer to the Halberdgardian government. The citizens will, of course, have all the rights of Halberdgardian citizens."
He then listened to the Shazbotdom representative, and waited for the beginning of the talks.
"We are glad you feel similarly."
President Taylor sat quietly, still waiting for talks to begin.
10-08-2005, 19:58
OOC: Were waiting for all the other nations to chime in. Please be paitent.
Global Jihad
10-08-2005, 20:09
Hah, your boat meeting is pointless.
soon all of you will be vapourized with the 5 ICBMs heading towards you!
Check out the Global Jihad thread.
10-08-2005, 20:15
Forrester immediately excused himself from the conference, made his way back to his helicopter, and flew back to his flagship.
Forrester has returned to his flagship at the HFNEF. The HFNEF is also withdrawing to a distance farther off the coast, so that they have more time to react in case of a nuclear attack.
10-08-2005, 20:16
Hah, your boat meeting is pointless.
soon all of you will be vapourized with the 5 ICBMs heading towards you!
Check out the Global Jihad thread.
Shazbotdom didn't attack you at all. So plz don't attack our ship.
The Velkyan Union
10-08-2005, 21:31
Hah, your boat meeting is pointless.
soon all of you will be vapourized with the 5 ICBMs heading towards you!
Check out the Global Jihad thread.
Grammer, please. If your going to declare a holy war, at least spell it right.
IC: Velkyan StratCom, Classified Location
"Sir! ICBMs on approach!"
"What?! Patch it through and get me a Katana flight!"
The missiles heading and position were displayed on a massive screen depicting the world.
"There is 3 flights within 1000 miles!"
"Which is the closest?"
"Flight 6!"
"Get them on a interecept course now!"
"Katana 6, Katana 6, respond!"
"This is Frost, go ahead"
"5 ICBMs, heading west at 2000 miles out from carrier!"
"Shit! How fast?
"They'll be over the carrier in 5 minutes!"
"Get on it, Frost!"
"Got it"
"Hey Jackal, push it into Hypersonic!"
The 2 jets HS engines kicked in, massive amounts of exhaust coming out the back. In seconds, they were within range of the missiles.
"We got 2 minutes to take 5 missiles out...jesus"
"LasSats painting the first 2!"
"Alright, got a lock!"
The missile streaked, and released an EMP charge over the missile.
It exploded in a brilliant fireballl.
The fire ball was a nuclear cloud.
The sound was deafening. The 2 pilots would have gone deaf and blind if not for the helmets they wore.
"Damn it, the firing system blew!"
"We have to get out of range of the shockwave"
"We'll get behind the missiles!"
10-08-2005, 21:42
Read this thread. I moved my fleet out of the area and to a location where my fleet can't be found by scans. He's no bother to me anymore.
The Velkyan Union
10-08-2005, 21:49
The two aircraft pushed into HS again, climbing nearly vertically as they escaped the nuclear blast.
"There's only 3 left?!"
"The other must have exploded as well!"
"Paint the next one!"
"Roger that!"
"Shit! They're escaping!"
"The aircraft resumed thier super fast speed as they gained on the missiles."
"Watch it, stay within the 50 mile boundary!"
"Roger that!"
"Lock on the last one!"
The next missile nailed the ICBM and vaporized it.
"Boom bitch!"
"2 left, don't get cocky!"
"Your are 300 miles out, take those missiles down!"
"Got a lock!"
Another missile left it's rail, destroying it's target.
"Last ICBM, last missile"
"100 miles out, come on!!!"
"Lock on!"
The missile flared off. Frost saw it happen in slow motion. The missile meet the ICBM, the flash was blinding.
Frost and Jackal shot straight up into the sky, as the missile's warhead detoanted.
At hypersonic speed.
At the Shazbot fleet, the explosion lit up the night sky, as the two fighters began to return to base. Portholes on all vessels shattered, as a magnificent explosion blossomed 60 miles away.
The Velkyan Union
10-08-2005, 21:50
I just wanted to use my Katanas again.
Captain Miller voiced in.
"All the (mckagan) senate cares about is keeping these terrorists out of having nukes. You guys make the policy and let us know where the terrorist action is and we'll land Marines."
10-08-2005, 23:26
Muesilania laid down terms earlier, as long as they are met, we are happy. We will assist against the Jihadists if help is needed.
10-08-2005, 23:45
Captain McGrath was pissed off, first she doesn't even have a chance for the meeting to get underway, and now nukes had cut her off from her fleet. Great.
11-08-2005, 12:38
For those who either do not want to trawl back, or missed the terms NAM-UNA gave, in response to Starenells post, here they are:
NAM-UNA would like to lay out that it is happy with any situation that arrises as to the future of Algeristan as long as:
1) The people are not subjected to the regime they endured while Algeristan is in charge.
2) Basic human rights are observed by the occupier.
3) The country is allowed to grow and be prosperous.
I say that the area should be given its own government. If a leading nation must be decided upon, NAM-UNA gives its endorsement to Halberdgardian, due to its already good reign.